My Favorites Help Guide
My Favorites: The My Favorites tab, located within My Learn360, allows users to organize their favorite content into categories for convenience. Users can organize videos, video clips, audio clips, links, podcasts and blogs.
Adding content to your My Favorites Content: Adding content to My Favorites allows users to organize their favorite videos, audio files and podcasts in one location for easy access. Any video, video clip and/or audio clip can be added directly to the folder from the viewing page. The quickest way to add content to My Favorites is from the video or audio streaming page. When users are viewing or listening to the video/audio file, they have the option to add it directly to their My Favorites tab. ●●
While the user is on the Player Page click + Add to Favorites (circled to the right).
The video or audio file will then be added to the user’s My Favorite Content.
To view the content from the My Favorites Content section (located in the My Favorites tab) the user must first click the My Learn360 tab and then enter the My Favorites tab.
Once in the My Favorites tab the user can view the content by clicking the View link under the content they wish to view.
My Favorites Links: You can add links to other web sites to your My Favorites Links in order to help supplement student activities, and organize your most frequently used sites.
Help Guide
To add a link, simply click on + New Link
A pop-up will appear (to the right), type in a name/ title, brief description and url.
When the correct information has been entered, click Add Link, and the link will be saved for the user to view at any time by going to the My Favorites tab.
My Favorite Podcasts: In this section, Learn360 users can organize their favorite podcasts. ●●
Click on Browse Shared. The Browse Shared Podcast window will appear (to the right).
Select a favorite podcasts from those that have been shared.
To do this, the user must type in the keyword of the topic they are searching for (if the user would like to preview the podcast, click the View link under the podcast intended for pre-view).
The user must then check the box of the podcast they wish to add to their favorites and click Add Selected to My Favorite Podcasts.
Viewing Favorites: ●●
In the My Favorites folder users will find the media files they have added.
To view the file, the user must click the View link under the title of the file they wish to look at.
This will open up the media file and allow the user to view it.
Help Guide
Deleting Favorites ●●
To remove items from your favorites, check the box next to the title of the item intended for deletion.
Then, click Delete Selected.
If you need any additional help, contact our support team at 1-877-279-4090