Latest Portfolio 20151203

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S ungWookChoi

Por t f ol i

Not hi ngex c i t esme mor et ha n ndi ngs omet hi ngnew i n s omet hi ngol d

. Recommandat i onLet t er s



B u r o

R f o r






A r c h i t e c t u r e

S c h e e p m a k e r s h a v e n

5 6


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a n d V D





C o n t e m p o r a r y R o t t e r d a m


T h e




D e s i g n

N e t h e r l a n d s

Letter of Recommendation, Sung Wook Choi

Rotterdam 25.11.2015

To Whom it May Concern, Sung Wook Choi has been employed at our office as Junior Architect in the period between 22.06.2015 and 22.11.2015. As director of Barcode Architects, I have had the opportunity to collaborate with Sung Wook on the following projects: - Wijnhaven 69, High-rise Appartments, Rotterdam (Schematic Design phase) - Delft Veld5 Appartments, Delft (Schematic Design phase) - Breda ChassĂŠ Appartments, Breda (Concept Design phase)

We acknowledge the position that Sung Wook has been taken in our design-teams. Sung Wook has a dedicated precision in Model making and is a social team player who can deal with project deadlines. It is therefore that I can recommend Sung Wook to any employer. We wish Sung Wook all the best in his further future career. Yours Sincerely,

Dirk Peters Director Barcode Architects BV

151125_Letter of recommendation_Sung Wook Choi


April 28, 2015

To Whom It May Concern: I am pleased to write a letter of recommendation on behalf of Sungwook Choi for future employment. Mr. Choi attended the Delft University of Technology’s Berlage Center for Advanced Studies in Architecture and Urban Design (formerly the Berlage Institute), where I serve as Head of Education, from 2013 to 2015, recently graduating with an accredited post-Master of Science degree. During Mr. Choi’s year-and-a-half of study, I engaged with him in numerous project presentations; a semester-long research colloquium, which I teach; and in the development of his final thesis project. His final thesis project explored the preservation of historical buildings in a site in Seoul that is primed for redevelopment due to its high land value. Mr. Choi passionately engaged the subject matter, which is central to his interests. While at the Berlage, his work became more intellectually refined, aligning more with his creative skill set. He is gifted with the ability to beautifully draw by hand. Mr. Choi is someone always up for a challenge, showing a strong desire to learn and expand his horizons. He is well liked by his tutors and fellow students for his good manners, team work, and leadership abilities. For example, during a ten-day studio fieldwork trip to Seoul in February of 2014 he organized the trip for his fellow students and tutors, including guided tours and meetings with local experts. His organization was vital to the success of the studio. He possesses a strong dedication for enriching the built environment, especially in terms of the conservation of traditional construction techniques in relation to the economic realities of the contemporary world. I can easily recommend Mr. Choi for employment since I believe he has the potential to make a real contribution to professional practice. Undoubtedly the opportunity to practice in the Netherlands will help him to continue to broaden his understanding of architecture, as well as his skill set and technical knowledge.


Salomon Frausto Head of Education The Berlage Center for Advanced Studies in Architecture and Urban Design Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment

Date Reference

22-04-2015 AR-15-46


Heidi Sohn


+31 639251056




Recommendation Sung Wook Choi

Delft University of Technology

Faculty of Architecture And the Built Environment Department of Architecture Visiting / postal address

Julianalaan 134 2628 BL Delft The Netherlands Corresponding address:

P.O. Box 5043 2600 GA Delft The Netherlands

To whom it may concern, With this reference letter I confirm that I have known Mr. Sung Wook Choi since Fall 2014 in the capacity of his Thesis advisor during the final stage of his graduation project, at the Berlage Center for Advanced Studies in Architecture and Urban Design. Mr. Sung Wook Choi's graduation project titled 'Alternative Design Manual for Urban Renewal in Old Cities' deals with the situation of specific neighbourhoods in Seoul, Korea with historical and socio-cultural value, which due to contemporary urban redevelopment schemes and policies, face the threat of either destruction or gentrification. Mr. Sung Wook Choi's approach to this context-specific problematic tackles questions of analytical, technical, typological and morphological relevance from an angle that seeks to empower local communities to exercise their right to remain in their trusted environments. The manual he presented as part of his graduation project is a thorough and highly detailed typological study of the historical residential structures through which he engages in different forms of recommendations for self-building and improvement of existing structures. Mr. Sung Wook Choi is a soft-spoken individual, who nonetheless owns a series of valuable assets and skills. He functions well individually and in group settings. He is mature, driven, reliable and focused. I believe that if given the opportunity, Mr. Sung Wook Choi will perform well in any professional setting in the future. Therefore, I recommend him as a valuable young architect, and extend this reference for the purposes he deems relevant. Should you have further queries or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely, Heidi Sohn Assistant Professor of Architecture T h i ^ j u / Interim ClMir of Architecture Theory Section Architecture Department ^°J;^rcft/f ^ Delft; Faculty of Architecture "^^'"entof "'^ ^''e Bun.P Delft University of Technology p „ lr'''^'^itectuJ'^^'





Sep,2013 /J an,2015 Mar ,2014 /Mar ,2014

Nov,2013 /Nov,2013

Mar ,2002 /Feb,2011 J ul y,2010 /Aug,2010

Dec, 2009 /Feb,2010

Dec,2008 /Mar ,2009 Mar ,1998 /Feb,2001


J une,2015 /Pr esent Oct ,2015 /Pr esent Mar ,2013 /Oct ,2015 Sep,2011 /Oct ,2012 Mar ,2011 /Sep,2011 J ul ,2009 /Aug,2009 J un,2008 /Aug,2008 J un,2007 /Aug,2007 Mar ,2003 /J ul ,2006 J un,2002 /Feb,2003


Sep,2014 /Pr esent


Sep,2014 /Pr esent


Feb,2014 /Mar ,2014

Oct ,2002

Oct ,2013 /Pr esent J an,2013 /Pr esent May,2012 /Pr esent



Sep,2011 /Pr esent

J un,2010

Oct ,2010

J un,2009 /J ul ,2009

Mar ,2010

Dec,2008 /Feb,2009

Oct ,2009

J an,2003 /Feb,2003

Mar ,2009

J un,2001

Oct ,2009 /Pr esent Oct ,2008

J un,2002


Mar ,2014 /Pr esent Mar ,2010

Oct ,2008 /Pr esent

Oct ,2008

Sep,2006 /Pr esent

J ul ,2007 /Aug, 2007

I ha v ea l l t heba s i cs k i l l sa nda bi l i t yt owor ki na na r c hi t ec t ur a l r m.Af t ergr a dua t i ngf r om t heBer l a gei nt heNet her l a nds ,I ha v ebeenwor k i nga ta na r c hi t ec t ur a lr mi nRot t er da m. I a l s o ha v eov ert woy ea r sofwor k i ngex per i enc ea sa na r c hi t ec ti n S eoul , Kor ea . Whi l ewor k i ngonv a r i ousmoder na r c hi t ec t ur a l pr oj ec t si nmy c ur r entoffic e, I ha v ea l s obeenwor k i ngonma nyr eus edpr oj ec t si nS eoul , Kor ea .F orex a mpl e, I ha v er enov a t edt r a di t i ona l woodenhous est ot ur ni nt omoder nhous i ng. T her ef or e,Iunder s t a ndt hewhol epr oc es sofmoder ndes i gn a ndc ons t r uc t i onoft r a di t i ona lE a s tAs i a na r c hi t ec t ur e.E v en t hought her ea r ema nyAs i a nsi nt heNet her l a nd, t her ea r ef ew peopl ewhoha v eex per i enc ei ndes i gni ngt r a di t i ona l hous i ng. S o,i tc a nbehel pf ulf ora ppl i eda r c hi t ec t ur epr oj ec t si nt he Net her l a nda ndE a s tAs i a nc ount r i ess uc ha sKor eaorChi na . F ur t her mor e, Iha v ea l s owor k edont hr eei ndi v i dua ll owc os t hous i ngpr oj ec t s .AndI a m wor k i ngont wodi ffer enti ndi v i dua lr enov a t i onpr oj ec t si nKor ea .Ass omeonewhoha sga i ned ex per i enc eof wor k i ngona l l di ffer ents t a gesof ma nypr oj ec t s , Ir ml ybel i ev et ha tIc a nma k ea ni mmedi a t ea ndpos i t i v e i mpa c tony ouroper a t i ons . Iha v ea l s oor ga ni z edt heUr ba nr es ea r c hgr oupf orunder s t a ndi ngr ea l peopl ea ndol dc i t i es .Bec a us eI a mi nt er es t edi n ur ba nr edev el opmenti nol dc i t i es , t hr oughs uc ha c t i v i t i esI a m l ea r ni nga boutr ea li s s uesenc ount er edbet weenpeopl ea nd c i t y .F ur t her mor e,Ima deades i gnma nua lbookf orex i s t i ng peopl ei nur ba nr enewa lofol dc i t i es .Asay ounga r c hi t ec t , I bel i ev et ha tol dc i t i esc a nber edev el opedf ort heor i gi na l pur pos ef orpeopl e, I a mt r y i ngt oma k er a t i ona l s ol ut i onst oov er c omet hel i mi t a t i onsofur ba nr enewa l pr a c t i c edt oda y .Al s o, I a ml ea di ngot herr es ea r c hgr oupsr el a t edt our ba na nda r c hi t ec t ur ei nDel f t .Notonl yt ha t , I a m opent oma nyex per i enc es a ndnewc ha l l enges ; f orex a mpl e, I j oi nedt heWor l dT a ek wondoc ompet i t i on, It r a v el l edbybi k ei nKor eaa c r os st hewhol e c ount r y , a nds of or t h. S ur el y , Ic a ns ha r emyex per i enc eswi t h y ou.

Wor kE x per i enc es : Rega r di ng Moder nr es i dent i a l Pr oj ec t s

I fwec ooper a t et oget her , I a ms ur et ha twec a nt a k eal ea di ng pos i t i oni nt he el dofr egener a t i onpr oj ec t si nKor eaa ndAs i a a tl a r ge.I ha v es ev er a l s t r a t egi esi nmi nd. I nr es pons et os er i ousi s s uess uc ha st hec ur r entmet hodof ur ba nr edev el opmentwi t hl a r gea pa r t mentbl oc k s , Kor ea ns oc i et yha ss t a r t edt o ndnew a l t er na t i v esf orur ba nr enewa l a ndr eus e. Al s o, S out hKor ea ngov er nmenta r ea l r ea dyt hi nk i nga boutpos s i bi l i t i esofr edev el opmenta f t erKor eauniesi n t hef ut ur e. Howev er ,des pi t et hei nc r ea s i ngdema ndf orur ba na nd s oc i a l c ha nge, weha v et oof ewex per i enc edpr of es s i ona l swho c oul dl ea dt hi spr oc es sofc ha nge.I ti sf ort hi sr ea s ont ha tI ha v ebeeni nt heNet her l a ndsf or3y ea r s , a nda ml ook i ngf ora Dut c hpa r t nerwi t has ol i da nddi v er s eex per i enc ei nt hi s el d. Ourpr oj ec t sc oul di nc l ude( buta r enotl i mi t edt o) : 1. Cr ea t i nga ndpr ot i ngf r om ur ba nr enov a t i ona ndr eus eof ex i s t i nga r c hi t ec t ur e 2. Or ga ni z i ngi nt er na t i ona l ev ent ss uc ha sl ec t ur es , wor k s hops , a ndex hi bi t i onsi nS eoul , a ndi nAs i aa tl a r ge 3. S ha r i ngl oc a li nf or ma t i ona nds t r a t egi esf orma r k etex pa ns i on I woul dl i k et opr opos et ha t , i n2017, whenI goba c kt oKor ea t of or m myownc ompa ny , webec omec opa r t ner sf orma r k et ex pa ns i on.Ia mc ur r ent l ya ppl y i ngt owor ka ty ouroďŹƒc ef or oney ea r , dur i ngwhi c hwec a nbui l das ol i df ounda t i onofunder s t a ndi nga ndt r us twhi l ewor k i ngt oget her .

Wor kE x per i enc es : Rega r di ng Reus e Ar c hi t ec t ur e

I fwec ooper a t et oget her , I a ms ur et ha twec a nt a k eal ea di ng pos i t i oni nt he el dofr egener a t i onpr oj ec t si nKor eaa ndAs i a a tl a r ge.I ha v es ev er a l s t r a t egi esi nmi nd. I nr es pons et os er i ousi s s uess uc ha st hec ur r entmet hodof ur ba nr edev el opmentwi t hl a r gea pa r t mentbl oc k s , Kor ea ns oc i et yha ss t a r t edt o ndnew a l t er na t i v esf orur ba nr enewa l a ndr eus e. Al s o, S out hKor ea ngov er nmenta r ea l r ea dyt hi nk i nga boutpos s i bi l i t i esofr edev el opmenta f t erKor eauniesi n t hef ut ur e. Howev er ,des pi t et hei nc r ea s i ngdema ndf orur ba na nd s oc i a l c ha nge, weha v et oof ewex per i enc edpr of es s i ona l swho c oul dl ea dt hi spr oc es sofc ha nge.I ti sf ort hi sr ea s ont ha tI ha v ebeeni nt heNet her l a ndsf or3y ea r s , a nda ml ook i ngf ora Dut c hpa r t nerwi t has ol i da nddi v er s eex per i enc ei nt hi s el d. Ourpr oj ec t sc oul di nc l ude( buta r enotl i mi t edt o) : 1. Cr ea t i nga ndpr ot i ngf r om ur ba nr enov a t i ona ndr eus eof ex i s t i nga r c hi t ec t ur e 2. Or ga ni z i ngi nt er na t i ona l ev ent ss uc ha sl ec t ur es , wor k s hops , a ndex hi bi t i onsi nS eoul , a ndi nAs i aa tl a r ge 3. S ha r i ngl oc a li nf or ma t i ona nds t r a t egi esf orma r k etex pa ns i on I woul dl i k et opr opos et ha t , i n2017, whenI goba c kt oKor ea t of or m myownc ompa ny , webec omec opa r t ner sf orma r k et ex pa ns i on.Ia mc ur r ent l ya ppl y i ngt owor ka ty ouroďŹƒc ef or oney ea r , dur i ngwhi c hwec a nbui l das ol i df ounda t i onofunder s t a ndi nga ndt r us twhi l ewor k i ngt oget her .

Ac a demi cE x per i enc es : Rega r di ng Ur ba n Regener a t i on

I nt hi sc ha pt er ,y ouc a ns eemyPer s ona lI dea Pr oj ec twi t hs k i l l sf ora r c hi t ec t ur e.I a mv er ypr oc i enti nv a r i ousc omput erpr ogr a ms( bel ow) . As y ouc a ns eef r om mya t t a c hedpor t f ol i o,Ia l s o ha v es t r ongha nddr a wi nga ndmodel ma k i ng s k i l l s .F ur t her mor e, Iha v eex c el l ent l m ma k i ng s k i l l si nc l udi ng3Da ni ma t i onsa ndr es ea r c hdoc ument a r i es .My s hor t l ms c a n be v i ewed t hr ought heQRc odesorwebs i t el i nk si nmypor t f ol i o. Myk eys k i l l si nc l ude: 1.Wor k i ngont hewhol epr oc es sof a na r c hi t ec t ur ea ndur ba npr oj ec t 2.Pr oc i enc yi n: /AdobeS ui t e ( I nc l udi ngPhot os hop, I l l us t r a t or , I nDes i gn, pr emi er e) /Aut oCAD/Rhi noc er os/3dsMAX/S k et c hup /Hi ghqua l i t yofha nds k et c hi ng a ndmodel ma k i ng 3.Res ea r c ha nds k i l l si ni nt er v i ewi ng l oc a l peopl ef orur ba nr enewa l pr oj ec t s Gi v enmys t r ongi nt er es ti nur ba nr enewa l a nd r egener a t i on, I a ml ook i ngt owor kwi t ha noďŹƒc e t ha ti smor ei nv ol v edi nt hi s el dt ha nmyc ur r ent oďŹƒc e. I hopet ha ty ouwi l lndt hi sl et t er , i nc ombi na t i onwi t ht hea t t a c hedCVa ndpor t f ol i o, ent i c i ngenought oi nv i t emef ora ni nt er v i ew. I l ook f or wa r dt ohea r i ngf r om y oui nduec our s er ega r di ngt hepr ogr es sofmya ppl i c a t i on.

Per s ona l I dea Pr oj ec t

Ot her Ac t i v i t i es

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