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The home offi ce Functionality and ergonomics
With the home offi ce increasingly becoming the offi ce, it is worth having a setup that works for you. By Kim Maxwell

In October 2020, Jones Lang LaSalle analysed an online survey of 2 033 offi ce workers spanning major industries across 10 countries aimed at understanding how workforce preferences are shifting workplace priorities for employees. A key takeaway was a transition toward hybrid work as a preferred way of working. Of those surveyed, 75 per cent expected their employer to support their work at home, one in three asked for an allowance, and for 72 per cent, work-life balance had overtaken securing a comfortable salary (69 per cent) in post-pandemic importance.
Workshop17 co-founder Mark Seftel offers some home offi ce tips: fi nd a quiet workplace, a good light source and decent active seating (so your core is activated) or a standing desk.
“Many desks can power a laptop, phone, light and router – you want a hidden tray underneath where you can put all that cabling so you don’t land up with a spaghetti situation on top,” says Seftel. “And break the sedentary behaviour by getting off the chair and moving more.”
Seftel says sourcing a reasonable background for video conferencing calls or webinars is increasingly topical. A cluttered pile of folders and boxes won’t do. Offi ce etiquette is another aspect: ensure a stable link and decent microphone so people can see and hear you. “There’s an obligation to be ready at the start time, and to be heard,” he says. “Wearing a headset is okay as you’re not disturbing those around you. It also shows others it’s a private call.”
A crafted David Krynauw Cozy Offi ce Pod is one functionally stylish remote offi ce option. Its compact design fi ts easily into an urban garden and the unit is air-conditioned. Installed, a Cozy
David Krynauw’s Cozy Offi ce Pod
Offi ce Pod for two should set you back R136 800, depending on the confi guration. The Deluxe Pod version (seating four maximum) starts at R169 800.
• Adjustability: of seat height, backrest and armrests. • Good lower back support: a convex shape to mould into your lower back, then sit back so your upper back leans into the backrest. This allows your shoulders and neck to relax. • Seat size: when sitting with your back against the backrest, three to four fi ngers should fi t between the end of the seat and the back of your knee.
Source: Physiotherapist Jana Zuidema, Ergotherapy Solutions
Home of ces have evolved into an “everything of ce” says tech fundi Arthur Goldstuck, World Wide Worx MD and editor-in-chief of Gadget. A remote of ce can run ef ciently with only a laptop, webcam and internet connection. “But to thrive in the new era of personal branding, global positioning and slash roles, one may need a little more,” he says. An “everything of ce” can set you up not just for a video conference, webinar or virtual presentation, but also for complex meetings and events with multiple participants in different locations.
In short, a home of ce can double as a multipurpose meeting venue, and triple as a media centre with access to TV, streaming video and audio, and recording equipment.

In the era of business driven by video conferencing, a device certi ed for Microsoft Teams and Zoom offers a de nite edge. Smart speakerphones need to be compatible with both hardware and software to ensure awless sound in meetings. Goldstuck recommends the Plantronics Poly Sync 20. “It’s slim and portable so ideal for taking an of ce anywhere,” he says. It promises a 20-hour battery life and connects wirelessly through Bluetooth, or wired via USB, to smartphones and computers. “It picks up sound up to two metres away, meaning one can be heard clearly while walking around a home of ce, hotel room or small meeting area,” adds Goldstuck, “so no headphones are needed if moving while talking.” That’s thanks to a multi-microphone array, which also eliminates echo and background noise.