Business Day Legal Notices (July 14 2023)

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12 BusinessDay www bus nessday co za Fr day 14 Ju y 2023 AUC TION N THE HIGH CO UR T OF SOUTH AFRIC A KW AZ ULU-N AT AL LO C AL DIVISION DURB AN Case No: 555/20 17 n the ma ter bet ween: THE S TAN D ARD B ANK OF SOUTH AFRIC A L M TED P a nt f And NO AH KIM PERE A dent t y Nu mber 680308 5124 08 0 Defend ant NOTI CE OF S ALE K NDLY TAKE NOTICE that n pursuance o t he Judgment gran ed by the above Honourable Court n he above matter o n the 12 December 2018 and n execut on of the Wri of Execut on of the immovab e proper y the fo owing mmovable property w l be so d n execut on by he Ac ting Sheriff of the High Court for the district of Durban South on the 03 Au gust 2023 at 12h00 sub ect to a reserve price by w ay of phys ca a tendance at the Durban South Un t 1 2 E a ion House 350 352 S amfordhi l R oad Dur ban and or/ on ine by c ick ng on he o low ng l nk to reg ster and part c pate in the onl ne b dd ng process: www on ineauc ion s africaconsumer pr otec ion Act Property Descript on: ERF 427 COEDMORE Reg s rat on Div sio n F T Province of KwaZulu -N a a n Ex ent 1012 (one t housand and twelve) square metres Held b y De ed of Tran sfer No T18 868 2012 The property s si uated at: 11 DOVE CRESC EN T COEDMORE, YELL OWWOOD P ARK Mag ster al Distr ct of: EThekwin MPROVEMEN TS : main bui ding: doub e storey reestand ng w th open pat o area w th ste e rai ng on s des p as ered b ock wal s i ed roof i ed f oor 1 o pen d n ng room and ounge 1 s udy 3 bedrooms u ly f tted - ma n bedroom has ensuite 1 k tchen 1 scu lery f tted w th cupboard 1 bathr oom 1 shower 1 toi e main bui d ng (bo tom leve ): 1 bedroom 1 k tchen 1 to let 1 sh ower other: bui t- n braa are a and undercover ko pond water eature out bui d ng: s ng e s orey sem -at ache d b ock p astered wa s wi th t led roof and i ed f o ors 1 open di ning room and ounge 2 bedrooms 1 k tchen ful y f tted w th cupboards shower and 1 o let grann y cot age: 2 bedrooms ful y f tted 1 o let and shower 2 doub e garages sw mming pool pav ng boundary br ck pla st ered ront w th s eel gate sides enced wi h pa asade fencng w ndows and door s wi h burg ar guards a r condi ioners o her rooms c e ing ans o her rooms (The nature exte nt co nd tion and exis ence of the improvemen s are not guaranteed and are s o d v oetsoots ) The aforement oned proper y w l be so d as per he Condi ions of Sale wh ch cond t on s and ru es of th s auct on c an be nspec ed 24 hours before he sa e a the of ices o the said Ac ing Sheri f of the H gh Court or the d str ict o f Durban Sou h si uated at Un t 1/2 Elat on House 350/352 Stam ordh l R oad Durban or a the off ces of he Attorneys act ng on behalf of he P a n i f at t he address menti oned her eunder The Auct on w l be conduc ed by either Mr A lan Murugan he du y appointed Act ng Sherif or Durban Sou h n terms of Sect on 2 1986 as amend ed an d or the duly appo nted Deputy The Purchaser shal pay o the sher ff a depos t of 10% of he purchase pr ce n cash or by bank guaranteed ch eque on he day of he sale The balance sha be pa d aga nst ransfer and sha be secured by a guarantee issued by a inancial nst tut on appro ved by he execut on cred or or h s or her a tor ney and sha l be furn shed to the s her ff w th n 21 days a t er he sa e The property may be ta ken possess on of after signature of the cond t ons of s ale payment of he depos t and upon the ba ance of the purchase price being secured in terms of the condiions o sale Shou d the purchaser rece ve pos sess on of the proper y the purchaser sha be able for occupa ional ren a a the rate of 1% o the purchase pr ce per month from the date of occupation o the date of sa e Advertis ng cost at current pub icat on ra e and sa e cost accord ng o Court rules apply Reg s rat on as a buyer s a pre-requis te sub ec o condi ions inter a ia: A) Direc ive of th e Cons umer Protec ion Act 68 o 2008 (URLh tp //www inf o gov za v ew/Down oadF e Act on? d 99961) B) A l bidders phys ca ly at end ng the auction are requ red to pay R15000 00 (refundable) reg stra i on fee pr or to he commencement of he auction in ord er o C) Al b dders o present heir den ity Docum ent oge ther w th heir pro of o reside nce or FICA comp ian ce D) A l onl ne bidders are requ red to pay R40 000 00 (refundable) regis rat on fee pr or to he commencement of the auct on n ord er o E) Reg s rat on co nd t ons Da ed at D urban on h s 06 h day of June 202 3 P a nti f s Atto rney STR AU SS D AL Y I NC 9th F oor Strauss Daly P ace 41 R chefond C rcl e R dges de Off ce Park Umh anga Re : MRS CHETT Y /S1272/ 8468/AS 02SW8M- 25 AUC TION NOT CE OF S ALE N TH E H GH COU R T OF SOUTH AFRIC A KW AZ ULU-N AT AL LOC AL DIVISION DURB AN CASE NO: 134 57/2014 In the mat er b etween ABS A B ANK LIMI TED P a n i f And COUBENDREN GOVENDER ID No: 760519 5 113 08 8 Defendant In terms of a udgm ent of the above Hon ourab e Court, a sale n execution wi l be held on WEDNESD AY 26th JULY 2023 a 10 :00 at THE PINE TOWN 18 SUZ UK A RO AD WES TME AD PINE TOWN to the highest bidder n te rms of Rule 46(12)(b) he pro pe rty s hal be sold to he h ghest b dder DESCRIP T ON : A UN T CONSIS T NG OF:(A) SECTI ON NUMBER 6 as shown and more ful y described on sectiona p an no SS72/2007 in he sch eme known as the GLEN n respect of he land and bui d ng or bu ldings s tu ate at PINE TOWN n the Ethek w n Mun c pa i y of whi ch sec t on the f oor area accord ng to the sa d sect ona p an s 100(one hundred) sq uare me res n exten t and (B) An undiv de d share in the common property in the scheme ap port oned o the said sec ion in accordance wi h the part cipat on qu ota as endorsed on the said sec ional p an He d by deed of trans er number S T2162 6/2010 Phys ca Addres s: 6 TH E GLEN 11 J M KOTZE R O AD, C AV ERSH AM GL EN PINE TOWN KW AZ ULU-N AT AL Mag s er a Distr c t: ETHE KWINI ZONING: RES DE N T AL (Nothing s guarant eed herein) IMPROVEMEN TS : M AIN BUILDI NG S ngle storey concrete b ock wal s wi h clay ti e roo and wood windows Dwe ing consis t ng of: 1 Lounge 1 Dining Ro om 1 K tchen 1 Bedro om 1 Bathroom Outbu lding 1 Garage But nothing is guaranteed in respect there of The nature exten condi t on and existen ce o the improvemen s are n ot gua ranThe u l Cond t ons o Sale may be nspected 15 days prior to the date of sa e at the off ce of he Sh er ff P neto wn 18 SUZUK A RO AD , WESTME AD PIN E TOWN TAKE FUR THER N O TE TH AT: 1 Th s sa e s a sa e in execu ion pursuan to a udgment obta ned in the above Court 2 The Rules o this Auc i on and a ful adver isem en s ava lab e 24 hours before the auct on at the of ice of the Sher ff P netow n 18 SUZUK A RO AD WESTME AD, PIN E TOWN 3 Regis rat on as a buyer s a pre-requis te sub ect to condit ons nte r a ia: a) Direct ve of the Cons umer Pro ect on Act 68 o 2 008 (URL h tp //www info gov za/ v ew/DownloadF leAc ion?i d= 99961 ) b) A l bidders a re requ red to present th e r de nt ty d ocument ogether wi h heir pr oof of residence for FICA compl ance c) A bidders are requ red to pay R15 000 00 in c ash reg stra ion fee prior to the commencemen of the au ct on in order to obt ain a d) Reg stration cond tions 4 The off ce of the Sher ff or P netown w l conduct the sale w th auct oneers N B Nxu ma o and/or Mrs S Raghoo 5 Advert sing c osts a curren publ cat on rates and sale costs according t o the court ru es app ly 6 The Purchas er sha l in comm ss on pay to the Sher ff a deposit o 10% of the purchase pr ce in cash or by the way of an e ectron c funds transfer on the day of the sa e 7 The balance shal be pa d against rans er and sha be secured by a guarantee ssued by a financia ns itut on approved by the Execut on Cred tor or his o r her attorney and sha l be urnished to the S heri f wi thin 21 days af er the sa e and sha l prov de or t he paym ent of he u l balance and any such n eres p ayable 8 The property may be t aken possess on of a te r signa ture of the Condi ions of S ale payment o the depos it and the balance of he purch ase price 9 Should the Purchaser or any o her person cla m ng possess on hrough the Purchaser rec eive pos sess on of th e proper ty pr or to the registra t on o trans fer the Purchaser shal be l able for occupat o na rent a at the rate of 1% (one perce nt) of the purchase price per month from he date of possess on t hereof t o date of transfer 10 The afores a d sa e sh a l be sub ect to he Condi i ons of Sale wh ch may be nspected a the o fice of the Sher ff P ne town 18 Suz uka Road Westmea d P neto wn Dated at Umh anga h s 1 6th day of May 202 3 JOHNS TON & P AR TNERS A 2nd F oor 81 Riche ond Circ e Ridgeside Off c e Park Umh anga Rocks Tel 031 536 9 700 Fax: 031 536 9799 prisc l a@ ohnston kzn co za REF: ROMAN REDDY/ MAT13941 pc 02SVF A-00 SALE IN EXECUTION SALE IN EXECUTION N O W A V A I L A B L E O N

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