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Jersey Shore focuses on safety, other improvements

By D. EVERETT SMITH Sun-Gazette Correspondent

Safety in Jersey Shore has progressed greatly in recent months as the borough has joined the Lycoming Regional Police Department. The regional police will cover from the Nippenose area to Old Lycoming and Hepburn.

“We are at the edge of the county and a midsize town, we can act as a hub for (first responder) services in Clinton and Lycoming counties,” Cody Hoover, the Jersey Shore borough manager said. “We benefit from the merger in many ways. With it being bigger, we have resources that allow for more officers with specialization like investigations.”

Thanks to the regionalization, the town has saved money.

Hoover said that many businesses in town are expanding like the Bald Birds Brewery and the West Pharmaceuticals.

“With these businesses making themselves larger, we will have lots of job opportunities in town,” Hoover said.

On the recreational front, Hoover said he was excited about the upcoming improvements that will be made to the Thompson Recreation Field. He said residents can expect updates done to the soccer field, and basketball courts.

He said the funds came from COVID money, which was about $875,000. Thanks to other grants, the total funding will be $1 million.

He said the park was almost 50 years ago and in recent years it had fallen into disrepair.

“The parking lot was torn up and the basketball courts (needed repairs),” Hoover said. But thanks to the grants, repairs can be made. He added the park and walkways will become disability compliant, to allow for persons in wheelchairs and scooters to move easily through the park.

“We have a great community spirit here and we want to make sure the tools, for the next generation, are in place to bring people into the burrough,” Hoover said.

One of those tools he mentioned was the new public service building for Jersey Shore and the new regional Lycoming County highway. He said it was going to be a “big building.”

“Phase one of this project goes to bid this year,” Hoover said. He expected the whole complex to be completed by 2025.

On a social level, Hoover said that what makes Jersey Shore such a unique town is the “old style community leagues.”

He cited examples like the Elks Club, Lions, Moose Lodge and the American Legion. These groups are growing and involved in the community.

“Jersey Shore has a lot of positive things going on with a bright future,” Hoover said.


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