Business Day Legal Notices (April 28 2023)

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5 BusinessDay www businessday co za Friday 28 Apr l 2023 ORDER IN THE HI GH COUR T OF SOU TH AFRIC A G AU TENG DIVISI ON JOH ANNESBUR G Case N o : 21/5666 6 Before The Honou rable Crutchfield J Johannesburg, 2 2 March 2023 In the mat er b etween F RSTR AND B ANK L M TED Appl cant and COMM PROP 102 CLOSE CORPOR AT ON Reg No: 2001 064955/23 Res pondent Havi ng cons der ed the ma ter the fol owing ord er s made by agre ement o the part es 1 The respon dent s p a ced under prov sional wind n g -up n the hands o he Master of the H gh Court of South Afr ca 2 A l persons who have a egi imate n eres are ca l ed upon o pu forward reasons why h s Cour shou d not order the f na w nding -up of the respondent on 8 Ma y 2023 at 10h00 or as soon therea ter as t he matter may be heard 3 Serv ce of h s order s to be effected:3 1 On a l k nown c red tors of the respon dent b y pre - paid reg stered pos ; 3 2 By pub ica tion hereo in the Bus ness Day an d the Governmen Ga zette; 3 3 On the Mas er of th s Court; 3 4 On the Sou h A ri can Revenue Serv c es; 3 5 By he Sheri f of th s Court on: 3 5 1 The respond ent at ts reg stered of ic e 3 5 2 A the emp oyees of the respondent by aff xing a copy of th s order to any not ce board to which the emp oyees h ave ac cess prem ses, or f there is no access o the premises by the emp oye es by aff xing a copy o th s order t o he fr ont gate where appl ca b e fa l ng which o the ron door of he p remises from w h ch the responde nt conduc te d any business a he i me of the service of t his order; a nd 3 5 3 A l tra de un ons of wh ch the empl oyees of the respondent are m embers f any 4 The cost o this appl ca t on wi l be cos n he wind n g -up of the respond ent By The Court Registrar Advoca e PG L ouw Counsel or Ap p icant Ma se s Chamber s Tel 011 324 0 500 WERKSM ANS ATTO RNE YS At orneys for t he App ca n Ref N Kgame Tel 011 535 8 218 02SF3Z NOTI CE OF S ALE IN EXECU TION IN THE HIG H COUR T OF SOU TH AFRIC A (G AU TENG DIVISI ON PRETORI A) Case No : 5331 202 1 In the mat er b etween NEDB ANK LIM TE D Plaint ff and NOCEBILE M ARG ARE T M AS EMOL A D efendan In Execut on of a Judgm ent granted on 10 November 2021 of the H gh Court of South Africa (Gaut eng Div sion Pretor a) n the abovement one d matter a sale n execution wi l be held at the o fices of the Sh eriff Soshangu ve At Az ania Build ng Cnr Of Iscor Aven ue An d Iron Terr ace West Park Pretor a On Tues da y th e 18th Da y Of May 2023 At 10h0 0 of the property sub ec to A Re ser ve Pric e Of R245 000 00 and o n the condit ons to be read out by the Auct oneer name y the Sher ff SOSH ANGUVE prior to he sa e and w hich co ndt ons can be nspecte d at the off ces o the Sheriff Soshangu ve At Ze da Park Build ng Office No 8 a No 570 Gerrit Marr tz Street Pretoria North prior o the sale: ERF 1267 Soshangu ve DD Tow nship Reg stration Di visio n : J R The Province O f Gauteng Measuring : 628 (s x hun dred and twenty-e g ht) square me res Held B y Deed Of Tran sfer No: T154602/20 00 Improvemen s (wh ch are not warranted to be correc and are no guaran eed): 2x bedroom, 1x k tchen, 1x d nn ng room 1x carp or 1x bathroom Zoning : Res den i al Condit ons : 10% (ten percent) o f the purchase pr ce on the da y of sale and the ba lance pay able against reg stration o Tr ansfer to be secured by a Bank guarantee or any other accep able guarantee to be furn shed o the Sher ff w thin 21 ( wenty-one) days rom the date o th e sale Dated at Pretor a on this 0 8th day of February 2023 Riette Van Der Merwe At orneys For Pl aint ff WE AV ND & WE AV IND INC B ock E G enf e d Off ce Park 361 Oberon Str eet Faer e Glen Pre or a Tel 012 346 3 098 RIETTE VAN DE R MERWE/ar/N888 90 02SE0V ORDER IN TH E HIGH COU R T OF SOUTH AFR C A G AU TENG DIVISI ON JOH ANNESBUR G Case N o : 21/5666 7 Before The Honou rable Crutchfield J Johannesburg 2 2 March 2023 n the ma ter b e ween: FIRSTR AND B ANK LIMITED App ican and NIZ AM PROPER TI ES CLOSE CORPOR ATION Reg No: 1993/ 013781/23 Res pondent Havi ng consider ed he matter he fol ow ng ord er is ade by ag e e e t of the par ies: 1 The respon dent s p a ced under prov siona w ndin g -up n he hands of the Master of he H gh Cour o Sou h A r ca 2 A l persons who have a eg t mate i nterest are ca led upon to put forward reasons why th s Court should not d th i d g - p f he responden on 8 Ma y 2023 at 10h00 or as soon hereafter as t he matter may be heard 3 S i thi d i be e fected3 1 On a k nown c red tors of he respon dent b y pre - pa d reg stered post; 3 2 By pub ca t o he eo f he Business Day an d the Government Ga zet e; 3 3 On the Master of th is Court; 3 4 On he South Afri can Revenue Servic es 3 5 By the Sher ff o this Court on 3 5 1 The respond ent at its reg stered o fic e; 3 5 2 Al the emp oyees of he respondent by af i x ng a copy of h s order o any notice board to which the emp oyees h ave ac cess prem ses or if here s no access to he prem ses by he employe es by af ix ng a copy of this order t o the fr ont gate he e appl ca ble a l ng wh ch to he front door of the p rem ses rom w h ch he responde n conduc ted any bus ness at the t me of he serv ce of h s order; a nd 3 5 3 A l tra de un ons of wh ch the emp oyees of the respondent are m embers f any 4 The cost o f this appl ca ion l b t i th di g - p of the respond en By The Cour Reg s rar Advocate PG L ouw Co nsel for Ap p can Maisels Chamber s Te : 011 324 0 500 WERKSM ANS ATTO RNE YS A to eys o th e App ca Re : N Kgame Te : 011 535 8 218 02SF40
NOTI CE N RESP EC T OF A LICENSE APPLIC ATION IN TE RMS OF THE PETR OLEUM PR ODUC TS AC T 1977 ( AC T NO 120 OF 1977) This not ce serves o nform part es hat ma y be nterested or af fected th a P AR AM OUN T INTE RN ATION AL INVES TMEN TS here nafter re erred to as the app can has subm t ed an app ca t on for a WHOLES AL E L cense app ica tion numb er E/2023/03 31/0 001 303 TENBUR Y 30 ERKSINE TE RR ACE SOUTH BE ACH DURB AN The purpose o the app cat on s f or the app cant to be granted a icense to unde rtake petroleum whol esa e ac iv ties as d e a led n he app cat on Arrangemen s for v ewing he app cat on documenta t on can be m ade by con ac t ng the Contro ler o Petro eum products by: Telephone (03 1) 335 96 35 Ema l: Maphol sa Tsh si khawe@ energy go a Any object ons to he ssu ng o a l cense n resp ect o h s app cat on which mus clear y quot e the app ca t on number above must be odged wi h he Con ro ler o Pe ro eum Produc s wi h n a period of twenty ( 20) wor k ng days from the d ate of pub cat on of th s not ce Such ob ect on must be odged at the fol ow ng physical or post al address Phys ical addre ss : The Contro l er of Petro eum Products Department M n era Resources & En ergy 333 An on Lembe de Str eet Durban Bay Ho use Durba n Postal address : The Contro l er of Petro eum Products Department M n era Resources & En ergy Private Bag X 5 4375 Durban 4000 02SFGK-00 NOTI CE N RESP EC T OF A LICENCE APPLIC ATION IN TERM S OF THE PETR OLEUM PR ODUC TS AC T, 1977 ( AC T NO 120 OF 1977) This not ce s t o noti y par ies that may be in terested or a fec ed th a ENE RG Y WHOLES ALERS ( P TY) LTD here n re erre d to as ted an app i ca ion for a WHOLES ALE i cense a ppca ion number D 2023/04/14/0 004 1257 W LLEM BO TH A STRE E T WIERD A P ARK CENTURION The purpose of t he app icat on s for the app can o be gran ed a ice nse to un dertake pe ro eum who esa e activ t es as detai ed in he app ica ion Arrangemen s for v ewing he app -cat on documenta t on can be m ade by con ac t ng the Contro ler o Petro eum Products by: Telephone (01 2) 406 76 31 Fax (012) 323 5840 E-ma l:Av shkar N andk shore @dmre go a Any object ons to he ssu ng o a l cense n resp ect o h s app cat on which mus clear y quot e the app ca t on number above must be odged wi h he Con ro ler o Pe ro eum Produc s wi h n a period of twenty ( 20) wor k ng days from the da e of pubca ion o th s not ce S uch ob ect on must be lodged a the fo low ng physical or postal address: Phys ca Addres s The Control er of Petro eu m Products Department M n era Resources & En ergy 192 Visag e Str ee Pretoria Postal Address: The Control er of Petro eu m Products Department M n era Resources & En ergy Private Bag X 9 6 Pretoria 0001 02SG0 A NOTI CE IN RESP EC T OF A L CENSE APPL C ATION IN TERM S OF THE PETR OLEUM PR ODUC TS AC T 1977 ( AC T NO 120 OF 1977) Th s otice se es to i fo par ies that ma y be nterested or af e cted t hat Z AI TU N BEE G AF F A R SH A K here n after refe rred o as he app ic ant has subm tted an app ica t on for a WHOLES ALE l ce nse app ication num ber E 2023/04/04/0 001 132 M AL AG A 44 PEMBROKE R O AD DURB AN NOR TH DURB AN The p rpose of he app l caion s for he app i cant to be granted a ce nse to un derake petroleum wholesa e t it d l d i th app ication Arrangements for v iew ng the app ication documenta ion ca be ade by co tac i g he Control er of Pe ro eum Products by - Te ephone: (031) 335 96 35; or -E Mapho sa Tshis khawe@ dmre gov za Any ob ect ons to the issuing of a ce se i esp ec of this app ication wh ch must c early quot e he appl ca ion number above must be odged w th the Control er of Petro e m Prod cts thin a per od o twen y ( 20) wor king days rom the d ate of pub ication of th s not ce Such bject us be odged a the o low ng phys ca or post a address: Phys cal addre ss : The Con ro ler o Petro eu m Prod cts Depar men Min eral Resources & En ergy 333 Anton Lembe de Str eet D b B y H D b Posta address : The Contro er of Pe ro eum Products Depar men Min eral Resources & En ergy Pr vate Bag X 5 4375 Durban 4000 02SFJF-00 NOTI CE IN RESP EC T OF A L CENCE APPL C ATION IN TERM S OF THE PETR OLEUM PR ODUC TS AC T 1977 ( AC T NO 120 OF 1977) Th s not ce s o not fy par t es hat may be n erested or af ected h at S AR EL A GROUP (PTY) LTD here n has subm t ed an appl ca ion or a WHOLES AL E cense app ication num ber D/2023 04/19/0 001 256 COLUMBUS S TREE T H AMM ANSKR AAL CITY OF TSHW AN E The purpose of he app l caion s for he app i cant to be granted a l ce nse to un derake pe ro eu m whole sa e act vit es as d etai ed in the app ication Arrange men s for e g he appl -ca t o documenta ion can be m ade by contact ng the Contr ol er of Petroleum Pr oducts by: Te ephone: (01 2) 406 76 31 Fax: (012) 323 5840 E-ma :Avishkar N andk shore @dmre gov za A y b t t th i i g of a cense in resp ec of this app ication wh ch must c early quot e he appl ca ion number above must be odged w th the Control er of Petro eum Products w thin a per od o twen y ( 20) wor ki ng days from the date of p b icat on of th s notice S uch objec ion mus be odged at he fol owing phys ca or pos a address: Physical Addres s The Con ro ler o Petro eu m P oducts Depar men Min eral Resources & En ergy 192 V sagie Str eet Pretor a Posta Address The Con ro ler o Petro eu m Products D p Mi l Resources & En ergy Pr vate Bag X 9 6 Pretor a 0001 02SFU5 SALE IN EXECUTION COURT ORDERS COURT ORDERS BUSINESS LICENCE BUSINESS LICENCE
10 BusinessDay www businessday co za Friday 28 Apr l 2023 N O W A V A I L A B L E O N

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