Good Deeds Magazine
From the Editor
Every Child Has a Story
Renew Your Mind You Can Conquer your Finances
Be Authentic True Real
Introducing Women in History
Riti Desai
Honorable Lynneice O. Washington
Dr. Cassandra Comer
Christiana Williams
Rosetta Sunday
Dr. Renee Sunday
Live Your Best Life
Cover picture: Sculpture honoring the four little girls killed in the 1963 bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church, Birmingham, Alabama - Star Photography 2
Good Deeds Magazine
Renee Ferguson Jones
Matters of the Heart
What’s in Your Heart?
Arnetta Smith
10 Places to Visit in Life
What is Girl It’s Your Life Success Tour
Good Deeds Magazine
From the Editor The magazine you have before you is a true demonstration of Good Deeds every second and every day. It’s a remarkable achievement if we say so ourselves, but it’s particularly a joy given the climate of the world today. The inception of Good Deeds Magazine is to motivate, inspire and be a catalyst in your pathway of purpose. We are thrilled to have a publication to speak to your mind, body and soul. In this issue, we focus on well your well-being and wholeness. Yes, there is finally a publication that focuses on you. Having a strong support system is a must in your purpose. With tenacity, hard work, and a positive attitude, we can do anything. We have taken the mantle to pave the road to opportunities and a real voice to shout from the mountain-top that Good Deeds occur every second of every day. Thank you for entrusting us with this task. We will connect in the next issue. Blessings, Dr. Renee Sunday – The Platform Builder Visionary & Editor
Good Deeds Magazine
Every Child Has a Story Building Confidence & Self-Esteem One Child at a Time
have to admit, I’ve always known that my specifically designed path would lead me right to my purpose. Some people call me strong, but the truth is, that’s not always the case. Being strong is over-rated. Courage, on the other hand, is paramount. I’ve always been courageous.
As far back as I can remember I’ve always felt comfortable talking to people; either one, or hundreds. My mother once told me that I was born talking. Can you imagine that? Words have always attracted my attention…they create a visual picture in my mind and come to life in true color.
Reading books is still my favorite pastime. I have never been afraid to speak up, but I know what that fear looks like on the face of a child. Imagine sitting in class avoiding the teacher’s attention so she won’t call on you. Keeping your head down, and even though you know the answers to her questions, you’re praying she doesn’t call your name. But she does, and now you have to stand in front of the whole class to answer the question. Your throat is dry, your hands are sweaty, and you just want to run out of class and go home. Thoughts run through your head.
They will laugh at me, I will open my mouth and nothing will come out, I’m going to forget the answer. Have you been there before? My best friend Katie lived in this fear. She was so fearful that she literally got sick… and yes, the class laughed. It’s what kids do when they don’t really understand what just happened. I knew what happened, and I never forgot the look on her face as she ran out of the room. Since then, this scene has played out more times than I care to count. As a child, when I saw the pain and fear of speaking publically on the faces of so many of my classmates, I felt helpless. I
Good Deeds Magazine
didn’t know what to do. However, as an adult, I soon discovered there was a lot I could do. It is through these discoveries that Every Child has as a Story was born. Did you know that low communication skills put our children at risk? At-risk students struggle with communicating their needs, ideas and feelings. Low communication skills lead to diminished self-esteem and self-confidence. These deficiencies are problematic areas for at-risk students. These children eventually shut down or act out inappropriately. By specifically addressing these areas of deficiency in atrisk students, Every Child has a Story has developed programs to move students age eight and up from being at-risk to being successful not only in school, but in life, as well. Our after school programs are making a difference. Three out of four parents agree that afterschool programs give them peace of mind about their children when they are at work. Research shows that with consistent participation in highquality, focused afterschool programs, students have better attendance and work habits, improved behavior, grades and test scores compared to their nonparticipating peers. They also have an increased likelihood of moving on to the next grade level and graduating. Afterschool programs help reduce the achievement gap between students from lower income families and those from families with higher incomes. This means increased and enhanced self- esteem and self-confidence. So, how do you build confidence and selfesteem in children? We do it one child at a time. Every Child
Good Deeds Magazine
has a Story believes that a healthy self-esteem and rocket confidence is a child’s birthright. It’s a superpower every child needs to maneuver life’s peaks and valleys. Developing the ability to use words to convey a clear message to another is the first step towards activating that superpower. Our premier program, Speech Crafters Speech and Debate Club, addresses the development of oral communication skills. The curriculum is structured by levels in which each child moves at their own pace. They learn how to develop a speech and present it with confidence. The debate program allows kids to constructively argue points based on facts and not opinions. This process helps develop conflict resolution skills where children learn that violence is not necessary to solve a conflict. They learn to think for themselves and speak clearly in an easily understood manner.
a Story is a certified 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We are only able to serve the children of our communities through the donations of others. This year we will be hosting our first Kid’s Conference, and expect a few hundred children to participate. Our nine-yearold keynote speaker, along with other young members age eight and up, will help demonstrate the power of stellar communication skills. They will facilitate breakout sessions and instruct their peers on the skills they have learned. We will even conduct a speech contest with independent judges. If you’d like to make a tax deductible donation, simply use this link: https://giv. li/tuksop. You can even text to donate. Simply text the acronym ECHAS to 844544-7171.
Our Writer’s Vibe program addresses the written portion of communication. Once a child finds his voice…they want to use that voice more often. The Writer’s Vibe gives them the opportunity to do just that. The children are taught everything they need to create their stories. These stories are stories only they can write. They become authors whose published books will be easily found on Amazon. com. The royalties belong to the young authors. Once authors, each child will have the opportunity to join the staff of our digital magazine, The Writer’s Vibe. The big vision for this program is to teach publishing skills to kids and allow them to control their own digital magazine.
Our mission is to ensure every child has the tools to develop the skills needed to activate their superpower, develop into leaders our communities need, and live their best life.
Sounds ambitious, I know.
Actually, it isn’t ambitious at all. I understand what the superpowers of healthy self-esteem and high confidence can do for our children. Every Child has
With your help, Every Child has a Story can continue to build confidence and selfesteem one child at a time. We are the bridge connecting families to the village it takes to raise children of the world. For more information visit our website FaceBook: everychildhasastory101
Good Deeds Magazine
Renewing Your Mind: You Can Conqueror Your Finances
he United States is in economic crisis. Employers are downsizing, bankruptcy filings are increasing, student loan rates are shifting upward, lending guidelines are stricter, lots of households have defaulted on debt, and foreclosures are at an all-time high. Contrary to what is often preached, “Yes, you can be a faithful, gifted and tithing Believer and still be affected by the downward shift of the economy.” The Good News is that regardless of your past or current financial status, “In all things, you are more than a conqueror” (Romans 8:37).
Good Deeds Magazine
Financial Freedom does not start with a certain amount of money in your bank account or a detailed financial plan. It starts with a renewed mind.
1. Money is evil.
The apostle Paul wrote, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:12).
3. Money is mine; therefore, I can do whatever I want with it.
In laymen’s terms, in order to conquer your finances; you must change your mindset. Ask yourself a question. “Is my thinking stinking?” Unfavorable financial thoughts lead to unhealthy actions. Below are some “wrong” thoughts about money.
2. Money should be first in my life and it brings long-lasting happiness.
4. When I give (sow), I am losing and not gaining. 5. Making more money is the solution to my financial problems. 6. I have money; therefore, I know everything about money and do not need a financial plan.
Wow, this is stinking thinking! None of these thoughts line up with the Word of God. Satan’s goal, and he’s the Author of Confusion, is to baffle the Body of Christ. If you believe any of these lies about money or have struggled in any of these six areas in the past, it’s ok. God’s truth is available. He is not a man that He should lie. There is liberty in God’s word. “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). So, how do you renew your mind? Cross reference the “wrong thinking” number from above with the “renewed-mind thinking” below. This is God’s truth. From this day forward, meditate on what God says and let His word be the final authority. 1. Money is not evil. “The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil” I Timothy 6:10. 2. Money is never first. “But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” Matthew 6:33. 3. Nothing belongs to you. You are a steward (manager) over money and other things you have been entrusted with. “The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it” Psalm 24:1. 4. There is no loss in giving (sowing into good ground). “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you” Luke 6:38.
5. You must be able to successfully manage the resources you currently have to properly manage more. “You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things” Matthew 25:23.
be ready to apply practical principles to reposition yourself financially. Start a financial plan by recording your financial goals and assigning deadlines. Include your reason “why” to keep you motivated to stay on the course you’ve set.
6. Coaches have coaches. Solomon was the wisest man in the world, and very wealthy, yet he was continually in the company of other persons with wisdom. “For which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who observe it begin to ridicule him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.’” Luke 14:28-30.
In spite of economic conditions, walk by faith, not by sight. You are “More Than a Conqueror.” Author - Erica L. Brooks
Once your mind is transformed, you will
Good Deeds Magazine
o, the new year has begun. You’ve gotten past the 45 days of new resolutions, new diets, and new treadmills. You’ve now purchased all of the workout videos that one’s heart can have, own and allow dust to collect on. You have even survived the most stressful holiday for most individuals. Yes, oh yes; you have survived Valentine’s Day! For some of you, this holiday was stressful. The truth is, for most of us it is. Yes, it is one day of the year where love is “supposed to be” celebrated that often brings the most stress. As most of the focus is on impressing your friends, topping the gift you brought (or received) last year or seeing who gets the biggest bouquet of flowers delivered to the office. Perhaps this special
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holiday had no stress attached to it at all for you. Maybe for you, it brought you roses or marked a significant event such as an engagement (Congratulations!). No matter what the month of February brought you….it is now over. So now what? We are now three months (a quarter of the way) into the new year and what have you done? What’s next for you? Well, may I make a suggestion? Have you considered being? (I think I heard you just say, “Being what?” Perhaps it was you who said, “Oh they made a mistake. There’s an error here in this sentence.”) Well, there is no error or words missing. Have you considered just being?
Most of us spend so much time living from one holiday and event to the next. We spend our days and nights being everything to everyone. Yet, again I ask when will you just be? When will you become the very best version of you?
created to operate in these gifts. So, in your “BEing” be true. Be true to yourself. Pour all of you into operating and working your gifts to the best of your abilities. Give the best version of you to yourself, your family and the entire world.
Did you just realize you don’t know who you are? Did you just answer the silent “who am I” question with titles such as: I am a wife, husband, sister, brother, mother, father or son? Perhaps you said I’m the minister, doctor, counselor and friend. Perhaps you answered I am the employee or the boss. Or maybe your response was; “I am a believer.” Now that you have your list of titles and all your hats lined up. Again, I ask, now what?
Do you know that there is someone, perhaps even thousands of someone’s just waiting for you to “BE” all that you were created to be? There are people in this world whose next steps in life are contingent upon you choosing to operate in your gifts and to show up at the appointed place at the appointed time. There is a destiny meeting waiting just for you to show up!
There is something you were created to do on this earth. Before the beginning of time, it was and forever will be your assignment on this planet. No one else was created to do this very thing; just you. I know you might say, someone else has the same talent. It may appear that they do, but I guarantee you that they don’t do “it” the way you do. Your special little niche on your “it” was designed to change this world! If you don’t know what that something is, don’t worry we’re here to help you! Ask yourself the following questions. What gifts and talents do I possess? Which one of these gifts give me the most joy when I am operating in it? What is the one thing you’ve always dreamed of doing? (No not that, that other thing you just skipped over in your mind and told yourself that it was too big, that you can’t afford to do that or it’s impossible. Yep, that one; right there!) You’ve already spent a large part of your life being what others wanted or even needed you to be. Now, don’t you think it’s time for you to be? No matter what great thing you’ve just discovered you were created to do, I encourage you to do it as you were created to do it. Be authentic. You were created that way. There is no other you on the planet. Granted someone else may share the same name as you, but no one on this earth shares the exact same DNA, nor do they share the exact same calling. This knowledge eliminates any competition; allowing you to BE true. You are more than enough (this is not just a cliché). The gifts that were placed inside of you were not an accidental occurrence nor was it a happenstance. You were divinely
Now it is time for you to BE real. Make a list of the top 10 reasons for why you cannot achieve this goal. (Hello, you’re pausing right here, right now and writing them down. Go ahead; I’ll wait. I promise that I’ll be right here when you return. You won’t lose your spot, nor will you have to start reading the whole article over from the beginning. It shouldn’t take long. Just write down all those things that have been floating around in your head since you began to read this article.) Now that you are done with that. I want you to take a pen and write the following letters across the paper. L-I-E-S. Yes, lies. Now let’s remove all those lies from your life. Crumble up the paper and toss it into the trash. Place it where it belongs! Now with that paper went every negative thought and all negative connotations. Now, we move forward! There is nothing in this world that can stop you from operating in your gifts. Things may not always pan out the way you intend the first time. You may have to try repeatedly. But I promise you that if you would take a leap of faith and began to walk in the direction of your destiny, you will definitely get there! You will achieve your goals and fulfill the purpose that you were created to fulfill on this earth. Don’t wait another minute or another second, start planning by faith; start walking by faith! BE authentic, BE true and BE real and watch the amazing things begin to unfold and march you right into your destiny. Article by Vivian Bell @vivianbellorg Photograph by My Reality Speaks Photography @myrealityspeaks
Good Deeds Magazine
Good Deeds Magazine
Sculpture honoring the four little girls killed in the 1963 bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church, Birmingham, Alabama - Star Photography
Photography: Sherry Williams - Star Photography, LLC.
RITI DESAI World Changer
What inspires you to finish a goal? My inspiration is my mom and dad. From the time we moved from India to the United States, they worked so hard in order for me and my brother to be successful in life. I know the only way to really thank them and repay them back is making sure that I become successful and being happy with what I am doing. I want to be able to prove to them that I can overcome anything that God throws at me. At the end of the day, I want to see my parents smile with pride to know that I was raised by them. Any encouraging words for the community? Stand up for yourself, never let anyone talk down to you. Befriend strangers, for example, you see someone sitting alone, go talk to them. You never know what they are going through and a simple “how are you” could make their day. Lastly, have confidence in yourself and God. If you can do that, you can do anything. What are my favorite quotes? “How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you.”- Rupi Kaur “ We are all born so beautiful, the greatest tragedy is being convinced we are not.”Rupi Kaur “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” Thanks for giving me this opportunity, Riti Desai
Good Deeds Magazine
HONORABLE LYNNEICE O. WASHINGTON District Attorney Jefferson County District Attorney’s Office, Bessemer Cutoff Division
What inspires you to finish a goal? My inspiration comes from the promises of God and the foundation that was set by my mother who’s no longer with me. There’s a scripture that says with God ALL things are possible! I truly believe His word. My mother taught me never to begin a task and quit. Greatness is never easily attainable. However with determination, confidence, focus and prayer we can do anything! Any encouraging words for the community? We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools. – Martin Luther King, Jr What are your favorite quotes? My mother would often say “every tub has to sit on its own bottom”, and I often find myself repeating the same to others. Lena Olive “Too whom much is given, much is required” - words taken from the Bible, Luke 12:48 What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead. - Nelson Mandela
Good Deeds Magazine
DR. CASSANDRA COMER Purpose Driven What inspires you to finish a goal? Psalm 28:7 Amplified Bible The Lord is my strength and my[impenetrable] shield; My heart trusts [with unwavering confidence] in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart greatly rejoices, And with my song I shall thank Him and praise Him. Any encouraging words for the community? There’s a wonderful sense of accomplishment as progress is made especially if the goal involves helping someone else reach a goal. Learn from the past. Move forward in Jesus’ name. Strive to be a blessing to others as you are blessed. Cassandra Comer,MD
Good Deeds Magazine
CHRISTIANA WILLIAMS Black Girl Rock What inspires you to finish a goal? I am inspired to finish a goal when I think about the outcome and my future success. I know I will have a great sense of accomplishment and it will inspire me to keep pursuing my dreams and goals. Any encouraging words for the community? To the community I will say keep striving forward, trusting in the Lord and celebrating racial, economic and political differences. What are your favorite quotes? “ I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Philippians 4:13 KJV and “ I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.” Psalm 139:14 KJV
Good Deeds Magazine
Proverbs 31 Woman, Civil Rights Activist, Mentor, Breast Cancer Survivor
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference. Reinhold Niebuhr I say to the community we need each other, love is the key. Have respect, love, and a grateful heart. My generation endured it all‌.Now you embrace your purpose , dream big and achieve all of your dreams.
Good Deeds Magazine
RENEE FERGUSON JONES Paralegal at Adams and Reese law firm
What inspires you to finish a goal? A. What inspires me to finish a goal is a sense of accomplishment. Having the feeling that I can high-five myself after doing something I set my mind to do. Finishing a goal is always more difficult than starting one. Even if the goal is to make up my bed every morning or get out of bed the first time my alarm goes off, that’s an accomplishment and I have finished that goal and the rest of the day should be easy. What are your favorite quotes? My Pastor, Chris Hodges (Church of the Highlands) - “It’s not about a religion, it’s about a relationship with God” and “Respond well to correction. Own it, move on. Leaders make adjustments, not excuses.” What are your favorite quotes? “Not everybody needs to sit at your table of life”. If your friends do not make you want to be better, then they don’t deserve a seat at your table. Always try to leave better than you came! My daddy, Robert Ferguson – “Life is not fair but God is good.” This is a great quote we say often since my mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.
Good Deeds Magazine
Retired Senior Account Manager/ Pitney Bowes corporate world, I always had a heart for the people. I would think to myself, “What can I do for others?” What I would like to say to the community is to invest in your future. As I once told my employees, there is wealth in the stock market. Invest in stocks; start saving as soon as you can and save regularly and consistently. A little bit will go a long way and as you live longer, you will have invested because you put time on your side. If you don’t know where your next dollar is coming from, how can you know where your last dollar went? I encourage the community to start investing in their financial future because I have personally seen some people live paycheck to paycheck without a money nest to fall back upon when a financial crisis occurs. Save, save, save, invest, invest, invest and have the peace of mind to know that financial security is possible as you are blessed with longevity of life. What is (are) your favorite quote (s)
What inspires you to finish a goal? I think what inspires me to finish a goal is finding solace in remembering the obstacles that my parents had to overcome. My parents had a limited education. However, being the second child of eight kids, my parents instilled in me to do my best. We didn’t have much but my parents worked hard to ensure that their kids would have a college education. My parents were not afforded the educational opportunities that I had. At the age of 25, I was the first black to work
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at a large law firm. Later, I worked my way up to being hired as the first black female Senior Account Manager. While in this position, I made it my goal to do my best and finish each task assigned to me in this position because I knew I was paving the way for other females (both black and white) to do their best in the male dominated corporate world. Any encouraging words for the community? As a person who advanced in the
A few of my favorite quotes are: • Put God first in all things that you do • Encourage yourself • Think with a positive attitude As Maya Angelou once said, “If you don’t like something, change it.
Platform Builder, Trailblazer, Visionary, Media Mogul
Renee Sunday favorite scripture: Ephesians 3:20 (NIV) 20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version , NIV
Good Deeds Magazine
Live your Best Life DR. RENEE SUNDAY
Do you have a dream, wish or a desire? Do you ever wake up and wonder what would it be like to love life? People can tell you “follow your dream,” but, is anyone really doing it? in the most exciting things. Dreaming beyond where you are, helps you discover purpose. Everyone has a purpose.
reams are necessary. Dreams inspire us to be hopeful and youngat-heart. Without dreams, there will be no ambition to chase or goals to reach. Dreams help develop us into who we are. Pursuing dreams and passions can mean different things to different people; but, no matter your definition, people usually always have a reason why they can’t do it. This cause many people to go through the motions in life not doing what they love to do. They end up constantly looking back, asking themselves, “What if?” A dream moves you, inspires
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you and awakens your passion. Dreams fill you with hope, and pump your life with purpose and more meaning. You can not achieve anything in life without turning your dreams no matter how large or small into goals. The most successful people had dreams of where they are and what they are doing today. Regardless of your background, it is critical to dream beyond where you are. Without dreams, it is easy to lose interest in life and finally causing you to hate your life. Do not allow yourself to become bored and tired of the same monotonous routines and not find interest
When you start working hard towards goals that were developed from your dreams, live will become more vivid. You will find yourself more motivated with internal happiness that radiates on the outside. Whether you have an abundance of support or not, do now live your life with regrets of what could have been if you pursued your passion. Not knowing what could have been is tragic. Follow your heart, and not the words of others just to live up to their expectations. Through our dreams – we speak to ourselves about what is going on in our lives. We guide ourselves through difficult situations and point ourselves towards what we really, truly and deeply need to live the life we are meant to live. This love of yours is one of the most important things in your life. When you can understand your dreams, you will discover that they are a glimpse of a very realistic reality. They
are the way you are brutally honest with yourself when your conscious waking mind refuses to be. They are the way you nag yourself over a recurring behavior you need to correct or an issue you aren’t giving enough attention to, hence the persistent recurring dream. They are also your very best friend and advisor when you need to make a tough decision or solve a difficult problem. Your dreams have no limits! Did you hear me, No limits! So take the limits off! You are the creator of your dreams, big or small ones. When you understand this you are able to design a way to favor your plan and accomplish your end goal. Life is too short to waste it with regrets. At the end of the line what we end up regretting are the things we didn’t get to do. It is in living your dreams that you get to know the true meaning of life. Ask yourself, what have I achieved so far? Am I already living some of my dreams? No one truly knows the desires of your heart, but you. Live your best life now.
Matters Of The Heart Presents: The Art behind Self-Help and Self-Development
elf-help. Self-development. What does it really mean to assist and perpetually guide oneself to the degree that not only do you grow and evolve in psychological ways, but also in emotional, economical and, most importantly, spiritual ways? Ahhh, to transform or to stay still in stagnant waters…that is the question, My Beloved. To be honest, I haven’t quite mastered either one just yet (I even wrote a book on self-help and self-transformation and I’m still confused), but don’t count me out, because God isn’t finished with me just yet.
Hey you, aren’t you glad God isn’t done with you just yet? Shout Hallelujah! I mean, for the most part, I seldom do what is righteous. But then I have moments where I SPAZ COMPLETELY OUT and my guardian angel peeps around the corner shaking their head in sheer disappointment. HA! All jokes aside, in order for you and I to expand ourselves and the territories surrounding us we must be willing to become, transform, and grow by first realizing that everything is birthed from within. Honestly ask yourself, “What am I? What
have I given birth to?” You see, true change always starts from the inside and works its way out. Or, in other words, things are the way they are outwardly because things are the way they are inwardly. Once you recognize this truth you will be better off, and your life will be better. Don’t get lost, because I’m taking you somewhere. Follow me... In order to become a better YOU, you must first discern and then acknowledge your true and authentic self. No, not your representative self. I’m talking Good Deeds Magazine
about The Real You. Yes, The Real (Your Name Here). Reason being, is so you can learn how to be upfront and trust who you are. In life, I’ve learned that if you cannot be honest with yourself first, you cannot be honest with anyone else, ever. Besides, you can’t pour into someone else’s life when your cup is empty. It takes great courage to point out the good, the bad and the ugliest parts about oneself (minus the pity party, of course). The more honest you become with yourself, the more you develop a sense of who you truly are. Over time, you will discover things about your character; about your calling in life. You’ll find out what drives and inspires you; what really matters. You’ll come face-to-face with your core values, and so on. Self-help. Self-love. Self-worth. Selfawareness. Self-development. Selfenhancement. Self-growth. All these things pertain to self-work, and they grow up together. Why? Because everything starts and ends with self! Mastering oneself takes DAILY discipline, commitment and consistency. Now don’t be so hard on yourself, because this selfie thing is an ongoing and neverending process. Can I get an amen somebody? Now I must warn you of something. During this perpetual process you’ll want to revert back. You’ll want to succumb to your old way of doing things. DON’T. It’s not gonna be easy, but in the end it will be all worth it! You will have to fight with both your inner self and the enemy in order to become ALL that God crafted and created you to be!
Good Deeds Magazine
Notice how I implemented God in this equation. This is simply because you and God are the only two beings that know your true self. In all actuality, God knows you better than you know yourself. He alone molded you and knew you before you were formed in your mother’s womb (see Jeremiah 1:5). Oh yes, He knew you long before you even knew you existed! As a disclaimer, I know that referring to “God” offends some people and that’s okay. Nonetheless, The Truth remains now and forevermore. Now I’m not one to beat anyone over the head with The Bible or throw religion up in anyone’s face, but on both a personal and spiritual level I wouldn’t be one-third the woman or the person I am today without what I like to call My Daily Dose of Divinity. Beloved, the goal in mastering the art called self is to become, evolve, transform by thinking, being and living upright and doing what is right. The more you work on this goal, the harder it becomes for you to be easily uprooted. The goal, your goal, is not perfection. Rather, the end you are striving towards is wholeness. None of us have nor hold the capacity to be perfect, but through God you and I can be made whole. Selah. Written By: DaPorscha Rufus Author , Theatrical actress for The Potter’s House of Dallas https://www.porschaspenmanships. rufus
Tribute to Maya Angelou Copyrights: and Wikipedia
Still I Rise Maya Angelou, 1928 - 2014 You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I’ll rise. Does my sassiness upset you? Why are you beset with gloom? ‘Cause I walk like I’ve got oil wells Pumping in my living room. Just like moons and like suns, With the certainty of tides, Just like hopes springing high, Still I’ll rise. Did you want to see me broken? Bowed head and lowered eyes? Shoulders falling down like teardrops, Weakened by my soulful cries? Does my haughtiness offend you? Don’t you take it awful hard ‘Cause I laugh like I’ve got gold mines Diggin’ in my own backyard. You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I’ll rise. Does my sexiness upset you? Does it come as a surprise That I dance like I’ve got diamonds At the meeting of my thighs? Out of the huts of history’s shame I rise Up from a past that’s rooted in pain I rise I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide, Welling and swelling I bear in the tide. Leaving behind nights of terror and fear I rise Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear I rise Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise I rise I rise.
ith 7.4 billion people (and counting) on this tiny blue planet, it can feel like you’re constantly fighting for space, especially in major cities where every square foot counts. The truth is there’s still plenty of room on this earth where you can escape the crowds and enjoy mind-clearing solitude. You don’t have to go far to find these tranquil territories. Certain locations lend themselves to giving us the peace of solitude in very different ways. Solitude is how we recover connection with our spirit that we lose in the rush of everyday life. Solitude gives us a breather, taking us away from the chatter and rush and obligations that can sometimes stress us. It exists when we spend time with our inner self in a serene place. That can be a place of meditation, a walk in the woods, a retreat we attend, a sudden decision to take a drive in our car without a specific destination, or sitting somewhere near a body of water. In each of these ways we can become more connected to the natural world around us, which is eternally present. Solitude gives us a chance to know silence, which can be a healer of worry and stress. For a little while we are not responsible for other people and obligations – only to ourselves. We can watch leaves blow in the wind on a summer’s day, or waves falling gently on the shore, or visit a museum in the city on a rainy afternoon. Any way, which you choose to get reconnected to your inner self, Getting outside can do wonders for your mental health and positive effects on the brain.
find sweet silence, space, and serenity. It will also help you find clarity and inspiration.
Mt. Everest, Nepal The Sherpas and Tibetans worship...Everest as Chomolongma, or “Mother Goddess of the Earth.” Luckily you don’t need to actually climb the 29,000 feet to the “Top of the World” to experience its magnificence and the beauty of the surrounding valleys and forests. It is unique for its sheer natural marvels and sceneries. It is also a nice place to find solitude and reconnect with nature in its most basic and primitive form. Cloudbridge Nature Reserve, Costa Rica A tropical haven in a remote cloud forest in the highest mountains of Central America, Cloudbridge is a private retreat on Mount Chirripo with three casitas that guests can rent for a few days or a few months. Plant trees, hike to waterfalls and reconnect with nature.
Finland Finland is an astounding natural beauty. Explore its snowcovered landscape in the winter and marvel at the Northern Lights, great lake views and its green forestry in the summer. With tourism initiatives (like FinRelax ) aimed at getting you to chill out and unwind in its lush landscapes, visitors are encouraged to enjoy the country’s jaw-dropping natural wonders and refreshing saunas.
This list of serene (and seriously stunning) spots around the globe may help you reconnect with the vast beauty of nature, take a much-needed time-out from the hustle and bustle and
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Leh-Ladakh, Jammu & Kashmir Leh-Ladakh forms a huge chunk of the cold desert in the Northern part of the Great Indian Himalayas in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Rich natural beauty, stunning landscapes and beautiful Buddhist Monasteries, makes this place an ideal location to spend some days of your life connecting with nature. Besides nature lovers and holiday seekers, LehLadakh is also a hub for adventure buffs who come here to indulge themselves in the fun of trekking, mountain climbing and mountain biking.
Rwanda For the nature buff, Rwanda is a must-see. Known as the “Land of a Thousand Hills” with its extremely photogenic landscapes
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and famous tea gardens, the country is full of natural wonders. Volcanoes National Park, home to fascinating golden monkeys and half of the world’s gorillas still living in the wild, is a must-visit attraction.
Alabama — Gulf Shores On Alabama’s Gulf Shores, you can find a little bit of everything, including a bit of relaxation. Take a snooze under an umbrella on the 32 miles of white sand beaches if you’re looking for a bit of a getaway.
Dominica Known as “The Nature Island of the Caribbean,” Dominica is an obvious choice for those who want to get back to nature. It has an incredibly lush landscape that
includes volcanic hot springs, natural mud baths, countless rivers and waterfalls, unspoiled rain forest and refreshing natural swimming holes.
Redwood National Park, California Visitors here cannot help but feel awestruck by the unbelievable enormity of the coast redwoods , the tallest and oldest trees on earth. The tallest redwood on record, known simply as “the Tall Tree,” is 600 years old and stands more than 350 feet. These majestic examples of nature, which can only be found in California and Oregon, take 400 years to mature and can live to be 2,000-plus years old. Emerging from the darkened paths on foot, bike or horseback, visitors may be shocked to find it is still daylight, and still the 21st century, in a place where
time seems to stand still.
Last but certainly not least, Iceland is filled with spectacular natural attractions that make it one of the best places in the world for reconnecting with nature. There are countless waterfalls to gaze at, hot springs to soak in and caves to explore. Be sure to check out Seljalandsfoss, one of the nation’s most photographed falls. Located near the southern coast, it plummets nearly 200 feet into a pool below, and if you walk
This isn’t your average safari. Jungles abound here, but beaches do too, and whether on land or by sea, an overwhelming amount of indigenous species ranging from lemurs to whales are on view for the adventurous set. Almost all of Madagascar’s native species can’t be found anywhere else making the region even more unique and spell bounding.
around to the back of the cascade, you can feel the spray of the water on your skin while enjoying a unique perspective that few others get to experience. Whether your version of relaxation involves silence, solitude, or breaking a sweat, there are beautiful places all over the world to help you find your peace. So take the bold step and don’t stop until you have satisfaction. Contributor: Christy Williamson
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What’s In
Your Heart? By: DaPorscha Rufus
At the heart of things, is everything.
s your heart in the right place? Why or why not? I can honestly say that for the longest, my heart was symbolic to filthy and tattered rags. It was rugged and in very poor condition. Looking back over my life, I can remember the innumerable loads of unforgiveness, incomprehensible rage, bitterness, displeasure, hurt and tsunamis of other things that harbored within the ventricles and chambers of my inner being. My heart issues go back to my childhood folks. Keep in mind I’m only 27 years of age. I perpetually and incessantly nursed and rehearsed every thought, every painful memory, every hurt, every “bad thing”, every offense, every wrongdoing etc. that had ever happened to me. Does this sound like anyone you know? From the rising of the sun all the way to the setting of it, all I meditated on “bad things.” Does this sound like anyone you know? As a matter of fact, I never thought about anything good, had anything good to say about anyone or myself; therefore, my life was in a perpetual funk! My internal being was loaded with tons of trash. Basically, thinking was stinking which pollutes the heart. I seemed to be always angry. In this anger, I was married to my own self-inflicted afflictions. I literally hated everything and everyone to include myself. I did not like confrontation, but because I was not healed, if someone looked at me the wrong way, I would respond the wrong way and become confrontational. Lord, have mercy. Day and night, I resided, tossed and turned within the painful memories of my past. Perpetually, I pondered over the fact that my father was never there for me. Over and over again, I reminded myself of the bullying and name calling I experienced growing up as a child. I rehearsed and nursed the innumerable memories of past hurt from failed friendships and relationships and so on and so forth. Until one day, I said NO MORE! I became sick of tired of being sick and tired and mad at the
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world. I was tired of waking up and walking throughout life with a heavy heart. I became tired of who and how I was. If you’ve experienced similar, you have the power to also say, “No More!” Are you tired, weary and fatigued? Take a moment now and honestly ask yourself, “What am I nursing and rehearsing?” “What am I refusing to let go of?” Now I know from experience that this might be easier said than done; but, it must be done “if’ you desire to experience true internal freedom and sovereignty. I cannot tell you the countless times I woke up every morning with a hard, dark and heavy heart. Talk about damp! Sheeshh... You know, I could actually feel the burdens of heaviness that resided within my 12 oz. organ. So what should have been the size of a fist overtime turned into a heap of mountain tops. Do you see the difference? Beloved, in order to live your best life now, you must let go of the ideas, speech, and behaviors that hold you back
and weigh you down today. Could it be possible that you are the reason for your own misery? If so, there is hope in God. Regardless if your a religious or spiritual person or not, in order to bear fruit in your life, you must first get to the root. Sour grapes can’t bear good fruit; they just produce more sour grapes. What is your root? Your root is that thing you must dig up and do away with. You know what “thing(s)” I am referring to. You can’t just trim the thorns and disregard the weeds. You must get to the root in order to uproot the pestilence and poisons in your life. Perhaps you’ll have to forgive someone that wasn’t sorry. Maybe write out all your hurts and troubles and burn them. Perhaps you’ll have to pray, fast and ask for true deliverance. Whatever it takes, GET RID OF IT! Everyone’s “it” is different. Identify yours and uproot it. For at the end of everyday, heart matters are the heart of every single matter. Shelah.
he Girl It’s Your Life Success Tour is a catalyst for ALL Women everywhere to easily learn the strategies to RECONNECT and REBUILD a relationship with her SUPER POWERS. As a result, she can count on experiencing a life she doesn’t just exist but one where she RULES. At every city she will have the exclusive opportunity to engage with some of our industry best and brightest TRAILBLAZERS who will transform the way she sees things in the 7 areas of her life. Her perspective will be opened and her skill to tackle her life will be sharper. We can no longer live inside clutter filled days where creating time for “ME” feels like a daydream and we act like PERFORMERS in our own lives instead of a woman in her POWER. The TRUTH is you are VALUABLE and it’s time to get your WORTH Up. It’s your time to reclaim your life success play ALL IN and WIN. Girl It’s Your Life Success Tour will explore the ANSWERS to you RECONNECTING, RESHAPING and
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