In a world where our lives are becoming increasingly fast-paced and interconnected, holistic health and wellness have never been more crucial. It’s an approach to health and wellbeing which considers an individual’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing that blends the modern with the traditional.
Incorporating physical exercise into our daily routines is an essential component of holistic health. Kevin Aron, principal officer at Medshield Medical Scheme, points out that engaging in any kind of physical activity, irrespective of whether it is walking, jogging, cycling, dancing or an exercise class, not only helps to maintain a healthy weight, but also improves your mood, cardiovascular health and enhances your overall fitness. Choose an exercise programme that aligns with your body type and health objectives and remember that consistency is key, he says.
One in three South Africans suffers from mental health issues, with the majority unable to access appropriate treatment. In fact, common and treatable mental health disorders have overtaken physical illnesses and injuries as the leading cause of medical disability claims in South Africa. For its part, Medshield Medical Scheme is stepping up and offering their members access to mental health services, and providing them with information on how to manage their mental health.
Elevated levels of stress can have a negative impact on the cardiovascular system. The good news, however, is that improving your diet and doing more exercise can mitigate these negative impacts.
Mindful activities such as yoga, tai chi
and meditation also help to reduce stress and improve physical and mental wellbeing.
In our fast-paced lives, it’s all too easy to prioritise convenience over nutritious meal choices. According to Aron, a holistic approach to healthy eating goes beyond strict diets or quick weight-loss methods, and is about finding a balance and making lifestyle changes that support your overall wellbeing. Adopting a healthy diet positively impacts energy levels, mental wellbeing and your overall health.
A big trend now is personalised nutrition, which takes an individual s genetic, phenotypic, medical, nutritional and other information into consideration.
Personalised nutrition can be very helpful in managing chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and obesity. It often involves more advanced technology and focuses on personalised recommendations based on an individual s unique genetic makeup, lifestyle habits and other factors, says Aron.
He advises consulting a healthcare professional such as a dietitian to guide you on your needs and help you navigate the journey of conscious eating, ensuring you make informed nutritional choices.
At Medshield, we have partnered with nutritionists and dietitians to craft delectable recipes that empower our members to make informed dietary choices, improving their overall health and reducing the risk of chronic conditions, he says.
Holistic health embraces alternative therapies such as acupuncture, herbal medicine and aromatherapy. There is no question that integrating complementary treatments with conventional medical
thinking has benefits,” says Aron. “Natural immune boosters, for example, have a role to play in fighting winter germs and helping to prevent a cold before it starts.”
Health technologies of the future
The rise of wearable health technology, combined with the promotion of preventive screening and remote health monitoring, offers a futuristic wellness vision. It s a vision, says Aron, which allows individuals to track their progress, receive real-time health insights and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with having medical assistance just a call away.
Medical aid schemes are increasingly embracing a more personalised and holistic approach to their wellness programmes. Medshield Movement, as one example, is a wellness portal offered by Medshield Medical Scheme.

Aron explains that the site is designed to help members improve their overall health and wellbeing through various exercise and diet offerings, such as fitness classes, nutrition coaching, healthy recipes that have been developed in partnership with nutritionists and dietitians, mental health support and wellness assessments. The Elevate portal, part of the Medshield loyalty programme, focuses on technology and datadriven wellness solutions.
Members can use their wearable devices, such as smartwatches or fitness trackers, to track their activity levels, heart rate and other health metrics. The data is then integrated into the Elevate platform to provide personalised feedback and goals, coaching and rewards to encourage healthy behaviour, Aron says.
A holistic approach to health and wellness is about listening to your mind and body to find balance, he adds.

Choose an exercise programme that aligns with your body type and health objectives and remember, consistency is key
Kevin Aron, principal officer, Medshield Medical Scheme

Most of us are spending more and more time on digital devices. If you find yourself glued to your smartphone, scrolling through endless posts as the clock ticks away, you are not alone.

Screen or technology addiction is a growing problem. It’s estimated that the average person spends more time in front of an electronic device than asleep each day. The average mobile phone user unlocks their device 150 times a day, while 18- to 24-year-olds check theirs twice as much.
As technology becomes an increasingly critical part of our lives, it’s perhaps no surprise that many of us find it hard to resist its allure. However, that constant connection comes at a cost, negatively impacting the quality of our lives, jeopardising relationships and overloading our senses. Excessive time online can result in poor self-image, low self-esteem, sleep problems, depression, anxiety, poor time management, poor productivity and problems establishing interpersonal connections. We know that strong relationships are important for a positive selfimage and good mental health.

While it is still unclear whether excessive smartphone use has a negative impact on the brain and cognition, research has revealed that an over-reliance on a mobile phone can lead to mental laziness and is rewiring our brains to crave instant gratification. A digital detox involves unplugging from all your devices or at least reducing the time spent on them. Taking a break from these devices can help to lower your stress levels and be more mindful of the present. It also allows you to be more productive on what you need to get done.
To detox digitally, understand your relationship with your phone or device. Once you have a good idea of why you are using your phone at different times, you will be able to better control your use thereof. If you think you are obsessive about your phone, consider only allowing yourself to check it at prescribed intervals and ensure it is kept away during mealtimes. Try to disconnect and switch off your phone before going to sleep as phone use can disrupt sleep patterns. You don’t have to stop using it completely. Instead, be aware of how much you spend on your phone or other digital devices, and try to scale back that time. Make sure you are spending sufficient time on other activities, including prioritising time spent with family and friends, reading a book, taking a walk or working on a hobby.
In South Africa, pharmacies play a critically important role in providing accessible primary healthcare to citizens. Pharmacy chains such as Clicks and Dis-Chem have an extensive footprint around the country. In May, Clicks opened its 700th pharmacy. Dis-Chem reported 255 stores in its most recent annual report.

Given the accessibility of pharmacies to most South Africans Clicks says half of the country s population now lives within 5.2 kilometres of one of its outlets the announcement that they have been given the green light to allow specially trained pharmacists to manage and prescribe medication to patients with HIV and tuberculosis (TB) is particularly encouraging, providing them with increased access to medicines. Pharmacists permitted to prescribe HIV and TB medication need to have successfully completed the Pharmacy-Initiated Management of Antiretrovial Treatment (Primart) training course.
HIV and TB remainprevalent in South Africa. It is estimatedmore than eight-million people are HIV-positive, with the country recording a small annual uptick in HIV-related deaths. In 2021, about 300,000 new TB infections were recorded, with the disease resulting in 56,000 deaths. This despite TB being preventable and curable. However, the disease needs to be treated early to stop infections from spreading and so patients don t become resistant todrugs used to treat it.

A new TB vaccine aimed at stopping people from contracting the disease is undergoing clinical trials. While there are many TB vaccines in various stages of testing, the one showing the most promise for ending TB is M72.
In South Africa, newborn babies receive the bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine developed in 1921 to protect them against TB. The effect of the BCG vaccine only lasts 10 to 15 years. If the M72 lives up to its promises, it could provide a booster vaccine to provide teenagers and adults with protection against TB.

As technology becomes an increasingly critical part of our lives, it’s perhaps no surprise that many of us find it hard to resist its allure


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The focus of healthcare is increasingly on early detection and prevention through regular checks and screenings. “By detecting diseases early on, they are often easier to treat,” says Lee Callakoppen, principal officer at Bonitas Medical Fund. The following, he adds, are the seven most important health check-ups for women.
From the age of 18, women should conduct a regular self-examination of their breasts and immediately consult a doctor if they see or feel any changes. “Early detection of breast cancer increases the chance of survival significantly,” reports Callakoppen. “Some doctors recommend having a mammogram every two years from the age of 40, while others say women need to start them at 50 years of age. A mammogram is a low-dose X-ray which radiologists analyse to look for changes in breast tissue.”

He warns, however, that though the greatest risk for breast cancer is age, women can get it at a very early age. “Genetics also play a role in determining if you are at risk of breast cancer. Having a first-degree relative a mother, sister or daughter with breast cancer almost doubles a woman’s risk. Having two first-degree relatives increases her risk three-fold.”
Callakoppen says breast cancer can affect men too, so women with a father or brother who has had breast cancer have a higher risk of the disease.
South Africa has a high rate of cervical cancer, attributed to not enough women being screened regularly. Screening can detect early changes in the cervix which can be treated and save a life. “There are a number of cervical cancer screenings available,” says Callakoppen.

“A pap test, also referred to as a pap smear, looks for cell changes (pre-cancers) in the cervix. The human papillomavirus (HPV) test looks for the virus that causes most cervical cancers. A vaccine has been developed to protect women from getting HPV. It is administered free, annually, to girls between grades 4 and 7 (nine to 12 years of age) in all government schools. It is recommended that between the ages of 21 and 65, women should have a pap smear every two years.”
These tests look for cancer in the colon or rectum by checking for tissue growths, called polyps. Bonitas’ clinical team recommends women who don’t have an elevated risk for cancer should start having these tests when they turn 45. The test should be repeated every three to 10 years, depending on a specialist’s advice. A faecal immunochemical test (FIT) should happen annually as it detects hidden blood in the stool which can be an early sign of cancer.
Skin cancer is caused byskin cells’ abnormal growth, usually on skin that has been exposed to the sun, though this is not always the case. Skin should be examined at least once a month. Women with a number of moles should have them “mapped” to detect changes. If skin cancer is found early and treated, it is almost always curable.
Known as lifestyle diseases, NCDs pose some of the biggest threats to our health and are caused by the way we live, combined with genetic, physiological and environmental factors. These include high blood pressure, diabetes, mental health and obesity. It is imperative to have regular or annual check-ups. “According to recent studies, almost 70% of women in South Africa are overweight or obese,” reveals Callakoppen. “The Body Mass Indicator (BMI) is used to check if you are a healthy weight. To calculate your BMI, divide your weight in kilograms (kg) by your height in metres (m) and then divide the answer by your height again. An individual is considered underweight at less than 18.5, while over 30 is considered obese.”
It is a misconception that men predominantly become infected with HIV/Aids. Studies show women are getting infected at a faster rate, particularly in developing countries. Biologically, women are more vulnerable than men to infection and women’s increased risk is also linked to gender inequalities. It is advisable for women to have an HIV test annually.
As women age, their bones become thinner and weaker, which can lead to osteoporosis. A bone density test (DEXA scan) is therefore recommended for women aged 65 or older, says Callakoppen. The frequency of such a scan depends on the individual’s bone density and other risk factors. A doctor should be consulted for osteoporosis treatment, which is readily available.
With more than 4.6-million people in South Africa living with diabetes, it’s important to check your blood glucose. There are two main types of diabetes, Type 1 and Type 2. They are different conditions, but are both serious and need to be treated and managed properly. Hypertension or high blood pressure is when blood pressure stays elevated over time. It is often referred to as the “silent killer”, since nearly 33% of people who have it don’t know it. “Remember that early detection of any of these conditions can save your life, so remember to go for regular check-ups with your doctor,” says Callakoppen.
Growing evidence indicates gut health has a corresponding impact on overall health, with several recent research studies revealing the gut microbiome affects the immune system, autoimmune diseases, endocrine disorders, gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease, cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, sleep, digestion andmental health.
Dietitian and nutritionist Tabitha Hume explains that the body is downstream of the gut, so if your gut is not healthy, it’s likely you’re not feeling great either. “If your gut is unhealthy, you will be more prone to infections, inflammatory disorders, obesity, worsened symptoms of autoimmune disorders and even increased symptoms of attention deficit disorder,” she says.
Optimal gut health is achieved when there is a balance between good and bad bacteria and yeast in your digestive system. Given the majority of your immune system is in the gut, an unhealthy gut means neither your immune system nor your hormones are able to function optimally.
Signs your gut health is struggling, reveals Hume, includefrequent bouts of ill health, indigestion, reflux, sinusitis early in
the morning, bloating and swelling, ulcers, infrequent or too frequent bowel movements, abnormal stools, tiredness and sluggishness, and problems with absorption.
The first step to improving gut health, she says, is the follow the right diet to ensure a healthy gut microbiome. “Most people are not eating enough fruit and vegetables, so they are short of fibre. Fibre is critically important for gut health, affecting the functioning of the gut, including the digestion and absorption of nutrients. Foods that are high in fibre include vegetables, beans and legumes, fruit, nuts and seeds.”
She advises decreasing the amount of animal protein in your diet. “Excessive quantities of animal protein can kill the good bacteria in your gut, causing an imbalance which can result in an increased risk of certain cancers.”
In addition, limit processed foods, don’t forget to eat healthy carbohydrates and drink enough water. “Water bulks up with fibre and eases the passage of stools through the gastrointestinal tract so nutrients can be absorbed and helps prevent constipation,” says Hume.
“Ultimately, good gut health relies on sufficient volumes of the right food, eaten on a regular basis. Try not to miss meals.”
Tabitha Hume, dietitian and nutritionist
A good probiotic is also a good idea. Following a course of antibiotics, a daily dose is required. However, it s a good idea to take a probiotic not just when you have been on antibiotics, but to ensure good gut health. Look for a probiotic that includes one to four bacteria. Ideally, you want to start with a big loading dose,then cut back to a maintenance dose. Remember to take it consistently and that probiotics can only survive and thrive if there is sufficient carbohydrate in the diet.
While fermented foods such as yoghurt may have limited benefits, don t think you can substitute yoghurt for a good probiotic as it doesn t contain sufficient quantities of probiotic, she says.
The benefits of good gut health are the prevention of cancer, no bloating or wind, regular bowel movements, higher levels of energy, increased calmness and ability to cope, and decreased inflammation and inflammatory responses, says Hume.
She warns, however, against being taken in by quick fixes There isno evidence to support colon cleansing as a mechanism to improve gut health, for example. Similarly, there is no one food or product that will heal an unhealthy gut overnight. Instead, focus on healthy eating and if in doubt, consult a registered dietitian or nutritionist, she says.

Ultimately, good gut health relies on sufficient volumes of the right food, eaten on a regular basis. Try not to miss meals.Picture: 123RF.COM/DEAGREEZ Picture: 123RF.COM/PEOPLEIMAGES12