w l proceed to make paym ents n accordance w th the accoun s

5 BusinessDay www businessday co za Friday 2 June 2023 LIQUID AT ON AND D STRIBU T ON AC COUN TS IN DECE ASED E S TATES LYIN G FOR INSP EC TION In erms of sec ion 35 (5) o the Admin s rat on of Es ates Act No 66 of 1965 not ce s hereby give n that copies o the iqu dat on a nd distr but on accounts (f rst and f nal un ess otherwise stated) in the esta e s speci f ed b e ow w l be open or inspec io n o a persons w th an n e res therein for a per od of 21 days (or shorter or onger i special y stated) from he date spec fi ed or from he date of pub icati on he r eof wh chever may be he later and at the o ff ces o he Masters of the High C our and Magistrates as stated Shou d no ob ect on her eto be odged with he Mas ters concerned dur ng he s pecf ed period he executors wi proceed o make paym ents n accordance w th the accounts Prov nce: Gaut eng Esta e No 013 069/2022 Surname M AAR TENS F rs Names: HE NDRIK JO ACHIM ID No: 490929 5065088 Last Addre ss: 43 Jamest own Avenue Crosby Johannesburg 2092 Surv v ng Spouse: ANI ETA MAARTENS ID No: 540925 0024089 Descript on o a ccoun : F rs and F nal Per od of nspe ct on: 21 Johannesburg Centra South Gau teng H gh C our Johannesburg (Marshal Town) TOML NSON MNG UNI J AM ES INC Su te 11 O f ce No 5 Da sy Street Of ice Park 135 Da sy Street Sandown Sandt on 2196 chamonieb@tmj c o za Tel: 011 784 2 634 02SK X L QUID ATION AND DISTRIBU TION AC COUN TS IN DECE ASED E S TATES LY N G FOR NSP EC TION In terms o section 35 (5) of the Adm n s tra ion of Est a es Act No 66 of 1965 no ice s hereby g ve n that copies of the quida on a nd dis r but on accounts ( irst and f na un ess otherwise s ated) in the estate s spec ied b e ow wi l be open for inspect o n of al persons wi h an inte rest therein or a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer f spec a ly stated) from the date spec f ed or from the date of pub icat on he r eo wh chever may be the later and at he o ff ces of the Mas ers of the H gh C ourt and Magis rates as stated Should no ob ec i on ther eto be lodged wi h the Mas ers concerned dur ng the s pecf ed per od the e ecutors l proceed to make paym ents n accordance w i h he accounts Prov nce: Weste rn Cape Estate No: 001 380/2009 Surname: PE TE RSEN F rst names SH ARIEF ID No: 621020 5156085 Last Address: 2 8 K ng George Stree Ruy erwa ch 7460 Surv ving Spous e SHAHIEDA PET ERSEN ID No: 630816 0196086 Descript on of a ccount: F rst and F nal Per od of nspe ct on: 21 days Goodwood Ma gis rates Co urt S ALI E & S ALIE ATTO RNE YS No 169 Taron ga Road Crawford 7780 nazneen@sa iela w co za Tel 021 697 2 093 02SKXV LIQU D ATION AND DISTRIBU TION AC COUN TS IN DECE ASED E S TATES LYIN G FOR INSP EC T ON n terms of sect on 35 (5) of he Adm nis tration o Est ates Act No 66 of 1965 notice is hereby g ve n that cop es of he l qu dat ion a nd d str ibuion accoun s (first and ina unless o herw se sta ed) n he estate s spec f ed b elow w l be open for nspect o n of a l persons w th an nte rest here n for a period o 21 days (or shorter or onger f spec a y s ated) rom the date spec f ed or from the date of pub cat on he r eof wh chever may be the a er and a the o f ices of the Masters o the H gh C ourt and Mag strates as sta ed Should no object on ther e o be odged w th the Mas ters concerned during the s peciied per od the execu ors w l proceed to make paym ents n accordance w th the accoun s Province: Weste rn Cape Estate No: 013 985 2020 Surname: SEP TEMBER First names: RU DOLPH H ARO LD D No 470726 5086088 Las Address: 44 Webbersva l ei Road Jamestown Stel enbo sch 7600 Surviv ng Spouse DEN SE MAUD SEPTEMB ER D No 500523 0095089 Descr pt on of Acc ount First & Fina S e lenbosch SPENCE ATTORN E YS Na a ie Macdon a d Spence(Former y Govender) Sui e 2 Howar d Terraces Rose Innes Wa y Pine an ds 7405 nata ie@spence a w co za m caela@spence a w co za Te : 021 532 9 224 02SKL7 LOST OR DES TR O YED DEED No ice s hereby given n erms of Regu a ion 68 of the Deeds Regi str es Act 19 37 of the intent o n o app y or he issue o a cer i ied copy of Deed of Transfer Number TL74 664 1989 passed by THE ADM NIS TR ATOR OF THE PRO VINCE OF THE C AP E OF GO OD HOPE to NOMPUMELELO DOLORES N TLEK Born: 11 Febru ary 1948 divorced n resp ec o ERF 1710 Langa In The Area Of Jur sd c ion O f The Prov nic a Adm n stra ion Of The Cape Of Good Ho pe Adm nistrat ve D str c Of The Cape which ha s bee n os or des royed A l persons having ob ec t on o the ssue of suc h copy are hereby requ red to od ge the same n writ ng w th the Regis rar of De eds at C ape Town wi h n two week s from he date of the pub cat on of h s not ce A l ntereste d part es h a v ng ob ec ion o th e ssue of s uch copy are hereby requ red o odge the same n wri t ng wi h the Reg strar o De eds at Cape Town at Anoosha Ma as ngh@ drd r gov za 021-4647650 or nsaaf Dav ds@dr dlr gov za 021 464 7680 wi h n two we eks from the da e o the pub icat o n of this no ice Da ed at Port El zabe h this 29 h day of Ma y 2023 L AWR ENCE M AS Z A VORS TER NC 214 Cape Roa d M l Park Port E izabeth Thomas@ h nk aw co za 041 373 0030 02SNE A L QUID ATION AND DISTRIBU TION AC COUN TS IN DECE ASED E S TATES LY N G FOR NSP EC TION In terms o section 35 (5) of the Adm n s tra ion of Est a es Act No 66 of 1965 no ice s hereby g ve n that copies of the quida on a nd dis r but on accounts ( irst and f na un ess otherwise s ated) in the estate s spec ied b e ow wi l be open for inspect o n of al persons wi h an inte rest therein or a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer f spec a ly stated) from the date spec f ed or from the date of pub icat on he r eo wh chever may be the later and at he o ff ces of the Mas ers of the H gh C ourt and Magis rates as stated Should no ob ec i on ther eto be lodged wi h the Mas ers concerned dur ng the s pecf ed per od the executors w l proceed to make paym ents n accordance w i h he accounts Prov nce: Weste rn Cape Estate No: 682 1/2008 Surname: MI AS F rst names JO HN Passport 0223 2719K Last Addre ss: 47 Ca en dula Road Kew own Descript on of a ccount: F rst and F nal Per od of nspe ct on: 21 days ce: Wynbe rg S ALI E & S ALIE ATTO RNE YS No 169 Taron ga Road Crawford 7780 m cha e@sal e aw co za Tel 021 697 2 093 02SKNO LOST TI TLE DEE D No ice s hereby given n erms o the prov sio ns of section 68 o the De eds Regis r es Ac t 1937 the Regis rar of Deeds at Pre or a ntend o issue a Deed of Trans er n l eu of Deed of Trans er T8989 4/2004 da ed 4 h Jun e 2004 passed by JOHN RUSSEL V AN NIEKERK D No 410722 5027084 o BREND AN ALEX AN DER V AN NIEKERK D No 741223 5162088 and L AWRENCE JOHN V AN NIEKERK D No 761109 5211089 n respect of ce rta n PORTION 1 OF ER F 13 FERND ALE TOWN SH P Regis rat on D vis on I Q The Prov nce of Ga u eng measur ng: 2242 (two housand two hun dred and orty wo) square met res HELD under Deed of Transer T89854/200 4 wh ch has been l ost or destroyed A l persons having ob ec t on o the issue of suc h Deed of Trans er are here by requ ired o odge the same n wri t ng wi h the Ch ef Registrar of Deeds in Pretor a Deeds O f ce Informa t on Sect on 600 L l an Ngony S reet Berea Park Pretor a with n wo weeks after th e date of he f rst publ ca ion o this no ice Da ed at Sandt on on this d ay of May 2023 HIL AR Y SH AW Ground f oor Fedgroup Hous e 89 Bute Lane Sandton n o@h aryshaw c o za 011 784 0262 /3 02SMFQ LIQU D ATION AND DISTRIBU TION AC COUN TS IN DECE ASED E S TATES LYIN G FOR INSP EC T ON n terms of sec ion 35 (5) of he Adm nis tration o Est ates Act No 66 of 1965 notice is hereby g ve n that cop es of he l qu dat ion a nd d str ibuion accoun s (first and ina unless o herw se sta ed) n he estate s spec f ed b elow w l be open for the ns pecion of al persons wi h an nterest therei n for a period of 21 days (or sh or er or lo nger f spec al y sta ted) from the date spec f ed or from the date of pub cat on her eof wh chever may be the a er and a the o f ices of the Masters o the H gh C ourt and Mag str a es as stat ed Should no object on ther e o be odged w th the Mas ters concerned during the s peciied per od the execu ors w l proceed to make paym ents n accordance w th the accoun s Province: Weste rn Cape Estate No: 016 732 2019 Surname: GORG ULHO First names: M AR I A IS ABEL D No 370515 0054 18 8 Las Address 16 Toka Road H ghgr ove Tokai Cape To wn 7945 Descr pt on of a ccount Amended F rs and Fina HEYM AN W LF RED M RK N 5 Ho y Street New ands Cape Town 77 00 Emai : off ce@ m rkinacccoun a nts co za Te : 021 671 6 710 02SK90 L QUID ATION AND DISTRIBU TION AC COUN TS IN DECE ASED E S TATES LY N G FOR NSP EC TION In terms o section 35 (5) of the Adm n s tra ion of Est a es Act No 66 of 1965 no ice s hereby g ve n that copies of the quida on a nd dis r but on accounts ( irst and f na un ess otherwise s ated) in the estate s spec ied b e ow wi l be open for inspect o n of al persons wi h an inte rest therein or a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer f spec a ly stated) from the date spec f ed or from the date of pub icat on he r eo wh chever may be the later and at he o ff ces of the Mas ers of the H gh C ourt and Magis rates as stated Should no ob ec i on ther eto be lodged wi h the Mas ers concerned dur ng the s pecf ed per od the executors w l proceed to make paym ents n accordance w i h he accounts Prov nce: Mpum a anga Estate No: 121 6/2013 Surname: MPH L O F rst names R ASI NLINGW ANI S AMUEL ID No: 660106 6012088 Last Address: Erf 211 Tshikota Makh ado Louis Trichard S AV AGE JOOS TE & AD AM S NC Men o Park Pre toria 008 1 yolandap@savag e co za Tel 012 452 8 200 02SKGE LOST OR DES TR O YED DEED No ice s hereby given n erms of regulat on 6 8 of the Deeds Regi str es Act 19 37 of the intent o n o app y or he issue o a cer i ied copy of Deed of Transfer Number T456 7/2009 passed by TONG AAT HULE TT DEVELOPMEN TS PROPRIE TAR Y L M TED Reg No: 1981/ 012378/07 n favour of KZN OCE ANVIEW DEVELOPMEN TS PROPRIE TAR Y L M TED Reg No: 2004/ 022449/07 n respec of Portion 2 of ERF 2484 UMHL ANG A ROCKS Regis rat on D v sion FU Prov nce of KwaZ u u-Na a wh ch has been l ost or destroyed A l n eres e d pers ons ha v ng ob ec ion o th e ssue of s uch copy are hereby requ red o odge the same n wri t ng wi h the Reg strar o De eds at Pietermari zburg H gh Court Bui d ng 300 P etermar tz Street P e ermar tzburg wi h n two weeks from t he date of pub ica ion of t h s not ce Da ed at Johann esburg this 25 h day of Ma y 2023 HIRSCHOW TZ FLI ON S ATTO RNE YS Upper Ground Leve 8 Arnold Road Rosebank 2132 dunn@hfa torney s co za Te : 011 880 3 300 02SM YG LIQU D ATION AND DISTRIBU TION AC COUN TS IN DECE ASED E S TATES LYIN G FOR INSP EC T ON n terms of sect on 35 (5) of he Adm nis tration o Est ates Act No 66 of 1965 notice is hereby g ve n that cop es of he l qu dat ion a nd d str ibuion accoun s (first and ina unless o her se sta ed) n he estate s spec f ed b elo w l be open for nspect o n of a l persons w th an nte rest here n for a period o 21 days (or shorter or onger f spec a y s ated) rom the date spec f ed or from the date of pub cat on he r eof wh chever may be the a er and a the o f ices of the Masters o the H gh C ourt and Mag strates as sta ed Should no object on ther e o be odged w th the Mas ters concerned during the s peciied per od the execu ors w l proceed to make paym ents n accordance w th the accoun s Pro ince Mpum alanga Estate No 570 4 2022 Surname: M ASH ILW ANE First names: PH LLEMON D No 530503 0726085 Las Address: 589 S rand Denn ton Ne sprui S AV AGE JOOS TE & AD AM S INC Men o Park Pre or a 008 1 yolandap@savag e co za Te : 012 452 8 200 02SKGD LIQU D ATION AND DISTRIBU TION AC COUN TS IN DECE ASED E S TATES LYIN G FOR INSP EC T ON n terms of sect on 35 (5) of he Adm nis tration o Est ates Act No 66 of 1965 notice is hereby g ve n that cop es of he l qu dat ion a nd d str ibuion accoun s (first and ina unless o herw se sta ed) n he estate s spec f ed b elow w l be open for nspect o n of a l persons w th an nte rest here n for a period o 21 days (or shorter or onger f spec a y s ated) rom the date spec f ed or from the date of pub cat on he r eof wh chever may be the a er and a the o f ices of the Masters o the H gh C ourt and Mag strates as sta ed Should no object on ther e o be odged w th the Mas ters concerned during the s peciied per od the execu ors
Province: Weste rn Cape Estate No: 208 94/2020 Surname: REEN T First Names: ME TTIE D No 550107 0049087 Las Address Parakeetstr aat 18, Worcester WILN A ROUX ATTO RNE YS NCORPOR ATED 27 Bar ng Street Worce s ter 6850 w lna@w lnaroux c o za Te : 023 342 2 098 02SKF7 NOTI CE OF LOS T OR DESTRO YED DE ED No ice s hereby given n erms o Regulat on 68(1) of he Deeds Regis r es Act 1937 o the nten ion o apply for the issue of a certi ied copy of Deed of Trans er Number T809 95/2008 passed by LOEV LLE PROP ER T ES NVES TMEN TS C C No CK2007/00 1974/23 n favour of PRIM A KOMMERS IËLE EIENDOMME (P TY) L TD Reg No: 2007/ 034960/07 n respect of ce rta n ERF 23461 P AR OW n the ci y of Cape Town Div sion Cape Provi nce Western Cape wh ch has been lost or de stroyed A l n eres e d pers ons ha v ng ob ec ion o th e ssue of s uch copy are hereby requ red o odge the same n wri t ng wi h the Reg strar o De eds at Cape Town with n two weeks from he date of the publica ion of t h s not ce Da ed a Be v le on 25 May 2023 MINDE SCH AP R O & SMITH INC P O Box 4040 Tyger Va ley 75 36 elbe@m ndes co z a 021 918 9000 02SN AI IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE JOY MCDERMO TT (ID No: 280307 0047 08 4) Who d ed o n 4 Ja nuary 20 21 marr ed n commun ty of property o ARTHUR ZENOV A LE NIN MCDERMOTT (ID No: 250128 5048 08 3) of NO 4 5th Avenue De Oude Renba an P ne Street Paarl Cape Town 2196/20 21 The FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDAT ON AND DIS TRIBUTION ACCOUNT n the above estate wi l ie for nspect on a he off c e of the Mas er of he H gh Cour (Western Cape H gh Cour Cape Town) and a dup l c ate copy thereo a the resid ent Mag s rate P aar or a pe r od of Twen y-One (21) days reckoned from 9 June 2023 W ALK ERS INC PO Box 254 Cape Town 8000 Tel 021 464 1 400 Ema : natashal@ walkers law Ref GM Dahl natasha /W44402 02SN AK NOTI CE OF LOS T OR DESTRO YED DE ED Not ce s hereby g ven in terms of Regulat on 68 of he Deeds Reg stries Act 19 37 o he n entio n to app y for the ssue of a cert f ed copy o SK539/2007 regis ered n th e name of MDUDUZI M TABEL A ID No: 731209 5358 08 3 marr ed accord n g to customary un on n respec o G107 (Carport) Fern View In Richards Ba y Umhl athuze Muni c pa it y Provi nce Of Kw azulu Nata wh ch has been ost or destroyed Al intereste d pers ons ha v ng ob ect on to th e issue of s uch copy are hereby requ red to odge the same in wr t ng to the Regis rar of Deeds a Pietermari zburg w thin wo weeks from d ate of he pub cat on of t his not ce Dated at h s d ay o Mduduzi Mtabe a POSW A NCORP OR ATED F rs F oor Poswa House No 8 Gems bok La ne R v on a Extension 12 Sand on 2128 Inga mabekeb eke@ poswainc co za Tel: 011 783 8 877 02SLNU IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE AR TH UR ZENOV A LENIN MCDERMO TT (ID No: 250128 5048 08 3) Who d ed on 16 Jan uary 2022 W dower Of No 4 5 h Avenue De Oude Renba an Pine Street Paar Cape Town 3206/20 22 The FIRST AND FINAL L qu dat on And Distr bu t on Account n the above es ate w l l e for nspect o n at he o f ce o the Master of he H gh Court (Western Cape H gh Court Cape Tow n) and a dup icate copy hereof a the res den t Mag s rate P aar for a period o f Twenty- One (21) days recko ned rom 9 June 2023 W ALK ERS NC PO Box 254 Cape Town 8000 Tel: 021 464 1 400 Ema l: natasha @ walkers law Ref: GM Dah / natasha /W45347 02SN AJ NOT CE In the Esta e of the Late WILBUR ADD SON SMI TH ID No: 330109 5017 08 2 A se f-emp oyed male who was marr ed ou commun ty o property who d ed on 13 November 2021 and who as res ded at 34 K aasens Road Bishop scour C ape Town 7708 Esta e No 006 287/2022 Not ce s hereby g ven tha the First and Fina Liqu dat on and Dis r but o n Acco un n the ab ovement o ned es ate w l e or nspect on a the off ce of he M aster of he H gh Court Cape Town and Wynberg for a per od 21(twenty one) days from 2 June 2023 STON EH AGE FLE MING FIN ANCI AL SERV CES PO Box 51608 Waterfron 8002 02SKB Y NOT CE In the es ate of the late C ATH AR N A ELIZ ABE TH KNOE TZEN ID No 290726 0052083 Date of B rth: 26 Ju y 19 29 Date o Dea h: 6 November 20 22 o Hu s Vergenoegd Bl ok AD 12 Hoo str aat 1 74 P aarl Esta e No 024 927/2022 The F rst And Fina L qu dat on and Dis r but o n Acco un n the abov e esta e wi l e for nspect on at the off c e o he Master of High C our C ape Town and a t the o ff ce o he Magistrate Paarl or a period o 21 days fro m he date o publ ca t on hereo f Dated at Franskraa this 1 9th day of May 202 2 M AR TH NUS P EN AAR 28 Jul a S reet Franskraal 7220 Tel: 082 257 7 774 02SL Y5 LOST DEEDS LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION LOST DEEDS