By Sihle Maake, Harmony Gold’s Group Communications Manager
he COVID-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on our society and economy. Along with so many other businesses, Harmony faced the very difficult task of sustaining itself in a severely disrupted business environment. This included a compulsory suspension – either partial or absolute – of our operations both in South Africa and Papua New Guinea. Harmony developed a standard operating procedure to help in the prevention and transmission of COVID-19 at all our operations. These were in line with the guidelines prepared by the Minerals Council South Africa, and the Guiding Principles on Prevention and Management of COVID-19 in South African Mining Industry published by the Department of Minerals and Energy. The roll-out of our four-phase risk management strategy effectively equipped Harmony with the necessary resources and processes to proactively respond to COVID-19 and enabled us to continue operating safely at all times. Our approach to safety and healthcare ensures healthcare is easily accessible to all employees. It is important that our employees are fit for life, fit for work and fit
Harmony Gold has a multi-faceted COVID-19 programme in place.
to retire. The four pillars of our healthcare strategy are: Education, awareness and promotion of good health. Disease prevention and risk management. Clinical intervention (treatment programmes). Continuous risk profiling. Harmony has dedicated health hubs at all its operations which cater for all the medical and health needs of employees and, in some cases, of its host community members. Each health hub is staffed by doctors, allied healthcare workers and pharmacists. In addition, Harmony has ensured that medical doctors are part of the operational teams at each of the mines. Increased awareness campaigns on the
MARCH 2021
COVID-19 pandemic have been central in ensuring employees are kept abreast of reliable information and that they continuously take the necessary precautions in preventing the spread of COVID-19. This was done through an in-house mobile app known as the Harmony Connect, a data-free employee mobile solution that offers two-way communication around the pandemic and other company information. This app is also used by employees to do their own self-screening before coming to the offices/sites. Furthermore, Harmony has an independent COVID-19 hotline number which employees are encouraged to use should they experience symptoms or feel ill. Harmony also launched the Employee Psychosocial Programme, in partnership