How to say hello in chinese

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How To Say Hello In Chinese Saying hello in Chinese is like any other languages but only based on conditions of usage. How do you say hello in Chinese? You can answer Hello 你好, this is the most common way to greet someone in Chinese. But do you know that there are many other ways to express your greetings in Chinese? With all this expression of the Chinese saying hello, if you call, if you want to be polite, you will have to say 你好 nǐ hǎo, hello. Do you know that's not the only way to say hello in Chinese? Learn how to use these 13 expressions in Putonghua in different situations to quickly greet the local people in Chinese. You can also go to Ninchanese to practice your greetings and speak as an indigenous person.

This is uneasy, not to call "hello nǐhǎo". This is the most used word for greeting in Mandarin. If you want to learn Chinese, you have to learn this useful word, and if so, this might be the first thing you learn. Because 你 nǐ is an informal form of 'you', Chinese people use it when they want to greet a friend or acquaintance. But beware, this expression is used to welcome one person at a time! For example, if you meet your classmates, you can say: Hello classmates 同学你好 tóngxué nǐ hǎo. It does not matter if the name / subject is placed in Chinese before or after the greeting is republished. You can also shorten the greeting by entering a name / subject before you can. For example: 老师好 lǎoshī hǎo teacher is good! Hello: The be the most polite Chinese student

As we have just mentioned in the informal version of "you", I would like to introduce you to the politeness of 你 nǐ "you". Imagine you want to say hello to someone bigger than you in Chinese, like your boss and the elderly. You have to say 您好 nín hǎo "hello" to show respect. For example, if you meet someone's grandfather, you must say: 经理您好 jīnglǐ nín hǎo "hello", they will be happy to hear your greetings. Note: Taiwanese often use 你好 nǐ hǎo better than 您好 nín hǎo when they meet people, even those who do not relate to them. 大家好 - Hello everyone: to welcome a group of people Say hello in Chinese: 大家好 Hello everybody. You say hello in Mandarin first, then you can only use it to welcome one person at a time. But if you are with a lot of people and everyone and you want to express your opinion in Chinese? You Say this Chinese expression 大家好 dàjiā hǎo Hello everyone. ( 大家 dàjiā means everyone). In conclusion, saying hello is somehow strategic, it depends on the atmosphere, number and status of who you want to greet. They determine how you say hello at a particular time.

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