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Healthy body, healthy mind
Sports activities at school mostly ground to a halt during the height of the pandemic, leaving children without the physical and social benefi ts of exercise and team sport. By Sue Voysey-Morris
maintain fi tness levels. “At our school, we have planned physical activity throughout the day and have changed timetables to accommodate this.”
Parents and minders are urged to get creative and explore different physical activities in their home and other safe spaces where certain activity is permitted in line with the lockdown level in place. Active young people have better health outcomes including cardiovascular and bone health, muscle fi tness and weight status. McQuaide emphasises that any activity during lockdown that gets your child moving is benefi cial. “Look at traditional playground games such as ‘hide-and-seek’, ‘tag’ as well as skipping and dancing to music. Also, get creative – build an obstacle course, play balloon volleyball, make an action movie or learn to juggle.”
The chaos surrounding COVID-19 has turned our lives upside down and the different lockdown restrictions have curtailed opportunities for school sport and other activities.
Former strategic and partnerships manager at the Sports Science Institute of South Africa (SSISA) Kathleen McQuaide says: “Moving more and sitting less is very important during a pandemic as it helps families to maintain their physical and mental health.”
There was some good news with the recent move to level 1 lockdown; coaches and teachers were able to welcome children back to the fi eld. “The kids were chuffed to return to their learning space and reconnect with their mates,” comments Andrew Coley, deputy principal of Rivonia Primary.
Physical, emotional, and social interaction is vital for the healthy development of young lives. “Physical activity keeps learners fi t with healthy minds and healthy bodies, but when it stops not only does their fi tness suffer, but also their mental health,” says Coley. “It is, therefore, essential that schools work within the global regulations of COVID-19 safety protocols, as well as adhere to all South African government legislation.”
Approximately only half of SA children meet the recommendation for levels of physical activity, averaging between 57 and 65 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity per day.
Source: Active Healthy Kids Scorecard
Coley believes that educators need to be innovative and think outside the box to