SHOWN:faux WOOd rectaNgular diNiNg table, aNd aarON arm cHairS, aNd Side cHairS
cONtempOrary attitude WitH uNiquely tapered WrOugHt alumiNum frame, featuriNg a textileNe, dOuble WOveN meSH back deScribeS Our aarON cOllectiON. make a dramatic StatemeNt iN luSH cOmfOrt.
#09 WeatHered fiNiSH/ WeatHered textileNe
faux WOOd rectaNgular diNiNg table WeatHered tOp/SOft black baSe See tableS SectiON fOr additiONal diNiNg table OptiONS.
pj-761109 | c800+fabric aarON arm cHair W23.25” d24.5” H36.5”
pj-761209 | c801+fabric aarON Side cHair W18.5” d24” H36.5”
pj-762209 | c802+fabric aarON eurO cHair W24” d25.5” H35”
pj-762109 aarON eNd table W20” d20” H20”
pj-761409 | c803+fabric aarON lOuNge cHair W27.5” d34” H35”
pj-762009 aarON cOffee table W35.5” d35.5” H18”
assembly required group 1
pj-761509 | c804+fabric aarON SpriNg lOuNge W27.75” d26.5” H36”
pj-676109 42” Square diNiNg table 42”d x 42”W x 29.5”H
pj-761709 | c805+fabric aarON SOfa W74.75” d37” H34.5”
pj-647109 faux WOOd rectaNgular diNiNg table 42”d x 74”W x 29.5”H
cONtempOrary attitude WitH uNiquely tapered WrOugHt alumiNum frame, featuriNg a dOuble WOveN textileNe meSH back deScribeS Our aarON cOllectiON. make a dramatic StatemeNt iN luSH cOmfOrt.
diNiNg tableS:
#01 SOft black fiNiSH/ SOft black textileNe
faux WOOd rectaNgular diNiNg table WeatHered tOp SOft black baSe
pj-761101 | c800+fabric aarON arm cHair W23.25” d24.5” H36.5”
pj-762201 | c802+fabric aarON eurO cHair W24” d25.5” H35”
pj-762101 aarON eNd table W20” d20” H20”
assembly required group 1
pj-761201 | c801+fabric aarON Side cHair W18.5” d24” H36.5”
pj-761401 | c803+fabric aarON lOuNge cHair W27.5” d34” H35”
pj-762001 aarON cOffee table W35.5” d35.5” H18”
pj-761501 | c804+fabric aarON SpriNg lOuNge W27.75” d26.5” H36”
pj-676109 42” Square diNiNg table 42”d x 42”W x 29.5”H
pj-761701 | c805+fabric aarON SOfa W74.75” d37” H34.5”
pj-647109 faux WOOd rectaNgular diNiNg table 42”d x 74”W x 29.5”H
SHOWN: Alyssa sofa, left arm facing loveseat, lounge chair, ottoman, and woven coffee + end tables
a Wicker cOllectiON WitH flare. featuriNg Natural all-WeatHer Wicker HaNd WOveN Over aN alumiNum frame. reSiN blOck feet. perfectly adaptable tO aNy Sized Space at a SurpriSiNg value.
available fiNiSHeS:
SectiONal pieceS: 91”
57” 33”
33” 66”
SOfa +cOrNer
rigHt+ left arm lOveSeatS
#25 black WalNut pj-721125 | c860+fabric alySSa arm cHair 26”d x 24”W x 37”H
pj-721225 | c861+fabric alySSa Side cHair 26”d x 19”W x 37”H
pj-721425 | c862+fabric alySSa club cHair 33”d x 39.5”W x 29.5”H
pj-721825 | c868+fabric alySSa OttOmaN 25.5”d x 25.5”W x 12”H
pj-722625 | c869+fabric alySSa Slipper cHair 26”d x 24”W x 37”H
pj-722425 | c865+fabric alySSa left arm lOveSeat 33”d x 59”W x 29.5”H
pj-721925 Square Slated alumiNum cOffee table 38”d x 38”W x 18”H
pj-722025 rectaNgular alumiNum cOffee table 23”d x 23”W x 22”H
assembly required group 1
2 SlipperS +cOrNer
pj-721725 | c867+fabric alySSa SOfa 33”d x 90.5”W x 29.5”H
pj-722325 | c864+fabric alySSa rigHt arm lOveSeat 33”d x 59”W x 29.5”
pj-722025 Slated alumiNum eNd table 23”d x 23”W x 22”H
pj-722225 | c863+fabric alySSa armleSS lOveSeat 33”d x 51”W x 29.5”
pj-589225 calaiS Square cOffee table 38”d x 38”W x 17.5”H
pj-722525 | c866+fabric alySSa cOrNer SectiON 33”d x 33”W x 29.5”H
pj-588925 calaiS rectaNgular cOffee table 22”d x 42”W x 17.5”H
pj-589025 calaiaS eNd table 22”d x 22”W x 21”H
SHOWN: Alyssa sofa, left arm facing loveseat, lounge chair, and slatted aluminum coffee and end tables
a Wicker cOllectiON WitH flare. featuriNg Natural all-WeatHer Wicker HaNd WOveN Over aN alumiNum frame. reSiN blOck feet. perfectly adaptable tO aNy Sized Space at a SurpriSiNg value. SectiONal pieceS: 91”
118” 33”
#09 WeatHered fiNiSH
pj-721109 | c860+fabric alySSa arm cHair 26”d x 24”W x 37”H
pj-721209 | c861+fabric alySSa Side cHair 26”d x 19”W x 37”H
pj-721409 | c862+fabric alySSa club cHair 33”d x 39.5”W x 29.5”H
pj-721809 | c868+fabric alySSa OttOmaN 25.5”d x 25.5”W x 12”H
pj-722609 | c869+fabric alySSa Slipper cHair 26”d x 24”W x 37”H
pj-722409 | c865+fabric alySSa left arm faciNg lOveSeat 33”d x 59”W x 29.5”H
pj-722009 rectaNgular Slatted alumiNum cOffee table 23”d x 23”W x 22”H
pj-721909 Square Slatted alumiNum cOffee table 38”d x 38”W x 18”H
assembly required group 1
SOfa +cOrNer
rigHt+ left arm lOveSeatS
pj-294100 travertiNe rectaNgular cONcrete tOp
2 SlipperS +cOrNer
pj-746109-b Wicker Square diNiNg table baSe ***2 required fOr rectaNgular tOp***
pj-721709 | c867+fabric alySSa SOfa 33”d x 90.5”W x 29.5”H
pj-722309 | c864+fabric alySSa rigHt arm faciNg lOveSeat 33”d x 59”W x 29.5”
pj-722009 Slatted alumiNum eNd table 23”d x 23”W x 22”H
pj-722209 | c863+fabric alySSa armleSS lOveSeat 33”d x 51”W x 29.5”
pj-588909 calaiS rectaNgular cOffee table 22”d x 42”W x 17.5”H
pj-722509 | c866+fabric alySSa cOrNer SectiON 33”d x 33”W x 29.5”H
pj-589209 calaiS Square cOffee table 38”d x 38”W x 17.5”H
pj-589009 calaiaS eNd table 22”d x 22”W x 21”H
SHOWN: bella arm cHairS aNd 52� pOrticO diNiNg table
beautiful curveS aNd taperS iN a mixed Wicker aNd alumiNum cOllectiON. durable, fiNiSHed alumiNum armS WitH a maHOgaNy pOWder-cOat fiNiSH.
available fiNiSHeS:
#25 black WalNut/maHOgaNy
pj-561110 | c940+fabric bella arm cHair 25”d x 25.5”W x 36”H 573110 pOrticO 52” rOuNd diNiNg table maHOgaNy 52”d x 52”W x 30”H
pj-561410 | c941+fabric bella lOuNge cHair 36.5”d x 31.5”W x 36”H
pj-562110 | c946+fabric bella cHaiSe lOuNge 84”d x 29.5”W x 38”H
group 1
pj-561810 | c945+fabric bella OttOmaN 20”d x 30.5”W x 19”H
pj-561510 | c942+fabric bella SWivel glider 36.5”d x 31.5”W x 36”H
pj-561910 bella cOffee table W/ glaSS 22”d x 42”W x 16”H
pj-561610 | c943+fabric bella lOveSeat 36.5”d x 56.5”W x 36”H
pj-562010 bella eNd table W/ glaSS 20”d x 20”W x 24”H
pj-561710 | c944+fabric bella SOfa 36.5”d x 81”W x 36”H
SHOWN: bOrdeaux Side cHairS aNd 44” bOrdeaux diNiNg table SHOWN: bOrdeaux arm cHairS aNd 30” rOuNd cafe table
a claSSic eurOpeaN biStrO cOllectiON iN WeatHered gray. galvaNized WrOugHt irON fOr ruSt reSiStaNce aNd paiNted iN 3 Step HaNd applied aNtique fiNiSH. diNiNg tableS aNd cHair SeatS feature a metal Stamped caNe-like appearaNce. detail Of bOrdeaux table tOp - See table page fOr mOre diNiNg OptiONS
#09 WeatHered fiNiSH
cuSHiONS are OptiONal fOr bOrdeaux cOllectiON pj-731109 | c850+fabric bOrdeaux arm cHair W23” x d22.5” x H37”
group 1
pj-731209 | c851+fabric bOrdeaux Side cHair W23” x d18” x H37”
pj-733409 bOrdeaux 44" rOuNd diNiNg table WitH umbrella HOle 44”d x 44”W x 29”H
pj-733309 bOrdeaux 30" rOuNd cafe table WitH umbrella HOle 30”d x 30”W x 29”H
CALAIS CLUB CHAIR, MOTION SHOWN: calais woven swivel glider, sofa, lounge CLUB CHAIR, COFFEE chair, end and SOFA, coffee table TABLE AND END TABLE
pluSH aNd eNvelOpiNg, WitH HigH, StreamliNed armS, deep SeatS aNd tWO cuSHiON OptiONS. eacH piece iS HaNd-WOveN Over WrOugHt alumiNum frameS uSiNg Our lONgWeariNg, uv reSiStaNt reSiNS. cHOOSe betWeeN Seat aNd full back cuSHiONS Or Seat cuSHiONS aNd Scatter back uSiNg multiple tHrOW cuSHiONS lOuNge SeatiNg available iN 2 cuSHiON OptiONS: Seat+ full back Or Seat+Scatter back/tHrOW pillOWS. See belOW fOr recOmmeNded quaNtity fOr frameS #09 WeatHered fiNiSH
c235 lOveSeat: 3 tHrOWS
c235 lOuNge cHair & SWivel glider: 2 tHrOWS
pj-588109 | c986+fabric calaiS arm cHair 26.5”d x 26.5”W x 34.5”H
c235 SOfa: 4 tHrOWS
pj-588409 | c980+fabric calaiS lOuNge cHair 35.5”d x 40”W x 34.5”H
Seat ONly + xl tHrOW pillOWS c987+c235
pj-588609 | c982+fabric calaiS lOveSeat 35.5”d x 61”W x 34.5”H
pj-722009 rectaNgular alumiNum cOffee table 23”d x 23”W x 22”H
Seat ONly + xl tHrOW pillOWS c984+c235
pj-721909 Square Slatted alumiNum cOffee table 38”d x 38”W x 18”H
assembly required group 1
pj-588509 | c981+fabric calaiS SWivel glider 35.5”d x 40”W x 34.5”H
pj-588709 | c979+fabric calaiS SOfa 35.5”d x 85.5”W x 34.5”H
pj-722009 Slatted alumiNum eNd table 23”d x 23”W x 22”H
Seat ONly + xl tHrOW pillOWS c985+c235
pj-588809 | c989+fabric calaiS OttOmaN 28”d x 32”W x 14.5”H
Seat ONly + xl tHrOW pillOWS c988+c235
pj-588909 calaiS rectaNgular cOffee table 22”d x 42”W x 17.5”H
pj-589209 calaiS Square cOffee table 38”d x 38”W x 17.5”H
pj-589009 calaiaS eNd table 22”d x 22”W x 21”H
SHOWN: calaiS WOveN SWivel glider, SOfa, eNd aNd cOffee table
pluSH aNd eNvelOpiNg, WitH HigH, StreamliNed armS, deep SeatS aNd tWO cuSHiON OptiONS. eacH piece iS HaNd-WOveN Over WrOugHt alumiNum frameS uSiNg Our lONg-WeariNg, uv reSiStaNt reSiNS. cHOOSe betWeeN Seat aNd full back cuSHiONS Or Seat cuSHiONS aNd Scatter back uSiNg multiple tHrOW cuSHiONS.
#29 dark expreSSO/ rOuNd fiNiSH
lOuNge SeatiNg available iN 2 cuSHiON OptiONS: Seat+full back | Seat+Scatter back/tHrOW pillOWS See belOW fOr recOmmeNded quaNtity fOr frameS
pj-588129 | c986+fabric calaiS arm cHair 26.5”d x 26.5”W x 34.5”H
c235: lOuNge cHair & SWivel glider - 2 tHrOWS
pj-588429 | c980+fabric calaiS lOuNge cHair 35.5”d x 40”W x 34.5”H
Seat ONly + xl tHrOW pillOWS c987+c235
pj-588629 | c982+fabric calaiS lOveSeat 35.5”d x 61”W x 34.5”H
Seat ONly + xl c235 tHrOW pillOWS c984+c235
pj-721929 Square Slated alumiNum cOffee table 38”d x 38”W x 18”H
assembly required group 1
pj-722029 rectaNgular alumiNum cOffee table 23”d x 23”W x 22”H
c235: lOveSeat - 3 tHrOWS
pj-588529 | c981+fabric calaiS SWivel glider 35.5”d x 40”W x 34.5”H
Seat ONly + xl tHrOW pillOWS c985+c235
pj-588729 | c979+fabric calaiS SOfa 35.5”d x 85.5”W x 34.5”H
pj-722029 Slated alumiNum eNd table 23”d x 23”W x 22”H
c235 SOfa - 4 tHrOWS
pj-588829 | c989+fabric calaiS OttOmaN 28”d x 32”W x 14.5”H
Seat ONly + xl c235 tHrOW pillOWS c988+c235
pj-589229 calaiS Square cOffee table 38”d x 38”W x 17.5”H
pj-588929 calaiS rectaNgular cOffee table 22”d x 42”W x 17.5”H
pj-589029 calaiaS eNd table 22”d x 22”W x 21”H
couture sofa, lounge chairs, and calais coffee and end tables
claSSic elegaNce defiNeS Our cOuture made frOm caSt alumiNum legS, tubular alumiNum frame aNd upHOlStered SideS aNd backS WitH a durable SuNbrella arbOr pebble fabric. tHe frame iS paiNted iN a tHree Step HaNd applied WeatHered fiNiSH aNd cuSHiONS are remOvable frOm tHe frame. tHiS grOup iS recOmmeNded fOr cOvered areaS. NOte: arbOr pebble iS tHe ONly fabric cHOice fOr cOuture.
available fiNiSHeS:
#09 WeatHered
#803 SuNbrella arbOr pebble
pj-361109 cOuture arm cHair W26.5” d29” H36”
pj-361409 cOuture lOuNge cHair W26.5” d35.5” H36”
group 1
pj-249100 top | pj-364209 base cOuture rectaNgular diNiNg table - 110lbS
(tOp iS parker jameS travertiNe rectaNgular cONcrete WitH alumiNum baSe)
W42” d84.5” H29.34”
pj-361609 cOuture lOveSeat W51” d34.5” H36.5”
pj-361709 cOuture SOfa W62” d40” H66.5”
SHown: davenport dining arm chairs and verandah rectangular dining table
cleaN liNeS iN durable, HigHly uv reSiStaNt Wicker WitH Heavy gauge tubular alumiNum. great cOmfOrt WitH Or WitHOut a cuSHiON, aNd available iN aNcieNt eartH/black WalNut Or WeatHered/WeatHered fiNiSHeS. cHairS are Stackable fOr eaSy StOrage. available fiNiSHeS:
aNcieNt eartH/black WalNut pj-631151 | c992+fabric
WeatHered/WeatHered pj-631109 | c992+fabric
daveNpOrt arm cHair 26”d x 23”W x 36”H (Stackable)
daveNpOrt arm cHair 26”d x 23”W x 36”H (Stackable)
SHO WN W itH v e ra Nda H ta bl e tO p a N d b a S e . S e e ve ra Nda H ta b l e S iN tableS S e ctiON fOr cOm p l e t e l i S t i Ng O f di Ni Ng ta b l e O pt i O N S pj-814102 veraNdaH rectaNgular diNiNg table/baSe 42”d x 74”W x 29.5”H
pj-813102 veraNdaH 48” rOuNd diNiNg table/baSe 48”d x 48”W x 29.5”H
group 1
pj-814109 veraNdaH rectaNgular diNiNg table /baSe 42”d x 74”W x 29.5”H
pj-813109 veraNdaH 48” rOuNd diNiNg table /baSe 48”d x 48”W x 29.5”H *60” rOuNd diNiNg table /baSe alSO available
S e e ta b l e pa ge fOr additiONal table OptiONS.
a uNique mOdular Wicker cOllectiON, HaNd-WOveN frOm lONg-WeariNg, uv-reSiStaNt reSiN StraNdS iN fOur iNcH SquareS. lucia alSO featureS a ruSt-free alumiNum frame. available fiNiSHeS:
#25 black WalNut
pj-681125 | | c971+fabric lucia arm cHair (Stackable) 20”d x 30”W x 37.5”H
pj-681225 | c972+fabric lucia Side cHair 20”d x 28.5”W x 37.5”H
pj-682325 | c975+fabric lucia rigHt SectiONal 33.5”d x 29”W x 32.5”H
pj-682225 | c977+fabric lucia Slipper cHair 33.5”d x 25”W x 32.5”H
pj-681925 lucia cOffee table WitH glaSS 40”d x 40”W x 17”H
group 1
pj-681425 | c973+fabric lucia club cHair 35”d x 33”W x 32.5”H
pj-682425 | c974+fabric lucia left SectiONal 33.5”d x 29”W x 32.5”H
pj-682025 lucia eNd table WitH glaSS 20”d x 20”W x 23.5”H
pj-681825 | c976+fabric lucia OttOmaN 24.5”d x 24.5”W x 12.5”H
pj-682525 | c978+fabric lucia cOrNer SectiONal 41.5”d x 41.5”W x 32.5”H
louvre two corner pieces, two slippers, coffee and end table
lOuvre cOllectiON iNcludeS bOtH diNiNg aNd deep SeatiNg OptiONS. deSigNed SO tHat Our SectiONal cOrNer caN fuctiON aS bOtH a rigHt aNd left arm, giviNg lOuvre tHe uNique ability tO fit iNtO a multitude Of SpaceS. lOuvre alSO featureS HigHly uv reSiStaNt HaNd WOveN Wicker WitH Heavy gauge tubular alumiNum aNd Stackable diNiNg cHairS fOr eaSy StOrage.
available fiNiSHeS: frameS:
#10 maHOgaNy/cHeStNut
pj-371110 | j124+fabric lOuvre WOveN arm cHair W23.7” d25.15” H36.5”
pj-371210 | j123+fabric lOuvre WOveN Side cHair W19.25” d26.40” H36.5”
pj-372710 | j120+fabric lOuvre WOveN cOrNer SectiONal W47.25” d45.35” H34”
pj-371910 lOuvre WOveN cOffee table W40.2” d20.3” H18”
group 2
pj-372610 | j121+fabric lOuvre WOveN Slipper SectiONal W25.5” d34” H34”
pj-372010 lOuvre WOveN eNd table W20.5” d20.5” H21.75”
pj-371810 | j122+fabric lOuvre WOveN OttOmaN W25.45” d25.45” H11.25”
shown: panama lounge chair, spring lounge chair, ottoman, sofa, end and coffee table
The panama collection features A contemporary woven design with comfortable proportions. aluminum details accentuate The sleek simplicity and timeless appeal. panama includes dining and lounge seating to accomodate any occasion. The chaise lounge is perfect for relaxing and can easily be combined to creat an expansive daybed.
Available Finishes: frames:
#09 weathered
pj-281109 | j103+fabric panama arm Chair w24” d26.5” h36.5”
pj-281209 | j104+fabric panama side Chair w20” d27” h36.5”
pj-281409 | j100+fabric panama lounge Chair w29.5” d36” h35”
pj-281509 | j106+fabric panama spring lounge w29.5” d36” h35”
pj-282109 | j105+fabric panama chaise w27.5” d87” h40”
pj-281909 panama coffee table w40.2” d20.3” h18”
group 1
pj-281809 | j102+fabric panama ottoman w26” d19” h14.5”
pj-282009 panama end table w20.5” d20.5” h21.75”
pj-281709 | j101+fabric panama sofa w80” d35” h35”
shown: panama lounge chair, spring lounge chair, ottoman, sofa, end and coffee table
tHe paNama cOllectiON featureS a cONtempOrary WOveN deSigN WitH cOmfOrtable prOpOrtiONS. alumiNum detailS acceNtuate tHe Sleek Simplicity aNd timeleSS appeal. paNama iNcludeS diNiNg aNd lOuNge SeatiNg tO accOmOdate aNy OccaSiON. tHe cHaiSe lOuNge iS perfect fOr relaxiNg aNd caN eaSily be cOmbiNed tO creat aN expaNSive daybed.
#10 maHOgaNy/cHeStNut
pj-281110 | j103+fabric paNama arm cHair W24” d26.5” H36.5”
pj-281410 | j100+fabric paNama lOuNge cHair W29.5” d36” H35”
pj-282110 | j105+fabric paNama cHaiSe W27.5” d87” H40”
group 1
pj-281210 | j104+fabric paNama Side cHair W20” d27” H36.5”
pj-281510 | j106+fabric paNama SpriNg lOuNge W29.5” d36” H35”
pj-281910 paNama cOffee table W40.2” d20.3” H18”
pj-281810 | j102+fabric paNama OttOmaN W26” d19” H14.5”
pj-282010 paNama eNd table W20.5” d20.5” H21.75”
pj-281710 | j101+fabric paNama SOfa W80” d35” H35”
plaza II arm CHAIR and verandah rectangular dining TABLE
plaza ii OfferS a NeW tWiSt ON aN Old favOrite. featuriNg a HaNd-Welded, SOft black alumiNum frame iNSet WitH a WOveN textileNe fabric. tHe SliNg arm cHair StackS fOr yOur eaSy StOrage aNd dOeS NOt require a cuSHiON fOr cOmfOrt.
available fiNiSHeS:
#01 SOft black
pj-771101 plaza SliNg arm cHair W 22.25” d 25.75” H 37”
arm chair is stackable
pj-814101 veraNdaH rectaNgular diNiNg table 42”d x 74”W x 29.5”H
pj-813101 veraNdaH 48” rOuNd diNiNg table 48”d x 48”W x 29.5”H
See veraNdaH tableS iN tableS SectiON fOr cOmplete liStiNg Of diNiNg table OptiONS. group 1
Heavy gauge alumiNum tubiNg aNd Our lONg-laStiNg Wicker reSiNS. fiNiSHed iN a SuperiOr acrylic-Hybrid fiNiSH fOr yearS Of trOuble-free OutdOOr uSe. cOmfOrtable WitH Or WitHOut a cuSHiON.
available fiNiSHeS:
#51 aNcieNt eartH /black WalNut
pj-541151 | c990+fabric pOrtO arm cHair (Stackable) 27”d x 22.5”W x 36”H
pj-542151 | c991+fabric pOrtO cHaiSe lOuNge 83”d x 27.5”W x 22.5”H
group 1
shown with:
pj-81301+finish 01,02,09,10 48” rOuNd diNiNg table tOp + baSe 48”d x 48”W x 29.5”H
viNeS tWiSt aNd turN tHrOugH tHe back Of tHiS maSterfully created WOrk Of art. like rOmaNce tHrOugH itS maNy StageS, Nature aNd fuNctiON meet iN tHiS SOlid Never-ruSt caSt alumiNum iNterpretatiON. available iN Our tWO Step aNcieNt eartH, Our rOmaNce Will WeatHer Well aS a beautiful gardeN OrNameNt. rOmaNce iS cOpyrigHted.
available fiNiSHeS:
#02 aNcieNt eartH
pj-311102 | c828+fabric rOmaNce arm cHair W26.5” d23.5” H36.5”
pj-312202 | c830+fabric rOmaNce beNcH W47.5” d24” H37”
pj-311602 | c941+fabric rOmaNce lOveSeat W57” d31.5” H36.25”
assembly required group 2
pj-311302 | c828+fabric rOmaNce SWivel rOcker W27” d28” H35.75” residential use only.
pj-311402 | c944+fabric rOmaNce lOuNge cHair W33.5” d31” H36”
pj-311702 | c942+fabric rOmaNce SOfa W80” d31.5” H36.25”
see cast wicker tables in tables section for complete list of dining table options .
pj-311502 | c944+fabric rOmaNce SpriNg lOuNge W33.5” d31” H36” residential use only.
pj-311902 | glass-71015 rOmaNce glaSS cOffee table W43.25” d24.25” H16.25”
pj-311802 | c943+fabric rOmaNce OttOmaN W24.25” d21.25” H18.75”
pj-312002 | glass-71205 rOmaNce glaSS eNd table W24.5” d24.5” H20.25”
Our SavaNNaH iS aN iNtricate WOveN caSt alumiNum aNd tubular prOduct WitH HaNd Wrapped cOrNerS. available iN Our aNcieNt eartH pOWder cOated fiNiSH. available fiNiSHeS:
#02 aNcieNt eartH
pj-321102 | c040+fabric arm cHair W21” d26.5” H38”
pj-321202 | c041+fabric Side cHair W21” d26.5” H37”
pj-321402 | c042+fabric SavaNNaH lOuNge cHair W27” d29” H37”
pj-321902 SavaNNaH cOffee table W35.5” d35.5” H18”
group 2
pj-321502 | c045+fabric SavaNNaH SpriNg lOuNge W27” d29” H37”
pj-321802 | c044+fabric SavaNNaH OttOmaN W27” d24” H18”
pj-321702 | c043+fabric SavaNNaH SOfa W75” d29” H37”
pj-322002 SavaNNaH eNd table W21.75” d21.75” H24”
see cast wicker tables in tables section for complete listing of dining table options .
SidNey lOuNge cHair, SOfa, cOffee aNd eNd table
tHe iNSpiratiON fOr tHe SidNey cOllectiON WaS Simplicity aNd miNimaliSm. tHe cleaN liNeS fOrmed by tHe Square alumiNum tubiNg WitH a geNtly SlOpiNg back leg give tHiS grOup a feeliNg Of fuN aNd cOmfOrt. tHe Simple WOveN paNel back furtHer defiNeS miNimaliSm at itS beSt.
#10 maHOgaNy/cHeStNut pj-491110 | j127+fabric SidNey arm cHair (Stackable) W23.2” d25.5” H35.5”
pj-491410 | j126+fabric SidNey lOuNge cHair W28.6” d36.2” H39.15”
pj-491910 SidNey cOffee table W40” d20.25” H17.75”
assembly required group 2
pj-491210 | j129+fabric SidNey Side cHair (Stackable) W21” d25” H35.5”
pj-491810 | j130+fabric SidNey OttOmaN
pj-492010 SidNey eNd table W20.25” d20.25” H21.25”
pj-491710 | j128+fabric SidNey SOfa W74.6” d37.8” H38.6”
sidney lounge chair, sofa, coffee and end table
tHe iNSpiratiON fOr tHe SidNey cOllectiON WaS Simplicity aNd miNimaliSm. tHe cleaN liNeS fOrmed by tHe Square alumiNum tubiNg WitH a geNtly SlOpiNg back leg give tHiS grOup a feeliNg Of fuN aNd cOmfOrt. tHe Simple WOveN paNel back furtHer defiNeS miNimaliSm at itS beSt.
#02 aNcieNt eartH /black WalNut
pj-491110 | j127+fabric SidNey arm cHair (Stackable) W23.2” d25.5” H35.5”
pj-491410 | j126+fabric SidNey lOuNge cHair W28.6” d36.2” H39.15”
pj-491910 SidNey cOffee table W40” d20.25” H17.75”
assembly required group 2
pj-491210 | j129+fabric SidNey Side cHair (Stackable) W21” d25” H35.5”
pj-491810 | j130+fabric SidNey OttOmaN W25.45” d25.45” H11.25”
pj-492010 SidNey eNd table W20.25” d20.25” H21.25”
pj-491710 | j128+fabric SidNey SOfa W74.6” d37.8” H38.6”
SHOWN: terrazza LOUNGE CHAIR, OTTOMAN, SOFA, spring lounge, end tables and dining
mOderN iNterpretatiON Of tHe claSSic italiaN crOSS-back cHair. made frOm SOlid caSt alumiNum aNd Heavy gauge alumiNum tubiNg. featureS a HaNd applied aNcieNt eartH fiNiSH.
available fiNiSHeS:
#02 aNcieNt eartH
pj-511102 | c900+fabric terrazza arm cHair 26”d x 24.5”W x 38”H
pj-511402 | c903+fabric terrazza lOuNge cHair 36”d x 31.5”W x 38”H
pj-511702 | c906+fabric terrazza SOfa 36”d x 77”W x 38”
pj-511202 | c901+fabric terrazza Side cHair 26”d x 21”W x 38”H
pj-511302 | c902+fabric terrazza SWivel rOcker 26”d x 25”W x 37”H
pj-511802 | c907+fabric terrazza OttOmaN 18”d x 23.5”W x 15.5”H
pj-512102 | c908+fabric terrazza cHaiSe lOuNge 83”d x 31.5”W x 24”H
pj-511502 | c904+fabric terrazza SpriNg lOuNge cHair 37”d x 31.5”W x 38”H
pj-511902 terrazza cOffee table W/ glaSS 24”d x 48”W x 16.5”H
pj-511602 | c905+fabric terrazza lOveSeat 36”d x 53.5”W x 38”H
pj-512002 terrazza eNd table W/ glaSS 22”d x 22”W x 24”H
group 1
SHOWN: terrazza lOuNge cHair, OttOmaN, SOfa, SpriNg lOuNge, eNd tableS aNd cOffee table
mOderN iNterpretatiON Of tHe claSSic italiaN crOSS-back cHair. made frOm SOlid caSt alumiNum aNd Heavy gauge alumiNum tubiNg. featureS a HaNd applied WeatHered fiNiSH.
available fiNiSHeS:
#09 WeatHered fiNiSH
pj-511109 | c900+fabric terrazza arm cHair 26”d x 24.5”W x 38”H
pj-511209 | c901+fabric terrazza Side cHair 26”d x 21”W x 38”H
pj-511409 | c903+fabric terrazza lOuNge cHair 36”d x 31.5”W x 38”H
pj-511809 | c907+fabric terrazza OttOmaN 18”d x 23.5”W x 15.5”H
pj-511709 | c906+fabric terrazza SOfa 36”d x 77”W x 38”
pj-512109 | c908+fabric terrazza cHaiSe lOuNge 83”d x 31.5”W x 24”H
pj-511309 | c902+fabric terrazza SWivel rOcker 26”d x 25”W x 37”H
pj-511509 | c904+fabric terrazza SpriNg lOuNge 37”d x 31.5”W x 38”H
pj-511909 terrazza cOffee table W/ glaSS 24”d x 48”W x 16.5”H
pj-511609 | c905+fabric terrazza lOveSeat 36”d x 53.5”W x 38”H
pj-512009 terrazza eNd table W/ glaSS 22”d x 22”W x 24”H
group 1
SHOWN: 3 TRILLIUM corner sections, 2 slippers, and coffee table
claSSic lattice backS are caSt frOm tHe fiNeSt SOlid alumiNum iNgOt aNd HaNd-pOliSHed. graceful armS flOW effOrtleSSly iNtO tHe legS aNd Seat, prOvidiNg eacH piece WitH a timeleSS yet mOderN feel. tHe arm cHairS feature Sculpted caSt SeatS, prOvidiNg maximum cOmfOrt WitH Or WitHOut a cuSHiON. tHe SectiONal requireS ONly tWO pieceS. a cOrNer SectiONal HaS a rigHt Or left arm, add a Slipper cHair tO cuStOmize tHe grOup tO yOur Space.
Sample SectiONal cONfiguratiONS: 3 cOrNerS + 2 SlipperS
2 cOrNerS + 2 SlipperS
#02 aNcieNt eartH
110” pj-222902 | c917+fabric trillium arm cHair d25”x W23” x H33”
pj-221402 | c911+fabric trillium lOuNge cHair d30”x W26” x H34”
pj-222602 | j116+fabric trillium SectiONal Slipper W25” d26” H31”
pj-221702 | c914+fabric trillium SOfa d30”x W73” x H34”
group 2
pj-221502 | c912+fabric trillium SpriNg lOuNge d31”x W26” x H34”
pj-222702 | j115+fabric trillium SectiONal cOrNer W42.5” d35.5” H31”
pj-222102 | c916+fabric trillium cHaiSe d75”x W27” x H37”
pj-221802 | c915+fabric trillium Small OttOmaN d20”x W26” x H17”
pj-221001 | j118+fabric trillium lg SectiONal OttOmaN W25” d24.5” H12”
pj-221902 trillium cOffee table d21”x W37.5” x H17”
pj-221602 | c913+fabric trillium lOveSeat d30”x W48.5” x H34”
pj-222202 | j119+fabric trillium SWivel rOcker d31”x W26” x H34”
pj-222002 trillium eNd table d20.5”x W20.5” x H16.5”
SHOWN: triNidad lOuNge cHair, OttOmaN, SOfa, eNd table aNd cOffee table
aN updated claSSic. all-WeatHer reSiN WitH a great Natural lOOk aNd feel are HaNd-WOveN Over aN all-alumiNum frame. triNidad iS deep aNd Wide fOr maximum cOmfOrt. available fiNiSHeS:
#25 black WalNut
pj-589325 | c986+fabric triNidad arm cHair 26.5” x 26.5’W x 34.5”H
pj-711425 | c8716+fabric triNidad lOuNge cHair 36” x 34”W x 36”H
pj-711725 | c8746+fabric triNidad SOfa 36” x 83.5”W x 36”H
group 1
pj-711525 | c8726+fabric triNidad SWivel glider 36” x 34”W x 36”H
pj-711825 | c8756+fabric triNidad OttOmaN 19” x 32.5’W x 18.5”H
pj-711925 triNidad cOffee table W/ glaSS 27” x 46”W x 18.5”H
pj-711625 | c8736+fabric triNidad lOveSeat 36” x 59·5”W x 36”H
pj-712025 triNidad eNd table W/ glaSS 22.5” x 28.5”W x 22”H
SHOWN: veNice diNiNg arm cHairS aNd Oval caSt Wicker diNiNg table
caNalS WiNd aNd beNd majeStically tHrOugH tHe WONderful buildiNgS iN italy’S mOSt preciOuS city, juSt aS Our caSt alumiNum iS HaNd carved iNtO tHe SHape Of Wicker aNd tHeN fiNiSHed iN a premium pOWder cOat. it iS tHe Subtle tONeS aNd curveS tHat make tHe executiON Of veNice eNduriNg. veNice iS pateNted.
available fiNiSHeS:
#10 maHOgaNy
pj-301110 | 836+fabric veNice arm cHair W24” d26” H37”
pj-301310 | 836+fabric veNice SWivel rOcker W24.5” d27.5” H36.5”
residential use only
see cast wicker tables in tables section for complete listing of dining table options. pj-301410 | c141+fabric veNice lOuNge cHair W32.5” d31” H36”
pj-301710 | c143+fabric veNice SOfa W78” d32” H35.5”
group 2
pj-301510 | c141+fabric veNice SpriNg lOuNge cHair W32.5” d34” H35.5” residential use only
pj-302110 | c145+fabric veNice cHaiSe lOuNge W31” d77” H38.5”
pj-301810 | c144+fabric veNice OttOmaN W24.5” d21” H18.5”
pj-301610 | c142+fabric veNice lOveSeat W55.5” d32” H35.5”
#02 aNcieNt eartH
#09 WeatHered
#10 maHOgaNy
pj-5741+finish 02,09,10 pOrticO rectaNgular diNiNg table 40”d x 84”W x 30”H
pj-57311+finish 02,09,10 pOrticO 52” rOuNd diNiNg table 52”d x 52”W x 30”H
#09 WeatHered tOp #01 SOft black baSe
pj-676109 42” Square WeatHered faux WOOd table 42”d x 42”W x 29.5”H group 1
pj-674109 rectaNgular WeatHered faux WOOd table 42”d x 74”W x 29.5”H
#01 SOft black
#02 aNcieNt eartH
#09 WeatHered
pj-8131+finish 01,02,09,10 48” rOuNd diNiNg table tOp + baSe 48”d x 48”W x 29.5”H
#10 maHOgaNy
pj-8132+finish 02,09,10 60” rOuNd diNiNg table tOp + baSe 60”d x 60”W x 29.5”H *NOt available iN SOft black
pj-8141+finish 01,02,09,10 rectaNgular diNiNg table tOp + baSe 42”d x 74”W x 29.5”H
group 1 & 2
pj-678109 rectaNgular diNiNg table tOp + baSe 84”d x 44”W x 29.5”H
2 veraNdaH baSeS Or 2 Wicker baSeS may be uSed WitH cONcrete rectaNgular tOp
1 veraNdaH baSeS Or 1 Wicker baSeS may be uSed WitH cONcrete 48” rOuNd tOp
travertiNe rectaNgular cONcrete tOp 42”d x 84”W x 1.5”H
travertiNe 48” rOuNd cONcrete tOp 48”d x 48”W x 1.5”H
AVAILABLE BASE RESINS: #26 black WalNut (peel)
#25 black WalNut (rOuNd)
#09 WeatHered (rOuNd)
pj-294100 travertiNe rectaNgular cONcrete tOp + (2) pj-7461+finish 25,26,09 b Wicker Square diNiNg table baSe
pj-293100 travertiNe 48” rOuNd cONcrete tOp + pj-7461+finish 25,26,09 b Wicker Square diNiNg table baSe
Wicker Square diNiNg table baSe 38”d x 38”W x 28.5”H
#02 aNcieNt eartH
#09 WeatHered
#10 maHOgaNy
pj-294100 travertiNe rectaNgular cONcrete tOp + (2) pj-8131+finish b veraNdaH rOuNd diNiNg table baSe
pj-8131+finish b
veraNdaH rOuNd diNiNg table baSe 25”d x 25”W x 28”H group 1
pj-293100 travertiNe 48” rOuNd cONcrete tOp + pj-8131+finish b veraNdaH rOuNd diNiNg table baSe
#09 weathered
detail of table pattern
PJ-733109 Bordeaux 44” Round Dining Table 44”D x 44”W x 29”H
PJ-733309 Bordeaux 30” round Café Table 30”D x 30”W x 29”H
group 1
detail of table pattern
#10 mahogany only
dining tables: top pj-823110t base pj-823110b
Cast Wicker 48” Round Dining Table w48” d48” h29.5”
top pj-823210t base pj-823210b
Cast Wicker 48” Round euro dining Table w48” d48” h24”
top pj-825110t base pj-825110b
Cast Wicker Oval Dining Table w84” d42” h29.5”
occasional tables: Top pj-822010T, Base pj-822010B Cast Wicker End Table w24” d24” h18.5”
group 2
Top pj-823410T, Base pj-823410B Cast Wicker Lamp Table w24” d24” h28”
Top pj-821910T, Base pj-821910B Cast Wicker Coffee Table w42.5” d21” h18”
solution dyed acrylics 802 B Sunbrella Canvas Antique Beige
806 B Sunbrella Canvas Teak
803 B Sunbrella Arbor Pebble
804 B Sunbrella Canvas Heather Beige
805 B Sunbrella Dupione Sand
807 B Sunbrella Canvas Brick
olefin 808 A Geobella Ground Marzipan
809 A Geobella HobNob
810 A Geobella Linen Texture
811 A Geobella Rock Solid Grass
Actual fabric colors & textures may vary slightly from photograph. Please note cushions made in our china factory may vary slightly in appearance and comfort of sit compared to a cushion manufactured in the summer classics domestic factory.