Business Day Legal Notices (July 7 2023)

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e of th e sa e and shal provide for t he paym en o the ful ba ance and any such nterest payable as provided for her eunder The Ru es o h s auc ion s avai ab e 24 hours be ore the auct on a the off ce of he Sheri f o the H gh Co urt AC TI NG SHERIFF SOSH ANGUVE Th e of ice o the AC TING SHE RIFF SOSH ANGUVE w l con duc the sa e Advert sing c osts a current pub icat on ra es and sa e costs accord ng o cour ru es app y Reg stration as a buyer is a pre-requ si e subject to cond t ons n e r al a A) D rec ive o t he Consum er Protect on A ct 68 o 20 08 (URLhttp:/ www n o gov z a/v ew/DownloadF l eAc ion?id 99961) B) FICA - egis a t on r o proo of i denti y and add ress part cu ars C) Payment of a Registra t on Fee of R50 000 00 n cash or EFT

Reg strat on condit ons

In terms of Ru e 46: 1 (8)(a)( i ) any n eres ed party may not ess han 25 days pr or to the da e of sa e submit o the Sher ff n wring further or a mended cond t ons o s a e 2 (8)(d) any inte rested par ty may not ess than 10 days pr or to the da e o f sale and execut on cr ed tor the b ondho der s and a l n eres ed part es appl y to

6 BusinessDay www businessday co za Friday 7 Ju y 2023 PUBL C AUC TION S ALE NOTI CE OF S ALE IN EXECU T ON OF IMMOV ABLE PRO PER TY IN TH E HIGH COU R T OF SOUTH AFRIC A G AU TENG LOC AL DIVISION, JOH ANNESBUR G CASE NO 202 2 3714 n the ma ter b e ween: NEDB ANK LIMI TE D Execu ion Cred or And CORNELIUS CHR S TIN A ( D No 820627 0028 082) Judgmen Deb or N EXECUTION OF A JUDGMENT o t he High Court of South Afr ca Gauteng Loca D vis on Johannesburg n he abovement one d suit a s a e as a un t w th a reserve pri ce of R156 000 0 0 w l be held by the off ce of t he Act ng Sher ff V anderbi lp ark at P & L Bui ding Ground Floor corner Frik kie Me yer and Kel v n Boule vard Vanderb j lpark on he 21 S T day o JUL Y 20 23 at 10h 00 of the underme nt oned proper y o the Judgmen Debtors on the Cond t on s wh ch w l ie for nspect on pr or to the sa e at the of ices of the Act ng Sher if Vanderbi park a t P & L Bui ding Groun d F oor corner Fr kk e Me yer and Kelv n Boulevar d Vanderbi park The fol ow ng inf ormat on is urnished regard n g the mprovements though n this respect nothing s guaraneed Main Bu d ng: 2 Bedrooms Bathro om L v ng room K t chen Outbu d ng: Garage Park ing area Construc ed Bric k under corrugated iron roo ( mpro ements / In en oryNo guaran ee d) CERT AIN (1)A UNIT CONS ST NG OF (a) Section Nu mb er 16 as sho n an d more u ly descr bed o n Sect ona Plan No SS163/1992 in the scheme known as F AIR H AVEN COU R T n respect of the and and bui d ng or bui d n gs si u a e at V ANDERBIJL P ARK CENTR AL WES T NO 1 Local Authori y: Em u eni Local Munic pa ity o wh ch sect on the f oor area accord ng to the sa id sec i onal p an s 66 (s x y six) sq uare metres in ex en ; and (b) An und vided sh are n the common property n the scheme ap port oned to the said sect on n accordance w th the part cipa ion qu o a as endorsed on the sa d sect ona p an He d by Deed of Trans er No T189 80/2010 (2) A UNIT CON S STING O F (a) Section Nu mb er 7 as shown and more u l y descr bed on Sec ional Plan No SS163/1992 in the scheme known as F AIR H AVEN COU R T n respect of the and and bui d ng or bui d n gs si u a e at V ANDERBIJL P ARK CENTR AL WES T NO 1 Local Authori y: Em u eni Local Munic pa ity o wh ch sect on the f oor area accord ng to the sa id sec i onal p an s 16 (sixteen) square metres in ex en ; and (b) An und vide d share in the common property n the scheme ap port oned to the said sect on n accordance w th the part cipa ion qu o a as endorsed on the sa d sect ona p an He d by Deed of Trans er No ST18 980/2010 (3) An exclusive use area descr bed as P ARKING P5 measuring 1 4 ( ourt een) square me re s being as s uch par of h e comm on prop erty compr sing the and an d the scheme known as F AIR H AVEN COU R T n respect of the and and bui d ng or bu dings sit u ate at V AND ERB JL P AR K CENTR AL WES T NO 1 Local Authori y: Em u eni Local Munic pal ty as sh own and more fu y descr b ed on Sect ona P an No SS163/1992 he d by Not ar al Deed of Cess on No SK01334 2010 S TU ATED AT: Door No 2 Fa r haven Court Brear ey Stree Vanderbi park C w1 THE PROPER TY I S ZONED : Res den tial Terms : 10 % (Ten percent) of he purchase price n cash on he day o t he sa e the balance pay ab e aga nst reg stration of transfer to be secured by a bank or o ther acceptab e guarantee o be urnished wi h n 21 ( wenty one) days from th e da e of sale b e on he day of sa e to be calculated as fol ows: 6% (S x percent ) on the irst R100 000 00; 3 5% on R100 001 0 0 to R 400 000 00 and 1 5% on the ba a nce of he proceeds of he s ale sub ec o a maximum comm ssion o R40 000 0 0 p us VAT f app cab e a nd a m n mum o R3000 00 p us VAT if app icab e 1 The sa e s or cash or EFT only No cheques w l be accepted and VAT a t 15% w l be payab e 2 The sa e is a sa e in e ecut on pursuant o a udgmen ob a ned n the abo e Hono ra b e Co rt 3 The u es of th s auct o are a a lab e 24 hours pr or o the auct on at the o fice of he Act ng Sher f Vanderbi park at P & L Bui ding Ground F oor corner Frikk e Meyer and Kelv n Boulevar d Vanderbi park 4 Reg s rat on as a buyer s a pre-requ s te sub ec to a spec f c cond t o n nter al a 4 1 D rec ive o the Consumer P rotec ion Act 68 of 2008 (URL http://www nfo gov za/ v ew/Down oadF eAct on? d 99961) 4 2 FICA regi strat on i r o proof o dent ty and add ress par iculars 4 3 Payment of reg stra io n depos t of R10 000 00 n cash or EFT 5 The Auct on eer wi l be Mr P Ora Da ed at Johann esburg on h s the 25 h day of Apri 2023 (sgd N Roets) ROSSOUWS LESI E NC 8 Sherborne R oad Parktown Johannesburg PO Box 1588 Johannesburg Te : (011) 726- 9000 Fax: (011) 726- 3855 Re : M0023787 N Roets/ R Beetge r kkib@rossouws co za 02SU75 NOTI CE OF S ALE IN EXECU TION N TH E H GH COU R T OF SOUTH AFRIC A G AU TENG LOC AL DIVIS ON JOH ANNESBUR G CASE NO: 242 31/2020 In the mat er b etween THE S TAND ARD B ANK OF SOUTH AFRIC A LI MI TED Execution Cred tor/P a nti f and MKHIZE : BHEKI M ARCUS (ID No : 640114 5641 08 4) 1st Execut on Debtor/Defend ant MSIZI: BERNICE 2ND (ID No : 690628 0510 08 4) Execution Debt or/Defend ant This is a sa e in execut on pursuant to a judgment obta ned in he above Honourab e Court o n 08th Nove mber 202 2 in terms of wh ch the fol owin g prop erty wi l be so d n execu i on on 18TH JUL Y 20 23 a 10 H00 by the SHERIFF JOH ANNESBUR G SOU TH at Shop No 2 & 3 Vista Centre Cnr Hi ar y & Tr e vor Streets Gill view Johannesburg to the h ghest bidder w th reserve of R1 118 055 48 ERF 573 MERED ALE EXTE NSION 4 TOWNS HIP Registrat on Div sio n I Q Prov nce o Gaut eng m easuring 1033 (one thous and and th r y three) square me ers Hel d by deed of transfer no 32 117/2005 SITUATED AT 14 BULBUL AVE NUE MERED ALE EX T 4 ZONING: Genera Res den ial (Not h ng Guaran eed) The fo owi ng nf orma ion s furn shed but n ot guaran teed: M AIN BUILDING: 4xbedrooms K tchen 2xbathroom Lo unge Diningroom Scu l ery To et OUTB UILDING: Bedroom Bathr oom (The na ure ex ent condi t on and existen ce o the improvemen s are n ot gua ranteed and are s old vo etstoo s ) The Purchaser sha l in addt on to the Auctioneer s comm ss on pay a depos t of 10% of the purchase pr ce in cash or bank guarantee cheque on the day of the sale and the balance aga inst transfer which shal be secured by a Bank or Bui d ng Soc ety guarantee n a orm accep able to Plaint ff s conveyancers which gua rantee shal be de ivered by the Purchaser o the Sheri f wi h n twenty one (21) days from the dat e of th e sa e and sha l prov de or t he p aym ent of he u l balance and any such n eres payab e as prov ded or her eunder The Ru es of th s auct on s ava lab e 24 hours before the auct on at the of ice of the Sher ff of the H gh Co ur JOH ANNESBUR G SOU TH The of ice of t he SHE R FF JOH ANNESBUR G SOU TH wi l conduc the sale Advert s ng costs at c urren p ublcation rates and sa e c osts accord ng to court rules apply Registrat on as a buyer is a pre-requ s te sub ect to condit ons nte r a ia: A) D rect ve of th e Cons umer Pro ect on A c 68 of 20 08 (URLht p: /www nfo gov z a/v ew/Down oadF eAction? d 99961) B) F CA - egis a ion r o proof of i dent ty and add ress part cu ars C) Paymen of a Reg s ra t on Fee of R50 000 00 in cash or EFT D) Reg stra ion condi ions NB: In terms of Ru e 46 1 (8)(a)(i i) any in terested party may no ess than 25 days pr or o he date of sale submi to he Sher f in wr tng fur her or amended condit ons of s ale; 2 (8)(d) any in terested p arty may no ess than 10 days prior to the date o f sa e and on 24 hou execu ion cr ed tor he b ondho der/s and a nterested part es app y o a mag str ate of the d stric for any modifcation o the cond t ons of sale; The a oresa d sale sha l be sub ect to he Cond t ons of Sale which may be inspec ted at he o f ce of he Sheri f of the H gh Court SHERIFF JOH ANNESBUR G SOU TH at Shop No 2 & 3 Vista Centre Cnr Hilar y & Tre vour Stre ets Gill vi ew Johannesburg Dated at San d on on th s 26TH day of M AY 2023 RMT ATTORNE YS 171 Katheri ne Stre et L b erty Li e O f ce Park Bui d ng 2 Sec ond F oor Strathavon Sandto n 2196 South Afr ca Tel 011 444 3 008 Fax: 011 444 3017 neo@rmtattorneys afr ca Ref S MNOKWE NK/ MAT13560 02SU77 NOTI CE OF S ALE IN EXECU TION IN TH E HIGH COU R T OF SOUTH AFRIC A G AU TENG D V SI ON PRETORI A CASE NO 982 2019CC In the matter b etween THE S TAN D ARD B ANK OF SOUTH AFR C A LI MI TED Execut on Credi or/P a n if and DUBE : W LLI AM MPOL AYENG (ID No: 711110 5414 08 9) Execut on Debt or Defend an This s a sa e n execut on pursuan to a udgmen obtained n the above Honourable Court on 09 TH M ARC H 2021 n er ms o wh ch the fo owin g prop erty w l be so d n execut on on 27TH JUL Y 20 23 at 10 H00 by the AC TING SHE RIFF SOSH ANGUVE at AZ ANI A BUILDING CNR OF ISCOR AVE NUE & IRON TERR ACE WES T P ARK PRETORI A to the h ghes b dder w th rese rve of R418 203 10 ERF 590 SOSH ANG UVEBB TOWNSHIP Reg stration D vi s on J R Prov nce of Gau eng m easur ng 450 (four h undred and f fty) square me tres He d By Deed Of Tran sfer No T25306/20 07 SITUATED AT: STAN D NO 590 BLOCK BB SOSH ANGUV E ZONING Genera Resident a (No h ng Guaranteed) The o low ng n ormat on s furn shed bu n ot guaran teed M A N BUILDING 2xbedrooms D ningroom K tc hen To e t OUTB UILD NG 2xou s de Ro oms Gara ge Toi e (The nature exten cond t on and ex sten ce of the mprovements are n o gua ranteed and are s o d vo etstoots ) The Purchaser shal n addt on to the Auc ioneer s commiss on pay a depos t o 10% of the purchase price in cash or bank guaran ee cheque on the day o he sa e and he ba ance aga ns transfer which sha be secured by a Bank or Bu d ng Soc ety guarantee in a form acceptab e to P aint ff s conveyancers wh ch gua rantee shal be del vered by he Purchaser to the Sherif w thin twen y one (21) days from he da
a magis r ate o the d s rict or any mod fca ion of the cond t ons o sa e The aforesai d sale sha l be subject to the Cond ti ons o Sa e wh ch may be inspec ed a the of ice o the Sher f o the H gh Court AC TING SHER FF SOSH ANG UVE at ZELD A P AR K BUILD ING OFF CE NO 8 A 5 70 GERRI T M ARRI TZ S TR E E T PRETORI A NORTH Dated at San dton on h s 06TH day of Ju ne 2023 RMT ATTORNE YS 171 Ka heri ne S re et L b erty L fe Of ice Park Bu ld ng 2 Sec ond F oor Stra havon Sandto n 2196 South Africa Tel: 011 444 3 008 Fax 011 444 3017 neo@rmta torneys afr ca Ref: S MNOKWE/NK/ MAT10983 02SU76 Notice to Debtors Notice to Creditors Sale in Execution Deceased Estates Court Orders Insolvencies Town Planning & More CONTACT: Gauteng: Vasie egals@arena africa KZN: Poonam Nontobeko egalskzn@arena africa S ALE OF BUS NE SS Not ce s hereby given in terms of Sect o n 34(1) of the Inso vency Act No 24 of 1936 as amended hat N ACI ON AL F OODS ( P TY) L M TED Reg No: 2018 032075/07 (herein represe nted by N R Meder) carry ng on bus ness under the style of OCE AN B ASKE T PL ATTEKLOOF (the business) a Shop No 2 Plattekloof Vi lage Co rner Plattekloof & Bar onet y Boule vard Pa rrow n e nds sub ect to ful lment of certa n suspen s e co nd t ons to sel and transfe r to J C Schoe man ID No: 720407 5098088 ( n h s capa ci y as Trustee for a company to be f ormed) ts ent rety as a going con cern wi h effect from he date upon wh ch th s not ce expires CHRIS TELIS AR TEMIDES 2nd F oor 20 Baker Stree Rosebank Ref C Artem d es/03143 02STY0 SALE IN EXECUTION SALE IN EXECUTION SALE IN EXECUTION SALE OF BUSINESS

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