4 minute read

To supplement OR NOT

If you’re thinking about taking a supplement to help you lose or put on weight, it pays he supplement industry is huge, bringing in billions of dollars around the globe annually. Weight-loss and weightgain products feature prominently on the list, and it’s easy to be sucked into the hype. But before you blindly grab something off the shelf, you need to answer the following to seek expert advice. By Lynne Gidish t questions, advises registered dietician Veronica Wessels: • Are you constantly tired? • Are you a vegetarian or vegan? • Do you have any health conditions? • Have you had any blood tests that have identified deficiencies? • Are you on a restrictive eating plan? • Are you falling short of your five fruits and vegetables a day? • Are you taking any medications – either acute or chronic? “If ‘yes’ is your answer to any of these, you may be lacking some essential nutrients,” explains Wessels. “This doesn’t necessarily always be the last resort. Although supplements are sometimes necessary, rather start with the food-first approach, which encourages the intake of nutrients through food sources in your diet. Remember that both losing and gaining weight take time; there’s no such
Veronica Wessels thing as a quick fix or magic bullet. Always consult your health practitioner, because choosing the right product will depend on your current diet, goals, medication you’re taking, any underlying health conditions and your genetic make-up.”

“Remember that both losing and gaining weight take time; there’s no such thing as a quick fix or magic bullet.” – Veronica Wessels

There are a number of essential nutrients – vitamins and minerals – you need in order to maintain optimal health that cannot be synthesised by your body, says registered dietician Rhodene Oberholzer. “That’s why it’s so important to ensure that your diet provides enough of these nutrients to prevent any defi ciencies and possible health issues. Essential vitamins include Vitamins A, D, E, K and your B vitamins, while essential minerals include calcium, chromium, chloride, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, potassium, selenium, sodium, zinc, phosphorus, fl uoride, manganese and molybdenum.” Oberholzer maintains that the best way to meet your daily nutrient requirements is to follow a food-fi rst approach by eating a healthy balanced diet high in: • Fruits • Lean proteins • Vegetables • Fatty fi sh • Whole grains • Healthy fats found in olive oil, mean that you need to take a supplement, as this should
• Legumes nuts, seeds and avocados.

There are, however, instances where a supplement can be benefi cial or even essential. We’re living through extremely stressful and challenging times, and negative emotions can easily deplete your body’s vital nutrients through bad eating habits or other issues. “For example, if you suffer from anxiety,” says Oberholzer, “you may be defi cient in magnesium, Vitamin D and B vitamins, and research has shown that taking a multivitamin with magnesium and high levels of B vitamins Rhodene Oberholzer can signifi cantly decrease your symptoms. While supplements do play an important role, you should always consult your dietician or health practitioner for an assessment of your lifestyle, diet and medical history, and to get individualised supplement advice.”

Always remember that just because it’s natural doesn’t automatically mean it’s safe – and that sometimes over-supplementing can do far more harm than good. Vitamin A, for example, is fat-soluble, which means it’s not easily excreted by your body and can end up being stored in your tissues, causing all sorts of health issues over time. “Everyone has a unique genetic make-up,” says Wessels, “so when it comes to any form of supplementation there’s no such thing as ‘one-size-fi ts-all’. It’s important to note that the quality and quantity of the nutrients in multivitamin supplements vary, so be sure to read the labels. Your best option is to seek professional advice before making any purchases because it’s easy to become confused or overwhelmed about the choices on offer. And don’t forget to mention any medication – both natural and prescribed – that you’re already taking to ensure they’re not contraindicated.”