Mountain Ear 2011/2012

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2011 and 2012

Mountain Ear

INSIDE Desert Solitude and Concrete Jungle: a New Course Connecting Service and Adventure A Transforming Internship Experience: Firsthand Account PLUS: Updates from the Whitney Classic and ISAS 1

The One Thing by

Tom Smith, Executive Director

Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things, there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part... Luke 10:41-42

There is beauty, love, and creative genius all around us. Amidst harried and over-busy lives, there is much to celebrate. However, like Martha, we might be too worried or focused on task completion to notice. Mary had chosen to sit at the Lord’s feet and listen to him.This was the “one thing” Jesus was referring to. It is no less the one thing for us. We face a Holiday season so off-center that to stay focused on this one thing requires special effort. It is this purposeful effort that I want to encourage all of us to consider and implement.

The Summit Adventure 2011 & 2012 Moun cover photo: Rob Owen Palmer inset cover photo: The King’s Academy


WHAT’S INSIDE? 4 Immersion Service and Adventure Semester Update 6 Whitney Classic Recap 8 2011 & 2012 Photo Gallery 10 Karaoke & Cacti: Joshua Tree and L.A. Service and Climbing I just came off a four-day spiritual retreat in the Sierra backcountry. With no plans to worry through, agenda items to check off, or task lists to complete, I was free to sit at Jesus’s feet and listen. I listened through beautiful sunrises and sunsets. I heard him tell of his love through the quiet contemplation of Scripture. I marveled at his creativity when the moon poured the sun’s reflective light over the ground where I stood. The combination of snow and rock, warmth and cold, spoke volumes about a God who rules the universe and my life with a power and vastness I cannot comprehend. I was awestruck and unburdened with everyday cares. I got to be like Mary for a while. It was fabulous.

12 A Better Person than When I Went in: Summit’s Internship Experience 14 2013 Course Calendar 16 Updates from Past Staff 17 Prayer

Each of us needs to be more like Mary. We need to make a way to just sit and listen to Jesus. Four days might be too long for some, and too short for others, but our crazy lives require significant de-compression time to help us better sit and listen. Admittedly, this is not an easy thing to do, but it is a crucial step. Doing so allows us to fully partake of God’s love, beauty and creative work in our lives. The rewards that follow may not be material or financial, but they also will not be taken away. Can there be anything more helpful, powerful, or life-changing than finding the one thing?

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Immersion Service and Adventure Semester Update by

2011 ISAS students begin their final expedition

Kelli Stansell, ISAS Program Director

In spring of 2011, two students, Brendon and Bekah, stepped into the Summit Adventure family. Four months of adventures in the snowy Sierra and high mountains of Ecuador proved challenging and rewarding for all of those involved. The camaraderie and friendship that developed between them was truly awesome to watch. It reminded me of the amazing ISAS semester Mike Allard and I had together in 2009. The spring of 2012 brought four students together from three schools: Derek Campbell from Ouachita Baptist University in Arkansas, Jamie Husain from the University of California Merced and Katy Ireland and David Parker from Montreat College in North Carolina. Their personalities and lifestyle choices were as diverse as their birthplaces. Still, laughter abounded inside the walls of Summit’s Base over family style meals, laptop movies and thought-provoking class sessions with Tom and me.

photo: Jamie Husain

2011 ISAS students in Ecuador

2012: the ISAS “classroom”

In Ecuador, learning Spanish and weeklong homestays provided challenges aplenty. During their six weeks there, students morphed from reserved and uncertain to confident and transparent. Clearly, the Holy Spirit was at work. After returning from Ecuador, preparations for two weeks in the desert began. Curt Davidson and I had the privilege of hightailing it out of the cold Sierra Nevadas to Death Valley for the semester’s final expedition. Two weeks spent navigating canyons, washes, springs and horse paths proved to be exactly what these students needed. There’s nothing like spending a couple of days alone in the desert to get a better picture of what that was like for Jesus and why he found it beneficial. The semester came to a close in May, but thankfully the relationships didn’t. Katy, David and I met up when I visited Montreat this fall, and the Smith family connected with Derek at Ouachita Baptist this November!

The Summit Adventure 2011 & 2012 Moun 4

2012 ISAS students on their final expedition in Death Valley

2012 ISAS students in Ecuador

There’s nothing like spending a couple of days alone in the desert to get a better picture of what that was like for Jesus.

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“In spite

of all the challenges

associated with doing a ride of this magnitude (extreme heat/cold; long, flat distances; climbing up three 5,000foot+ mountains; fatigue and isolation), I enjoyed the ride very much and gained a deep sense of personal accomplishment at

being able to continue

with the ride when I was ready to quit early on.”—Gary Fisher (WC 2012 Solo Rider)

by Kelli Stansell, Whitney Classic Coordinator This year’s Whitney Classic was indeed a success. Ninety-one volunteers supported the 35 riders who concluded months of training and fundraising by riding 135 miles and 15,300 vertical feet. Spectacular is the word that comes to mind as I recall images of each rider arriving at the Whitney Portal finish line. As Ride Coordinator, I get to choose where I spend some of my time throughout the ride. I choose, as soon as I can, to be at the finish line. I love cheering on riders as I make my way there by motorized engine... but not quite as much as I love standing beside the light of a propane lantern yelling and dancing as they cross that line. For some, the accomplishment is reaching a physical goal set far in advance. For others, the accomplishment is realizing what it took to get there…. Each rider reaches the finish line not only through training, but also through loved ones and friends’ financial support, the SAG drivers, the friend at SAG stop 6 who lightens the mood before a climb and the kindness of a stranger who serves hot tea from their RV in the night. This uniting in support is why the Whitney Classic continues. Like every other course that Summit offers,

The Summit Adventure 2011 & 2012 Moun 6

2012 Whitney Classic Recap

photos: Tom Gibson

it brings people together, pushes their limits and increases their understanding of this God that loves us. The purpose is the same: “To facilitate transformational learning that strengthens relationships, deepens faith, and builds compassion...…”

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2011 & 2012

Photo Gallery

photo: Rob Owen Palmer photo: The King’s Academy


photo: The King’s Academy

photo: Rob Owen Palmer

photo: The King’s Academy

photo: Tom Gibson


Karaoke & Cacti Joshua Tree and L.A.: Service and Climbing by

Graham Ottley, Program Director

Serving the homeless on Skid Row has grown in popularity and could almost be categorized as a clichéé e Despite any trendiness, one college men’s group’s experience (read: work) on a Summit Adventure course was neither easy nor easy to digest. The need in Los Angeles is overwhelming. If you know anything abou Handouts aren’t necessarily “hand-ups.” So where does that leave us? How can we reach out without leav haunted us throughout our time. It seemed that these questions we dwelled on were more poignant than a So what was our contribution?

We engaged in four distinct service opportunities. Much of the time we spent serving with Union Rescue M at 5:30 am, praying for the day and putting on hair nets, aprons and plastic gloves. We then spent the nex hundreds that would come for a meal that day. The meals we helped Union Rescue Mission serve represe through a two-year program, participants experience the real transformation of restored dignity. Some of t commercial kitchen.

Other opportunities included manual labor for some of the missionary residences at World Impact. We put seemed to appreciate it. We also got involved with “Kaleo,” World Impact’s youth program, by providing a opportunity did involve watching and engaging in a ministry for the homeless that provides entertainment t

Our time in the desert could not have contrasted more with the urban environment we left: crickets and th freeway traffic, a dirt trail replaced busy intersections and mounds of rock replaced skyscrapers. The me at the site. We also spent time in solitude meditating on God’s use of the wilderness for his people in the What did we learn?

The result was frustration, joy, anger, understanding, thoughtfulness and contemplation. Our contribution fo longer commitments to that area and the people that live there. We left Los Angeles with a greater appre poverty and destitution. These young men from a midwestern university would not forget their experience experienced adventure beyond recreational climbing; they returned with a more accurate worldview and m


Mission involved a fairly rigorous schedule of waking up xt five hours with workers in the kitchen preparing for the ent the beginning of URM’s program for the homeless; the program’s graduates worked next to us in the

t some very unskilled labor to work, and they actually day of climbing in Joshua Tree for them. And yes,… one through Karaoke.

he occasional hoot of an owl replaced the sounds of en enjoyed learning how to climb and host the Kaleo group Bible.

ocused on supporting the individuals who have made eciation of the complexities that are homelessness, e. They returned to the suburbs of Chicago having more compassion for those in need.

er J. Sw ickard Alexand photos:

experience for the socially conscious college student. e last spring offered a trying, true grit opportunity that ut poverty, you realize that there are no easy solutions. ving our “stamp” on the experience? Questions like this any answers that were offered.

A closer look at th service opportunitiee s… UNION RESCUE MIS

This is one of several LA SION serves the thousands of RGE food kitchens that Row area everyday. We homeless in the Skid at their site at 6 am an typically start each day through the lunch hour. d work hard for 6-7 hours opportunity for a graduaLast spring, we had the program to give a tour ofte of their transition provided the course pa their site. This tour testimony to the prograrticipants with a powerful m’s impact.


On last spring’s course, worked here. World Impawe both stayed and that work through their ct houses ministries need light construction organization and typically and remodeling work.


This is a local youth prog sponsors. We facilitated ram that World Impact these L.A. youth, many ofa day of climbing for traveled outside of the whom had never city.


This ministry provides en homeless. Serving with tertainment for the this ministry offers the opportunity not only to ob serve, but also to perform if inspired.


“A Better Person than When I Went In:” Summit’s Internship Experience by

Erica Rackley

From Summit Adventure’s beginning, countless twenty-somethings have found fulfilling summer employment as Summit instructors, base staff and logistics staff. These young people contribute their outdoor experience, wilderness medical training and ministry experience to make Summit’s impactful courses happen year after year. But is there a place at Summit for the student who is a bit younger or less experienced than a first-year staff member yet still wants to be part of the Summit family? Summit recently developed a program for such a student, the Outdoor Leadership Intern Training Experience, or oLITE. One 2012 oLITE intern, Soren Frykholm, testifies to the positive impact of his time with Summit Adventure. The oLITE program exposes the intern to the diverse aspects of an outdoor adventure-based Christian ministry; Soren therefore filled a variety of roles during his internship. He became an expert in course logistics through sorting and packing food and gear for two custom courses and the Whitney Classic. He learned technical skills while setting up an orienteering course to challenge a group of seventh-twelfth graders and facilitation skills while he helped debrief the students’ orienteering course experience. He saw the administrative side of a small non-profit ministry while doing data entry projects in the office. He even took on the challenge of instructing a course. Soren comments on his approach to tackling so many new tasks: I tried to employ a “yes” attitude in every facet of my life during my time at Summit: pitching in wherever and whenever I was needed, believing in myself when I instructed on course and never refusing the opportunity to learn something new or step out of my comfort zone. I learned to utilize my time as an opportunity for self-reflection, contemplating my aspirations, my passions and myself. I’ve never been in a more supportive or conducive

Visit for m


environment for such personal development, and I was certainly pushed in new and unexpected ways! In addition to exposure to the many roles in Summit Adventure’s ministry, the oLITE program offers interns the opportunity to live in a small Christian community. Soren explains his community life experience with these words, From the beginning, the staff accepted and included me without reservation. Over the course of my stay, I developed close relationships with nearly everyone who passed through Summit’s open doors. I thoroughly enjoyed growing in community with such a special and tight-knit group of friends, Christians, leaders and mentors. Summit Adventure would like more young adults to experience the differencemaking oLITE program as Soren did. For the 19 to 23-year-old who wants to explore outdoor adventure in a ministry context, the oLITE program offers an ideal setting to learn and grow. Interns also benefit from staff trainings, like the annual alpine training course and facilitation skills training. Internships can happen throughout the year, and Summit Adventure provides room and board for all interns. Soren summarizes the impact of the oLITE program well: My time at Summit Adventure meant so much to me. From the open and generous people of Summit, to the myriad of empowering experiences, I loved every minute of my internship, and I believe wholeheartedly that I am now leaving its doors a better person than when I went in.… While my future remains to be written, I know that returning to Summit will be on the backburner of my mind and that my time here will always hold a special place in my heart. While I came to Summit with the main intention of offering my services, I left more fulfilled in mind, body and spirit than I ever imagined I would be and with friendships, experiences and a host of great memories to carry with me on my journey home.

more info about oLITE! photo: Tom Gibson

JOIN US for a course in 2013! COURSE Israel Service & Trekking Wilderness Instructor Mt. Rainier Go for It! Leadership Expedition (21 Day) Adventure Leadership Adventures in Fatherhood

DATES May 18-25 June 1-12 June 23-27 June 26-30 July 8-28 July 20-28 July 24-28

AGES 18+ 18+ 18+ 16+ 16+ 16+ 12+

ATTENTION past Summit Adventure staff: Coming this summer: SASAO! Have you spent a summer sleeping on a wooden platform? Have you stored the entirety of your personal belongings in a 24-foot2 closet called a “cubby”? Have you crossed your arms while some guy named “Swampy” blessed your dinner? If so, then we have an opportunity specifically designed for you! This summer, we will offer the first annual “Summit Adventure Staff Alumni Opportunity” (SASAO)! We realize the type of zaniness that results from putting more than one former Summit instructor in the same room, but we’ve decided to risk it. This course will take place in the Ansel Adams Wilderness at a reduced cost. Whether you were bros with Hansel or employed more recently, join us on this gathering of some of the strangest people to ever walk this planet! ue mos t uniq


Call Summit Adventure today: 559-642-3899. Or, email


Check out the NEW Summit Adventure website!

Many thanks to web designer Brian Roberson for his excellent work on Summit Adventure’s new website! Visit to experience the new site.


Updates from Past Staff Corinna Clymer Olson is currently working teaching Maasai

community organizations how to work better together. She and her husband Doug are in Kenya for three years working with Mennonite Central Committee. They welcome visitors in “this lovely land where, yes, there are a few big mountains”—Kilimanjaro and Kenya, plus some local volcanoes. Check out their blog for pictures and stories:

photos: Corinna Clymer Olson

Bryan and Lisa Estelle are busy raising their three kids, two of

which are off at universities. Lisa is now a practicing Physical Therapy Assistant working very hard in Escondido, California. Bryan is an ordained minister and professor teaching at Westminster Seminary California; he is very busy with research, writing and teaching.

The Summit Adventure 2011 & 2012 Moun 16

Thanks to God for providing over the past year with 3 Ecuador courses, 1 Joshua Tree and L.A. course, 5 open enrollment courses, 5 custom courses and an ISAS semester! Thank him also for his provision through hundreds of generous donors.


Psalm 33:6-9 ESV By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and by the breath of his mouth all their host. He gathers the waters of the sea as a heap; he puts the deeps in storehouses. Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him! For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm.

Thanks to God for providing summer staff in 2012 and for the spiritual growth that our staff experienced. Thanks to God for dads deciding to invest in their relationship with their child, families committing to sponsor young students in Ecuador, high school students learning biblical leadership and college students growing in faith through service in 2012. Thanks to God for safety on all courses in 2012. Please ask that our Lord would bring the participants through Summit’s doors with needs that he can use us to meet in 2013. Please pray that the Summit staff and board would always “seek first the kingdom” as we manage the organization and plan for the future. Please pray for our upcoming courses in Ecuador and Joshua Tree/L.A. in January and March! Pray for instructor wisdom and energy and for participants to be open to learn whatever God has in mind for them through their experience.

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Thank You to our 2011 and 2012 Donors!

Greg Achenbach, Ferrone & Ferrone Adams, Jerrene Adams, Ginger & Matt Allen, Jim Allen, Ron & Joyce Allin, Mark & Rebecca Allison, American Endowment Foundation, Justin & Kristen Andersen, Debra Anderson, Terje & Barbara Andreassen, Alice Andrews, Lawrence Arledge, Dean & Leah Armstrong, David Ashcraft, Steve & Debra Atkins, William & Marion Atkins, Austin Community Foundation, Caitlin Baird, Anneliese Bajema, Robert & Denise Baptista, Todd & Jeanette Barker, Ed & Amy Barnes, Hubert & Lou Barnhardt III, David & Martha Barton, Geraldine Bayes, Beverly Beadle, Daniel & Wendy Beadle, Thomas & Janet Beal, Jeffrey Beaumont, David & Jill Bedell, Doug & Dawn Bedell, Brenda Behnke, Michael Berg, Lowell Beyeler, Beyond The Mark Foundation, Ben & Jan Blanton, Stephen Blount, Gloria Bolton, Bruce & Sharon Bottomley, Peter Bourgeois, Michael & Patricia Bradley, Russell & Juli Bradshaw, James & Lydia Brady, Elizabeth Brockman, Ralph & Cynthia Brown, Steven & Imelda Buck, James & Lisa Burkhardt, Gerald Burns, Katie Burns, Laura Burns, Jeff & Sally Busby, Bob & Judith Buschman, Wayne & Carolyn Byrne, Matthew Caesar, Sandra Caldwell, D.N. & Eva Camarata, Alan & Pauline Campbell, Andrew Carberry, John Carr, G.P. & Suzanne Cech, Stephanie Challis, Donald Chan, Jeff & Nadean Charonnat, Charton Insurance Services, Inc., Emily Cloud, Laurie Conkright, Patricia Conradi, John & Paige Conway, Lance & Sonja Cooper, Dow & Mary Costa, David & Katrina Cowen, Phil & Cindy Cramer, Rhyan Crowell, Robert & Colleen Cummings, James Cunningham, Dennis & Mary Cupery, Neil & Wanda Curry, Kevin & Meg Cusack, Marvin & Marcella Dalla Rosa, Thomas & Gretchen Dalzell, Dean & Julie Danielson, Michael & Elizabeth Darby, Frances Davis, Spencer Davis, Al & JoAnne DeLaRoche, Nathan Derstine, Dan & Sarah Donahue, Amy Dougherty, Doris Drooger, Jairemy & Pamela Drooger, Rebecca Drooger, Thomas & Jean Drooger, Paul Dubie, Rick Dutra, Jeff & Patricia Dyson, Steve & Sharon Ebersole, Brianna Edmonds, Doris Edmonds, Gary Edmonds, Kevin & Sandy Edmonds, Patricia Elliot, Chris & Liz Ellis, Epiphany Anglican Fellowship, Eric & Susan Erickson, Jay Evarts, Alan & Alison Ewert, Martin & Gillian Faith, Scott & Annette Falkowski, David & Janet Fauls, Nancy & Len Fazio, Brian Felsman, Dennis & Jane Fennessey, RG & Shirley Fernando, Robert & Suzanne Ferroggiaro, Bill Fish, Dennis L. Fisher, Gary Fisher, Gary & Katy Fluitt, Foothills Pool Service, Dewey & Cheri Fore, Robert Foster, Ron & Marilyn Francken, James Frank, Susan Frank, Greg & Stefanie Franklin, Katharine Friel, Jeff & Kelli Frykholm, Charles Fuller, Michael & Cassie Gallagher, Robert & June Gallagher, Jay & Lisa Gandy, Charles & Robin Garber, Jimmy Garcia, Karmyn Garcia, Craig & Julie Gay, Kathryn Gentry, Mary Gibbons, Thomas & Chris Gibson, Michael & Janet Giles, Melissa Gober, Richard Goldenson, Fred Gordon, Terry & Cecilia Goudy, Carol Gouviea, George & Kathy Grange, Adam Gray, Tonja Gray, David Grenda, Steve & Dawn Grider, Glen Grossman, Brad Groves, Sandra & James Guinn, Jennifer Gurecki, Richard & Kathie Hale, Aurea Halford, Edwin Hall, Robert Hammer, David & Allison Hamrin, Leonard Hanna IV, Bill Hansen, James & Jeannie Hardesty, Charles & Andra Hardy, Margery & Douglas Hardy, Matt & Jennifer Hardy, Brett Harris, Chester & Kristy Harris, Paul & Christine Harris, Richard & Susan Harris, Don Harwell, Jon & Vicki Haydon, Bret & Jennifer Hazelrigs, Tim Heintz, Holly Heinz, Kevin & Eileen Heneghan, Charles & Janet Henry, Clifford & Judy Henry, Glen & Deeanne Henry, Peter & Michelle Hering, Silas & Barbara Hering, Wayne & Elaine Hershberger, Joseph & Julie Hilliard, Lee Hillman, Thomas & Barbara Hoffner, Scott & Patricia Holder, Eric & Lavonn Hostetler, Robert & Eloise Hostetler, Bob Hothem, Jessica Hudson, Mark & Lisa Hufford, Kirk & Laura Huizenga, Paul & Ardis Huizenga, The Hunt Corporation, Christopher & Meggie Inouye, Katrina Ireland, Edward Peb & Sharon Jackson, Paula Jackson, Robert Jackson, Richard & Chardette Jameson, John Jenks, Don & Shelly Jensen, Mark & Rita Jensen, Timothy & Elma Jessen, John & Lisa Jesser, Christopher Job, Cheri Johnson, David & Tamara Johnson, Hamilton & Mary Johnston, Larry Johnstone, Karen Kaehr, Jeff Kahler, Daniel Kaufman, Alan & Margaret Kaun, Dan Keelin, Christopher & Carey Kelly, Rosemary Kent, Gary & Barbara Kerr, Corey & Kathie Kidder, Shane & Karen Kidwell, George & Darleen Kildow, Jonathan Kniss, David Kupfer, John Kusterer, David & Stephanie Ladd, Steve & Jeanie Laird, Gregory Lankston, II, Charles & A. Turid Larson, Glen & Karen Lauterbach, Mark Lavan, Robert & Susan Lavan, Thomas Lavan, Virginia Lavan-Taylor, Clyde Leahy, James & Lori Leaman, Allan & Karen Lee, Wing Kwong Lee, Michael & Heidi Lenderink, Adrian & Nelda Leon, Eric Lewis, John Linck, Anastacia Lincoln, Mark Littrell, The Logos Fund Of The Luzerne Foundation, Jeff & Melissa Loritz, Angela Lowe, Kimberly Nye Lowe, Richard & Jodi Lowell, Jonathan & Ruth Lu, Frank & Valerie Lucio, Anita Luster, Devon Lyles, Chuck & Donna Lyman, Michael Lynn, Don & Janice MacAlpine, Kevin & Mary Mackey, William & Kathryn Mallison III, James & Gayle Maloch, Micah Mann, Charline Manning, Regis & Jan Marinier, Rudy Markmiller, Chris & Claudia Marsh, Heloise Marsh, John & Kathe Matlock, Loren Heath McAlister, David McClure, Gil & Leona McCormick, Carrie & Jon McGown Nolan, Scott & Elizabeth McGuire, David & Elizabeth McKean, Matt & Elizabeth McKinley, Dan & Janice McKinnon, Terrill McMillan, Gavin McPhie, Chuck & Carol Meek, Paul & Carolyn Melgard, Peter & Marjorie Meredith, Andrew Metz, Stan Miller, Glenn & Lori Millner, Robin Mittelstaedt, Courtney Moore, Mary Beth & Michael Moore, Richard & Lucy Moorman IV, Beth & James Motz, Bob & Tina Mulhern, Lisa Nash, Ken & Layne Neumeyer, David & Judy Neunuebel, David & Cindy New, Richard & Barbara Nicholson, William Nolte, Alan & Janet Nye, Benjamin Nye, Kim Nye, Thomas Nye, David & Tamera Ogden, Sandra O’Keefe, Leslie Olson, Zakary Ostertag, Michelle Ott, Charlotte & James Ottley, Graham & Sarah Ottley, Christopher & Virginia Otto, Cindy Outlaw, Richard & Ann Owen, Dell Owens, Michael & Lorna Owens, Gary Palma D.D.S., Donald Parker, Gregg & Maril Parker, Joshua & Laura Payne, Roger Peck, Mark & Kali Pelham, Esther Pereira, Max & Jill Perlman, James & Margit Perry, David & Mary Pessaran, Gary & Julie Peters, Gregory & Christina Peters, Emily Petersen, Hope Petersen, Bryce Peterson, Jody Pfotenhauer, Philippi Mennonite Church, Nathan Phillips, William Phillips, David Pickering, Kathy Pickrell, Angela & Benjamin Piech, Gary & Patty Pietila, Mark & Jane Pinniger, Dennis & Barbara Plies, Caleb Pocock, Kevin & Cindy Poe, David & Laura Poisson, Benuel Post, Mark & Jill Prather, Tammy & Justin Provost, William Rachels, Jerry & Ina Lou Rackley, Jerry & Lisa Rackley, Laura Rackley, Jenny Rainwater, Richard Ramsey, Tiffany Randall, Keith Rasmussen, David & Heidi Reed, James Reed, John Reese, Gretchen Retteghieri, Ken & Kristen Rey, Michael Reynolds, William & Linda Reynolds, Daniel & Leslie Richard, Sheri Rieffanaugh, Robert Ritchie, Benjamin Ritter, Dennis Ritter, Paula Rivera, Rex & Sandy Robbins, Brian Roberson, James Robison, Tom & Sara Robison, Manuel & Evelyn Robles-Gil, William & Cherie Roff, Michael & Kathy Rollinson, John Ross, Russell & Heather Rowley, Elizabeth Ruhland, The Saint Paul Foundation, John & Suzanne Saleeby, Robert Samples, Anthony & Coleen Scales, Jimmie Schleh, Gerry & Pam Schnackenberg, Sally Schneider, Ronald & Mary Schuster, Gary & Amee Scott, Paul Scott, Stephen & Gwen Seccombe, Geoff Shell, Jon & Kathy Sheperd, William & Sonja Shoemaker, David & Carol Shutley, Scott & Cheryl Simpson, Lee & Karen Sisk, Daryl Smith, Doris Smith, Kathleen Smith, Mark N. Smith, Michele Smith, Tom & Carey Smith, Ted Snider Jr., Denise Snow, Leslie Snow, Ryan Snow, Ben Speicher, Jane Spellman, Omar & Sandra Spina, David & Leslie Spinelli, Kelli Stansell, Robert & Robin Stansell, Gretchen Stengel, Kevin & Mamie Stichter, Rebekah Stiling, Rodney & Ruth Stiling, Jon Summers, Monica & John Suriano, William & Margaret Suters, Richard Sutter, Christopher & Valerie Tallent, Joseph & Karen Tansill, Tates Creek Presbyterian Church, Russell Taylor, Scott Thomas, Stephen Thomas, Brian Thompson, Peter & Jana Thomsen, Steven Gino Thorn, Sierd & Mary Tilma, David & Laura Timby, Jeff & Jennie Tindall, Richard & Sue Tobey, Trinidad & Rosemary Torralba, Marc & Rhonda Tower, E. P.Tremblay, Charles Tripp, Heidi Tungseth, Brandon Turley, Tod & Lindie Turley, Universal Protection Service, LP, Rev. D.A. Vandenberg, Jerry & Diane Vanderlugt, WElisa “Mo” VanDerPuy, Shirley VanLeuven Harris, Anneke VanLeuven, Carlton & Ruthann VanLeuven, Andy Verbil, Craig & Jill Vonilten, Lara Walker, Pete & Judy Wallace, Rick & Joanne Wallace, Robert & Phyllis Walton, John & Geri Warkentin, Will & Janie Weatherford, Michael & Margaret Webb, Kevin & Denise Weber, Judy Lynn Weed, Matt Grainger Weidenfeller, Marc Weinstein, Nancy H. Welsh, Ronald & Janet Whitley, Christopher & Amy Whitlock, Monica Whitmire, Carrie Williams, Hardy Winburn, Stephen Winchell, James Wirick, Robert Wise Jr., Wyatt Wishart, William & Danielle Witherington, Patricia Witthauer, Lonnie Wolff, Greg Wondra, John Woodhall, Randy Woodward, Virginia Woolley, Tamio Yamaguchi, Terry Yoshimura, Hokon Yun, Jamie Zackavitch, Dave & Debbie Zillig, Steven Zuckerman

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