What is GRE

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What is GRE

Graduate Record Examinations Started i

n 1949 Organized by the Educational Testing S

ervice (ETS) and administered at Prome tric testing centers conducted to test applicants academic

abilities in various skills

Verbal reasoning skill Quantitative reasoning skills Analytical writing skills Critical thinking skill

GRE examination has two sorts: Computer Based Test and Paper Based

Test. Essential as part of the admissions proc

ess for most Graduate Schools in the U nited States.

ďƒ—Score Varies From School To Scho

ol, Department to Department and P rogram to Program. ďƒ—To take this examination one needs

to understand the GRE examination structure, format, test environment, test content, scoring pattern.

Includes include GRE Biology T

est, GRE Biochemistry Test, GR E Chemistry Test, GRE Literatur e in English Test, GRE Mathema tics Test, GRE Physics Test and GRE Psychology Test.


for a good GRE coaching class can acceler ate the learning process.

ďƒ—Online GRE Coaching classes c

an also be taken.

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