he day o the sa e and he balance aga ns tra nsfer which s ha be secured by a Bank or Bu ld ng Soc iety gu aran ee in a form accept ab e to Pl aint ff s convey ancers w hich guaran ee shal b e de iv ered by he Purch aser to he Sheri f w thin Twenty one (21) days from he date o the sa e a nd shal provide for the payment o f the fu baance and any s uch n e res payable as prov ded for hereunder The ru es o h s auct on s a a abl e 24h ours before the a uction at he o f ce of the S her ff for Um az V1030 Block C Room 4 Um az The of ice o the Sheri f for Umlazi wi conduct the s a e w th e her one he fo owing auct on eers MJ Parker and/ or SN D am n Ad vert sing costs a current pub icat on ra es and sa e costs accord ng o cour ru es apply Regi strat on as a buyer is a pre -requi s te subject to cond t ons
7 BusinessDay www businessday co za Friday 1 September 2023 FOR LEGAL ADVERTISING CONTACT: VASIE NAIDOO (011) 280 5553 (GAUTENG) NONTOBEKO NTOMBELA (031) 250 8640 (KZN) CONTACT ONE OF OUR FRIENDLY CONSULTANTS TO PLACE YOUR LEGAL NOTICES GAUTENG: VASIE NAIDOO 011 280 5553 KZN: NONTOBEKO NTOMBELA 031 250 8640 AUC TION NOTI CE OF S ALE IN EXECU TION OF MMOV ABLE PRO PER TY N TH E H GH COU R T OF SOUTH AFRIC A G AU TENG LOC AL D V SION JOH ANNESBUR G Case No 2021 10630 In the mat er b etween NEDB ANK LIM TE D E xecut on Cr ed tor and CHOL M AD AL A S AM ID No: 720928 6069 083 Judgment Debtor In execut on o a udgment of the H gh Court of South Afr ca Gau eng Loca D vs on, Joha nnesburg, n the abovement one d su t a Sale wi h a reserve p rice o R500 000 00 wi be held by the Sheriff Kru gersdorp at O d Absa Bu ldin g, Ground F oor corner Hu man and Kruger Streets, Krugersdorp on the 19th day of S epte mber 20 23 at 10h00 of the underment oned property o he Judgment Debtor on the condt ons to be read out by the Auc ioneer a the t me of th e sale, wh ch cond t ons wi ie for nspect o n pr or to the sale at t he off c es of the Sher ff Krug ersdorp Old Absa Bu ldi ng Gro und F oor corner Human and Kruger Streets Krugersdor p (short descript on o prop erty s tuat on and s treet numb er) Certain : Port on 21 Of ERF 1937 Krugersdo rp Ext 2 Tow nsh p Registrat on Div sio n I Q The Provinc e O Gaute ng He d Under Deed Of Tran sfer No T70139 20 07 Measuring : 286 (Two Hundred and E ghty Six) Square Metres Situated at: 21 Elea dah Comp ex Ma n Ree Road, Krugersdorp Ext 2 Impro ve ments : (none of wh ch are guara nteed) cons s ing of th e fol ow ng Ma n build ng : 3 Bedrooms 2 Ba hrooms L ounge K tchen Outbuild ng : Carp ort Constructed : Br c k under t es Ter ms : 10% (T en percent ) of the purchase pr ce i n cash on the day of t he sale; the ba ance pay ab e aga inst reg stra ion of transfer o be secured by a bank or o ther accep able guarantee to be furn shed w thin 21 (twenty one) days rom h e date of sale Auc ionee ble on the day of sale to be calculated as fo ows: 6% (S x percent ) on he f rst R100 000 00 3 5% on R100 001 0 0 to R 400 000 00 and 1 5% on the ba a nce of the proceeds of the s ale sub ect to a max mum comm ss on of R40 000 0 0 p us VAT i app icab e a nd a m n mum of R3000 00 p us VAT f app icab e Take Further Noti ce That 1 The sa e in execut on s conducted in acc ordance to the Consum er Prot ection Act 68 o 2008 as am ended in pursuance of an order granted aga ns he Judgment Debtors for money owing to the Execu ion Credi or 2 The rules of h s auct on and cond t ons of sa e may off ce Old Absa Bu d ng Ground F o or cor ner Hu man and Kruger Street s Kru gersdorp 24 hour s pr or to the auct on 3 Regis rat on as a buyer s a pre-requis te sub ect to condit ons nte r a ia: A) D rect ve of th e Cons umer Pro ect on A c 68 of 20 08 (URLht p: /www nfo gov z a/v ew/Down oadF eAction? d= 99961) B) FICA eg slat on r o proof of i dent ty and add ress part cu ars A b dders are required to present the r Ident ty Do cumen with pr oof of residence for FICA compl ance C) A b dd ers are required to pay R50 000 00 (refunda b e) reg stra ion f ee v a EF T No Cash Accepted pr or t o the date of sa e n ord er to obta n a buyers card D) The Purcha ser sha l pay to the Sh erif a deposit of 10% of the purchase pr ce in cash or b y bank guaran eed cheque on the day of the sale The ba ance sh al be pa d against transfer and sha l be secur ed by a g uarantee issued by a f nanc a nst tut on approved by the execu ion cred tor or his or her attorney and shal be furn shed o the Sher ff w thin twenty one (21) days after the sa e E) The proper y ma y be taken possess on of after s gnature of th e cond t on s of sale payment of the dep os t and upon balance o f the purchase price be ng secured in terms o f condi t on 7 1 of the con dit ons of s a e F) Shou d the Purchaser rece ve possess on of the property th e Purc haser s hal be iab e or occupat ona rental at he rate o f 1% o the purchase pr ce per month from the date of posses s on of he property to date of reg stra ion The auc ion w l be cond ucted by the Sherif o r his d eputy Advert sing cos s at current publ ca ion rates and sale cos s according to court rules apply Dated at Johann esburg on th s he 20th day o f Ju y 2023 ROSSOUWS LESI E INC 8 Sherborne R oad Park own Johannesburg PO Box 1588 Johannes burg Tel 011 726 9 000 Fax: 011 726 3855 Ref M0026459 /N Roets/ R Beetge r kk b@rossouws co za Accoun No 81 5480915 0601 02 T76I NOTI CE OF S ALE IN TH E HIGH COU R T OF SOUTH AFR C A G AU TENG DIVISI ON JOH ANNESBUR G Cas e No: 21 57529 n the ma ter b e ween BOD Y CORPOR ATE OF M AIN S TREE T L F E SECTION AL TI TLE SCHEME, NO 11 /2011 Execu ion Cr edi or and THUL ANI LONW AB E NGCW ABE D No 841031 5501 083 Execut on Deb or Be Pleased To Take No tice That Th s s a Sale in Ex ecuion o Immovab e Prop erty pursuant to an ord er oba ned n the above Hon ourable Cour dated the 13 h of Apri 2023 n terms o wh ch he fo low ng p roperty w l be sold n exec ut on at the off ces of the She riff Johannesburg C entral, 21 Hubert Street Johannesburg on the 18th day of Septe mber 2023 at 10H00 or so soon thereaf er o the highest bidder wi h out reserve: 1 F at No 318 (Unit number 318) Ma n Street Life as shown and more u l y descr bed on Sec ional Plan No SS11/2 011 in the Ma n S ree L fe Sect ona T t e Scheme (sch eme nu mber SS11/2011 n respec of wh ch the f oor ar ea acc ordng to the said Sect ona P an s 33 square meters in exent; and 2 An und v ded share in the common property n the scheme ap port oned to the said Sect on in accorda nce w th the part cipa ion qu o a as endorsed on the sa d Sect ona P an held by deed of transfer num ber ST44 162/2012 Phys cal Addre ss : Flat number 318 (Unit 318) Main Street L fe 28 6 Fox S ree Johann esburg The p ropert y s z oned : Sectiona Title R es dentia mpro ve ments : The fol ow ng inf ormat on is urnished but n o guaran eed: A Sect ona T t e Un t 1x Lounge 1xki chen 1x Ba hroom 1x Car Port 1x Bedroom Windows Woo d Roof -Ti es Main Bu d ng (The nature extent condi ion and exis en ce of he mprovements are n ot gua raneed ) 1 The Purchaser shal n comm ssion w h ch s 6 % on he f rst R100 000 00 and hen 3 5% on R100 001 00 o R400 000 00 and then 1 5% on the ba ance o f the proceeds o the sa e sub ect o maximum co mmiss on of R40 000 00 n ota and a m n mum of R3 000 00 I an auc ioneer s employed as per rule 43(9) 3% on f rst R100 000 and then 2 % on R100 001 0 0 to R 400 000 00 and 1% on he balance of the proceeds o the sale sub ect o maximum commission or R22 850 and a min mum of R3000 00 and 2 The Purchaser sha l pay a depos t of 10% of the purchase pr ce n cash or b ank guarantee cheque on EFT count mmedi ate y u pon c os ng o he bid and the balance agai nst tran s er wh ch shal be secured by a Bank or Bu lding Soc ety guarantee n a form acce ptab e o P a n if s convey ancers wh ch guar antee shal be del vered by th e Purchase r o he Sheri f w thin twenty - one (21) days rom the date of he sa e a nd sha prov de for he payment o he fu l balance and any s uch nte rest payab e as provided for hereunder 3 Be P eased To Take Notice Tha t Shou d the Purchaser e ec to pa y the balance of the purchase pr ce th s must be pa d n o w th n 21 days ( Court d ays) rom date o sale a s per paragraph 4 10 of the Co ndiions o Sale n wh ch c ase any c a m or interest s hal apse Be Pleased To Take No tice Further That The Ru es of h s auct on are avai ab e 24 hours before t he auc ion at he off ces o he Sh eri f Johannesburg Cen ra , 21 Huber Street Johan nesburg Be Pleased To Take No tice Further That The Sherif o f he Court Johannes burg Central w l conduct th e sale Reg s rat on as a buyer s a pre-requis te sub ec o condi ions inte r a ia: A) Direc ive of th e Cons umer Protec ion Ac 68 of 2 008 (URLh tp //www info gov z a v ew/Down oadFi eAct on? d 99961); B) F CA - egis a ion r o proof o dent ty and add ress par iculars C) Payment o a Reg stra ion Fee o R30 00 0 00 in ca sh D) Registrat on cond t ons The aforesa d sa e shal be sub ec to the Condit ons of Sale wh ch may be nspec ted at the off ce of the off ces of he Sheri f Johannes burg Central 21 Hubert Street Johannesburg durin g normal of ice hours Monday o Friday Da ed at Johann esburg on h s the 3rd of August 20 23 SGD J Ap e JOSHU A APFEL ATTO RNE YS A torneys 7A the Avenue Orchards Te : 078 584 1 745 oshua@jaa torne ys biz 02 T6 TT AUC TION S ALE IN EXECU T ON IN THE H GH CO UR T OF SOUTH AFR C A KW AZ ULU-N AT AL LOC AL D V SION DU RB AN C ASE NO: D670/20 22 NEDB ANK LIMITED / RODNE Y NKOSEN TSH A KHUZW AYO Identi t y Numb er 63011 8 5397 0 8 6 and SBONGILE F AI TH KHUZW AYO Identi t y Numb er 761 031 03 25 08 8 This s a sa e n execut on pursuan to a udgemen obtained n the abo e Honourable Cour in terms o wh ch the fo owin g prop erty w l be so d n execut on on the 20th of Septemb er 2023 at 10h00 at the Sheriff s Office, V1030, Block C Room 4, U mlazi o he h ghes sub ec to a reserve o R25000 0 00: ERF 1 149 UML AZI L Registr ation D vis on FT Prov nce o KwaZu u-Na a In Extent 391 (three hundred and n nety one) square me tres Held b y Deed of Tran sfer No T32457/201 2 SUBJECT TO T HE COND TIONS T HERE N CONTAINED (Magisterial D stri ct Um az / Ethekw n South Sub -D s tric Of E hekw n ) (4 6(7)(b)( ) Phys ca Addres s: 15 EZIM ANGWENI UM L AZ L UML AZI KW AZ ULU-N AT AL ZONING SPECI AL RESIDEN TI AL (NOTHING GUARANT EED) IMPROVEMEN TS : The o low ng nf ormat on s furn shed bu not guarante ed MAIN bu d ng: fre e s an d ng storey b oc k wa ls asbe stos roof t led f oors 1x d n ng room 2x bedrooms 1x ki chen 1x bathroom 1x toi e outb u lding free st andng s orey b ock wa ls asbestos roof parquet fl oor 2 bedrooms unfence d driveway(The nature ext ent cond t on a nd exi stence o the improvements are no guaran eed and are sold voetstoots ) The Purch aser shal in add t on to he Auct oneer s com miss on p ay a deposi o 10% of he purchase price in cash or b ank guaran ee che que on
inter a a: A) D rect ve o th e Cons umer Protect on Act 68 of 2 (URLhttp:/ www n o gov z a/ view DownloadF i eAct on? d 99961) B) FICA - leg slat on i r o proo of i denti y and add ress part cu ars C) Payment of a Registra t on Fee of R1000 00 n cash D) Reg strat on condit ons The aforesai d sale sha l be subject to the Cond ti ons o Sa e wh ch may be inspec ed a the of ice o the Sher f o the H gh Court Umlazi V1030 B ock C Room 4 Um az STR AU SS D AL Y NC 9 h F oor Strauss Daly P ace 41 Richefond C irc e R dges de O f c e Park Umhlanga MRS ADAMS/N0 183/4192 02 T60 T-39 AUC TION S ALE N EXECU TION N THE HIGH CO UR T OF SOUTH AFRIC A KW AZ ULU N AT AL LO C AL DIVISION DURB AN C ASE NUMBER : C ASE NO : D4228/2020, N EDB ANK LIMITED / POR TI A NONHL ANHL A SI SK A dent t y Nu mber 750718 0622 08 3 Th s is a sa e in execut on pursuant o a udgement ob a ned in he above Honourab e Court n terms of wh ch the fol owing property wi be sold n executio n on 13th of S epte mber 2023 at Off ce Pinetow n, 18 Suzuka Road, West mead, Pinetow n o the highest bidder: ERF 804 BERE A WEST (EX TENS O N NUMBER 7) Reg stra t on Div sion FT Province of KwaZulu-Natal n Ex tent 2133 (two thousand one hundred and h rty hree) square metres He d b y Deed of Tran sfer No T2208/2019 SUBJECT TO TH E CONDIT ONS THE REIN CONTA NED Phys ca Address: 18 MEDW AY RO AD BERE A WES T DUR B AN KW AZ ULU-N AT AL ZONING : RES DE N T AL (NOTH NG GUARANTE ED) MPROVEMEN TS : The fo owing nformation is urnished bu t no guarant eed: s ngle s orey house brick under t led roof stree t eve wi h e ectron c gates doub e garage ma n house f oor : parquet 3x bedrooms aircon n main b edroom 1x ens u te bu t in cupboards 1x separate to lets 1x fu b a hroom(shower bath & s nk) 1x lounge 1x k tchen outbu d ng servant quarters wi h shower and to et property enced swimming poo 1x storage room near the p oo alarm sys em The Purchaser sha l n addi ion to the Aucioneer s com m ssion pa y a depos t of 10% o the purchase price in ca sh or EFT on the day of th e sa e and he ba ance aga ns rans er wh ch sha be secured by a Bank guarante e n a form acceptab e to Pla nt f s conveyancers which gu aranee sha l be de ivered b y the Purchaser to the Sher ff wi h n Twenty one (21) days rom the dat e of th e sale and sha l prov de for t he pay ment of the u l balance and any such nterest payab e as prov ded for hereunder The rules o this auct on and a fu l advert sement is ava lab e 24 hours before t he auct on at he o f ce of the Sher ff for P netown 18 Suzuka Road Westmead P netow n The off ce of the She ri f for P netown w l conduct the sale wi h auc ionee rs N B Nxuma o and or M rs S Raghoo Advert s ng costs at current publ cat on rates and sale costs according to court rules app y Reg s rat on as a buyer s a pre -req u site sub ect o condi ions n er al a: A) D rec ive of th e Cons umer Protect on Act 68 o 2008 (URLht p //www inf o gov za/ v ew/Down oadF e Action? d 99961) B) F CA - egis at on r o proof of dent ty and add res s par iculars C) Payment of a Reg stra t on Fee o R15000 0 0 n cash D) Reg stration co nd t ons The aforesa d sa e sha be sub ect to the Cond t ons of Sale which may be nspe cted at he off ce of the Sheri f of he High Cour (15 days prior to t he dat e o sa e) P netown 18 Suzuka Road Westmead Pine own STR AU SS D AL Y I NC 9th Floor Strauss Da y P ace 41 R chefond C rcl e Ridgeside Off ce Park Umh anga 02 T6B3-46 SALE IN EXECUTION SALE IN EXECUTION SALE IN EXECUTION SALE IN EXECUTION
14 BusinessDay www businessday co za Fr day 1 September 2023 N O W A V A I L A B L E O N