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FRONT ROW (from left): Suzette Hammer from SBE Africa Architects, Kakra Asare-Bediako from Inkspired, Gillian Holl from Veld Architects, and Estelle Oberholzer from Estelle Oberholzer Architects. BACK ROW (from left): Richardt van der Merwe from JK Design Architects, Nicki De Souza from Footprint Architects, Duif Joubert from SG Studio Architects, and Sergio Chinelli from Sergio Chinelli Architects.
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The shape architectureof

South African architecture is a rich tapestry that reflects the country’s diverse cultural, historical and environmental contexts. As trends come and go, the one thing that stands out is the ability of architects to design according to the needs of the local landscapes. Below is a look at the insights that influence how South African homes are designed.


In South Africa, expensive houses in security estates are a prominent feature of the real estate landscape, particularly in urban areas. These estates offer residents a range of amenities and benefits, including enhanced security measures, access to recreational facilities and a sense of community. The popularity of security estates reflects a broader trend towards gated communities globally, driven by concerns about safety and security. Many of the estates have their specific architectural guidelines that dictate how homes can be designed. From an architectural standpoint, homes in security estates often feature modern designs and high-end finishes, catering to the tastes and preferences of affluent buyers. Sustainable architecture principles, such as energy-efficient design and the use of environmentally friendly materials, are sometimes incorporated, but this varies depending on the development.


Green buildings in South Africa often incorporate features like solar panels, rainwater-harvesting systems, natural ventilation and energyefficient glazing, lighting and appliances. These buildings not only reduce environmental impact, but also provide healthier and more comfortable living and working spaces. Green buildings play a much bigger role in how homes are being designed now and this will continue to grow as more recognise the need to include alternative energy sources in their homes.


The Western Cape province has emerged as a more attractive destination for many home owners and businesses. Factors, including well-managed governance, better infrastructure and a more diversified economy, have led to a trend of people moving to the Western Cape in search of better opportunities and a higher quality of life. This will also play a significant role in the industry as we can expect to see more developments and homes being built here.


In South African architecture, there is, unfortunately, a significant disparity, particularly between formal and informal settlements and urban and rural areas and among different socioeconomic groups. You often find modern, environmentally conscious buildings in urban areas, especially in wealthier neighbourhoods and commercial districts. In contrast, informal settlements and rural areas typically lack access to basic services and infrastructure, including proper housing. This disparity is a result of various factors, including historical injustices, urbanisation trends and economic inequalities. Addressing these disparities requires a multifaceted approach that includes government policies, private-sector initiatives and community involvement. Efforts to promote sustainable architecture and green buildings should also prioritise inclusivity and equitable access to resources and opportunities for all South Africans.

Contact: 082 803 3661

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3 3 Estate homes are often designed according to specific architectural guidelines. SPECIAL SECTION ARCHITECTURE
An off-the-grid home. South African homes are designed for a seamless indoor/outdoor lifestyle.

Estelle Oberholzer Architects

A Dullstroom-based architectural practice that undertakes a variety of work in Mpumalanga and the Western Cape, offering design solutions to its clients



Estelle Oberholzer is a professional architect registered with SACAP. The firm moved from Johannesburg to Dullstroom in 2004. In this tourist town and weekend retreat, the firms’ projects include tourist facilities such as shops and restaurants. Residential work, however, comprises the majority of the company’s projects not only in Mpumalanga, but also in Fancourt, George and Knysna.

What do you love about South African architecture? I love the use of large expanses of glazing – we have such a wonderful climate –which allows light and sun into spaces. With so many beautiful areas in South Africa, the glazing also affords views of those surrounding areas.

From where do you draw inspiration? The site and surroundings of each project give me inspiration. We are blessed to work in beautiful parts of the country and the views, topography and natural features of each site inspire me and provide clues to the design concept.

What is your favourite architectural trend at present? Combining glass and steel with natural materials such as timber and stone.

The three things that define great architecture for you personally …

1. How a building relates to its surroundings.

2. The building must have some element that is unique or different. 3. The building must be approachable and relate to human scale; in other words, it must be easy to navigate and find areas.

What do you love most about your job? I enjoy the design process the most, but it is also very rewarding to see it materialising into completion.

What is the one thing you want clients to know when looking for an architect? It is important that your architect shares your vision for the project – almost like a match of personalities and style.

What is your favourite space in your home and why? My library because of the smell and feel of books and my sunroom where I can sit and look out over a view of the mountain.


082 570 2296

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SBE Africa Architects

A large architectural practice specialising in modern statement luxury homes and offering comprehensive creative and personalised services

What do you love about South African architecture? At SBE Africa Architects, we are challenged every day to be better at what we do due to home owners’ association guidelines, rules and regulations that restrict architecture from time to time. So, we are always thinking creatively to come up with designs that are original, modern and true to our style. We strive to maintain our signature style no matter what limitations we may come across.

From where do you draw inspiration? I am currently at the stage in my career where I no longer seek inspiration from the outside but rather let my clients inspire me. When I sit with my clients, I design while we are in conversation. By the end of that first meeting, the client already has a pencil-sketched idea of what they want.

What do you love most about your job? I love everything about my job and what I do. For me, it is the most artistic career that anyone can choose. It just feels like everything I do is fun –there is never a dull moment or something that is not creative. When you are at the top of your career, nothing else matters except the client and what makes them happy.

With branches in Johannesburg and the Western Cape and a work footprint throughout the rest of Africa and the United States of America, SBE Africa Architects is passionate about designing upmarket homes. SBE Africa prides itself on offering its clients a personalised and turnkey service, project management and aftersales support.
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In your opinion, what defines great architecture? Great architecture, for me, is something that can stand the test of time. It is a home you do not have to redesign or renovate after 20 years – you can just redecorate it.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

There are a few pieces of advice that have stuck with me: put the past behind you and don’t look back; don’t look at what others are doing, instead be the best possible version of yourself; always believe in yourself and the future of your company; and finally, eight hours in the day are for sleeping, eight hours are for your normal day job, but only what you do with the other eight hours determines your success.

What is the one thing that you want clients to know when looking for an architect? It is highly important that you read your home owners’ association guidelines and do your investigation regarding your stand. Consider where it faces – is it north-facing or south-facing? – and then ensure the architect can get enough northern sun into the home. There is nothing worse than living in a cold home. I also recommend using an energy-efficiency consultant. And, of course, it is crucial for the client and architect to establish a good relationship.

“We are always thinking creatively to come up with designs that are original, modern and true to our style.”

What is your favourite space in your home and why?

Definitely my covered patio. It is important for me to sit in the mornings and watch the sunrise. I love the eastern sun in the morning. This space is my prayer corner where I can start my daily early and with God.

CONTACT: 076 309 2626

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Footprint Architects

Specialists in high-end residential and commercial design with a commitment to innovative, purposeful and bespoke design solutions

Established in 2015, Footprint Architects offers a client-focused approach and is committed to providing constant collaboration, undivided attention, expert guidance and a professional experience. With over 25 years of experience across the company’s dynamic and motivated team, you can rest assured that your architectural dreams will be taken care of.

What do you love most about your job? The moments during the build when the excitement in your client is clearly visible. Naturally, as the build progresses and comes to life, the client is less reliant on their imagination to visualise the house as a whole. The design intention of each space to another and the further potential that is soon to showcase itself becomes tangible and clearer to understand. This is when you begin to notice the increase in excitement and fulfilment of the journey they have committed to. To contribute that kind of joy to such a meaningful project for your client is immensely rewarding as a designer.

What is your favourite architectural trend at present? Not necessarily my favourite trend, but I am most interested to see how the advancement of AI will contribute to and facilitate the design industry in the immediate future.

How are you creating homes centred on purposeful architecture? By trying to fully understand the client’s intention and the overall function of each space that is created. This user-centric approach focuses on the tailored needs of the occupant’s experience and wellbeing in the spaces, enhancing our design approach of ‘Form follows Function’.

What is the one thing that you want clients to know when looking for an architect? We walk a long emotional road together, so trust between both parties must be maintained throughout. Outside of the architect’s capability, it is critical to the success of any project that clients can work and communicate effectively with the architect in both good and difficult situations.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

‘Just start’ – often, we can complicate and delay our progress moving forward. Sometimes, too much preparation and a lot of planning leads to not a lot of doing.


071 885 0844

IG: @footprint_architects_

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A multidisciplinary firm with a focus on architecture, interior design, construction, property development and crafting inspiring, enduring designs


The Inkspired team collaborates with clients to deliver exceptional designs tailored to their unique needs and aspirations. Inkspired offers a turnkey service, including interior design, construction focused on quality craftsmanship and meticulous attention to detail, and property development.

What do you love about South African architecture? The diversity of different aesthetics, vernacular and materials that resonates with the people as a true Rainbow Nation is what we at Inkspired love about South African architecture. South African architecture is forever evolving with so much inspiration to garner as an architect.

In your opinion, what defines great architecture? Clean lines, contextual designs and contemporary spaces.

From where do you draw inspiration? Depending on the project at hand, we always like to seek inspiration by referring to the latest trends through magazines, websites and travel.

What do you love most about your job? Manifesting a design in the mind, which is translated to visuals (artist impressions), then finally into reality is something that constantly makes me fall in love with being an architect.

How are you creating homes centred on purposeful architecture? By designing homes “inside out”, which is in itself a process aimed at identifying the project audience, while ensuring that thoughtful design drivers and stories can be linked together.

What is your favourite architectural trend at present?

The advent of AI has led to the rise of smart homes and buildings where architecture and IoT technology are fused to enhance management, security and overall comfort. This is something I love at present.

What is your favourite space in your home and why? My main lounge – the space affords abundant natural light and connects well with the outdoor entertainment area.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? Focus on what you can control, let go of what you can’t.

CONTACT: 011 805 0600

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JK Design Architects

Architectural and interior design studio specialising in high-end and elegant residential properties with a focus on realising clients’ aspirations


JK Designs is an experienced architectural firm offering comprehensive expertise to clients, from sustainable residential homes to large commercial developments. Prioritising client satisfaction above all else ensures that each client’s unique criteria result in design excellence through harmoniously integrating quality, innovation, ecology, functionality and elegance. JK Designs offers additional services for a turnkey experience.

What do you love about South African architecture? In South African architecture, there’s this amazing blend of old-school charm and cutting-edge innovation that really speaks to me. I’m fascinated by how houses here effortlessly marry cosiness with eco-friendliness, crafting spaces that not only look breathtaking, but also work like a dream. That delicate dance between the past and the present makes every project in South Africa deeply rewarding. Additionally, the focus on sustainability and environmental sensitivity in many recent projects reflects a commitment to both preserving our natural resources and creating spaces that enhance the wellbeing of communities.

What is your favourite architectural trend at present?

One of my favourite trends at present is the incorporation of raw materials, such as timber, stone and steel, into designs. This trend is aesthetically pleasing and carries deep cultural and environmental significance. By incorporating these materials into our designs, we not only create visually stunning spaces, but also contribute to a more environmentally conscious and socially responsible built environment.

The three things that define great architecture for you personally …

1. Presenting solutions to client needs – great architecture meets the specific requirements and aspirations of each client, ensuring their vision is realised in a unique and meaningful way.

2. Functionality and user experience – it prioritises practicality and comfort, ensuring spaces are usable and enjoyable for their intended purpose.

3. Innovation and sustainability – it embraces creative solutions that minimise environmental impact and contribute positively to the built environment for future generations.

CONTACT: 012 809 1517

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Sergio Chinelli Architects

An architectural firm dedicated to creating tailor-made, sustainable and statement residences that seamlessly integrate with the natural environment



Established in 2004 with an unwavering commitment to creating the very best and modern South African architecture, Sergio Chinelli Architects is an awardwinning international practice. The firm takes you on a design journey that honours the beauty of the natural world and delivers a sustainable and captivating living space crafted exclusively for you.

In your opinion, what defines great architecture?

The ability to capture and celebrate natural light. The ability to design practical spaces that are thrilling to inhabit and create a sense of identity. The ability to make a statement – something that will keep people talking well into the future, even if it’s controversial.

What is the one thing you want clients to know when looking for an architect? An architect’s “worth” should be valued on three core principles: qualifications, experience and talent, which should be key determining factors when choosing an architect.

How are you creating homes centred on purposeful architecture? If you define spaces meaningfully that are aesthetically pleasing, fit for purpose and relate to their environment, then these spaces have the power to define our lives, uplift our lifestyle and nurture and support a happy family life.

What do you love about South African architecture?

SA architecture is inspired by our unique cultural diversity. It is free-spirited, unrestricted and open to personal interpretation … South Africans enjoy the outdoor lifestyle afforded by our fantastic weather, which allows us to design houses catering to this lifestyle, maximising our inter-relationship with the outdoors and our beautiful natural environment.

What do you love most about your job? I love the freedom that comes with running my own practice. I am free to do what I love under my own rules. Architecture is multidisciplinary, and each day is a different day with different challenges. As architects, we have to wear many hats – this is what makes the profession interesting.

CONTACT: 082 389 9884

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SG Studio Architects

A dynamic team of skilled professionals with over 15 years of experience, specialising in architectural and high-end interior design services

What do you love about South African architecture? As an architect in South Africa, there’s a lot to love! We have such a rich history in this country that is reflected in our architecture. We have historic structures whispering stories of the past beside contemporary, modern buildings that scream innovation. And it’s not just about mimicking other styles – there’s a distinctly South African flavour to it all, with touches of African design that make it truly unique. The best part? Our sunny weather practically begs us to bring the outdoors in. Homes here are all about open-floor plans, sprawling terraces with infinity pools and built-in braai areas – blurring the lines between inside and outside living. It’s pure luxury!

SG Studio Architects is a dynamic group of skilled professionals providing architectural and interior design services. The firm has extensive experience in bespoke, high-end, luxury architecture and interior design. SG Studio Architects takes pride in delivering premium products and superior services that are nothing less than responsible, innovative and leading in class.

What is your favourite architectural trend at present? It’s true that technology is becoming an increasingly important element in South African building architecture. We’re moving beyond just fancy gadgets and gimmicks and, instead, focusing on how technology can enhance the way we experience and interact with our spaces. The possibilities with tech integration are endless. It’s an exciting time to be an architect in South Africa, constantly exploring new ways to use technology to create smarter, more sustainable and ultimately more livable spaces.

How are you creating homes centred on purposeful architecture? The process starts with a deep dive into our clients’ lifestyles, aspirations and how they envision using the space. This goes beyond square footage and aesthetics; it’s about understanding the activities that will take place within the home and designing to support them. Purposeful architecture isn’t about trends; it’s about creating a space that supports your wellbeing, fosters connections with nature and loved ones and adapts to your changing life. It’s a home that reflects your unique story and becomes a sanctuary for the moments that truly matter.


CONTACT: 084 512 7215

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Veld Architects

An award-winning architectural practice passionate about and dedicated to creating sustainable, genuine and regenerative projects


Veld Architects is a team of architects, designers and innovators dedicated to crafting authentic, compassionate and sustainable architecture.

Embracing local livelihoods, morals and craftsmanship, the award-winning practice prioritises honest, tenacious design guided by integrity and a deep connection to the natural world.

What do you love about South African architecture? For me, what stands out the most is that South African architecture encapsulates our history beautifully, from colonial influences to the vernacular. The diversity in architectural languages here is truly inspiring. What sets us apart as designers is our innovative and creative approach to design, reflected in the contemporary South African architecture we see.

From where do you draw inspiration? I draw a lot of inspiration from nature and its diverse forms, particularly the surrounding landscape and context of a building. The natural environment very much influences the designs. I focus on integrating nature into architecture while considering the building’s impact on the surrounding environment.

How are you creating homes centred on purposeful architecture? Purposeful architecture, for me, is grounded in simplicity and respect for the surrounding landscape. It prioritises safe and welcoming spaces for communities while embracing and enhancing its local context. This type of architecture not only provides shelter, but also gives back to the very ground it is built on through sustainable practices. It goes beyond mere functionality to serve a greater purpose, forming the backbone and fundamental principles of building.

What is the best advice you have ever received? To never lose sight of the passion that led me to pursue a career in architecture. It is essential to hone my skills continuously and remain committed to creating meaningful and impactful designs that resonate with my core values and beliefs.

What is your favourite space in your home and why? My home office, my studio. It is where I create memorable moments with my team, brainstorm ideas, and dream up great architecture – that’s what fuels my passion. Here, I strive to create purposeful buildings that foster community and wellbeing, seamlessly integrating with the natural environment.

CONTACT: 082 090 5154

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