2 minute read
Eastern Cape Poised to Deliver!
It is all systems go in Bhisho and the 6th Term of Provincial Administration is ready to elicit its finishing vigour as we enter a new Financial Year. According to the electoral cycle, this is the last lap of the current government.
The Premier, Lubabalo Oscar Mabuyane, pronounced during the State of the Province Address (SoPA) on the plans for this 2023/4 Financial Year, also accounting on successes his government gained and challenges met and how to tackle the latter. This was followed by Budget Vote by MEC for Finance

Masincokole SOPA & BUDGET EDITION 2023
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Mlungisi Mvoko who carried the provincial purse and distributed funds to each according to his needs, expecting from each according to his ability!
The next to take to the podium are all the MECs for their departments’ Policy Speeches to layout plans on how to implement the funded pronouncements by the Premier and Provincial Treasury. Behind the scenes are technocrats commanding their officials and foot soldiers to submit operational plans to govern their day-to-day activities to ensure the political mandate is carried through successfully and so that the lectorate receives their socio-economic deliverables.

It is all systems go in Bhisho All Hands on the Deck in the Provincial Government
The new Financial Year starts, as the Provincial Government views from its rear mirror of the progress made, with confidence to do even more. It holds its head high and shoulders up to get more investors into the province as it did a history and attracted more than R46 billion investments within a year, the biggest achievement the Provincial Government ever attained during the democratic dispensation.
The province enters this Financial Year with a world class and technologically advanced Forensic Laboratory, none like it in the country at this stage! It is poised to speed up the arrests, prosecutions, and sentencing of perpetrators of crime in the province. Eventually the quick processes will result in the decrease, among other social ills, acts of Gender Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) and create safe communities and social cohesion through the reduction of crime rate.
Checks and balances in the governance and administration of the province are in place. This is yet another brick laid on the course that seems to bear fruit as in the past years the province’s audit outcomes have been in the higher trajectory and saw an increase in unqualified reports. This will be sustained to improve on government expenditure, curb corruption, and ensure every cent goes the people of the province at the right time.
Indeed, the province has a good story to tell, and to build on. This will all be possible by the Provincial Government joining hands together with business through Public-Private-Partnerships (PPP), with Inter-Faith Organisations and Traditional Leadership to inject moral regeneration in our communities, civil society, and their entire electorate to take part in building the Eastern Cape we want!