Tsolo scientist’s biofertiliser helping to reduce production costs
WithaBSc degreefromRhodesUniversity under his belt, Nkululeko Ngqinambihasproduced abiofertiliserto helplower productioncosts forfarmers whohave been battlinghigh fertiliser prices.
Ngqinambi, 30, said he thought of theideato starthisownfertiliser product, which he calls SmartRoot, whenhesawhowhismotherandother localfarmers were battlinghigh input costsand reduced yield.Kraal manure usedto fertilise thesoil and crops did not help much.
Iwasraised bymyunemployed motherwhodependedonagricultural activitieslikeplantingmaizeandother crops, vegetables, poultry,a piggery andlivestock.My motherwasstrictin teaching us agricultureactivities, andI amaproud farmerthankstomy mothersfirm handand eagernessto ensure we become better people.
When I saw their struggles, my heart was sore andI decided to use the skills Id learnt from the lab to assist the community, because I love development, Ngqinambi said.
Havingmajored inchemistryand geology whileat Rhodes, hesaid he used the knowledgehe gained from his studiesto develop aproduct that wouldprovideamuch-neededservice to farmers of the Eastern Cape.
Ngqinambideveloped theSmartRootboosterbiofertiliser, whichisa blendoffourcarefullyselectedindigenousspecies ofmycorrhizalfungi species picked for optimal performance over a wide range of bioclimatic zones throughout the seasons.
Communaland smallholderfarmers invest a lot of money in buying chemicalfertilisers,but upto70%of the nutrients ofthe applied chemical fertilisersarenot usedbyplants.They enduplost totheenvironment,causingmultifaceted environmentalproblems.
TheSmartRoot boosterimproves the plantsability toefficientlyabsorb andusenutrients andwaterfromthe soil.Itisappliedbymixingitwithexistingsyntheticandorganicfertiliser,and willresultinreducedquantitiesofsynthetic fertiliser application, he said.
The entrepreneur andfarmer said basedonefficacytrialsconducted,use oftheSmartRoot boosterresultedin anaverageincreaseof50%inyieldper
hectare, whilereducing syntheticfertiliser application by 25%.
The overallbenefits forthe farmer is a reductionin input costs, increase in yieldand improved profit, whilereducingthenegativeimpactof syntheticchemical fertilisersinthe environment.
SmartRootworkscloselywiththe farmersandthis providesthemwith a first mover advantage.
In thesame context,SmartRoot has patented this innovation, Ngqi-
nambi said.
As partof theresearch &developmentprocessesthatledtothefullregistrationand licencingof theSmartRoot biofertiliser, Ngqinambi received seed capital fromthe Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) and Savant Technology Incubator, its commercialisation partner.
Duringthese stages,theydeveloped cultivationof themycorrhizal fungi feedstock method, processes, experimenting with different growth
mediums, grow-out periods, harvesting techniques,and methodsof processing andpackaging theready-foruse product to be used in field efficacy trials.
The resultsof thesuccessful efficacytrialssaw SmartRootbeingregisteringasagroup3fertiliserintermsof theFertiliserandFarmFeedsAct36of 1947,aregulatoryrequirementforthe production, marketingand saleof fertiliser products in SA, he said.
DRDARs social scientist,Dr Zolani Mike, congratulated Ngqinambi on coming up with the innovative SmartRootbooster biofertiliser,sayinghe did a good job for the provinces resource-limited farmers.
Ngqinambi plans to upscale his business, butneeds fundsto buy proper machinery to process his biofertiliser into granules,and establish a productionstorage facility for manufacturing and distribution.
He wantsto openhis factoryin his homevillage tocreatesustainable jobs and business opportunities, training localfarmers toproduce ingredients ofthe product,logistics, marketing and distribution.
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TsolobasedscientistandmanufactureroforganicSmartRootboosterbio-fertiliserNkululekoNgqinambishowshisproduct whichhesayslowersfarmer’sproductioncosts.Hisfertiliserisregisteringasagroup3fertilizerintermsoftheFertilizerand FarmFeedsAct36of1947,aregulatoryrequirementfortheproduction,marketingandsaleoffertilizerproductsinSouth Africa.
FiveMhlakulowomenblazea trailbyturningmaizeintoflour
Doyouknowwhatnixtamalisationis?According towww.sciencedirect.com, nixtamalisationisatraditionalprocessinMexicoandCentral America whereby cornis treated with lime, cooked, and dried and ground to produce the flour used to make tortilla.
A five-member co-operative owned by womenfrom Mhlakulovillageoutside Mthatha, is venturinginto Nixtamalisation, thanksto investmentby theEastern Capedepartment of rural development& agrarian reform,throughits commercialgrainproduction partnership with Ukhanyo Farmer Development (UFD).
Thefive-memberenterprise usessomeof the corn harvested from their fields.
Before working withthe department through UFD, NokuthulaMafikwana and Veliswa Ngedlewere part of apartnership betweenthe departmentof ruraldevelopment & agrarian reform and Grain SA.
It is through thispartnership that they weresent toanexhibitionin theFreeState where they learnt thatmaize could produce cakes, scones, wrapsand steamed bread through Nixtamalisation.
Mafikwana of Eziphunzana village said when they returned fromthe exhibition they trainedother womentoaddvalue tothe maize, before they started their co-operative.
In2019, theystarted theco-operative. Theymixmaize,flourandotheringredientsto add value,sell products to schools,clinics as well as to localhouseholds, especially during traditional events and weddings.
We haveseen ourbusiness grow.We use our ownstoves tobake theseproducts. Itis time for women to standup and do something for themselves, Mafikwana said.
In my home, no-oneis permanently employed but I supplementour income from growing andselling maize. I alsobought myself a bakkie.
She said theirbaked products were unique.
Wehaveseenourbusiness grow.Weuseourownstoves tobaketheseproducts.Itis timeforwomentostandup anddosomethingfor themselves
Ifwe hadpremisesandtools wecould supplybiggermarketslikeretailshops.Weare notabletomeet bigordersbecausewelack premises and tools, she said.
Co-operativeleader Ngedlesaid theyhad trainedyoungpeople fromtheircommunity andsotheyouth wasrepresentedbythree people in their five-member co-operative.
We realised that maizecan produce other thingsthatcangeneratemoreincome.Weappeal to thegovernment to assist uswith a structure and working toolsso that this uniquebusiness cangrowandcreate jobsin this rural space.
Wewould liketodevelop more, Ngedle said, addingthat they also neededtraining to produce other products from maize.
Ngedle said their bakery business had changedtheirlivesastheyhadincreasedtheir income.
Ngedle produces maizeon 4ha while Mafikwanaproduces on12ha.Both saythey plan to expand their hectorage.
Theprojectisinlinewiththegovernments endeavourof addingvalueto primaryagriculture productsso thatthey canmaximise income and generate jobs.
Siphiwo Yose,the ownerof Karkotsraalfarm portion A in Somerset East, received livestock, infrastructureandland caresupportservice from theEastern Capedepartment ofrural development andagrarian reformas partof anongoingprogrammetocommercialiseagriculture in the province.
As partof thelivestock improvementprogramme, MEC Nonkqubela Pieters announced thatR8.7m wassetasidefor thedistribution of350 cattle,800sheepand 150goatsto farmers across the province.
The department delivered 10 Hereford
heifersthrough thelivestockimprovement programme,which seesfarmerssupplied with high-breed livestock to improve the genetics oftheir animalsso thesecan bemarketable;installed astock watersystem onthe farm withwater tanks;provided fencingfor 10km of boundary and internal camps; [provided] amobile kraaland implementedthe land care programme by removing invasive plants.
The farmemployed 22people toassist withthe installationofastock watersystem andremovalofinvasiveplants,whilefouroth-
er people were employedto assist with fencing off land parcels on the farm.
Speaking duringa visit by Pietersto his farmas partofmonitoringand evaluationof workdonebythe department,Yosesaidhe was gratefulfor the investmentas itgave his business a shot in the arm.
Farming is not easy, it needs dedication and a willingness tolearn new things every day.
The support from the department has played a big role in developing us as farmers.
We want to seeother farmers being able
stand on their own, Yose said.
Having started with only one heifer, which hehad boughtfrom hisfather,Yose saidfrom thenon hefocusedongrowing hisbusiness, and had never looked back.
His herd has since grown to 80 cattle.
Pieters encouraged farmersto continue their goodwork and look afterthe livestock provided to them by the department.
Shealsoencouraged farmerstoinvolve theirchildrensothenextgenerationmightalso venture into farming to ensure continuity of the business.
03.21 2
NokuthulaMafikwanaandVeliswaNgedleofMhlakuloadministrativeareaaremixingbaking ingredientswithfreshmealiesharvestedfromtheirlandinMhlakulovillagetobakecakes,scorns, muffinsusingNixtamilizationmethod.Themealiestheyusewasproducedwiththefinancial investmentbytheEasternCapeDepartmentofRuralDevelopmentandAgrarianReform.
DRDARMEC NonkqubelaPieters looksatthefence deliveredbythe DepartmenttoSiphiwo Yosesfarmandonthe rightissomeofYoses livestock.
Climate-smart agriculture brings benefits to Qoboqobo
The ongoingclimate-smart agriculture(CSA) programmeintheEasternCapeishelpingparticipating farmers improvefood productivity and food security.
Theprogramme, jointlyfundedby SAand German government departments and agencies,was inauguratedinQoboqobo with40 households practising tower gardens.
Others are producingthrough rain water harvesting in Qoboqobo,where, starting 13 yearsago, adrip irrigationsystem andwater tanks were installed to irrigate crops.
Climate-smart agriculture isan approach thathelps peopleimprove theirproduction whileadapting totheeffects ofclimate change,contributingto itsmitigation,increasingproductivity,food securityandhousehold incomes,while enhancingresilience oflivelihoods and ecosystems.
The Germangovernment’s development agency,theDeutscheGesellschaftfurInternationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, the German Embassy, the SA government’s nationaldepartmentsofagriculture,landreform andrural development,and forestry,fisheries and the environment, andthe Eastern Cape departmentofrural developmentandagrarianreformhave joinedforcesina bidtoinvest inclimate-smart agricultureatthe timewhen scientists haveincreased warningsabout the negative impact of climate change.
Theprogrammeseeks tointroducetechniques to adaptto climate-induced water challenges and enhance household food security,identifying existinggaps onwater strategies and climate-smart agriculture.
Agriculture and ruraldevelopment, which ismandated topromoteand implementclimate-smart agriculture as oneof its prominent programmes, workedwith the forestry and environment department with support fromDeutscheGesellschaftfurInternationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
Working with rural development and agriculturein theprovince,the teamconducted
policyanalysis, andidentifiedgaps andopportunities in the current policies.
GIZ Climate Support Programme (CSP) programme managerGregor Schmorl,who was accompaniedby OdaMuhrfrom theGerman Embassy inPretoria, expressedgratitude to theQoboqobo communityfor allowingthe entourage visit their homesteadsto see their work.
“We wantto provide support toyou so thatyoucan beabletoproduce foodevenin thedifficulttimesofclimatechange,”Schmorl said.
Agricultureand ruraldevelopmentdepartment director for watermanagement and irrigation development, MaryGabriel, who has beenworking inclimate-smart agricultureinitiatives forabout 13years, wasexcited about the programme. “We have come far with this programme. It’s been13years oftribulation, but today I am bursting with pride.
“Theseare amongthemost beautifuland
productive gardens I have seen.
“Ibelievethis programmeneedsexpansion, and we will motivate for that.
“Let this programme explodeand with our funders, GIZ, we will takeyour work to the future,” she said.
Retired agronomistNomahlubi Shosha, one of the 40tower garden beneficiaries, hailedthe governmentandfunders forbringingin innovativeways ofproducing food,saying water was not onlyscarce but also expensive.
“Wethank theofficialsforcoming upwith something we did not know.
“Thistowergardenhasassistedusalotasit has reduced water usage,because you can even re-usethe water withwhich youbath or wash clothes.
“Thesenew techniquesareassisting usto moveforwardasI nowproduceabout200 bunches of spinach in a1m x 1m tower. This hasmaximised myareaofproduction asIdo
not have enough land,” Shosha said.
Speaking onbehalf ofthe 40rain water harvesting beneficiariesusing dripirrigation, PatriciaMpengesipledged thesupportof householdswho hadventuredinto theprogramme, saying they would continue with it.
“Aswearegetting older,itwasdifficultto fetch water for irrigation,and sometimes the tapswould dryupinthis area,whichseverely affected our produce.
“Now that water harvestingtanks and drip irrigation have been installed,we no longer struggle with water, andour gardens are producingqualityvegetablesthat weselltolocal supermarkets, street vendors and community.
“Everythinghas beenmadeeasy withthis system and I hope otherscan also benefit so we can have a food-secure nation,” she said.
Rural development andagrarian reform’s Amatholedistrict director,NyamekaBongco, saidtheprogramme,whichwasalsobeingimplementedintheNorthWestandMpumalanga provinces, was doingextremely well in the Eastern Cape.
“IamexcitedbywhatI’veseenandIamextremelyproudofthe officialswhowentbeyond the call of duty to make this a success.
“There isfuture foodsecurity inthis programmeand withthesuccessI haveseen,I envisage more participants wantingto join in because of the enthusiasmof the beneficiaries.Thislaunch takesplaceata goodtimeas world leaders are discussingremedies to deal with climate change. We are coming up with practical solutions,” Bongco said.
At least80 householdsreceived capacity development and the necessary skills to practically enhance the implementation of the climate change strategies.
Theprogrammesaw theinstallationof dripirrigationsystemsandtwo2,500-litrewatertanks to40households,while thetower gardens were installed inother 40 households.
Department to reshape budget for graduates to start enterprises
The Eastern Cape departmentof rural development and agrarian reformwill reshape its budgettoassistunemployedagriculturegraduates start their own businesses.
Thiswasrevealed bydepartmenthead Siphokazi Ndudaneduring athree-day induction programme for the third cohort of graduatesthat havebeen placedby thedepartmentin farmsandagriculture businessesin theprovinceaspartofaprogrammetohelpit reduce graduate unemployment.
The two-yearentrepreneurial placement programme of 120 unemployed graduates is funded throughthe ComprehensiveAgriculturalSupport Programme(Casp)andis anopportunity foryoung peopleto beplaced in farmsand relatedenterprisesto gainentrepreneurialexperiencesothattheybecome job creators.
“Theimportant thingisthatwe don’t want to doa hitand run, wherewe take120 graduates for two years andafter that they go back to being unemployed,” Ndudane said.
“We should look at how we avail government resources to theseyoungsters so that theycanstretchtheirideasinwhatever...they want to venture into.
“Inthatveinwewanttolookathowwerefocus andreshape thebudget ofthe department.”
She said the departmenthad a sizeable supportbudget andthat therewasa needto look athow theportion ofthis budgetcould besetasideto helpgraduatesstarttheirown enterprises.
“We are not going to achieve development and theresults wewant tosee ifwe don’t be-
come intentional.
Aslongaswebeataboutthebush...doing little bits everywhere, weare not going to make an impact.
Wearelookingathowweconcentrateour resourcesandfinetunetheprogrammetoaddress the problem.
She saidthe departmentwould engage thedepartment ofsmallbusiness andprivate sectorpartnersto incubatetheagricultural ideas of the 120 graduates.
We want to see whatwe can do to grow the participation of youngpeople blacks in particular intheagriculturesectorsothatis the bigger aim of this programme, she said.
NdudanesaidtheEasternCapehadpotentialbecauseofits naturalresources,goodclimate and good soils.
But weve been literallystuck in the potential as a province, she said.
We have not been able to exploit that potential. Wewant to increasethe poolof entrepreneurs in the agricultural space.
Wewantthegraduatestobeabletothink ontheirownand seehowtheycancreate jobs.
We do understand thatwe dont actively bringintheyoung peoplewhocanthinkdifferentlyofthesector, whohavedifferentenergy ... in this sector, she said.
Ndudanesaid therewasan oldergenerationoffarmers,sogovernmentwaslookingat how to attract youngpeople because they willcomewithmoreenergyandmoreinnovative ideas on how to drive agriculture.
Oneof graduates,Qaqamba Mampofu,24,
whocompleted adiplomain cropproduction at theFort CoxAgriculture andForestry Training Institute, welcomed the opportunity, saying it would enhance her skills.
“This opportunity means I’ll be getting more skillsthan Igot fromschool, I’llbe practicallydoing whatI learntfromFort Coxand my knowledge will expand in practice.
“As aperson Iwill beelevating myself,my character and I’llbe abletoovercomecertain challenges. I know that being part of this programme will be challenging.
“Atthesametimeitwillbuildmetobethe farmer I want to be,” Mampofu said.
Talitha Pharmachief operationsmanager Mvuyisi Mbotshelwa, whose enterprise has beenpartofthe programmeforthesecond time, said the programme was worthwhile.
“We take this programme very seriously and from the word go,we took a decision to be partof this programme becausewe knew it was addressing youth unemployment.
“Beyond addressing unemployment,it ensures thatthere are young peoplethat are groomed to venture into agriculture, because agriculture isplaying a huge rolein economic development of this province.
“We are making acontribution by mentoring them not to bejob seekers but to start theirown businessesafterthey havelearnt from our experiences,” Mbotshelwa said.
Inthe currentfinancial year,agriculture MEC Nonkqubela Pieters announced that R10.9m was allocated forthe programme to place120graduateinternsinvariouscommercial agriculture enterprisesfrom March 2021 until March 2023.
03.21 3
StakeholdersparticipatingintheclimatesmartagriculturepilotinQoboqobostandingnexttooneof thecropsproducedbyhouseholdsparticipatingintheprojectshailedbyboththeSouthAfricanand Germangovernmentsashelpingtoimprovefoodproductivityandfoodsecurity.
Oneoftheunemployedagriculturegraduates,BaneleNdoyiyawhoholdsaDiplomainFarming ManagementfromLovedaleTVETCollegelooksonasYangaDalasileofDalasileAgriParkand DRDAR’sChiefDirectorforHumanandInstitutionalCapacitationNomakhayaMoiloasignher contractplacingheratthefarmaspartoftheDepartment’sprogrammerespondingtograduate unemployment.
Investment in wool production already showing positive results
Ourdepartmentcontinues investinginthe businesses ofcommunal woolgrowers across theprovince byinjecting millionsof randin constructinginfrastructure, suchas fenced shearing shedswith dipping tanks anddistributing livestockwithsuperior genes.
This investment helpsthese farmers, who includerural women,men andyouth, people with disabilities,to produce quality wooland meatthrough governmentsupport,such ashealth interventions,training and livestock improvement.
We dothis in pursuit ofthe commitments we madeas the ANC tothe electorate when campaigning ahead of the last generalelections whenwe committedto carry outa sustainableland reformprogramme that expandsparticipation in, and ownershipof, agriculturalproduction,advances foodsecurity andhelps reversethe apartheidspatial separationof ourcities and towns
That is why it warms the cockles of my heart when we deliver essential agriculture infrastructure services.
The much neededinvestments help farmersimproveproduction,increaseearnings tomeet their needs suchas educating their childrenand putting food ontheir tables.
Icommend theworkdoneby ourofficials, ourprivate sectorpartners andfarmers for the successful campaign that ended the abuse our farmers suffered from the so-called ‘Boya-Boya’ vehicles that buy wool at paltry and degrading prices.
Workingwith theEastern CapeCommunalWool GrowersAssociation(ECCWGA), theprovinceshears almost650,000sheep in five district municipalities.
We havesigned athree-year MoUwith theassociationfor thedevelopmentof communal farmersin away thatgrows their businessesto becomesustainable and profitable enterprises.
To ensure that farmers are united and
avoid beingabused byunscrupulous buyers, weassisted inthe settingup ofabout 401 wool growers’ associations or shearing shedsthat produce8,666 baleswhich weigh 150kg on average.
In thisfinancial year, I handedover 10 shearing sheds worthR10.9m to wool growers’ associationsin Tsoloand Qumbu villages as part of this ongoing programme.
Farmers were thrilled by these new facilities andcommitted towork togetherto continuetheirbusiness,growtheirtradeso that theyimprove theirbusinesses byselling quality wool.
The government isconstructing shearingshedsandfacilities inruralareasthat
were previouslyonly seenin commercial farms owned by white farmers.
To ensure inclusiveeconomic growth through agriculture,we makesure farmers getthe sameequipment thatcommercial farmers have, so that they earn bigger profits from their wool production business.
Our woolgrowers’ development programme is coupled with the provision of qualityrams andewestofarmers, withthe aim of improving the genetic condition of theirflocksothattheyhavegoodwooland meatwhich willprovidethemwith agood income. Themajority ofwool growersin ourprovince didnotwaitfor thegovernment to start their businesses.
Theyboughtsheep andgoatsand shearedthemintheirownresidentialproperties.
By the time government joined with financial support, farmers were already working andselling theirwool. Ourinvestment gives them a much needed injection.
In their old structures, farmers had to endure unbearable conditions that saw their wool contaminated with dirt and a loss of quality because of a lack of equipment.
Because ofthe shearingsheds weare handing overto farmers,they areable to shear theirsheep, sortand pressthe wool properly before it is delivered to buyers.
The lengthof wool playsa bigrole in pricesbecausewoolispaidperlength,fineness, cleanyield and weight, hencewe are also training shearers.
We are investing in farmers to improve their herd, improve the quality of their woolcliptobethesamequalityneededby the markets,hence lotof communalwool is now sold through BKB and CWC.
Recently there was an outcry when China bannedour woolbecause ofsuspected foot andmouth disease.The outcrywas justified asChina isthe biggestwool market.
The situationtriggered theneed toensure the wholevalue chain of ourwool is enjoyed inthe countryby openingfirms thatwillprocessthewooltothefinalproducts and this will create more jobs.
This development, which is long overduewillneedallstakeholdersfromfarmers toprivatesector, government,itsentities andother roleplayersinthe sector,to make it a reality.
As the MECof this department, Iam impressedbythedeterminationofcommunities, involvementof youthand womenin woolproductionand theirslogan:Uboya bethu, indyeboyethu (Ourwool, our wealth).
● NonkqubelaPietersisanANCMPLand departmentofruraldevelopment& agrarianreformMEC
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Food production excites young farmer
Producing fresh vegetables bought by scores ofcustomersfortheirhouseholdsexcitesFort CoxAgricultureand ForestryTrainingInstitute graduate Mfihlelo Tisana.
Heis oneofmany previouslyunemployed agriculture graduates draftedinto the graduate placement programmeby the Eastern Cape department ofrural development and agrarianreform inresponseto theneedling graduate unemployment problem.
Tisanastudiedcropproductionattheinstituteandis partofthesecond cohortof120 graduatesplaced bythedepartment invarious participating agriculture ventures.
Henowsayshewantstostarthisownagriculture business.
“I did cropproduction and that hasput me in agreat place,” Tisana said. “Now I’mable to produce food and it gives me pleasure to know that someone ate because of me.
“I thank DRDAR somuch for this programme.There issomething wegot fromthis programme. Iwish itcould continueand benefit those who will graduate after us.
“With employment scarce, the department’sprogrammeis relevantbecauseit teaches us to be independent and I like that.”
Tisana says the availabilityof land limited themwhenitcametopracticalwork,butduringhis placementaspartof theprogramme he learnthow toproduce ona largescale and sell the produce to customers.
“Thatexcitesme alotandis sogreat,becausein reality,when youprogress, youare
able to create jobs. I want to start my own enterprise,” he said.
Inthe currentfinancialyear, DRDARMEC Nonkqubela Pietersannounced thatR10.9m wasallocatedfortheprogrammetoplace120 graduate interns in various commercial agriculture enterprises fromMarch 2021, with them exiting at the end of March 2023.
Thob'inceba Mantshunga,asheep farmerandcommercial woolproducerfrom KwaZulu administrativeareain Ngqelenistandsinhis kraalwithhisflock.He isoneofmanyfarmers benefitingfromthe Department’s investmentinthe constructionand resourcingofshearing sheds,includingthe oneconstructedin theirvillageaspartof commercialising agricultureinthe province.
Wool production profits convert youth into farming evangelist
Impressiveprofitsfrom sheepfarmingand wool production converted a budding sheep farmer fromNgqeleni into afarming evangelistcommittedto“winningsouls”tothelucrativelivestockfarmingbusiness.
The hungerto learn the ropesof sheep farmingand woolproduction attractedThob’ incebaMantshunga tojoin alocal woolproduction co-operative supported by the department of rural development& agrarian reform.
The27-year-oldMantshungafromKwaZulu village outside Ngqeleni said he thought it wasa goodidea tojoin theelders whorun their local co-operative because he realised sheepfarmingandwoolproductionwasalucrativebusiness.
“They [elders]motivated me tojoin and stayinthisbusiness.
“IjoinedthisbusinessbecauseIsawitwas lucrative.
“You candevelop andbecome successful because this business isgood. Young people shouldknowthatbeingamongeldershelpsa lot. These elders have avision and I now also haveavision.”
Heencouragedotheryoungpeopletoventureintosheepfarmingandwoolproduction, adding, “because thegovernment builta shearing shedfor their co-operativein their village,itis readytoassistmore youthtojoin thesector”
Mantshunga saidbecause ofwhat he earnsfromthe sector,heencouragesyoung people to venture intosheep farming and woolproduction sothat theydon’t waitfor employment,butcreatetheirownwealth.
“Governmenthas providedmanythings forusincludingtwo diptanks,animalhandlingfacilitiesandshearingequipment.
“Ipleadwiththe youthtocomeonboard. These facilities [shearingshed] improved our quality,”hesaid.
According toMantshunga, beforethe government builtthe shearingshed fortheir cooperative, their sheepsuffered from diseases butsince thentheywerenow gettingbetter profitsfromsellingwooltolocalmarkets.
Apart fromshearing hissheep andselling its wool,Mantshunga said he sellssome of hissheep tolocalbuyers,earning himmoney tosupport hisfamily,takehis childrento schoolandputfoodonthetable.
6 SUPPLEMENT TO THE HERALD AND THE DAILY DISPATCH March2023 ˇ˛ ˚˛ ˘ ˘ ˚˘ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˜ ˚˜ ˘˘ ˜ ˚ ˆ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˚˘ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˚ ˚ ˜ ˘ ˙ ˚ ˛ ˜ ˘ ˚ ˜ ˙ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˚˘ ˘ ˙ ˚ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˜˚ ˜ ˜ ˚˘ ˜ ˙ ˘ ˙ ˘ ˛ ˜ ˜ ˙ ˜ ˙ ˘ ˝˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˛ 03.21 6
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Baziya cousins pursue commercialisation of agriculture
JayJay AgriculturalPrimary Co-operativein Mputhivillage,Bayizaadministrativearea,outside Mthathais one of manybusinesses pursuingcommercialisationof farmingincommunalareas, withthe supportof thegovernment.
Started in 2015 bytwo cousins, Mzimasi Jalisa and Siphe Joyi,the enterprise was supported by the departmentof rural development&agrarianreform withfencingof12ha arable land, crop production inputs including fertiliser, seed and chemicals.
The investment by the department between 2019and 2021 buoyed JJfarming and saw them sell 199 tonnesof maize to Ork Elliot for R380,800.
Jalisasaidtheyhadbeensupportedbyvariousgovernment institutionsincludingthe IsiqaloYouthFundlocatedintheOfficeofthe Premier.
It bought them atractor with implements while thedepartment ofsocial development supplied them with production inputs.
The businessproduces vegetables,mainly cabbage,which theyrotate withspinach, potatoes, green mealies and butternuts from arichpieceof landirrigatedwithwaterfrom the nearby Mbhashe River.
Armed withfarm managementqualificationsfrom CedaraCollegeof Agriculturein KwaZulu-Natal,Jalisa, whomajored incrop production, agribusiness,extension andrural resources management, saidthey had started farming cabbageinformally astwo individu-
als, before they registered their co-operative. Hesaid theysuppliedSpar andBoxer stores in Engcobo and Mthatha, meaning they no longersold tolocal householdsand hawkersas theyhave toservice theircontractual commitments withthe stores.Breaking down theirland operations,Jalisasaid theyproduceddry maizeon 40ha,green mealieson 4ha, potatoes on 5ha,cabbage on 5ha and spinach on 1ha.They are also involvedin beef productionaswellasbuyingandsellingsheep for slaughtering. Theenterprise employs two permanent people and13 temporary workers. Theirwish isto employall 15young people permanently.
“We want to contributeto improving rural welfare by reducing foodinsecurity and improvingrural economicdevelopment byemploying rural youthand unemployed agricultural graduates.
“Working withrural communitydevelopmentorganisations,thegoalistopromote,inspire, motivate and mentoryoung people in agriculture business.
“We appreciatethe assistancewe receive fromthe governmentinour endeavoursto developruralcommunities andparticipatein economic development through agriculture.
“The assistance hashelped us produce more,” he said.
Thedepartment isalso providingcapacity buildingthrough mentorshipand trainingby departmental officials,including scientists and external experts.
7 SUPPLEMENT TO THE HERALD AND THE DAILY DISPATCH March2023 03.21 7 ˆ ˇ ˜ ˙ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˛ ˘ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˚ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˙ ˘ ˜ ˛˘ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜˙ ˘ ˜ ˜˘ ˙ ˚ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˙ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˜ ˙ ˘ ˜ ˙ ˘ ˆ ˚ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˙ ˙ ˘ ˜ ˛ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘˚˜ ˜ ˙ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˛
Drivinggrowth:JayJayFarmingemployeedrives thetractorinoneofthelandparcelstheyuseto producemaizewiththefinancialinvestmentby theDepartmentofRuralDevelopmentand AgrarianReform.
Workingwithrural communitydevelopment organisations,thegoalisto promote,inspire,motivate andmentoryoungpeoplein agriculturebusiness
Farmingandworkers ofhisfarmharvest potatoesfordelivering tolocalretailstores. Theirbusinessbenefits fromanumberof government institutions,including theDepartmentof RuralDevelopment andAgrarianReform.
Farmers benefit from R134m infrastructure programme
The EasternCape departmentof rural developmentand agrarianreformhas injected R134minto anagriculture infrastructure programme benefiting scores of farmers in the province as part of efforts to enable economic growth.
Thiswasannouncedearlyinthenew financial yearby MECNonkqubela Pieters duringthe tabling ofthe department’s policy speech.
Linda Sam,from Kariegain Nelson MandelaBay,rearscattle,goats,pigsand chickens, and also grows crops.
She is one of the farmers who have benefited from the infrastructure programme, with the department sinking a borehole andinstalling awater system on her farm.
“Lack ofwater was affectingmy operations because pigs love water; cattle needlotsof water;goatsandsheep needwater. Ialso needwater forirrigation.
“The boreholewill bringgreat change. Now we willno longer cart waterfromthetanks,wewilljustconnecta pipeto theborehole. Therewill bebetter production than before,” Sam said.
Sambeganfarming inhercommunity with justfour pigs in JoeSlovo townshipinKariega. Sheincreasedhernumber ofanimals tenfold, and didnot give up even when all 40 pigs were stolen.
Theboreholewillbring greatchange.Nowwewill nolongercartwaterfrom thetanks,wewilljust connectapipetothe borehole.Therewillbe betterproductionthan before
Sam isa beneficiary ofthe government’s land reform programme.
Withregardsto herpoultrybusiness, she buysone-day-old chicksand sells themaftersix weekstoresidentsof Blozalocation. Shealso keepsfreerange chickenswhich lay eggsthat she then sells to local households.
“Iwasconstantlyvisitingtheofficeof the departmentof ruraldevelopment andagrarianreform, whereIvoicedmy challengeofhavingtobuywaterifthere was no rain.
“Thedepartment respondedpositively withthis [borehole]investment,” she said.
8 SUPPLEMENT TO THE HERALD AND THE DAILY DISPATCH March2023 ˆˇ ˇ ˜ ˘ ˚ ˜ ˙ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˚˘ ˘ ˙ ˚ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˚˘ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˜ ˚˜ ˘˘ ˜ ˚ ˆ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˜˚ ˜ ˜ ˚˘ ˜ ˙ ˘ ˙ ˜ ˙ ˘ ˝˘ ˘ ˛ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˜
03.21 8
LindaSam,alivestockandcropfarmerfromKariega,NelsonMandelaBayMetrolooksattheboreholebeing installedonherfarmbytheEasternCapeDepartmentofRuralDevelopmentandAgrarianReformaspartofthe implementationoftheR134millioninvestmentinagricultureinfrastructurebeingrolledoutonmanyfarmsand ruralcommunitiesintheprovince.
Isichumisi esihlonele indalo senzululwazi yakuTsolo sincedisa ekunciphiseni ilahleko kwimveliso
Exhobengesidangasenzululwazi(BSc) sakwiYunivesithi iRhodes, uNkululeko Ngqinambiuvelise isichumisiesihloneleindalo (biofertiliser)ukuncedaukunciphisa ilahlekokumafama ajongene nomnqantsa wamaxabiso aphezulu ezichumisi.
UNgqinambi,30, uvakaliseukuba wacinga ngombonowokuqala imvelisoeyeyakhe yesichumisi,asibizangokuba sisiSmartRoot,ngethubawabonaindlela umamawakhenamanye amafamaasekuhlaleni awayesokolangayo kumaxabisoaxhomileyo kwanemveliso enciphileyo. Umgquba wasebuhlantiosetyenziswaukuchumisa umhlabanezityalo awuzange uncede kuyaphi.
“Ndakhuliswa ngumama ongaphangeliyo owayexhomekekekwiinkquleqhu zezolimo ezifana nokutyalaumbona nezityalo,imifuno, ufuyolwenkukhu, ufuyolweehagukwakunye nemfuyo.Umama wam wayengqingqwaekusifundiseni iinkquleqhu zezolimokwaye ndingumfama ozingcayongenxa yesandla esiluluqilima sikamama wam kwanokuzingisakwakhe ekuqinisekiseni ukuba singabantu abangcono.
“Xa ndandibona iinzingo zabo, intliziyoyam yayibabuhlungukwaye ndagqiba kwelokubandisebenzise izakhono endizifundeelabhorathri ukuncedisauluntu, ngenxayokuba ndiyaluthanda uphuhliso,” uNgqinambi utshilo.
Nanjengokowathi wagxilakwezamachiza kwanezomhlaba namatye ngethubaeseRhodes, uthiwasebenzisaulwazi alufumenekwizifundozakhe ukuyila lemveliso ethe yanika inkonzo eyayifuneka ngokokumandla kumafama aseMpuma Kapa.
UNgqinambiuyile isichumisiesihlonele indaloesifakwe umfutho,iSmartRoot, neyinxalenye yezithako zezendalo ezineezikhethwe ngononophelo zentlalubelayongundo (yohlobo lwe-mycorrhizal) ezikhethelwe ukusebenzangokusencotshenikuwo wonkeamaxesha okuzakuzelana kwendalo.
“Amafama asekuhlaleninalawo asemancinane ngokomthamo achithaimalieninziethengaamachiza ezichumisi, kodwaumlinganiselo ofikelelakwi-70% wezithakoezifakwa kumachiza ezichumisiazisetyenziswa zizityalo.Ziphelelazilahleka nje,zezidale iingxaki eziliqela kwezendalo.
“Lomfutho iSmartRootuphucula
IsazinzuluesizinzekuTsolokunyenomvelisiweSmartRootboosterbio-fertiliseruNkululekoNgqinambiwenzembi ubonisaimvelisoyakheeyehlisaiindlekozemvelisoyomlimi.Isichumisosakhesibhaliswanjengeqelalesi-3lesichumisi ngokoMthethoweSichumisokunyeneFamayeNdlelayeNdlelayeFamawama-36ka-1947,imfunekoyolawulolwemveliso, ukuthengiswanokuthengiswakweemvelisozesichumisoeMzantsiAfrika.
umxakathowesityalo ukuzesifunxe ze sisebenzise izithakokwakunye namanzi asemhlabeni.Sisetyenziswa ngokuthikuxutywe isichumisiesivangwe ngezendalokwanesezendalo buqu,nto leyoekhokelelaekuncipheni komthamo wokusetyenziswa wesichumisi esingenaqobolwandalo,” utshilo.
Losomashishini nomfamauthi kuqathaniswa indlela esisebenza ngayoemva kovavanyooluthelwenziwa,ukusetyenziswa komfuthoweSmartRoot kukhokelele ekukhuleni nge-50% kwimvelisoyehekthare nganye,logama kuncitshiswange25%isichumisi esingenaqobolwandalo.
Eyonantoexhanyulwangumfama kukuncitshiswa kwenkcithokumaxabiso, ukukhulakwemveliso kwanokuphuculwa kwengeniso, logama ifutheelibi lamachizaezichumisi ezingahloneli indalo. iSmartRoot isebenzisana ngokusondeleleneyo namafamakwaye okukubanika igxathulokutsiba kuqala.Ngokwekhweloelinye, iSmartRootinegunyakobu buchule, uNgqinambi utshilo.
Ngokuyinxalenye neenkqubozophando kwakunye nophuhliso olukhokelele ekubhalisweni ngokokupheleyo kwanokugun-
yaziswakwesichumisi esihloneleindalo iSmartRoot, uNgqinambi ufumeneimali yenkunziyokuthenga izityalokwiArhente yobuChulekwezobuChwepheshe (Technology InnovationAgency) kwakunyeneSifukamisi kumaChule obuChwepheshe(Savant TechnologyIncubator),engubhululu wayokwezoshishino.
Ngethuba lezi zigaba,bathe bayila yokulima kusetyenziswa intlalubela zohlobolwe-mycorrhizal,becolafuthi besezelaizigaba zohlumo,amaxesha ohlumo, amacebooqokelelo kwakunye neendlelazeenkqubo kwanokubekangendlela imvelisoeseleilungele ukusetyenziswaukuze isetyenziswe kwizigaba zovavanyo.
“Iziphumo zendlela zempumelelo
yovavanyo,zikhokelele ekubeniiSmartRoot ibhaliswe njengesichumisi esikwiqela lebakala lesithathu ngokoMthetho 36 weziChumisi noKutya kweZilwanyanaeFama ka1947, osisigunyaziso esifunekayo kwimveliso, ulwaziso kwanokuthengiswa kweemveliso zezichumisi eMzantsi Afrika,” utshilo.
Inzululwazi kwezentlaloyakwaDRDAR,uGqr. ZolaniMike,uqhwabele izandla uNgqinambingokuza nobuchule bokufakaumfutho kwisichumisiesihlonele indaloiSmartRoot,esithi wenzeumsebenzi omhlekumafama ephondoanqongotshelelwe zizixhobo.
UNgqinambi ucebaukufunqula umxakathoweshishini lakhe,kodwa ufunainkxasomali ukuzeathenge oomatshinibokucola iintlalubelazesi sichumisi sihlonele indalo,ze aseke isakhiwosokugcina imvelisongeenjongo zokuyila nokusabalalisa.
Ufunaukuvula umzimvelisokwilali yakhe ukuzeadale imisebenziezinzileyo kwanamathuba oshishino, ukuqeqesha amafamaasekuhlaleni ukuze aveliseizithako zalemveliso, ulungiselelo, ulwaziso kwanokusatyalaliswa.
Uyafumanekakulenombolo 063-480-2056.
ˆ ˇ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˛ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˛ ˘ ˛ ˚ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˚ ˜ ˜ ˛ ˚˛ ˜ ˚ ˘ ˘ ˛ ˙ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˚ ˜ ˜ ˚ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˛ ˘ ˛ ˚ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˚ ˜ ˜˘ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˙ ˘ ˛ ˘˛ ˜ ˛ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˙ ˘ ˜˘ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˛ ˘ ˛ ˚ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˙˘ ˜ ˜ ˚ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˛ 03.21 Quarter 1
Amakhosikazi amahlanu aseMhlakulo ayile indlela yokutshintsha umbona ubengumgubo we flawa
Uyayazi inkquboyokujikwa kombona ubengumgubo weflawa (nixtamalisation)? Ngokomthombo i-www.sciencedirect.com, le nkquboyemveli yaseMexiconakuMbindiMelika apho umbona uye ubondwe ngelamuni yohlobo lwe-lime,uphekwe, emvakoko womisweze uveliseiflawa esetyenziswaukwenza isonka esipecepece (tortilla).
Ukopolotyeni wamalunguamahlanu obunini bawoingamakhosikazi akwilali yaseMhlakulo ngaphandle kwaseMthatha, bazibandakanye nenkquboyokujikwa kombona ubengumguboweflawa (Nixtamalisation), ngenxa yotyalomalilwesebe lophuhliso lwamaphandle kwakunyenohlengahlengiso lomhlaba eMpumaKapa, ngokubambisana ne-Ukhanyo Farmer Development (UFD), eshishina ngokuvelisa umbona.
Eli shishini lamalungu amahlanu lisebenzisa omnye wombonaabawufuna kwiintsimi zabo.
Phambi kokubabasebenzisane nesebe ngokweUFD, uNokuthulaMafikwana kwakunye noVeliswaNgedle bebeyinxalenye yentsebenziswanophakathikwesebelophuhliso lwamaphandlekwakunye nohlengahlengiso lomhlaba kwanoGrain SA.
Kungenxa yalentsebenziswano apho bathe bathunyelwakumboniso eFreyistata aphobafunde ukubaumbonaungazivelisa iikeyiki, izikonsi, izonka ezipecepece zokombathisakwakunyenesonkasamanzikusetyenziswa le nkqubo yeNixtamalisation.
UMafikwana welaliyaseZiphunzana uthe ngethubabebuyakulombonisobayebaqeqeshaamanye amakhosikaziukuzeanxaxhise imveliso yombona, phambi kokuba baqale ukopolotyeni wabo.
Ngo2019, baqaleukopolotyeni. Baxuba umbona,iflawa kwakunyenezinyeizithako ukuzebenzeumfaneleko,bathengiseimveliso ezikolweni, kwiiklinikikwakunye nakwimizi yasekuhlaleni, ingakumbingethuba lemisitho
MafikwananoVeliswaNgedlebengingqiyolawulolwaseMhlakulobaxubaizithako zokubhakanombonaomtshaovunwekumhlabawabokwilaliyaseMhlakulongeenjongozokubhaka amaqebengwana,amaqebengwana,iimuffinsbesebenzisaindlelayeNixtamilization. Umbonaabawusebenzisayouveliswekutyalo-malilwemaliliSebeloPhuhlisolwamaPhandle noHlengahlengisolwezoLimoeMpumaKoloni.
yezemveli kwakunye nemitshato.
“Siboneishishini lethulikhula.Sisebenzisa izitovuzethuukubhakaezimveliso.Lifikileixesha lokuba amakhosikazi aphakame ukuze akwazi ukuzenzela,” uMafikwana utshilo.
“Ekhayeni lam,akukho mntuuqeshwe ngokusisigxinakodwandafakaisandlakumvuzo wethu ngokulima nokuthengisa umbona. Ndikwazithengele nebhaki.”
Uthi iimvelisozabo zokubhakaziluhlobo olulodwa.
“Ukuba besinezakhiwokwakunye nezixhobo besizakuthumelakwiimarike ezinkulu ezifana noobhazabhazabeevenkile. Asikwazi ukuhlangabezana nee-odoloezinkulu ngenxa yokuba asinazakhiwokwakunye nezixhobo,” utshilo. Inkokhelikakopolotyeni uNgedle uthe baqeqesheabantu abatshakwindawo yabokwaye ulutshabelumelwengabantu abathathu kukopolotyeniwabo wamalungu amahlanu.
“Sifumaniseke ukubaumbona uyakwazi ukuvelisa ezinye izintoezingakwazi ukungenisa imaliethe xhaxhe.Simemelela kurhulumente ukubaasincedise ngesakhiwo kwakunye nezixhobo zokusebenzaukuze eli shishini lethuliluhlobo olulodwalikhule futhi lidale imisebenzi kule ndawo yasezilalini.
“Singathanda ukuphuhlanangakumbi,” uNgedle utshilo, esaleka ngelithi bakwafuna uqeqesho lokuvelisaezinye iimvelisozombona.
UNgedleuthi ishishinilokubhakalibutshintshileubomibabo nanjengokobethebafunqula ingeniso yabo.
UNgedle uvelisaumbona kwiihekthare ezinelogama uMafikwanaevelisakwiihekthare ezilishumi elinesibini.Bobabini bathi baceba ukuxandisa iihekthare zabo.
Le projekthiihambelana ngqonenzame karhulumente yokwenzaumkhitha kwiimvelisozezolimo ekuhlaleniukuzekufunqulwe ingeniso ze kudalwe nemisebenzi.
Umphathiswa weDRDARNonkqubela Pietersujonge ucingoolusiwaliSebe kwifamakaSiphiwo Yosekwayeekunene kukhoenyeyemfuyo kaYose.
Iziseko zolwakhiwo kwanemfuyo kubangele enze utshintsho umfama waseSomerset East
USiphiwoYose, umniniwenxalenye(A) kwifamaiKarkotsraal eSomersetEast, ufumeneumhlambi, ulwakhiwolweziseko kwakunyenenkonzo yenkxasokukhathalelo lomhlabakwisebe lophuhlisolwamaphandle kwakunyenohlengahlengiso lomhlabaeMpumaKapa ngokuyinxalenyenenkqubo eqhubekayoyokufaka ushishinokwezolimo ephondweni.
Ngokuyinxalenye nenkquboyokuphucula imihlambi, uMphathiswauNonkqubela Pieters ubhengezeukubekelwa bucalakwesixamali esiyi-R8.7m ukuzekusiwe iinkomo eziyi-350,iigusha eziyi-800neebhokhweeziyi150 kumafama ephondo liphela.
“Isebelinikeze ngamathokazialishumi ohlobolweHereford ngokwenkquboyokuphuculaimihlambi, ekhokeleekubeni amafamaanikwe imihlambiesemgangathweni ukuphucula ufuzokwizilwanyana zawo ukuzezithengiseke; kukwafakelwenenkqubo yamanziokuselwa zizilwanyanakulefama ikhatshwangamatanki wamanzi;safakela ucinga olukubude be-10kmkwimida nangaphakathi,[safakela] nethangoeligxunyekwa okwethutyanaze samiliselainkqubo yokhathalelo lomhlabangokuthi sisuseizityalo ezinoburhalarhume kwindalo.”
Lefama iqesheabantuabangamashumi amabini anesibini(22) ukuncedisangoku-
fakelalenkquboyamanziaselwazizilwanyana kwanokususa izityaloezinoburhalarhume kwindalo,logama abantuabanebethe baqashwa ukuncedisa ukubiyaiziqithi zomhlaba efameni.Ethetha ngethubalotyelelo lukaPieterskwifama yakhengokuyinxalenye nokuhlolwa kwanokuphononongwa komsebenzi owenziwalisebe, uYoseuthe uyabulelangolu tyalomalinanjengoko lifakeumfutho kwishishini lakhe.
“Ukufama akukho lula, kufuna ukuzinikela kwakunye nokuthambela ukufundaizinto ezintsha ngeentsuku zonke.
“Inkxaso esukakwisebe idlaleindima enkulu ekusiphuhliseni thina singamafama.
“Sifunaukubona amanyeamafamaekwazi ukuzimela ngokunokwayo,” uYose utshilo. Emvakokuba eqalengethokazielinye, awayelithenge kuyise, uYoseuthe emva koko waye wagxila ekukhuliseni ishishini lakhe, kwaye akazange aphinde ajonge emva. Umhlambi wakhe seleukhule waziinkomo ezingamashumi asibhozo (80).
UPietersukhuthaza amafamaukuba aqhubeke nomsebenzi wabo omhle kwaye anonophele imihlambi abayinikwa lisebe. Ukwakhuthazeamafama ukubaabandakanye abantwanababo ukuzeisizukulwana esizayosingakwazi ukungenakwezolimo ngelokuqinisekisa ukuqhubeka kweshishini.
03.21 2
Inkqubo yezolimo ehlonele iinguqu kwezemozulu, izisa amaqithiqithi kuQoboqobo
Inkqubo yezolimo ehlonele iinguqu kwezemozulu eMpuma Kapa inceda amafama athabatha inxaxheba ukuzeaphucule imveliso yokutya kwanokhuselo lokutya.
Le nkqubo,ixhaswa ngokokupakanyelwa kwezezimali zii-arhentenamasebe karhulumente aseMzantsiAfrika naseJamani, iphehlelelwekuQoboqobo aphoimiziengamashumi amane (40)ibe yayinxalenye nenkqubo yokukhuliswakwezityalo kusetyenziswa izixhobo eziyintsika(tower gardens).
Abanye bavelisangokuqokelela amanzi emvula kuQoboqobo,ilinge elaqala kwiminyaka elishumielinesithathu (13)edlulileyo aphoinkqubo yonkcenkceshelo kwakunye namatanki wamanzi athi afakelwa ukuze kunkcenkceshelwe izityalo.
Inkqubo yezolimoehlonele iinguqu kwezemozulu yindlelayokunceda abantu ukuba baphucule imveliso yabo logama bezilungelelanisa neziphumozoguquko lwemozulu, bedlala indima ekuthibazeni ulwamvila loguqukolwemozulu, bekhulisa imveliso,ukhuselo lokutyakwakunyenengeniso emizini,xenikweni bebonakalisa ubungwanzilili bendlelayokuphila kwaneenkqubo ezihlonela indalo.
I-arhente yophuhlisokarhulumente waseJamani,iDeutsche GesellschaftfurInternationaleZusammenarbeit (GIZ)GmbH,umzi wozakuzo waseJamani,amasebe kazwelonke aseMzantsi Afrika kwezolimo,ubuyiso lomhlaba kwakunyenophuhliso lwamaphandle kwakunuye nelezamahlathi, ezolobo kwanezendalo, kuqukanesebe lophuhliso lwamaphandle nohlengahlengiso lomhlaba eMpuma Kapa,bathe babambanaizandla ngelinge lokutyalaimali kwinkquboyezolimo ehlonele iinguqukwezemozulu ngexesha apho iinzululwazi zithezafunqula umthamo wezilumkiso malunga nefutheelibi kuguquko lwemozulu.
Le nkqubo ijoliseekuvezeni amacebo okulungelelanisa imicelimngeni yezamanzi ephehlwe luguqukolwemozulu kuquka nokunabisaukhuselo lokutyaemizini,ukuthi theca elubalaimisantsa kwiinkqubo zobuchule bolawulolwamanzi kwakunye nenkqubo yezolimoehlonele iinguqukwezemozulu.
Ezolimo nophuhlisolwamaphandle, nezinoxanduva lokukhuthaza nokumilisela inkquboyezolimo ehloneleiinguqukwezemozulu nanjengokoiyenye yeenkqubozazo ezitheqabavu, zisebenzekwakunyenesebe lezamahlathi nezendalongokwenkxaso esuka kwiDeutsche Gesellschaftfur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
Ngokokusebenzisana nelezophuhliso lwamaphandle kwakunyenezolimo ephondweni, eli qela lithe lenza uhlalutyo lomgaqonkqubo, zelaphuma nemisantsa kwakunye namathuba akwimigaqonkqubo esebenza ngoku.
Umanejala weNkquboyeNkxaso kuGuquko lweMozulukwiGIZ, uGregor Schmorl, obephelekwanguOda MuhrwoMzi woZakuzo wasePitoli, wenze umbulelo kuluntu lwakuQoboqobongokuvumela isigidimi sabo ukuba lityelele imiziyabo ukuze sibone ngemisebenzi yabo.
“Sifuna ukunika inkxaso kuni ukuze nikwazi ukuvelisa ukutya nangethuba lamaxesha anzima oguquko lwemozulu,” uSchmorl utshilo.
“Ndichulumance ngenenemalunga nendikubonileyo. Iyandivuyisa eyemveliso yabaxhamli kwaye okukubonisa ukuba balusebenzisele ukuzixhamlelaulwazi abalunikweliqela. Sijongephambilikumatyathanga entsebenziswano elixaelizayo kuquka nokusebenza sisonke,” uSchmorl wolekile.
Umlawuli wesebelezolimo nophuhliso lwamaphandle ojongenenolawulo lwamanzi nophuhliso kwezonkcenkceshelo,uMary Gabriel, obesebenza nalamatiletile inkqubo yezolimo ehlonele imozulu, iminyaka elishumi elinesithathu(13) ebechulumancile malunga nale nkqubo.
Sisuka kude nale nkqubo. Yiminyaka elishumi elinesithathuyeembandezelo, kodwa namhlanje ndizele yintshisakalo.
Ezizezinye zeegadiezintle kunenenezimveliso endithe ndazibona.
Ndikholelwa ukuba le nkqubo ifuna uxando kwaye siza kudomboza malunga nook.
Lenkquboifanele ukufunqukakwayexa sinabaxhasi bethu bezimali, iGIZ, siza kuthabathaumsebenzi wenusiwusekwinqanaba elingaphaya, utshilo.
Ingcali kwezolimoedla umhlalaphantsi uNomahlubi Shosha,ongomnye oxhamle kwinkqubo yeegadiezineentsika zokufukamela izityalo,uqhwabele izandlaurhulumente kwakunyenabaxhasi ngemali ngokuzisa iindlelaezinobuchule zokuvelisa ukutya,esithi amanziakanqongophelanganje koko anexabiso eliphezulu.
Sibulela amagosangokuza nentoebezingayazi. Le gadi yezityalo isincedisile kakhulu kwaye ikwehlisileukusetyenziswa kwamanzi, ngenxa yokubakuyakwazeka ukusebenzisa kwakhona amanzi obuhlambengawo okanye
wahlamba ngawo iimpahla.
Ezi nkqubozokubuchule zintshaziyasincedisa ukuze siqhubele phambili kuba ngoku ndiyakwazi ukuvelisaamabathu esipinatshi angama-200 kwintsikaenye ekubude bemithaenye. Okukuxandise indlelayam yokuvelisa nanjengokondingenamhlaba woneleyo, uShosha utshilo.
Ethetha egamenilabaxhamle kumatanki amanzi okukhongozelaimvula angamashumi amane (40)asebenzisa inkqubo yonkcenkceshelo, uPatriciaMpengesi, wenze isibhambathiso ngokwenkxasoyemizi ethe yazibandakanyanale nkqubo,esithibaseza kuqhuba nayo.
Nanjengoko sisiyasibadala, bekunzima ukuya kukhaamanzi wokunkcenkceshela, kwaye ngamanyeamaxesha oompompibebeyebome kroqokulendawo,nto leyoebiye ichaphazele nangakumbi imveliso yethu.
Njengoku kuthekwafakelwa amatanki okukhongozela amanzikwanenkqubo yonkcenkceshelo, asisasokoli ngamanzi, kwaye iigadizethu zivelisaimifuno esemgangathweni esiyithengisakwiivenkile zasekuhlaleni, abathengisibasezitalatweni kwakunye nakuluntu.
Yonke into yenziwelula yile nkqubo kwayendiyathembaukubanabanyebazakuxhamla ukuzesibenesizwe esikhuselekileyo ngokokutya, utshilo.
Umlawuli wesithilisaseAmathole kuphuh-
liso lwamaphandlenohlengahlengiso lomhlaba,uNyamekaBongco,uthelenkqubo,nesele imiliselwa kumaphondoaseMntla Ntshona naseMpumalanga, yenza kakuhle kakhulu eMpuma Kapa.
Ndichulumancile malunga nendikubonileyo kwaye ndiyavuya kakhulu malunga namagosa ethe enza ngokungaphaya komsebenzi wawo ukuze oku kubeyimpumelelo.
Kukhoikamva lokhuselekolokutyakule nkqubo kwayengokwempumelelo endiyibonile, ndibonaabathabathi nxaxheba abaliqela abafunaukubayinxalenye noku ngenxa yentshisakalo yabaxhamli.
Olu phehlelelo lwenzekengexesha elihle nanjengoko iinkokhelizehlabathi zigqala amacebo okuqubisananoguquko lwemozulu. Siza nezisombululoeziphathekayo, uBongco utshilo.
Malunga nemiziengamashumi asibhozo (80) itheyafumana uphuhlisoloxakathiso kwakunyenezakhonoeziyimfunekoukuzebanabise ngokwaneleyo ukumiliselwa kweenkqubo zobuchulebeenguqu kwezemozulu.
Le nkquboibangele ukufakelwa kweenkqubo zonkcenkceshelokwakunye namatanki amanziakumlinganiselo weelitha ezingama-2,500kwimiziengamashumiamane (40), logama inkqubo
yeegadi ezineentsika zokufukamela izityalo ithe yafakelwa kwimizi engamashumi amane (40).
03.21 3
AmaqelaachaphazelekayoathathainxaxhebakuvavanyolokulingaezolimongobuchulebemozulueQoboqobobemengakwisinyesezityaloeziveliswe ngamakhayaathathainxaxhebakumaphuloanconywangurhulumentewoMzantsiAfrikanowaseJamaninjengoncedaekuphuculeniimvelisoyokutya kunyenokhuselekolokutya.
Utyalomali kwimveliso yoboya sele lubonisa iziphumo ezihle
Isebe lethulithe gqoloukutyala imalikumashishini okuvelisa uboya asekuhlaleni kwiphondo liphela ngokubinza ngezigidi zeerandi ekwakheni iziseko, ezifana neeshedi zokucheba ezibeyelweyo ezineediphu kwakunye nokunikeza ngemihlambi enofuzo olukumgangatho.
Olutyalomalilunceda lamafama,aquka oomamabasezilalini, amadodanolutsha, abantuabaphila nenkubazeko,ukuze avelise uboya nenyama esemgangathweni ngenxa yenkxaso karhulumente, efana nongenelo lwezempilo,uqeqesho kwakunye nokuphuculwa kwemihlambi.
Senza oku ngokuzingisa kwizibophelelo esizenze njengeANC kubavoti xeshikweni sasigaya inkxaso phambi konyulo lukazwelonke apho sathi sazibophelela “ngokumilisela inkqubo yobuyiso lomhlaba ezinzileyo nedandalazisaintabatho nxaxheba kubunini bomhlaba bokuvelisa ezolimo, ukunxaxha kukhuselo lokutya kwanokunceda ekushenxiseni inkqubo yengcinezelo yentlalo yocalulo lwezixeko needolophu zethu”
Yiyo lento indenzandibenelunda xasisisa ebantwini iinkonzo ezingundoqo zeziseko zezolimo.
Utyalomali oluyimfunekoemandla lunceda amafama ukuze aphucule imveliso, anyuse ingeniso ukuze ahlangabezane neemfuno ezifana nokufundisaabantwana babozebabeke nokutya etafileni.
Ndiqhwabela izandla umsebenzi owenziwe ngamagosa wethu, oogxa bethu becandelo labucala kwakunye namafama ngephulo elimpumelelo eliphelise ukuxhatshazwa kwamafama kwezamoto zithi ‘Boya-Boya’ zokuthenga uboya ngamaxabiso angephi nasisithuko.
Ngokusebenzisana noMbutho wabaVelisi boBoya basekuHlaleni baseMpumaKapa[EasternCapeCommunalWool Growers Association (ECCWGA)], iphondo lichebeiigushaeziphantsezafikelelakuma650,000 koomasipala bezithili abahlanu. Sityikitye isibhambathisosesivumelwano seminyaka emithathunalo mbutho ukuphuhlisa amafama asekuhlaleni ngokwendlela yokukhulisa amashishini wabo ukuze abengamashishini azinzileyo nanenzuzo.
Ukuqinisekisa ukuba amafama amanyene kwaye ayakuhesha ukuxhatshazwa ngabathengiabangaqondakaliyo, sincedisile ekusekeni imibutho yabavelisi boboya okanyeiishedi zokuchebaezinga-
ma-401 ukuze kuveliswe amabhali oboya angama-8,666 apho elinye likumlinganiselo we-150kg ubukhulu becala.
Kulo nyakamali, ndinikezele ngeeshedi zokucheba ezilishumi (10)ezixabisa iR10.9m kwimibutho yabavelisi boboya kwiilali zakuTsolo nakuQumbu ngokuyinxalenye nale nkqubo eqhubekayo.
Amafama ayechulumancile zezi zakhiwo zitshaze azibophelelaukusebenzisaneni nokuqhuba ekhulisa amashishini wabo, ukukhulisa urhwebelwano lwabo ukuze baphucule amashishini wabo ngokuthengisa uboyaobusemgangathweni.
Urhulumente wakha iishedi zokucheba kwakunye neziseko ezilalini ebezifudula
zisaziwa kuphela kwiifama zonaniselwano eziphethwe ngamafama amhlophe.
Ukuqinisekisa ngohlumo loqoqosho kwezolimo oluquka konke, siqinisekisa ukuba amafama afumana izixhobo ezisetyenziswa ngamafamaonaniselwano, ukuze bazuze ingeniso ethe xhaxhe kushishino lwabo lokuveliswa koboya.
Inkqubo yophuhliso lokuveliswa koboya ikhatshwakukunikezwa kweenkunzi neemazi zegusha ezisemgangathweni kumafama, ngenjongo yokuphuculaimekoyofuzongokwemihlambiukuze babenoboya obuhle kwakunye nenyama ezakubanikeza ingeniso entle.
Ubuninzibabavelisiboboyakwiphondo lethi abazange balindeurhulumente ukuze
baqale amashishini wabo.
Bathenga iigusha neebhokhwe bezicheba kumakhaya wabo.
Ngethuba urhulumenteeyinxalenye nabo ngokwenkxaso yezimali, amafama ebesele ezisebenzela futhi ethengisa uboya babo.Utyalomali lwethulubanika umfutho oyimfuneko emandla
Kwizakhiwo zabo ezidala, amafama bekunyanzelela ukuba anyamezele iimeko ezingatshongo khona ezazibangela ukuba uboya babo budibane nokungcola kwakunye nokuphulukana nomgangatho ngenxa yokunqongophala kwezixhobo. Ngenxa yeeshedi zokucheba esizinikela kumafama,ayakwazi ukuchebaiigushazawo, baqoqeze basongeuboya ngendlela eyiyo phambi kokuba busiwe kubathengi. Ubude boboya budlala indima enkulu kumaxabiso kuba uboya buhlawulwa ngokobude, ukucoleka, ukucoceka kwakunye nobunzima,yiyo lento siqeqesha nabachebi.
Sityala imali kumafama ukuze aphucule imihlambi yawo, aphucule umgangatho woboya babo ukuze ufane nomgangatho ofunwa ziimarike,yiyo lento ubuninzi boboya basezilalini ngoku buthengiswa eBKB naseCWC.
Kutshanje kusandula ukubakho isankxwe ngethubaiChina itheyabhangiswa uboya bethu ngenxa yokusolakala kwesifosomlomo nonyawo.Esi sankxwe besivakalananjengoko iChinaiyimarike enkulu kuboya.
Le meko ibangele imfuneko yokuqinisekisaukuba lonkeityathangalonaniselwano loboya bethu luxhanyulwa apha elizweningokuthi kuvulweimizimveliso zokucola uboya ngokweemveliso ezigqibeleleyo kwaye kuza kuvelisa imisebenzi ethe xhaxhe.
Olu phuhliso, nobekufanele ukuba kudala luqhuba luzakufuna bonke abakhimkhanyo ukusuka kumafama ukuya kwicandelo labucala, urhulumente namaqumrhu wakhe kwakunye nabanye abathabathi nxaxheba kweli candelo, ukuze benze oku kubeyinyaniso.
NjengoMphathiswa weli sebe, ndichulumancile ngokuzinikela koluntu, ukubandakanyekakolutshanoomamakwimveliso yoboyakwakunye negqajilabo:Uboya bethu, indyeboyethu (Ourwool, our wealth).
● UNonkqubelaPietersliLungu lePalamenteyePhondoleANCkwakunye noMphathiswawesebelophuhliso lwamaphandlekwakunye nohlengahlengisolomhlaba
ąűŒŵ Ż Żűą ą Łą Œ ą Ŋą ŵ Œ ŁŁ ŒŊ Ż Œňąŵ ŵą ŵ ŵ ĞŒƠ ư ˛ ˜ ˜˙ ˘ ˜˙ ˘ ˜˙ ˛ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˛ ˛ ˘ ˛ ˛˜ ˛ ˛ ˘ ˘˘˛ ˚ ˛ ˘ ˛ ˘ ˜ ˜ ˜˙ ˜ ˜ ˚ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˛ ˘ ˛ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˚ ˛ ˛˜ ˘˘ ˜ ˘ ˜˜˛ ˚ ˛ ˜ ˛ ˛ ˘ ˘ ˜˙ ˛ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˆ ˆ 03.21 4
Ukuvelisa ukutya kuchulumancisa umfama oselula
Ukuvelisa imifuno eluhlaza nethengwa yintaphaneyabathengi kwimiziyabokuyamchulumancisaothwese isidandaliZikoloQeqesho kwezoLimo namaHlathi iFort Cox, uMfihlelo Tisana.
Ungomnye wabaliqela abebefudula behlelelekile abathweseizidanga kwezolimo nabalungiselelwe inkquboyokuchakwa kwabathwese izidangayesebe lophuhliso lwamaphandle nohlengahlengiso lomhlaba eMpuma Kapa, esabelakwingxaki engumnqantsa yentswelongqeshokwabathweswe izidanga.
UTisanaufundele ukuvelisaizityalokweli ziko kwayeuyinxalenye negxathulesibini labathweseizidanga abayi-120ababekwekwiindawongeendawo lisebeukuzebathabathe inxaxheba kumaphulo ezolimo.Ngoku uthi ufuna ukuqala ishishini lakhe lezolimo.
“Ndenzeizifundozokuvelisaizityalokwaye lentoindibekekwindawoebanzi,”uTisanautshilo. “Ngoku ndiyakwaziukuvelisa ukutya futhiokukundinikauchulumancongokukwazi ukuba ubani utye ngexa yam.”
“Ndiyambulela uDRDARkakhulu ngale nkqubo.Sifumene okululuthokulenkqubo. Ndinqwenela ukubaingaqhuba zeixhamlise abobaza kuthibathweswe izidangaemva kwethu.
“Njengoko ingqeshoinqabile, lenkqubo yesebeilungekanyengenxayokubaisifundisa ukuba sizimele kwaye ndiyakuthanda oko.”
UTisana uthiukubakho komhlaba kubangqingile ekwenzeniumsebenzi wofun-
do lomsebenzi,kodwa ngethubalokuchakwa kwakhe, ngokuyinxalenyenale nkqubo, ufunde ukuvelisangokwenqanaba elivisayo ze athengise imvelivo kubathengi.
Oku kuyandichulumancisakakhulu kwaye kululutho, kubaenyanisweni, xausenza inkqubela, uyakwazi ukudala imisebenzi. Ndifuna ukuqala ishishini elilelam, utshilo.
Kulo nyakamalisiphezu kwawo, uMphathiswa wesebe(DRDAR) uNonkqubela Pieters ubhengezeukuba imalieyi-R10.9m ithe yabekelwa bucalaekuncedeni le nkqubo yokuchaka abathwesweizidanga abayi-120, nabayimiqheliswa, kumashishinienzuzo anxaxhileyo ezolimoukusukela kweyoKwindla 2021, nalapho ixeshalesiphelo sabo ikukuphela kwenyanga yoKwindla 2023.
03.21 5
uMfihleloTisanauphetheitswele lasentwasahloboalivuneefama.
UThob'inceba,umlimi weegushanomvelisi woboyabezorhwebo ophumakummandla wolawulowaKwaZulu eNgqeleniumi ebuhlantibakhe nomhlambiwakhe. Ungomnyewamafama amaninziaxhamlayo kutyalo-malilweSebe ekwakhiweni nasekuboneleleni ngeeshedizokucheba, kuqukanaleyo yakhiwekwilaliyabo njengenxalenye yokuthengisaezolimo kweliphondo.
Iingeniso zemveliso yoboya zijike osemtsha wangumvangeli kufuyo
Ingeniso encumisayoyokufuya iigusha kwakunyenemveliso yoboyaijikeumfama weegusha osakhasayowaseNgqeleni yamenza umvangeliwofuyo ozimisele “ekuzuzeni imiphefumlo” kwishishini lofuyo eliteketeke.
Ukuzingisela ukufundaamakhabatiso okufuyaiigusha kwanokuvelisauboyakwatsala uThob’ inceba Mantshungaukuba azibandakanye nokopolotyeniwasekuhlaleni wokuvelisauboya oxhaswalisebelophuhliso lwamaphandle kwakunyenohlengahlengiso lomhlaba.
UMantshunga, oneminyakaengama-27, wakwilaliiKwaZulueNgqeleniuvakaliseukuba yabambonoentle ukuzibandakanyanabantu abadala abaqhubaukopolotyeni wasekuhlaleni ngenxayokuba wabonaukuba ufuyo lwegusha kwakunyenokuvelisa uboya lishishini eliteketeke.
“Bandikhuthaza (abantuabadala) ukuba ndizibandakanye kwaye ndihlale kweli shishini. Ngenxa yoko,ngoku ndineegusha ezingamashumi amathandathu(60). Ndazibandakanya nolu shishinokuba ndabona ukuba liteketeke.
“Uyakwazi ukuphuhlafuthi uphumelele kubaeli shishinilihle.Abantu abatshakufanele bayazi ukuba ukuzibandakanya nabantu abadala kuyanceda kakhulu.
“Aba bantu badalabanombono kwaye nam sele ndinombono.”
Ukhuthazeabanye abantuabatshaukuba
bangene kushishinolofuyo lweegusha kwanokuveliswa koboya,esaleka ngelithi, “ngenxa yokuba urhulumenteethe wakha ishediyokuchebakwilaliyabo,neseleilungele ukuncedaolunye ulutshaoluthe xhaxheukuba luzibandakanye neli candelo”
UMantshunga ngenxayengeniso ayifumanayo kweli candelo, ukhuthaza nabanye abantu abatshaukuba bangenekufuyo lweegushakwanokuveliswa koboyaukuzebangalindiukuqeshwa, kokobazakheleobabo ubutyebi.
“Urhulumente unikezeizinto ezininzikuthi kuquka iidiphuezimbini, izakhiwozokungqinga izilwanyana kwakunye nezixhobo zokucheba.
“Ndimemelela kulutshaukuba luze ngaphambili. Ezi zakhiwo[ishedi yokucheba] ziwuphucule umgangatho wethu,” utshilo.
NgokukaMantshunga, phambikokuba urhulumente akheishedi yokuchebakulo kopolotyeni wabo,iigusha zabobezibhuqwa zizifo kodwa emva kolu ngenelelo bafumana iimveliso ezingconobethengisa uboyakwiimarike zasekuhlaleni.
Ngaphandle kokuchebaiigusha zakhe nokuthengisa uboyabazo, uMantshunga uvakalise ukuba uthengisa ezinye zeegusha zakhe kubathengi basekuhlaleni, nto leyo ebangela ukuba azuzeimali yokuxhasa usapholwakhe,ase abantwanaesikolwenize abeke ukutya etafileni.
ˇ˛ ˚˛ ˘ ˘ ˚˘ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˜ ˚˜ ˘˘ ˜ ˚ ˆ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˚˘ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˚ ˚ ˜ ˘ ˙ ˚ ˛ ˜ ˘ ˚ ˜ ˙ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˚˘ ˘ ˙ ˚ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˜˚ ˜ ˜ ˚˘ ˜ ˙ ˘ ˙ ˘ ˛ ˜ ˜ ˙ ˜ ˙ ˘ ˝˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˛
ˇ ˙ ˜ ˜ ˝ ˘˘ ˜ ˛ ˛ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˘ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˝ ˘ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˛ ˘ ˛ ˘ ˛ ˘ ˛ ˚ ˜ ˛ ˘ ˙ ˜ ˙ ˜ ˛ ˜ ˜ ˚˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˜˙ 03.21 6
Sifunaukwenzaigalelo lokuphuculaindlela yokuphilaezilalini ngokunciphisaumbandela wokungabikhokhuseleko lokutyakwanokuphucula uphuhlisoloqoqosho lwasezilaliningokuqesha ulutshalwasezilalini kwakunyenangaphangeliyo abathweseizidanga kwezolimo
Ukukhulaokuqhubelekayo:UmqeshwawakwaJayJayFarminguqhubelaitrektarakwenye yeepasilezomhlabaabazisebenzisayoukuvelisa umbonanotyalo-malilweSebeloPhuhliso lwamaPhandlenoHlengahlengisolwezoLimo.
Abazala baseBaziya bazingise kushishino lwezolimo
Ukopolotyeni wezolimo (JayJay Agricultural Primary Co-operative) welali iMputhi, kumhlabawaseBaziya, ngaphandlekwaseMthatha lelinye lamashishinialiqela azingisekushishino lwezolimo kwiindawozasezilalini, ngokoncedo lukarhulumente.
Laqala ngo2015 ngabazalaababini, uMzimasi JalisanoSiphe Joyi, elishishini lixhaswe lisebelophuhliso lwamaphandlekwakunye nohlengahlengiso lomhlabangokubiywa kocingolweehekthare ezilishumielinesibini (12ha)lomhlaba olimekayo,izixhobo zemveliso yezityalokuquka izichumiso,izithole kwakunye namachiza.
Utyalomalilwesebe phakathikuka2019 no2021 lulukhulise ushishino lwezolimo lweJJ ntoleyo ebangele ukubabethengise iitoni zombona eziyi-199kwiOrk Elliotngexabiso leR380,800.
UJalisauthi baxhaswengamaqumrhu karhulumentealiqela kuqukaneNgxowamali yoLutsha Isiqalo ephantsikweOfisi yeNkulumbuso.
Bathengeiteletele enezixhobozokulima logama isebe lophuhliso loluntu lithe labanikeza izixhobo zemveliso.
Eli shishinilivelisa imifuno,ingakumbi ikhaphetshu,abathi bayitshintshengesipinat-
shi, amazambana, umbona oluhlaza, ibhathanathieziphuma kumhlabaotyebileyo onkcenkceshelwangamanzi asukakumlambo waseMbhashe okufutshane.
Exhobengeziqinisekiso zolawulolwefama awazifumanakwiCedaraCollegeofAgriculture yaKwaZulu-Natal, uJalisa,nowayegxile kwimvelisoyezityalo,ushishinolwezolimo,ulwazi kwiingxaki zezolimo nolawulo lwezixhobozasezilalini kwizifundozakhe,uvakalise ukuba baqala ukulimaikhaphetshu ngokungagxilanga bebabini, phambikokuba babhalise ukopolotyeni wabo.
Uvakalise ukuba bathengiselaiivenkile zakwaSpar noBoxer eNgcobo naseMthatha, into ethethaukuba abaphelelangaekuthengiseni kwimizi yasekuhlaleni kwanakubathengisi basezitalatweninanjengokokufunekabagcine izibhambathiso zezivumelwanokwakunye nezi venkile.Edakanca ngendlelaabasebenza ngayoumhlaba,uJalisa uthebavelisaumbona owomileyokwiihekthare eziyi-40,umbona oluhlazakwiihekthare ezine,amazambana kwiihekthareezintlanu, ikhaphetshukwiihekthare ezintlanu kwakunyenesipinatshi kwihekthare enye.
Bakwazibandakanye nakwimvelisoyenyamayenkomo kuqukanokuthenga
kwanokuthengisa iigusha zokuxhela.
Eli shishini liqesheabantu ababini abaisisigxinakwakunye nabasebenziabalishumi elinesithathu (13).Umnqweno wabokukuqeshaabantu abalishumielinesihlanu(15) ngokusisigxina.
“Sifuna ukwenza igalelo lokuphucula indlela yokuphilaezilalini ngokunciphisaumbandelawokungabikho khuselekolokutya kwanokuphucula uphuhlisoloqoqosho lwasezilaliningokuqesha ulutshalwasezilalini kwakunye nangaphangeliyo abathwese izidanga kwezolimo.
“Ngokusebenzisana nemibutho yophuhliso loluntulwasezilalini, injongokukuqaqambisa,ukukhuthaza, ukunikaithemba kwanokucebisaabantu abatshakushishino lwezolimo.Siyalubulela uncedoesilufumana kurhulumentekwiinzame zethuzokuphuhlisa uluntu lwasezilalinize sithabatheinxaxheba kuphuhliso loqoqosho ngokwezolimo.
“Olu ncedo lusincede ukuze sivelise okuninzi,” utshilo.
Isebelikwanikeza ngenkonzoyokuxhobisa ngezakhonongokweengcebiso kwakunyenoqeqesho olwenziwa ngamagosa esebe, kuqukaiinzululwazi kwakunyeneengcaphephe zangaphandle.
ˆ ˇ ˜ ˙ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˛ ˘ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˚ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˙ ˘ ˜ ˛˘ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜˙ ˘ ˜ ˜˘ ˙ ˚ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˙ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˜ ˙ ˘ ˜ ˙ ˘ ˆ ˚ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˙ ˙ ˘ ˜ ˛ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘˚˜ ˜ ˙ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˛
03.21 7
USipheJoyiwe-JayJayFarmingkunye nabasebenzibefamayakhebavunaiitapileukuze baziswekwiivenkilezasekuhlaleni.Amashishini aboaxhamlakwinanilamazikokarhulumente, aqukaiSebeloPhuhlisolwamaPhandle noHlengahlengisolwezoLimo.
Amafamaaxhamlakwinkqubo yolwakhiwolwezisekoexabisaiR134m
Isebe lophuhlisolwamaphandle nohlengahlengisolomhlaba eMpumaKapalibinze ngeR134m kwinkquboyolwakhiwo lweziseko zezolim exhamlisaintaphane yamafama ephondweni ngokuyinxalenyeneenzame zokufunqula uhlumo kwezoqoqosho.
Oku kubhengezweekuqaleni konyakamali omtshanguMphathiswauNonkqubelaPieters ngethuba edakancaintetho yomgaqonkqubo wesebe.
ULinda Sam, waseKariegaeNelson Mandela Bay, ukhulisaiinkomo, iibhokhwe, iihagu kwakunye neenkukhu, kwaye ukwalima nezityalo.
Ungomnye wamafama axhamle kwinkqubo yolwakhiwolweziseko, apho isebelithelenza inkquboyokudontsaamanzi phantsi komhlaba(borehole) zelafakela nezixhobo zamanzi kwifama yakhe.
Ukunqongophala kwamanzibekuchaphazelaindlela yamyokusebenza kubaiihagu zithanda amanzi;iinkomo zifunaamanzi amaninzi; iibhokhweneegusha zifunaamanzi. Ndikwafuna amanzi ukuze ndinkcenkceshele.
Esi sixhobo sokudontsaamanzi (borehole) sizakuza notshintshoolukhulu. Ngoku asizuphinda sithuthe amanziematankini, siza kufakelanjeumbhobho kwesisixhobosokufunxaamanzi (borehole).Kuzakubakho imveliso engcono kunakuqala, uSam utshilo. USam uqaleezolimo kwindawoahlala
Sam,umfamawemfuyonezityalowaseKariega,kumasipalaombaxaweNelsonMandelaBayujongeumngxumawamanziofakwekwifamayakhe liSebeloPhuhlisolwamaPhandlenoHlengahlengisolwezoLimoeMpumaKoloninjengenxalenyeyokuphunyezwakotyalo-malioluxabisai-R134yezigidi kwizisekozoncedokwezolimo.ngaphandlekwiifamaezininzinakwiindawozasemaphandlenikwiphondo.
kuyo ngeehagunje ezinekwilokishi yaseJoe SlovoeKariega. Uyewandiza inanilezilwanyana zakhengeshumi, kwayezange atyhafexeshikweniiihaguzakheezingamashumi amane(40) zazibiwe.USamngumxhamli wenkqubo yobuyiso mhlaba karhulumente. Mayelana neshishini lakheleenkukhu, uye
athenge amantshontshoanosuku eqanduselwezeawathengisexaeneevekiezintandathu kubahlali bendawo iBloza. Ukwagcina iinkukhu ezifuywangokohlobo lwezendalo ukuzezizale amaqandazeawathengise kwimizi yasekuhlaleni.
“Ndandithe gqoloukutyelela i-ofisi
yesebe lophuhlisolwamaphandle kwakunye nohlengahlengiso lomhlaba,apho ndathi ndavakalisa umcelimngeni wam wokuthenga amanzi xa kungekho mvula.
“Isebe lasabelangendlela encumisayo ngolu tyalomalilwesixhobo sokudontsa amanzi [borehole],” utshilo.
Isebe lenza iqalo elitsha kulwabiwomali ukuze abathweswe izidanga baqale amashishini
Isebe lophuhlisolwamaphandle nohlangehlengiso lomhlabaeMpuma Kapa lizakwenzaiqaloelitshakulwabiwomalilwalo ukuze lincedeabathweswe izidangabaqale amashishini wabo.
Okukuvezwe yintlokoyesebeuSiphokazi Ndudanengethubalenkquboyeentsukuezintathu yoqhelwanisolwegxathu lwesithathu lwabathweswe izidanganababekwe lisebe kwiifama nakumashishiniezolimo ephondweni ngokuyinxalenye nenkqubo yokuncedisa ekunciphiseniintswelongqesho kwabathweswe izidanga.
Lenkquboyeminyakaemibini,nexakathisa ngezakhono zoshishino,yabayi-120 abathweswe izidanga ixhaswa ngezimali yiNkqubo eNxaxhileyo yeNkxasokwezoLimo (Comprehensive AgriculturalSupport Programme [Casp])kwayeilithuba kubantuabatshaukuze babekwe kwiifamanakumashishini ayeleleneyo khon’ukuze bazuzeamava woshishino ukuze bakwazi ukudala amashishini.
“Into ebalulekileyokukuba asifunikwenza uphela sonwabe,apho sithathaabathweswe izidanga abayi-120 iminyaka emibini ze emva koko baphindeleemva kwintswelongqesho,” uNdudane utshilo.
“Kufuneka sijongeindlela esizikhupha ngayo izixhobo zikarhulumentekwaba bantu abatsha ukuzebaphonononge ngendlela eyiyo nayo nayiphina na into abanqwenela ukuzibandakanya nayo.
“Ngokokesifuna ukujongaindlelaesigxila ngokokutsha ngayo kuquka neqalo elitsha lolwabiwomali lwesebe.”
Uthe isebe linesabiwo semali senkxaso esinomthamo kwayekukho imfunekoyokujongaindlela aphoinxalenye yolulwabiwomali engathi ibekelwe bucala ukunceda abo bathweswe izidanga ukuzebaqale amashishini wabo.
“Asizukuzuza uphuhlisokwakunye neziphumo esizinqwenelaukuzibona xa
Omnyewabathwesweizidangakwezolimoabangaphangeliyo,uBaneleNdoyiyaoneDiplomain FarmingManagementeLovedaleTVETCollegeubukeleuYangaDalasilewaseDalasileAgriParkkunye noMlawulioyiNtlokoweDRDARHumanandInstitutionalCapacitationuNomakhayaMoiloa betyikityaisivumelwanosokumbekaefamanjengenxalenye.yenkquboyeSebeesabelakwintswelangqeshoyabaphumeleleyo.
singabonakalisi kugxila ngqo.
“Ukuba silumasivuthela sisenza okuncinane apha naphaya, asizukwenza futhe.
“Sijonga indlelayokusabalalisa ngokukuko izixhobo zethu kwaye sigqibelelise le nkqubo ukuze siqubisane nale ngxaki.”
Uthe isebe lizakuthethana nesebe lamashishini asakhasayokwakunye nabathabathi nxaxhebabecandelo labucalaukufukamisela iingcinganezezolimo zabathweswe izidanga abayi-120.
“Sifuna ukubonainto esingathisiyenze ukukhulisaintabatho nxaxhebayabantuabatsha – ingakubaabantsundu – kwicandelo lezolimo, ngoko ke leyo yinjongo ephambili yale nkqubo,” utshilo.
UNdudaneuthe iMpumaKapainomxakatho ngenxa yemiweweyawo yendalo, imozulu entle kwakunye nemihlaba emihle.
“Kodwa siye saxingakulo mxakatho
siliphondo,” utshilo.
“Asikwazangaukudakanca lomxakatho.Sifuna ukukhulisaiqela loosomashishini kwicandelo lezolimo.
“Sifuna abathweswe izidanga ukuze bakwaziukuzicingela ngokunokwabozebabone indlela esingadala ngayo imisebenzi.
“Siyayiqonda eyokubaasikwazi ukuzisa abantuabatsha abanokucingangendlelaeyohlukileyo kwelicandelo, abanomdlandla owahlukileyo kweli candelo,” utshilo.
UNdudane uthe bekukhoisizukulwana esidala samafama, ngoko ke urhulumente ebejonga indlela yokutsalaabantu abatsha ukuze beze namandla athe xhaxhe kuquka neembono ezinobuchulengendlela yokuqhuba ezolimo.
Omnye kwabobathweswe izidanga, uQaqamba Mampofu,24, nothewazuza idiploma kwimveliso yezityalokwiZiko loQe-
qesholwezoLimo namaHlathiiFortCox, ulamkele eli thuba, esithiliza kunabisa izakhono zakhe.
Elithuba lithethaukuba ndizakufumana izakhono ezithexhaxhe kunokobendikifumene esikolweni, ndizakwenza ncakasana okobendikufundeeFort Coxkwayeulwazi lwamluzakuxandangokwendlelayokusebenza.Njengomntu ndizakuzifunqulangokwesiqunangokwembonakalo futhindizakukwazi ukuqubisananemicelimngeni ethile. Ndiyayazi eyokubaukubayinxalenye nale nkqubo kucela umngeni.
“Ngaxeshanye oku kuzakundakha ekubeni ndibengumfama endifunaukuba nguye,” uMampofu utshilo.
Umanejala oyintlokokwimisebenzi yaseTalithaPharmauMvuyisiMbotshelwa,oshishinilakheelithelabayinxalenyeisihlandlosesibini kule nkqubo, uthe le nkqubo ibelulutho.
“Siyithathela ingqaleloemandla lenkqubo kwaye kwasekuqaleni,sathabatha isigqibo sokubayinxalenyenale nkqubongenxayokubasasiyazi ukubailwa nentswelongqeshokulutsha.
“Ngaphandle njekokuqubisana nentswelongqesho, le nkquboiqinisekisa ukuba abantuabatshabayakhuliswa ukuzebangenekwezolimo, nanjengoko ezolimozidlala indima enkulu kuphuhliso loqoqosho lweli phondo.
“Senza igalelongokubanika iingcebiso zokuba bangabingabazingeli bemisebenzi kokobaqale awaboamashishinixa selebefunde kumava wethu,” uMbotshelwa utshilo.
Kulo nyakamalisiphezu kwawo, uMphathiswa wezolimouNonkqubela Pieters ubhengeze ukubaimali eyi-R10.9mithe yahlelelwalenkquboyokuchakaabathweswe izidanga abayi-120,nabayimiqheliswa, kumashishini enzuzoanxaxhileyo ezolimo ukusukelakweyoKwindla 2021,nalaphoixesha lesiphelosabo ikukuphelakwenyanga
yoKwindla 2023.
03.21 8