Suncaida Junior Rangers, Parent Handbook

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Know Before You Go………………………………………..Pg. 3-4 • • • • • • •

How To Book Sessions Where To Meet Jr. Ranger Programming Things To Know Cancellation Policy Camper Policy

Pricing ……….…………………………………………………….Pg. 4 Camp Cell Phone……….……………………………………..Pg. 4 Questions……….………………………………………………..Pg. 4 Jr. Ranger Registration Form…………………………….Pg. 5-6 Campcadia Prescription Medicine Release & Emergency Medical Treatment Release………………………………Pg. 7

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HOW TO BOOK- Pre-registration by calling the Concierge at (509) 649-6461. SESSIONS- NOTE: Daily sessions are not offered year-round, daily schedule offerings are subject to change based on seasonality. *See Concierge and Activity Guide for hours of operation. • 9:00am-12:00pm • 1:00pm-4:00pm • 9:00am-4:00pm • 6:00pm-9:00pm DROP OFF & PICK UP- Campers can be picked-up/dropped-off 10 minutes prior to the start/end time of each session. WHERE TO MEET- Meet at Campcadia for your child’s scheduled session, located next to the driving range. JR. RANGER PROGRAMMING- The Junior Rangers program consists of 13 creative themes, each one curated for children to inspire outdoor exploration, safety in the wilderness, and seeking adventure. With the activities rotating daily, returning Junior Rangers will discover something new with each session they attend. THINGS TO KNOW • Important: Review the daily schedule for the session(s) that your child will be attending and the description of the activities that they will be participating in throughout the day. • What to Wear: The majority of our activities are active and we recommend clothing that allows your child to move comfortably and easily. Dresses and slip-on shoes are strongly discouraged. • Winter Sessions: Please ensure your child is prepared with weather-clothing that is suitable for outdoor and/or snow activities; such as a coat, snow pants, snow boots, a hat and gloves. • Summer Sessions: Please ensure your child is prepared with any necessary aquatic swimwear and/or gear for visits to the pool; such as a swimsuit, goggles, and sunscreen. Towels and floaties are recommended but not necessary. • Please take into consideration that it’s cooler in the mornings and evenings, (even in the spring and summer), sending your child with a jacket or sweater is always a good idea! JR. RANGER LUNCH PROGRAM- Campers who attend all day Jr. Ranger Programs will be served lunch at 12:30pm. Lunch must be pre- ordered at the time of booking. CANCELLATION POLICY • Cancellations must be made 24 hours prior to start time of scheduled session, otherwise you will be charged the full price of the session. • Programs are subject to cancellation if no prior reservations have been received, or if there are two or less campers booked for that session.

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CAMPER POLICY Campers must be 4 years old and fully potty trained. They must arrive with appropriate clothing and attire to participate in all activities and with all completed paper work. If these requirements are not met your child may be turned away, refunds will not be given for this purpose.

PRICING GUEST TYPE 3 HOUR SESSIONS FULL DAY SESSIONS $55 $99 Non-Resort Guest Resort Guests $50 $95 Members $48 $90 CAMP CELL PHONE- 509-304-8216 JR. RANGER RULES • Be RESPECTFUL to others at ALL TIMES • Speak kind and nice words • Keep hands at your side • No kicking, hitting, fighting, shoving, or biting. • Campers need to stay with the group at all times. • HAVE FUN QUESTIONS- Please contact the Concierge at 509-649-6461

MULTI- CAMPER DISCOUNT 10% off per camper 20% off per camper 20% off per camper

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JR. RANGER REGISTRATION FORM (pg 1 of 2) I understand that this program is unable to accept children under 48 months old (4yrs) or children that are not fully potty trained. I also understand that I will be asked to pick-up my child, if either instance occurs. Int. ______ I’m aware of what time the program ends and understand I will be assessed a late charge of $15/per child if 10 minutes or later to pick-up my child(ren). Additional $5/per child per 5-minutes thereafter. Int. ______ PLEASE PRINT: Name of Child Age _______ Birth Date Name of Child Age _______ Birth Date Name of Child Age _______ Birth Date Name of Parent or Legal Guardian Permanent Address Street City State Zip Home Phone # E-mail Address Suncadia Address Does anyone else have authority to pick-up your child? Yes € No € If Yes, please list: Name: ____________________________ Relationship: ___________________ Name: ____________________________ Relationship:___________________ Name:_____________________________ Relationship:___________________ I understand that the above named child may be transported in a company vehicle off of Suncadia property for the purpose of medical treatment or emergency evacuation situation Int._______

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JR. RANGER REGISTRATION FORM (pg 2 of 2) My child may leave the CampCadia facility to walk, bike, swim or be transported in a company vehicle to participate in field trips. In addition, I know they may leave Suncadia property on field trips. Int._______ My child may be photographed for program projects, classroom displays and publicity purposes. Int._______ Does your child have permission to participate in S’mores at the Lodge? Yes € No € For those 12 and over, do they have permission to leave by themselves to return to their room? Yes € No € Although not an emergency, some children experience mild separation anxiety. Would you like to be contacted if your child asks for you or is not adjusting well to the program? Yes € No € (Note: You will be contacted if your child experiences severe or uncontrollable anxiety) I give permission to the staff at CampCadia to apply sunscreen to my child Yes € No € If yes, provide special instructions for application if necessary If no, you must apply sunscreen prior to leaving your child in the care of CampCadia staff. In the event of an emergency, where might you be located? _____ Emergency Phone #’s _______________________ ______________________ ________________ I hereby make application for my child to participate in the Suncadia Junior Ranger Program. I acknowledge that I assume responsibility for my child’s safety and well being during Recreation Activities. I further understand that my child will use all property and equipment at his/her own risk and I agree to hold Suncadia Resort LLC., its officers, employees and agents harmless from any and all claims, damage, personal injury or other loss of any kind whatsoever, which might occur arising out of the use of equipment by my child. I also assume full responsibility for any damage to any equipment resulting from misuse or abusive use. Parent or Legal Guardian (Please Print) ________________________________ Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian Date

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CAMPCADIA PRESCRIPTION MEDICINE RELEASE & EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT RELEASE Our program is designed to accommodate healthy, active children. We do not dispense over the counter medicines. If a child needs to take a prescription medication while in our care, the medication must be in the original bottle with the doctor’s prescribed instructions. Our staff will not administer any needle related medications, such as epinephrine or diabetic injections unless child is experiencing severe or life threatening symptoms. We require that your child be sufficiently trained to administer these types of injections in case of need or an emergency situation. Child’s Name: _______________________________ Age:___________________________ Medical Insurance Company Policy/Group (if known) # Name of Medication: ______________________________________________________________ Time to be administered: ___________________________________________________________ Directions for Administering Medicine (should match doctor’s instructions on the bottle) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Any known side effects or reactions to be aware of? Yes € No € If Yes, please list: _______________________________________________________________________________ Does your child have any allergies or chronic illnesses? Yes € No € If yes, list each child(s) name and explain _____________ I understand that Suncadia Resort, LLC. will use its best judgment in determining emergency care and procedures for the above named child; including requesting ambulance transportation. I also, understand that Suncadia Resort, LLC. has no provisions for expenses incurred in carrying out emergency procedures and / or ambulance transportation. In case of illness, accident or emergency to the child named above, Suncadia Resort, LLC. is authorized to obtain immediate medical treatment as may be necessary or advisable for the health and well-being of my child. Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian Date

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