The Coming Together of
“Two Generations”
31 Aug – 1 Sept Caribbean Bay Resort Bukit Gambang Resort City, Pahang
By Jerome Ocampo Founder of Jesus Revolution Now
Note: Reproduced with permission for use at Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church Family Camp 2014
1. On arrival, please proceed to the Caribbean Bay Main Ballroom for the first session at 2pm. (Kindly note there are TWO different parts of the hotel. Please proceed to Caribbean Bay Resort, not Arabian Bay Resort.) 2. For Chinese and KBM members, kindly proceed to Caribbean Hall 7 & 8. Children will have their session in Caribbean Hall 9. 3. You may proceed to the SSMC Registration Counter at the Caribbean Bay Resort Foyer to collect your room key & name tags only after 3.30pm. Kindly be patient as rooms will be allocated as they are made available by the hotel. 4. After 7pm, please collect your room key from the Hotel Reception. One Key (Twin Sharing Room) or Two Keys (Family Suite) will be given to the person responsible for your room (ie. the first person in your registration form). 5. Please wear your Name Tags AT ALL TIMES, especially during meals. Meals are only for registered campers. Be patient if the buffet line is out of food for a while – wait for replenishments! 6. All other room charges (eg. telephone calls, room bar/fridge) are at your own expense. Hotel room keys MUST be returned, else the person listed as responsible for the room will be required to pay. 7. Please do not bring valuables to the Camp. Campers are reminded to LOCK YOUR DOOR when the last person leaves the room. 8. Be friendly and make an effort to get to know new people. Wearing your name tag helps! Yes - Name TAG at all times! 2
Camp Schedule Date/Time
30th Aug 2014 Saturday
31th Aug 2014 Sunday
6:00am to 7:30am 7.00am to 8.20am 8.30am
10:30am to 11:00am
……………….. Begin journey to Camp early! ................ Bus to leave by 8am from Church
11:00am to 12:30pm
12:30pm to 1:30pm 2:00pm
Session 1 English/Chinese/ KBM/Children
Check – In Get Name Tags Get Room Key/s
Session 3 English/Chinese/ KBM/Children
Session 6 English/Chinese/ KBM/Children
Session 4 English/Chinese/ KBM/Children
Closing Ministry Session English/Chinese/ KBM/Children
Free Time 2:00 – 5.00pm -Swimming-Soccer(Telematch field) -Water Theme Park-
free time
7:00pm to 8:00pm 8:15pm 9:00pm
1st Sept 2014 Monday
Dinner Session 2 English/Chinese/ KBM/Children
Celebration Worship Session 5 English/Chinese/ KBM / Children
Night Rest
Check-Out after lunch by about 1pm
Intergenerational Leadership: The Spirit and Power of Elijah Wagner Leadership Institute
The Generational Transfer Mandate
The revelation of the Nazirite Vow as a Type of Practical Discipleship that directly contributes to National Transformation is profoundly relevant to the present day challenges of this generation. Although Jesus called us to make disciples and not Nazirites, the concepts of “radical commitment, absolute abandonment and forsaking all” don’t fit into the present discipleship mold. In a world where “fanaticism” is out and “tolerance” is in, Christians can easily exchange their spiritual “birthrights,” losing their moral influence for a happy and passive coexistence with the world. Left unchecked, many will settle for a simple agreement to a collection of Bible Studies as attaining spiritual maturity. If knowledge doesn’t translate into a transformed lifestyle, then it is useless. Paul warned Timothy that a time will come when people would be “always learning and never 4
able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” He mentioned about those who hold “a form of godliness although they have denied its power.” The power of the Gospel is seen in transformed lives. Transformed lives can transform nations. They serve as “change agents”, engaging the culture through a Biblical lifestyle. They don’t just PROCLAIM the gospel, they DEMONSTRATE it as well. The Nazirite Vow highlights the commitment, elevating it to a LIFESTYLE. We don’t just seek people to agree with us on the principles of discipleship, but we ask them to commit to these principles and walk in them. That is why in the training, and as Jesus puts it, we “teach them to obey all that I (Jesus) have commanded you.” Matthew 28:20 Our mandate is to see a whole generation living this lifestyle. It can only be done through the rise of Spiritual Fathers and Mothers who will commit to raise up the next generation of Nazirites in every area of society. We know God can impact all the seven mountains of culture. He will use men and women who cannot be bought, who knows the value of Humility in the midst of success and who continues to stay pure 5
in the midst of relentless temptations. Those who live the lifestyle of Humility, Holiness and Hunger for God once given the opportunity, will bring change to wherever they are. We are committed to impart this lifestyle. We are working to see the current generation take responsibility for the next generation in this impartation. We are called to raise up Elijah’s who will impart the Nazirite Lifestyle to their Elisha’s. Our mandate is Generational Transfer. UNDERSTANDING GENERATIONAL TRANSFER We see this as the way God imparts His truth and life to the next generation. It is the very means by which he determines His purposes to be extended throughout time. We know that God’s vision can outlive a person’s life. It can even live beyond a generation. It is clear that when God planned a savior for man, He didn’t immediately bring Christ after the first generation of men (Adam’s generation), but He went through many generations, preserving the plan and the vision until it reached Mary and Joseph. It is clear that the Bible is the story of how God transferred that vision from one generation to the next. 6
The Bible calls God the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It doesn’t seem to be just a title but a description of He is. God is past, present and future. Generational transfer seems to be the way kingdom transactions take place. One generation passes on God’s blessings, lessons, and heart, and in some cases, power and anointing to another. And because man’s lifetime is shorter than the vision, God watches over these transactions between the generations. Psalm 78: 5-6 “For He set up a testimony in Jacob, and ordered a Law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers, that they should teach them to their sons; so that the generation to come might know; sons shall be born, and they shall arise and tell their sons, so that they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep His Commandments.” We can notice that four generations are mentioned in this passage. The Bible is specific in mentioning that the sins of the fathers affect up to the 3rd and 4th generations (Ex 20:5; Ex 34:7). Although the transfer here refers to iniquity or transgressions, we can also see 7
evidence that God’s blessings also run from one generation to the next. He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He identifies himself with three generations. Observing the summary of the lives of these men shows us how Abraham came into the land God showed him as a foreigner. He didn’t own a piece of land. But on the fourth generation, in the life of Joseph, he acts like a prime minister in the Egypt. It was a big promotion, from foreigner to prime minister. When he finds the 4th Generation, with generational blessing rolling down, he raises up a Joseph, a governmental generation and with that generational blessing, Joseph rules. God is concerned with this transfer. Generational transfer is intentional not accidental. If this is true, then if we focus on carefully transferring what God has done, his vision and dreams, from our generation to the next generation, then the fourth generation down the line would have far more greater influence than us. We might have rulers, governors and leaders of nations on the fourth generation.
Unfortunately, the exact opposite is happening today. In many places, church life continues but Christianity’s influence is getting smaller and smaller. Although revivals in history have changed the world in many ways, they never last more than a generation. Is it possible that we have lost the art of generational transfer? Have we been so “terminal” in our thinking that we couldn’t see beyond our generation? I believe God saw this way in advance, and so he spoke through Malachi the prophet in 4:5-6, “In the last days, I will send the prophet Elijah before the great and dreadful day. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to their sons, and the hearts of the sons to their fathers, lest I strike the land with a curse.” This passage does not only refer to a restoration of the biological fatherhood’s role in society, although this is important and I sense that the focus here is Generational Transfer. God saw that in the future, someone has to focus on making sure that the transfer from one generation to the next is secured. God guards it with a threatening curse in the land. This is the spirit and power of Elijah.
His end time prophetic role was not calling fire from heaven nor raising the dead. Those were powerful acts and great signs and wonders. But Elijah’s role was to secure the TRANSFER from one generation to the next. This is our role in Jesus Revolution Now. We are building a network of Elijah’s committed to raise up a generation of Fathers and Mothers who will raise up spiritual Sons and Daughters-focusing on this transfer of God’s heart, visions, dreams and anointing to the emerging generation. The problem with us is that we live with a TERMINAL GENERATION mindset rather than a BRIDGED GENERATION mindset. We have been preaching that Jesus is coming anytime since the turn of this century. And because we have too much emphasis of the second coming, we started to think terminal. And so we just live for our own revival, God’s move in the present generation. If we have a Bridge Generation mindset, we will focus on giving everything we have, experienced with God, the anointing we received and the vision that fired us to the next generation who 10
can have a double portion of our mantle, who then rules in the midst of our enemies. The apostle Paul knew this and advises his son, Timothy, in 2Timothy 2:1-2: “Therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit the same to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.� Paul asks Timothy to look for reliable men who will teach others. Again four spiritual generations are mentioned here: Paul, Timothy, reliable men and others. We can see both the natural transference and spiritual transference of generational blessings here. 2.
A Forerunner Generation
This Generation is different from any other Generation. Is it possible that God can speak to a whole generation? He has spoken to a man, a family and even nations. But will God address a whole generation that crosses all national, political and geographical boundaries? He has done it before and he can do it again today. In the history of the Philippines we can see this possibility. Our nation has been colonized by 11
Spain in the 15th century. Then, we went through 400 years of Spanish rule and during that time, no change took place. It is not fair to say though that these years were all bad. But much oppression took place and Filipinos did not revolt against the Spaniards until one generation came to end it. It was like a generation of heroes. A lot of the Filipino national heroes were under 35 years old. They were young heroes. God can gift a generation with a specific DNA that would respond to His call when the time comes. If this can be true, then we can understand why the present generation is so different. I believe God has been waiting for generation like this to come. He is about to reveal Himself to a generation that will die for Him! What is so unique about this Generation? 2.1 WELCOME TO THE NIGHTMARE: What’s Wrong With Kids Today? (You were never their age.)  Total Media Exposure. There is no other generation that has had the most exposure to media than this generation. In many places in the world, Media 12
continues to impact the thinking of this generation on a 24/7 basis. No other generation has the same exposure as this.  Without a Potential Future. It has been perceived that this generation generally lived in a peaceful environment. Even if abortions continue, and although child trafficking and child abuse are all on the rise, we see a generation that seems to be insensitive to these. Because of this, many have thought that this is a generation without any dream or vision for the future.  Physically Maturing Earlier. Even just taking a simple look at the fashion of young people today, it is obvious that they seem to mature earlier in life. They are being conscious of physical senses and drives early in their development.  Major Decisions Sooner. Facing mature demands in life early forces the young generation to make major decisions earlier than expected. For example, teenage mothers deciding the future of their children early in life, even before 13
Loss of Family Structure. This phenomenon is on the rise for the last 50 years. The family structure is being attacked in every continent of the world. The one child policy of China, decreasing birth rate in Europe, abortion in America, and child trafficking in Asia are mere symptoms of the breakdown of this structure. This takes away a powerful support for the young generation to cope with the pressure of the Media culture. Unsupervised Free Time. Young people of today do not usually have adult supervision when they spend their free time. Many times during these free times, choices in life are presented because of the absence of adult implemented boundaries. No Moral Glue in Society. The culture of young people today is getting confused due to the globalization. Morality becomes subjective, and complicated issues on values are presented usually 14
Inability to Cope. This seems to be a much stressed out generation. Because of that, suicide is on a steady rise among the young. 2.2 Reactions of the Culture Numbing - Drugs, Alcohol, Glue Abandonment - Metal, Thrash Party Till You Drop - Hedonism, Malling Withdraw - Fantasy, Video, RPG, Subcultures Unplug - “Suicide Solution”
2.3 Three Great Needs DESTINY “For if you are completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance shall arise to the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house shall be destroyed. And who knows whether you 15
have come to the kingdom for a time like this (Esther 4:14)?” MILITANCY “Your people will freely join you, resplendent in holy armor on the great day of your conquest. Join you at the fresh break of day, join you with all the vigor of youth (Psalm 110:3).” FAMILY “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which you also are called in one body, and be thankful (Colossians 3:15).”
2.4 EXTREME LIFESTYLE: The DNA of the Emerging Generation “Once their mind is made up on something, they seem to be willing to go to the extreme for it. Their games, dress, language and life-style all reflect this everything-or-nothing, go-for-it, there is no tomorrow attitude. Once committed to a course, they appear to have no reservation for selfpreservation…. 16
Digital culture has produced digital perception; there seems to be little sense of the gradual, the slow or the quietly growing. Digitals often appear to have no volume control; when they do things they do them either all-on or all-off. Digitals living in a post-modern culture that has no boundaries and no lasting realities; they are hungry at heart for a word that makes a difference, a message that is, in itself, a Digital Message—a ‘no compromise call’ to holiness and truth. I believe God has waited a long time for such a people. Is God raising up a generation that will prepare for His greatest move on earth? The characteristics of this generation points to the unique call they have. The attacks on them show them becoming victims or the collateral damage of the changes that the modern world is undergoing. The new kind of perspective they have has separated them from any other generation that existed in our time. Are these mere coincidences or is God setting them up for something big? 17
2.5 DIGITAL GENERATION: Ministry At the Millennium Edge
1. Highly Visual Sensitive to Hypocrisy, Hungry for reality 2. Casually Technological Comfortable with Digital Tools 3. Shamed No Guilt or True God, Blamed for Everything 4. Scattered Orphaned, Abandoned and Alone 5. Scorned Treated as Lepers, Feared as Destroyers
Deeply Real Transparency, Genuine Affection Genuinely Personal Committed to Practical Discipleship Embraced Honored as Humanity, Forgiven for Failure Adopted Treated as Family, Mobilized as an Army Accepted Welcomed as Believers, Trusted as Builders
6. Rejected Perceived as Misfits, Discarded as Useless 7. Discouraged Overwhelmed by Stress and Pressure
Elected Prophesied as Missionaries, Valued Worthy Encouraged Called to Bravery, Ministered to for Ministry
8. Extreme Lifestyle Digital Message No Reservation No Compromise Call for Self to Holiness and Preservation Truth
3. The Nazirite Lifestyle Call Because of the troubling times that we are in, someone once said, “We need the Elijah’s to rise and confront the Jezebels of our time.” That is becoming more and more true as we see nations changing from bad to worse. This might sound like a “doomsday-end-of-the-world” negative perspective, but the reality is, although every nation seeks prosperity in order to meet the needs of its citizens, and that is good, 19
culture is becoming more and more tolerant on almost anything. In the name of this tolerance has Biblical marriage now become threatened, basic freedoms of the exercise of our faith questioned, and in some places how we raise our children according to our biblical convictions are put on suspect. Even in free countries, Christians are having a difficult time living out their faith. It is either we are giving up the fight in transforming our cultures or the enemies we have are too strong for us. Elijah stood up during his time. He saw the cultural mix happening among the people of God and so challenged the people to make a choice. If you are for God, then stand on my side. The Mount Carmel confrontation was a classic picture of the battle we face today. We need the fire and passion of Elijah once again. And as he stood up for God, God stood up for him. He sent fire without hesitation to the sacrifice, and Elijah finished the job. It sounds too good to be true. Can this happen today? Of course it can. But the realistic question is not whether God can do it or not. We should ask, “Where are the Elijah’s?” Do we wait for a 20
champion to rise from the crisis? We need to face the fact that Elijah’s don’t fall from the sky, they need to be raised up! Elijah didn’t come from nowhere. Someone took the time to train him to be a Nazirite. And when the crisis came, he knew he was born for such time.
DIGITAL NAZARITES When the Ancient Path Millennial Generation
The training of Nazirites is meant to prepare a generation to transform cultures, nations and communities. It is designed to challenge a generation to its forerunner calling, discover its DNA of seeking after God, and use its potential in transforming nations. The three transforming and powerful principles of Humility, Holiness and Hunger for God is the bedrock of this training. We can never exhaust what God says about the power of Humility to influence the world, the strength of Holiness to reform a culture, and the His intense desire to be invited with pure Hunger for Him to bring about the greatest revival the world has ever seen. 21
Paul says that we “are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory (2 Corinthians 3:18).” By God’s grace, we are not the same year after year as we continue to live for Jesus. When we stand against the enemy with transformed lives, we are promised victory. But how can a Nazirite bring transformation?
3.1 What is our Role in Transformation? (The Following is an excerpt from George Otis Jr.’s teaching on “Divine Transformation”) The term transformation, in its most generic sense, refers to a process of change; a process wherein a person, place, concept, circumstance or thing shifts from one form or condition to another. It is the word that naturally comes to mind when we think of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. For the term transformation to be properly applied to a community, change must be evident not only in the lives of its inhabitants, but also in the fabric of its 22
institutions. In the end, it is dramatic social, political, and even ecological renewal that sets these cases apart from common experience. In short, a transformed community is a neighborhood, city or nation whose values and institutions have been overrun by the grace and presence of God. It is a place where DIVINE FIRE has not merely summoned, it has fallen; it is a culture that has been impacted by the full measure of the kingdom of God; and it is a society in which supernatural power flows like a river of molten lava altering everything, and everyone, in its path. (emphasis mine) 3.2 Identifying the Core Phases of Transformation Upon examining the pattern of God’s handiwork, we have concluded that the road to transformation passes through multiple stages. Depending on the cultural context of those making the journey, these phases can number anywhere from three to six. The three core phases, which every 23
community passes through on its journey to full societal transformation, are these: The Invitation Phase – in which desperate citizens actively summon God’s presence through prayer, fasting, repentance and reconciliation. The Breakthrough Phase – in which an increasing awareness of God’s nearness gives rise to rapid and substantial church growth. The Transformation Phase – in which the manifest presence and favor of God yields dramatic social, political, and even ecological renewal.
3.3 The Nazirite Lifestyle and Its Role in Transformation It is obvious that if God will bring transformation in a community, city or nation, that it is only in the Invitation Phase that the church can be involved. The Breakthrough Phase and the Transformation Phase is all in God’s hands and timing. 24
JREV has both initiated and encouraged citywide, region wide and nationwide gatherings that bring the body of Christ together to “cry out to God for a community, city or nation.� We have been and continue to be involved in the Invitation Phase. We believe that God can change a nation in a single day. We have seen how one single day like 9-11 changed the world. One event caused changes in travel, foreign policy of nations and homeland defense policies. This tells us that even events can change nations in one single day. But when God chooses not to do this in a day, we still believe that the Kingdom of God will continue to expand its influence in all the areas of society. This is a principle in the Kingdom as we read it in Luke 13:18.20. It has been compared to a mustard seed and leaven in bread. Both starts small but grows bigger than its original size. This growth characteristic of the Kingdom is built within itself. In this case, God chooses VESSELS to contain God’s kingdom and they function as change agents or catalysts. We believe 25
this is the role of the Nazirites. Either they become PART OF THE INVITATION PHASE where they wake a sleeping generation and gather them for crying out to God for a visitation, or they SERVE AS CHANGE AGENTS OR CATALYSTS in bringing the leavening impact of the kingdom in communities, cities and nations. How does the Nazirite lifestyle bring change? When you hear the term Nazirite you wonder what that really means. If it isn’t a new slimming diet or an old martial arts revival, what then is it? Others who are more history sensitive say that it can mean the revival of a World War II ritual of recruitment – Nazi Rite. All these of course have no connection to the Biblical concept of a Nazirite. In order to capture the significance of this manual, let us examine the Nazirite concept in the Bible and then discover its present day relevance. Nazirites are Old Testament National leaders that took the meaning of commitment to the highest level. They became God's grace to the spiraling moral 26
degradation of Israel during that time. When necessary, they even became the deliverers of Israel, such as Samson, Samuel, and Elijah. They voluntarily make an explicit vow as stated in Numbers 6:2-8, (2) Speak to the sons of Israel, and say to them, when a man or a woman shall vow a vow, a vow of a Nazirite, to be separated to Jehovah, (3) He shall separate from wine and strong drink and shall drink no vinegar of wine, or vinegar of strong drink; neither shall he drink any liquor of grapes, nor eat moist grapes or dried. (4) All the days of his Naziriteship he shall eat nothing that is made of the grapevine, from grape seeds even to a stem. (5) All the days of his vow to separate, no razor shall come upon his head. Until all the days are fulfilled in which he separates to Jehovah, he shall be holy. He shall let the locks of the hair of his head grow. (6) All the days that he separates to Jehovah, he shall not come near any dead body. 27
(7) He shall not make himself unclean for his father, or for his mother, or for his brother, or for his sister, when they die, because his separation to his God is upon his head. (8) All the days of his separation he is holy to Jehovah. These vows may seem extreme even to those who live in Israel at that time. And they were meant to be. Although voluntary, the significance of the terms of their vow can speak to all of us. Their commitment honors God and shows us in a minute way His desire to see total dedication from His people. Their vow can be categorized into three: Not to drink wine; not to cut his/ her hair; not to come near a dead body. Obviously to simply exercise these restrains does not make a genuine Nazirite for religions all over the world throughout the ages have produced dedication more extreme than these. Men have practiced total seclusion from society and its pleasures while others being not contented with it, went further by self inflicting physical pain and suffering. 28
These religious standards make the Nazirite vow child’s play. There is definitely more to it than not visiting the salon for the rest of one’s adult life or missing all the funerals of your entire family. It is also not just another version of the South Beach diet. The key to the Nazirite vow is the phrase “separated to Jehovah (holy).” Without this phrase it simply becomes a self-imposed discipline that doesn’t have any physical, social or even spiritual benefit. To be separated for God through these three categories or terms has deeper significance. Let me bring out what I think it speaks of: to not drink wine would require Humility (an inner strength to stand against social pressure); to not cut one’s hair is a symbol of Intimacy (a growing reminder of one’s time spent with God); and to not touch any dead body obviously represents Purity (a symbol of a person’s determination to be free from contamination). These three inner strengths or qualities are constantly developed through the Nazirite 29
vow. One exercises humility, intimacy and purity day after day throughout the duration of the vow. These same qualities are rare today as we have a generation pressured to be famous, achieve social status and make a “name for himself’” philosophy. Global communications and media have amplified these pressures. Just as one’s success can be congratulated by the whole world so is one’s failure condemned through the same way. So now we see the world witness the success of the proud, boastful and arrogant atheist and then shocked, humiliated and scandalized religious leader in grave contrast. Can the Nazirite vow be an expression of God’s desire for an emerging generation? In the Old Testament, we learn from Numbers 6 that anyone who desires to be a Nazirite essentially makes three vows. These vows are a day-to-day act that through time turns into a lifestyle. It is true we don’t have literal Nazirites today because we are under a new covenant through Jesus Christ. Jesus was not a Nazirite so wasn’t any of the apostles. 30
Although they do not practice the vows, they live the lifestyle an Old Testament Nazirite would be expected to live. Jesus was tempted in the wilderness three times before He began his ministry. (See Matthew 4 and Luke 4) It is significant to note that each temptation was targeting a specific weakness in man that throughout history has proven to be the most vulnerable areas. In an overview we see the three major temptations of Jesus reflect the three strongest internal enemies of man in 1 John 2:16: “Command this stone that it become bread” appeals to the lust of the flesh especially if you have not eaten for 40 days; Satan showing Jesus the glory of all kingdoms awakens the lust of the eyes and To throw Himself from the pinnacle of the temple and have angels miraculously save him just to prove His authority awakens the Pride of life. Although Jesus answered every temptation with scripture, yet it is obvious that these 31
were not merely memory checks but tests of consecration. Was Jesus living a consecrated lifestyle? Yes He was and in three major areas, thus three areas of test. The lust of the flesh was a test of His Hunger for God. Many times we fail in our mere appetites not only for food but also our hunger for entertainment, achievements, material things, money, etc. These things are amoral, neither right nor wrong just as “turning stone into bread�. What makes them wrong is when we replace them for our hunger for God. Christians have too many distractions today. Our calendars are cluttered with activities that in them are not wrong. But when the nonessentials take over, we lose our real desire for God. The lust of the flesh takes over and turns every stone, not just into bread but also into every desirable thing. The lust of the eyes was a test of His Holiness. The eye is the gate to almost everything. “Your eye is a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is good, your whole body is filled with 32
light… if you are filled with light, with no dark corners; then your whole life will be radiant, as though a floodlight were filling you with light.” (Luke 11:34-36) To keep oneself pure starts with our thoughts that is basically stimulated with our eyes or our senses. What a temptation to see all the glory of all the kingdoms and then be offered to you on a silver plate? How can that be wrong? Can’t we use it for the glory of God? No we can’t because to receive it not from God is to replace Him as the object of our worship. That is why the condition to receive these kingdoms is to bow down to the Tempter, or would mean to replace God in your life. From whom did we receive what we have? Who do we owe our good life? There are only two sources of material blessings: God and the world (of course, this includes the tempter). To choose God is the highest choice. It brings holiness. The pride of life was a test of His Humility. Angels would have saved Jesus if He fell off the pinnacle of the temple. But to do it in 33
the way presented by the tempter in the wilderness would have put God to the test. Not at test of ability for surely God can catch anyone falling. But it would have tested God’s authority-- provoking God to respond just to validate a person’s sense of control. Jesus’ answer declares that only God has ultimate authority and He is not accountable to us. God is not accountable to anyone. He is God and we are not. This training is therefore not aimed at producing longhaired freaks that don’t attend funerals and never drink an alcoholic beverage but gulps all the Starbucks coffee they can get. No, it isn’t meant for that. The goal is release a generation living a consecrated lifestyle not characterized by a religiosity expressed in legalism but a spirituality conveyed through humility, holiness and hunger for God. TRANSFORMATION is in the DNA of a Nazarite Today God seems to be pouring out His grace once more over our societies. The borderless youth culture of today is asking 34
more from Christianity than ever before. They are under challenged, digital (technologically advanced), and under great attack. The present generation is restless and hungry for a cause that will match their unique DNA. Could this be the generation God has been waiting for? Is God raising up a whole generation of Nazirites as one of his expressions of grace? In Amos 2:12, God counted it as sin when Israel "(made) the Nazirites drink wine". Maybe we, as a church hinder God by causing this generation to live in mediocrity and discourage them to make a commitment of the highest level. In essence we may have asked the present day Nazirites to drink present day wine, so to speak. This is the main reason why Jesus Revolution Now is starting the Nazirite Training. The goal is build a strong foundation of character in order to build anointings and giftings on, therefore release this generation to one of the greatest challenges the church has ever faced, to turn nations back to God. It is 35
time to call this generation to fulfill the Nazirite vow: a commitment to Humility, Purity and Intimacy. These same qualities are repeated by God in the mostly quoted passage to bring healing to the nations found in 2 Chronicles 7:14. "If My People who are called by my name will Humble themselves, Pray and Seek my Face and Turn from their wicked ways... then I will hear... forgive... and heal their land." This passage gives us a formula. Humility + Hunger + Holiness = God will hear + God will forgive + God will heal our land. Amazingly these requirements are the same qualities emphasized by the Nazirite vow.
Transformation Equation Š 2011
It is obvious, God wants to heal and disciple nations. And he has prepared a whole generation that has the capacity to do so. But they must first develop the same qualities that can bring about Divine inspired change. The Nazirite Training will focus on these: Humility: We must exercise it; Hunger: We must cultivate it; and Holiness: We must pursue it. Psalm 24:6 says that there will be a whole generation that will seek Him. Jesus Revolution Now believes that this generation is here. God has been waiting for such. It is therefore time to call them forth to their destiny. It is the season to release a whole generation of Elijah’s and Samuel’s to bring healing to the nations. This manual is a compilation not only of training materials but years of life and training experience. It focuses on inner strength to carry the heavy pressures produced by anointings and abilities. It is not meant for Church workers only but for everyone in every aspect of society. God wants to raise up Nazirites in Media, in Government, in Education, in Business, in Entertainment and in the Church. The 37
anointing God gives with respect to their own sphere will be carried out through a Nazirite lifestyle.
Numbers 6:2-6
2 Chronicles 7:14
Don't drink wine
Yielding of Rights
humble themselves
Don't cut hair
Display of Intimacy
Pray and seek faced
dont touch dead
Keeping Pure
Turn from their wicked ways
We must learn from the life of Samson. The anointing (strength) is not enough. The character (produced through his vow) must be strong enough to carry it. The lack of the same three Nazirite qualities was the ones that caused Samson’s downfall. And so the story of fallen Christian leaders, there was the same character deficiency. Go through the Nazarite training Jesus Revolution Now conducts with a heart 38
REVOLUTION counter culture
Divine visitation thru human invitation
Restoration of Moral Conscience of Society
ready to be examined. You can only grow as far as you let God work on your self. This is not another discipleship program. It will require you to be brutally honest with yourself. Of course, it does not guarantee that the Samson syndrome will not happen. But it will definitely warn many before it happens. Jesus Revolution Now is committed to see a whole Fathered generation living a Nazirite Lifestyle committed to turn nations back to God. Once you or your leader goes through the Nazirite Training, they will never be the same. They will be passionate but humble towards God; on fire yet holy unto God; determined yet continuously hungry for God. It is time to raise the bar of commitment so we can see a Nazirite Generation released as forerunners in our time. Can you be the next Nazirite? Can your church release a young generation of Nazirites? The challenge and the call are given. It is up to you and me to respond.
3.4 Jesus Revolution Now! Our Vision: To be a catalyst for the mobilization of two generations to believe for revival and to participate with God in the transformation of nations according to His plan and purpose. Our Mission: To raise up a Fathered Generation consecrated to the Lord expressed in a Nazirite lifestyle.