Suncadia Junior Golf Clinic 2019

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JUNIOR GOLF CLINIC Classes are open to any junior golfers with interest in learning the game of golf. Students do not have to belong to Suncadia or be staying on the resort.



Designed for children age 9 and under that have very little to no experience with the game of golf. This class will be five; one and a half hour classes and teach the junior golfer the basics of rules, safety and etiquette of the game of golf along with basic understanding of the full swing, chipping and putting. At the end of this class junior golfers will need to demonstrate the basic rules, safety and etiquette on the golf course (Golf Park) in order to advance to Level II Classes. Students must pass the Level I class to enroll in a Level II class.


SESSION I: • Tuesdays: July 9, 16, 23, 30 & Aug. 6 • 4:00-5:30pm SESSION II: • Wednesdays, July 10, 17, 24, 31, & Aug. 7 • 6:00-7:30pm

PRICE: $195 (per child, per session) CLASS SIZE: 6:1 Student to Teacher ratio, with a minimum of 4 students and a max. of 24 students.


Designed for the junior golfers who have played the game and need to refine their skills in full swing, chipping and putting. In this class, pitching and sand play techniques will be introduced along with on course playing opportunities.

SESSION I: • Tuesdays: July 9, 16, 23, 30 & Aug. 6 • 6:00-7:30pm SESSION II: • Wednesdays, July 10, 17, 24, 31, & Aug. 7 • 4:00-5:30pm

PRICE: $195 (per child, per session) CLASS SIZE: 6:1 Student to Teacher ratio, with a minimum of 4 students and a max. of 24 students.

REGI ST ER BY JUNE 30, 201 9 T O R E G I S T E R , P L E A S E C O N TA C T: S U N C A D I A G O L F @ D E S T I N AT I O N H OT E L S .C O M OR CALL: (509) 649-6455

GOLFat SUNCADIA.COM • (866) 715-5050

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