Business Day Legal Notices (Aug 19 2022)

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12 Bus nessDay www bus nessday co za Fr day 19 August 2022 N THE H GH C OURT OF SOUTH AFRICA KWAZULU NATA L LOCAL D V S ON DUR BAN Case No: 1091 3/2017 In the mat er b etween NEDB ANK LIM TE D (REG NO 1951/ 000009 0 6) Judgment Cred itor and BERR YD ALE TR AD ING (PTY) L TD (REG NO 1999/ 010938 0 7) Judgmen Deb or AUC TION This is a sa e in execut on pursuant to a judgment obta ned in he above Hon ourab e Court da ed 24 November 2021 in er ms of wh ch the fol owin g prop erty wi l be so d n execu i on on 30 AUGUST 2022 at 11 H00 at the Sher ff Of Sand ton North At 24 Rhodes Stree the highest b dder with re serve pr ce of R1 725 255 06 Descript on: 1 A un t cons s ting of a) Sect on no 7 as sh own and more u ly describ ed on Sec ional P an No SS450 /05 n the scheme kno wn as DANTE n respec of the and and bu lding or bui d ngs s tuate at Bryans on T own ship Loca Au thori y Ci y of Johannesburg o w hich sec ion the loor area ac cord ng to the sa d sect ona plan is 255 (Tw o Hun dred and F fty F ve) squ are me res n extent and b) An und vided shar e n the common property in the scheme ap port oned o the said sec ion in accordance wi h the part cipat on qu ota as endorsed on the said sec ional p an He d by Deed of Transf er No ST05/069126 2 An exc us ve use area described as YARD Y7 measur ng 140 (One Hun dred and Forty) square me res being a s such par t of the common property com pris ng the land and sch eme known as DANTE n res pect of he land a nd bu ldin g or bu ld ngs sit ua e at Bryans ton Townsh p Lo ca Auth or ty Ci y of Johannesburg as shown and more ful y de scribed on Sec ional P an no SS450 05 He d by Notaria Deed of Cession No SK 3605/05 S Phys ca Address: 7 Dante Cnr S oane And Queens Road Epsom D owns Bryanston The Property I s Zoned Res dent a (nothin g guara nte ed) Improvemen s I nc ude Large un t n a secure com plex 1 Bedrooms x 3 2 Bathrooms x 3 3 TV/L v ng Ro om x 1 4 Dining Room x 1 5 Lounge x 1 6 K tchen x 1 7 Garage x 2 8 Swimming po o 9 Br ck pav ng 10 Comp e x elect ric en c ng & concre e enc ng 11 Outer al f n sh ng plaster 12 Roof f n sh ng flat 13 In er or loor inishing t es Take further no tice tha : 1 The Ru es of this auct on and a u l adv ert sement are ava lab e 24 hours before the auct on at the of ice of the Sher ff Of Sandton Nor h 24 Rhodes Street Kens ng ton 2 Regis rat on as a buyer s a pre requis te sub ect to condit ons nte r a ia: a D rect ve of the Consumer Pro ect on A c 68 of 20 08 (URL h tp // info go a/ v ew/DownloadF leAc ion?i d 99961); b FICA egis at on in res pect of proof of ident ty an d ad dress part cu ars ; c Payment of a Reg s ra t on fee of R10 00 0 00 n cas h d Registrat on cond t ons 3 The afor esaid sa e shal be sub ect to he Cond t ons of Sale which may be inspec ted at the off ce o he Sheri f Of Sandton North or 15 days prior to the dat e of sale; 4 The o f ce o the Sherif Of Sandton N or h w l con duct the sale th a uct oneers MS K Mphah e e (Sheri f) And/Or Her Dep uty; 5 Advert s ng costs a cur rent pub icat on ra es and sale cos s accord ng to court rules app y; 6 Please urther note t hat your representat ve a ten d ng the auction mu st: a Reg s er pr or to com mencement o the auct on at 11h00; b He/she must comply with F CA requ r ements and h and n a copy o h s/her ID as wel as proof of res dence ac ceptab e t o FI CA eg s a t on; 7 A Power of A torney must n er al a conta n a The ful name/s an d ad dress of t he ns i ut on g v ng power of at orney toge ther wi h D/reg stra i on number ; b The fu l nam es ID nu mber and address of the per son given the power of at or ney who wi l purchase at the auct on on beha f o the principa ; c The u l descr pt o n (t tle deed) of the proper y on wh ch the power o at orney may be exercise d The Purchaser sha l in add t on to the Auctioneer s comm ss on pay a depos t of 10% o the purchase price by way o an electron c unds transfer on he d ay of the sale and the balance aga inst transfer which shal be se cured by a Bank or Bui d ng Soc ety guarantee n a orm accep able o the Judgm ent wh ch guarantee shal be de ivered by h e Purchase r to the Sherif w thin wen ty one (21) days from the date of sale and s hal provi de for the payment of the f u l ba a nce and any such n erest and other costs payab e as pro v ded for in he cond t ons of sale Str ct Covid 19 Governm ent Regu a ions App y We H ave The R ght To D sa low Per sons Who Do Not Adhere To Regu a ions Dated At Johann esburg Th s Day O 2022 TOMLI NSON MN GUNI J AM ES Judgmen Cred i or s A t or neys Suite 201 Rid ge 6 20 Ncondo P a ce Umh ang a REF: 050N076 20026617 TEL 031 566 2207 EMAIL tams n @t mj co za 02QTXY 00 AUC TION N THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA KWAZULU NATA L LOCAL DIVISION DUR BAN Case Number D4781 2 018 n the ma ter b e ween: FIRSTR AND B ANK LIMITED App ican And W AYNE ES TERH U ZEN Respond ent NOTI CE OF S ALE (The sa e shal be subj ect o he erms and condit ons of he H gh C ou t Act No 59 of 1959 and the Consumer Protec ion Act No 68 o 2 008 and the ru es promu gated hereunder) K NDLY TA KE NOT ICE THAT th s sa e is a sa e n execut on pursuant o a udgmen ob a ned n the abo e Ho ou able Cou t he above matter on the 12 July 2018 and 23 Septe mber 2020 and n execut on of the Wr t of Execut o n of mmovable Pr operty ss ued on the 13 October 202 0 the o low ng immovab e prop erty w l be so d b y the Ac ing Sher ff of he H gh Co urt for he d stric of Por Shepst one on Monday the 29 h day of August 2022 at 10 00 a the Mgaz Avenue Um entw en Port Shepstone Port on 5 of ERF 597 Trafa gar Reg s rat on Div sion ET Province of Kwa Zulu Nata t t 1113 ( th d one hundred a nd th rtee n) Square me res He d by Deed of Transf er No T06 03455 SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIO NS THEREIN CONTAIN ED AND ESPECIALLY T O THE RESERVATION OF R G HTS TO MINERALS Zoning Res d ent a (not guaranteed) T he proper y is s tuated a 19 GRENVILL E DR VE TRAFAL GAR MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF PORT SHEP STONE And cons sts of : MPROVEMENT S Vacant Stand Th f t d p p ty w l be so d on the Condi ion of Sale wh ch cond t o ns and ru es of th s auct on c an be nspec ed 24 hours before he sa e a the of ices o the said Ac ing Sheri f of the H gh Court or the d str ict of Port Sheps tone s uated at No 17A Mga i A e ue Umtentweni Port Sheps one or at the o fice s o the A torneys act ng on beha f of he Execut on Credi or at the address ment o ned Hereunder The Auction w l be conducted by ei her MAB Mah angu t he duly appo n ted Sher ff for Act ng Sher ff Port Shepstone in t erms of Sect on 2 o t he Sher ffs Act 90 of 1986 as amended or P her duly appo n ed deput y Advert sing cost a current pub ication rate and sal e cost according o Court ru es app y Reg stra io n as a buyer is a pre requ si e s b ec to cond t on nter a ia : a n accordanc e to the Consumer P rotec ion Act 68 of 2008 (http : /www inf o gov za/v ew Download F les Act on?id 9961) b F ca egis a i on: Requ e e p f f ID resident a addr ess c Paymen of a reg stra t on of R15 000 0 0 in cash or mmovab e prop erty d Reg s rat on Cond t ons e STRICT COV D 19 GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS APP LY WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO DISALLOW PER SONS THAT DO NOT ADHERE TO REGULATIONS Da ed at Durban on this 13 h Day of Ju y 202 2 A torneys for th e P ainti f GLOVER K ANNIE AP P AN NCORPOR ATED Off ce 1A S adiu m Bui d ng L on Match Off ce Park 892 Umgen Road Durban Emai : l t4@gkinc co za Te : 031 301 1 539 Re : MAT57329 KZN 02Q VBV 31 AUC TION N THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA KWAZULU NATA L LOCAL DIVISION P ETERMARITZ BURG Case No 8747 2 021P n the ma ter b e ween: THE S TAN D ARD B ANK OF SOUTH AFRIC A LIMI TED App c an And STHE MBISO GOOD M AN DL AM NI D efendant NOTI CE OF S ALE The fo owing property w l be sold in execut on o the h ghest bidder subject t o a reserve pr ce o R300 000 00 on 02nd September 2022 at 10H00 a Sher f Off ce Umbumu u R102 Old Ma n Road Umni ni Thus ong Centre name y 2 185 Sunnys de Park 50 83856 Street Amanz m ot K aZu u Natal ERF 185 Sunnys de Park Reg s rat on Div sion ET Province of Kwa Zulu Nata n exten 296 (t wo hun dred and nine y six) square Metres He d by Deed of Trans er Number Zoning Res d ent a MPROVEMENT S A though n th s regard noth ng s guar an eed: Four room hous e w th Garage two o l ets i ed r oof a umin um window s and a umin um s idin g door TAKE NOTICE THAT 1 Th s sa e is a sa e in Execut on pursuant to a udgmen ob a ned n the above Court 2 The ru es of th s auc ion and u l advert sement is ava able 24 hours before the auc ion at he o fice of the Sher ff Umbumbulu R102 Old Ma n Road Umnini Thusong Centr e Kwazulu Nata 3 Reg strat on as a buyer is a pre requ s te sub ec o condi ions inte r a ia: (a)D rect ve o he Cons umer Protec ion Ac 68 of 2 008 (URL http://www nfo gov za/ v ew/Down oadF eAct on? d 99961) (b)FICA egis at on n respect of proof of de n ity and address p art cu ars (c)Payment of a Reg stra ion Fee o R15 00 0 00 in ca sh (d)Reg stra ion c ondi ions 4 The of ice of he Sher ff or Umbumbulu w l co nduct the sale wi h auct o neers MG Mkhize 5 Advert sing costs at cur ren publ cat on rates and sale costs accord ng to Court ru es app y ALLE N ATTORNE YS s A torn eys No 57 Swapo Road Durban North Re : gda/ep/st a/0971 02 QV98 29 SALE IN EXECUTION SALE IN EXECUTION

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