13 minute read
A drone monitors crop health in a maize fi eld.
How artifi cial intelligence is being deployed to fi nd smarter ways to combat pests and pathogens and monitor crop health, writes PROFESSOR DAVE BERGER, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI), University of Pretoria
Crops can have pandemics too. Just like the SARS-CoV-2 virus, plant pests and pathogens do not respect international borders and present a worldwide threat to food security. One-third of crop yields globally are lost to pests and diseases. Crop epidemics are diffi cult to diagnose, spread quickly and are hard to track in remote rural areas. Take the maize pest, fall armyworm, for example. It entered West Africa from the Americas in 2016 and reached South Africa within one year. Fall armyworm has devastated yields across sub-Saharan Africa.
If artifi cial intelligence can recognise patterns in data, such as facial features, why not apply this to patterns of disease spots on maize leaves?
We asked this question at the
University of Pretoria (UP), where the Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI) has an ongoing research programme into tree and crop health. Maize underpins food security in South Africa and yields are constantly threatened by fungal diseases of their leaves. In a recent publication, we quantifi ed a 72 per cent yield loss from northern leaf blight disease in susceptible maize grown in South Africa. In a pilot crop health monitoring project, we focused on four maize leaf diseases with distinctive symptoms, which are often found together on the same leaf – this makes it more diffi cult to identify each disease (see Figure 1).
We developed a deep learning method for automated identifi cation of maize diseases using photos of the leaves. These diseases are widespread in farmers’ fi elds in the wetter and hotter regions of KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape. Fieldwork in these hotspots enabled us to create a photo collection of diseased leaves.
Plant pathologists went through these photos and classifi ed them based on the diseases shown on the leaves. These classifi cations formed the “ground truth” for training a deep learning model using a method called convolutional neural networks.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is being deployed to find smarter ways to combat pests and pathogens. Crop health is critical to reaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), especially SDG2 – Zero Hunger. To raise global awareness, the United Nations through the Food and Agriculture Organisation designated the International Year of Plant Health in 2020 (IYPH 2020). The good news is that South African scientists, innovators and policy-makers are at the coal face in the fight against pests and pathogens, as reported in the recent public discussion forum of the National Science and Technology Forum entitled “Plant health in South Africa – threats to biosecurity, biodiversity and food security”.
Monitoring of pests and diseases is where AI is set to make a major impact on crop health. Real-time surveillance is needed to identify the
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a computer system able to perform tasks usually requiring human intelligence. AI is already built into many aspects of our daily lives such as GPS route selection, Netflix movie recommendations and facial recognition. AI identifies patterns, such as facial features, in the data.
Two common AI approaches are machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL). Both can be used for facial recognition, for example. ML is based on predefined measurements of each image (face shape, distance between eyes, nose width) after which a series of classifier algorithms are used to “learn” to identify a person from many other facial images.
On the other hand, DL “mimics” the human brain by implementing a series of neural networks that “learn” to identify patterns in the images that distinguish one person from another. Both methods require large datasets, usually containing a training set that the developer has labelled (for example, with the person’s name). ML requires smaller datasets, but requires more decision-making by the developer to set up the features that should be measured in each image.
disease-causing culprits, the farms affected, and how fast an epidemic is spreading. When it comes to crop health, plant pathologists are the “plant doctors”, experts in the identification of crop pests and diseases. If a farmer spots an unknown disease symptom on the crop, he calls in a plant pathologist for a diagnosis. If the disease is severe, samples are sent to a diagnostic clinic for laboratory analysis, very much like a doctor sending you for a COVID-19 test.
Artificial intelligence could bring about a revolution in crop health monitoring as instead of the “plant doctor” going to the field, we can bring the field to the “doctor”. The diagnosis would be done by a mobile app powered by AI. Anyone could take a photo of a diseased maize leaf using their phone and upload it to the cloud for automated identification by AI. This would dramatically improve the efficiency whereby plant pathologists deal with crop epidemics in real-time. They could then focus their efforts on priority outbreaks or potential threats of invasive pests and pathogens.
This means that when shown a new photo of a diseased maize leaf, the deep learning model can identify the disease. In other words, it has “learned” how to identify the diseases based on the initial “ground truth” photos. The artificial intelligence (AI) model identified the correct disease 75 per cent of the time.
However, the power of AI is that the more accurate data you feed the model, the better it performs at prediction. We expect the accuracy to increase to more than 90 per cent.
The exciting development from this research is its practical application in crop health monitoring countrywide and across the continent.
Our goal is to develop a mobile app that integrates into a larger biosecurity hub. Such a plant health biosecurity hub is one of the programmes of Innovation Africa @UP.
There are three essential elements: a cloud-based database of plant disease sample identifications from the diagnostic clinic (35 000 samples already processed for the forestry industry with additional samples from grain crops); surveillance apps for the capture of pest and disease data and photos; and geographic information system-enabled data analysis tools powered by AI for pest and disease identification, mapping of epidemics in time and space, and prediction of future scenarios.
Figure 1: Maize leaf with multiple disease symptoms.
Artificial intelligence’s (AI) impact on food security in South Africa can be illustrated by a few scenarios, which are likely to become reality very soon.
Mpumalanga: A farmer or citizen scientist is the first to give early warning of a new invasive fungal pathogen from a neighbouring country by uploading a photo to the AI disease ID app.
Kwazulu-Natal: A farmer enjoys morning coffee in bed while a drone takes off automatically, scans the fields and sprays fungicides on only those plants with disease symptoms.
Eastern Cape: Crop protection managers track in real-time the maize disease epidemic across the SADC region and dispatch plant pathologists and agricultural extension officers to remote rural areas to advise smallholder farmers on disease control methods.
As a significant financier in the agricultural sector, Absa Corporate and Investment Banking is heavily invested in the wellbeing of agriculture and the deeper imperative of contributing to food security
In the second year of COVID-19, greater emphasis is being placed on some pressing food security dilemmas – most not new, but now elevated. Some forces resulting from population growth now seem to be out of control: • Populations in Africa specifically have become poorer and more food insecure. • Urbanisation and the growth of slums seem to be picking up speed and strength.
These populations will be dependent on high-yielding agricultural production to feed them. • Water scarcity is expected to increase significantly over the next decade, and despite advancements in agricultural science, there may be reductions in grain production in 10 years’ time. • Climate change as well as the damage and loss to natural ecosystems through urbanisation, exploitation and
“slash-and-burn” practices are destroying the earth’s ability to repair itself. • A very sizeable portion of food production in Africa is lost in the logistics chain. Some estimates indicate as much as 35 per cent, but even the most favourable estimates indicate more than 20 per cent. This is astounding in a continent that is not food secure. These forces are alarming, but send a strong message that the world needs a clear and urgent call to action.
Where does this leave agriculture as an industry? There are many debates to be had, but the imperatives are as follows: • Yields will have to improve significantly. It is not only sufficient that we produce more
food, but we also have to do it more efficiently. This means less consumption of land, water and power relative to current production. Over the past year, we have seen increases in the production of grains in important sub-Saharan countries. These were mostly due to increases in land use and favourable rains – yields per hectare have remained the lowest in the world, and this is not going to help us in the future. • The vast majority of African farmers are small-scale farmers, producing on farms less than five hectares. This limits the access and affordability to yield-enhancing mechanisms such as mechanisation, more sophisticated seeds, farming technology and know-how. It poses
challenges to policy and the implementation of technology, logistics and finance, which are different compared to larger-scale commercial farming. • Logistics networks will have to improve significantly to not only reduce losses of current production, but also effectively transport and store the increased production required in the future. While Africa is indeed the continent with the most remaining unrealised agripotential, it is also the least developed in terms of logistics – the contradiction and need for improvement are obvious.
The more complex dilemma is what needs to happen to achieve the desired outcomes. Numerous actions and decisions are needed in the following key categories:
Good government and good government policies
Looking at the challenges facing agriculture, it becomes clear that government support is very important. This must be done through sound policies and governance and prioritising physical and nonphysical infrastructure.
On the policy front, much can be done to assist agriculture. An obvious measure is to allow genetically-modified (GM) seeds, especially for grains production. While this is an easy win, many countries do not allow GM seeds and there is little chance of making progress in food security without GM seeds being allowed.
Another issue is policy measures to ease imports and exports (red tape), and investments into agricultural research aligned with a country’s natural production opportunities. Investment into physical “public goods” infrastructure such as roads, electricity, railways and ports are obvious.
When speaking about good government policies, the topic of “expropriation without compensation” in the South African context cannot be left without comment. The
commercial agricultural sector is a strategic asset and advantage for South Africa, which is one of the few countries in Africa that is foodsecure and a net exporter of food. Any policy measures that threaten this sector will have dire consequences for food security, social and economic stability. Against a growing population, this sector must be protected in the interest of all South Africans. No economic progress can be made without the certainty of property rights. This statement also recognises that there is a lot that can be done to improve the prospects of South Africa’s small-scale farmers. An obvious obstacle to the idea that talented small farmers can develop into larger commercial ones is the issue of land rights and security of tenure – these are easy problems to solve with the correct policy measures.
Private sector investment and partnerships between private and public sectors
In commercial agriculture, we can see that investment follows good policies. Examples of this are seen in certain projects undertaken by a good number of countries in Africa.
The structure of farming in Africa where the vast majority of people involved is on a small-scale basis, poses challenging problems though: while we need commercialisation, it is politically and socially vital that these small farmers also improve their yields and prospects. A dualistic approach is required where commercial farming is recognised as a desired outcome, and the required strategies to improve access to finance, seeds, technology, and knowledge to small-scale farmers are in place. This can only be achieved if input suppliers, governments, finance institutions and off-takers develop models that can serve small farmers. Farming is risky, and this will require risk-sharing between the participants in the right projects with good implementation and support. There are already successes in this area and these can be built upon.
Appropriate financing structures
As mentioned above, farming is risky and commercial banks cannot carry the developmental risk of agriculture on their balance sheets. There is some “noncommercial” risk they can take, but this is limited in the developmental sphere. In this arena, governments, development finance institutions, input suppliers and off-takers have to share risk in varying degrees when financing small-scale primary production.
As far as larger-scale commercial agriculture is concerned, financing models and appetites are relatively well developed. An area for expansion is commodity finance post-harvesting of crops. Absa is already fairly heavily involved in this arena with the largest market share in South Africa. This is made possible by a very sophisticated grain storage and logistics network.
Given the large investment some private sector food companies are undertaking in Africa, financing in the value chain with commodity and trade finance structures will be a growing area.
Taking all of the above into account, it is clear that the challenge of feeding the world’s growing population is a daunting task. Making headway can only be achieved by the urgent and precise implementation of focused strategies by all the involved parties. As Africa’s leading Pan-African banking group with specialist skills in this critical field, we look forward to partnering with government and organisations in the efforts to enhance food security on the continent.
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