Expanding De Soto 2023

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Housing Sites Expand for Future Residents

Economic Development

Top Priority

Students Learn Real-World Skills For Fututre Careers


2023–2024 Chamber Member Directory
TURN TO TriCentury. GOOD THINGS COME IN THREES DE SOTO 913.583.3222 SPRING HILL 913.592.5700 | LAWRENCE 785.592.3211 Convenience. Consistency. Community.


ExpandingDeSoto is a collaboration between the Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development Council, city offices, and Unified School District 232.

Editor Jean Teller

Designer/Art Director Alex Tatro

Advertising Angie Taylor

Copy Editor Leslie Clugston Andres

Photographers Kevin Anderson

Sarah Reeves

Casey Rooman Smith

Writers Jill Dutton

Jackie Hostetler

Pamela Mahajan

Nancy Mays

Rachel Murphy

Kari Williams desotoks.org

Chairman Andrew Jacober

President Sara Ritter

Vice President Katy Fallon sunflowerpub.com

Publisher Bill Uhler

Director Bob Cucciniello

All material and photographs copyright Sunflower Publishing, 2023.

For editorial queries: Jean Teller (785)832-7231 jteller@sunflowerpub.com

For advertising queries:

Angie Taylor (785)832-7236 ataylor@sunflowerpub.com

my friends, my community,

In your hand is the fifth edition of ExpandingDeSoto, a joint venture between our Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development Council, City of De Soto government, and Unified School District 232. Coincidentally, it’s through strong partnerships like these that help De Soto—and the entire region—thrive.

That’s truly the key for De Soto’s future: collaboration.

Collaboration has brought us to where we are today, and it is what will launch us toward the big, generational, once-in-a-lifetime opportunities we’re creating. It’s collaboration between governments and organizations that has created and will continue to create the opportunities you’ll see in this magazine.

This year’s issue is dedicated to showcasing the beginning stages of collaborative economic growth. As you explore this publication, my hope is you will be inspired by how this new development has already affected De Soto and what it means for our residents, business owners, and community. I invite you to read how we are currently investing in and improving our quality of life, all while bringing even more prosperity to our region. Together, we will create a bright future for De Soto.

As I always say, nothing is more pertinent than maintaining the character and essence of what makes us De Soto. Our identity, closeness, connection to one another, and community charm will always be present—no matter what lies ahead.

Here’s to the best of both worlds, Rick Walker, Mayor on the cover.

Alcove Developing and De Soto Veterinary Clinic are teaming up for a new facility. Background photobyKatyFallon; groundbreakingphotocourtesy DeSotoVeterinaryClinic.

Expand for plus
inside departments 06 GROWING ONE MEMBER AT A TIME Chamber of Commerce teams with consulting firm to get the word out about the benefits of membership. 09 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT HIGH PRIORITY Council works with Chamber and City to help De Soto grow. 14 REAL WORLD LEARNING IN REAL TIME USD 232 partners with local businesses to cultivate tomorrow’s workforce. feature 21 A RISING NEED FOR HOUSING De Soto developers join efforts to increase options for new workers. in every issue 26 CHAMBER BOARD MEMBERS 28 DE SOTO MAP 30 ECONOMIC PROFILE 32 EVENTS PHOTOS 34 CHAMBER MEMBERSHIP LISTING 50 CHAMBER MEMBER INDEX 4 2023–2024
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Growing One Member at a Time


The De Soto Chamber of Commerce and Your Chamber Connection co-hosted the chamber’s membership drive in late March. The event, which takes place every three to five years, helps educate “our members on what the Chamber can do for businesses,” says Chamber Vice President Katy Fallon. The drive also provides an opportunity for members to share the benefits of chamber membership with nonmembers, who may then opt to join.

Your Chamber Connection, a consulting firm based in Austin, Texas, had partnered with the De Soto Chamber on the membership drive right before COVID, which was instrumental in keeping the Chamber operational through the initial days of the pandemic. The company specializes in creating dynamic programs to bolster membership, engage and educate current members, and raise funds. According to the organization’s website, Your Chamber Connection helped bring in 57 new De Soto Chamber members and raised more than $40,000 in funds during this year’s drive.

The benefits of joining the De Soto Chamber of Commerce are plentiful, says Fallon. Members grow and strengthen their network of professional contacts via monthly luncheons and the annual dinner, as well as other events. Business owners also increase their visibility through the chamber’s website directory, weekly newsletters, and social media channels. Additionally, membership provides the opportunity for business professionals to join forces for a common cause: to attract even more businesses and customers to the rapidly growing De Soto area.

Andy Jacober, a financial adviser and De Soto Chamber of Commerce chairman, credits his membership with greatly expanding his professional network

“The Chamber of Commerce is way more than a golf tournament and a lunch. I personally love our events because it gets me in front of a lot of new people. I am a financial adviser, and my business is about meeting people and talking about what is important to them,” he says. “We have a lot of other small businesses that like those events, too. Our larger companies want to see workforce development. Finding and hiring good people is a challenge everywhere. We’re in a very unusually low unemployment situation here in Johnson County, which makes finding good people even harder.”

With two major developments in progress in De Soto, intense change and growth are on the horizon. Panasonic

To Learn More DE SOTO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 32905 W. 84TH ST., P.O. BOX 70 DE SOTO, KS 66018 913-583-1585 WWW.DESOTOKS.ORG 6 2023–2024 CHAMBER
of Commerce teams with consulting firm to get the word out about the benefits of membership.

Three Cheers for the Chamber!

Recent accolades for the De Soto Chamber of Commerce have been published in Ingram’s and the Kansas City Business Journal.

Sara Ritter, IOM, the Chamber’s president, is one of Ingram’s 50 Kansans You Should Know.

Ingram’s connects business leaders from the Kansas–Missouri region through a monthly magazine and a bustling online presence. Its latest list of top Kansans includes people in every industry in the state: banking, health care, insurance, wealth management, professional services, and more.

Ritter was recognized for her efforts with the Chamber and the De Soto Economic Development Council. Both entities were heavily involved in bringing the Panasonic Energy electric-vehicle battery plant to the state. A native of De Soto, Ritter has been with the chamber since 2002. She earned the IOM designation through the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Institute for Organization Management and also has a bachelor’s degree in public administration from Mid-America Nazarene University. In her Ingram’s listing, she says, “We plan to work with all area communities to reach out and find out how they’d like to partner and be a part of the Panasonic success and story. This is a regional opportunity that will have regional solutions.”

For more, go to www.ingrams.com/article/50-kansans-you-should-know-5.

The Kansas City Business Journal annually recognized the top real estate projects in the Kansas City-metro area. Among the 2023 Capstone Awards for commercial real estate is one for the transaction

Energy is currently building a manufacturing facility for electric vehicle batteries, set to open in March 2025. Expected to generate significant economic growth, the plant will provide up to 4,000 new jobs and result in an investment of around $4 billion. In addition, the Flint Commerce Center will eventually provide 4.7 million square feet of industrial space at the corner of 103rd Street and Edgerton Road.

The De Soto Chamber of Commerce operates with a ninemember board of directors and a staff of two executives and one administrative assistant. More than 230 local businesses are currently members.

The Economic Development Council (EDC) operates

involving the Panasonic Energy plant.

In cooperation with the Kansas Department of Commerce, the Kansas City Area Development Council, Johnson County, and Sunflower Redevelopment, the City of De Soto and the Chamber of Commerce/Economic Development Council helped bring the largest economic development project in state history to De Soto. Panasonic has already broken ground and begun construction on the 5.2-millionsquare-foot plantt over 300 acres in the Astra Enterprise Park in De Soto.

The $4 billion investment will bring 4,000 new jobs to the area as the new battery plant revitalizes land that once held the old Sunflower Ammunition Plant, which closed in 1993. The new plant is scheduled to go online in March 2025.

“We are breaking ground on the largest economic development project in the history of our state,” Gov. Laura Kelly said at the groundbreaking event. “There’s absolutely no doubt this project will be transformative for De Soto, the region and the entire state of Kansas. It will make Kansas a global leader in electric-vehicle battery production.”

De Soto beat out the competition for the plant as Panasonic considered 100 sites in 12 states. The state of Kansas offered $829.2 million in incentives to the company.

The judges for the Kansas City Business Journal’s Capstone Awards added this note: “Wow, just wow! We can’t wait to see this one come to life.”

For more, visit www.bizjournals.com/kansascity.

under the umbrella of the Chamber of Commerce. These two organizations work together to deliver an enhanced level of support for the local business community. The two newest Chamber board members are American Family Insurance agency owner Julie Coover and Sherelle Witt, realtor and coowner of Oasis Nutrition.

“When a community has a strong, vibrant Chamber of Commerce, positive growth will come. Companies know that it’s the Chamber that goes to bat for them at the state level. The more members we have, the more staff we can hire to provide those resources for them. I am extremely excited to see what our Chamber will be like in the next few years,” says Jacober.

2023–2024 7 CHAMBER
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Economic Development High Priority

The term “constant change” might seem like a bit of an oxymoron, but it’s a way of life for the citizens of De Soto, especially over the past several years. Those changes—the recent business growth and the booming housing market in the area—have brought opportunity, and with the opportunity has come financial growth and stability for the community.

A number of attractive draws in the De Soto area make it an ideal spot for both businesses and families to put down roots.

“There’s a lot of interest in the community because of our values, our proximity to Topeka and Lawrence, as well as our proximity to the metropolitan Kansas City area,” says Sara Ritter, president of the De Soto Chamber of Commerce.

“For parents with school-aged children, De Soto has a very strong pull for families because of the school district. USD 232 is routinely a highly accredited, quality school district,” she says.

Andy Jacober, the Chamber board chairman, adds, “This brings an opportunity to encourage new residents and young families to the area.”

The Place for Business

As appealing as the school district is, the commerce side of De Soto is just as attractive to potential businesses owners. Determining exactly which businesses might be the best

Council works with Chamber and City to help De Soto grow.
2023–2024 9 EDC
Construction efforts have begun on the Panasonic plant located in Astra Enterprise Park (top); the park is the former location of the Sunflower Ammunition Plant.

fit for the De Soto community is left, in part, to the Economic Development Advisory Committee.

The EDC has been in operation for approximately 25 years under the direction of the Chamber of Commerce. Prior to that, the EDC existed as a separate entity. The council is made up of 16 members, including the mayor, two members of the City Council, and members in rotating terms who may also serve on the Chamber’s board of directors. Ritter serves as president for the Chamber/Economic Development Council.

The ever-important role of the EDC has grown more vital in recent years with the continuous growth of the community.

“The EDC is empowered, thanks to the City’s Strategic Plan, to aggressively attract business and help put De Soto in the best situation for current and future economic development wins,” Ritter says.

What exactly does the EDC look for when determining whether a business is well-suited for the De Soto community?

“We have to decide, first and foremost, do they provide value to our citizens?” Ritter says. “Do they have high paying jobs? Do they participate in the community?”

While corporations selected will definitely provide employment opportunities for current citizens in the workforce, the EDC also considers future workforce potential.

“We don’t want to lose our De Soto graduates to larger cities. We want our families to come back here, have quality jobs, and continued quality educations,” Ritter says.

The Logistics

Once it’s been determined that a business could be a beneficial addition to the economic landscape, it’s time to consider logistics.

“We need to make sure we have the infrastructure. We have to evaluate whether we have the land, the water capacity, and the (electrical requirements),” Ritter says. “Electric is a big discussion right now because Panasonic requires a massive amount of electricity.”

Though electricity is a current discussion for De Soto, acreage and water capacity are in abundance, so the EDC sees a number of projects for which De Soto might be the only option for Kansas.

Astra Enterprise Park, formerly known as the Sunflower Ammunition Plant, covers more than 9,000 acres and is home to the City’s water treatment facility and the Panasonic battery manufacturing facility.

“There are a lot of projects that Astra is the only possible area in the state of Kansas that a project could be submitted to, based on the acreage and the city’s water treatment facility, which sits on Astra. Water and land are not typically an issue for us like it might be in other business parks around Kansas,” Ritter says.

De Soto Mayor Rick Walker also understands the value of the ammunition plant turned business park.

“We are excited to see the former ammunition plant being transformed into a manufacturing and job center, which will help bring much needed jobs to our community and contribute to the growth of the middle class,” he says.

If all the boxes have been checked up to this the point—value to the community, adequate land, adequate water, adequate electricity—then it’s time to look at the final step.

The potential business and the City begin discussion around construction timelines. The two entities must agree on a timeline that is mutually beneficial for both. Then, finally, if all the stars align, a new business venture begins in De Soto.

More Potential

Though the public eye has certainly been on Astra Enterprise Park in recent months, Flint Commerce Center shows just as much potential. The center, located on 103rd Street and Edgerton Road, holds 4.7 million square feet of industrial space. The Flint property is a rarity, as it sits on two interchanges.

“Initially, before Astra had come into the picture, the goal was more towards manufacturing,” Ritter says. “The City provided a bit more of an incentive for Flint to bring in manufacturers and less of an incentive for logistics (third-party fulfillment providers that offer order processing and services like warehousing, picking, packing, and shipping). We’ve all come to realize that, since COVID, our supply chain is a critical part of creating functioning and stable manufacturing companies. So, I expect that we’ll see some logistics and hopefully more manufacturing.”

Ritter continues, “Flint Commerce Center has the capability of holding four 1-million-square-foot buildings, and just under 10 acres of the center will be used for retail. I see a lot of possibilities for the property.”

The acquisition of the property wasn’t without challenges. According to Ritter, even before the land became available, the Chamber board knew it would be a wise investment. A pause had to be put on the plans because the infrastructure was going to be such a large undertaking. The Chamber put the property under contract to hold it and then worked with a developer who had the same vison as the governing body, the Chamber, and the EDC.

“Our proactive approach in encouraging economic development has been a strength, and the fact that everybody has been on the same page working cohesively at all levels from the State to regional partners to the City gives us the best opportunity for economic growth,” Ritter says.

10 2023–2024 EDC

Helping the Housing Growth

With all of the residential growth in the area, De Soto has formed a Housing Development Committee to help all transitions be as smooth and beneficial as possible.

The committee consists of several members from the City Council and the Planning Commission. In conjunction with the De Soto Chamber of Commerce and the EDC, the Housing Development Committee worked to obtain the 80 acres across from Astra Enterprise Park, which they will then connect with residential developers. When complete, the project will total $135 million of capital investment.

In response to concerns regarding the new housing plans, Ritter says, “We want the community to know that everything that has been done at the city level has been a joint effort as directed by the City’s Strategic Plan.”

To assist with this effort and to encourage continued transparency, the City has retained the services of Shockey Consulting and Mays Communications. The consulting firms will aid the community in transitioning through these periods of growth. In part, the firms have conducted (and will conduct) polls in which the community will have the opportunity to provide input. It’s the goal of all involved to continue transparency by letting the community know what is being done and why.

Ritter understands it can be difficult for longtime citizens to see so many changes.

“It will reshape the community, but our values will still be the same,” she says.

Ritter encourages all De Soto residents to join the official City of De Soto Government Facebook page, as well as the De Soto Chamber of Commerce page for accurate and upto-date information.

2023–2024 11 EDC
Arbor Ridge continues to add houses to the development, all in anticipation of new De Soto residents.


32905 W. 84TH ST., P.O. BOX 70 DE SOTO, KS 66018 | 913-583-1585 desotoksedc.org

In the Business of TLC

In addition to manufacturing and logistics corporations, De Soto is also experiencing growth in the TLC (Tender Loving Care) business in the form of a new veterinary clinic and an urgent care facility.

The De Soto Veterinary Clinic has been a long-standing business in the community, but a new veterinarian and a boost in business led to needs that couldn’t be met by the old facility. Enter the De Soto Chamber of Commerce and the EDC. After being contacted by the clinic, the Chamber was able to help the clinic secure land owned by the city for a new facility. However, the acreage was a bit bigger than the clinic needed. Local developer Dustin Baker with Alcove Developing also had an interest.

“Alcove and the veterinary clinic partnered together, and it worked out fantastically. The layout is beautiful,” Ritter says.

When complete, the 5,000-square-foot facility will consist of two stories. The upper loft area will house students from Kansas

State University who complete their practicum work at the clinic during the summer. Other opportunities for commercial or possible residential growth are offered, as well, with an anticipated opening date in early 2024.

Dustin Baker and Alcove Developing have also been instrumental in a new urgent care center. The 7,000-square-foot building will be located on Lexington Avenue. The area behind the center will be developed into large, duplex-style housing that will lead into the De Meadows neighborhood.

From economic growth to residential expansion, retail additions, and medical services, De Soto appears to be on a constant cycle of growth and change.

John F. Kennedy once said, “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”

If change is the law of life, then the community of De Soto is made up of stringent law-abiding citizens. And, as for the future, De Soto is not missing a beat.

12 2023–2024 EDC

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Real World Learning in Real Time

USD 232 partners with local businesses to cultivate tomorrow’s workforce.

14 2023–2024 SCHOOLS
The district’s two high schools— De Soto High and Mill Valley High—aim to help students gain real-world experience even before graduation.

“But when will I ever use this in real life?”

The sentiment echoes through school hallways nationwide as students shuffle from trigonometry class to English. While the math and English teachers know the practical applications, it can be a tough sell for teenagers. But the state of Kansas is subtly integrating more readily applicable benchmarks in the educational system, and De Soto’s Unified School District 232 is ahead of the curve by partnering with the Real World Learning program.

The Real World Learning program is sponsored by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, presently with more than 80,000 participating students across 30 districts. The program aims to cultivate at least one ‘market-value asset’ for each student by 2030. To do that, the program connects local employers with schools. These connections yield class projects with real impact, internships, and on-the-job learning opportunities to help cultivate well-rounded, job-ready graduates, whether they pursue higher education, launch their own businesses, or go directly into the workforce.

Kevin Jeffries is the Real-World Learning Business to Education coordinator for USD 232. He says, unlike some pre-professional programs, the Real World Learning program integrates into every student’s educational journey through class projects and internships at the high school level. Rather than simply funnel students into jobs, the program is customizable to allow students to earn college credit, get work experience, and get a feel for what career they might want to pursue.

“What we’re trying to do through the program is develop what some people call soft skills,” Jeffries says. “How do (students) communicate what they learned in class? How well do they communicate with their co-workers, offering ideas, being an

active part of the workforce? Are they creative problem solvers?”

The district’s main focus so far has been securing internships, many of which take place during school hours and on clientconnected projects. Client-connected projects are often integrated into regular classes, like English, Accounting, Marketing or Graphic Design. The students work together to complete a project for a local company, whether it’s an advertising campaign, product design, or human resources project.

The program highlights four market-value assets:

• Work experience through internships and part-time employment

• Entrepreneurship through developing business ideas that are theoretically pitched to investors

• College credit with nine hours or more of college-level credit toward an accredited degree program

• Industry credentials such as OSHA10

Although the Real World Learning program debuted in the Kansas City region three years ago, Jeffries says USD 232 started the program in the 2022-23 school year. He says every project and internship has been a success in one way or another.

A large healthcare system worked with a group of students on a graphic design project for the holidays. One student stood out to the client, and they praised her gifted eye for design. That student is now working on redesigning a logo for one of the USD 232 middle schools. Jeffries says this outside affirmation of the student’s skills was a shot of confidence when it’s most important.

Conversely, some internships reveal what students don’t want to do with their lives. “We’ve had a couple of students that have done internships with local companies,” Jeffries says. “Some of the students came back and said the work wasn’t what they thought it would be.”

2023–2024 15 SCHOOLS
Cedar Trails Exploration Center allows students to catch a glimpse of a number of possible career paths.

A Changing of the Guard

After 30 years of devotion to education, Frank Harwood, Ed.D., announced his retirement as superintendent of USD 232 last October and finished his duties at the end of the 2022–23 school year. Harwood served the district for seven years, ushering in an era of missiondriven focus, resulting in the Pathways course and the successful passage of a bond issue that benefited more than 38 different projects.

In March 2023, the district introduced the district’s next leader, Cory Gibson, Ed.D. Gibson will assume superintendent duties July 1. Gibson, a native Kansan, brings decades of experience to the role—he has served in every educational capacity, from maintenance director to teacher to principal to superintendent. In 2020, he earned praise as Kansas Superintendent of the Year.

For More

USD 232 35200 W. 91ST ST., DE SOTO, KS 66018 913-667-6200 | WWW.USD232.ORG CEDAR TRAILS EXPLORATION CENTER 8201 MIZE BLVD., LENEXA, KS 66227 913-667-1820 | WWW.USD232.ORG/CTEC
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Frank Hardwood Cory Gibson
Students at De Soto High School and Mill Valley High have a wide range of opportunities for internships, apprenticeships, and on-the-job training. You can count on our care. olathehealth.org 913-782-2224 Make an appointment online 24/7 or call us today. TWO LOCATIONS 13420 Briar Dr. Suite C Leawood, KS 66209 913.484.7632 33255 Lexington Ave. Suite A De Soto, KS 66018 913.585.9844 All therapists certified in the Graston Technique™ NOW OFFERING: Dry Needling and Pelvic Health PT in Leawood and De Soto offices 2023–2024 SCHOOLS 17


Road to Entrepreneurship

Jeffries says the only component missing now is entrepreneurship, but he expects the district will be able to involve that soon. There are opportunities to grow with a student-run coffee shop on campus and a spirit-wear store.

So far, the district has engaged with more than 40 partners through the program in the form of internships, guest speakers, and career days for middle and high school students. Partners have included Quest Diagnostics, AdventHealth, AAA Party Rental, and EvapTech.

Millie Laughlin, a bioscience instructor at the Cedar Trails Exploration Center (CTEC), says that despite some challenges, she and her students have enjoyed working within the new format. CTEC, which opened two years ago, shares the mission and methodology of Real World Learning, with a focus on bioscience, design, and emerging technologies.

“I’ve been teaching for 30 years and I’ve taught at different schools, but teaching at the CTEC facility is different,” Laughlin says. “Students are not only exploring the work in their fields of interest, but also exploring different careers—it’s incredible. It really gives them a great picture of what their future can hold before they graduate from high school.”

Public Water Supplier serving

Since most lab and bioscience jobs or internships require participants to be 18, Laughlin has found ways to give real world insight with site visits and guest speakers. CTEC bioscience students have visited Merck, Hangar Fabrication, and the medical examiner’s office to experience autopsies and forensic science, as well as completed job shadowing in various fields.

For industries where age isn’t an issue, Laughlin and her peers are finding opportunities to put students in the driver’s seat. One of her students landed an internship at the Johnson County Water Quality facility after taking a course in biotechnical engineering. Another student is an intern at Quest Diagnostics. Both students have enjoyed the hands-on experience in industries that may define the course of their future careers.

Jeffries is thrilled at the progress the Real World Learning partnership is fostering—the district is currently building capacity for more students into their programming. With new businesses making De Soto home, the district’s leadership is excited to help students enter the workforce with viable skills and a roadmap to success.

“Every one of our employers that’s seen these students out in the workforce has been impressed by how much they know,” Jeffries says. “We’re looking at career paths for these students, whether that’s photography or theater or science, and figuring out how we can better prepare them for the future.”

Learn more about Real World Learning at https:// realworldlearning.org.

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18 2023–2024 SCHOOLS
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A Rising Need for Housing

De Soto developers join efforts to increase options for new workers.

20 2023–2024 CITY

After the July 2022 announcement that Panasonic will build a $4 billion plant in De Soto to make electric vehicle batteries for Tesla, the small city prepared for significant growth that includes about 4,000 new job opportunities.

“The Kansas City region, just as it has over the past century, is cementing its rightful place as a leader where transit innovation is occurring,” said Tim Cowden, president and CEO, Kansas City Area Development Council, in a Panasonic press release at the time. “We are incredibly proud to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Panasonic as they revolutionize the global transportation industry from the center of the most dynamic economy in the world.”

To accommodate the increase in jobs, the City is responding to a surge in demand for housing with new residential projects across town.

Expanded Opportunities

“Panasonic deeply values the strong relationships we build with the local communities where we live and work,” said Megan Myungwon Lee, chairwoman and CEO, Panasonic Corp. of North America, in the Panasonic press release. “This factory will open new career opportunities for De Soto residents in one of the most exciting industries in our modern economy. We hope it will also serve as a source of inspiration for the community’s young people, who will become the innovators creating a more vibrant and sustainable future, and we are committed to helping them achieve their goals.”

To further those goals in supporting the community, the company has made an initial $25,000 donation to the local school district, USD 232, to support student education.

“The City of De Soto is thrilled to work with Panasonic and welcome them to our amazing community,” said Mayor Rick Walker in the press release. “De Soto has a rich history of supporting critical manufacturing facilities and we have been planning for this growth and the return of advanced manufacturing jobs to this area for years. We’re especially excited for the opportunity to invest in the renewable energy industry and provide strong jobs for generations to come.”

Residential Properties

Sara Ritter, president of the De Soto Chamber of Commerce/ EDC, says that once Panasonic made the announcement, “The main discussion became the fact that we needed housing to accommodate some of the workforce.”

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Friendly, People, Neighbors: Surveying De Soto

Growth is ahead for De Soto. With the muchanticipated Panasonic plant estimated to open in 2025, De Soto has its eye on building out the community landscape. Toward that end, the City of De Soto has partnered with the survey specialists at ETC Institute to gauge residents’ allaround satisfaction with the city and gain a deeper understanding of the community’s priorities. The survey was provided to all De Soto households in the fall of 2022 and received hundreds of responses.

The results are in, and the feedback is positive: De Soto rated significantly above the national average in 23 of the 34 service areas assessed, with an overwhelming 85% of De Soto citizens recommending the city as a terrific place to call home—35% higher than the national average.

In the survey, residents defined “small-town” with the words “friendly,” “people,” and “neighbors,” and expressed their love for the small-town intimacy as one of the highlights of life in De Soto—a sentiment reflecting the profound sense of community that defines the city.

Flying Colors

Citizens gave top marks in the following areas, indicating either “satisfied” or “very satisfied.”

Quality of Life

• Feeling of safety: 86%

• Terrific place to raise children: 86%

• Quality of public schools: 82%

• Quality of life: 80%

City Services

• City employees are always or usually courteous: 89%

• Ease of getting in touch with staff: 85%

• Customer service from employees: 75%

• Quality of services provided: 74%

Talking Shop

De Sotoans voted on the retail shops they’d most like to see touch down in De Soto. (And there’s a dark horse! The most popular write-in was cast for a hardware store.)

• Food services, including restaurants, bars, and specialty grocers

• Health and personal care shops

• Wellness outfitters, including fitness centers, dance and yoga studios, and martial arts gyms

City Priorities

Based on community feedback, the city will focus on refurbishing areas needed for the ongoing progress of the community.

• Planning and community development: anticipating growth and using land strategically

• Wastewater and utilities: upgrading operations and ease of use

• Street maintenance: improving infrastructure for snow removal, cleanliness, and mowing/trimming

• Communication: continuing a transparent and open dialogue between city officials and the community

“I’m encouraged by the overall high level of satisfaction,” says Mike Brungardt, De Soto city administrator. “We know the recent announcement of the Panasonic plant has residents focused on planning and communication. We look forward to using the survey to help us continue to improve service delivery and allocate resources effectively.” The community survey is an important stepping stone that goes hand in hand with the Design De Soto initiative, the city’s strategic development plan. Keep your eyes on the horizon as De Soto blueprints its future.

22 2023–2024 CITY
PIZZA PASTA CALZONE SOUP 33031 W. 83rd St. De Soto, KS 66018 913-586-5141 www.kjspizzeria.com Lunch Pizza Slices M-F til 1:30PM Dine-in & Carry Out Tuesday-Wednesday 11am-8pm Thursday-Saturday 11am-9pm Sunday Noon-8pm HOMEMADE, LOCAL HIGH QUALITY FRESH INGREDIENTS
9200 Kill Creek Road, De Soto, KS 66018 913.585.4229 Retirement Dinners • Award Celebrations Milestone Anniversaries • Retreats Teambuilding
Now Booking Corporate Events

Dustin Baker, a developer with Alcove Development, says Arbor Ridge will fill the need for a variety of housing options, with homes that range from just above $400,000 to slightly below $600,000. With 63 single-family lots, Arbor Ridge is in the third phase of construction and plans to open more phases in the future.

“We’re providing a nice offering of homes with varying price points as well as floor plans. Arbor Ridge is a place for all generations, whether someone is looking to raise a family, wanting a place to retire, or something in-between. Located on the east side of town, there’s easy access to K-10, nice sidewalks, fantastic schools, and a great De Soto community.”

In addition to the housing, Alcove Development plans to proceed with a 7,000 square foot office building that will include an urgent-care center.

“They’re also looking for other types of medical groups for the area, and (Alcove is) building duplexes that will lead straight straight into De Meadows. So there’s this progression of medical facilities, a veterinary clinic, the duplexes, and then homes that will all serve the area,” Ritter says.

All of these changes bring growth to De Soto as a whole, small businesses included. In addition to the expanded veterinary clinic, Ritter says the new housing also will help small businesses such as grocery stores and restaurants.

“It’s really exciting for us as we watch some of the areas that were closed or not being utilized being resurrected with the new development,” she says.

Ritter says a “top-notch housing planner,” Marty Shukert with RDG Planning Design’s Omaha office, has visited twice, emphasizing three keys to expanding residential areas: housing, affordability, and walkability.

“So those were some of the things we took into consideration,” Ritter says.

While Panasonic’s move to De Soto is “absolutely historically groundbreaking in Kansas,” Ritter says, “we have to remember that there are other opportunities out there too. We can work with our existing businesses to get them connected with Panasonic—then they’ll need employees. It’s a matter of connecting existing businesses with the future businesses and trying to be cohesive and figure out if we have enough housing.

“It’s an exciting time for our community,” she says.

De Soto values

The opening of the Panasonic facility has brought new energy and excitement to De Soto, and the addition of these new residential projects can only increase the city’s appeal. De Soto has always had a strong sense of community and pride, and these new developments are strengthening that bond. With modern amenities, convenient locations, and attractive designs, these new housing developments are sure to become popular choices for existing citizens and for those looking to call De Soto home.

Ritter says it’s important to keep the city’s values, even during growth.

“The growth was coming our way … We could either embrace it and stay ahead of it—and get something we wanted as a result—or let it overtake us. I think it’s our values that will sustain our community, now and into the future.”

ForthefullPanasonicpressreleasefromJuly2022,gotohttps:// na.panasonic.com/us/news/panasonic-energy-breaks-ground-evbattery-factory-kansas

24 2023–2024 CITY
Alcove Development is also planning additional housing east of the new Veterinary Clinic.
De Soto’s Own Custom Foods, Inc. is Here to Support Your Fundraising Needs Your Recipe, Our Passion, Perfect Every Time customfoodsinc.com At Employee Benefit Partners, we specialize in matching a customized employee benefit plan package to the needs of each of our clients. www.ebpmidwest.com 5750 W. 95th St., Ste 120 Overland Park, KS 66207 Anthony V. Leardi 913.948.7502 To schedule a commitment-free consulation, please email anthony@ebpop.com Major Medical • Dental • Vision • Disability • Critical Illness • Accident & Life SERVING THE MIDWEST FOR OVER 31 YEARS www.mccraylumber.com Proudly Serving the Greater Kansas City Area for Over 75 Years! Lawrence • Edwardsville • Olathe Fairfax • Liberty • Topeka

De Soto chamber of commerce board of directors

32905 W. 84th Street P.O. Box 70, De Soto, KS 66018 913.583.1585 www.desotoks.org BECOME A DE SOTO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBER Chamber members enjoy a wide array of benefits, business assistance, networking opportunities, and other local competitive advantages. As a business leader and De Soto Chamber of Commerce member, you can create valuable opportunities to expand visibility and awareness for your organization. Thank you for your support!
things are happening at your Chamber of Commerce, and we could not do it without your help and investment.
Kill Creek Kill Creek 10 6 LexingtonAve LexingtonAve W 103rd St KillCreek Rd Pe oria St W 83rd St PennerAve W 84th St Ott awa St 2 W 85th St W 82th St High St W 83rd St Lak ev iew Dr W 87th St T imber Tr ails Dr PrimroseSt Ka w Av e W79thSt Commer ce Dr W 90th Cir W88thSt W 89th St Oak Country Ln W 91st W 95th St W 103rd St Spoon Cr eek Rd Sunfl ower Rd CLEARVIEW CITY RV TY Y W C V E LEAAR W 91st St 3 1 2 4 5 15 9 10 16 17 11 7 18 12 13 14 8 out about in de soto
Kansas River Cedar Cree k CampCreek 10 10 W 83rd St eek Rd Kill Cr eek Rd W 89th St W 82th St Wa verly Rd W 87th St Corliss Rd Corliss Rd W 79th St Gar dner Rd Gar dner Rd Cedar Cr eek Rd W 95th St Wa verly Rd W 98th St W 99th St
OAK MANOR ESTATES 1 Miller Memorial Park / Miller Park Ballfield 2 Kill Creek Streamway Dog Park 3 Lexington Lake Park 4 Oak Country Golf Course 5 De Soto Cemetery 6 Gathering Place Memorial Marker 7 Riverfest Park 8 GreatLife Golf Course at Burning Tree 9 Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #6654 10 Chamber of Commerce 11 United States Postal Service 12 City Hall & Building Inspector/Code Office 13 Public Library 14 Fire Department 15 De Soto High School 16 Lexington Trails Middle School 17 Starside Elementary 18 USD 232 Admin Office De Soto, KS PARKS SCHOOLS COMMUNITY


248.73 people per

Housing Value

$279,900 median value of owneroccupied housing units

1,538 single unit structures

1,491 owner occupied

under 18 years old (40.3%)

Median Household Income percentages of MSA and County

Median Household Income $60,625

Percent of Kansas City MSA 82%

Percent of U.S. 87%

2021 Building Stats

new single family residences permits

33 De Soto

nonresidential construction $16,188,527.71

USD 232/De Soto

School District

7, 340 Students 12 Schools


De Soto continues to have a very low crime rate compared to surrounding cities. Crime Index De

De Soto estimate is provided by JoCo Sheriff, which reports for all areas in county.


2,257 number of households

2.7 people per household

$878 average rent

97% Graduation Rate A+

Soto 10% Johnson County (all) 19% Kansas 25%
Economic Profile DE SOTO, KS population of De Soto
Best School Districts in Kansas by Niche
18-64 (49.9%) 65+ years old (9.8%) median
12th fastest growing city in Kansas 2010-2019 34.9
Age Characteristics
mile 25.65 sq. miles
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communitysnapshots 32 2023–2024
2023–2024 33


Accounting and Tax Services

Bates Tax Service

Jamie Bates

107 W. 2nd St. Bonner Springs, KS 66012 jamie@batestaxservice.com



Jennifer R. Chick, CPA

9085 Waverly Road De Soto, KS 66018 jennifer@jrctax.com


Advertising Specialists

A.R.S. Designs

Ange Klein

5250 Apache Court Shawnee, KS 66226 angerk1@aol.com


Branding Stop

Carrie Peterson

8330 Nieman Road Lenexa, KS 66214 carrie@brandingstop.com


Advertising/Marketing Firms

Strategy LLC

Josh Proctor

16500 Indian Creek Parkway, Suite 108 Olathe, KS 66062



Aggregate/Rock Quarry/Sand

HAMM Companies

Jeff Hamm

609 Perry Place Perry, KS 66073



Kaw Sand

Dave Penny

P.O. Box 9

Lawrence, KS 66044


Martin Marietta Materials

Tony Flohrschutz

P.O. Box 715

De Soto, KS 66018 tony.flohrschutz@martinmarietta.com


Agritourism/Agri Entertainment

Barn at Kill Creek Farm, The Darrel Zimmerman

34055 W. 86th Terrace De Soto, KS 66018 thebarnatkillcreekfarm@gmail.com


Bowlin Family Farms

Steve Bowlin 31915 W. 115th Olathe, KS 66061 steve@bowlinfarms.net


Patriot Ranch LLC

Craig Storck 29800 W. 127th St. Olathe, KS 66061 cwstorck@gmail.com


Timber Hills Lake Ranch

John Bickimer

8997 Commerce Drive De Soto, KS 66018



Architects/Engineers/ Environmental Services

Adams Architects LLC

Lance Adams

700 Massachusetts St., Suite 307 Lawrence, KS 66044 lance.adams@adamsarchs.com



Kevin Honomichl

7101 College Blvd., Suite 400 Overland Park, KS 66210 kevin.honomichl@ibhc.com


Cook, Flatt & Strobel, Engineers, P.A.

Aaron Gaspers

1421 E. 104th St., Suite 100 Kansas City, MO 64131



DLR Group

Rachel Treanor

7290 W. 133rd St Overland Park, KS 66213



George Butler Associates Inc.

Jim Jarrett

9801 Renner Blvd., Suite 300 Lenexa, KS 66219



HDR Inc.

Joseph Drimmel, PE, SVP

10450 Holmes Road, Suite 600 Kansas City, MO 64131



Assisted Living Facilities

Hillside Village of De Soto

Mike Egan

33600 W. 85th St. De Soto, KS 66018



913-583-1260 x 116

Homestead of Eudora

Dawn Hill

2725 Church St.

Eudora, KS 66025



Associate Member

Shirley Allenbrand Commissioner District 6 111 S. Cherry St., Suite 3300

Olathe, KS 66061




Attorney/Legal Services

Duggan, Shadwick, Doerr & Kurlbaum

David Ballew

9101 W. 110th St., Suite 200 Overland Park, KS 66210



Matthew S. Gough, Attorney at Law

Matt Gough

1211 Massachusetts Lawrence, KS 66044 mgough@barberemerson.com



Judy Hunt 900 W. 48th Place, Suite 900 Kansas City, MO 64112



Auto/Fuel/Automotive Parts

De Soto Auto Parts

Mike Woods

33530 Lexington Ave.

De Soto, KS 66018 desotoautoparts@gmail.com


Automobile Dealerships

Crown Toyota Volkswagen of Lawrence

Lacie Ludolph 3430 Iowa St. Lawrence, KS 66046 lludolph@crownautomotive.com


De Soto Auto Sales

Chris Watkins 33500 Lexington Ave. De Soto, KS 66018 sales@desotoautosalesks.com



Bison State Bank

Travis Tjaden

9201 Ward Parkway, Suite 210 Kansas City MO 64114



Central National Bank

Brett Wicker

3140 Nieder Road Lawrence, KS 66046 brettw@centralnational.com


Country Club Bank

Tim Rhodes

21911 W. 66th St. Shawnee, KS 66226 trhodes@countryclubbank.com


Country Club Bank - Olathe College

Bethaney Finn 23600 College Blvd. Olathe,KS 66061 bfinn@countryclubbank.com


Emprise Bank

Cindy Yulich

1121 Wakarusa Drive Lawrence KS 66049 yulich@emprisebank.com


First National Bank of Omaha

Brian Smith 4650 College Blvd. Overland Park, KS 66211



Great American Bank

Brenda O’Keefe

33050 W. 83rd St., P.O. Box 429 De Soto, KS 66018



Great Southern Bank

Lauren Vogeler

34102 W. Commerce Drive, Suite A P.O. Box S

De Soto, KS 66018



Intrust Bank

Brandon Young 901 Vermont St. Lawrence, KS 66044 brandon.young@intrustbank.com


TriCentury Bank

Travis Hicks 33485 Lexington Ave., P.O. Box 329 De Soto, KS 66018



Business Consulting Services

Strategy LLC

Josh Proctor 16500 Indian Creek Parkway, Suite 104 Olathe, KS 66062



Business Security Products and Services

Smart Pro KC

Cary Shiner 9660 Legler Road

Lenexa, KS 66219



Car Wash

De Soto Car Wash

John Flegler 33520 Lexington Ave. De Soto, KS 66018





Career Ownership Coach

Entrepreneur’s Source, The

Sara Roy

30945 Explorer’s Trail

De Soto, KS 66018




De Soto Chiropractic

Don Reith, PA

33255 Lexington Ave., Suite B

De Soto, KS 66018 desotokschiro@gmail.com



Bridge Church

Seth Budimlija

33490 Lexington Ave., Suite D

De Soto, KS 66018 seth@bridgechurchkc.com


Cause Coffee/De Soto Youth Ministries

Tara Stuckey/Donna Wilting

33180 W. 83rd St., P.O. Box 545

De Soto, KS 66018



Clearview Baptist Church

Pastor Joshua Turk

35800 W. 102nd St.

De Soto KS 66018



De Soto Baptist Church

The Rev. Richard Copeland

8655 Copeland Way, P.O. Box E De Soto, KS 66018 desotobaptistkschurch@gmail.com


De Soto United Methodist Church

Rev. Young Je Kim

8760 Kill Creek Road, P.O. Box 400

De Soto, KS 66018



Faith Builders International Inc.

Pastors Philip & Michelle Steele

8390 Peoria St., P.O. Box 452 De Soto, KS 66018 main@buildfaith.net


Light of the World Lutheran Church

Pastor Bert Tegtmeier norbert.tegtmeier1953@gmail.com


Reach Church

Ryan McDaniel

33085 W. 83rd St., P.O. Box 682 De Soto, KS 66018 rmcdaniel@reachdesoto.com


Cigar Lounge Ritter Cigar Co.

Kevin Ritter

9170 Lexington Ave. De Soto, KS 66018 info@rittercigar.com


Civic/Nonprofit Organization

Barn at Kill Creek Farm, The

Darrel Zimmerman

34055 W. 86th Terrace De Soto, KS 66018 thebarnatkillcreekfarm@gmail.com


De Soto Arts Council

Leanna Donald 32905 W. 84th Street, P.O. Box 501 De Soto, KS 66018 desotoartsks@gmail.com


De Soto Days Festival Inc.

Rhonda Patterson or Jaime Church

P.O. Box 188

De Soto, KS 66018




De Soto Rotary Club

Berry Zimmerman

P.O. Box 363

De Soto, KS 66018



Goodcents Foundation

John Bickimer

8997 Commerce Drive

De Soto KS 66018



VFW Post #6654 - Linden-Tripkos

David Cuba

33725 W. 84th

De Soto, KS 66018



Coffee Shop

Cause Coffee/De Soto Youth Ministries

Tara Stuckey/Donna Wilting

33180 W. 83rd St., P.O. Box 545

De Soto, KS 66018



Commercial Park and Playground Equipment

AB Creative Tanner McNamara

33160 W. 83rd St.

De Soto, KS 66018



Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

Watkins and Partners LLC

Rick Watkins

917 E. 1264 Road

Lawrence, KS 66047





Mays Communications

Nancy Mays

2114 W. 51st St. Mission Woods, KS nancy@mayscomm.com


Computer POS


John Bickimer

8997 Commerce Drive De Soto, KS 66018



Computer Technicians/ Consultants

Strategy LLC

Josh Proctor

16500 Indian Creek Parkway, Suite 108 Olathe, KS 66062 josh.proctor@strategynewmedia.com


Tech Wyze Inc.

Robert Daniels

22121 W. 83rd St. Shawnee, KS 66227 rob@techwyze.com


Concrete Services

Freedom Concrete LLC

Mark Rawie

32565 Lexington Ave., Suite C

P.O. Box 731

De Soto, KS 66018



Hicks Classic Concrete Inc.

Jim Hicks

1105 Lawrence Ave. Lawrence, KS 66049 hclassiconcrete@hotmail.com


Midwest Concrete Materials Inc.

Caitlin Deason

3645 E. 23rd St. Lawrence, KS 66046 caitlin.deason@midwestconcrete materials.com


Contractors/Construction/ Site Construction

Arbor Ridge - New Home Community

Cole Coombs and Angie Scavuzzo

8511 Laramie St. De Soto, KS 66018 arborridgeks@gmail.com


ATEC Services

Katie Lewis

P.O. Box 261 Eudora, KS 66025 katie@atecservices.org


AU Construction LLC

Eric Wagner 3200 Haskell Lane, Suite 140 Lawrence, KS 3789 eric@au-construction.com


Diversified Inc.

Vanessa Weathers 33490 Lexington Ave., Suite B De Soto, KS 66018 diversifiedservicesks@gmail.com


Drywall Masters

Dewayne Spiess

10300 Waverly Road De Soto, KS 66018



Emery Sapp & Sons

Eric Mann

140 Walnut St., #101 Kansas City, MO 64106 eric.mann@emerysapp.com


Freedom Concrete LLC

Mark Rawie

32565 Lexington Ave., Suite C P.O. Box 731 De Soto, KS 66018 mark@freedomconcrete1.com


George J. Shaw Construction Co.

Travis Hachmeister

1601 Bellefontaine Ave. Kansas City, MO 64127



KBS Constructors Inc.

Dave Anderson

14955 W. 117th Olathe, KS 66062



Kissick Construction

Pete Browne

8131 Indiana Ave. Kansas City, MO 64132



LDR Construction

Todd Manson P.O. Box 638

De Soto, KS 66018



Manning Construction

Tom Manning

1708 E. 123rd St. Olathe, KS 66061



Martin Underground

Jeff Martin

5401 Raytown Road

Raytown, MO 64133



MG Construction LLC

Mark and Natalie Gulley

30495 W. 95th St.

De Soto, KS 66018



Spiess Custom Homes LLC

Dewayne Spiess

10300 Waverly Road

De Soto, KS 66018





Turner Construction Co.

Andy Heitmann

1220 Washington St., Suite 100 Kansas City, MO 64105 ajheitmann@tcco.com


Williams Management LLC

Adam Williams 1760 E. 1100 Road

Lawrence, KS 66049 awill77@hotmail.com


Yates Construction

Matt McCool

115 Main St. Biloxi MS 39530 mmccool@wgyates.com



The Anderson Group

Dave Anderson 9152 Shorewood Drive

De Soto, KS 66018, davidranderson74@gmail.com


Dunkel & Co. LLC

Jessica Dunkel

30775 Explorer’s Trail De Soto, KS 66018 jess.dunkel@gmail.com


Integrity Performance Group

Shawna Callies

33490 Lexington Ave. De Soto, KS 66018 shawna.integrityhomeandoffice@gmail.com


Consultation and Corporate Support Services

Actalent Services

Libby Abbruzzese

7045 College Blvd., Suite 650 Overland Park, KS 66211 jdietz@actalentservices.com


Convenience Store/Gas Station


Connie Philippeit 34040 Commerce Drive

De Soto, KS 66018




Mary Kay Cosmetics

Jill Davis 36390 W. 95th St. De Soto, KS 66018 jilldavishome@yahoo.com


Countertop Installation/ Contractor

Granite Express LLC

Herminio Montoya

224 Santa Fe Road Bonner Springs, KS 66012 hermangranite@hotmail.com


Credit Card Processing/ Merchant Services


Troy Wilson

7138 Halsey Drive Shawnee, KS 66216 troy@merchantguy.com


Credit Union

Azura Credit Union

Kelli Gamel

8550 Quivira Road Lenexa, KS 66025 kelli.gamel@azuracu.com



C.H. Klestinske, DDS

Charles Klestinske

32980 W. 83rd St., P.O. Box 418 De Soto, KS 66018




Alcove Development

Dustin Baker

P.O. Box 3789

Lawrence, KS 66046



Flint Development Hunter Harris

3515 W. 75th St. Prairie Village, KS 66208



Flint Development - Residential Kale Joyce

3515 W. 75th St. Prairie Village KS 66208



Grata LLC

Travis Schram

6300 W. 143rd St., Suite 200 Overland Park, KS 66223



Heck Land Co.

Brian Pine

3200 Haskell Lane, Suite 130

Lawrence, KS 66046



HIKE Properties, c/o Lawrence Property Management

Travis Hicks

4205 W. Sixth St., Suite B

Lawrence, KS 66049



Spiess Custom Homes LLC

Dewayne Spiess

10300 Waverly Road

De Soto, KS 66018



Sunflower Solar Project LLC

Brianna Baca

422 Admiral Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64106




WorkHub USA

Ron Allen

324 Main St. Sabetha, KS 66534 ron@workhubusa.com


Dumpster Rental

Mid America Dumpsters

Cody Roberts

9720 Lexington Ave. De Soto, KS 66018 cody@kcdump.com



Johnson County Community College

Liz Albers

12345 College Blvd. Overland Park, KS 66210 ealbers4@jccc.edu

913-469-8500 (main)


Larry Price 3540 Valleyview St. De Soto, KS 66018 larryprice101216@gmail.com


USD 232

Dr. Cory Gibson 35200 W. 91st St. De Soto, KS 66018 cgibson@usd232.org information@usd232.org acater@usd232.org kjeffries@usd232.org


Embroidery and Screen Printing

A.R.S. Designs

Ange Klein

5250 Apache Court Shawnee, KS 66226 angerk1@aol.com


Branding Stop

Carrie Peterson 8330 Nieman Road Lenexa, KS 66214 carrie@brandingstop.com


Employee Benefit Services

Employee Benefit Partners

Anthony Leardi 5750 W. 95th St., Suite 120 Overland Park, KS 66207 anthony@ebpop.com


Employee Management Software Services

JobMatch Assessment

Kirk Young 1309 N. 129th St., Apt 102 Kansas City, KS 66109



Employment Services

Tri 3 Inc.

Danielle McCoy 8997 Commerce Drive De Soto, KS 66018 dmccoy@tri3inc.com


Workforce Partnership

Roberta Rowland

8535 Bluejacket St. Lenexa, KS 66214




Blanchard AE Group

Laura Blanchard

1425 Wakarusa Dr., Suite B Lawrence, KS 66049



George Butler Associates Inc.

Jim Jarrett

9801 Renner Blvd., Suite 300 Lenexa, KS 66219



Kaw Valley Engineering

Mike Osbourn

14700 W. 114th Terrace

Lenexa, KS 66215



Milburn Civil Engineering

Justin Milburn

33135 W. 83rd St., P.O. Box 585

De Soto, KS 66018



Epoxy Floor Sealing

Seal KC

Kevin White

8745 Golden Lane

De Soto, KS 66018



Equipment Rental

Equipment Share

Cara Christianson

7201 Front St.

Kansas City, MO 64120



Event and Meeting Venues

Barn at Kill Creek Farm, The Darrel Zimmerman

34055 W. 86th Terrace

De Soto, KS 66018



Blue Moose, The Darci Kelley

10064 Woodland Road

Lenexa, KS 66220



Cedar Valley Forest

Jill Jerome

29145 W. 83rd St.

De Soto, KS 66018



JT’s Grill & Sports Bar

Scott Hill

33255 Lexington Ave., Suite C

De Soto, KS 66018





VFW Post #6654 - Linden-Tripkos

David Cuba

33725 W. 84th De Soto, KS 66018



Excavating Services

R.D. Johnson Excavating Co. LLC

Jeff Engroff

1451 N. 1823 Road Lawrence, KS 66044 jeff@sunflowerpaving.com


Fiber Internet

KS FiberNet

Evan Bourn

8201 E. 34th Circle, North Unit 1501 Wichita, KS 67226 ebourn@ksfiber.net


Financial Planning and Investments

Columbia Capital Management LLC

Jeff White

6700 Antioch Road, Suite 250 Overland Park, KS 66204



Country Club Bank

Tim Rhodes

21911 W. 66th St. Shawnee, KS 66226 trhodes@countryclubbank.com


Edward Jones

Andrew Jacober

8960 Commerce Drive, Suite 4A De Soto, KS 66018 andy.jacober@edwardjones.com


Great American Bank

Brenda O’Keefe

33050 W. 83rd St., P.O. Box 429 De Soto, KS 66018 bokeefe@greatambank.com


Great Southern Bank

Lauren Vogeler

34102 W. Commerce Drive, Suite A P.O. Box S De Soto, KS 66018



TriCentury Bank

Travis Hicks

33485 Lexington Ave., P.O. Box 329 De Soto, KS 66018 thicks@tricentury.com


Firearms Dealer

Up In Arms Kansas Ryq Farnow

33490 Lexington Ave., Suite F De Soto, KS 66018



ess Fitness

Great Life Golf & Fitness Denny Hougham

7909 Wyandotte St. and 32905 W. 84th St. De Soto, KS 66018 desoto@greatlifegolf.com


Oak Country Golf Course

Tom Anderson 8800 Scott Drive De Soto, KS 66018 ocountryclub@kc.rr.com


Flooring Services

Gulley’s Carpet

Larry Gulley

P.O. Box 175 De Soto, KS 66018 gulley02000@yahoo.com



Granite Express LLC

Herminio Montoya

224 Santa Fe Road Bonner Springs, KS 66012




Budz Bloomz KC

Tracy Smith

8950 Oak Country Lane

De Soto, KS 66018



Funeral Services And Monuments

Bruce Funeral Home

Shirley Bruce Brown-Van Arsdale P.O. Box 192 Gardner, KS 66030



Furnace Repair

Mechanically Inclined LLC

Jim Harper 14500 Parallel, Suite B Basehor, KS 66007



Garage Condominiums

Carriage Houses of Johnson County

Joseph Nuti 29230 W. 83rd St. De Soto, KS 66018 efnuti@aol.com


Gardening Supplies

De Soto Feed and Garden

Jennifer Heinen

8155 Hadley Road

De Soto, KS 66018



Golf Courses

Great Life Golf & Fitness

Denny Hougham

7909 Wyandotte St. and 32905 W. 84th St. De Soto, KS 66018




Oak Country Golf Course

Tom Anderson

8800 Scott Drive

De Soto, KS 66018 ocountryclub@kc.rr.com



City of De Soto

Mike Brungardt

32905 W. 84th St., P.O. Box C De Soto, KS 66018 mbrungardt@desotoks.us


Johnson County Board of County Commissioners

April Mobley

111 S. Cherry St., Suite 3300 Olathe, KS 66061 april.mobley@jocogov.org


Johnson County LibraryDe Soto Branch

Christian Madrigal

33145 W. 83rd St., P.O. Box 396 De Soto, KS 66018 madrigalc@jocolibrary.org


Johnson County Manager’s Office

Penny Postoak Ferguson

111 S. Cherry St., Suite 3300

Olathe, KS 66061 cmo-adminstaff@jocogov.org


Johnson County Sheriff’s Office

Raquel Walters

27747 W. 159th St. New Century, KS 66031 raquel.walters@jocogov.org


State of Kansas

Senator Beverly Gossage beverly. gossage@senate.ks.gov


State of Kansas

Representative Timothy Johnson timothy.johnson@house.ks.gov


Grocery Store


Connie Philippeit 34040 Commerce Drive De Soto, KS 66018 str249@harpsfood.com


Hair Salon

Shear Images Hair & Nail Studio

Kim Ingalls 34102 Commerce Drive, Suite C De Soto, KS 66018 shearimages66018@gmail.com


Health Care and Wellness


Weston Elder

9100 W. 74th St. Shawnee Mission, KS 66204 weston.elder@adventhealth.com


AdventHealth Primary Care

Sarah Goin Kliewer

8960 Commerce Drive, Suite 4E De Soto, KS 66018 sarah.goinkliewer@adventhealth.com


C.H. Klestinske, DDS

Charles Klestinske

32980 W. 83rd St., P.O. Box 418 De Soto, KS 66018 chkdds1@gmail.com


CBD American Shaman

Nicholas Hower

608 Tulip Drive, Suite G Bonner Springs, KS 66012 wellness@bonnerbotanicals.com


Cedar Creek Pharmacy

Lori Murdock

34040 W. Commerce Drive De Soto, KS 66018



De Soto Chiropractic

Don Reith, PA

33255 Lexington Ave., Suite B De Soto, KS 66018



Marquette Physical Therapy, P.A. Jay Marquette

33255 Lexington Ave., Suite A De Soto, KS 66018



Oasis Nutrition

Sherelle and Mitch Witt

33490 Lexington Ave., Suite A De Soto, KS 66018



Olathe Health

Lacey Kane

20333 W. 151st St. Olathe, KS 66061



Ridgeview Eye Care

Robert Hileman

18208 W. 119th St. Olathe, KS 66061



Heating and Air Conditioning

Harding Heating & Air Conditioning

Jess Harding

19831 W. 97th St. Lenexa, KS 66220



Westerhouse Inc.

Aaron Westerhouse

104 W. 20th, Suite 1

Eudora, KS 66025





Home Builders

Arbor Ridge - New Home Community

Cole Coombs and Angie Scavuzzo

8511 Laramie St. De Soto, KS 66018 arborridgeks@gmail.com


Spiess Custom Homes LLC

Dewayne Spiess

10300 Waverly Road De Soto, KS 66018 dewayne@spiesscustomhomes.com


Williams Management LLC

Adam Williams 1760 E. 1100 Road

Lawrence, KS 66049 awill77@hotmail.com




Weston Elder

9100 W. 74th St.

Shawnee Mission, KS 66204 weston.elder@adventhealth.com


Olathe Health

Lacey Kane

20333 W. 151st St. Olathe, KS 66061 lacey.kane@olathehealth.org



Four Points OlatheTS2 Hospitality

Maddy Martinez

10574 S. Ridgeview Road

Olathe, KS 66061 maddy@ts2hospitality.com


Holiday Inn Express Olathe WestTS2 Hospitality

JonAllen Cocumelli

10360 S. Ridgeview Road

Olathe, KS 66061 owgm@ts2hospitality.com



Path Less Taken Hypnosis, The Tiffany Downing 33065 W. 83rd St. De Soto, KS 66018 tmdowning303@gmail.com


Information Technology

Menlo Inc.

Brad Sandt

1901 McGee St., Suite 200 Kansas City, MO 64108 brad.sandt@menloinc.com



Jacqueline Robertson 8997 Commerce Drive De Soto, KS 66018 jrobertson@profitplus4u.com


Strategy LLC

Josh Proctor

16500 Indian Creek Parkway, Suite 108 Olathe, KS 66062 josh.proctor@strategynewmedia.com


Tech Wyze Inc.

Robert Daniels

22121 W. 83rd St. Shawnee, KS 66227 rob@techwyze.com


Insurance Agencies


Peter Lindstrom

6600 College Blvd., Suite 305 Overland Park, KS 66211 peter_lindstrom@us.aflac.com


American Family Insurance

Julie Coover, Agent 32565 Lexington Ave., Suite B De Soto, KS 66018

12715 W. 87th St. Parkway, Suite 102 Lenexa, KS 66215 jcoover@amfam.com


American Family Insurance

Michelle Hereford, Agent 8160 Parallel Parkway, Suite 102 Kansas City, KS 66112 mherefor@amfam.com


American Family Insurance

Bryan Rapp, Agent 22107 W. 83rd St. Shawnee, KS 66227 brapp@amfam.com


Farm Bureau Financial Services

Anthony Brown 33255 Lexington Ave., Suite F De Soto, KS 66018 anthony.brown@fbfs.com


Integrity Midwest Insurance LLC

Clint Kueffer 2500 W. 31st St., Suite B

Lawrence, KS 66047 clint@integritymw.com


Kansas Preferred Insurance Group

Keith Turnbaugh

34102 W. Commerce Drive, Suite B De Soto, KS 66018 keith@kpigroup.net


Shelter Insurance

Brad Williams 6632 Monticello Road Shawnee, KS 66226



Landscape Architect/ Land Planner

Indigo Design Inc.

Doug Pickert

8593 Timber Trails Drive De Soto, KS 66018 doug@indigoparks.com



Landscaping/Lawn Care

Green with Envy Landscaping

Andrew Davis

30750 W. 84th Terrace

De Soto, KS 66018



Lawrence Landscape

Frank Male

600 Lincoln Lawrence, KS 66044 frank@lawrencelandscape.com


Mowmentum LLC

Corey Davis

36390 W. 95th St. De Soto, KS 66018 mowmentumkc@gmail.com


Pine Landscape Center

Kathy Pine

1783 E. 1500 Road

Lawrence, KS 66044 kathyp@pinelandscape.com


Real Deal Drainage Solutions

Neal Parker 8940 Waverly De Soto, KS 66018 nparker@realdealds.com


Landscaping Supplies

Sod Shop Inc.

Wade Wilbur

1453 N. 1900 Road

Lawrence, KS 66044 wade@sodshops.com


Lawn and Landscape Contractor

Turf Design Inc.

Lindsey Breidenthal or Klarissa Roberts

23770 W. 81st Terrace

Shawnee, KS 66227 kroberts@turfdesigninc.com


Legal Services

Gilmore & Bell, PC

Kevin Wempe

2405 Grand Blvd., Suite 1100 Kansas City, MO 64108




Johnson County LibraryDe Soto Branch

Christian Madrigal

33145 W. 83rd St., P.O. Box 396 De Soto, KS 66018



Liquor Store

Mike’s Liquor

Mike Rogers

9160 Lexington Ave. De Soto, KS 66018 mrogers5@live.com


Lumber Company

Lumber One

Ben Henk

9800 Sunflower Road De Soto, KS 66018 bhenk@yahoo.com


McCray Lumber & Millwork

RJ Brown

1516 W. 6th St. Lawrence, KS 66044 rjbrown@mccraylumber.com



Airtex Inc.

Paul Hansen

32050 W. 83rd St. De Soto, KS 66018 paul.hansen@engineeredair.com


Custom Foods Inc.

Ethan Hart

9101 Commerce Drive

De Soto, KS 66018



Engineered Air

Paul Hansen

32050 W. 83rd St., P.O. Box 650 De Soto, KS 66018

admin.desoto@engineeredair.com; hr.desoto@engineeredair.com


Huhtamaki Inc.

Heather Callaway

9201 Packaging Drive

De Soto, KS 66018



Merck Animal Health

Joris Meijs

35500 W. 91st St. De Soto, KS 66018



Rehrig Pacific Co.

Chris Gab

8875 Commerce Drive

De Soto, KS 66018




Massage Therapist

Jannell Lorenz, CMT LLC

Jannell Lorenz

1402 Church St., Suite B

Eudora, KS 66025



Meat Market

Steve’s Meat Market

Pam Prudden

32685 Lexington Ave.

De Soto, KS 66018





Mortgage Company

Guaranteed Rate

Leah Smith

10701 El Monte St., Suite A Overland Park, KS 66211 leah.smith@rate.com



Super 8 Motel of De Soto

Tony Patel

34085 Commerce Drive

De Soto, KS 66018 super8desoto1@gmail.com


Multi-Family Housing Consulting

Yates and Yates Co.

Denise Yates

1475 Walnut St. Kansas City. MO 64106, US denise@yatesandyatesco.com



Cause Coffee/De Soto

Youth Ministries

Tara Stuckey/Donna Wilting

33180 W. 83rd St., P.O. Box 545 De Soto, KS 66018 info@desotoyouthministries.org


Keepers of the Sandlot

Bill Severns

7535 Fontana Prairie Village, KS 66208 sandlotkeeper@gmail.com


USD 232 Education Foundation

Casey Rooman Smith

35200 W. 91st St. De Soto, KS 66018



Nursing/Memory Care Facility

Hillside Village of De Soto

Mike Egan

33600 W. 85th St. De Soto, KS 66018 mikee@hillsidedesoto.com todds@hillsidedesoto.com

913-583-1260 x 116

Homestead of Eudora

Dawn Hill

2725 Church St. Eudora, KS 66025 dawhill@homesteadofeudora.com


Office/Warehouse Rental

WorkHub USA

Ron Allen

324 Main St. Sabetha, KS 66534 ron@workhubusa.com



Ridgeview Eye Care

Robert Hileman

18208 W. 119th St. Olathe, KS 66061



Outdoor Furniture Restoration

New Again Outdoor Furniture Restoration

Raquel Hamman

1625 Tonganoxie Road

Tognanoxie, KS 66068



Overhead Doors Sales & Installation (Residential/Commercial)

Tracker Door Systems LLC

Deron Ertel

35000 W. 95th St.

De Soto, KS 66018



Paving Services

Sunflower Paving Inc.

Jeff Engroff

1451 N. 1823 Road

Lawrence, KS 66044



Pet Food and Supplies

De Soto Feed and Garden

Jennifer Heinen

8155 Hadley Road

De Soto, KS 66018



De Soto Veterinary Clinic

Matt Fehr 33900 Lexington Ave. De Soto, KS 66018




Cedar Creek Pharmacy

Lori Murdock

34040 W. Commerce Drive

De Soto, KS 66018



Physical Therapy/Rehabilitation

Marquette Physical Therapy, P.A.

Jay Marquette

33255 Lexington Ave., Suite A

De Soto, KS 66018




AdventHealth Primary Care

Sarah Goin Kliewer

8960 Commerce Drive, Suite 4E

De Soto, KS 66018





Lutz Plumbing

Amber Sherman

21961 W. 83rd St. Shawnee, KS 66227 asherman@lutzplumbing.com


Point of Sale Services

Shift 4

Austin Acheson 10000 Marshall Drive

Lenexa, KS 66215 austin.acheson@shift4.com


Pool Builder

Premier Pools & Spas

Brian Roy 30945 Explorer’s Trail De Soto, KS 66018 swim@premierpoolsofkc.com


Powder Coating Services

HMC Performance Coatings

Raquel Hamman

1625 Tonganoxie Road

Tonganoxie, KS 66068 rhamman@hmcperformancecoatings.com


Professional Restoration and Cleanup

All Dry Trent Ross

12022 Blue Valley Parkway, Suite 142 Overland Park, KS 66213 trent.ross@myalldry.com


Property Management

Cornerstone Property Management

GW Weld 707 Main St. Eudora, KS 66025 gw@homewithcornerstone.com 785-615-1513

Lawrence Property Management

Roxanne Hicks 4205 W. Sixth St., Suite B Lawrence, KS 66049 info@lawrencepropertymanagement.com 785-832-8728

Publications (Community and Business)

Discovering De Soto

Rose Burgweger

9160 Cedar Creek Road De Soto KS 66018 rmbprints@icloud.com 913-583-1857

Ogden Publications/Capper’s Insurance Inc.

Bob Cucciniello 1503 S.W. 42nd St. Topeka, KS 66609 bcucciniello@ogdenpubs.com 785-274-4401

Real Estate Services

Arbor Ridge - New Home Community Cole Coombs and Angie Scavuzzo 8511 Laramie St. De Soto, KS 66018 arborridgeks@gmail.com 913-444-2029

Coldwell Banker Distinctive Properties

Tara Myers 22249 219th St. Leavenworth, KS 66048 tarasellsproperty@gmail.com


Designer Moves Realty Sherelle Witt

14310 Metcalf Ave., #100 Overland Park, KS 66223 info@designermoveskc.com


Heck Land Co. Dana Baker 3200 Haskell Lawrence, KS 66046 dana@hecklandco.com 913-244-3527

Responsible waste management with HOMETOWN SERVICE residential | rural | commerical | recycling (913) 369-8999 | www.honeycreekdisposal.com Bruce
106 S. Center
KS 66030 (913) 856-7111 712
(913) 592-2244 De
(913) 585-1346
Funeral Home
S. Webster Spring Hill, KS 66083
Shirley Bruce Brown - VanArsdale Shane Bruce Brown & Scott Douglas Brown www.brucefuneralhome.com
Full-Service Funeral Home Cremation | Pre-Arrangements | Monuments


Keller Williams Diamond Partners Inc.

Jennifer Bodenhausen

13671 S. Mur-Len Road

Olathe, KS 66062



Keller Williams Key Partners

Tracy Jacobs

4200 Somerset Dr., Suite 101 Prairie Village, KS 66208 tracyjacobs@kw.com


Keller Williams Legacy Partners Inc.

Kris Johnson

7070 Renner Road, Suite 100 Shawnee, KS 66217 krisjohnson@kw.com


Montoya Homes KCPlatinum Realty

Consuelo Montoya

13795 S. Mur-Len Road, #201 Olathe, KS 66062



Newmark Zimmer

Scott Bluhm

1220 Washington St., Suite 300 Kansas City, MO 64105



SD Home Team @ KW Realty Partners

Shelly Doris Milburn

33135 W. 83rd St., P.O. Box 585 De Soto, KS 66018



SMG - Signature Mortgage Group

Scott O’Connor

3100 Broadway Blvd., Suite 313 Kansas City MO 64111



Sunflower Redevelopment

Kise Randall

2600 Grand Blvd., Apt. 700 Kansas City, MO 64108


Westhead Industrial Real Estate

Stephen E. Westhead

4501 Emanuel Cleaver II Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64130



Renewable Energy

Sunflower Solar Project LLC

Brianna Baca

422 Admiral Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64106



Recruiting/Staffing Agency and Employment Services


7045 College Blvd., Suite 600 Overland Park, KS 66211

Rental (Residential/ Commercial)

B&H Properties

Loya Beery

30497 W. 88th Terrace De Soto, KS 66018



Clearview Village Inc.

David Rhodes

36000 W. 103rd St. De Soto, KS 66018



KTEN Place

Sabrina Fleming

9100 Commerce Drive De Soto, KS 66018



Myrtle E. Coker TrustJames Leon Coker Trust

Mary Guntert

P.O. Box 427 De Soto, KS 66018



Restaurant Franchising

Mr. Goodcents

Franchise Systems Inc.

Kristi Hinkle

8997 Commerce Drive De Soto, KS 66018




Beer 30 Charles Crist

9150 Lexington Ave. De Soto, KS 66018



Blue Moose, The Darci Kelley

10064 Woodland Road Lenexa, KS 66220 dkelley@kchopps.com


Cause Coffee/ De Soto Youth Ministries

Tara Stuckey/Donna Wilting

33180 W. 83rd St., P.O. Box 545 De Soto, KS 66018



Chick-fil-A Lenexa

Haley Freeman

15919 W. 87th St. Lenexa, KS 66219



JT’s Grill & Sports Bar

Scott Hill

33255 Lexington Ave., Suite C De Soto, KS 66018



KJ’s Pizzeria

Rod Bowman

33031 W. 83rd St. De Soto, KS 66018




McDonald’s of De Soto

Michael Dobski

34225 Commerce Drive

De Soto, KS 66018



Mr. Goodcents Franchise Systems Inc.

Kristi Hinkle

8997 Commerce Drive De Soto, KS 66018



Oasis Nutrition

Sherelle and Mitch Witt

33490 Lexington Ave., Suite A De Soto, KS 66018 sherellegaut12@gmail.com



Mike Egan

12221 S. Strang Line Road Olathe, KS 66062 mike.egan12@gmail.com


Taco Bell

Sean McGuire

34070 W. 92nd Terrace De Soto, KS 66018



Two Guys & A Grill

Troy Tedder

109 N. Chester St. Olathe, KS 66061 twoguysandagrill@aol.com



Beer 30

Charles Crist

9150 Lexington Ave.

De Soto, KS 66018



Blue Moose, The

Darci Kelley

10064 Woodland Road

Lenexa, KS 66220



Bowlin Family Farms

Steve Bowlin 31915 W. 115th Olathe, KS 66061 steve@bowlinfarms.net


Cause Coffee/ De Soto Youth Ministries

Tara Stuckey/Donna Wilting

33180 W. 83rd St., P.O. Box 545 De Soto, KS 66018 info@desotoyouthministries.org


CBD American Shaman

Nicholas Hower

608 Tulip Drive, Suite G Bonner Springs, KS 66012 wellness@bonnerbotanicals.com


Cedar Creek Pharmacy

Lori Murdock

34040 W. Commerce Drive De Soto, KS 66018 lorimurdock@att.net


Chick-Fil-A Lenexa

Haley Freeman

15919 W. 87th St. Lenexa, KS 66219 haley.freeman@cfalenexa.com


De Soto Auto Parts

Mike Woods

33530 Lexington Ave. De Soto, KS 66018



De Soto Car Wash

John Flegler

33520 Lexington Ave. De Soto, KS 66018



De Soto Feed and Garden

Jennifer Heinen

8155 Hadley Road De Soto, KS 66018 desotofeedandgarden@hotmail.com


De Soto Veterinary Clinic

Matt Fehr

33900 Lexington Ave. De Soto, KS 66018 mattfehr1@gmail.com


Great Life Golf & Fitness

Denny Hougham

7909 Wyandotte St. and 32905 W. 84th St. De Soto, KS 66018 desoto@greatlifegolf.com



Connie Philippeit 34040 Commerce Drive De Soto, KS 66018 str249@harpsfood.com


Heinen Outdoor Power Equipment

Chantel Heinen 1795 E. 1500 Road Lawrence, KS 66044 chantel@heinenopc.com


Jake’s Fireworks

Devon Krusich 1500 E. 27th Terrace Pittsburg, KS 66762 devonkrusich@jakesfireworks.com


KJ’s Pizzeria

Rod Bowman 33031 W. 83rd St. De Soto, KS 66018 kjspizzaks@gmail.com


Mary Kay Cosmetics

Jill Davis

36390 W. 95th St. De Soto, KS 66018 jilldavishome@yahoo.com


McDonald’s of De Soto

Michael Dobski

34225 Commerce Drive

De Soto, KS 66018 mtdobski@sunflower.com




Mike’s Liquor

Mike Rogers

9160 Lexington Ave.

De Soto, KS 66018



Oak Country Golf Course

Tom Anderson

8800 Scott Drive De Soto, KS 66018



Pine Landscape Center

Kathy Pine

1783 E. 1500 Road

Lawrence, KS 66044 kathyp@pinelandscape.com


Ridgeview Eye Care

Robert Hileman

18208 W. 119th St. Olathe, KS 66061 robert@ridgevieweyecare.com


Ritter Cigar Co.

Kevin Ritter

9170 Lexington Ave. De Soto, KS 66018 info@rittercigar.com



Mike Egan

12221 S. Strang Line Road

Olathe, KS 66062 mike.egan12@gmail.com


Shear Images Hair & Nail Studio

Kim Ingalls

34102 Commerce Drive, Suite C De Soto, KS 66018



Steve’s Meat Market

Pam Prudden

32685 Lexington Ave. De Soto, KS 66018



Taco Bell

Sean McGuire

34070 W. 92nd Terrace De Soto, KS 66018 smcguire@drgfood.com


Two Guys & A Grill

Troy Tedder

109 N. Chester St. Olathe, KS 66061 twoguysandagrill@aol.com


Up In Arms Kansas

Ryq Farnow

33490 Lexington Ave., Suite F De Soto, KS 66018 ryq@upinarmskansas.com


Rifle Club and Shooting Range

Mill Creek Rifle Club

William Kinsey

7215 Gardner Road De Soto, KS 66018 treasurer@millcreekrc.com

Roofing Services

Diversified Inc.

Vanessa Weathers 33490 Lexington Ave., Suite B De Soto KS 66018 diversifiedservicesks@gmail.com


Guardian Roof Care

Shawna Callies 33490 Lexington Ave. De Soto, KS 66018



Security Consultants

Kenton Brothers Inc.

David Strickland

3401 E. Truman Road Kansas City, MO 64127



Security Systems Services

Metro Security Watch LLC

Keith Bowman 14058 W. 107th St. Lenexa, KS 66215




Adobe Express

Ellen Sartin 345 Park Ave. San Jose, CA 95110-2704 cit46532@adobe.com


Synthetic Turf Provider

ForeverLawn Kansas City

Austin Meyers 33160 W. 83rd St. De Soto, KS 66018 austin@kc.foreverlawn.com


Telecommunications Companies

323.tv LLC

Jared Clarke 32525 Lexington Ave. De Soto, KS 66018

bclarke@323.tv; jclarke@323.tv 913-422-0910 x114

Clearwave Fiber

Diane Neubecker 713 High St. Baldwin City, KS 66006 diane.neubecker@clearwavefiber.com


Zoom Fiber

Kameron Klein De Soto, KS 66018


913-583-0050 x 1001

Tire Sales and Service

United Tire

Shane Lamb P.O. Box 678 De Soto, KS 66018 investamericagroup@gmail.com



Title Insurance

Security 1st Title

Lisa Henry 4913 Oread West Drive

Lawrence, KS 6649 lhenry@security1st.com



First Student Inc.

Roxanne Sanford

8020 Monticello Terrace

Shawnee, KS 66227



Travel Agency


Brian Pine

1783 E. 1500 Road

Lawrence, KS 66044 brian@hecklandco.com



ATMOS Energy Corp.

Aaron Bishop

25090 W. 110th Terrance Olathe, KS 66061



Clearwave Fiber

Diane Neubecker

713 High St. Baldwin City, KS 66006




Dante McGrew

23505 W. 86th St. Shawnee, KS 66227



Water District 7, Johnson County

Allan Soetaert

534 W. Main St., P.O. Box 7

Gardner, KS 66030



Zoom Fiber

Kameron Klein De Soto, KS 66018 kklein@zoomfiber.com

913-583-0050 x 1001

Veterinarian/Pet Hospital

De Soto Veterinary Clinic

Matt Fehr 33900 Lexington Ave. De Soto, KS 66018 mattfehr1@gmail.com


Video Conferencing Equipment

323.tv LLC

Jared Clarke

32525 Lexington Ave. De Soto, KS 66018

bclarke@323.tv jclarke@323.tv

913-422-0910 x114

Waste Management Services

HAMM Companies

Jeff Hamm 609 Perry Place Perry, KS 66073



Honey Creek Disposal Service LLC

Randy Weldon 26195 Linwood Road

Lawrence, KS 66044 randy@honeycreekdisposal.com


Web Development Strategy LLC

Josh Proctor

16500 Indian Creek Parkway, Suite 108 Olathe, KS 66062



Wholesale Distributors

Clearwave Fiber

Diane Neubecker

713 High St. Baldwin City, KS 66006



Ritter Cigar Co.

Kevin Ritter

9170 Lexington Ave. De Soto, KS 66018 info@rittercigar.com


Zoom Fiber

Kameron Klein

De Soto, KS 66018


913-583-0050 x 1001


Abel Boards Curtis Arnold

8795 Corliss Road

De Soto, KS 66018 curtis@abelboards.com


Arte Perdida

Ashton and Juan Hernandez-Cabanas

27785 W. 83rd St. Lenexa, KS 66227



# 323.tv LLC 48, 49 A AB Creative 36 Abel Boards 49 Actalent Services 38 Adams Architects LLC 34 Adobe Express 48 AdventHealth 41, 42 AdventHealth Primary Care 41, 44 Aerotek 46 AFLAC 42 Airtex Inc. 43 Alcove Development 38 All Dry 45 Allenbrand, Shirley 34 American Family Insurance 42 Anderson Group, The 38 Arbor Ridge – New Home Community 37, 42, 45 A.R.S Designs 34, 39 Arte Perdida 49 ATEC Services 37 ATMOS Energy Corp. 49 AU Construction LLC 37 Azura Credit Union 38 B B&H Properties 46 Barn at Kill Creek Farm, The 34, 36, 39 Bates Tax Service 34 Beer 30 46, 47 BHC 34 Bison State Bank 35 Blanchard AE Group 39 Blue Moose, The 39, 46, 47 Bowlin Family Farms 34, 47 Branding Stop 34, 39 Bridge Church 36 Bruce Funeral Home 40 Budz Bloomz KC 40 C Carriage Houses of Johnson County 40 Cause Coffee/De Soto Youth Ministries 36, 44, 46, 47 CBD American Shaman 41, 47 Cedar Creek Pharmacy 41, 44, 47 Cedar Valley Forest 39 Central National Bank 35 Chick-Fil-A Lenexa 46, 47 City of De Soto 41 Clearview Baptist Church 36 Clearview Village Inc. 46 Clearwave Fiber 48, 49 Coldwell Banker Distinctive Properties 45 Columbia Capital Management LLC 40 Cook, Flatt & Strobel, Engineers, P.A. 34 Cornerstone Property Management 45 Country Club Bank 35, 40 Country Club Bank – Olathe College 35 Crown Toyota Volkswagen of Lawrence 35 Custom Foods Inc. 43 D De Soto Arts Council 36 De Soto Auto Parts 35, 47 De Soto Auto Sales 35 De Soto Baptist Church 36 De Soto Car Wash 35, 47 De Soto Chiropractic 36, 41 De Soto Days Festival Inc. 36 De Soto Feed and Garden 40, 44, 47 De Soto Rotary Club 36 De Soto United Methodist Church 36 De Soto Veterinary Clinic 44, 47, 49 Designer Moves Realty 45 Discovering De Soto 45 Diversified Inc. 37, 48 DLR Group 34 Drywall Masters 37 Duggan, Shadwick, Doerr & Kurlbaum 35 Dunkel & Co. LLC 38 E Edward Jones 40 Emery Sapp & Sons 37 Employee Benefit Partners 39 Emprise Bank 35 Engineered Air 43 Entrepreneur’s Source, The 36 Equipment Share 39 Evergy 49 index 50
F Faith Builders International Inc. 36 Farm Bureau Financial Services 42 First National Bank of Omaha 35 First Student Inc. 49 Flint Development 38 Flint Development – Residential 38 ForeverLawn Kansas City 48 Four Points Olathe – TS2 Hospitality 42 Freedom Concrete LLC 37 G George Butler Associates Inc. 34, 39 George J. Shaw Construction Co. 37 Gilmore & Bell, PC 43 Goodcents Foundation 36 Gough, Matthew S., Attorney at Law 35 Granite Express LLC 38, 40 Grata LLC 38 Great American Bank 35, 40 Great Life Golf & Fitness 40, 47 Great Southern Bank 35, 40 Green with Envy Landscaping 43 Guaranteed Rate 44 Guardian Roof Care 48 Gulley’s Carpet 40 H HAMM Companies 34, 49 Harding Heating & Air Conditioning 41 Harps 38, 41, 47 HDR Inc. 34 Heck Land Co. 38, 45 Heinen Outdoor Power Equipment 47 Hicks Classic Concrete Inc. 37 HIKE Properties, c/o Lawrence Property Management 38 Hillside Village of De Soto 34, 44 HMC Performance Coatings 45 Holiday Inn Express Olathe West – TS2 Hospitality 42 Homestead of Eudora 34, 44 Honey Creek Disposal Service LLC 49 Huhtamaki Inc. 43 I Indigo Design Inc. 42 Integrity Midwest Insurance LLC 42 Integrity Performance Group 38 Intrust Bank 35 J Jake’s Fireworks 47 JobMatch Assessment 39 Johnson County Board of Commissioners 41 Johnson County Community College 39 Johnson County Library – De Soto Branch 41, 43 Johnson County Manager’s Office 41 Johnson County Sheriff’s Office 41 JRC, CPA LLC 34 JT’s Grill & Sports Bar 39, 46 K Kansas Preferred Insurance Group 42 Kaw Sand 34 Kaw Valley Engineering 39 KBS Constructors Inc. 37 Keepers of the Sandlot 44 Keller Williams Diamond Partners Inc. 46 Keller Williams Key Partners 46 7070 Renner Rd, Ste 100 Shawnee, KS 66217 krisjohnson@kw.com krisjohnson.kw.com C: 816.392.9365 D: 9 1 3 . 8 2 5 . 3 1 1 6 B: 9 1 3 . 8 2 5 . 2 1 0 0 KRIS
S u p e r v i s i n g B r o k e r LEGACY PARTNERS WINE LOVER’S SUNDAYS 10% OFF 9160 Lexington Avenue | (913) 583-1711 Open Mon-Thurs 9am-9pm • Fri-Sat 9am-10pm • Sun 11am-8pm Walk-in Beer Cooler Coldest beer in town! GREAT SELECTIONS & BRANDS Locally Owned 51
Keller Williams Legacy Partners Inc. 46 Kenton Brothers Inc. 48 Kissick Construction 37 KJ’s Pizzeria 46, 47 Klestinske, C.H., DDS 38, 41 KS FiberNet 40 KTEN Place 46 L Lawrence Landscape 43 Lawrence Property Management 45 LDR Construction 37 LEARNATURE 39 Light of the World Lutheran Church 36 Lorenz, Jannell, CMT LLC 43 Lumber One 43 Lutz Plumbing 45 M Manning Construction 37 Marquette Physical Therapy, P.A. 41, 44 Martin Marietta Materials 34 Martin Underground 37 Mary Kay Cosmetics 38, 47 Mays Communications 37 McCray Lumber & Millwork 43 McDonald’s of De Soto 47 Mechanically Inclined LLC 40 Menlo Inc. 42 MerchantGuy 38 Merck Animal Health 43 Metro Security Watch LLC 48 MG Construction LLC 37 Mid America Dumpsters 39 Midwest Concrete Materials Inc. 37 Mike’s Liquor 43, 48 Milburn Civil Engineering 39 Mill Creek Rifle Club 48 MOM LLC 49 Montoya Homes KC – Platinum Realty 46 Mowmentum LLC 43 Mr. Goodcents Franchise Systems Inc. 46, 47 Myrtle E. Coker Trust – James Leon Coker Trust 46 N New Again Outdoor Furniture Restoration 44 Newmark Zimmer 46 O Oak Country Golf Course 40, 41, 48 Oasis Nutrition 41, 47 Ogden Publications/Capper’s Insurance Inc. 45 Olathe Health 41, 42 P Path Less Taken Hypnosis, The 42 Patriot Ranch LLC 34 Pine Landscape Center 43, 48 Polsinelli 35 Premier Pools & Spas 45 R R.D. Johnson Excavating Co. LLC 40 Reach Church 36 Real Deal Drainage Solutions 43 Rehrig Pacific Co. 43 Ridgeview Eye Care 41, 44, 48 Ritter Cigar Co. 36, 48, 49 index 7909 Wyandotte De Soto, KS 66018 • 913-301-3000 greatlife-burningtree.com • facebook.com/burningtreegolf Burning Tree Golf Course 33255 Lexington Avenue, Suite B. De Soto, KS 66018 913.583.3700 • desotokschiro.com 52
S Schlotzsky’s 47, 48 SD Home Team @ KW Realty Partners 46 Seal KC 39 Security 1st Title 49 Shear Images Hair & Nail Studio 41, 48 Shelter Insurance 42 Shift 4 45 Smart Pro KC 35 SMG – Signature Mortgage Group 46 Sod Shop Inc. 43 Spiess Custom Homes LLC 37, 38, 42 State of Kansas 41 Steve’s Meat Market 43, 48 Strategy LLC 34, 35, 37, 42, 49 Sunflower Paving Inc. 44 Sunflower Publishing 45 Sunflower Redevelopment 46 Sunflower Solar Project LLC 38, 46 Super 8 Motel of De Soto 44 T Taco Bell 47, 48 Tech Wyze Inc. 37, 42 Timber Hills Lake Ranch 34 Tracker Door Systems LLC 44 Tri 3 Inc. 39 TriCentury Bank 35, 40 Turf Design Inc. 43 Turner Construction Co. 38 Two Guys & A Grill 47, 48 U United Tire 48 Up In Arms Kansas 40, 48 USD 232 Education Foundation 44 USD 232 39 V VFW Post #6654 – Linden-Tripkos 36, 40 W Water District 7, Johnson County 49 Watkins and Partners LLC 36 Westerhouse Inc. 41 Westhead Industrial 46 Williams Management LLC 38, 42 Workforce Partnership 39 WorkHub USA 39, 44 X Xoikos 37, 42 Y Yates and Yates Co. 44 Yates Construction 38 Z Zoom Fiber 48, 49 53

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