Business Day Safety: 2020

Page 12


Safety remains the highest priority The mining industry experienced and reacted to the coronavirus pandemic in several ways. By RODNEY WEIDEMANN

KEY SAFETY PRECAUTIONS • Screening of employees on arrival at work • Social distancing, including reduced capacity bussing • Provision of PPE, face masks, eye protection, gloves and sanitisers • Staggered shift times to reduce bottlenecks • Limited entry numbers • regular cleaning and sanitisation of work areas • Continuous reinforcement of protocols via billboards and signage • Office employees work remotely. Source: Sibanye Stillwater


“Sibanye-Stillwater is planning for a long road ahead. Although infection rates have dropped dramatically, we will continue to practise all related safety protocols. We offer counselling and psychological support for employees and their families and will continue to support

all stakeholders in this regard. The key focus remains on enabling a safe environment for employees by observing key protocols while ensuring the sustainability of the operations to protect livelihoods and employment,” he concludes.

“Sibanye-Stillwater is planning for a long road ahead. Although infection rates have dropped dramatically, we will continue to practise all related safety protocols.” – James Wellsted, senior vice president investor relations, Sibanye-Stillwater



ince its inception, 23 years ago, the Mine Health and Safety Council (MHSC) has conducted over 400 research projects that have contributed to the improvement of the health and safety of mining employees. This has been achieved through development and revision of the legislative framework, training, promotion and knowledge transfer. All of these are steps on the path to the MHSC’s ultimate goal of “Zero Harm”. To achieve this, the organisation launched the Centre of Excellence (CoE) as the first port of call for occupational health and safety issues within the sector. The CoE supports the goal of “Every Mine Worker Returning from Work Unharmed Every Day” and continues to strive for the significant reduction of occupational fatalities, injuries and diseases. The MHSC has established a fourth industrial revolution (4IR) task team to look into safety-focused technology development, focusing particularly on understanding the impact of technology on people in the South African mining sector.

“Some of the key successes include the appointment of a critical workforce that is currently assisting the MHSC in managing research, through three technical committees. Knowledge transfer and technology transfer, which has significantly improved as research outcomes are released by the MHSC. Various seed-funded projects have also been initiated with MHSC’s research outcomes, aimed at improving health and safety in the mines,” says the organisation’s spokesperson. “The CoE continues to strive for worldclass excellence by investing in knowledge and expanding its stakeholder network to include global partners. Both the MHSC and the CoE will continue working closely with stakeholders to pursue the ideal of zero harm.” Source: Mine Health and Safety Council

The MHSC has establisheD a fourth industrial revolution task team to look into safety-focused technology development.

KEY TECHNOLOGIES DEVELOPED IN PURSUIT OF “ZERO HARM” • Prototype camera to assess rock mass condition • Development of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), with functionality to: – Monitor rock mass movement – Assess air quality – Inform real-time decision-making – Provide a semi-real-time overview of the mine shafts – Conduct security surveillance – Assist search and rescue teams. Source: Mine Health and Safety Council



n the mining industry, which is predicated on large groups of people working closely together in enclosed spaces, the impact of COVID-19 has been felt in many ways. James Wellsted, senior vice president for investor relations at Sibanye-Stillwater, says that the mining industry’s response to COVID-19 has been both proactive and engaged. “The risk posed by COVID-19 was promptly prioritised and an executive coronavirus steering committee formed. A high-level, three-pronged approach was adopted. Firstly, we developed and implemented protocols, procedures and systems to measure and identify the risks,” he explains. “Secondly, we implemented proactive measures to mitigate the risks, and lastly, we prepared for and have managed the pandemic in a way that is least disruptive to our operations.” Sibanye-Stillwater further adopted a more gradual, cautious approach to reopening operations after lockdown to ensure the safety and health of employees as much as possible, while sustaining a gradual build-up in operations. “While there have been considerable upfront and ongoing costs in preparedness for the pandemic, there have also been many positive impacts,” Wellsted says. “These include an accelerated digitisation drive, less corporate travel and more efficient virtual meetings, more constructive engagement with all stakeholders, and closer engagement with government agencies and communities.

The capacity of busses transporting miners has been reduced to minimise the risk of infection.


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2020/10/22 8:36 AM

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