
6 BusinessDay www businessday co za Friday 15 September 2023





14 BusinessDay www businessday co za Friday 15 September 2023 IN TH E HIGH COU R T OF SOUTH AFRIC A KW AZ ULU-N AT AL DIVISION PIETERM AR TZBU RG Case No : 106 33/23P In the matter b etween: SM AN G ALISO P ATR CK MB ATH A (ID NO : 820317 5065 087) F rst App ican SIPHELELIS WE PROMISE MS AN E (ID NO 911228 0571 088) Second App ca n AND IN THE MATTER of an Ex Par e app icat on for he matr monial reg me in erms o Sec ion 2 1 (1) of he Matr monial Property Act No 88 of 1984 TO AL L N TERES TED P AR T ES TAKE NOTICE THAT he i app y o t he abo ve Hono urab e Court on the 15th da y of Nove mber 2 023 at 09h30 or as soon thereaf er as he mat er may be heard for an Order n the fol ow ng term s: 1 THAT he App cants be and are h ereby gr anted le ave to change the ma rimon a property system wh ch app es to the r marr age from one in Communi ty of Property and Pro it or L oss to one Out of Commun ty o Property an d Prof t or Loss in terms of the dr a t No ar a Con ract ann exed her eto 2 THAT he App icants are author sed t o exec ute e her persona ly or through an agent du y authoris ed her eto by a Spec a Power o Attorney he a oresa d No ar a Con ract w thin THREE (3) months of the date o h s Order; 3 THAT he chan ge in he property system sh al be e fec ive from the date o regis rat on of the afore said Notarial Contrac ; 4 THAT he chan ge in he property system sha l no prejud ce the r ghts of any Cred tors w hose c a ms arose be or e the registra t on o the aforesa d Notaria Con ract w hether t he r cla ms l e ei her again s he es ates o e ther the F rst or Second Appl ca nts; 5 THAT the R eg strar o Deeds or he Prov nce o KwaZu u Na ta be and s hereby author s ed to:5 1 reg s er the aforesa d Notarial Contrac ; and 5 2 endorse t he T t e De eds o he proper i es referred to n paragraphs 6 7 8 and 9 be ow n wha ever manner s requ red under Sect on 45 Act No 47 o 1937 6 THAT the F rst Appl c a nt s hereby d rected to take wha ever steps may be necessary to ensure hat he mmovab e pro perty situa ed a 9153 1 2 105 21 Str eet Lovu KwaZu u Nata s regis ered in the nam e o he Second Appl cant on ly and to sign wha ev er doc uments he migh be cal ed upon t o s gn by the S econd App cant or the Conveyancers appo n ed by her to register the transfer o the sa d proper y into he on y 7 THAT n the event ha F rs Appl cant fai s to co mp y w th the Order n paragr aph 6 above wi h n ONE (1) mo nth from the da e of service o this Order on h m the Sh erif o this Honourab e C ourt s hereby author sed o take wha ever steps may be necessary to ensure hat he mmovab e proper y described in paragraph 6 ab ove s reg stered n he name o the Second Appl cant on y and to s gn whatever documents he might be ca ed upon to sign by th e Sec ond Appl cant o r the Convey ancers appo nted by her to regis er the tr ansfer of he sa d proper y int o the Sec ond 8 THAT the S econd Appl cant is hereb y direc ed to take w hatever steps may be necessary t o ensure t ha the immovab e proper ies si uated at 27 Boh mer Road Wolds New German y Kw aZulu Nata and 79 Woodha ven Park Ter n Wa y Road Mobeni, Durban, Kw aZulu Nata are reg stered n he name of the First App c an on y and to s gn whatever documents she m ght be ca ed upon to s gn b y he F rs Appl cant or the Conveyancers appo nted by h m to reg s ter he rans er o the said propert es n o he F rs Appl can 9 THAT n the event ha Second App ican a ls to comply w th t he Order in paragraph 8 above w thin ONE (1) month from the d ate o serv ce of this Order on h m the Sher ff of this Honourable Court is hereby author sed to tak e hat e er steps may be necessary to ensure tha the mmovable propert es d escribed n paragraph 8 above are regis ered in the nam e o he F rs App ca n on y and to sign whateve r docum ents she migh be ca e d upon to sign by the F rs t App can or the Conveyancers ap po n ed by h m o reg ster the tran sfer o the sa d pro per ies into he 10 THAT the Appl cants be and are hereby granted s uch further and / or a terna ive re ef as h s Honourable Cour deems me et 11 PLEASE T AKE FURTHER N OTICE that any person nte nding o opp ose this app icat on s required to Attorneys w hose names and addresses ap pears he rein be o and such no ice shou d be in writ ng and de ivered by no later than he 09th November 2023 12 PLEAS E NOT E NOT ICE that a set out of the app icat on papers sha be ava able for nspect on duri ng no rma o f ce hours a th e addre sses o the respect v e f rms set out here n below D CKINSON & THEU N SSEN INC F rs F oor One S mpson P ace 39 Sunnys de Lane Pine own Docex 5 P net own Tel: 031 702 9 356 Fax 031 031 701 0674 REF MISS N VADIVALOO/a n/MAT2459 7 Ema l: n vashnee@d inc co za 02T8 PN-00 Cas e No: 617 3/22P N THE HIGH CO UR T OF SOUTH AFRIC A KW AZ ULU-N AT AL DIVISION P ETERM ARI TZBU RG n the ma ter b e ween MERCEDES BEN Z FIN ANCI AL SERVI CES SOUTH AF RIC A ( P TY) L TD P a n if And TH AB A LOGIS T C S SOLU TIONS (P TY) L TD (Registration Nu mber 2016/017677/ 07) F rs Def endant NOBUHLE MOIR A NDLOVU ( dent t y Nu mber : 61032906110 82) S econd Def endan COMBINED SUMM ONS TO: THE SHERIFF OR HIS DEPUTY S I R S NFORM: TH AB A LOGIS T C S SOLU TIONS (P TY) L TD, Registrat on Nu mber 2016/017677/ 07 a comp any w th l mi ed iab ity duly reg stered and ncorpora ted n erms of the Company Laws o the R epub c of Sou h Africa carrying on bus ness as such at ts dom ci um et ex ecu and 65 M AS AB AL AL A YEN GW A AV ENUE S UI TE C001 DURB AN S TATI ON DURB AN KW AZ ULU-N AT AL wh ch Address is he F rst Def endant s chose n dom ci um c tandi et executa nd (her e naf er Referred t o as h e F rs De endan ) NOBUHLE MOIR A NDLOVU dent ty Number 61032906110 82 an adu t emale who se ful and furher part cu ars are to the P a nti f unk nown and wh ose p ace of residence s UNI T 48, UMHL ANG A R OCKS, KW AZ ULU-N AT AL (Hereina ter referred to as (Herein o nt y r e erred to as TAKE NO TICE TH AT by summons sued out o f this cour you have been ca led upon to give n ot ce wi h n 10 days afte publ ca i o he eof o the Registrar and to the ntent on o de fend ( f an y) n act on wherein MERCE DESBENZ FIN ANCI AL SERV CES SOU TH AF R C (PTY) L TD c a ms: WHEREFORE TH E PL AI N TIFF P R AYS FOR JUDGMEN T AG AINS T THE FIRST DEFEND AN T FOR :1 Con irma ion o terminaion of the Agr eement 2 Return of MERCEDESBENZ GLC 250 D W TH ENGINE NUMBER 65192134969 369 AND CH AS SIS NUMBE R WDC2539092F5 80925 to the P a nti f forthw t h 3 That n pursuance of paragraph 2 above the De endan s and/or from any other person who s n possessio of the eh cle ee ed to pa ag aph 2 abo e is ordered o h and a terna ively del ver to t he Sher ff a ternative y the he or gina se o keys nc uding any a arm/ mmob iser remotes oge ther w th al dup cate key s and remotes in res pect of the veh cle re erred to in p aragraph 2 above WHEREFORE TH E PL AI N TIFF P R AYS FOR JUDGMEN T AG AINS T THE FIRST AND SECO ND DEFEND AN TS JO N TL Y AND SEVER ALL Y THE ONE P AYS THE O THER TO BE ABSOLVED F OR :4 An Order author sing the P a nti f o app y o the Court on the same papers supp emented nso ar a s may be necessary or judgmen n espect of a y da ages a d rther e p enses nc rred by he Plaint ff n the repos sess on of the sa d vehi cle wh ch amount can only be determ ned once t he ve hic e has been repossess ed by the P a nti f and h as been so ld; 5 Cos o su t; 6 Further and or al erna t ve re ief TAKE NO T CE FUR THER hat i you fa to g ve s uch notice judgment may be granted ag a nst y ou wi h out urther referenc e to you Da ed a Umh anga this day of 2023 STR AU SS D AL Y I NC Re : MER1/77 57/LS 9th F oor Stra uss Da y Pla ce 41 R chefond C rc e R dges de Off c e Park Umh anga Te (031) 57 0 5760 Fa (031) 57 0 5796 E-ma tmthemb u@ s raussda y co z a 02 T AGU-00 LOST OR DES TR O YED DEED Not ce s hereby given in terms o regulat on 6 8 of the Deeds Reg str es Ac 19 37 of the intent o n o app y or the ssue o a cer if ed copy of No ar a Cess on of E xc us ve Use Areas Number SK659/2008S held by THE TRUS TEES FOR THE T ME BEING OF THE MONE Y P T TRUS T Registrat on Number T 2013/2005/PM B In respect of the proper t es described as: 1 An Exclusive Use Area described as Exclusive Use Area EU1 measur ng 26 (Twenty Six) square metres be ng as such part of the common proper y com prisng he and and the scheme known as 319 GALE STREET n respect of the and and bu lding or bui di ngs s tuated at Durban n the eThekw n Mun cipa ty as shown and more ful y described on Sect ona P an No SS 22/200 1 2 An E xclusive Use Area described as Exclusive Use Area EU2 measur ng 35 (Twenty Six) square metres be ng as such part of the common proper y com prisng he and and the scheme known as 319 GALE STREET n respect of the and and bu lding or bui di ngs s tuated at Durban n the eThekw n Mun cipa ty as shown and more ful y described on Sect ona P an No SS 22/200 1 3 An Exclusive Use Area described as Park ng P1 measur ng 24 (Tw enty F our) square metres being as such part of the com mon property co mpris ng th e l and and the scheme kno wn as 319 GALE STREE T n respect of he land and bui d ng or bu ldings s tu ated at Durban in the eThekw n Mun c pa i y as shown and more u ly descr bed on Sec ional Plan No SS 22/2001 4 An Exclusive Use Area described as Parking P12 measur ng 12 (Tw e ve) square metres being as such part of the com mon property co mpris ng the and and the scheme kno wn as 319 GALE STREE T n respect of he land and bui d ng or bu ldings s tu ated at Durban in the eThekw n Mun c pa i y as show n and more u ly descr bed on Sec ional P an No SS22/2001 wh ch has b een ost or destroyed A l n erested pers ons ha v ng o b ect on to the ssue of such copy are hereby req u red to o dge the same n wr t ng w th the Registrar o De eds at P etermar tzburg Room 4 11 300 Pietermari z S reet, P etermar tzburg 3201 w thin two weeks rom th e date of the pub icat on o this no ice Dated at D urban on this 1 2th day of Septem ber 2023 FOR APPLICAN T: THE TRUSTEES FOR THE T ME BEING O F THE MONEY PIT TR UST App i MOONE Y FORD ATTO RNE YS 3rd Floor The B oulevard 19 Park Lane Parks de Umh anga Ref S10188/s s 02 TB8K-00 LOST OR DES TR O YED DEED Not ce s hereby given in terms of Regu at on 68 o the Deeds Reg str es Ac 19 37 of the intent o n o app y or the ssue o a cer if ed copy of Deed of Tra ns er T 18 484/1983 Passed by ANN FOX HOOD (for mer y PERKINS born JERRARD) ID No: 340120 0053 103 In favour of GEORGES CH AS OMERIS ID No: 400104 5122 102 In respec o : The registered owner/s of 1 An undiv ded one -ha f (1/2) share n a nd to:PORTION 7 (OF 3) OF ERF 157 DURB AN Registrat on D vi s on FU Prov nce of KwaZu lu -Nata in extent 565 (f ve hundre d and s xty f ve) Squar e me res He d by Deed of Tran s er Number T18484 /1983 2 An undiv ded one -ha f (1/2) share n a nd to:PORTION 5 OF ERF 157 DURB AN Registrat on D v s on FU Prov nce of KwaZu lu-Nata in Extent 171 (One Hundred And Seven y One) Square me res He d By Deed of Tran s er Number T18484 /1983 Which has been lost or destroyed A l ntereste d pers ons ha v ng any objecti on to the ssue of such cert f e d copy are h ereby requ red to odg e the same n wr t ng w t h the Registrar o De eds P etermar tzburg Room 4 11 300 Pietermaritz S r ee P etermar tzburg 3201 wi h n two we eks from the date o he pub icatio n of th s not ce Dated at Pietermari z burg th s 08th day of Septe mber 2023 Ap PGPS ATTORNE YS 12 Mon rose P ark Bouleva rd 170 Pe er Brow n Dr ve P etermar tzburg Radhakr shan Padayac hee (67622) 02TB T2-00 LOST TI TLE DEE D No ice s hereby given n erms of Regu ation 68 of the Deeds Regi str es Act 19 37 of the intent o n to apply for he issue of a certi ied copy of Deed of Transfer No ST16 749/2016 Passed by ONE UP PUMPS AND REFURB SHERS CC Reg No 2002/ 071980/23 n favour of GUY SCO TT EDO U ARD ROUILL ARD D No 820805 5191 08 5 Married ou o c ommunity of proper y n respect of Section Nu mber 3 as sh own and more fu y descr b ed on Sect ona Plan Number SS 477/2005 in the sch eme kno n as KINSM AN NDUS TR AL P ARK n respect of he and and bu d ng or bu ldings s tuate at NEW GERM AN Y n he Ethekwini Munic pa l ty of wh ch sec i on he f loor area according o he sa d sect ona p an is 195 (One Hundred and Nine y F ve) square metres i n ex ent wh ch has been l ost or des royed A n eres e d pers ons ha ving objec ion o th e ssue o s uch copy are hereby requ red o odge he same n wri ing w th the Reg strar of De eds at he nformat o n coun er 300 P etermar tz Str eet P e ermar tzburg wi h n two weeks rom he da e of the pub ication o t h s not ce Da ed a on 2 023 App can : GUY SCO TT EDO U ARD ROUILL ARD c o HSG ATTORN E YS NC Address 1 5 Acac a Aven ue Westv l e E-ma : karlh@hsg nc co a Te : 031 266 7 751 02TAR R-00 LEGALS LOST DEEDS LOST DEEDS LEGALS