3 minute read
from The New Normal
The past 18 months have forced companies to rediscover their focus as they worked to survive and recover. Concepts such as resiliency leapt to the fore, begging the question: how can a company future-proof itself?
The short answer: Don’t consider it a destination but as a continual culture, says Paul Barker, senior manager and OKR coach at Step Advisory.
“The concept of future-proof is an illusion. You can say you are future-proofi ng, but in a year’s time, are you still future-proof? Are you ready for what the future holds, because what you predicted a year ago now looks totally different? You’re never going to reach that point. It’s a mirage. Your strategy needs to be emergent and evolving continuously. Strategy is important and needs to be considered. But if that strategy doesn’t evolve, it’s going to be nullifi ed within a matter of months.”
Indeed, there is a more appropriate phrase for future-proofi ng, says Thinkroom Consulting’s founder, Catherine Young, “We’ve been working with future-proofi ng all along, but we call it a growth mindset. It’s that, ‘I can change if I need to’ attitude. Those who have an agile, fl exible, and continuously learning mindset future-proof their businesses for the ups and downs.”
Until recently, future-proofi ng was associated closely with adopting digital technology. But those days are gone. Barker points out that practically everyone had to leap forward into digital, morphing it from differentiator into the new baseline. “Suddenly, within a matter of weeks, everyone was online. That technology shift has fast forwarded. What some predicted would happen over the next 10 years happened in six months. Companies have been forced into adopting technology and digital tools.” All things digital now being equal, future-proofi ng relies heavily on the execution of strategy. Step Advisory is a big proponent of
Catherine Young
Future-proofing your business
The pandemic has shown that companies should be more resilient. But how, asks James Francis
Paul Barker
OKR (Objectives and Key Results), a collaborative, goal-setting approach to strategy. Strategy, Barker explains, “is much more of a direction. You know where you want to go, and you set up a direction and move towards it. And you need to have pit stops on the way to see if you’re moving in the right direction. That’s where the implementation of healthy business habits is key – ensuring that you pause, refocus and refl ect at regular intervals.”
A company’s culture and leadership makeup is as important, notes Young: “Future-proofi ng is really based on the founding team - the fi rst 10 people that they’ve employed around them. That sets the culture of any business. And if those guys have an agile growth mindset, they’re almost future-proofed for whatever disaster comes, or exponential growth.”
“You can say you are future-proofing, but in a year’s time, are you still future-proof?” – Paul Barker
The ‘hybrid offi ce’ is defi ned as the ideal compromise between remote working and being offi ce-bound.
Office of the future
What does striking a balance between working from home and returning to the workplace look like?
Kirsty Schoombie, Paragon