2 The sa e is a sale n execu ion pursu ant to a j udgment obta ned n the ab ove Honourab e Co urt 3 The ru es o this auct on are ava able 24 hours prior to he auct on a he off ce o the Sher ff Meyerton 10 Piernee Boule vard Meyer on 4 Registrat on as a buyer s a pre-requis te subject to a speci ic condi io n inter a i a: 4 1 D rect ve o he Consumer Pro ect o n Ac 68 o 20

4 BusinessDay www businessday co za Thursday 6 Apr l 2023 FOR LEGAL ADVERTISING CONTACT: VASIE NAIDOO (011) 280 5553 (GAUTENG) NONTOBEKO NTOMBELA (031) 250 8640 (KZN) LEGAL ADVERTISING • TENDERS • NOTICES TO CREDITOR • LOST DEEDS • LIQUIDATIONS • NOTICES TO DEBTORS • BUSINESSES FOR SALE • AND MORE We have you covered AUC T ON NOTI CE OF S ALE N EXECU TION OF IMMOV ABLE PRO PER TY IN TH E HIGH COU R T OF SOUTH AFRIC A G AU TENG LOC AL DIVISION JOH ANNESBUR G Case No 2022 371 5 In the matter b etween: NEDB ANK LIMI TE D E xecution Cr ed tor and VON SCH A M YR ON ID No: 721021 5169 085 1s J udgment D ebtor VON SCH A MI A ID No: 760825 0115 089 2nd J udgment Debtor In execut on of a judgment o the High Court of South Africa Gauteng Local Divsion Joha nnesburg in he abovemen ione d su t a Sa e w th a reserve p r ce of R147 000 00 w l be he d by the Sheriff Johannes burg Central at 21 Hubert Street Westgate, Johannes burg on the 2 4th da y of Apri 2023 at 10h00 o the un dermentioned property o the Judgment Debtor on he cond t ons to be read out by the Auct one er at he t me o the sale wh ch c ondi ions wi l e for nspect on pr or to he sa e at he o f c es of he Sherif Johannesb urg Centra 21 Hubert Street Wes gate Joh annesburg (shor descri ption o f prop erty si uation and s tree numb er) Certain : A Un t C onsist ng Of -Sect on No 648 as sh own and more ful y descr b ed on Sect ona P an No SS126/2009 n he sch eme known as Colosseu m n respect o he and and bui ding or bui din gs s tu ate a Marshal s Town Towns h p Loca Au hority C ty of Johannesburg of w h ch sect on he f oor area according o he sa d sect ona p an s 21 (twenty one) square me res in extent; and an undiv ded share n he common proper y n the scheme ap por ioned to he sa d sect on n acco rdance w th he par ic pat on qu ota as endorsed on he sa d sect ona p an ( Held by D eed o Transfer No ST20 461 2009) Situated at : D oor No 648 Co osseu m Comm ssi oner Street Marshal town Impro ve ments : (none of which are guaran teed) consist ng of he f o owing: Main building : Loun ge Kitchen Bedro om Bathro om Outbu lding : None Constructed : Brick u nder cement Ter ms : 10% (T en percent ) o the purchase pr ce n cash on the day of he sa e; he balance pay able aga nst registrat on of rans er to be secured by a bank or o her acceptab e guarantee to be furn shed w th n 21 (twen y one) days from th e date o sa e b e on the day o sa e o be ca cu a ed as o lows: 6% (Six percent ) on the f rs R100 000 00; 3 5% on R100 001 0 0 o R 400 000 00 and 1 5% on he bala nce o the proceeds of the s a e subject to a max mum commission of R40 000 0 0 plus VAT f appl cable a nd a minimum of R3000 00 plus VAT i appl cabl e Take Further Noti ce That 1 The sale n execut on s conducted n acc ordanc e to the Consum er Prot ect on Ac 68 of 2008 as am ended n pursuance of an order graned aga nst the Judgmen Deb ors for money ow ng to the Execut on Cred tor 2 The ru es of this auct on and cond tions of sa e may o fice 21 Hubert Street Westgate Joh annesburg 24 hours prior to t he auc ion 3 Reg stration as a buyer s a pre-requ si e subject to cond t ons nte r al a: A) D rect ve o th e Cons umer Protect on A ct 68 o 20 08 (URLhttp://www nfo gov z a/v iew DownloadFi eAct on?id 99961) B) FICA egis a ion i r o proof of den i y and add ress part cu ars A l bidders are requ red to presen the r Identi y Do cument w th pr oo o res dence or FICA comp ance C) A l bidd ers are requ red to pay R20 000 00 (refunda ble) registrat on f ee via EF T No Cash Accepted prior t o the date of sa e n ord er to obtain a buyers card D) The Purcha ser shal pay to he Sh er ff a depos t o 10% of he purchase price n cash or b y bank guarant eed cheque on he day o the sa e The balance sh a l be paid aga ns rans er and shal be secur ed by a g uarantee ssued by a financia inst tu ion approved by the execut on cred tor or h s or her a torney and sha be furn shed to the Sherif w th n twenty one (21) days after the sale E) The property m a y be taken possession of after signature o h e condi ion s o sa e payment of he dep osi and upon ba ance o he purchase pr ce being secured n erms o cond t on 7 1 of he con d t ons o s a e F) Should he Purchaser receive possess on of he property th e Purc haser s ha be l ab e for occupationa renta at the rate o f 1% of he purchase pr ce per month from the date of posses s on o the property o date o registrat on The auct on wi l be cond uced by he Sher ff o r h s d eputy Adver is ng costs at current pub cat on rates and sa e costs accord ng to cour ru es app y Dated at Johann esburg on this he 18th day o January 2023 (sgd N Roe s) ROSSOUWS LESI E INC 8 Sherborne R oad Parktown Johannesburg PO Box 1588 Johannes burg Te : 011 726 9 000 Fax 011 726 3855 Ref: M0026217 /N Roets R Bee ge rikk b@rossouws co za ( Acc ount No 81547330940 01) 02S9VE AUC TION NOT CE OF S ALE IN EXECU TION OF IMMOV ABLE PRO PER TY N TH E HIGH COU R T OF SOUTH AFR C A G AU TENG LOC AL D V S ON JOH ANNESBUR G Case No 2019/1381 2 n he mat er be ween: NEDB ANK L M TE D Exec ut on Credi or and D A S LV A RICH AR D D No 830607 5 176 084 Ju dgmen Deb or n execu ion of a udgment of he H gh Cour of Sou h Afr ca Gau eng Loca D vis on Johannesburg n the abovement oned suit a Sa e wi hout a reserve pr ce the price sub ect o h e Exec u t on he d by he Sheri f Johannesburg Centra at 21 Hubert Street Westgate, Johannesburg on the 24th day of Apr l 202 3 at 10h00 of he undermentioned property of th e Judg ment De b or on the condi io ns o be r ead ou by he Auct on eer a the ime of he sa e wh ch c ondiions w l ie for nspect on prior o the sale a t the of ices of the Sher ff Johannesburg C entra 21 Hubert Street Westgate Johannesburg (short de scr pion of property si uat on and stree number) Certa n : A Unit Consi st ng Of - Section No 92 3 as shown and more fu l y descr bed on Sect onal P an No SS126/2009 in the scheme known as Colosseu m n r espec of the and and bu lding or bu ldi ngs s tuate at Marshal s Town Townsh p Loca Autho r t y: Ci y of Johannesburg of wh ch sect on the loor area according to the sa d secional p an s 33 (T h rty Three) square me res n extent and an und v ded share in t he com mon pr opery n he scheme appor io ned o the sa d section n ac cordance w th the part cipat on quota as endorsed on the said sect ona plan (He d under Deed o Trans er No ST20 529/2009) Situated at : D oor No 923 Colosseu m Commiss oner Stree Johannes burg mprovemen s: (none of wh ch are guaran eed) cons st ng o the o lo w ng: Main building : Lounge K tchen Bedroo m Bathroom Outbuilding : None Constructed : Br ck u nder cement Ter ms : 10% (T en percent) of he purchase price n cash on he day of t he sa e; the ba ance pay ab e ag ainst reg stra ion of transfer o be secured by a bank or o ther acceptab e guarantee to be urnished with n 21 (twenty one) days rom he date of sale ble on the day of sa e to be calculated as fol ows: 6% (S x percent) on he f rst R100 000 00 3 5% on R100 001 00 to R 400 00 0 00 and 1 5% on the ba a n ce of he proceeds of he s ale sub ect o a maximum comm ss on of R40 000 0 0 p us VAT f app icab e a nd a m n mum of R3000 00 p us VAT f app icab e Take Further Noti ce That 1 The sa e in execu ion is conducted in accordance o he Consumer Protect o n Act 68 of 2008 as amended in pursuance of an order granted against the Judgment Debtors or money owing o he Execu ion Cr edi or 2 The rules of th s auct on and condit ons of sal e may off ce 21 Huber S reet Westgate Joh annesburg 24 hours pr or to the auct on 3 Reg s rat on as a buyer is a pre-requis te sub ec o condi ions inter a ia: A) D rec ive of th e Cons umer Protect on A ct 68 of 2 008 (URLht p //www inf o gov za/v ew/Down oadF eA ct on? d 99961) B) FICA leg slat on r o proof of dent ty and add ress par iculars Al b dders are required o present heir dent ty Document wi h proof of res dence for FICA compl ance C) A b dd ers are requ red o pay R20 000 00 (re undab e) reg stra ion fe e v a EF T No Cash Accepted pr or t o the da e o sale in ord er o ob a n a buyers c ard D) The Purcha ser sha pay o the Sh eri f a
of 10% of the purchase pr ce in cash or b y bank
cheque on the day
sale The
sh a
pa d against
and sha l be
an ee
a ns itut on
her attorney
he sa e E) The property ma y be aken possess on o a f er s gna ure of th e cond t ons of sale payment of the de pos t and upon ba ance o f the purchase price be ng secured in terms of condi t on 7 1 o the condi i ons of sale F) Shou d the Purchaser rece ve possession of the property the Purchaser shal be able for occupat ona ren a at the rate of 1% o the purchase price per mon h rom the date o posses s on of the property to date of reg stra ion The auct on w l be con ducted by the Sheri f o r his d epuy Advert sing costs a current publica ion ra es and sale costs according o court rules apply Da ed at Johannesburg on h s he 24 h day o Febr uary 2023 (sgd N Roets) ROSSOUWS LESI E NC 8 Sherborne Roa d Park own Johannesburg PO Box 1588 J ohannesbur g Te : 011 726 90 00 Fax: 011 726 38 55 Re : M0020932 N Roets/ R Beetge r kkib@rossouws co z a ( Acc ount No 81545844754 01) 02S9VF PUBLIC AUC T ON S ALE NOTI CE OF S ALE IN EXECU TION OF IMMOV ABLE PRO PER TY IN TH E HIGH COU R T OF SOUTH AFRIC A G AU TENG LOC AL DIVISION JOH ANNESBUR G Case No 2020/801 2 In the matter b etween: NEDB ANK LIMI TE D E xecut on Cr ed tor and B ARN ARD, M CH AL GERRI T ID No: 800609 5236 088 1st J udgment D ebtor B ARN ARD ELSIE ELIZ ABE TH ID No: 810428 0181 084 2nd J udgment Debtor In Execution Of A Judg ment of the High C our o Sou h Africa Gauteng Loca Div sion Johannesburg in he abovementione d sui a sale as a uni wi h a reserve price o R450 000 0 0 wi be held by he of ice o the Sh erif MEYER TON at 10 PIERNEEF BOULEV ARD ME YERTO N on the 20 th da y of APRI L 2023 at 14h00 o he underment one d property o the Judgmen Debtors on he Cond tions which wi l l e for nspect on pr or to the sa e a he off ces of the Sh er ff Meyerton At 10 Pierneef Boule vard Meyerton The o low ng n ormat on s furn shed regard n g he mprovemen s hough in h s respect no h ng is guaranteed: Main build ng : Loun ge D ning room 3 Bedrooms Ki chen 2 Bat hrooms 1 Shower 2 To lets Outbu lding : 2 Bedro oms Ba hroom Toi e Do uble garage Boundar y: Fenc ed Precas and Pa isades (Improvements InventoryNot guarantee d) Certain : Rem aining Exten o Erf 723 W tkop Townsh p Situated At : 723 V sar end Street Wi kop Randvaal Registration Di vis on : I R The Prov nce of Gau eng Measuring : 1702 ( One Thousand Se ven Hun dred and Two) squar e me res As Held By The Judgm en Deb or Under Deed O Transfer No: T6 7263/201 8 The P ropert y s Z oned : Resident a Ter ms : 10% (T en percent ) o the purchase pr ce n cash on the day of he sale; he ba ance pay able aga ns regis rat on o rans er to be secured by a bank or o her acceptab e guarantee to be furn shed w thin 21 (twenty one) days from th e date o sa e b e on the day o sa e o be ca cu a ed as o lows 6% (Six percen ) on the f rs R100 000 00; 3 5% on R100 001 0 0 o R 400 000 00 and 1 5% on he ba a nce o the proceeds of the s a e subject to a max mum commiss on of R40 000 0 0 plus VAT if appl cab e a nd a minimum of R3000 00 plus VAT f appl cabl e 1 The sa e s f or cash or EFT on y No cheques wi be accepted and VAT a t 15% w l be payable
08 (URLhttp:/ www n o gov z a/v ew/DownloadF l eAc ion?id 99961) 4 2 FICA reg s rat on i r o proo of i denti y and add ress part cu ars 4 3 Payme nt of registra t on deposi of R10 000 00 in cash or EFT 5 The Auct oneer w l be Mr MK Naidoo or Mrs Tersi a van Bi on Dated a Johann esburg on this the 9th day of January 2023 (sgd N Roe s) ROSSOUWS LESI E INC 8 Sherborne R oad Parktown Johannesburg PO Box 1588 Johannes burg Tel: 011 726 9 000 Fax 011 726 3855 Ref: M0021993/N Roe s R Bee ge rikk b@rossouws co za 02S9VD AUC TION NO TICE OF S ALE N EXECU TION IMMOV ABLE PRO PER TY IN TH E HIGH COU R T OF SOUTH AFR C A (G AU TENG LOC AL D V SION JOH ANNESBUR G) Case No : 28993/201 8 n the ma ter b e ween: S AWI NDU 08 (RF) ( P TY)L TD P a n if and ZIMKI TH A M ANEL D efendant Th s sa e in execu io n conduc ed in accordance wi h he Consum er Pro ect on Act 68 o 2008 (as amen ded) pursuant to a Judgment obta ned n he H gh C ourt Under case No: 28993/2 018 dated the 25th of August 2022 and wri o Attachment ssued hereafter the mmovable pro perty is ted hereunder w l be s o d to the h ghest bidder wi h a res erve pr ce o R411 273 45 at the Off ces Of Th e Sheriff Of The H gh Court, Boksb urg, 182 Leeuw poort Str eet Boksburg On 2 1 April 2 023 at 09h30 Fu l Condi ions of Sa e can be nspected at the Off ces Of The Sher iff Of The High Court Boksburg a the abovement one d add ress and wi a so be read ou by he Sher f prior to the sa e n execut on The Execu ion Credi tor Sher ff and/or P a nt f s A torneys d o not g ve any warran ies wit h regar d to the descr p ion an d/or impr ovemen s Propert y: ERF 5 269 Wind mill Park Extens on 12 Tow nship Reg s rat on Div sion I R , The Prov nce O f Gau eng Measuring 2 86 (tw o hun dred and eigh y-s x) s quare metres He d by de ed of transfer No T357 69/2016 Also Know n As : 52 69 Mosu Road Exte nsion 1 2 W n dm l Park mpro ve ments : 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Lounge Kitch en (No Guarantee d) The Prop ert y s Zoned Res den ial (t he accu racy hereo not gua ranteed) 1 The ru es of th s auc ion are ava able 24 hours be fore he auction at the o fices of he Sher ff of the H gh Co urt Off ces Of Th e Sheriff Of The H gh Court Boksb urg 182 Leeuw poort Str eet, Boksburg during of f ce hours Advert sing cost a current pub ication ra es and sa e costs accord ng o Court Ru es app y Reg s rat on a buyer is a prerequ s te su b ec to condit on, nter a ia (a) Direc ive o th e Cons umer Protec ion Ac 68 of 2 008 (URLh tp //www info gov z a v ew/Down oadFi esAct on? d= 99961) (b) Fica- eg slat ion Req u remen proof of D and res denial address (c) Payment of a Reg stra ion ee o R15 000 00 (refu ndab e) n cash or ba nk gua raneed cheque (d) Registrat on cond t on (e) The Sher f or h s deputy w l conduct he auction H ARR NG TON JO HNSON W AND S ATTORNE YS A torneys or P a nt f Bui ding 1 2nd F oor Des gn Quar er Fourways Sand ton 010 448 0609 Re : M01426 02S9VB LOST OR DES TR O YED DEED Not ce s hereby given in terms o regulat on 6 8 of the Deeds Reg str es Ac 19 37 f th i t t pp y the ssue o a cer if ed copy of Certi icate of registered sec ional it e nu mber ST2/ 1976 (1)(UN T) passed by BRIDGEW ATER P ARK DEVELOPMEN T ( P TY) L TD C p y N 7 2/11984 In favour of IS AB EL EL Z ABE TH THER ON ID N 521102 0005 00 3 Unmarr ed n respect of A un t cons st n g of( ) S ti N b 1 shown and more ful y described on Sect ona P an Number SS2 1976 n the b ld g b ldi g k as Bridgew ater Park o wh ch section the f oor area accord ng to the sa d sect onal plan s 166 ( One Hundred and S x y Six) square metres n exten and (b) an undiv ded share in the p p ty th l d and bu lding or b u ldings as shown and more ful y described on the sa d sect ona pl pp t d th id sec ion in accordance with the part cipa on quo ta of the said section speci i ed in a sched e e ndorsed on the said sect onal plan Held By Certi ficate of Reg stered S ectional Title St 2/1976 (1) (Un t) wh ch has been l os or destroyed A l ntereste d pers ons ha v ng ob ect on to th e ss e of s ch copy are hereby required to odge the same n wri t ng wi h the Reg strar o De eds at room 1216 12th Fl oor 90 P e n Street Cape Town wi h n two we eks from the date of he pu b icat on f th t Dated at Somerse We st th s 10th day of March 20 23; STBB Gard ner W l i ams S r ee Paardevle Som erset West udyc@stbb co za Tel 021 850 6 400 02SBEJ LOST T TLE DEE D IN TERM S OF SEC TI ON 38 OF AC T 47 OF 1937 Not ce is hereby given hat under the prov sions of sec ion 38 o the De eds Registr es Act 47 of 1937 the Reg strar of Deeds at Johannesburg intend to is sue a Certi icate of Registered T t e n l eu of Dee d of Tr ansfer number T974/19 51 da ted 5 February 195 1 n favour of PHYL LIS S TELL A B ARN E TT ID No: 221011 0054 0 80 unmarr ed n respect of Certain : Erf 1078 Orange Grove Tow nship Reg s rat on D vis on I R Prov nc e of Gau eng me asur ng 264 (Two Hundred and S xty Four) square m eters he d by Deed o Trans er T974 19 51 h ch has been l os or destroyed Al persons hav ng ob ect on to th e ssue of s uch Cert f cate are hereby requ red to odg e the sam e in writ ng w th the Regis trar of Deeds at J ohannesb urg wi h n s x weeks after the date o he irst publ cat on in the gazet e H ARR IS M ARCUS M AHL ANGU ATTO RNE YS Grays on R dge O f ice P ark B ock B 144 Kather ne Street Atho l Sandton taryn@harrismarcus co za alpa@harrismarcus co za Tel 010 140 8 600/ 084 840 4055 02S9VV LOST OR DES TR O YED DEED Not ce s hereby given in terms o regulat on 6 8 of the Deeds Reg str es Ac 19 37 of the intent o n o app y or the ssue o a cer if ed copy of Deed of Transfer T539 31/1999 passed by THE C TY OF C AP E TOWN n favour of KE TH P ATRICK K ANN EME YER AN D ROSIN A K ANNEM E YER (now January) n resp ec of Erf 32971 M tchells P a n s tuate in the C ty o Cape Town Cape D v sion Provnce of the Western Cape wh ch has been l os or destroyed A l ntereste d pers ons ha v ng ob ect on to th e ssue of s uch copy are hereby required to odge the same n wri t ng wi h the Reg strar o De eds at Cape Town (room 12 16 12th f oor 90 P e n Stree Cape Town) w thin two weeks from the date of the publ ca ion of t h s not ce Date at Cape Town on h s the of 2023 Z NTL E B ALENI 11th Floor No 1 Th b au t Square Cape Town 8 00 1 zba eni@bvpg co za Tel 021 405 3 800 02SB4J SALE IN EXECUTION SALE IN EXECUTION SALE IN EXECUTION LOST DEEDS SALE IN EXECUTION
guaran eed
of the
ba ance
l be
transfe r
secure d by a guar-
issued by a f nanc
approved by the
or h s or
and sha l be urnished o the Sher ff with n
one (21) days af er

8 BusinessDay www businessday co za Thursday 6 Apr l 2023 N THE HIGH CO UR T OF SOUTH AFRIC A KW AZ ULU-N AT AL LO C AL DIVISION, DURB AN Case No : D13348/ 2022 n he Ex Parte appl cat o n of: NICHOL AS C AME RON B AYL Y First A pp ican SH AN NON TAYE MCGREGOR B AYL Y Second A ppl cant N THE M ATTER O F an Ex Parte appl ca ion for the matrimon a reg me n terms of Sec ion 21(1) of he Matr monial Property Act No 88 of 1984 NOTI CE OF MO TI ON SIRS KINDL Y TAK E NO TICE TH AT he First a nd Sec ond App ican s ntend apply ng o h s Honourable Court on the 14 h day of May 2023 at 09h30 or so s oon therea f er as Counse may be heard or an Order in th e fo o w ng erms: 1 TH AT h e App icants be and are h ereby gr anted e ave o change he matr mon a property system wh ch appl es to the r marr age from one in Commu n ty of Pro pery and Pro i t or L oss to one Out of Commu n ty of Pro pery and Prof t or Lo ss in t erms of the draf No tarial Con ract annexed o t he First A pp if f dav t and marked 2 TH AT the Appl cants are au horised o exec ute e ther personal y or through an agen duly author s ed ther e o by a Special Power of At orney the aforesa d Not ar al Contrac w th n Three (3) months of he date of this Order 3 TH AT he cha nge n the property sys em sha be effect ve from he date of reg stra ion of the afore sa d No ar a Con rac t; 4 TH AT the
pre ud ce
Credi ors w hose cl aims arose befor e the reg stra t on of the aforesaid Notar a Contrac w hether heir c a ms ie e ther aga n st the estates of either he F rs or Second App ica nts 5 TH AT the Reg strar of Deeds for the Prov nce of KwaZulu-Natal be and is hereby aut horised to reg s er he a oresa d N otaria Contrac 6 TH AT the Ap pl cants be and are hereby gran ed s uch urther and / or al erna t ve rel e as this Honourab e Court deems me e AND T AKE NO TIC E FURTHER TH AT The Aff davits of NICHOL AS C AME RON B AYL Y and SH ANNON TAYE MCGREGO R B AYL Y wi be used in support h ereof KINDL Y PL ACE THE M ATTER ON THE ROLL FOR HE ARING ACCO RDINGL Y Da ed at Durban this d ay of December 2022 At orneys STR AU SS D AL Y NCORPOR ATED 9th F oor Strau ss Daly P a ce 41 R chefond C rc e Ridgeside Off c e Park Umh anga Rocks 4319 Ref: Ms T Offe rmann] TO: THE REGI S TR AR OF THE HIG H COUR T OF SOUTH AFRIC A Kwazulu-Nata L oca Div sion Durban Masonic Grove Durban AND TO: THE REG S TR AR OF DEEDS 300 P etermar tz Street P e ermar tzburg KwaZulu-Natal 02 S8F2-00 TO PLACE YOUR LEGAL NOTICES Call: Gauteng Vasie 011 280 5553 or KZN Nontobeko 031 250 8640 LOST OR DES TR O YED DEED 1 Notice is hereby g ven in terms of regu a ion 6 8 of he Deeds Reg stries Act 19 37 o he n entio n to app y for the ssue of a cert f ed copy o DEED OF TRANSFER NUMBER T30860/2 020 Passed By 1 NORM AN CR A G MEYER ID No: 670717 5722 08 5 Unmarr ed 2 C AROLINE ED I TH MEYER, ID No: 710413 0043 08 9 Unmarr ed In re spect o : REM A NDER OF POR TION 5 OF ERF 203 BELL AIR Reg stration D vis on FT Prov nce Of KwaZu u -Na tal n ex ent 1245 (one thous and two hundre d and f orty ive square me res) He d by Deed of Tran sfer Number T3086 0/2020 w hich has been ost and despi e a d igent search canno be found Al intereste d pers ons ha v ng ob ect on to th e issue of s uch copy are hereby requ red to odge the same in wr t ng w th he Regis rar of De eds a P e ermar t zburg R oom 411 300 P eterma r tz Str eet Pietermari zburg 3201 w thin two weeks from h e da e o the pub ication of th s no t ce Dated a PINETOWN on h s 23rd day o AP RIL 2023 ANIL R ABIN ATH & ASS OCI ATES 299 Underwoo d Road Sarnia 3610 E-ma l address: an lr@te komsa ne t Telephone 03 1 708 274 9 02SB AP-00 LOST OR DES TR O YED DEED Not ce s hereby g ven in terms of regu a ion 6 8 of he Deeds Reg stries Act 19 73 o he nten ion to apply for the ssue of a cert f ed copy o Deed o Transfer No T151 71/2011 Passed by: XOLILE AN TONI A ND AB A ID No: 730606 0621 08 7 Unmarr ed In favour o : THOK OZ AN COLL EEN KHUZW AYO ID No: 800911 5472 08 9 Unmarr ed In respect of ERF 205 LOWER L ANGE FONTEIN Reg stration D vi s on F T Prov nce o Kwa Zu u Nata In exten 1030 ( one thous and and th rty) Squ are metres Which has been os or destroyed Al persons hav ng ob ec t on to the issue o suc h copy are hereby required o lod ge he same in wr t ng w th he Reg strar of De eds a Pietermari zburg w thin wo weeks a ter t he date o pub cat on of t his not ce Dated a Durban 04 D ay o Apr l 2023 BHM ATTORNE YS NC Su te 404 4 h Floor Metropo itan L f e Bu lding 391 Anton Le mbede S re e Durban 4001 nfo@bhmattorne ys nc co za hughbonga@gm ai com Tel: (+27) 72 834 4 253 02SBSU-00 LOST OR DES TR O YED DEED No ice s hereby given n erms of regu at on 6 8 of the Deeds Regi str es Act 19 37 of the intent o n to apply for he issue of a certi ied copy of Deed o Grant Nu mber TG37 62/1986K Z held by: S PHO AURELIU S MKHIZE D No 460826 5538 08 8 And QONDE NI THER ES A MKHIZE D No 520923 0790 08 3 Married in Commun ty of Property to eac h other n respect o the property descr bed as: ERF 1255 UML AZI BB Reg stra t on D v sion FT Prov nce of KwaZu u-Natal In Exten 600 (s x hundred) sq uare me re s Wh ch has been ost or des royed Al interes ted persons ha v ng o b ec ion o he ssue o such cop y are hereby requ red to od ge the same n wri ing with the Reg s rar of De ed at P e ermar tzburg wi h n two weeks rom he date of pub ication o t h s not ce Da ed at Durban o n th s 14 March 2023 App can Attor neys MOONE Y FORD ATTO RNE YS Address 3rd F oor Of i ce 3 The Boulevard 19 Park La ne Parks de Umh a nga 4153 Emai : info@mfp co za Te : 031 304 9 881 Re : N6266 02S AX5-29 LOST OR DES TR O YED TI TLE DEED No ice s hereby given n erms of regu at on 6 8 of the Deeds Regi str es Act 19 37 of the intent o n to apply for he issue of a certi ied copy of Cert f cat e of Reg st ered Sect on T t e Number 235/1987 (12) ( UN T) Passed by: PE REL GR AN (PROPRIE TAR Y) L M TED Reg s rat on No : 69/18523 n favour of STOE P S T V AK AN S E AKKO MMOD AS E Reg No CK86/ 19135/23 n respect o cer a n Section No 12 (Twe v e) as sh own and more fu y descr b ed on sect on plan No 235/1987 n he bui d ng or bu ldings known as Suncrest Cha lets of wh ch sec i on he f loor area according o he sa d sect ona p an is 136 (One Hundred and Th rty Six) square me res n extent wh ch has been os or des royed A n eres e d pers ons ha ving objec ion o th e s sue of s uch copy are hereby requ red o odge he same n wri ing th the Reg strar of De eds at Pietermaritz burg 300 P etermar tz Str eet P e ermar tzburg 3201 wi h n wo weeks from th e date of he publ cat on of th s no tice Da ed at this d ay of 202 3 App can : DYK ES, V AN HE ERDEN (KZN) INC Nazneen Sha k on beha f of STOEP S T VA KANS E AKKOMMODAIS E CC Address 13 3 Andr ew Zon do Warner Beach Emai Address: Danna-Le gh@kz ndvh za ne t Contact No: 03 1 903 18 51 02SBK6-00 LOST OR DES TR O YED DEED No ice s hereby given n erms of regu at on 6 8 of the Deeds Reg s ries Ac 19 37 of the intent o n to apply for he issue of a certi ied copy of Deed o Trans er T188 09/2019 passed by the S PHO CLEMEN T NZ UZU D No 680809 5611 08 3 unmarried and M AV IS NOM ALEM A M AZ BU KO D No 700203 0289 08 5 unmarried in fa vour o M ARL ON PILL AY D No 790412 5172 08 6 married ou o c ommunity of proper y and R AVESH NEE JUNE PILL AY D No 900605 0119 08 8 married ou o c ommunity of proper y in respect of cer a n ERF 3007 MOUN T EDGECOMBE Reg stra ion D v sion FU Province of KwaZu u-Natal wh ch has been lost or de stroyed A n eres e d pers ons ha ving objec ion o th e ssue o s uch copy are hereby requ red o odge he same n wri ing w th the Reg strar of De eds at Pietermaritzburg wi h n wo weeks from th e date of he publ ca i on o this not ce Da ed at Umhlanga o n this 7th day of Apr 2023 Samantha Nar a nsamy G ARL ICKE & BOU SFIELD NC 7 Torsva e Cresc ent La Lucia Ridge Off ce Es ate Umh anga Rocks samantha nar a nsamy@ gb co za Te 031 570 5 387 02S ANW-00 LOST OR DES TR O YED DEED Not ce s hereby g en in terms of regu a ion 6 8 of he Deeds Regi str es Act 19 37 o he n entio n to app y for the ssue of a cert f ed copy o Deed of Tra nsfer T102 13/2005 P assed by AN TH ON Y TREVO R ASH ENDEN ID No: 560910 5091 08 9 And S ANDR A DE NISE ASH ENDEN ID No: 600714 0131 08 6 Marr ed In Comm un ty Of Property To Each Oth er In favour o PETR ONELL A DI CKS ID No: 600516 0127 08 3 W dow n respec t of : AN UNDIVI DED ½ SH ARE IN: ERF 744 P NE TOWN EXTE NSION 14 Registra t on D vis on FT Prov nce O Kwazu u-Natal In Ext en 1599 (One Thousand Five Hundred And Nine y Nine) wh ch has been lost or destroyed Al intereste d pers ons ha v ng ob ect on to th e issue of s uch copy are hereby requ red to odge the same in wr t ng w th he Regis rar of De eds a P etermar tzburg w thin two weeks from h e da e o the pub cat on of h s no ce Dated at La Luc a Ridge on this 3rd day of Apr l 20 23 G ARL ICKE & BOU SFIELD INC P O Box 1219 Umhlanga Rocks 4320 E-ma l address: Tracey knott@gb co za Con act No 03 1 374 10 00 02SB AT-00 LOST OR DES TR O YED DEED No ice s hereby given n erms of regu at on 6 8 of the Deeds Regi str es Act 19 37 of the intent o n to apply for he issue of a certi ied copy of Deed of Transfer No T194 67/1982 p assed by P AUL US JOH AN NES BOTH M A D No 410225 5030 08 2 Unmarried n res pect PORTION 88 (OF 17) OF ERF 215 SE A VI EW Reg s rat on Div sion FT Province Of KwaZulu-Na a n exten 859 (e ght hundred and f fty nine) square met res wh ch has been os or des royed A n eres e d pers ons ha ving objec ion o th e ssue o s uch copy are hereby requ red o odge he same n wri ing w th the Reg strar of De eds at P ETERMARITZB URG w th n two we eks from the date of the pub icat o n of this notice Dated at DURBAN h s 30th day o f March 20 23 300 Sm th Street 7 h F loor Old Mutua Bu d n g Durb an 4001 Abby Reddy P ara egal CH AP M AN D YER NCORPOR ATED abby@cdi co za 031 319 7800 02S AUW-00 LOST OR DES TR O YED DEED Not ce s hereby given in terms o regulat on 6 8 of the Deeds Regi str es Act 19 37 of the intent o n o app y or the ssue o a cer if ed copy of Deed of Transfer T424 62/2010 P assed By THE EXEC U TRIX IN THE ESTATE OF THE L ATE DESMOND V AN DIC KS Number 11226/ 2009/PMB In favour of: PETR ONELL A D CKS ID No: 600516 0127 08 3 Unmarr ed n re spect of: AN UNDIVI DED ½ SH ARE IN: ERF 744 PINE TOWN EXTE NSION 14 Reg s ra t on Div sion FT Province Of KwaZulu-Nata In Ex ent 1599 (One Thousand Five Hundred And N nety N ne) Square Metres which has been os or de s royed A l ntereste d pers ons ha v ng ob ect on to th e ssue of s uch copy are hereby required to odge the same n wri t ng wi h the Reg strar o De eds at P e ermar tzburg wi t hin two weeks rom th e date of the publ cat on of th s not ice Dated at La Luc a Ridge on th s 3rd day of Apr 20 23 G ARL CKE & BOU SF ELD INC P O Box 1219 Umh anga Rocks 4320 E-ma l address Tracey knot @gb co za Contac No: 03 1 570 53 00 02SBCI-00 LOST OR DES TR O YED DEED Not ce s hereby g ven in terms of regu a ion 6 8 of he Deeds Regi str es Act 19 37 o he n entio n to app y for the ssue of a cert f ed copy o Deed of Gran TG42 20 1978K Z passed by MKHUMB ANE ZO ND ID No 3910 16 5290 08 8 in favour o BHEK THE MB A D AVI D MKH ZE ID No; 530412 5390 08 9 In respect o ERF 1 285 UML AZI J Registra t on D vis on FT Prov nce o KwaZu u-Na a In Ex ent 325 (Three Hun dred A nd Tw enty F ve) Square metres which has been os or destroye d Al intereste d pers ons ha v ng ob ect on to th e issue of s uch copy are hereby requ red to odge the same in wr t ng w th he Regis rar of De eds a P etermar tzburg w thin two weeks from h e da e o the pub cat on of h s no ce Dated at La Luc a R dge on this 4th day of Apr l 2023 G ARL ICKE & BOUSFI ELD INC P O Box 1219 Umhlanga Rocks 4320 E-ma l address: Tracey knott@gb co za Con act No 03 1 570 53 85 02SBK5-00 LOST OR DES TR O YED DEED Not ce s hereby given in terms o regulat on 6 8 of the Deeds Reg str es Ac 19 37 of the intent o n o app y or the ssue o a cer if ed copy of Deed of Trans er Number T193 21/2010 Pas sed by: ZENZO JEREMI A NKOS (ID No: 631014 5785 08 2) & F KILE BE AU TY N KOSI (ID No: 680525 0588 08 0) In favour of KERR Y ANNE W AR BURG (ID No: 550830 0078 08 3) & KYLE ERIK W ARB URG (ID No: 830909 5057 08 6) In respec o c ertain ERF 1492 WES TVILLE Registrat on D v s on FT Prov nce Of KwaZulu-N a a wh ch has been misp aced A l ntereste d pers ons ha v ng ob ect on to th e ssue of s uch copy are hereby required to odge the same n wri t ng wi h the Reg s rar of Deed a : P etermar tzburg 300 PIETERMARITZ STRE ET PIETERMARITZ BURG 3 2 01 wi h n two we eks from the date of pub cat on o th s not ce Dated at h s Day of 2023 App icant KYLE ERIK W ARB URG Address: 51 Me thven Roa d Westvi e 02SBNI-00 LOST OR DES TR O YED DEED Not ce s hereby given in terms of R egu at on 68 m ade under the Deeds Reg stry Act 1937 of the nten i on to apply for the ssue of a cer i ied copy of Deed of Transfer No T3379 2 022 the undersigne d M ARS H ALL SOM AR U ID No: 851114 5217 08 7 and SHIZE TTE S OM ARU ID No: 860703 0066 08 2 Marr ed n commun ty of property to each other in respec of: Rema nder of ERF 329 PINE TOWN EXTE NSION 8 Registrat on D vi s on FT In the Province of Kwazu u-Na a In ex ent 1055 (one thou sand and f ftyf ve) Square me res Wh ch has been lost or destroye d A l ntereste d pers ons ha v ng ob ect ons to the ssue of such copy are hereby requ red to odg e the sam e in writ ng wi h the Reg s er of Deeds at Pietermari z burg wi h n two we eks from t he date o he pub icatio n of th s not ce Date d a Durban on th s day o Apr l 2023 App ication THOR PE AND H AN DS INC Address 88 Ma hatma Ga ndh Road The Po n Dur ban Ema : chr st na@ thorpeandhan ds co za Tel 031 3043 641 02S AYR-32 LOST OR DES TR O YED DEED Not ce s hereby given in terms o regulat on 6 8 of the Deeds Reg str es Ac 19 37 of the intent o n o app y or the ssue o a cer if ed copy of Deed of Trans er Number T483 9 2015 P assed by: The Es ate of the late KERR Y ANNE W AR BURG (Estate No: 30 63/2011 P MB) In favour of ERIK BERN ARD W ARB URG (ID No 511013 5057 08 3) In respec o c ertain ERF 1492 WES TVILLE Registrat on D v s on FT Prov nce Of KwaZulu-N a a wh ch has been misp aced A l ntereste d pers ons ha v ng ob ect on to th e ssue of s uch copy are hereby required to odge the same n wri t ng wi h the Reg s rar of Deed a : P etermar tzburg 300 PIETERMARITZ STRE ET PIETERMARITZ BURG 3 201 wi h n two we eks from the date of pub cat on o th s not ce Dated at th s Day of 2023 App icant ER K BERN ARD W ARB URG Address: 8 Wi l ams Road Westvi e 02SBNJ-00 LOST OR DES TR O YED DEED Not ce s hereby given in terms o regulat on 6 8 of the Deeds Regi str es Act 19 37 of the intent o n o app y or the ssue o a cer if ed copy of Deed of Gra n No TG 573 0/1987 n he na me of BOYI D AL TON KH AN YILE In respect of ERF 348 KW AM ASHU E which has been os or de s royed A l ntereste d pers ons ha v ng ob ect on to th e ssue of s uch copy are hereby required to odge the same n wri t ng wi h the Reg strar o De eds at PIETERMARITZB URG wi h n two we eks from the date o he pub icatio n of th s not ce App icant Dere l Tay or G ARL CKE & BOU SF ELD INC 7 Torsvale Cresc ent La Lucia Ridge Off ce Es ate Umh anga Rocks Ema : Derel taylor@gb c o za Tel 031 570 5 440 02SBCK-00 LEGALS LOST DEEDS LOST DEEDS LOST DEEDS
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