SUNCADIA Ac t i v i t y g u i d e • WINTER 2 0 1 6
January A d e st i n at i o n h ot e l
Jan. 23:
DUMMY DOWNHILL PRE-FUNK BAR & BRUNCH @ t he INN at SUNCADIA Locat ed i n The Lodge at SuN c a d ia Ph o ne : 509.6 49.6 473
• BreakfastDaily: 6:30am-11:00am • LunchDaily: 11:00am-3:00pm • Dinner- Sun-Thurs: 5:00pm-9:00pm Fri & Sat: 5:00pm-10:00pm
February Fe b . 7:
Super Bowl Sunday Fe b . 9:
Mardi Gras sp ecials at Fifty- 6 ° Fe b . 14 :
Valentine’s Day Locat ed i n The Lod g e at SuN c a d ia Ph o ne : 509.6 49.6 474
• Sun-Thurs: • Fri & Sat:
3:00pm-10:00pm 11:00am-11:00pm
S P ECIA L L i m i t e d M e n u o ff e r i n g s at p o r ta l s e v e r y F r i , S at & S u n t h r o u g h o u t t h e m o n t h o f F e b r u a r y
March Mar. 13:
Owner’s Menu Tasting Mar. 17: LOUNGE
St. Patrick’s Day specials @ Fifty-6°
Locat ed at the i n n at s un c a d ia
Mar. 22:
Ph o ne : 509.6 49.6 403
201 6 Portals Menu Release
• Thurs-Tues: 11:00am-7:00pm Closed Wednesdays * S U B J ECT TO CHANGE , P L EA S E CA L L IN ADVANCE
Mar. 26:
Breakfast with the Bunny Mar. 27:
COAL HOUSE CAFFE G i f t S h o p , E s p r ess o , F o o d , S u n d r i es
Easter Brunch @ Portals Restau rant
Lo c at e d i n The Lod g e at SuN c a d ia P h o ne: 50 9.6 49.6 475
• Sun-Thurs: 6:30am-3:00pm • Fri-Sat: 6:30am-5:00pm
J o i n Us f o r t h e A n n u a l
Suncadia Community Easter Egg Hunt March 26, 2016, 9:30am at t h e H i sto r i c N e l s o n Fa r m
E S T. | 2 0 1 5
at t h e s unc ad i a c lu b sw i m & fi t n e ss c e n t e r
Please Call the Concierge for H o u r s o f Op e r at i o n , 5 0 9 . 6 4 9 . 6 4 6 1
a t g l a d e sp r i n g sp a
mani /pedi M o n days
Sched u l e a manicu re ,
receive a complimentary polish change on your toes.* Sched u l e a ped icure ,
receive a complimentary polish change on your hands.* Sched u l e a manicu r e & p e d i c ure
receive a complimentary Spa Day Pass for a return visit. *Requires additional 20min add-on to service.
tranquility T u e s days
Receive a complimentary gift with service with any of the following Tranquility Treatments Tranquility Manicure - $75 Tranquility Pedicure - $95 Tranquility Face & Body Ritual - $200 tr anqu il ity Packag e s :
Manicure & Pedicure – $140 ( $170 value ) Mani, Pedi, and Face & Body Ritual – $320 ( $370 value)
W e d n e sdays J ou rney to Wel l ne ss
Massage - 50min/$140 or 80min/$200 Body Scrub - 50min/$140 w el l ness package s :
50min Massage & 50min Scrub – $230 ($280 value ) 50min Scrub & 80min Massage – $280 ($340 value)
sip savor & spa Enjoy a glass of prosecco, small Mountain Mezza board or Fruit & Cheese plate and all the spa amenities for the entire day!
Su nday – T h u rsday $ 60
therapeutic t h u r s days
Sched u l e any of these therapeu t i c t re at m e n ts ,
receive a complimentary Spa Day Pass for a return visit. Therapeutic Mud Wrap - 80min/$200 Detox Slimming Body Wrap - 80min/$200 Anti-Aging Body Facial - 80min/$200
fabulous F RI DAYS
P l e a s e c a ll t h e S PA c o n c i e r g e at 5 0 9 . 6 4 9 . 6 47 0 f o r h o u r s o f o p e r at i o n a n d to s c h e d u l e a t r e at m e n t.
Schedule any 80min facial treatment and receive a complimentary collagen mask add-on to your service.
Sw i m & F i t n e ss C e n t e r
Do Well , Be Well welcome to 2016! The Suncadia Club Swim & Fitness Center has many new wellness and recreational offerings for 2016, and we are glad that you are a part of it! From our enhanced group fitness class offerings, KidsFit programming, to our weekend aqua sports tournaments and our all-new Small Group Trainings, the Swim & Fitness Center will be where you, and your family, will want to spend the entire weekend. Staying “in the know” has never been easier or more convenient that with MINDBODY Connect! Download MINDBODYConnect on your mobile device (phone or tablet), to stay up to date on everything happening at the club. Plus, you can book all of our offerings right from your device in as little as 5 seconds. Don’t forget to download MINDBODYConnect today!
special events.... 3 rd Annual NFL Workout Feb. 7, 2016, 8:00am It’s back again! Join us Superbowl morning for an NFL combine workout! We will start with a dynamic warm-up, then move into basic and advanced football drills, strength building, and plyometrics. There’s no better way to start off Superbowl!
Live in Love Partner Yoga Feb. 14, 2016, 8:00am It’s Valentine’s Day, and what better way to draw closer to the one you love than with an Ayurvedic partner yoga practice. This form of yoga will increase communication and trust between you and your parter, while still fostering a thorough practice. During the session your senses will explore the soothing scents of our exclusive Comfort Zone aromatherapy and bath line, as well as Ayervedic-inspired hors d’evours afterwards.
Patty’s Night Out Glow Evolution Swim March 19, 2016, 8:30-10:30pm Fun for the entire family! From St. Patrick’s Day inspired games, great music, and themed food and beverage, this is sure to be an awesome night!
= pre-registration required on
Page 4 • WINTER 2016
For the Weekenders.... Aq ua S ports L eague Join us every Saturday from 10:00am-12:00pm for our Aqua Sports League. Get you, your friends, and family signed up to play Waboba, basketball, or volleyball in our beautiful indoor aquatics facility. Every weekend is different, so check out MINDBODYConnect to see the schedule, and get signed up. *Minimum four (4) and/or two (2) teams of two.
In-Room & IN-Home Personal Training Too busy to make it to the Swim & Fitness Center for a workout? Let us bring the facility to you! We offer one, two, and three package personal and small group training packages especially for the busy “weekend warriors” that want a customized program that fits your fitness level and goals. As with all our personal and small group trainings your consultation is complimentary, and can be booked using MINDBODYConnect.
GROUP FITNESS.... Geared towards those that like to get a great workout, and be social at the same time, our group fitness classes are as fun and they are challenging. With over 10 different classes to choose from between Saturday and Sunday you are sure to find one – or a few – that fit your schedule. Sign up on MINDBODYConnect!
KidsFit Getting kids involved in their own wellness can be challenging. With KidsFIT at Suncadia Club we do all the work for you with engaging nutrition and group fitness classes, speaking in a language that kids can understand so they can take charge of their own life wellness. We have various programs to choose from and the entire schedule is available on MINDBODYConnect. *Minimum four (4) - Ages 8-12 ONLY
Please Be Mindful G e n e r a l Fac i l i t y I n f o r m at i o n Always check in with our front desk associates before enjoying the amenities. No children in the facility before 10:00am DAILY. No children under the age of 16 are allowed in the facility without an adult 18 years of age or older present. No outside food, beverage, or coolers are allowed inside the facility our outdoor pool deck. After your visit please place all towels in the towel bins located around the facility. Failure to abide by the posted and/or written rules and regulations may result in your removal from the facility.
hours of operation Facility Sun–Thurs: 6:00am-7:00pm Fri & Sat: 6:00am-8:00pm
Aquatics Mon – Thurs: Lap Swim: 6:00-10:00am (AGE 16+ ONLY)
Open Swim: 10:00am-6:45pm
For the shoppers....
Valentine’s Weekend Sale - Feb. 12-14, 2016 Buy One, Get One 1/2 Off all a la mode™, Primal Elements®, and Suncadia® Collection bath and body products.
Great American Clean-Up
Throughout the month of March, in support of the Keep America Beautiful Foundation, get 25% off all Torrain® and Alchemy Goods® bags and wallets.
Spring Cleaning Sale - March 20-27, 2016 40% off all winter retail
Fri & Sat: Lap Swim: 6:00-10:00am (AGE 16+ ONLY)
Open Swim: 10:00am-7:45pm
WATERSlideS: Fri: 3:00pm-7:00pm Sat: 12:00pm-6:00pm
For pricing and more information, please call the suncadia club swim & fitness center at
5 0 9 - 6 4 9 - 6 1 4 0.
recreation @ Suncadia ROPE TOW INNER TUBING HILL Experience the thrill of the hill on an inner tube with a rope tow return. Enjoy a hot chocolate while planning your next downhill strategy. Inner tube included with lift ticket purchase (no private sleds allowed). Waiver required for participation. Minimum height requirement is 42”, minimum age requirement is 3yrs old. Adult and child must ride tube alone for safety reasons. No pets allowed on the hill. Tubing Punch Passes: $20/10 rides, $15/each additional 10 rides Hours of Operation: (w e at h e r d e p e n d e n t )
extended Hours: Jan 18: 10am-4pm Feb. 15-19 10am-4pm
Ice Skating During your winter visit please take advantage of our ice skating located at the Village Pavilion. We have morning, afternoon and evening sessions, skate rentals provided. Warm yourself by the fire-pit while sipping hot chocolate or making s’mores to round out your winter memories. Waiver required for all participation. Please contact the Concierge at 509.649.6461 for questions. Season passes available and discount if you bring your own skates. Price per session: $13-age 12 & under, $16-age 13 & older All day skate passes: $20-age 12 & under, $25-age 13 & older Hours of Operation: (we at h e r d e p e n d e n t )
Fridays: 6pm - 9pm Saturdays: 10am - 1pm, 2pm - 5pm, 6pm - 9pm Sundays: 10am - 1pm extended Hours: Jan. 17: Jan. 18: Feb. 14: Feb. 15-18: Feb. 19:
2pm - 5pm, 6pm - 9pm 10am - 1pm 2pm - 5pm, 6pm-9pm 10am - 1pm, 2pm - 5pm, 6pm - 9pm 10am - 1pm, 2pm - 5pm
Snowmobile Tours Enjoy the pristine winter beauty and backcountry scenery on a guided adventure suitable for all ages and ability levels. The tours are approx. 2 hours long with shuttle transportation and full face helmets provided. Please dress for a day in the snow, including water resistant/water proof coat, pant, boots, and gloves. 4 rider minimum per tour. Advance reservations required. Please contact the Concierge for reservations or more information, 509.649.6461. Single Snowmobile: $195 per person, ages 16+ only Double Snowmobile:
$230 total for driver w/ a passenger age 16+ $205 total for driver w/ a passenger under age 15
Sleigh Rides with Three Peaks Outfitters Hear the soothing clippity clop of hooves as you ride through Suncadia in a sleigh pulled by our gentle Percheron horses Tip & Lucky. Reservations are recommended, please contact the Concierge at 509.649.6461. 24-hr cancellation policy. Dependent on weather & trail conditions. Cost: $18/adult, $10/children (3-12yrs). Age 2 & under-free (must sit on parent’s lap).
SnowShoe & Brew TOUR Head out with your Suncadia Outdoor Pursuits Guide on a funfilled, energetic 8 mile trek to Roslyn, Wa. Your guide will take you through Suncadia’s beautiful frosted forest, Nelson Farm, the historic Roslyn Cemetery, and then onto the quirky coal mining town of Roslyn, WA. We will stop at Washington’s oldest continuously operating saloon, The Brick Tavern, to quench our thirst with a flight of local crafted brews. Snowshoes and the flight of beer is on us. Ages 21+. Cost: $50 per person.
Introduction to Cross Country Skiing New to x-country skiing? Learn the basic skills necessary to ski comfortably on flat or slightly hilly terrain. On-snow classes will demonstrate skill progression as well as discuss how to dress properly for skiing and the types of skis available. Sessions are 90min and include equipment, instruction, and bottled water. Please dress in warm, cotton-free clothing. Ages 8+. Limit 10 per group. Cost: $155 for groups of 3 or less, $55 each additional person.
Guided Cross Country Ski Tours Explore Suncadia’s surrounding trails and bask in the pristine winter scenery. Tours are great for all skill levels and last about 3 hours. All necessary equipment and bottled water provided. Please dress in layers and bring any extra hats, gloves, or snacks in a small pack. Ages 10+, custom tours are available for families with younger children. Limit 8 per group. Cost: $195 for groups of 3 or less, $59 each additional person.
Off-Property Snowshoe Tours Snowshoeing is one of the fastest growing winter sports in the world; it’s easy, great exercise, and a fun way to enjoy the outdoors. Join us while we explore the beauty of Cle Elum and Roslyn on a guided snowshoe tour customized to suite your ability and fitness level. Tours last about 3 hours, equipment and bottled water provided. Please dress in layers and bring any extra hats, gloves, or snacks in a small pack. Ages 8+. Cost: $150 for groups of 3 or less, $50 each additional person.
Walk & Wade Guided WINTER Fly Fishing The fishing in the winter on the Yakima River can be outstanding, enjoy fishing the local trout streams on foot with one of our expert guides. This 2-3 hour excursion departs from The Lodge at Suncadia and includes all gear, supplies, waders, boots, warm beverages and snacks. If conditions are right, snowshoeing to a remote part of the river can be lots of fun on this trip. A fishing license is necessary and can be provided. Up to 3 anglers per guide. Cost: $95/hour, 2 hours min.
Guided Winter Fly Fishing Drift Trips The best way to experience some great winter fly fishing on the Yakima River is floating in a drift boat. Winter fly fishing can be outstanding with low river flows and crystal clear water. The trout are typically interested in many of the small aquatic insects that are active throughout the winter months. Trips last 4-6 hours and include shuttle, equipment, supplies, waders, boots, a light lunch and warm drinks. A fishing license is necessary and can be provided. No experience necessary, beginners are welcome. Trips available daily, please contact the Concierge to schedule. 509.649.6461. Cost: $375+tax for one or two anglers.
CAMPCADIA CampCadia is all about experiencing all there is to do in Suncadia “kid-style,” with programs that include loads of activities, crafts and field trips all organized in a fun theme. The programming takes into consideration the wide range of ages we serve to ensure fun for all participants! CampCadia has a highly qualified, talented group of facilitators that are committed to ensuring your child has a memorable but safe experience every time. Each of our counselors have passed a thorough background check, and possess food handler’s permits and certifications in both First Aid & CPR.
Introduction to Snowshoeing This adventure is geared toward families and beginners looking for a fun way to explore Suncadia. Your guide will teach you the basics of using snowshoes during a gentle tour that will last about. an hour and a half. Please dress in warm, non-cotton clothing, with warm, waterproof footwear. Equipment and bottled water provided. Limit 10 per group. Cost: $90 for groups of 3 or less, $30 each additional person.
Snacks are included and lunch is provided for the full day program. Campcadia welcomes children ages 4 - 12, and they must be potty trained. We are located at the Activities Center, near the Prospector Driving Range. Pre-registration is required. for Registration & Hours of Operation,
FALL 2015 • Page Please call: 509.649.6461
#SuncadiaSnaps Check o ut your Selfie Stick at t h e co n ci erge desk , Look for t he S el fi e Spot signs & S NAp away ! • Rope Rider Golf Park • Dawson Park & Dog Park • Battista Meadow • Suncadia Village Amphitheater • View of Tipple Hill from Swiftwater Cellars • Julie Speidel Sculptures • Prospector Golf Course #10 Hole • 1,000 Steps at The Lodge • Osprey Ridge Viewing Station • Riverfront Park • The INN at Suncadia Deck • poolside at swim & fit • The Lodge Lookout • Nelson farm • The Fish Shed • 40+ Miles of Trails • the river
SEE . D O. EX P L O RE .
Suncadia Resort suncadia @suncadiaresort
Page 9 • WINTER 2016
WINTER 2016 • Page 10
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c o n tac t u s f o r m o r e i n f o r m at i o n .
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COREY ATHERTON 509-260-1266
Jesus gonzalez 509-674-8965
paula bianchi 509-674-1259
Jeff Gay 509-304-4636
buzz korth 509-649-6108
NANCI KOSS 509-304-4825
jeff rau 509-260-0431
Larry KENNEY 425-681-5529
bob kenney 509-649-6124
MARK RAU 509-649-6123