Shodh ritu ank 4 2016 e journal

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शोध-ऋतु SHODH-RITU

त्रैमासिक शोध-पसत्रका अंक-४

ISSN NO.2454-6283

अप्रैल-जून २०१६


िम्पादक डॉ.िुनील जाधव िकनीकक सम्पादक िकनीकक सम्पादक अतनल जाधव अतनल जाधव

आलेख भेजने िेिु मित्व पनणी सिंदन :-

TECHNICAL EDITOR: ANIL JADHAV मिाराणा प्रिाप िाउससग सोसाइटी,

९.िमारा ललॉग पिा िैं–

१.फॉण्ट: कृ ति देव १० साइज १४- वडी-७ प्रकाशन/प्रकाशक २.आलेख पेज मयाीदा : चार पेज [ अतिररक्त नवसातित्यकार पतललके शन,ना​ांदड े प्रकाशन/प्रकाशक प्रिी पेज १०० रूपये देय िोगा ] डॉ.सु न ील जाधव नवसातित्यकार ३.आलेख के साि आलेख का सारा​ांश भेजना मेपतललके ल पिा शन,ना​ां : दड े िोगा | सम्पादकीय डॉ.सुनील पिा जाधव ४.एक पासपोटी साइज फोटो | मिाराणा प्रिाप िाउससग सोसाइटी, ५.आलेखों का चयन शोध-चयन समीति द्वारा िनुमान गढ़ कमान के समाने, ककया जायेगा ना​ांदड े -४३१६०५ इम्पै क् ट फै क्टर इां ड क् े ्ड एवां पतिका अां ि राीष्ट्रीय शोध NSSI -’’ अप्रै लगजने न| मिाराष्ट्र,भारि ६.्िरीय आले ख िी‘’शोध ्वीकृुिु ि ककये जायें मेल पिा : अांक िेिआपके ु मौतलक आलेख आमांति​ि कर रिा िैं | चलभाष : ०९४०५३८४६७२ ७.सद्यिा शुल्क : वार्षषक 400 रु. डाकव्यय अांतिम तिति ,माची ३१ :२०१६... /०९८५०७०२७६३ खची प्रति अांक ५० रु अतधक देय िोगा | ८.िमारा इमेल पिा EDITOR: सम्पादकीय पिा DR.SUNIL JADHAV िनुमान गढ़ कमान के समाने, ना​ांदड े -४३१६०५ मिाराष्ट्र, भारि चलभाष : ०९४०५३८४६७२ /०९८५०७०२७६३ १०.डाक पिा :डॉ.सुनील जाधव मिाराणा प्रिाप िाउससग सोसाइटी,िनुमान गढ़ कमान के सामने,ना​ांदड े -४३१६०५,मिाराष्ट्र | ११.प्रति आलेख शुल्क :800 रु डाकव्यय खची ५० रु अतिररक्त देय िोगा |


सम्पादक डॉ.सुनील जाधव िकनीकक सम्पादक अनील जाधव पत्ता मिाराणा प्रिाप िाउससग सोसाइटी, िनुमान गढ़ कमान के सामने, ना​ांदड े -४३१६०५ मिाराष्ट्र सांकेि ्िल : चालभाष /०९४०५३८४६७२: ९८५०७०२७६३ शुल्क -: प्रति अांक .रु २००: प्रति आलेख रु 800:


मुद्रण /मुद्रक िन्मय सप्रटसी,ना​ांदड े डॉ.सुनील जाधव,ना​ांदड े


१.कवर पेज फु ल क्र.४ पर :

५०००/रूपये २.कवर पेज क्र.२-३ पर फु ल ३०००/पेज रूपये ३.िाफ पेज कवर पेज २०००/२,३,४ पर रूपये ४.भीिरी पेज पर फु ल १०००/रूपये ५.भीिरी पेज पर िाफ ५००/रूपये

प्रकाशन/प्रकाशक नवसातित्यकार पतललके शन,ना​ांदड े डॉ.सुनील जाधव,ना​ांदड े तवज्ञापन एवां आलेख शुल्क िेिु िंैंक खािातववरण १. नाम :

सुनील गुलािंससग जाधव

२. िंैंक :

िंैंक ऑफ़ मिाराष्ट्र, वकी शॉप कॉनीर, ना​ांदड े , मिाराष्ट्र

३. खािा सांख्या:

2015 8925 290



शोध ऋत,ू



वार्षषक परामशी मांडल-२०१६ प्रो.डॉ.रामप्रसाद भट {जमीनी } प्रो.डॉ.उपुल रां तजि {श्रीलांका} प्रो.डॉ.श्यामराव राठोड {िेलग ां ाना} प्रो.डॉ.राजेश रावल,राजकोट{गुजराि} प्रो.डॉ.अरतवन्द शुक्ल {उत्तर प्रदेश} प्रो.डॉ.सांगम वमाी {पांजािं}

अप्रैल-जून : २०१६

ISSN NO २४५४-६२८३

इम्पैक्ट फै क्टर इां डक् े सड अांिराीष्ट्रीय िंहुशाखीय NSSI शोध पतिका {शोध-ुिु} जुलाई-तसिांिंर अांक-५ २०१६ िेिु आलेख आमांति​ि ककये जा रिा िैं | अांतिम तिति :१५ जनन,२०१६

प्रो.डॉ.मुकेशकु मार मालवीय

शोध-ुिु के पुराने अांक

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अप्रैल-जून : २०१६

ISSN NO २४५४-६२८३

इि अंक में..... *

जल िी प्रकृ ति का सार िैं !



िंांजारा लोकगीिों में भतक्त :एक समीक्षा

डॉ.सुनील जाधव


उत्तर उपतनवेशवाद और भारि

अनुषा सल्वािुरा,श्रीलांका


िंांजारा समाज में िीज का मित्व

तवजय कु मार राठोड


नागर जी के उपन्यासों में तचति​ि सामातजक आदशी

डॉ.दीति गुिा


ि​िा भारिीय समाज को उसकी देन ५

सिदी भाषा और भातषक सांसाधन:मशीनी अनुवाद

डॉ.िंोइनवाड एन.एन.


मतिला और पयाीवरण

डॉ.मुकेश कु मार मालवीय


स्त्री-तवमशी के अलोक में देवदासी प्रिा

तिंरादर तशवाजी


पांि के गद्य सातित्य में नारी तचिण

डॉ.चन्द्रका​ांि तिवारी


तशवानी का ‘कासलदी’ उपन्यास:नारी चेिना का

दिवानी ममिा


डॉ.तनम्मी ए.ए.


सांवािक 10

भारि और ईरान में सा​ां्कृ तिक व् कला सम्िंन्धचलिे िो अच्छा िा


सिदी खांडकाव्य परम्परा एवां युगचेिना

अशतमन्दर कौर



मीरा के काव्य में भतक्त और प्रेम का समन्वय

कै लाश चन्द्र



स्त्री ्विांि​िा की अवधारणा: ठीकरे की मांगनी

डाकोर कल्याणी



सनचना प्रोद्योतगकी और सिदी

पवन भारिी



सवेश्वर के काव्य में राजनैतिक पररदृश्य

प्रेम नारायण



पाररत्ितिक नारीवाद के सन्दभी में समकालीन

प्रतणिा पी.


सिदी किानी १७

किा सनािन-सत्ता को चुनौिी देिा हुआ उपन्यास

काले सािेिंराव



इलाचांद्र जोशी के उपन्यासों में मनोवैज्ञातनक

समला देवी



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शोध ऋत,ू १९



प्रभा खेिान के उपन्यासों में उभरिा हुआ नया

अप्रैल-जून : २०१६

ISSN NO २४५४-६२८३

डॉ.सीमा जाधव


सा​ां्कृ तिक पररदृश्य २०

भाषा,अनुवाद, मीमा​ांसा-सातित्य सां्कृ ति

वृषाली काले



आकदवासी समाज िातशए से कें द्र की ओर

यदुनांदन प्रसाद



सातित्य की सुि चेिना को जागृि करिा योगी:

सपना मा​ांगतलक


रतवन्द्र नाि टैगौर २३

मिात्मा गाँधी राष्ट्रीय ग्रामीण रोजगार योजना

पवनेश तमश्र/जयशांकर शुक्ल



Disaster Management…

Manjindaer sood



Spike in Pulses Prices

Neetu Verma








नई सदी की कतविा में नारी तचिण

ननिन शमाी



डॉ.रामदरश तमश्र के उपन्यासों में अतभव्यक्त

प्रा.प्रकाश साविे


प्रा.डॉ.रामकृ ष्ण िंदने


लोकगीि २९

सिदी किातनयों में स्त्री तवमशी :तचिा मुद्गल के सन्दभी में


Page 6

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सम्पादकीय .. जल िी प्रकृ ति का सार िैं ! ‘’जल िी जीवन का आधार िै जल िी प्रकृ ति का सार िै तिंन जल ये सम्ि चराचर कल्पना से िंािर िै जल िी िो धरिी की शान िै जल िै िो जिान िै जल सांरक्षण मिान िै|’’ कतव कु लदीप वतशष्ठ

आज मराठवाड़ा की भनतम सनखे ि​िा जल के भीषण सांकट से गुजर रिी िैं | आधुतनकिा, ग्लोिंलाइजेशन, जल का अपव्यय, पयाीवरण को पहुँचायी जाने वाली िानी के चलिे आज ुिुओं में पररविीन नजर आ रिा िैं | वषाी की अतनयतमि​िा, नदी नालों का तगरिा जल ्िर, जल की सरक्षणिीनिा के कारण भनजल का यनँ अचानक गायिं िो जाना सम्ि मानव जाति को एक सांकेि दे जािा िैं | जल िैं िो कल िैं | जल िी जीवन िैं | सारी प्रकृ ति का सार जल िैं | यकद मानव प्रकृ ति को िातन पहुँचा कर प्रकृ ति के तवरोध में जायेगा िो ्वाभतवक िी िैं कक एक न एक कदन प्रकृ ति पलट वार जरुर करे गी | तिंना पानी के पृथ्वी की कल्पना निीं की जा सकिी िैं | जल िी प्रकृ ति का सार िैं | जल तिंन जीव का निीं आकार िैं |

अप्रैल-जून : २०१६

ISSN NO २४५४-६२८३

जल के मित्ता को लेकर पुराण, कु रान,िंायिंल आकद तवश्व के सम्ि धार्षमक ग्रन्िों में तलखा गया िैं | आपको वि भागीरिी की किा ्मरण िोगी | भागीरिी की कई पीकढ़यों ने जल के तलए अपने शरीर को त्याग कदया िा | उनके िंतलदानों से जन जन िक गँगा का तनमील जल पहुँचा िा | गौिम िंुद्ध जी ने भी जल से िोने वाले युद्ध को रोका िा | िमारे यिाँ पौरातणक काल से लेकर आजिक जल सरक्षण, सांचयन की िंाि किीं गयी िैं | ककन्िु आज आधुतनकिा का भनि तसर चढ़कर नाच रिा िैं | या यनँ किे कक िम उसे नाचने दे रिे िैं | िंाररश का जो पानी जमीन में जािा िा | आज वि जमीन में निी जािा िैं | क्योंकक सड़क, नातलयाँ,आँगन सिंकु छ सीमेंट,फशी से िंने हुए िैं | ना िंाररश के पानी की रुकने की कोई गुांजाईश िैं और ना िैं घर में ्िमाल िोने वाले पानी की | सारा पानी नालों द्वारा नकदयों में भेजा जा रिा िैं | तजस कारण नकदयाँ दनतषि िो रिीं िैं | यकद िम शोष गढ़ों का जमीन में पानी सांचयन करने के तलए उपयोग करिे िैं िो भतवष्य में यि िमारे तलए फायदे मांद िी तसद्ध िोगा | आज दतक्षण कोररया के प्रगि शिर में काननन िी िंना कदया िैं कक प्रत्येक घर में शोष गढ़ा िोना अतनवायी िैं | खेिों में अतधक से अतधक िालिं िंनाये जाये | कुँ ओं, िंोअर में िंाररश के Page 7

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अप्रैल-जून : २०१६

ISSN NO २४५४-६२८३

पानी का सांचयन ककया जाये | आतधक से आतधक मािा में वृक्ष लागाये जाये | तजस कारण वषाी अतधक िोगी | धरिी पर माि एक प्रतिशि पानी पीने ओर ्िमाल करने लायक िैं | आधुतनकिा, पयाीवरण को पांहुचाने वाली िानी के करना जल सांकट तवश्व सचिा का कारण िंनिे जा रिा िैं | यिी कारण िैं कक २२ माची को तवश्व जल कदवस मनाया जा रिा िैं | तवद्विजनो के अनुसार िीसरा मिायुद्ध जल के कारण िोगा | यकद समय रि​िे िम अपने आप को निीं सम्िाल पाये िो आने वाला समय इससे भी भयानक सांकट को लेकर आ सकिा िैं |

डॉ.सुनील जाधव,ना​ांदड े +९१ ९४०५३८४६७२

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1-catkjk yksdxhrksa esa Hkfä % ,d leh{kk M‚-lquhy tkèko] ukansM] egkjk"Vª OgkV~l ,i uacj % $‹ƒ ‹†å‡…Š†ˆ‰„ tc ls euq"; us cksyuk fl[kk rc mUgesa euksjatu] mins'k] Hkfä] çse] lkSUn;Z] nq%[k] osnuk] ihM+k] ohjrk] mRlkg] dks vfHkO;ä djus ds fy, dFkk] yksddFkk] yksdxhr] yksdukVî] yksdu`R;] yksdxkFkk vkfn dk tUe gqvkA ;g lcdks fofnr gSa fd yksd lkfgR; fdlh ,d dk ugha gksrk og rks ijEijkxr :i ls ,d ih<+h ls nwljs ih<+h esa euksjtu] mins'k]Hkfä]la—fr] laLdkj vkfn ds :i esa vkxs c<+rk jgrk gSaA vkSj lkFk esa ih<+h nj ih<+h mlesa dqN u dqN tqM+rs] NVrs] ifjekftZr gksrs tkrk gSaA yksdlkfgR; dk ekè;e ekSf[kd gksus ds dkj.k vkt og vYi :i esa fyf[kr gSaAle; ds lkFk tkx:d yksdlkfgR; çseh mls eqfær dj gekjs lEeq[k çLrqr dj jgk gSa Avkt lHkk&lEesyu] jk"Vªh; varjkZ"Vªh; laxksf"B;ksa ds ekè;e ls yqIr gks jgs yksd lkfgR; dks lathouh çnku dh tk jgh gSaA foÜo ds çR;sd lewg] tkfr] lekt] jk"Vª dk yksd lkfgR; gSaA D;ksafd orZeku vkèkqfud lkfgR; yksdlkfgR; dh gh nsu gSaA mls ge vkèkqfud lkfgR; dh tUenk=h Hkh dg ldrs gSaAftl çdkj ls çR;sd vkèkqfud lkfgR; dh foèkk dh viuh ,d Lora= lajpuk gksrh gSa] mlh çdkj yksd lkfgR; dk xkSj ls vè;;u djus ij Kkr gksxk fd yksdlkfgR; dk Hkh viuk ,d Lora= <k¡pk gksrk gSaA catkjk yksd lkfgR; vHkh&Hkh iwjh rjg ls fyf[kr&ladfyr :i esa ugha gSaAyksxksa dh tkx:drk ,oa lHkk&lEesyu]laxksf"B;ksa ds ekè;e ls og ladfyr ,oa fyf[kr :i esa gekjs lEeq[k vk jgk gSaA vkt vko';drk gSa] yksd lkfgR; dks lEiw.kZ :i ls fyf[kr&ladfyr fd;s tkus dh A vkSj bl ij xgu ppkZ] xks"Bh vkfn dk vk;kstu gks] leh{kk gksAD;ksfa d yksdlkfgR; gekjk bZfrgkl gSaA lkfgR; dk bZfrgkl gSA tks ekSf[kd :i esa vkt Hkh thfor gSaAyksdlkfgR; dh mRifr vkSj fodkl yksd esa gh gksrk gSaA yksd esa tUe

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ysrk gS vkSj yksd esa gh fodflr gksrk tkrk gSaAblhfy, yksd lkfgR; dk dksbZ ,d bUlku ys[kd ugha gksrkA cfYd mldk ys[kd lEiw.kZ yksd gksrk gSaA blhfy, bl lkfgR; dks yksdlkfgR; dgk tkrk gSaA vkèkqfud lkfgR; dh Hkkafr yksdlkfgR; dh Hkh foèkk;sa gksrh gSaAftlesayksddFkk&xkFkk&xhr&u`R;&laxhr]uk Vî vkfn foèkk,a gksrh gSaA lEiw.kZ foÜo esa catkjk tutkfr djksM+ ls Hkh vfèkd gSaA catkjk yksd lkfgR; esa yksdxhr 'kh"kZ ij gSaAloZfç; gSaA yksdxhr okLro esa ,d thou i)fr] laLdkj]laL—fr] rRoKku gSaA yksdxhrksa esa tgk¡ rht&R;kSgkj&ioZ] tUe ls ysdj e`R;q rd ds xhr] [k+q'kh ds xhr&nq%[k ds xhr] ifjJe&ç—fr vkfn ls lEcfUèkr xhr fn[kkbZ nsrs gSa( ogha Hkfä ls lEcfUèkr xhr&Hktu&dhrZu Hkh viuk ,d vyx LFkku j[krs gSaA mUgha Hkfä xhrksa dk leh{kkRed vè;;u ;gk¡ çLrqr gSaA ƒ-bZÜoj dk Lo:i ,oa Hkfä i)fr „-ukeLej.k …-foÜodY;k.k dh Hkkouk †-ekuorkokn ‡-,drk]caèkqrk]lerk ˆ-ç—fr fp=.k ‰-Hkfä xhrksa esa laxhrkRedrk Š-larks ds mins'k ‹-Hkk"kk&'kSyh ƒ-bZÜoj dk Lo:i ,oa Hkfä i)fr %& Hkfä ds {ks= esa Hkä vkSj bZÜoj dk gksuk vfuok;Z gksrk gSaAfcuk bZÜoj ,oa fcuk Hkä ds Hkfä laHko ugha gksrhAHkä dk bZÜoj rd igq¡pus dk lkèku Hkfä gksrh gSaA çR;sd Hkä dk viuk ,d vjkè; gksrk gSa] ftlds lEeq[k og viuh Hkfä çdV djrk gSaA catkjk yksdlkfgR;&yksdxhrksa dk vè;;u djus ij Page 9

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Kkr gksxk fd catkjk tutkfr fdls viuk bZÜoj ;k vjkè; ekurh gSaA vkSj mldh Hkfä i)fr D;k gSaA catkjk tutkfr ;g ç—fr iwtd gSaA og lcls igys ç—fr dks viuk bZÜoj ekurh gSaA og pUæ&lw;Z]rkjs]xk;&cSy] isM+&ikSèks] [ksr&[kfy;ku] igkM+&unh&vukt vkfn ds çfr lefiZr fn[kkbZ nsrh gSaA og vius yksdxhrksa ,oa vjnkl esa ç—fr dh ç'kalk djrs gq, dgrk gSa]

dksG rkjs.k iksgks ckaèksu nslk rsjh vkjrhj gS--gSa dksgks cèkknw tx eksrh;j dksGs rkj.k --Jh-xqykcflax tkèko th ds lk{kRdkj ls çkIr Hkfä xhr &vjnkl] lar lsokyky th dks catkjk tutkfr Hkxoku ekurh gSaA D;ksafd muds Økafr dkjh dk;Z }kjk gh catkjk tutkfr laxfBr gqbZ FkhA ,oa mUgsa nsoh çlUu gksus ds dkj.k os iwtuh cu x;sA mUgsa bZÜoj dk vorkj ekuk tkrk gSaA

igkM+se igkM+ dq.klks igkM+ iM+ksj dksGs rkj.k igkM+se igkM+ fgeky; igkM+ iM+ksj dksGs rkj.k dksG rkjs.k iksgks ckaèksu nslk rsjh vkjrhj gS--gSa dksgks cèkknw tx eksrh;j dksGs rkj.k -----ˆvUusek vUu dqulks vUu iM+ksj dksGs rkj.k vUuse vUu dksrw vUu iM+ksj dksGs rkj.k dksG rkjs.k iksgks ckaèksu nslk rsjh vkjrhj gS--gSa dksgks cèkknw tx eksrh;j dksGs rkj.k -----‰unhe unh dq.klh unh iM+hj dksGs rkj.k unhe unh x¡xk unh iM+hj dksGs rkj.k dksG rkjs.k iksgks ckaèksu nslk rsjh vkjrhj gS--gSa dksgks cèkknw tx eksrh;j dksGs rkj.k -----ŠlkaMse lkaM dq.klks lkaM iM+ksj dksGs rkj.k lkaMse lkaM xjk'kk lkaM iM+ksj dksG rkj.k lkrh nsohjh vkjr mrjhj dksGs rkj.k dksG rkjs.k iksgks ckaèksu nslk rsjh vkjrhj gS--gSa dksgks caèkknw tx eksrh;j dksGs rkj.k -----Jh-xqykcflax tkèko th ds lk{kRdkj ls çkIr Hkfä xhr &vjnkl]

^* lsok Hkk;k csVks;s lksusjh ikydhek rht cksbZ;ks vksjh nsoGsek MaMh ;kM+h csfV;s lksusjh ikydhek MkdGks ekfM;ksa vksjh nsoGsek lsok Hkk;k csVks;s èkksGs ?kksM+ysij Hkksx ykfx;ks vksjh nsoGsek MaMh ;kM+h csfV;s lksusjh ikydhek A

ç—fr ds ckn og nsoh dh vjkèkuk djrh catkjk yksdxhrksa ,oa Hkfä xhrksa esa L=h çFke LFkku fn;k x;k gSaA ;gh dkj.k gSa catkjk tutkfr ;g nsoh ds fofHkUu :iksa vjkèkuk djrk gSaA

gSaA dks fd dh

^*t; rGtk Hkokuh] vEck] txnEck] ej;kek] dadkGh fgxGk] nqxkZ] vkfnek;k 'kfä txr tuuh ;kM+h lsu lkbZa osl A ** nsohe nsoh dq.klh eksBh fo;j dksGs rkj.k nsohe nsoh rGtk nsoh fo;j dksGs rkj.k

catkjk yksdxhr&M‚-oh-jkedksVh i`- ƒå„ catkjk nsoh dh Hkfä rkaMks esa vius ?kj ds lEeq[k ;k eafnj rFkk [ksrksa esa djrs gSaA bl lUnHkZ esa M‚-oh-jkedksVh th dgrs gSa]** catkjk eq[; :i ls nsoh ds mikld gSaA fofHkUu çkUrksa esa cls gq, catkjs esjkek ;kM+h nsoh] dh iwtk djrs gSaA dqN nsfo;k¡ VkaMs esa iwth tkrh gSa vkSj dqN nsfo;k¡ taxyksa esa ;k [ksr&[kfy;kuksa esa iwth tkrs gSaAnsoh&ekmyh dks O;fäxr :i ls Hkh iwtrs gS vkSj lkoZtfud :i ls Hkh ;g nsfo;ksa dk çFke çkFkZuk xhr gSa vack&vack Hkkjr ekrk Hkokuh vkuh lR; yksdsu NksM+u vkuh Xokj Hkkbu Kkue dsuh lsj eusu ,dt djuh lsjks lkbZ osuh vkuh nqxZq.k ls nwj djys ekrk HkUnks xqyke ls rksu N ekrk Hkä cukys lsu rw ekrk Hktu djkys rkjkst ekrk A catkjk yksdxhr&M‚-oh-jkedksVh i`-Š† dbZ lkS lkyks ls catkjk tutkfr Hkkjr ekrk dks Hkh nsoh ds :i esa ns[krk vkSj iwtrk vk;k gSa A mä xhr esa yksddfo Hkä nsoh vack [Hkkjr ekrk ] dk vkOgku dj jgk gSaA mls lR; yksd NksM+ dj catkjksa dks Kku dk ekxZ fn[kkus] lces ,drk dh LFkkiuk djus] foÜo Page 10

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dY;k.k ds fy, çdV gksus dk vkOgku dj jgk gSaA ekrk ;g 'kjhj vkidk xqyke gSaA bl Hkä ds nqxZq.kksa dks u"V dj viuk Hkä cukys ekrkA ge ls Hktu djokys ekrk --A Hkfä xhrksa esa Hkäks dk leiZ.k lkQ&lkQ fn[kkbZ nsrk gSaA catkjk Hkfä lEcUèkh xhrksa esa vjkè; dh ç'kalk] vuqu;] fou;] leiZ.k dh Hkkouk fn[kkbZ nsrh gSaAcatkjk Hkä vius vjkè; ds lEeq[k vius vgadkj dks R;kx dj vius&vki dks lEiw.kZ :i ls lefiZr dj nsrk gSa A „-ukeLej.k%& Hkkjrh; Hkfä lkfgR; ,oa yksdHkfä lkfgR; esa ukeLej.k dh efgek dks fo'ks"k :i esa ns[kk tk ldrk gSaA fganh] ejkBh] rfey] xqtjkrh vkfn esa fyf[kr ,oa ijEijk ls pyh vkjgh ekSf[kd yksd lkfgR; esa vius vjkè;] b'k dh oanuk ds lkFk ukeLej.k dh efgek dk c[kku gqvk gSa A euq"; dks nq%[k] fujk'kk] ihM+k] Øksèk] b"kkZ] }s"k] Xykuh] vkèkh&O;kfèk vkfn dk lkeuk djuk iM+rk gSaA euq"; dk thou vueksy ,oa uÜoj gksus ds dkj.k vjkè; lar] bZÜoj vkfn ds ukeLej.k ls Hko dks ikj fd;k tk ldrk gSaAcatkjk yksdxhrksa esa Hktu&dhrZu vkfn esa ukeLej.k dh efgek x;h tkrh gSaA catkjk ç—fr] nsoh ,oa larksa dks Hkxoku ekurk gSaA ;gh dkj.k gSa fd og catkjk xq#&lar lsokyky th dk ukeLej.k djrk gSaA ;fn Øksèk] dky vkfn dks ijkftr djuk gSa] rks rqEgs lsokyky th dk ukeLej.k djuk gksxkA yksdxhrksa esa vfHkO;ä yksdHkä dfo dgrk gSa] ^*mBks mBksj xksjks] Hktu gfjjks djksj A ljs ifj;k dky Hkejksa] Øksèk ?kkyjks Qsjksj A lsokyky jks uke Hktks] lalkjs jks djt ljksj A lr èkeZsrh djksj dekbZ] usfdrh isV Hkjksj A * *fganh lkfgR; % fofoèk vk;ke&M‚-lquhy tkèko i`-†ˆ catkjk Hkä xq#&lar lsokyky th dks bZÜoj ekurk gSaA dchj us tgk¡ xq# dks bZÜoj ls Js"B crk;k& ^*xq# xksfoUn nksm [kM+s] dkds ykxw ik; A

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cfygkjh vkius ftu] xksfoUn fn;ks crk; A A ** dchj xzUFkkoyh&';ke lqUnjnkl ogha ij catkjk yksdxhrksa esa catkjk yksdHkä dfo lar lsokyky th dks nsoh dk n'kZu djusokyk crk;k gSaA ;fn lar lsokyky çlUu gksx a s rks nsoh vius vki çlUu gks tk;sxhA lar lsoyky dh ç'kalk djrs gq, yksdHkä dfo dgrk gSa] ^* lsok Hkk;k csVks;s lksusjh ikydhek rht cksbZ;ks vksjh nsoGsek MaMh ;kM+h csfV;s lksusjh ikydhek MkdGks ekfM;ksa vksjh nsoGsek lsok Hkk;k csVks;s èkksGs ?kksM+ysij Hkksx ykfx;ks vksjh nsoGsek MaMh ;kM+h csfV;s lksusjh ikydhek A catkjk yksdxhr&M‚-oh-jkedksVh i`- ƒå„ …-foÜodY;k.k dh Hkkouk %& oSfnd lkfgR; Hkh ,d yksd lkfgR; gh gSA tks ,d ls nwljs ds ikl ekSf[kd :i esa vkxs c<+k vkSj fy[kk x;kA oSfnd yksdlkfgR; esa foÜo ds eaxy dh dkeuk dh xbZ gSa A loZs HkoUrq lf[ku% loZs lUrq fujke;k%A loZs Hkækf.k i';Urq ek df'pnnq%[kHkkxHkosrAA i`"B% ƒ-†-ƒ†&c`gnkvj.;dk mifu"kn catkjk yksdxhrksa esa vfHkO;ä Hkfä lkfgR; yksdeaxy ,oa foÜo eaxy dh dkeuk djrk gSaA çR;sd catkjk Hkä ç—fr] nsoh] lar lsokyky th ds çfr vius vkidks lefiZr djrk gqvkA fto&tUrq] i'kq&i{kh] isM+&ikSèks] xk;&cSy] [ksr&[kfy;ku] NksVs&cM+]s L=h&iq#"k vkfn lEiw.kZ euq"; tkfr ds ^* lsu lkbZa osl** foÜo eaxy dh dkeuk djrk gSa A og nsoh ds lEeq[k vjnkl djrk gSa& ^*t; rGtk Hkokuh] vEck] txnEck] ej;kek] dadkGh fgxGk] nqxkZ] vkfnek;k 'kfä txr tuuh ;kM+h lsu lkbZa osl A dkGs ekrsj euD;k Nk pqd tkaokpk pqd Hkwy ekQ dj ;kMh rkjs xksj caèkku ukuD;k eksBsu lkbZosl A uxjhu lkbZosl Page 11

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;kMh ;s èkjrh ij js;os kG thotarq dhM+k eqaxhu lkbZosl ;kMh dksj xksjsu lkbZosl ckG&xksikGsu lkbZosl A tks Hkxr rkj uke Lejh; vksu lkbosl ;kM+h A rkjs xksj caèkku vUus&èkusfr Hkjiwj jdkM] èkaèks ikuhe ;'k n ;kMh A tr ladV vk; or gtj ostk;sl rkjs Hkxrsu rkjysl ;kM+h A tho&t.kxk.khj lkbosl ;kM+h A okatMhjks xksnks Hkj nsl rkj xksjcaèkk dLV djsokG N vksu Hkwdks er jdkMsl ;kM+h lR;s dke QÙks djsl ftUnxhj uS;k ikj yxk;sl ^* vu** bZ -iwtk rkjs nsoGse eatwj djysl ;kM+h lk---bZ --osl ] ;kM+h A ** Jh-xqykcflax tkèko th ds lk{kRdkj ls çkIr Hkfä xhr &vjnkl] Hkfädkyhu lkfgR; esa rqylh vkfn dk lfgR; Hkh yksdeaxy dh dkeuk ls ifjiw.kZ fn[kkbZ nsrk gSa A ^*jkepfjrekul** bldk mR—"V mngkj.k ges ns[kus dks feyrk gSaA jke&y{e.k&lhrk&guqeku th ds lkFk vkn'kZ ifjokj ,oa lekt dh LFkkiuk dh xbZ gSaA ;gh dkj.k gS fd vkt Hkh rqylh lEer laLdkj ,oa jkejkT; dh dYiuk dh tkrh gSa A †-ekuorkokn % foÜo ds çR;sd yksd lkfgR; dk vè;;u djus ij Kkr gksxk fd fdlh us Hkh euq";&euq"; esa Hksn&Hkko djuk ugha fl[kk;kA ftrus Hkh egkiq#"kksa us tUe fy;kA mUgksaus Hkh ekuork dks lcls mij j[kkA ekuorkokn euq"; dks euq"; dh utj ls ns[kuk] le>uk fl[kkrk gSaA vkil esa fey tqy dj jguk fl[kkrk gSaA HkkbZ pkjk caèkqRo dh Hkkouk fl[kkrk gSA yksdlkfgR; ds yksdxhr Hkfä] bl foèkk esa Hkh ekuork okn dk lans'k gesa ns[kus dks feyrk gSaA catkjk Hkfä xhr dchj] rqylh dh Hkk¡rh lerk] cUèkqrk] ,drk dk

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lans'k nsrk gSaA dchj us bZÜoj Hkfä esa tkfr] èkeZ ls Js"B euq"; dks ekuk FkkA tkfr u iwNks lkèkw dh] iwN yhft;s Kku A eksy djksa ryokj dh iM+k jgus nks E;ku A A tkfr&ifr iwNsu dksbZ] gfj dks Hkth lks gfj dk gksbZ A ** catkjk yksdxhrksa esa tkfr&èkeZ] lEçnk; ls mij ekuo dks Js"B ekuk gSaA of.kZr lar lsokyky th us Hkh ekuork okn dk gh lans'k nsrs gq, dgk ^* dksj xksjsu lkbZosl ckG&xksikGsu lkbZosl A ** catkjk bZfrgkl ys[kd rFkk çFke ?kqera w foe'kZ dk iqjLdkj çkIr djusokys çk- eksfrjkt jkBksM th ekuorkokn ds lanHkZ esa foLrkj ls fy[kk gSaA ftlesa ls dqN va'k ;gk¡ m)`r fd;k tk jgk gSa& ^* lar lsokyky egkjkt euq"; dks loZ Js"B ekurs gSA euq"; ls c<+dj i`Fohij dksbZ Js"B ughaA ogha l`f"V dk djrk&èkjrk gSA euq"; vkSj mldh euq";rk gh ^*lc fto tuxkuh lkbosl** çlUu lq[k vkSj 'kkafre; thou fuekZ.k dj ldrh gSA lsokHkk;k dk fdlh nsork fdlh vorkjokn ij foÜokl ugha Fkk] mudk foÜokl euq"; FkkA loZ çFke euq"; vkSj mldk vfLrRo vfLerk dk egRo le>kdj mUgksaus dgk& ^* re lksrk rekjs ftousek otkGks dj ldkspks** ^*tsj iky tsj tdks Bksdyks A ** euq"; Lo;a gh viuk Lokeh gS] Hkyk mldk Lokeh nwljk dSls gks ldrk gSA rqEgkjs thou esa rqEg gh mtkyk fuekZ.k dj ldrs gks] dksbZ nwljk vk;sxk bl foÜokl ij er jgks] viuk dke Lo;a djks** ƒi`-‹å catkjk çkphu lekt jpuk& eksrhjkt jkBksM ] catkjk yksdlkfgR; esa L=h&iq#"k lekurk fn[kkbZ nsrh gSaA ftl L=h dks dHkh gekjs lekt us ekuo ugha le>k mls ,d 'kksHkk dh oLrq ;k tkuoj ls cnrj le>kA mlh L=h dks catkjk yksdlkfgR; ekuo dk ntkZ nsrk gSaA ^*ckbZ euD;k] ekVh euD;k A ^*

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lPph ekuork lEiw.kZ ekuo tkfr ds lkFk L=h dks Hkh ekuo le>us esa gSa A ‡-,drk] caèkqrk]lerk %& catkjk Hkfä xhrksa esa yksdHkä dfo HkkbZpkjs ls jgus dh ckr djrk gSaA og vius xhrksa ds ekè;e ls ,drk]caèkqrk]lerk dh LFkkiuk djrk gSa A ^*caèkq Hkkosjks ukrks tqMkvks] Hkkjrsjh 'kku c<+kvks A vkils jks oSj feVkvks A T;ksfrrh T;ksr yxkM+ksj [kjh [kksVh NksM+u rsjh ,dh dju eGtkvks A A ^* caèkq Hkkosjks ukrks&cGh jkBksM i`-…å„ tc çR;sd euq"; us caèkq Hkko dk ukrk tksM+xk rc gh gekjs Hkkjr dh 'kku c<+x s hA yksdHkä dfo ,d vksj nsoh dh Hkfä djrk gSa rks nwljh vksj mudh ns'k Hkfä dks Hkh ns[kk tk ldrk gSaA mä xhr buds çek.k gSaA vkilh cSj feVk dj Kku :ih T;ksr ls T;ksr tkykvksA >wB cSekuh dks NksM+ dj lc ,d gks tkvksA gekjh ,drk gh gekjh vkSj ns'k dh 'kku gSaA ˆ-ç—fr fp=.k%& euq"; dk tUe ç—fr dh xksn esa gqvkA tc mlus igyh ckj vk¡[ksa [kksyh rks mlus vius vkl&ikl dk ifjlj ns[kkA ç— fr dk lkSn; a Z ns[kkA vkSj mlls vfHkHkwr gks x;kA og ç—fr esa ft;k]iyk&c<+kA ç—fr us mls ty&vUu vkSj jgus ds fy, vljk fn;kA og bls dSls Hkwy ldrk FkkA ;gh dkj.k Fkk fd mlus ç—fr dks bZÜoj ekukAcatkjk tutkfr us Hkh ç—fr dks bZÜoj ekukAos ç—fr iwtd dgyk;sA gtkjks lkyks ls ysdj vktrd catkjk tutkfr ds yksdxhrksa esa ç—fr dk fp=.k ges ns[kus dks feyrk gSaA mudk çR;sd xhr ekuks ç—fr ls tqM+s gq, gSaA ;k ;w¡ dgs fd ç—fr ds fcuk vèkwjk gSaA Hkfä xhrksa esa nhokyh] gksyh] rht] n'kgjk] Hkksx vkfn rht&R;ksgkjksa ds volj ij xk;stkus okys Hkfä xhr vjnkl esa ç—fr dk fp=.k gesa lefiZr :i esa fn[kkbZ nsrk gSAnhokyh esa xksèku rFkk fofHkUu iq"iksa dh

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iwtk&vpkZ dh tkrh gSaA rks rht ds le; xsgwa vkfn dh iwtk dh tkrh gSA catkjk ç—fr esa nsoh dk :i ,oa nsoh esa ç—fr dk :i ns[krk gSAcatkjk ds çR;sd rht&R;kSgkj ç—fr ls tqM+k gqvk gSaA n'kgjs ds le; xk;s tkus okys bl Hkfä xhr esa yksd dfo ç—fr ds çfr vius vkidks lefiZr djrs gq, ç—fr dh ºzn; ls ç'kalk djrk gSa& igkM+se igkM+ dq.klks igkM+ iM+ksj dksGs rkj.k igkM+se igkM+ fgeky; igkM+ iM+ksj dksGs rkj.k dksG rkjs.k iksgks ckaèksu nslk rsjh vkjrhj gS--gSa dksgks cèkknw tx eksrh;j dksGs rkj.k -----ˆvUusek vUu dqulks vUu iM+ksj dksGs rkj.k vUuse vUu dksrw vUu iM+ksj dksGs rkj.k dksG rkjs.k iksgks ckaèksu nslk rsjh vkjrhj gS--gSa dksgks cèkknw tx eksrh;j dksGs rkj.k -----‰unhe unh dq.klh unh iM+hj dksGs rkj.k unhe unh x¡xk unh iM+hj dksGs rkj.k dksG rkjs.k iksgks ckaèksu nslk rsjh vkjrhj gS--gSa dksgks cèkknw tx eksrh;j dksGs rkj.k -----ŠlkaMse lkaM dq.klks lkaM iM+ksj dksGs rkj.k lkaMse lkaM xjk'kk lkaM iM+ksj dksG rkj.k lkrh nsohjh vkjr mrjhj dksGs rkj.k dksG rkjs.k iksgks ckaèksu nslk rsjh vkjrhj gS--gSa dksgks caèkknw tx eksrh;j dksGs rkj.k -----Jh-xqykcflax tkèko th ds lk{kRdkj ls çkIr Hkfä xhr &vjnkl] vfèkdrj ç—fr dk fp=.k rqyukRed ,oa vkyEcu :i esa ns[kk tk ldrk gSaA rht mRlo catkjk dqaokjh yMfd;ksa dk R;kSgkj gSaA tks nl fnu euk;k tkrk gSaA ck¡l dh Vksdjh esa dkyh feêh Mkydj xsgaw cksvk tkrk gSaA vkSj nl fnuksa rd dq¡okjh yMfd;k¡ mls iqjs Hkfä Hkko ls ikuh ls lhaprh gSaA okLro esa ;g iwtk xu&xkSj dh iwtk gksrh gSaA ftldh ftruh le`) xsg¡w gksxhA ekuks ç—fr us mls bPNk iwfrZ dk ojnku fn;k gSaA rht dks ty vfiZr djrs le; xk;s tkus okys Hkfä xhrksa esa ykEMh [bd çdkj dk ?kkl ] gfj;kyh vkfn dk o.kZu rqyukRed ,oa vkyEcu :i esa ns[kk tk ldrk gSa& ykach&ykach ;s ykacMh osxsfj;k ykach&ykach ;s ykacMh osxsfj;k Page 13

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Qkadk QksM+h;s ykacMh osxsfj;k xaVk ekfj;s ykacMh osxsfj;k nG fj;s ykacMh osxsfj;k ykach&ykach ;s ykacMh osxsfj;k ysjk ysfj;s ykacMh osxsfj;k ykach&ykach ;s ykacMh osxsfj;k i`"B&ƒå…&catkjk yksdxhr&ladyu&M‚-ohjkedksVh catkjk tutkfr ifjJeh tutkfr gSaA og vius [kwu&ilhus ls [ksrksa dks lhaprs gSaA fdUrq bldk lkjk Js; nsoh ekrk dks nsrs gSaA bldk ,d oSKkfud dkj.k ;g Fkk fd ekrk dk uke ysus ls dksbZ Qly dks gkfu ugha igqapk,axkA catkjk nsoh vkSj ç—fr dk Hkä gksus ds dkj.k LoHkkfod gh Fkk fd og Qly dks gkfu ugha igqapk,axk A rqytk ;kM+h cksbZ ;s xsgw¡ykjks [ksrj okV pkyw iafr;k [kqUnks er [ksrj ekjh fgaxyk cksbZ ;s cknjkjks [ksrj okV pkyw fHk;kvksa [kqanksa er [ksrj A i`"B&‹„ &catkjk yksdxhr&ladyu&M‚-oh-jkedksVh Hkfä xhrksa esa nsoh ds ekuohdj.k&yhyk dk lkSn;Z ns[krs gh curk gSaA ekrk Hkokuh dk ;g xhr ftles ekrk rqytk Hkokuh vius lj ij Vksdjh ysdj Hkkafr&Hkkafr ds Qwy chuus ds fy, tkrh gSaA bl Hkfä xhr dk lkSUn;Z yksddfo çLrqr djrs gq, dgrk gS] ekjh rksGtk tkfj;s QwyMks fo.ks u QwyMks;s fo.krwu oksYM+hu Hkjrw ixyk;s ikM+rw oksr iMtk; ekst.k jkr fiyks jax QwyMk rksMys gsekbZ ykyksjax QwyMkvks lesVy gsekbZ ekjh fgaxyk pkfy;s QwyMks fo.ks u QwyMks;s fo.krwu oksYM+hu Hkjrw ixyk;s ikM+rw oksr iMtk; ekst.k jkr xksyky jax QwysMk lesVys gsekbZ A i`"B&‹…&catkjk yksdxhr&ladyu&M‚-ohjkedksVh catkjk yksdxhrksa esa vfHkO;ä Hkfä xhrksa esa fcEc]çrhd]vyadkj vkfn dk ç;ksx lgt ,oa vuk;kl :i esa gqvk gSa A dbZ xhrksa esa vfHkO;ä fcEc lquus okys ;k ikBd ds lEeq[k

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,d pyfp=&lk [kM+k dj nsrs gSa A ,slk yxrk gSa fd ge Hkh ml xhr dk ,d fgLlk gSa A ‰-Hkfä xhrksa esa-laxhrkRedrk%& çR;sd yksdxhr dh viuh ,d 'kSyh gksrh gSaA mldk viuk ,d laxhr gksrk gSaA y;&rky lcdqN fujkyk gksrk gSaA og yksdxhr pyrs gh O;fä&lekt ds ân; esa ,d vyx lh gypy iSnk djrk gSaA D;ksfd yksdxhr ºzn; ls fudyrk vkSj ºzn; esa clrk gSaA yksdxhr 'kkL=h; laxhr dh Hkkafr gh vkuan nsrh gSa A og lgt :i ls mRiUu gksrk gSaA catkjk Hkfä xhr Hkh lgt :i ls mRiUu gSaAtks ih<+h&nj&ih<+h pyk vk jgk gSaA tc yksddfo Hkfä xhr xkrk gSa] rks ,d vyx lek cutkrk gSaA tks bZÜojh; vkuan çnku djrk gSa A vUusek vUu dqulks vUu iM+ksj dksGs rkj.k vUuse vUu dksrw vUu iM+ksj dksGs rkj.k dksG rkjs.k iksgks ckaèksu nslk rsjh vkjrhj gS--gSa dksgks cèkknw tx eksrh;j dksGs rkj.k -----‰unhe unh dq.klh unh iM+hj dksGs rkj.k unhe unh x¡xk unh iM+hj dksGs rkj.k dksG rkjs.k iksgks ckaèksu nslk rsjh vkjrhj gS--gSa dksgks cèkknw tx eksrh;j dksGs rkj.k -----Jh-xqykcflax tkèko th ds lk{kRdkj ls çkIr Hkfä xhr &vjnkl] dksbZ Hkh xhr rc vfr lqanj gksrk gS] tc mlds lkFk okA gksA catkjk yksdxhrksa esa Hkfä xhrksa dks xkrs le; uxkjk] dkls dh Fkkyh] >k¡>j] e`nax] ck¡lqjh vkfn ikjEifjd okAksa dk ç;ksx fd;k tkrkA catkjk Hkfäxhrksa esa ,d fo'ks"k y;&rky gksrh gSaA tks viuh ,d vyx igpku cukrh gSaAlqurs gh lquus okyk dgrk gSa fd ;g rks catkjk Hktu&Hkfä xhr gSaA Hkfä xhrksa ds yksdfuekZrk Hkfä ds lkFk lekftd lans'k Hkh nsrs pyrs gSaA vfu"B&#f<&ijEijk] >wB&vkMEcj] i'kqcyh&O;lu] ikfjokfjd dyg&fgalk dk fojksèk] HkkbZpkjs dk lans'k vkfn A Š-larks ds mins'k%&

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lekt vkSj ;qx dks cnyus dh {kerk ;qx iq#"k esa gh gksrh gSaA tc&tc lekt ;k jk"Vª fc[kjrk gSa ;k ml ij dksbZ ladV vkrk gS] rc&rc çR;sd ;qx esa ,sls ;qx iq#"k dk tUe gksrk gS ( tks ;qx dks gh cny nsrk gSaA catkjk tutkfr Hkh blesa viokn ugha gSaA çkphu dky esa fiBkxkSj] eè;;qx lar nke xq# mÙkj eè;;qx esa lar lsokyky rFkk vkèkqfud ;qx esa lar jkejko egkjkt vkfn ds dk;Z dks ns[kk tk ldrk gSaA catkjk lekt ij ;fn lcls vfèkd fdlh lar ds fopkjksa ,oa dk;kZs dk çHkko iM+k gS rks og gS&;qxiq#"k] Økafrdkjh lar lsoyky thA larlsoyky th ds lacaèk esa fy[ks x;s Hkfä xhrksa esa mudk o.kZu ns[kk tk ldrk gSa A cksytks er yqph yckMh] HkVd tk;s yach >kM+h A e rks rkjs thos ij fjÅ e [ksyq iqtw A

lqèkkjd] lkfgR;dkj] çkè;kid] vè;kidksa }kjk yksdlkfgR; dh fofHkUu foèkkvksa dks ladfyr fd;k tk jgk gSaA ekSf[kd vkSj ladfyr iqLrdksa ds vkèkkj ij catkjk yksdxhrksa esa Hkfä xhrksa dk leh{kkRed :i ls vè;;u djus ij Kkr gksrk gSa fd catkjk tutkfr tks Hkkjr ds lkFk foÜo esa yxHkx vanktu †å djksM+ ls Hkh T;knk gSa( vkt Hkh Hkfä ijEijk yksdxhr vkfn ds ekè;e ls thfor gSaAHkfä xhrksa esa catkjk tutkfr ç—fr] nsoh ,oa larksa dks bZÜoj ekudj vius vki dks lefiZr djrh gSaAbu Hkfä xhrksa esa ,d vksj ekuorkokn] foÜo dY;k.k dh Hkkouk] ,drk]cUèkqrk]lerk] ç—fr fp=.k] ukeLej.k ds rRo fn[kkbZ nsrs gSa] rks ogh¡ ij tc Hkfä esa lar ckákMEcj] ik[k.M] >wB] cyh vkfn ns[krk gSa] rc ,slh Hkfä ls Hkyk og *^ifjJe*^ dks ekurs gSaA

er yks tho dkMks er dksbZ yksbZ A nk:xkatk er ihvks nk# er ihvks dksbZ A

lUnHkZ lwfp%& 1-catkjk yksdxhrksa dk lkaL—frd vè;;u& M‚-xuir jkBksM 2-fganh lfgR; fofoèk vk;ke&M‚-lquhy tkèko 3-catkjk yksdxhr&M‚-oh-jkedksVh 4-çkphu cutkjk lekt O;oLFkk& M‚-eksfrjkt jkBksM 5-catkjk lekt% ,sfrgkfld ifjçs{;&M‚-ohjkedksVh 6-catkjk ukek&çk-eksrh jkt jkBksM 7-nso nkuo ekuo&xksiukFk jkBksM 8-lsokyky pfj=&jkejko egkjkt 9-dchj xzUFkkoyh_';kelqUnj nkl 10-caèkq Hkkosjks ukrks&cGh jkBksM

dfj;s pksjh [kk;sa dksjh gkrs ekbZ gkFkdM+h ixekbZ csMh Mksjh&Mksjh fgaM+h;s A xksj xjhcsu nka<u [kk;s] oksjh lkr ihMh ij nkx yx tk;s oa'k ij fnoks dksuh fj;s A i`"B &‹ƒ] çkphu catkjk lekt O;oLFkk& çkeksrhjkt jkBksM lp cksyuk] fdlh dks Bxuk er] pksjh er djuk] L=h ,oa xjhc dks u lrkuk] 'kjkc&xkatk vkfn O;luksa ls nwj jguk] >wB&ik[kaM ls nwj jgus dk lans'k nsrs gq, ^ifjJe gh bZÜoj gS* dk lans'k fn;k A fu"d"kZ :i esa ;g dgk tk ldrk gSa fd vU; yksdlkfgR; dh ijaijk uqlkj catkjk yksdlkfgR; fyf[kr :i esa rks ugha fdUrq tc ls catkjk tutkfr us f'k{kk xzg.k dh gSa] rc ls dqN tkx:d Kkuh] fo}rtu] lekt

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2-mRrj mifuos”kokn vkSj Hkkjr vuq"kk fufYeuh lYokFkqjk lhfu;j ysDpjj fganh foHkkx dsykfu;k foÜofo|ky;-Jhyadk Lkk/ mRrj mifuos”kokn dk rkRi;Z ;k mldk vkjaHk mifuos”kokn ls rqjar ckn dh fLFkfr ls gS] ftldk fodkl fo”ks’kr% ,f”k;kbZ ns”kksa esa 20oha “krkCnh ds e/; ls gksrk gqvk fn[kkbZ nsrk gSA oLrqr% fdlh mifuos”kh ns”k dks Lora=rk feyus ds ckn gh ml ns”k esa mRrj vkSifuosf”kd ;qx dk vkjaHk gksrk gSA Hkkjr esa mRrj vkSifuosf”kd ;qx dk laca/k Hkkjr dh Lora=rk izkfIr ds lkFk fn[kkbZ nsrk gS vFkkZr mRrj mifuos”kokn dk rkRi;Z ‘Lokra«;ksRrj’ “kCn ls tksM+k tkuk rdZlaxr gSA1 fdlh ns”k esa tc ls mRrj vkSifuosf”kd ;qx dk lw=ikr gksrk gS] rHkh ls ml ns”k esa vkSifuosf”kd ;qx dh lekfIr ekuh tkrh gSA okLro esa Hkkjr dk vkSifuosf”kd dky dsoy vkfFkZd fodkl dk dky ugha FkkA og ,d ,slk dky Fkk tc Hkkjr us e/;dky ls vk/kqfud dky esa dne j[kkA og lkekftd ,oa vkfFkZd n`f’V ls vR;f/kd mFky&iqFky dk le; Fkk ftlesa ,d jk’Vªh; leqnk; dk Hkh mn; gqvkA tc jk’Vªh; vkUnksyu ds ek/;e ls jk’Vªokn dh fopkj&/kkjk dk Li’Vhdj.k gqvk mldh ijkdk’Bk Hkkjr dh Lora=rk&izkfIr ds :Ik esa gqbZA vFkkZr 30 o’kksZa ls Hkh vf/kd le; rd thfor jk’Vªoknh la?k’kZ ds mijkUr 15 vxLr 1947 esa Hkkjr dks vkSifuosf”kd ca/ku ls eqfDr izkIr gqbZA2 15 vxLr ds Ik”pkr Hkkjr rFkk mlds lHkh izkUrksa ls fczfV”k&fu;a=.k lekIr gks x;k vkSj mifuos”kh fo/kku&eaMy n~okjk 1.

Post colonialism is an intellectual direction that exists since around the middle of the 20th Century. It developed from and mainly refers to the time after colonialism. The Post Colonial direction was created as colonial countries became independent., Post-colonialism; Definition, Development and Examples from India, 2 August 2008, p.01 2. The Indian Dominion came in to existence on the mid night of 15 August 1947. This day will ever remain memorable in the History of India. The British rule came to and end on this day. Jayapalan, N. (1988) History of Freedom Movement, New Delhi, Ashish Publishing House, p.96

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cuk;s x;s fdlh Hkh dkuwu dks xSj dkuwuh ?kksf’kr djus dh lezkV dh “kfDr lekIr gks x;h] vFkkZr Hkkjr esa rc ls mRrj vkSifuosf”kd ;qx dk vkjaHk gqvkA vkykspdksa dh ekU;rk gS fd Hkkjr dh jktuSfrd Lok/khurk ls ,f”k;k esa ,d uohu ;qx dk lw=ikr gqvk gSA muds erkuqlkj lu~ 1947 dk o’kZ fo”o&bfrgkl esa ,d egRoiw.kZ eksM+ Fkk] tc fo”o&lkezkT;okn dk ,d cgqr cM+k Hkkx vFkkZr Hkkjr] Lora= gksdj vU; ijra= jk’Vªkas ds fy, izsj.kk dk L=ksr cu x;kA3 Hkkjr esa mRrj vkSifuosf”kd ;qx u dsoy jktuSfrd nklrk ls eqfDr&izkIr ;qx Fkk vfirq lkekftd ,oa vkfFkZd nqf’V ls Hkh eqfDr&izkIr rFkk ckSn~f/kd ,oa lekt ds lkaL— frd iqujtkxj.k dh Hkkouk ls Hkjk gqvk ;qx FkkA nwljh vksj mifuos”kksRrj Hkkjr] uO; jk’Vªh; vkSj uO; iw¡thoknh ns”k esa :ikarfjr gksrk Hkh tk jgk FkkA Hkkjrh; Lora=rk vkUnksyu dh lcls cM+h fo”ks’krk ;g jgh fd blesa tkfr] /keZ] laiznk; vkSj {ks=okn tSlh vyxkooknh Hkkoukvksa dks Hkqykdj da/ks ls da/kk feykdj yksxksa us ;g egku laxzke yM+k FkkA ifj.kkeLo:i ns”k esa ,d ,sls ;qx dk fuekZ.k gqvk ftlls thou ds lHkh {ks=ksa esa u;s thou dk lapkj gksus yxk] vFkkZr ;gha ls Hkkjr esa Lokra«;ksRrj vk/kqfud ;qx dk izkjaHk ekuk tkrk gSA okLro esa Lok/khurk ds Ik”pkr Hkkjr dks ,d jk’Vª ds :Ik esa jktuhfrd egRo feyk vkSj Lok/khurk dh Hkkouk us Hkkjrh;ksa ds oSpkfjd txr dks uohu n`f’V nh] ftlls thou ds izR;sd {ks=esa ijaijkxr fopkjksa dks ijk/khu thou dk izrhd ekudj R;kT; le>k x;kA vr% mUgsa NksM+dj uohu fopkjksa ds xzg.k dk vkxzg n`f’Vxkspj gksus yxkA Hkkjr dh blh fLFkfr ij Jh tokgjyky usg~: n~okjk O;Dr fd;k x;k fopkj mldh vkSj Hkh iqf’V djrk gS& 3. Ikusjh] gsesUnzdqekj (1974) Lokra«;ksRrj fganh miU;kl% ewY; laØe.k] t;iqj] la?kh izdk”ku] i`- 123

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Þfpjdky ls nch gqbZ jk’Vª dh vkRek dks feyhß4 nwljh vksj vkykspd x.k ,d ,slk er Hkh izdV djrs gaS ftlls Hkkjr ij Lora= Hkkjr ds loZizFke iz/kkuea=h ia tokgjyky usg~: ds cgqvk;keh O;fDrRo dh Li’V >yd fn[kk;h iM+rh gS& ia- tokgjyky usg~: Hkkjr ds iz/kku ea=h rks Fks gh] os djhc nks n”kdksa rd ns”k dk lQyrkiwod Z usr`Ro djrs jgsA muds usr`Ro esa Hkkjr dks vkfFkZd] lkaL— frd ,oa foKkiu ds {ks= esa u dsoy cqfu;knh lQyrk feyh] cfYd fo”o eap ij Hkkjr dks xkSjoiw.kZ LFkku feykA Hkkjr us fofHkUu {ks=ksa esa tks izxfr izkIr dh vkSj fo”o esa tks [;kfr vftZr dh] mldk lkjk Js; ia usg~: dks gSA blfy, mUgsa vk/kqfud Hkkjr dk fuekZrk dgk tkrk gSA bfrgkl esa mudk LFkku vius le; ds fo”o esa vlk/kkj.k rks Fkk gh] lkFk gh jk’Vªh; iqufuZekZ.k esa Hkh mudk ;ksxnku v{kq..k cuk jgkA5 ;g nz’VO; gS fd Hkkjr dh Lok/khurk izkfIr] lafo/kku dk fuekZ.k rFkk jk’Vªh;rk dh Hkkouk dk fodkl] ;s rhuksa fLFkfr;k¡ ijLij lacaf/kr gSaA Lora=rk izkfIr ds lkFk gh Hkkjr dk ,d Lora= jk’Vª ds :Ik esa iqutZUe gqvk rFkk lafo/kku us bl jk’Vª dks fuf”pr fn”kk mik/;k;] la- nsosUnz] (1998) vkt+knh ds 50 o’kZ&D;k [kks;k] D;k ik;k(Hkkx 01)] u;h fnYyh] lkekftd izdk”ku] i`- 52 5. mik/;k;] la- nsosUnz] (1996) tokgjyky usg~: & cgqvk;keh O;fDrRo] u;h fnYyh] lkef;d izdk”ku] i`- 06 4.

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vkSj vkdkj iz/kku fd;kA ifj.kkeLo:Ik LoPNan :Ik ls Lora= jk’Vª ds ukxfjdksa esa jk’Vªh;rk dh Hkkouk dk fodkl gqvkA varjkZ’Vªh;rk dh lhekvksa esa jk’Vªh;rk dk fodkl vk/kqfud Hkkjr dh ,d egRoiw.kZ fo”ks’krk gSA fon~;k/kj egktu ds erkuqlkj Hkh rr~;qx esa /keZ] jktuhfr] lkfgR;] n”kZu rFkk mn~;ksx lHkh esa u;k mRlkg Hkj yk;k FkkA6 ;g laHko gS fd Lora=rk vkUnksyu ds ckn lkekftd U;k; vkSj O;oLFkk esa ifjorZu dk tks la?k’kZ “kq# gqvk Fkk] og thou ds lHkh&jktuhfrd] lkekftd] vkfFkZd vkSj lkaL—frd&{ks=ksa esa ,d lkFk fn[kkbZ nsus yxk] vkSj ;g vo”; gqvk fd ,d {ks= esa mifLFkr ifjorZuksa dk izHkko vU; {ks=ksa ij Hkh iM+us yxkA Lokra«;ksRrj Hkkjr dh vkykspuk djrs gq, MkW- nsosUnz mik/;k; dgrs gSa fd rr~;qxhu Hkkjr ds vkSn~;ksfxd] vkfFkZd] jktuhfrd] lkekftd] izkSn~;ksfxd vkfn {ks=ksa esa iqujfuekZ.k dh Hkkouk dk;Z djus yxh gSA7 Lora=rk ds Ik”pkr dh Hkkjr dh lcls cM+h miyfC/k ns”k esa “kklu vkSj jktuhfr dh ,d yksdrkaf=d iz.kkyh dks LFkkfir fd;k tkuk FkkA vFkkZr jktuSfrd n`f’V ls mRrj vkSifuosf”kd jk’Vª usrkvksa ds lkeus lcls egRoiw.kZ iz”u ;g jgk fd Lora= Hkkjr dk Lo:Ik D;k gks \ ,d vksj Hkkjr rFkk ikfdLrku djds ns”k dk foHkktu gks pqdk Fkk] nwljh vksj Lora=rk vkUnksyu ds ekuuh; usrk egkRek xka/kh dk vfLrRo gh ugha jg x;k FkkA8 lkFk&lkFk Hkkjrh; yksdra= esa vusd fopkjksa vkSj vuqHkoksa dk lekos”k gqvk Fkk vkSj mlesa “kkfey Fks—if”pe ds mnkjoknh vkSj 6. egktu] fon~;k/kj] (1988) vk/kqfud Hkkjr dk bfrgkl] u;h fnYyh] ,l~ pan ,.M dEifu (izk-) fy-] i`- 654 7. mik/;k;] la- nsosUnz] (1998) vkt+knh ds 50 o’kZ&D;k [kks;k] D;k ik;k(Hkkx 02)] u;h fnYyh] lkekftd izdk”ku] Ik`- 13 8. (d)The assassination of Mahatma Gandhi in 1948 dealt a further blow and shattered the confidence of the nearly independent nation., Hindi Literature in PostIndependent Period. p. 01 ([k). It was not even six months after India gained Independence, when ‘Father of the Nation’ Mahathma Gandhi was assassinated on January 30,1948. His ultimely death was a big blow to the nation, which was struggling hard to establish state authority, manage the accession of princely states among other Herculean tasks. , Prionka Jha, India After Independenc: Political Journey of India from 19472007, p.01

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lalnh; fopkj] lkekftd vo/kkj.kk,¡] Hkkjr dh fganw vkSj ckSn~/k nksuksa gh izdkj dh xgjh tM+kosa kyh ijaijk,¡ rFkk egkRek xka/kh n~okjk izpkfjr iapk;r iz.kkyh ,oa yksdrkaf=d fodsUnzhdj.k lac/a kh fopkj vkSj in~/kfr;k¡A ,slh fLFkfr esa rr~;qxhu iz/kkuea=h Jh tokgjyky usg~: ds dq”ky usr`Ro esa Hkkoh Lora= Hkkjr dk fuekZ.k gqvkA ;g rdZlaxr ugha gS fd Lokra«;ksRrj ;k mRrj vkSifuosf”kd Hkkjr ds fodkl] foKku izxfr] fons”k uhfr] —f’k uhfr] mn~;ksx uhfr] f”k{kk uhfr vkSj lkekftd ,oa lkaL—frd uhfr dh tks n`<+ uhao ia- usg~: us j[kh Fkh] mlh ij Hkkjr dk Hkkoh fuxkZ.k gqvk gSA usg~: th dk Hkh ;g fopkj Fkk fd Lora= ns”k ds iqujfuekZ.k esa ns”k dks viuh uhfr dk ikyu djuk pkfg,] vU;= fdlh mifuos”kh ns”k dh ughaA9 nwljh vksj os vius dks Hkkjr dk izFke lsod ekudj ns”k dk ikyu ugha] ns”k dh lsok djus esa nwljksa dks Hkh izsj.kk nsrs Fks] ftldh vfHkO;fDr u;s lSfud dk;ZØe dk mn~?kkVu djrs gq, muds n~okjk fn;s x;s Hkk’k.k ls Li’Vr% fofnr gksrk gS& Þyksx eq>s Hkkjr dk iz/kkuea=h dgrs gSa] ysfdu ;g vf/kd mi;qDr gks vxj eSa Hkkjr dk izFke lsod dgykÅ¡A bl ;qx esa mikf/k;ksa vkSj inksa dk ewY; ugha] dsoy lsok dk ewY; gSA [kkldj vkidks lsok djus dk egku volj izkIr gS] D;ksafd vkids gkFk esa jkT; dh l”kL= “kfDr gSA vkidks ,slh lko/kkuh cjruh pkfg,


In a number of his speeches during the first year of independence, Indian Priminister Jawaharlal Nehru stressed that India would pursue its own policy as a free country and not as a satellite of another. Masatova, Tatiana (1987) USSR & Anti Colonial Struggle in East, Lucknow, Allied Publishers Private Limited, p.14

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fd bldk nq#i;ksx u gksus ik;sAß 10 muds lkeus lcls cM+h pqukSrh ;g Fkh fd nh?kZ le; rd mifuos”k fLFkfr esa jg pqds ,d fo”kky iztkra=h; jk’Vª dks pgq¡eq[kh fodkl ds iFk ij dSls LFkkfir fd;k tk, \ nwljh vksj nh?kZ vof/k ds ckn Lora=rk dh lq[kn vuqHkwfr ikrs gq, Hkh Hkkjr] foHkktu ls izLQqfVr leL;kvksa rFkk d”ehjh la?k’kZ ls ihfM+r vo”; FkkA11 8 ekpZ 1948 dks iafMr tokgjyky usg~: n~okjk ubZ fnYyh esa lafo/kku ifj’kn ds fy, fn;s x;s Hkk’k.k ls mn~/k`r fuEu ikB mDr dFku dh iqf’V vo”; djrk gS& ßbl ckr dks —Ik;k /;ku esa jf[k, fd Hkkjr ljdkj dks] tks fd 15 vxLr 1947 ls dk;Z dj jgh gS] vc rd dh fdlh Hkh Hkkjr ljdkj dh vis{kk vf/kd leL;kvksa dk lkeuk djuk iM+ jgk gSAÞ12 varr% jk’Vª ds mlh pgq¡e[q kh fodkl dks n`f’V esa j[krs gq, iapoxhZ; ;kstukvksa ds ek/;e ls nwjnjkt ds xk¡oksa ls ysdj “kgjksa rd ds fodkl dk y{; fu/kkZfjr djus dk ladYi fd;k x;k] mlls Hkkjr ds fo”oO;kih Lo:Ik dh vfHkO;fDr gqbAZ mlds fuekZ.k esa ftu jktuSfrd usrkvksa us viuk ;ksxnku fn;k gS] mudh jktuSfrd ;k=k dh vfHkO;fDr gh

10. lwpuk rFkk izlkj ea=ky; (1954) Lok/khurk vkSj mlds ckn&tokgjyky usg~: ds lokZf/kd egRoiw.kZ Hkk’k.kksa dk ladyu] bykgkckn] ifCyds”ku] i`- 402 11. The euphoria of Independence was short-lived sa partition brought disastrous consequences for India in the wake of communal conflict. Partition unleashed untold misory and loss of lives and property as millions of Hindu and Muslim refugees fled either Parkistan or India. Both nations were also cought up in a number of conflicts involving the allocation of assets, determination of boundaries, equitable sharing of water resources and control over Kashmir. At the same time Indian leaders were faced with the stupendous task of National and economic development Ed. Hertzman, James and Robert L. Worden (1995) India a Country Study, Federal Research Division, Library of Congress. p..46 12. lwpuk rFkk izlkj ea=ky; (1954) Lok/khurk vkSj mlds ckn] bygkckn] ifCyds”ku fMfo”ku] i`- 261

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Lokra«;ksRrj Hkkjrh; jktuSfrd ifjfLFkfr ds :Ik esa igpku ldrs gSaA tSls igys vafdr fd;k x;k gS] ns”k dh jktuhfr ds fy, ,d yksdrkaf=d iz.kkyh dks viukuk Lora= Hkkjr dk ,dek= y{; jgkA QyLo:Ik 26 tuojh 1950 dks u;h lafo/kku lHkk dh LFkkiuk gqbZ rFkk Hkkjr ÞloZ izHkqrk lEiUu yksd&ra=kRed x.kjkT;ß ?kksf’kr fd;k x;kA13 x.kra= Hkkjr ds izFke jk’Vªifr MkW- jktsUnz izlkn ekus x;sA rr~ Ik”pkr jk’Vª xhr] jk’Vªh; /ot vkSj dbZ jk’Vªh; izrhd pqus x;sA lkFk gh ‘jk’Vª Hkk’kk’ ds fy, Hkh lafo/kku lHkk esa LFkku fn;k x;k rFkk fganh dks ‘jk’Vª Hkk’kk’ ds :Ik esa Lohdkjk x;kA blh chp vFkkZr Lok/khurk ds rRdky ds ckn usg~: vkSj ljnkj iVsy nksuksa jktusrk nks vyx&vyx i{k esa gks x;s vkSj lRrk esa la?k’kZ dk vkjaHk gqvkA ysfdu iVsy dh e`R;q ds ckn og la?k’kZ lekIr gqvk vkSj tokgjyky usg~: iz/kkuea=h ds in ij vklhu gq,A lu~ 1952 esa Lok/khu Hkkjr dk izFke vke pquko gqvk ftlesa dkaxzsl ikVhZ dks cgqer feykA lu~ 1954 esa dkaxzsl ikVhZ us lektoknh er dh izkfIr esa ?kks’k.kk dh vkSj lu~ 1957 esa lektokfn;ksa dks lQyrk fey x;hA ifj.kkeLo:Ik fo/kku lHkk vkSj yksd lHkk nksuksa esa gh lektoknh ny ds lnL;ksa dh la[;k c<+ x;hA Hkkjrh; jktuSfrd bfrgkl ds vuqlkj ;g nz’VO; gS fd Lora=rk ds ckn Hkh Hkkjr dks dbZ ;qn~/kksa dk lkeuk djuk iM+k FkkA lu~ 13. The first great task of Independent India was to frame for herself a Constituent Assembly, ‘sovereign body representing the sovereign people of India.’ The members of the assembly rose to the challenge. Two weeks after independence obtained, a committeewas set up to draft a constitution for the Indian Union. On 21 February 1948 the committee’s report was released. Then after several months of public discussion, the draft constitutionwas introduced in the Constituent Assembly.Here it was subjected to more than a year of painstaking debate, before being adopted on 26 November 1949. Finally, on 26 January 1950&the twentieth anniversary of the first taking of the Independence Pledge&the Constitution of the Republic of India went in to effect. Heehs, Peter (1992) India’s Freedom Struggle 18571947; A Short History, Delhi, Oxford University Press. p. 184

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1962 esa phu us Hkkjr ij vkØe.k dj fn;k ftlesa Hkkjr dks ijkt; feyhA lu~ 1963 esa ukxkySUM jkT; dh LFkkiuk gqbZA lu~ 1964 esa Hkkjr ds jktuSfrd {ks= esa cgqr cM+h nq?kZVuk gqbZ] vFkkZr ia- tokgjyky usg~: dh e`R;q gqbZA mlds Ik”pkr Hkkjr ds iz/kkuea=h ds :Ik esa yky cgknqj “kkL=h dks pquk x;kA ijarq muds Hkh fu/ku ds dkj.k ml oDr ds jktuhfrd ifjos”k esa mFky&iqFky ep x;hA phu ds vkØe.k ls Hkkjr vHkh l¡Hky ugha ik jgk Fkk fd lu~ 1965 esa Hkkjr ij ikfdLrku us vkØe.k dj fn;kA 24 tuojh 1966 dks “kiFk xzg.k dj Jherh bafnjk xka/kh Hkkjr dh iz/kkuea=h in ij vklhu gqbZA lu~ 1967 ds vke pquko Hkkjrh; jktuhfr esa dbZ ifjorZuksa ds lkFk laiUu gq,A og Lokra«;ksRrj Hkkjr dk pkSFkk pquko FkkA blesa dkaxzsl dks iw.kZ cgqer izkIr ugha gqvkA Qyr% dkaxzsl ny esa gh vkilh la?k’kZ mRiUu gks x;k vkSj tqykbZ 1969 bZ- esa dkaxzsl ikVhZ dk fo?kVu nks Lora= nyksa&u;h dkaxzsl] laxBu dkaxzsl&ds :Ik esa gks x;kA jktuSfrd fopkjdksa ds erkuqlkj bl pquko ds mijkar] vFkkZr 1970 ds var rd Hkkjr esa jktuSfrd vfLFkjrk ds n”kZu gksrs gaSA lu~ 1971 ds pquko dk cgqer dkaxzsl ds i{k esa vk x;k vkSj Jherh bafnjk xk/kh dh Hkkjrh; jktuhfr esa fLFkfr fLFkj gks x;hA okLro esa lu~ 1972] Hkkjr ds ,d uohu ;qx dk izkjaHk ekuk tkrk gSA ml ;qx esa ns”k esa jktuhfrd fLFkjrk FkhA bl volj dk ykHk mBkrs gq, Jherh bafnjk xka/kh us cSadksa dk jk’Vªh;dj.k] oSKkfud dk;ksZa dks izxfr ekxZ ij ykuk] xjhch gVkvks ;kstuk vkfn egRoiw.kZ dk;Z fd;sA vkykspdksa dh ekU;rk ds vuqlkj lu~ 1974 dks jktLFkku ds iks[kj.k uked LFkku ij ijek.kq ce dk ijh{k.k Hkkjr dh ijek.kq rduhd esa vkRe fuHkZj cuus dh fn”kk esa ,d lQy iz;kl ds :Ik esa vfHkO;fDrr gSA lu~ 1975 Hkkjrh; jktuhfr ds fy, ,d ladViw.kZ le; FkkA 26 twu dh jk=h dks vkikrdky dh ?kks’k.kk dh x;hA vkikrdky esa bafnjk xka/kh ds gkFkksa esa vikj jktdh; rFkk nyh; “kfDr dsfa nzr gks x;hA ysfdu vU; lHkh nyksa us ,d gksdj mldk fojks/k fd;k FkkA fQj 10 tuojh 1977 dks bafnjk xka/kh us yksd lHkk ds pquko dh ?kks’k.kk dhA ekpZ esa Page 19

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pquko lEiUu gq, ftlesa turk ikVhZ fot;h gqbZA vkilh ruko ds dkj.k 1979 bZ- esa fQj ml ikVhZ dk foHkktu gks x;k vkSj tula?k ds iqjkus usrkvksa us 1980 bZ- ds var esa gh Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ ds uke ls u;k ny cuk;kA tuojh 1980 bZ- ds pquko ls Jherh bafnjk xka/kh iqu% lRrk esa vk;h vkSj Hkkjrh; jktuhfr esa dsna zh; “kfDr ds :Ik esa mifLFkr jghaA ml le; Hkkjr esa dk;Zjr d”ehj] vle vkSj iatkc ds c<+rs vkradokn ds fo#n~/k Hkkjr ljdkj us Þvkijs”ku Cyw LVkjß “kq# fd;k] ftlls fl[kksa ds chp vlarks’k O;kIr gksus ds dkj.k 31 vDVwcj 1984 bZ- dks bafnjk xka/kh dh gR;k mUgha ds nks fl[k vaxj{kdksa n~okjk dj nh x;hA mudh vuqifLFkfr esa fQj ,d ckj Hkkjrh; jktuhfr esa vfLFkjrk QSy x;h] Qyr% iz/kkuea=h in ds fy, Jherh bafnjk xka/kh ds lqiq= jktho xka/kh dks pquk x;kA ;g loZekfur gS fd jktho xka/kh us yksd lHkk ds laiw.kZ dky esa vius iz/kkuea=h in dk nkf;Ro vPNh rjg iwjk fd;kA fQj Hkh ukSoha yksd lHkk ds vke pquko esa dkaxzsl dks cgqer ugha feykA ebZ] twu 1991 bZ- ds pquko ds nkSjku rfeyukMq ds {khis#Ecqnwj pquko lHkk esa jktho xka/kh ,d vkRe?kkrh ce dk f”kdkj gks x;sA rc dkaxzsl us ujflEgk jko ds usr`Ro esa yksdlHkk dk pquko yM+k vkSj dkaxzsl dks Hkkjh cgqer izkIr gqvkA 6 fnlEcj 1992 bZ- ds fnu Hkkjrh; jktuhfr vkSj lekt ij iz”u fpg~u yxk] tc ckcjh efLt+n o jketU; Hkwfe&fookn ds QyLo:i ns”k dh fgald ?kVukvksa esa o`n~f/k gqbZ] lai.w kZ ns”k esa lkEiznkf;drk rst+h ls HkM+dh] ftlls dqN LokFkhZ usrkvksa dks Hkys gh jktuhfrd ykHk feyk gks] ijarq iqu% foHkktu dh =klknh tSlh fLFkfr iSnk gksus yxhA fQj Hkh ujflEgk jko us nloha yksd lHkk dk dky fcuk fdlh ck/kk ds iwjk fd;kA ebZ 1996 esa X;kjgoha yksd lHkk esa Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ us lQyrk izkIr dh vkSj Hkktik ds usrk vVy fcgkjh oktis;h 16 ebZ 1996 bZ- dks “kiFk xzg.k dj iz/kkuea=h cus] ysfdu rsjg fnu iz/kkuea=h dk nkf;Ro iwjk dj os bl in ls foeqDr gks x;sA14 la;qDr ekspZs ds Øe”k% nks 14. Recently Indian democracy experienced one more politicalexperiment of Prime Ministership of twelve

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iz/kkuea=h ,p- Mh- nsoxkSM+k vkSj banzdqekj xqtjky ds ckn ckjgoha yksd lHkk ds pquko esa 19 ekpZ 1998 bZ- dks vVy fcgkjh oktis;h us nwljh ckj iz/kkuea=h in l¡HkkykA fopkjdksa ds vuqlkj fofo/k laxBuksa ls cuh vVy th dh ;g ljdkj jk’Vªh; ,dkRedrk dk lqUnj mnkgj.k gS vkSj vius dk;ksZa ls vVy th us Hkkjrh; jktuhfr esa ,d izsj.kknk;h bfrgkl dh jpuk dhA viSzy 2004 bZ- ds rFkk 2009 bZ- ds vke pqukoksa esa eueksgu flag dks Hkkjr ds iz/kkuea=h in ij vklhu gksus dk lqvolj feyk tks Hkkjr ds loZizFke fl[k rFkk vfganw iz/kkuea=h gSaA15 fopkjdksa ds erkuqlkj 21oha “krh esa Hkkjr] la?k’kksZa dk lkeuk djrs gq, Hkh jktuSfrd “kfDr dh n`f’V ls izfrf’Br LFkku ij fojkteku gaSA16 ujsUnz nkeknjnkl eksnh Hkkjr ds orZeku iz/kkuea=h gSaA os Lora= Hkkjr ds 15osa iz/kkuea=h ekus tkrs gSaA ;g Hkh fo”ks’k ckr gS fd bl in ij vklhu gksusokys Lora= Hkkjr esa tUesa izFke O;fDr gSA muds usr`Ro esa Hkkjr dh izeq[k foi{kh ikVhZ] Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ us 2014 dk yksd lHkk pquko yMk vkSj 262 lhVsa thrdj vHkwriwoZ lkFkZdrk izkIr dh gSA blls iwoZ os xqtjkr jkT; ds 14osa iz/kkuea=h days, along with his cabinet colleagues without even facing the trial of strength on the floor of Lok Sabha. Grover, Ed. Verinder (?) India fifty Years of Independence, New Dellhi, Deep & Deep Publication, p.57 15. Manmohan Sing became the first Sikh and nonHindu to date hold India’s most powerful office., History of the Republic of India, p. 12 16. However, 21st century India is facing the NaxaliteMaoist rebels, in the words of Prime Minister Manmahan Singh, India’s “greatest internal security challenge” and other terrorist tensions (such as Islamist terrorist campaigns in and out Jammu & Kashmir, terrorism in India’s Northeast] and Hidutva terrorism) Terrorism has increased in India with bomb blasts in leading cities like Mumbai, New Delhi, Jaipur, Bangalore, Hydrabad has been very common. India in the new millennium, improved relations with many countries and foreign unions including the United States, the European Union, Israel and the Peope’s Republic of China. The economy of India has accelerated by growing at a very rapid pace. India is now being looked at as a potential superpower., History of the Republic of India, p.13

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jgsA mUgsa muds dke ds dkj.k xqtjkr dh turk us yxkrkj 4 ckj ¼2001 ls 2014 rd½ eq[;ea=h pqukA xqtjkr fo”ofon~;ky; ls jktuhfr foKku esa LukrdksRrj fMxzh izkIr ujsUnz eksnh fodkl iq#’k ds uke ls igpkus tkrs gSa rFkk orZeku le; esa ns”k ds lcls yksdfiz; usrkvksa esa ls ,d gSaA vr% ;g dg ldrs gSa fd iafMr tokgjyky usg~: ls ysdj ujsUnz eksnh rd ds iz/kkuea=h in ds dk;Zdky esa Lora= Hkkjr dh jktuhfr vusd iM+koksa ls xqtj+ h gSA oLrqr% ;g laHko gS fd Lok/khurk ds mijkar Hkkjrh; jktuhfr esa rst+h ls ifjorZu vk;k gSA mYys[kuh; ckr ;g gS fd Lok/khurk vkUnksyu esa tks usrk ri vkSj R;kx ds iqtk+ jh Fks] os Lora= Hkkjr esa cM+s Hkz’V fln~/k gq, gSa vFkkZr dsoy Hkkjr ds ugha ijarq lHkh ns”kksa ds vf/kdkf/kd usrk yksx vkt] ns”k dh turk ls flQZ oksV ysdj viuh lRrk LFkkfir dj ysus vkSj vius LokFkZ fln~/k dj ysus dh dwV uhfr esa thusokys gSaA Lora=rk ds Ik”pkr Hkkjr dh vkfFkZd fLFkfr dh leh{kk djusokys leh{kdksa ds erkuqlkj Lora= Hkkjr dks nfjnzrk rFkk vHkko ls xzLr ,d fiNM+h gqbZ vFkZ&O;oLFkk izkIr Fkh] ftlesa —f’k mRiknu fLFkj FkkA17 ysfdu vkSn~;ksfxd vk/kkj det+ksj Fkk vFkkZr mldk vf/kdrj fu;kZr eq[;r% ewy mRiknksa dk Fkk tks vf/kdka”kr% fczVsu rFkk vU; fodflr ns”kksa dks fu;kZr fd;s tkrs FksA tcfd vk;kr vf/kdrj bUgha fodflr ns”kksa ls e”khu fufeZr oLrqvksa dk FkkA Qyr% Hkkjr dks vkfFkZd n`f’V ls fodflr ns”kksa ij fuHkZj jguk iM+rk FkkA nwljh vksj iw¡th ds lalk/ku fuEu Lrj ds FksA vr% vFkZ O;oLFkk dh n`f’V ls {ks=h; vlarqfyrrk vf/kd FkhA ,slh fLFkfr esa Lora= Hkkjr ds loZ izFke iz/kkuea=h ia tokgjyky usg~: dks vius ns”k ds izfr cgqr cM+k drZO; fuHkkuk jg x;k Fkk vkSj ftldks lEiUu djkus esa mudk ;ksxnku fdl Lrj ij Fkk] mldh Li’V vfHkO;fDr bl vorj.k esa gS& Þusg~: tkurs Fks fd mudk ns”k lfn;ksa ls fiNM+k gqvk gSA mUgksaus

oLrqr% muds leFkZdksa us Hkh ;g le> fy;k Fkk fd ns”k esa vkSn~;ksfxd Økafr yk;s fcuk u rks tu thou dk Lrj lq/kkjk tk ldrk gS] vkSj u ns”k dks vkfFkZd rFkk lkekftd n`f’V ls le`n~/k rFkk leFkZ cuk;k tk ldrk gS vkSj ;g lc oSKkfud n`f’Vdks.k viuk, fcuk vkSj ns”k esa oSKkfud LoHkko cuk;s fcuk laHko ugha gSA Qyr% ,slh ekU;rk

17. Ckjekuh] vkj- lh- (2011) Hkkjr esa mifuos”kokn jk’Vªokn]]u;h fnYyh] xhrkatyh ifCyf”kax gkml] i`- 516

18. nsosUnz] la mik/;k; (1996) tokgjyky usg~:&cgqvk;keh O;fDrRo] u;h fnYyh] lkef;d izdk”ku] i`- 25&26


ns”k Hkj esa ?kwedj Hkyh&Hkk¡fr ns[kk&le>k Fkk fd ns”koklh fdrus xjhc gSa] fdruh csgkyh esa fnu xqtk+ j jgs gSaA ,sls esa muds lkeus eq[; leL;k Fkh fd ns”k dks fdl izdkj tYnh ls tYnh bl xjhch vkSj csgkyh ls eqDr djkdss fodflr vk/kqfud jk’Vªksa ds drkj esa [kM+k fd;k tk,] fdl izdkj [ksrh dh] mn~;ksxksa dh mUufr dh tk,\ jkLrk ,d gh Fkk&foKku vkSj izkSn~;ksfxdh dk lnqi;ksxA vkSj usg~: us ns”k dh vkt+knh ds rRdky ckn fu;ksftr fodkl dh uhao j[krs gq, ml ckr dk Ë;ku j[kk fd ns”k dks vk/kqfud foKku vkSj VsDuksyksth ds ykHk fnyk;s tk,¡] rkfd fdlku dks vf/kd vkSj csgrj [ksrh ds fy, jlk;fud [kkns]a dhVuk”kd nokb;k¡] cM+s&cM+s ck¡/kksa ls vko”;d ek=k esa ikuh] fctyh vkfn feysAa --------ß18

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izkIr gS fd 1950&1960 dh vof/k vkFkkZr ia usg~: dh ikyu vof/k esa Hkkjr] vkSn~;ksfxd ns”k dh n`f’V ls mYys[kuh; Lrj ij FkkA19 bl izdkj ns”k dh fuEu Lrjh; vkfFkZd n”kk ds iqujfuekZ.k esa Lokra«;ksRrj Hkkjr us —f’k] vkSn~;ksfxd rFkk Ik;ZVu vkfn {ks=ksa esa mYys[kuh; miyfC/k;k¡ izkIr dh gSaA fo”ks’kr% lu~ 1956 esa pyk;h x;h vkSn~;ksfxd uhfr us Hkkjr ds lkoZtfud {ks=ksa dh tks lqfo/kk,¡ iznku dh Fkha] mlls Hkkjr esa ,Y;wfefu;e] ijek.kq mtkZ] Hkkjh ef”kujh] Hkkjh fon~;qr ef”kujh] [kfut rsy] ok;q vkSj jsy ifjogu tSls Hkkjh mn~;ksx cM+h Hkkjh la[;k esa LFkkfir gq,A Lora= Hkkjrh; mn~;ksxksa esa vk/kqfud rduhdh dk Hkh Ik;kZIr mi;ksx gksus yxkA ifj.kker% vkt fo”o ds Js’B vkSn~;ksfxd {ks=ksa esa Hkkjr dk izfrf’Br LFkku fu/kkZfjr gks pqdk gSA ;g izrhr gksrk gS fd —f’k {ks= dh miyfC/k;ksa esa flapkbZ] jlk;fud moZjdksa] mUur chtksa vkSj dhVuk”kd nokb;ksa ds mi;qDr iz;ksxksa dk fo”ks’k ;ksxnku jgk gSA Lora= Hkkjr ds Hkwfe&lq/kkj ds dk;ZØeksa us Hkh —f’k ds {ks= esa egRoiw.kZ Hkwfedk fuHkk;h gSA fopkjdksa dh ekU;rk gS fd ‘gfjr Økafr’ ds vkjaHk ds ckn —f’k esa Hkkjr us mYys[kuh; izxfr dh gSA dgrs gSa fd dktw] ukfj;y] vke vkSj dsyk tSls QyksRiknu ds {ks= esa Hkh Hkkjr dk lkjs fo”o esa izFke LFkku gSA20 lkjka”kr% ;g mYys[kuh; gS fd mRrj vkSifuosf”kd Hkkjr esa —f’k fodkl lac/a kh vusd iz”kaluh; izxfr gqbZ gSA

19. Under the leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first Prime Minister (1947-64) India addressed its economic erisis through a combination of socialist planning and free enterprise. During the 1950s and 1960s large government investments made India as awhole in to one of the most industrialized nations in the world. Ed.Hertzman, James and Robert L. Worden (1995) India-A Country Sdudy, Library of Congress, Federal Research Division, p.xxxviii 20. mik/;k;] la- nsosUnz] (1998) vkt+knh ds 50 o’kZ&D;k [kks;k] D;k ik;k (Hkkx 02)] u;h fnYyh] lkekftd izdk”ku] Ik`- 14

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3-catkjk lekt esa rht dk egRo fot; dqekj jkBksM+ ¼'kksèkkFkʽ fgUnh foHkkx vaxzsth ,oa fons'kh Hkk"kk foÜofo|ky; gSnjkckn] rsyaxkuk ¼500007½ Qksu - 09704161959 Hkkjrh; lekt esa R;kSgkj dks vfèkd eºRo fn;k tkrk gSA ns'k esa oSls rks vusd tu&tkfr;k¡ fuokl djrh gSa] gj tkfr viuh&viuh fof'k"Vrk ls igpkuh tkrh gSA blh esa catkjk ,d egÙoiw.kZ tutkfr gSA tks taxyksa] igkMks]a eSnkuh iBkjksa rFkk çk—frd lqanjrk ds chp fuokl djrh gSA mudk ,d egRo iw.kZ R;kSgkj gS ^rht*A ^rht* R;kSgkj cM+s g"kZ ds lkFk euk;k tkrk gSA ;g R;kSgkj Jko.k ekl esa euk;k tkrk gS vkSj ;g R;kSgkj dq¡okjh yM+fd;ksa ds fy, vfèkd eºRoiq.kZ gksrk gSA D;ksafd blesa VkaM+s dh yMfd;k¡ xkSjh iwtk djrh gS vkSj blesa os VkaM+s dh lq%[k 'kkarh vkSj vius fy, vPNk oj feyus dh dkeuk djrh gSaA ,d fnu VkaMs dh lkjh dq¡okjh yMfd;k¡ ,df=r gksdj xhr xkrs gq, VkaMs ds uk;d ¼eqf[k;k½ ds ?kj tkrh gSaA vkSj yksd xhr ds }kjk rht cqokus dh vuqefr ek¡xrh gSA og xhr bl çdkj gS] ^lsok Hkk;k cksjk;ks rht vbZjks ikys.kks] iky.ks ek lksusfj Mksj vbjks iksy.kks] naMh ;kMh cksjkb rht vkbZjks iky.kks* iky.ksek js'kesjh Mksj vkbZjks iky.kks] Hkko% ^lsok Hkk;k catkjksa dk lar iq:"k gS] cksjk;ks ¾ cqokuk vkbZ ek¡ ¼ejkBh dk 'kCn gS ½] naMh ;kMh txnack* bl çdkj lkjh yM+fd;k¡ uk;d ls vuqefr ek¡xrh gSaA tc uk;d xk¡o ds iap dks vkeaf=r djrk gS vkSj lc dh lykg ysdj yMfd;ksa dks ^rht* eukus dh vuqefr ns nsrk gSA lkjh yM+fd;k¡ [kq'kh ds ekjs >qe mBrh gSaA vkSj ogk¡ ls ckal dh ydM+h ls cuh Vksdjh ysus ds fy, Vksdjh okys ds ikl tkdj Vksdfj;k¡ ys vkrh gSaA ftls catkjk yksx ^oksYMh* dgrs gSA uk;d vius ?kj ls xsgaw nsrk gSA yMfd;k¡ ml xsgaw dks ikuh esa xky nsrh

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gSa] vkSj feêh ykus ds fy, [ksrksa dh vkSj pyh tkrh gSaA csj ds isM ds uhps ls fdMs edksMksa }kjk fudkyh xbZ feêh dks Vksdjh esa ys vkrh gS vkSj mls uk;d ds ?kj ds lkeus j[k dj rkykc ;k unh ls ikuh ys vkrh gSA vkSj ck¡l dh Vksdjh esa rht cksrh gSaA mlds lkFk&lkFk lsokHkk;k ds uke dh ik¡p Vksdfj;k¡ ;k iyk'k ds iÙkksa esa ik¡p nksuk ¼iyk'k ds irksa ls cukrs gSa½ cukdj cks;k tkrk gSA ;g R;kSgkj èkkfeZd] lkaL—frd] rFkk euksjatu nk;d Hkh gksrk gSA yMfd;k¡ viuh Vksdjh;ksa ij jafxu èkkxksa ls ;k diMs ds NksVs&NksVs VqdMksa ls fu'kku cukrh gSa rkfd viuh Vksdjh og vklkuh ls igpku lds tc rd xk¡o ds dq¡okjs yMds pkj&ik¡p QhV dk ,d ydMh dk pcqrjk cuk nsrs gSa ftls catkjk yksx ^Mkxyks* dgrs gSaA yMfd;k¡ viuh Vksdfj;ksa dks ml pcqrjs ij j[k nsrh gSA bl rjg lkjs xk¡o ds yksxksa ds lkeus lkewfgd :i ls rht cksus dk dk;Z laiUu gksrk gSA yMfd;k¡ ;g R;kSgkj iwjh ifo=rk ls djrh gS fnu esa nks ckj rykc ;k unh ls ikuh ykdj rht dks Mkyrh gSA foÜokl fd;k tkrk gS fd feêh esa fcuk [kkn Mkys ikSèkk ukS fnu esa ftruk cM+k gks ldrk gS mlh vuqikr esa VkaMs okyksa dh o`f) gks tkrh gSA blhfy, yM+fd;k¡ xsgaw ds ikSèks dk cM+h lkoèkkuh ls iks"k.k djrh gSaA fdlh Hkh gkykr esa xsgwa ds ikSèks ds LokLF; dks fcxMus ugha nsrh blhfy, fnu esa nks ckj ukS fnu rd rkykc ;k unh ls ikuh ykdj rht dks Mkyrh gS ;g yMfd;ksa ds fy, çfr"Bk dk fo"k; cu tkrk gSA rht dq¡okjh yM+fd;ksa ds fy, èkkfeZd R;ksgkj gSa ml le; yM+fd;ka miokl djrh gSaA çfr fnu rht dh iwtk djrh gS D;ksafd rht R;kSgkj muds fy, eUur ek¡xus dk lqugjk volj gSA

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lkr fnu rd yMfd;k¡ rykc] unh ls ikuh ykrh gSa vkSj yM+ds mUgsa jkLrs esa jksdrs gSA bl volj ij yM+ds vkSj yM+fd;ksa ds fcp lkxqfp gksrh gS] lkxqfp dk rkRi;Z ç'uksÙkj dh jhfr bls catkjk yksx lkfd HkkUn~.kksa dgrs gSA og lkfd ,d & yMdk dgrk gS ^okV ckaèkq xkaV ckaèkq ckaèkq pkjh ns'kk ixs ixsjh è ckaèkq tkbl dq.k nslk* yM+dh dgrh gS ^okV fNMw xkaV NksMw NksMw pkjh ns'kk >kjh lík csMks NksMq e tkÅ ckiwj nslk* bl rjg yM+ds vkSj yM+fd;ksa ds fcp gk¡lh et+kd pyrk jgrk gSA vxj yM+fd;ka yM+dksa ds ç'uksa ds mÙkj ugha nsrh gSa rks rykc ls yk;k gqvk ikuh ogh fups tfeu ij Mkydj fQj ls ikuh ykus tkuk iMrk gSA ,d&,d 'kjkjrh yM+fd;ka yM+dksa ij ikuh Mky nsrh gSA tc ç'uksa dk laokn pyrk jgrk gS rc rd yMfd;k¡ ikuh ds ?kM+kas dks lj ij j[kdj ogha [kM+h jgrh gSaA ;g yMdh vkSj yMdksa ds fcp lcls euksjatd [ksy gSA bl rjg ;g gk¡lh et+kd lkr fnuksa rd pyrk jgrk gSA vkSj vBosa fnu ^rht* dk lcls egRo iw.kZ fnu ekuk tkrk gSaA ml fnu <acksyh dk dk;Z Øe gksrk gS vkSj x.k xkSj dh LFkkiuk dh tkrh gSA mlesa x.k dk vFkZ iq:"k vkSj xkSj dk vFkZ L=h vFkkZr L=h iq:"k dh la;qä çfrek x.k xkSj dgykrh gSA dqN LFkkuksa ij x.k xkSj dks f'ko ikoZrh dk çfrd ekurs gSaA ;g çfrek fdpM ls iu?kV] ;k rykc ij cuk;h tkrh gSA dqN 'kjkjrh yM+ds bl çfrek dks fyax vkSj ;ksuh Hkh cuk nsrs gSa] vkSj ;g çfrek n'kZdksa ds euksjatu dk dk;Z cu tkrh gSA blh volj ij xsagw ds vkVs esa xqM feykdj mckyk tkrk gSA vPNh rjg mcyus ij mldks BaMk fd;k tkrk gS vkSj mlds NksVs&NksVs yìw cukrs gSa blh dks <acksyh dgrs gSA yM+fd;k¡ vius ?kjksa esa txnEck nsoh dks Hkksx yxkrh gSaA ml fnu lkjs VkaMs esa ehBk idoku curk gSaA ml <acksyh dks yM+fd;k¡ VkaMs esa ?kj&?kj ckaVrh gSA ml fnu VkaMs dh fookfgr efgyk,¡ Hkh 'kkfey gks tkrh gS vkSj+ ml fnu jkr Hkj yMfd;k¡ vkSj efgyk,¡ ukprh] xkrh gSaA VkaMk ml fnu cgqr

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eXu vkSj vkuafnr jgrk gSA ml fnu dksbZ Hkh dke ugha djrs] [kkl dj yM+fd;ksa dks Lora=rk nh tkrh gSA jkr Hkj ukp xkuk gksus ds ckn ukS os fnu yM+fd;k¡ rht ds eaMi dks xk; ds xkscj ls fyirh gSa vkSj vius ?kj ds dke dkt tYnh fuiVk dj u;s diMs igu dj vHkq"k.k igudj iSjksa esa ?kq¡x: ckaèkdj Jwx a kj djds eaMi ds ikl vkrh gSa rc rd VkaMs ds yksx vkSj efgyk,¡ feydj x.k xkSj dks rht ds eaMi esa ys vkrs gS vkSj ukSos fnu Hkh [kqHk ukp xkuk gksrk gSA vafre fnu VkaM+s ds lkjs ?kjksa ls dqN pk¡oy bZdëk fd;k tkrk gS vkSj mlesa xqM Mkydj mckyk tkrk gS] mls [khj dgrs gSA varhe fnu nksigj dks uk;d txnEck nsoh dks Hkksx yxkrk gS vkSj ml [khj dks yksxksa esa ckaV fn;k tkrk gSA ;g iwtk lekIr gksus ds ckn ^nksuk [kksl.kks* [ksy [ksyk tkrk gSA mlesa vdsyk yMdk ftls ^xjdyk* dgrs gSA og vdsyk ,d rjQ gksrk gS vkSj xk¡o dh lkjh yMfd;k¡ ,d rjQ gksrh gSaA blfy, xjdys dks pqurs le; mldh 'kkjhfjd cfy"Vrk ij è;ku fn;k tkrk gSA yMfd;k¡ yMds dh pkjks vksj ?kqerh]ukprh gqbZ xhr xkrh gS vkSj nksuk nsus dks dgrh gSA rks yMdk nksuk nsus ls budkj dj nsrk gSA fQj xhr xkrh gqbZ ,d gh ckj yM+ds dks lkjh yMfd;k¡ >iV ysrh gS vkSj mlls nksuk fNu ysrh gSaA bl [ksy ds lekfIr ds ckn uk;d yMfd;ksa ls rykc ;k unh dh vksj pyus ds fy, dgrs gSA rykc dks pyus ls igys uk;d dkjHkkjh vkSj VkaMs ds lkFk pkj ik¡p cqtqxZ yksx ,d lkFk cSB tkrs gSaA vkSj yM+fd;k¡ viuh&viuh Vksdjh esa ls eqBh Hkj xsga w ds ikSèkksa dks m[kkM+ ysrh gS mu esa ls pkj ik¡p ikSèks dks ,d lkFk xw¡Fk nsrh gSaA xw¡Fkh gqbZ rht dks cSBs gq, yksxksa dh ixMh Mky nsrh gSA ml ds cnys esa yMfd;ksa dks uk;d vkSj cqtqxZ yksx HksaV ds :i esa nks] pkj] ;k ik¡p] #i;s Vksdfj;ksa esa Mkyrs gSaA rc uk;d ryck ;k unh dh vksj pyus dks dgrs gSa rks lcls igys lsokHkk;k dh ik¡p Vksdfj;k¡ pyrh gSaA ckn esa lkjh yMfd;k¡ pyrh gsa buds lkeus ,d vkneh MQ ctkrs gq, pyrk gS¼ml MQ ctus okys dks <kfy;k dgsrs gSa ½A rht dks foltZu djrs le; yM+fd;ksa ds nw%[k dk dksbZ var ugha yxkldrs Page 24

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D;ksafd mu yMfda;ks ds ukS fnu rht dks lhaprs – flapkjrs xqtjsA gS ml I;kjh rht dks folftZr djrs gq, vuqHko gksrk gS fd tSls mudk dksbZ fç; O;fä fcNM jgk gksA yM+fd;ka nq%[kh gksdj fojg ds xhr Hkh xkrh gSA yM+dksa dh 'kjkjr rht dks vfèkd euksjatd vkSj vkd"kZd cukrh gSA feêh [kksnus ls ysdj foltZu rd VkaMs ds yM+ds] yMfd;ksa dks rjg&rjg ls lrkrs jgrs gSaA yM+fd;k¡ ekSu jgdj dHkh&dHkh djkjk tokc ns nsrh gSaA xhr xkrs le; yMfd;k¡ Hkh yM+dksa dks [kjh [kksVh lwukrh gSA dbZa ckj yMfd;k¡ Hkh yMdks dks cukus yxrh gSaA rht ds lacaèk esa èkkj.kk gS fd blls dU;k dks vPNk oj feyrk gS vkSj lkSHkkX; vVy jgrk gSA fuR; Luku rFkk iwtk fofèk ds vfrfjä yMfd;ksa dks cgqr ls fu;eksa dk ikyu djuk iMrk gSA rht iwtrs le; yMfd;ksa dks ukS fnu dk miokl j[kuk iMrk gSA ukS fnu rd yMfd;k¡ lkèkk Hkkstu gh djrh gSaA ehpÊ] elkyk] pVuh] vkpkj] [kêk vkSj I;kt bu ds fy, fu"ksèk gS vkSj ekal Hkh ugha [kk ldrhA yMfd;k¡ ukS fnu rd uhps tfeu ij pVkbZ fcNkdj lksrh gSA rht foltZu ds nwljs fnu yMfd;k¡ ml LFkku dks xk; ds xkscj ls fyirh gS] tgk¡ og jkr dks lksrh gSA rht R;kSgkj catkjk lekt dk cgqr gh egRoiw.kZ R;kSgkj gSa] rht ds le; catkjk Vk¡M+ks esa ukS fnu R;kSgkj dk ekgksy cuk jgrk gSaA VkaM+s ds yksxks esa dksbZ Hksn&Hkko ugha jgrk ;g R;kSgkj dq¡okjh yM+fd;ksa dk R;kSgkj gS bles var ds nks rhu fnu VkaM+s dh efgyk,¡ Hkh 'kkfey gks tkrh gS VkaM+s dh cw<+h vkSj fookfgr efgyk,¡ bl R;kSgkj esa dq¡okjh yM+fd;ksa dh lgk;rk djrh gSa vkSj ;g R;kSgkj dq¡okjh yM+fd;k¡ vius VkaMs dh lq%[k 'kkafr] vius ifjokj fd HkykbZ vkSj vius lkSHkkX; ds fy, yMfd;k¡ ;g iwtk iwjh ifo=rk ls djrh gSA

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4- ukxj th ds miU;klksa esa fpf=r lkekftd vkn'kZ rFkk Hkkjrh; lekt dks mldh nsu Mk- nhfIr xqIrk] 2@,]vkdk'knwr] 12&,]u‚FkZ,os Us ;w] dY; uxj] iq.ks & 411006 O;fä;ksa ds ml lewg dk uke lekt gS tks fof'k"V fu;eksa o cUèkuksa esa c¡èkk gksrk gSA çR;sd O;fä ,d nwljs ls fdlh u fdlh #i esa lacafèkr gSA O;fä;ksa ds fcuk lekt dk vfLrRo ugha vkSj lekt ds fcuk O;fä dk vfLrRo ughaA blh lekt dk ,d vax gS lkfgR;dkj tks mlds vU; vaxksa dh vis{kk vfèkd lEosnu'khy vkSj çfrfØ;k'khy gksrk gSArn~grs q lekt dh xfrfofèk;ksa] ço`fÙk;ksd a h xgjh Nki lkfgR;dkj ds ekuliVy ij iM+rh gS vkSj og mHkj dj vkrh gS mlds lkfgR; esaA blfy, gh lkfgR;dkj dks lekt dk eu vkSj efLr"d dgk tkrk gS vkSj lkfgR; dks lekt dk niZ.kA D;ksafd lekt dk ;Fkkor~ fp= gesa mlesa feyrk gSA lEosnu'khy ys[kd ukxj th us lekt dh ;FkkFkZrkvksa dk fp=.k djrs gq, ,sls lqUnj vkSj lR; vkn'kZ çLrqr fd, gSa] tks lekt ds m)kj o ifj"dkj ds fy, dY;k.k #i gSaA ukxj th us lekt ds flr vkSj vflr nksuksa gh #iksa dk fo'kn fp=.k fd;k gS vkSj lkFk gh vius dkYifud vkn'kZ lekt dk Hkh C;ksjk nsrs x, gSaA muds miU;klksa dk dFkkud pkgs ikSjkf.kd gks ;k ,sfrgkfld ;k lkekftd ysfdu mUgksaus fdlh u fdlh #i esa lelkef;d lekt dh leL;kvksa] 'kks"k.k] mRihM+u vkSj dqjhfr;ksa dk gh foLrkj ls fp=.k fd;k gSA lkFk gh lekt ds ewY;ksa] laLdkjksa o fpUru n'kZu dk Hkh iw.kZ fp=.k gSA vius çR;sd miU;kl }kjk ys[kd us lekt dks ;gh lUns'k fn;k] ;gh vkn'kZ çLrqr fd;k gS fd O;f"V ls lef"V vfèkd egRoiw.kZ gS] O;fä dks lekt o lewg ds le{k vius fgrksa dk] LokFkkZs dk R;kx dj nsuk pkfg,A O;fä dh egkurk lekt ds çfr ,sls R;kxe; – f"Vdks.k ls gh vkadh tk ldrh gSA viuh blh Hkkoèkkjk dks mUgksaus cw¡n vkSj leqæ esa çLrqr djrs gq, lekt dks ,slk vuUr mnfèk crk;k gS ftldk fofHkUu O;fä;ks]a mudh

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ekU;rkvksa] foÜoklksa] ewY;ksa] lgtrk vkSj vlaxfr;ksa :ih ukuk cw¡nksa ds esy ls fuekZ.k gqvk gSA O;fä vkSj lekt ,d nwljs ls mlh çdkj lEc) gS tSls cw¡n vkSj leqæ A gj cw¡n dh lkFkZdrk gS&viuk rqPN vfLrRo leqæ ds fojkV~ :i esa foy; dj nsus esaAtks cw¡n leqæ ls foyx gks] leqæ ty ls Åij mB] vgadkjo'k cqycqys ds lekt Qwydj viuk vfLrRo i`Fkd fn[kkuk pkgrh gS] og {k.k Hkj esa gh QwVdj lekIr gks tkrh gSA rn~grs q ge ns[krs gSa fd lTtu] oudU;k] duZy] ckck jketh vkfn ,slh cw¡ns gSa] tks lekt #ih lkxj esa vius dks lefiZr dj nsrh gSAnwljh vksj O;fäoknh efgiky vgadkjo'k] vius LokFkkZs vkSj fgrksa dks miyCèk gS] rks mldk nq[kn vUr Hkh cqycqys ds leku 'kh?kz gh lekIr gks tkrk gSA mldh vkRegR;k ls lHkh fody o O;fFkr gksrs gSaA e`R;q ls igys og Hkh vuqHko }kjk blh fu.kZ; ij vkrk gS fd "O;fä O;fä vo'; jgs] ij mlds O;fäoknh fpUru esa Hkh lkekftd –f"Vdks.k dk jguk vfuok;Z gksA eSa vdsyk Hkh gw¡] ij cgqtu ds lkFk esa gw¡] nq[k&lq[k] 'kkfUr v'kkfUr vkfn O;fäxr vuqHko gS] ij ;s lekt esa çR;sd O;fä ds gSA vr,o gesa ;g ekuuk pkfg, Hkys gh O;fä vusd gSa fdUrq buls fufeZr lekt ,d gSA lw;Z] pUæek] èkjrh] ;s lc ,d gSa] Hkys gh vusd rÙoksa ls budk fuekZ.k gqvk gSA O;f"V vkSj lef"V dh lejlrk] lekt ds larqyu vkSj lq#irk ds fy, ijeko';d gSA O;fä vkSj lekt ,d nwljs ds iwjd gSa] ,d nwljs dk vkèkkj gSaA lekt dks egÙo nsus ls ys[kd dk ;g rkRi;Z dnkfi ugha fd O;fä vegRoiw.kZ gSA okLro esa lekt O;fä #ih bdkbZ ij gh vkèkkfjr gS&tSls cw¡n&cw¡n feydj lkxj dh fuekZ=h gSA vr% cw¡n vkSj O;fä egRoiw.kZ gS] lkxj vkSj lekt ds vfLrRo ds fy,A ckck }kjk ys[kd vius xgu fopkj vfHkO;ä djrk gqvk fy[krk gS&gj cw¡n dk egRo gSAogh rks vuUr lkxj gSA,d cw¡n Hkh O;FkZ D;ksa tk,A mldk Page 26

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lnqi;ksx djksA dSls gks lnqi;ksx\ dSls ;g cw¡n vius dks egklkxj vuqHko djs\ bl fo'kky tu lkxj esa og vdsyh gSA mldk dksbZ viuk ughaA ,slk yxrk gS tSls mlds pkjksa vksj lkxj lhek ck¡èkdj ygjk jgk gS vkSj og cw¡n lkxj ls vyx jsr esa ?kqyrh tk jgh gSA çR;sd O;fä dh egÙkk gS çR;sd O;fä leku gSA rHkh rks ukxj th dgrs gSa&vkn'kZ dk ;fn egRo gS rks lcds fy, mldk ewY; leku gks] ;g D;ksadj laHko ugha\ cM+h cw¡n gks ;k NksVh cw¡n gks] uUgha lh cw¡n D;ksa u gks] ;g NksVkbZ cM+kbZ uSfrd ekin.M ds fy, dksbZ ewY; ugha j[krhA 3 ys[kd ds vuqlkj çR;sd O;fä esa lR; ds çfr vkLFkk gS] fu"Bk gS vkSj bl fu"Bk ds vkèkkj ij gh og uwru ekuoh; vkn'kkZs dh çfr"Bkfir djus dk lkeF;Z j[krk gSA og ek= ;gh ns[krk gS fd cw¡n esa] çR;sd v.kq esa] lR; ds fy, fdruh fu"Bk gSA çR;sd v.kq bl fu"Bk dks viuh fØ;k'kfä ls fdl gn rd fodflr dj u;k vkn'kZ mifLFkr djus dh {kerk j[krk gSA lkekftd thou] mldh mUufr] mlesa uohu ifjorZu rHkh laHko gSa]tc O;fä vkLFkk;qä gksA og lekt dks t+ksj tcjnLrh ls ugha oju~ vkLFkk vkSj fu"Bk ls cny nsus esa foÜokl j[krk gS vkSj ;g vkLFkk rHkh tkxsxh tc ekuo nwljs ds lq[k&nq[k esa viuk lq[k nq[k ekusA euq"; dk vkRefoÜokl txkuk pkfg,] mlds thou esa vkLFkk tkxuh pkfg,A euq"; dks nwljs ds lq[k&nq[k esa viuk lq[k&nq[k ekuuk pkfg,A fopkjksa esa Hksn gks ldrk gS fopkjksa ds Hksn ls LoLFk }U} gksrk gS vkSj mlls mÙkjksÙkj mldk leUo;kRed fodkl HkhA ij 'krZ ;g gS fd lq[k&nq[k esa O;fä dk O;fä ls vVwV lEcUèk cuk jgs& tSls cw¡n ls cw¡n tqM+h jgrh gS& ygjksa ls ygjsAa lTtu vkSj oudU;k ds ekè;e ls ys[kd dk mís'; gS O;f"Vijd psruk esa lef"Vijd psruk dks fodflr djuk] O;fä dk vkRefoÜokl txkuk] thou ds çfr vkLFkk mRiUu djukA çk;% ns[kk tkrk gS fd çR;sd O;fä] gj nwljs O;fä dks x+yr crkrk gS] viuh x+yfr;ksa dks <k¡ius ds fy,& ftUgsa og cgqr vPNh rjg tkurk gS fd 'viuh gS'&

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vusd ç;Ru djrk gSA >xM+k gh blh ckr dk gS fd gj O;fä vius dks lgh le>rk gSA blh ls 'kuS% 'kuS% vkrad QSyrk gSA ;g fLFkfr ys[kd dh –f"V esa vçk—frd gSA blfy, ys[kd dk lUns'k gS fd çR;sd O;fä dks nwljs O;fä ds lkFk lq[k&nq[k esa mlh çdkj ,dkRedrk dk vuqHko gks tSls gj ifjfLFkfr esa cw¡n ls cw¡n tqM+h gksrh gSA fo}ku ys[kd dh –f"V esa vkRe foÜokl [kksdj bZÜoj esa foÜokl j[kuk xyr gSA vkReKku ds fcuk bZÜoj Kku vlEHko gSA ns[kk tk, rks ukxj th dh ckr cM+h lqy>h gqbZ gSA vkReKku gh rks bZÜoj Kku gS] rFkk vkRefoÜokl gh bZÜoj esa foÜokl dk vkjEHk gSA D;ksafd bZÜoj dksbZ O;fä ugha oju~ ,d vuqHkwfr gSA og gekjs vUnj fNik gqvk dksbZ cht gS tks bZÜoj ds #i esa fodflr gks tkrk gSA vKku nq[k dk dkj.k gS vkSj Kku dh fLFkfr vkuUn dh fLFkfr gSA Kku dk mn; gh nwljs 'kCnksa esa bZÜojkuqHkwfr gSA blfy, gh dgk x;k gS fd bZÜoj ijekuUn gSA og dksbZ O;fä ugha gSA bl vuqHkwfr rd igq¡pus ds fy, euq"; Lo;a vius pkSrU; dks tkuus esa leFkZ gks tk, rks og mls miyCèk gks tkrk gSA bZÜoj gekjs gh Hkhrj fNih ,d lEHkkouk gS] ,d fnO; vuqHkwfr gSA ekuo esa psruk dk iw.kZ fodkl gks rks og bZÜoj #i gks ldrk gSA ukxj th ds miU;klksa ds ik= thou ds jgL;ksa esa ços'k dj] lekt dh ;krukvksa] çrkM+ukvks]a vU;k;ksa o la?k"kksZa ls tw>rs gq, lrr ç;Ru'khy gSa&lR; dks ik ysus ds fy,A mudh eukso`fÙk;k¡] euksxzfUFk;k¡ vkSj vUr}ZU} lwpd gSa mudh psrurk&o vpsrurk] Kku vkSj vKku ds la?k"kZ dkA egkdky dk ik¡pw tc vdky ds dkj.k tUeh vusd leL;kvksa vkSj fpUrkvksa ls xzLr gqvk] thou dh dq#irk ds n'kZu djrk gS rks ,dk,d og thou ds çfr for`".kk ,ao uSjk'; dh Hkkouk ls Hkj mBrk gSA ?kjokyksa dks mudh ;krukvksa o ihM+kvksa ds lkFk NksM+dj og lnk ds fy, dgha nwj cgqr nwj tkus dk fu'p; dj ?kj ls py nsrk gSA okLro esa ;g mldk thou ls iyk;u ugha] oju~ thou esa ços'k gSA mldk ;g vkRefo'ys"k.k vkReKku dh vksj igyk dne gSA D;ksafd ekuo vdsyk gksus ij tc vius lkFk thrk gS rHkh mls vkReKku gksrk gSA D;ksafd nwljksa ds lkFk jgus ij rks og Page 27

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vius ls cgqr nwj gks tkrk gSA blfy, ifjokj ls nwj gksrs gh ikapw vius ikl igq¡p tkrk gS vkSj my> tkrk gS] vUr}ZU} o euksfo'ys"k.k esAa rHkh vkrk gS lkeus thou dh lR;rk] thou dh vts;rk ds #i esa ,d e`r L=h dk l| tkr f'k'kqA bl le; ikapw ds eu esa çse dh Hkkouk çcy gks tkrh gSA mls vk'p;Z gqvk& ;g çse dgk¡ ls vk;k\ bruh gh nsj esa eq>s blls eerk gks xbZ] eSus ,d thou dks cpk;kA Bhd&Bhd ;ksa dgk tk, fd thou ds çfr esjs çse us thou dks cpk fy;kA mldh psruk eq[kj gqbZ vkSj efLr"d esa fopkj dkSaèkk&thou vius vkidks cpkrk gSA vusd #iksa esa vkSj vusd LoHkkoksa esa ,d gh thou jerk gSA ys[kd ds vuqlkj vusdksa LFkwy – f"V&lqxe HksnHkkoksa ds dkj.k euq";] euq"; dks vifjfpr yxrk gSA bl vifjp; ls] ftls ge nwljs 'kCnksa esa vKku dg ldrs gSa Hk; vkSj Hk; ls fgalk mRiUu gksrh gSA ikapw cPps dks lhus ls yxk ysrk gSA cPpksa dk ueZ xeZ Li'kZ mlds ân; dks d#.kkæZ dj nsrk gSA mldh psruk dks vge~ eqä dj mls vkRefoLe`fr vkSj vkuUn dh ygj esa cgk ys tkrk gSA og bl uohu vuqHko ds çfr psru FkkA viwoZ vkuUne; vuqHko FkkA mldh psruk bdkbZ dh lhek ls mBdj lkewfgd psruk dk #i ys ysrh gSA ikapw vius bl O;fäxr ifjorZu o vkuUne; vuqHko dk tUenkrk cPps dks ekurk gSA mls viuh vuqHkwfr cPps dh Hkk¡fr gh vadqj #i yxrh gS vkSj og nksuksa ds lkFk lkFk fodkl dh dYiuk djrk gSA vdky dh lkjh ihM+kvksa dh FkdkoV vkSj fpUrkvksa ds Hkkj ls eqä gqvk og thou dh vts;rk ds çfr vkLFkkoku gks mBrk gSA&çy; esa çLQqfVr f'k'kq#i esa l`f"V ds chtkadqj dks ikdj vkSj ân; esa meM+s ekuo çse ds lzksr dks ns[kdjA lglk gh e`R;qHk; lekIr gks tkrk gSA uof'k'kq ds ekè;e ls ml loZ'kfäeku lÙkk ds çfr tkxzr çcy çse o vnE; foÜokl ikapq dks vHk;nku nsrk gS – e`R;q lsA çsj.kk nsrk gS thus dh o f'k'kq ds thou dh j{kk dhA e`R;q ls ;gk¡ vHk; ys[kd ds vuqlkj – thou dh lR;rk igpku ysus dks –f"V gSA vius dks igpku ysuk viuh vPNkbZ;ksa cqjkbZ;ksa dks tku ysuk gh thou dk lR; gSA vkReKku gks tkus ij O;fä dks ,d

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viwoZ rks"k o vkuUnkuqHko gksrk gSA ml vkuUne; {k.k esa og bl txr ds leLr tM+ o psru inkFkkZs ds lkFk ,dkRe gks tkrk gSA ;gh vkuUnkuqHkwfr vkSj ,dkRedrk dk Hkko bZÜojkuqHkwfr gS tks fojkV~ lÙkk ds leku gh lr&fpÙk&vkuUn gSA ;gh ckr cw¡n vkSj leqæ esa ys[kd us dgh gS& eS bZÜoj vkSj Kku esa dksbZ Hksn ugha ekurk gw¡A ckck jke th bZÜoj dks loZO;kih crkrs gq, dgrs gSa&tgk¡ rd tho fn[kkbZ iM+rs gSa] ogk¡ rd jke th fn[kkbZ nsrs gSaAjke th Fkds gq,] jksxh] ihfM+rksa] thoksa dks lsok djkus esa dksbZ ladksp ugha djuk pkfg,A × × × çR;sd euq"; dks f'ko ladYi dk lsod gksuk pkfg,A vius bl çk—frd xq.k dks xzg.k u djus okyk O;fä lnk Hkzfer efr dk jgsxk] jkethA blh Hkk¡fr ve`r vkSj fo"k esa Hkh ys[kd fofHkUu pfj=ksa ds ekè;e ls vkèkqfud dqaBkxzLr] fl)kUrghu] iFkHkz"V] vfoÜokl;qä lekt ds O;fä;ksa dks çLrqr djrk gS ftudh psruk lqIr gSaA yPNw ,d ,slk gh dqaBkxzLr ik= gSA nwljh vksj] jes'k ds ekè;e ls os vkReKku] nwjnf'kZrk] vnE; mRlkg o ØkfUr ls thou dks lq[ke; cukus dk lans'k nsrs gSaA jes'k ck<+ ihfM+rksa dh lsok dks ijeksèkeZ le> dj eu ls mudh lgk;rk djrk gSA ekuo&ekuo ds eu esa ;gh çse] ys[kd tkxzr djuk pkgrk gSA blfy, gh rF; dh ckr dgrk gS fd tgk¡ vKku] vçcq) psruk] LokFkZijrk] O;f"V ijdrk ve`r dks fo"k cukus okyh gS] lR; vkSj vkuUn ls nwj ys tkus okyh gS ogh psrurk] çcq)rk] ijkFkZHkkouk] lef"Vijdrk] fo"k dks ve`re; cuk nsus okyh o lR; ds fudV ys tkdj vkuUne; cuk nsus okyh gSA ;gh ckr cw¡n vkSj leqæ ds ckck jketh }kjk ys[kd us dgykbZ gS&ekuorkokn dk O;kid çpkj gqbds] psruk dk tks ve`r fudysxk og leLr yksd dks feysxkA ys[kd us fu"dke lsok dh lokZsifj èkeZ crk;k gSA cw¡n vkSj leqæ ds ckck ikxyksa dh fu"dke lsok esa yxs gSa rks lqgkx ds uwiqj dh dauxh vgfuZ'k ifr lsok esa jr gS] ;gk¡ rd fd og bZ";kZyq ekèkoh vkSj vkSj mldh lUrku ef.kes[kyk dh lsok lqJq"kk esa vius dks [kik nsrh gSA 've`r vkSj fo"k' dk jes'k lsok Page 28

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dks gh viuk è;s; cukrk gSA ,dnkuSfe"kkj.;s ds ukjn] lksekgqfr jk"Vª thou ds laxBu ds fy, çcq) ukxfjdksa dks çsj.kk nsrs gSa ,d gks tkus dh vkSj lef"V iFk dks viukus dhA ukxj th dk er gS&vlaxfBr vO;ofLFkr lekt lnk nqcZy jgrk gS Hkys gh mlds O;fä;ksa esa Hkhe] d.kZ vkSj vtZqu ls egk;ks)k gh D;ksa u gksaA dfydky esa la?k gh 'kfä gSA ekul dk gal ds rqylh egkekjh ls xzLr O;fä;ksa dh lsok dj] mUgsa LoLFk dj nsrs gSaA ys[kd us ,dnkuSfe"kkj.;s }kjk leUo;okn dk fl)kUr lekt dks fn;k gSaA os 'kSokfn lEçnk;ksa dks ijLij vfojksèkh cukdj] o 'kdksa vkSj vk;kZs ds ,dhdj.k dks çLrqr dj] lqIr jk"Vªh; psruk dks tkxzr djuk pkgrs gSaA Hkkjr ds egku jk"Vªh; thou ds fy,] os fofHkUu nsoksa vkSj iwtk i)fr;ksa dk jk"Vªh;dj.k Hkkxor Hkfä ds ekè;e ls djrs gSaA fdlh Hkh èkeZ ds vuq;k;h cu ds vius çHkq dks ç.kke djks&loZnso ueLdkj% ds'ko çfrxNZfr' AHkkxZo dHkh jke dks efgek lqukrs] dHkh fo".kq f'ko] lw;Z _"kHk] Hkjr] egkohj cq) dk xq.kxku djus yxrs vkSj lcdks J)k dh cUnuokj ls ck¡èk dj] fQj ds'ko oklqnso dk xq.kxku djus yxrs gSaA fu'p; gh ijekRek lkxj ds leku gS ftlesa ygjsa vkrh gS vkSj pyh tkrh gSA ftl çdkj ygjsa lkxj ls vyx ugha] mlh çdkj vkRek ijekRek ls vyx ughaA vkRek O;fä ds uk'koku 'kjhj esa fo|eku ijekRek dk çdk'k gSA 'kjhj uk'koku gS vkSj ijekRek 'kkÜor gS] vtj gS] vtUek gSA tks vtUek gS] mldh e`R;q dSlh\ tUe rks 'kjhj ysrk gS blfy;s ,d fnu e`R;q dks çkIr gksrk gSA lkxj vifjorZu'khy gS ysfdu ygj {k.k çfr {k.k mBrh gS] fxjrh gS] ifjofrZr gksrh gSA blh vkLFkk ds vkèkkj esa lc çkf.k;ksa esa tc vtUek] vifjorZu'khy] ijekRek fo|eku gS fQj HksnHkko dSlk\ ys[kd lekt esa O;kIr leLr HksnHkko o }Srrk dks feVk nsus ds fy, vkrqj gS&Hksn jgrs gq, Hkh vHksn Hkko dks Hktrk gS] mldh vkLFkk nksgjh dlkSVh ij p<+dj [kjh fl) gksrh gS vkSj }U} feV tkrk gSA bl leUo; dh Hkkouk }kjk ukxj th ekuo eu esa vkLFkk txk nsuk pkgrs gSaA blh leUo; vkSj laxBu gsrq os o.kZ O;oLFkk ds

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fo—r jke dh vkykspuk djrs gSa&;fn tkfr czkã.k gqvk djrh jktu~ rks] vIljk iq= of'k"B dHkh czkã.k u ekus tkrsA nklh iq= do"k vkSj ,yw"k dks D;k ge iwT;Hkko nsrsA ;gk¡ ys[kd dk dgus dk rkRi;Z ;gh gS fd oLrqr% pkjksa o.kZ ,oa tkfr] ftudk o.kZu gesa osnksa es]a xhrk esa] feyrk gS – xq.kksa ds vkèkkj ij foHkkftr O;fä;ksa ds oxkZs dk uke gSA tSls —".k us xhrk ds prqFkZ vè;k; dsA 3 os 'yksd esa dgk gS pkrqoZ.;Z Hk;k lq"Va xq.k deZ foHkkx 'k%A rL; drkZjefi eka fo);drkZj HkO;eEAA vFkkZr~&gs vtZqu] xq.k vkSj dekZs ds foHkkx ls czkã.k] {kf=;] oS'; vkSj 'kwæ esjs }kjk jps x,A muds drkZ dh Hkh eq>s vfouk'kh ijesÜoj dks rw vdrkZ gh tkuA O;fä&O;fä esa xq.kksa dk Hksn gSA ge fdlh Hkh çdkj ls bu xq.kksa ds dkj.k gksus okyh vlekurk dks ugha feVk ldrsA xq.kHksn feVk lduk vlaHko gSA pkgs lkE;okn lekt dh vorkj.kk dj ys ;k lcdks cjkcj èku] diM+k vkSj edku ck¡V ns ysfdu xq.kksa ds Lrj ij fQj Hkh O;fä] O;fä ls fHkUu gksxk ghA blh xq.kHksn dks pkj Hkkxksa esa —".k us ck¡VkA bl çdkj ftu O;fä;ksa dk :>ku KkuktZu] Kku dh [kkst dh vksj jgk] tks lnk iBu ikBu esa layXu jgs] os czkã.k dgyk,A ftudh :fp 'kfä esa Fkh] ftUgksaus 'kfä dks [kkstk] mls ikuk pkgk] os {kf=; oxZ esa vk,A ftUgksaus thfodksiktZu ds fy, O;olk; o O;kikj dks viuk;k] os oS'; dgyk, vkSj ftudh vkdka{kk Je djus dh gqbZ] ftUgksua s Je dks gh thou dk è;s; cuk;k os 'kwæ oxZ esa j[ks x,A bl lqUnj foHkktu dks O;fä;ksa us] fo'ks"k dj èkkfeZd O;fä;ksa us] fo—r dj fn;k vkSj xq.kksa ds vkèkkj ij pkjksa çdkj ds O;fä;ksa dks Å¡ph uhph lhf<+;ksa ij [kM+k djds ns[kk vkSj fn[kk;+kA tcfd èkekZorkj — ".k us mUgsa ,d gh ry ij pkj xq.kksa ls ;qä ;k pkj ço`fÙk;ksa okys pkj çdkj ds O;fä;ksa ds :i esa foHkkftr fd;k FkkA muds vuqlkj pkjksa esa u dksbZ mPp gS vkSj u dksbZ fuEuA pkjksa ,d gh Lrj vkSj ry ij [kM+s gSa& pkj fHkUu fHkUu xq.kksa dks fy, gq,A ysfdu dky&dky esa ;gha O;oLFkk fo—r gksdj] tUeuk ekuh tkus yxh vkSj O;fä&O;fä esa HksnHkko fufeZr gksus yxsA ys[kd blh HksnHkko Page 29

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dks feVkdj] mldk lqUnj iwoZ:i] lekt esa LFkkfir dj nsuk pkgrk gSA rHkh rks og dgrk gS]& fd tkfr czkã.k ugha gksrh oju~ O;fä vius xq.kksa vkSj dekZs ls czkã.k oS';] {kf=; vkSj 'kwæ gksrk gSA blh gsrq 'kwæ ckYehfd vius iBuikBu o Kku dh vks :>ku ds dkj.k jkek;.k jpuk dj czkã.k gks x,A ys[kd Li"V dgrk gS fd& gekjs ns'k dks deZ vkSj èku dh lEiUurk] laxBu dh ,d lw=rk rFkk Kku] foosd vkSj la;e dh egk'kfä pkfg,A ys[kd Hkkjr esa tkfr] èkeZ vkfn ds :i esa QSyh vusdrk esa ,drk yk nsuk pkgrk gS&;g dPN] ePN] okeu u`flagkfn nsoh dks iwtd çkphu vk;Z tkfr;ksa dks rFkk ;{k] fdUuj] ukxæfoM+] xaèkoZ] dksy] Hkhy] vlqj] nSR;] fdjkr vkfn vla[; tu tkfr;ksa esa pyh vkrh gqbZ ijEijkxr oSeuL;rk vkSj Hksnksa dks feVkdj mUgsa vc ,d ek= Hkwfe dh Hkkouk ls ck¡èk nw¡xkA fgeky; vkSj leqæ ds chp dh ;g egkHkwfe vc fo[kf.Mr gksdj jg ugha ik,xhA ys[kd o.kZ dh Hkkfr gh loZèkeZ leUo; esa foÜokl j[krk gS vkSj mlh dk vkn'kZ lekt dks nsrk gSA eqlyekuksa ds çfr çse ds LFkku ij 'k=qrk dk Hkko blfy, Hkkjrh;ksa ds eu esa jgk D;ksafd mudk vkxeu Hkkjr esa vkØe.kdkfj;ksa ds :i esa gqvkA ysfdu ckn esa rks os bl ns'k dk çeq[k vax cu x;sA ;gh eqlyeku tUes] rks ;gha fgUnw tUesA ;g leku :i ls nksuksa dh ekr`Hkwfe fQj Hkh fgUnw mUgsa ?k`.kk dh –f"V ls ns[krs jgsA gekjs lekt esa bl dkSe dks ysdj nks oxZ gks x,A ,d egkRekxk¡èkh ds vuq;k;h Fks tks mUgsa vko';drk ls vfèkd Lohdkjrs Fks rks nwljh vksj vk;Zlekth Fks tks eqlyekuksa dk iw.kZ cfg"dkj djrs FksA lekt esa ,d ,slk oxZ Hkh gqvk ftlus leekxZ viuk;kA mldk dFku Fkk fd eqlyekuksa ds vkxs u rks ge lefiZr Hkko ls ur f'kj gh gksa vkSj u mudh mis{kk gh djsAa oju~ muds ân; esa bl ns'k vkSj mldh l¡L—fr ds çfr J)k rFkk çse tkxzr djsAa ys[kd ds vuqlkj eqlyekuksa vkSj fgUnqvksa dh lk¡—frd èkjksgj ,d gS vFkkZr~ mudk jgu lgu] :f<+;k¡] ekU;rk,¡] fpUru] os'kHkw"kk vkfn ,d tSlh gSaA vr,o os fgUnw vkSj eqlyekuks]a nksuksa ls pkgrs gSa fd os ,d

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nwljs dks le>us dk ç;Ru djsa vkSj ;g ç;Ru gh ekuork dh vksj igyk dne gksxkA blh vkèkkj ij nksuksa èkeZ] nksuksa tkfr ,d gks ldrs gSaA mudk foÜokl gS & gd+ gS] [kqnk dk tyok gSA mlh esa gesa gt+jrs ewlk] gt+jrs bZlk] gt+jr eqgEens eqLrQk] iSxEcj] [kqnk] egkRek cq)] du¶;qf'k;l vkSj xk¡èkh] vkSj vkids ijegal] foosdkuUn oxSjg lc D;k Fks] v¶;quhA ukxj th deZ cUèku dks ekuo dk lcls cM+k èkeZ vkSj eqfä dks lkèku crkrs gSaA bl dFku esa xhrk esa dgs x, —".kksins'k dh gh >yd gS&tM+&psrue;] fo"k&ve`re;] vUèkdkj&çdk'ke; vkSj thou esa U;k; ds fy, deZ djuk gh xfr gSA eq>s thuk gh gksxk] deZ djuk gh gksxk] ;g cUèku gh esjh eqfä gSA ekul dk gal ds rqylhnkl dk èkeZ ekuo lsok gSA ukxj th us rqylh dh bl i¡fä ls fl;k jkee; lc tx tkfu èkeZfujis{krk dk leFkZu fd;k gSA ys[kd dks dfBukbZ gh ;g gqbZ fd jke dks dsoy fgUnqvksa dk jke fcuk fn;k x;kA ys[kd }kjk èkkfeZdrk dh O;k[;k mYys[kuh; vkSj ljkguh; gS & rqylh dk jke ikfFkZo jke gS gh ugha] og ekuoh; lkSUn;Z dk uk;d jke gSA blesa iwjs ekuo lekt dk LokFkZ lek;k gqvk gSA og èkeZfujis{k jke gSA mldh èkkfeZdrk u;h O;k[;k ek¡xrh gSA ekul dk jke thus dk lgkjk nsrk gSA og dfo tc egkekjh ls =k.k ek¡xrk gS] j{kk pkgrk gS rks dsoy fgUnw ds fy, ugha oju~ fgUnw eqlyeku tks Hkh cukjl esa clrk gS vkSj ml egkekjh ls la=Lr gS] ml lcds fy, og mlh vkrZHkko ls çkFkZuk djrk gSA ukxj th ds vuqlkj rqylh us Hkys gh "Lokar% lq[kk;' fy[kk&i<+k gks ysfdu mldk yksdèkeÊ :i fuf'pr gh vkt ds ;qx ds fy, cM+k vko';d gSA ukxj th dh lekt ,oa ewY;ijd jpuk,¡ Li"V bl rF; dh iqf"V djrh gSa fd mudk fpUru xgu vkSj gj ns'k] gj ;qx ds fy, lkFkZd gSA fuLlUnsg os lEiw.kZ Hkkjrh; lekt ds ys[kd gSaA

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5-fganh Hkk’kk vkSj Hkkf’kd lalk/ku% e”khuh vuqokn MkW- cksbZuokM ,u-,u¼fganh foHkkx izeq[k½ Jh ek/kojko ikVhy egkfon;ky;] eq:e Rkk- mejxk] ft- mLekukckn 413605 ¼ egkjk"Vª ½ vuqokn fl/nkar ds varxZr vuqokn dh izfdz;k ls tqMs lS/nkafrd i{kks]a tSls& vuqokn dh izfdz;k vuqokn ds midj.k] Hkkf’kd foospu] vuqokn izfof/k;ksa dk lS/nkafrd foospu] vuqokn dh lhekvksa o leL;kvksa laca/kh foLr`r v/;;u fd;k tkrk gSaA vuqokn ds lS/nkafrd i{k esa dks”kksa dh tkudkjh] e”khuh vuqokn ds fo’k; esa ifjp; vkfn dk v/;;u fd;k tkrk gSA vkt ;g Li’V gks pqdk gS fd vuqokn fo”o esa cqf/n vkSj gn; dh Hkw[k dks larq’V djus ds fy, Kku vkSj HkkokuqHkwfr;ksa ds vknku&iznku dh Ik;kZIr t:jr gSA lalkj esa fdlh Hkh ns”k dh Hkk’kkvksa esa miyC/k Kku] foKku] “kkL= lkfgR; vkSj dyk vkfn HkaMkj dks nwljs ns”k dh Hkk’kkvska esa vuqfnr djds miyC/k djk;k tk jgk gSA ,d gh ns”k ds fofHkUu izn”s kksa dh Hkk’kkvksa esa izkIr Kku ds HkaMkj dks vU; vusd izknsf”kd Hkk’kkvksa esa miyC/k djuk e”khuh vuqokn ds n~okjk gh laHko gSA ;a=ksa ds n~okjk fd;s tkusokys vuqokn dks e”khuh vuqokn dgk tkrk gSA okLro esa ;g ;a= lax.kd ¼dEI;wVj½ gSA lax.kd fof”k’V vkKk dk ;a=or ikyu djrk gSA lax.kd dh e”khu fof”k’V izfdz;k esa vpwd dk;Z djrh gSA blds fy, lkW¶Vosvj rS;kj djuk iMrk gSA blesa oSKkfud :Ik ls fo”ysf’kr rFkk lqxfBr Hkkf’kd lwpukvksa dks rS;kj djuk vfuok;Z gks tkrk gSA lax.kd iz.kkyh ds dkj.k vuqokn dk dk;Z vR;kf/kd xfre;rk ls gksrk gSA cgqr de LFkku ij cgqr vf/kd lkexzh laxzfgr dh tkrh gSaA lax.kd ds varxZr ftruh Hkk’kkvksa ds vuqokn

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djus gS mrus L=ksr vkSj y{; Hkk’kkvksa ds fOnHkk’kh dks”k iw.kZr% oSKkfud vk/kkj ij cuk;k tkrk gSA blesa vuqokn lerqY; “kCn] mlds vU; vFkkZsa ds ladsr] “kCn ifjorZu vkSj “kCn jpuk ds ladsr vFkkZr :iHksn] okD; laca/kh lwpuk,Wa] vFkZHksn dh lwpuk,Wa] ,d “kCn ds lkFk vU; iz;ksT; “kCn ds ladsr vkfn dh tkudkjh nh tkrh gSA ftl ikB esa fuf”prkFkZ gks vFkkZr oSKkfud] rduhdh] iz”kkldh;] fof/kd] vkfn lwpukijd] vuqokn {ks=ksa esa lx.kd dk egRoiw.kZ mi;ksx gksrk gSA ikB ftruk Li’V] :<] fuf”pr vkSj fu/kkZfjr Lo:Ik dk gksxk mruh gh lQyrk lax.kd ls izkIr gksxhA lkfgfR;d vuqokn dk izkFkfed ikB lax.kd nOkkjk cuk;k tk ldrk gS fdUrq fcac] vyadkj] y{k.kk] O;atuk] “kSyh] O;fDrRofHkUurk] vkfn dk vuqokn rks euq’; gh dj ldrk gSA Hkkjrh; izkS|ksxhdh laLFkku dkuiwj ds izkd`frd Hkk’kk izfdz;k dsna z us dsna zh; fo”ofo|ky; gSnjkckn ds vuqokn fo|kdsna z ds lg;ksx ls Hkkjrh; Hkk’kkvksa ds chp dh [kkbZ dks feVkus ds fy, vuqlkjd uke ls ,d lkW¶+Vosvj fodlhr fd;k gSA bl iz.kkyh ds vuqlkj ,d Hkkjrh; Hkk’kk dk nwljh Hkkjrh; Hkk’kk esa vuqokn gks tkrk gSA blesa Hkkf’kd vuqokn dk dk;Z lax.kd djrk gSA O;k[;k dk dk;Z euq’; fuf”pr djrk gSA ftuds lerwY;rk miyC/k ugha gksrh mls vyx ls n”kkZrk gSA iwoZ laiknu esa bl ikB gks O;kdjf.kd n`f’Vdks.k ls funksZ’k cuk;k tkrk gSA laiw.kZr% Lo;apfyr lkekU; dk;kZsi;ksxh mPp dk ;a=kuqokn cukuk vfrdBhu dk;Z gSA fo’k; fo”ys’k.k %& Page 31

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e”khuh vuqokn dh ladYiuk dk vkjaHk fOnrh; fo”o;q/n dh lekfIr ds ckn ;qjksi esa gqvkA lcls igys ,d :lh vfHk;ark us ,d ;a= dk isVVsa djk;k FkkA ;g ;a= dEI;wVj ;qDr ugha FkkA mlds yx&Hkx nl o’kZ okn dEI;wVj ds vk/kkj ij vuqokn djysokyk ;a= cukus dh fn”kk esa dk;Z izkjaHk gqvkA blesa lcls igys MkW- ,-Mh- cw/k dk uke gSA bl e”khu dk iz;ksx izFker% lsuk laca/kh lwpukvksa ds vuqokn ds fy, gqvk FkkA ckn esa bldh laHkkoukvksa dk bLrseky vU; {ks=ksa esa fd;k tkus yxk vkSj vuqokn ds {ks= esa e”khuh vuqokn dh dzkafr lh vk x;hA e”khu dk mi;ksx vuqokn dk;Z dh O;ogkj i/nfr fodlhr djus ds fy, O;kid Lrj ij fd;k tk jgk gSA rduhdh vkSj izkS|ksfxd izxfr ds lkFk lkFk varjjk’Vh; O;kikj vkSj okf.kT; dk foLrkj gksus yxk gS vkSj blds fy, vuqokn vifjgk;Z gqvk gSA cgqjk’Vªh; daifu;ksa dh LFkkiuk ls jk’Vªh; lhek,Wa ikj gq;h gSaA ifj.kke Lo:Ik vfo”oluh; :Ik ls O;kid nj ij vkadMs rFkk lwpuk,Wa ,d= dh tkrh gSA tc ;g vkadMs jk’Vªxr lhekvksa dks ikj dj tkrs gSa rks vuqokn vfuok;Z gks tkrk gSA e”khuh vuqokn dh O;ogk;Z i/nfr ds fodkl lac/a kh iz;kl rFkk izz;ksx djds vusd ns”kska esa dEI;wVj vuqokn dh fofHkUu iz.kkfy;kWa fodlhr dh x;h gSA fo”o ds fu;kZrd ns”kksa dks viuh mRikn lac/a kh lwpuk fo”ocktkj ds xzkgdksa rd igWqpkus ds fy, rFkk mu mRiknksa dh mikns;rk ds izpkj ds fy, vuqokn furkar vko”;d gqvk gSA ftu ns”kska dh Hkk’kk,Wa O;kid :Ik ls fofHkUu ns”kksa esa ugha cksyh tkrh mu lHkh ds fy, O;kikj vkSj okf.kT; esa vuqokn dh egRoiw.kZ Hkwfedk gSA vr% mPpLrjh; vuqokn ds fy, rduhdh lqfo/kk,Wa fodlhr djus dh vko”;drk os dkQh igys ls eglql djus yxs FksA vc os ekuus yxs gSa fd mRiknu laca/kh izy[s ku cgqHkkf’kd gksus ds dkj.k vuqokn dh xfre;rk rFkk ,d:irk vko”;d gSA blds fy, vR;kf/kd lek/kku

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dEI;wVj n~Okkjk Lopfyr vuqokn gks ldrk gSA NBs vkSj lkros n”kd ds e/; rd ;wjksi esa ;kaf=d vuqokn ds izfr xgjk fo”okl rFkk O;kid vk”kk,Wa FkhA dbZ ns”kksa esa dEI;wVj iz.kkfy;kWa fodlhr dh x;hA vesfjdk esa MkWVksek n~okjk fodlhr flLVkWu flLVe blh izdkj dh iz.kkyh gSA ;g ewy :Ik ls vaxzsth rFkk :lh Hkk’kk esa vuqokn djrh gSA 1966 dh izfl/n ,YiSd ¼Alpac½ fjiksVZ us ;a=kuqokn dh fn”kk esa fodkl rFkk fparu/kkjk dsk gh cny fn;kA fjiksVZ us bl ckr ij tksj fn;k fd cpiu ls tks Hkk’kkxr laLdkj gekjs Hkhrj fodlhr gq, gS vkSj Hkk’kk dks ge ftl :Ik esa bLrseky djus pys vk jgs gS mldk bLrseky dEI;wVj fdl izdkj djrk gS ;g fuf”pr ughaA ;a=kuqokn dh lhekvksa ds izfr tkx:drk ls vuqla/kku dh dbZ fn”kk,Wa [kqyh vkSj ubZ fo/kk,Wa lkeus vk;h ftuesa vuqi;qDr Hkk’kk foKku rFkk dEI;wVj Hkk’kk foKku “kkfey gSaA Hkkjr esa dEI;wVj vuqokn ds {ks= esa iz;kl vis{kkd`r nsj ls “kq: gq,A ;qjksih; Hkk’kkvksa esa jkseu fyfi ds iz;ksx ds dkj.k vf/kdka”k Hkk’kkvska ds chp e”khuh vuqokn vklkuh ls laHko FkkA Hkkjr ns”k esa dEI;wVj fOkKku ds vkxeu ls Hkkjrh; Hkk’kkvksa dh fyfi vkSj Hkkf’kd lajpuk dks dEI;wVj ls tksMdj gh vuqokn dk iz;ksx laHko FkkA rfey fo”ofon+;ky; us rfey vkSj :lh Hkk’kkvksa ds chp vuqokn ds fy, dEI;wVj dk iz;ksx fd;k rks jkseu fyfi dks gh viuk;kA dEI;wVj ds {ks= esa Hkkjrh; Hkk’kkvksa dk mi;ksx 1980 ds ckn gh “kq: gqvkA dbZ ns”kksa dh daifu;ksa us ,sls dEI;wVj cuk, tks fOnHkkf’kd vFkok cgqHkkf’kd lkexzh fizaV dj ldrs gSaA fganh rFkk vU; Hkkjrh; Hkk’kkvksa esa “kCn lalk/ku dh lqfo/kk ls iz”kklfud dk;ksZ] lwpuk laxzg.k djus] fjiksVZ rS;kj djus] i= rS;kj djus vkfn ds dke esa lax.kd ds dkj.k dkQh lqfo/kk gq;h gSA bl fn”kk esa lh-,e-lhn~okjk rS;kj fd;k x;k fyfi vkSj Mh-lh-,ePage 32

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Onkjk rS;kj fd;k x;k *fl/nkFkZ* uke “kCn lalk/ku dk;Zdze dkQh lQy fl?n gqvk gSA dEI;wVj ls vuqokn dh fn”kk esa Hkh iz;kl tkjh gSA blesa nks izdkj dh vko”;drk gSa& vaxzsth&fganh vuqokn vkSj Hkkjrh; Hkk’kkvksa ds chp dk vuqoknA Hkkjrh; Hkk’kkvksa esa O;kdj.k vkSj /ofu;ksa dh vf/kdre lekurk ds dkj.k mlds chp dEI;wVj vuqokn dh lqfo/kk laHko rFkk vklku gks ldrh gSA ;|kfi bl fn”kk esa vHkh izekf.kd miyfC/k ugha gSA bldk dkj.k ;g gS fd loZizFke rks gekjs ikl LofuHkZj dEI;wVj ra= ugha gSA dEI;wVj dh VSDukWykWth geus vk;kr dh gS vkSj mldh Hkk’kk vaxzsth gSA dEI;wVj ds dsna zh; izkl s sflax ;qfuV vkSj Lej.k “kfDr dh Hkk’kk vaxzsth gSA pawfd bu nksuksa vaxks dk mi;ksx e”khu ds vkarfjd fo”ys’k.k ds fy, fd;k tkrk gSA blhyh, fdlh Hkh izksxzke ;k dEI;wVj dk bLrseky ;g ekuk tkrk gS fd fOnhHkkf’kdrk dsoy ukeska vksj Hkk’kk ladsrks esa gh vFkZ j[krh gSA fOnHkkf’kdrk ds dkj.k gh dEI;wVj iz.kkyh ,oa izksxzke fparu esa ewy ifjorZu dh vko”;drk ugha gksrhA blhfy, ;fn mi;qDr lkW¶Vosvj lfgr buiqV&vkmViqV ;qfuV dks fOnHkk’kh :Ik esa dke djus ds fy, l{ke dj fn;k tk; rks dksbZ Hkh dEI;wVj fOnHkk’kh :Ik esa dke dj ik;sxkA Hkk’kk ds {ks= esa dEI;wVj ds mi;ksx ds nks izeq[k {ks= gSa 1½ vkadMs lalk/ku vkSj 2½ “kCn lalk/kuA vkadMs lalk/ku esa nks izdkj ds dk;Z “kkfey gksrs gSa & izksxzke dh Hkk’kk vkSj izksxzke pykrs le; mlesa Hkjs tkusokys vkadMsA izksxzke dh Hkk’kk dk eryc gksrk gS izksxzke esa fn, tkusokys vkns”kA vHkh ;g vkns”k vaxzsth esa gh fn, tkrs gSaA ;fn ge Hkkjrh; Hkk’kkvska dk dEI;wVj esa vf/kd ls vf/kd mi;ksx djuk pkgrs gSa rks dEI;wVj izksxzke fganh rFkk vU; Hkkjrh; Hkk’kkvksa esa djus dh O;oLFkk gksuh pkfg,A tcrd ;g dk;Z vkjaHk ugha gksxk rc rd Hkkjrh; Hkk’kk,Wa dEI;wVj ds {ks= esa yxkrkj gks jgs u;s&u;s

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fodkl ls ugha tqM tk;sx a hA izksxzke ftl Hkk’kk esa gksxk mlh Hkk’kk esa fn, x, vkns”k e”khu dh Hkk’kk esa laHko gksxkA blhfy, Hkkjr esa gesa dEI;wVj ra= dsk Hkkjrh; Hkk’kkvksa esa vf/kd ls vf/kd iz;ksx dh laHkkoukvksa dk foLrkj djuk gksxkA bl ;kaf=d ;qx esa e”khuh vuqokn ds dkj.k cgqr lh iz.kkfy;kWWa lqfo/kktud gq;h gSA Vh-oh- ds fofHkUu pSuyksa ij ge fons”k esa ?kfVr ?kVukvksa ,oa n`”;ksa dks e”khuh vuqokn ds dkj.k vklkuh ls le> ldrs gSaA tSls& uW”kuy tWxzfQd pWauy ij cgqr lh ?kVuk,a rFkk n`”; vkfQzdk ,oa vesfjdk [kaM dk gksrk gS ml fpf=dj.k dh Hkk’kk vkfQzdu gksrh gS fdUrq mls vius ns”k esa e”khuh vuqokn n~okjk vuqokfnr dj n”kZdksa dks le>k;k tkrk gSA okLro esa cgqr ls pSuyksa ij rsyxq ;k dUum fQYe fn[kkrs gSa fdUrq mldh Hkk’kk fganh ;k dksbZ vU; Hkkjrh; Hkk’kk gksrh gSA ;g rHkh laHko gqvk gS tc e”khuh vuqokn fodlhr gqvk gSA lkjka”k %& vkt ,d Hkk’kk ls nwljh Hkk’kk esa vuqokn djuk laHko gks ldk gSA blls lacaf/kr vusd ;kaf=d fof/k;kW ,oa midj.k dk vfo’dkj gksus yxk gSA ftlls Lo;a pfyr ;a= iz.kkyh dh LFkkiuk gq;h gS vkSj efLr’d dh iz.kkyh ds vuq:Ik ;a=ks dk vfo’dkj rFkk mi;ksx gksus yxk gSA euq’; dh ekufld fdz;k dk ,d vR;ar nq:g {ks= vuqokn iz.kkyh gSaA ewy Hkk’kk dh izdfr rFkk Hkk’kk”kkL=h; vk/kkj ij gh vuqokn dk;Z laHko gSA blhfy, vkafdd lax.kd vkSj e”khuh vuqokn ds {ks= esa vuqla/kku dk dk;Z egRoiw.kZ :Ik ls py jgk gSA euq’; dh HkkSfrd ,oa dzkfrdkjh ifjorZu esa lax.kd dk vfo’dkj vHkwriwoZ ;ksxnku ds :Ik esa Lohdk;Z gSA izeq[k dk;kZy;ks]a f”k{kk laLFkkuska vkSj ?kjksa esa Hkh lax.kd dk mi;ksx gksus yxk gSA blls euq’; dh “kkjhjhd “kfDr vkSj efLr’d dk Je Page 33

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cprk gSA ekuo dh xfrfof/k;ksa esa lax.kd dh lgk;rk ls ifjorZu vkus yxk gSA ;kaf=d vuqokn dh lhek lhfer gS blds n~okjk mUgha fo’k;ksa dk vuqokn laHko gS ftuesa mu rkfdZd mik;ksa ls laacfa /kr okLrfod lkexzh Ik;kZIr gks ftlls ,d fujh{k.k ijh{k.k ls nwljs fujh{k.k ijh{k.k rd ;qfDriwoZd vxzlj gksuk laHko gksA tSls& vkSj izkdfrd foKku blh izdkj ds fo’k; gSaA budk vuqokn ;a=&iz.kkyh ls lQyrk iwoZd fd;k tk ldrk gSA lax.kd dh lgk;rk ls fyI;arj.k cMh ljyrk ls fd;k tkus yxk gSA lsVa ªy okVj ,.d ikoj fjlpZ LVs”ku us ekbØks izksQl s j n~okjk fyI;arj.k djds fganh eqnz.k ds {ks= esa izFke iz;kl fd;k gSA Hkkjr ns”k esa dEI;wVj dk fodkl izfrfnu c<rk tk jgk gSA e”khuh vuqokn ds {ks= esa vkbZ-vkbZ-Vh- dkuiqj ds izksQl s j MkWvkj-,e- flUgk] Jh eksgu vkSj MkW- efyd ds lg;ksx ls ,d egRoiw.kZ nsoukxjh dEI;wVj dk fodkl fd;k x;k gS ftldh lgk;rk ls eqnz.k] izdk”ku] laizs”ku ds ek/;e ls Hkkjrh; Hkk’kkvksa esa ifjorZu”khyrk yk;h tk ldrh gSA e”khuh vuqokn ;|fi dfBu dk;Z gS ijUrq fujarj iz;Ru ds dkj.k fudV Hkfo’; esa dzkafrdkjh fodkl dh laHkkouk,Wa gSaA D;ksafd tkiku] :l] vesfjdk] vkfn izxr ns”k bl {ks= esa izxfr ds fy, d`rladYi gSA ;g ,d pqukSrh gS ijUrq oSKkfudksa us bls lg’kZ Lohdkj fd;k gSA

vk/kkj xzaFk %& 1- vuqokn fl/nkar dh :ijs[kk & MkWlqjs”kdqekj 2- iz;kstuewyd fganh v/kqukru vk;ke&MkW- vacknkl ns”keq[k 3- izk;ksfxd vuqokn foKku & MkWeuksgj ljkQ

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6-efgyk vkSj i;kZoj.k MkW- eqd's k dqekj ekyoh; lgk;d izk/;kid] fof/k&foHkkx] dk'kh fgUnw fo'ofo|ky;] okjk.klh ¼mRrjizns'k½ 221005 i;kZoj.k dh n`f’Vdks.k 21oha “krkCnh esa O;kid Lo:i esa vfHkO;Dr fd;k tkus yxk gS D;ksafd izR;sd ;qx fdlh us egRoiw.kZ fcUnw dk dsUnz jgk gSA bl ;qx esa i;kZoj.k ,oa ikfjfLFkfrdh larqyu vfr vko”;d gS vU;Fkk bl l`f’V ds fouk”k ls dksbZ oSKkfud vkSj izkS|ksfxd igyq ugha cpk ldrk gSA blfy, i;kZoj.k f”k{kk ,oa tkx:irk dks Xykscy LOk:i ij foLr`r :i esa fodlhr fd;k tk jgk gSa bl vkys[k ds ek/;e ls i;kZoj.k pqukSfr;ksa ds lek/kku esa efgyk dh Hkwfedk ij n`f’Vikr fd;k tk;sxk D;ksafd ekuo ,d fparu”khy gSA ftuesa efgyk vR;f/kd lEosnu”khy o drZO;fu’Bk”khy gksrh gSA efgyk dk rkRi;Z&efgyk dk vFkZ ukjh HkkxvUuh] nsoh] :id vkfn vusd :i lk/kkj.k Lo:i esa gS fdUrq Hkkjrh; laLd`fr esa efgyk,a dh vknjiw.kZ LFkku gSA tgk¡ ukjh ,d l`f’V dh jpuk nsoh cudj djrh gSA ogk¡ bldk loZfouk”k dkyh cudj Hkh dj ldrh gSA Hkkjrh; ukjh dksey] n;k] eerk] dh Hkkouk ls lEiw.kZ :i esa Hkjh gS efgyk ,d txg ek¡ dh Hkwfedk fuHkkrh gS ogh nwljh rjg fdlh ds lkFk v)Zxuh dh Hkwfedk fuHkkrh gSA efgyk vkSj izd`fr esa vUrj fudkyuk vR;f/kd dfBu gSA ftl izdkj izd`fr ekuo dks nsrh gS mlh izdkj efgyk Hkh cfynku dh Hkkouk ls dqVdqV dj Hkjh gksrh gSA efgyk;sa Hkkjrh; laLd`fr us efgykvksa ds xkSjo dk o.kZu feyrs gaSA i;kZoj.k&dk rkRi;Z&fjuvkoj.k&ls gSA vFkkZr gekjs pkjksa vksj mifLFkfr okrkoj.k dks Ik;kZoj.k dgrs gSA i;kZoj.k dh ifjHkk’kk HkwxksycsŸkk] i;; fon lkekftd”kkL=h]

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vU; us vius&vius vuqlkj ls fd;k gSA fdUrq oSKkfud n`f’Vdks.k dks /;ku esa j[krs gq, lkekftd ikfjfLFkfrdh ds vUrxZr efgyk vkSj i;kZoj.k dk v/;;u fd;k tk jgk gSA fd efgyk dk i;kZoj.k ds lkFk tqM+ko vfrr dky ls fdl izdkj jgk gS ,oa orZeku le; esa efgykvk dh Ik;; dh lgHkkfxrk ¼orZeku le; esa efgyk l”kfDrdj.k ds ifjo`fŸk us u ds cy efgykvksa dks lkekftd] vkfFkZd vkSj jktuhfr vf/kdkj ds izfr tkx:d fd;k gS cfYd Ik;kZoj.k leL;k ds izfr iq:’k ds lkFk cjkcjh dh yM+kbZ eas Hkkx ys jgh gSA ½ us u dsoy lkekftd] jktfufrd vf/kdkj izkIr vius dks lcy cuk;k gSA fQj efgyk us ifr`lkRed O;olFkk dks tUe ls m[kkM+ Qsdus ds lkFk&lkFk u;h pqukSfr;ksa ls yM+us ds fy, Hkh rS;kj [kM+h gks jgh gSA efgyk us fdlh izdkj i;kZoj.k vkanksyu djds lekt esa viuk ;ksxnku jktuhfrd in ij 33% vkj{k.k ds lkFk&lkFk ,d u;h vk;ke dks bafxr fd;k gSA efgyk ,oa i;kZoj.k ds lac/a k ikfjfLFkfrdh dk rkRi;Z gS tSfod ,oa vtSfod rRoksa ds e/; vUrfØ;k ds lac/a k ls gSA vFkkZr ekuo ,oa ikni dk ÅtkZpØ] dkcZupØ [kk| J`[kayk ds izfØ;k ds fy, vTkSfod rRo ty] ok;q] vfXu] i`Foh] feêh vkdk”k ls larqfyr izfØ;k ls gSA ekuo vkSj i;kZoj.k dk larqYku lac/a k lnSo cuk jgk gS fdUrq efgyk dh n`f’Vdks.k i;kZoj.k ds izfr dSlh FkhA ;g “yksd ls lqLi’V gksrk gS& ^^{kfrt ty ikod xxku lfejk ik¡p rRo fey cuk “kjhjkA**

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Grordin Child dk ekuuk gS fd laHkor loZizFke efgykvksa ds lg;ksx ls d`f’k dk fodkl gqvk gSA vrhr dky le; esa; iz”u ugha gS D;ksafd i;kZoj.k ds lkFk efgykvksa ds laca/k vR;Ur e/kqj jgs gSA _Xosn oSfnd dky ls efgyk;sa ;K dh esa Hkkx ysrh Fkh ;K dh izfØ;k esa vusd ydfM+;k¡] vkS’kf/k;ksa ydfM+;k¡ dks gou esa Mkyk tkrk Fkk ftlls i;kZoj.k dh LoPNrk esa egRoiw.kZ ;ksxnku Fkk D;ksafd vfXu dh yisV esa vkus ls tho.kq cSfDVwek] fo’.kq dk uk”kd gks tkrk gSA ;g oSKkfud n`f’Vdks.k ls Hkh lR; gSA Ekfgyk dk izd`fr ls izfedk dh rjg laca/k gSA izd`fr efgyk ds fcuk v/kqjk gSA D;ksafd efgyk dh /;s; lajpuk izfØ;k] izse foHksn Hkkouk izd`fr dh fodkl ds lkFk&lkFk laj{k.k iznku djrk FkkA Ekfgyk d`f’k dh moZjdrk ds fodkl esa Hkh egRoiw.kZ Hkwfedk fuHkkrh vk jgh gSA xzkeh.k {ks= esa vkt Hkh ;g izlafxd lqLi’V Lo:i esa fo/kku gSA xk; ds xkscj dks [ksr esa Mkyuk [ksrksa esa mRiUu vukt ds e/; vU; vkOk”;d ?kkl&Qwl dks lkQ djuk efgykvksa dk d`rO; FkkA :l esa oSKkfud vuqla/kku ls ;g irk pyk gS fd xkscj dh ys; djus ls ijkcSaxuh fdj.k dh gkfudkjd rRo ls cU/kk tk ldrk gSA tc fdj.k izkd`frd esa iqu% okil ykSV ugha ikrk gS D;ksafd dkcZu MkbZ vkDlkbM ifjofrZr fØ;k esa okil tkus okyh fdj.k dks vo”kksf’kr dj ysrk gS ftlls xeZ esa o`f) gksrh gS bl izdkj vkt Hkh Hkkjrh; laLd`fr esa xkscj dh ysi Hkwfe ij djuk “kqHk ekuk tkrk gSA vfrr dkfyu ijEijkvksa dk efgykvsa us vk/;fRed ds lkFk&lkFk oSKkfud n`f’V dks.k esa ifjofrZr dj fn;k gSA

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Ekfgyk us l`f’V dh jpuk esa egRoiw.kZ Hkwfedk fuHkkbZ gS vkt bl i`Foh ij tula[;k dh o`f) dh n`f’Vdks.k dks de djus esa efgyk gh egRoiw.kZ Hkwfedk fuHkk ldrh gSA Pkkgs tks Hkh le; ;k dky jgk gS iq:’kksa ds lkFk lkFk efgykvsa us Hkh i;kZoj.k dh psruk dks cuk;s j[kkA dHkh Hkh ns[kk tk;s rks lekt fir`lÙkkRed gh jgk gS ysfdu mlesa Hkh efgyk i;kZoj.k dh lqj{kk djrh jgh gSA lkaLd`frd fojklr vkSj Hkkjrh; ukjh o`{kksa ls Hkkjrh; ukjh dk HkkokRed laca/k gSA lefiZr Hkko ls o`{kksa dh lsok] mudh iwtk vkSj laj{k.k izd`fr dks izk.k;qDr ekuus dh fopkj/kkjk dks iYyfor djrk gSA efgykvksa }kjk o`{kkjksi.k djuk] o`{kksa dh ns[kHkky vkSj laj{k.k djuk ;s lHkh izsj.kk,sa ekuks mUgsa izkphu dky ls gh izkIr gqbZ gSA vkt Hkkjrh; efgyk gS& pkgs fuj{kj gks ;k lk{kj o`{kksa dks viuk laxh&lkFkh ekudj HkkokRed :i ls vaxhdkj djrh fn[kkbZ nsrh gSA efgy,sa laLdkjksa ls Hkh izd`fr izse ls tqM+h gSA rht R;ksgkjksa rFkk /kkfeZd vuq’Bkuksa esa ihiy] cM+] vke ds iYyo] dey] dqan] v”kksd] rqyoh vkfn dh iwtk&vpZuk djuk muds thou ls tqM+k gqvk gSA os mldh j{kk gsrq rRij Hkh jgrh gSa D;ksafd o`+{kksa dh iwtk Hkkjrh; efgykvsa dks lakLd`frd fojklr esa] ,d mTtoy vkn”kZ ds :i esa izkr gqbZ gSA ;|fi ikSjkf.kd dky dh “kadqryk ds le; esa ikfjfLFkfrdh vlarqyu ,oa v”kq) i;kZoj.k tSlh dksbZ leL;k ugha Fkh fQj Hkh ;g lkspk x;k gksxk fd ekuo ds vfLrRo ds fy, i;kZoj.k dk “kq) gksuk vR;Ur vko”;d gSA yxHkx nks gtkj o’kZ iwoZ dk o`{k ikyu Hkkjrh; laLd`fr dh mTtoy Nfo ds :i esa fo”o izfl) gSA fiz;sonk rFkk vulw;k ds lkFk NksVh&NksVh xxfj;k¡ ysdj lnSo isM+ksa ds Fkkyksa dks lhaprh FkhA mlds }kjk laiUu o`{k&laj{k.k dk;Z Hkkjrh; yksd Hkkouk dk izfrfuf/kro Page 36

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djrk gS og dsoy fdlh vkns”k ;k funsZ”k ds ikyu esa ;g dk;Z ugha djrh Fkh] cfYd Lo;a o`{kksa dks vius lxs&lgksnj tSlk I;kj djus dh yYkd mlds ân; esa izd`fri= gh FkhA ikSjkf.kd dky dh “kdqaryk tSlh efgyk Hkh ;g le>rh Fkh fd o’kkZ] Hkwfe Hkh moZjrk] {kj.k dh :dkoV] gekjk Hkkstu] gekjk vkPNknku] gekjk lkSUn;Z] gekjk ek/; lc dqN bu o`{kksa esa gh fufgr gSA o`{k tc i`Foh ij N= dh rjg rudj Nk tkrs gS rks os izn’w k.k dks nwj Hkxkusokys le; igyh dh rjg fn[kbZ iM+rk gSA Hkxorh ikoZrh dks vius gkFk ls yxk, nsonk: ls fdruk izse gS& bls egkdfo dkfynkl ds “kCnksa esa tkuk tk ldrk gS& ^^lqfu,A** flag us dgk& ^gs jkeu] og tks rqEgkjs lkeus cx lk nsonk: dk o`{k dk fn[kkbZ ns jgk gS] bls “kadj vius ;qx ds leku ekurs gS* D;ksfa d Lo;a ikoZrh us vius lhus Nr:ih Lruksa ds jl ls lhap&lhapdj bls bruk cM+k fd;k gSA rqe tkurs ugha ikoZrh bls fdruk I;kj djrh gSA ,d ckj taxyh gkFkh vkdj blls jaxM+dj viuh duirh [kqtykus yxk] rks bldh pkSM+h lh Nky fNy xbZA cl brus ls ikoZrh dks oSlk gh “kksd gqvk] tSls nSr; ds ck.kksa ls ?kk;y Lokeh dkfrZdse dks ns[kdj gqvk FkkA Hkxorh ikoZrh us laHkor% ;g lkspdj gh ,slk fd;k gksxk fd ;s o`+{k gesa jkr fnu mins”k nsrs gSa fd nsuk gh thou gSA lkFk gh Qyksa ds ekj ls >qds isM+ lnk fouez gksus dk Hkh mins”k nsrs gSA ik¡p lkS o’kZ iwoZ tk Hkksth egkjkt us tks mins”k fn;k Fkk] mlh ls izsfjr gksdj Jerh djek ,oia Jh erh xkSjk us [kstM+h o`+{kksa dh j{kk djrs gq, vius izk.k U;kSNkoj dj fn, FksA blh izdkj dh ,d vU; ?kVuk esa tks/kiqj jkT; ds frykluh lHkh xk¡o esa [kstM+h o`{k dh j{kkFkZ Jherh johanlh [kj ,oa Jherh usrw us.k us vius izk.k U;ksfNkoj dj

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fn,A efgykvksa }kjk o`{kksa dh j{kk dh lcls egRoiw.kZ ?kVuk ^[ksrkgyh* xk¡o us efgykvksa }kjk lkewfgd cfynku dh gSA mDr xk¡o us efgy,a [kstM+h dh j{kk gsrq o`{kksa ls fpid xbZ FkhA ve`rk nsoh] nkeh] phek vkfn vusd efgykvksa us o`{kksa ds fy, vius thou dk cfynku ns fn;kA blls Li’V gS fd efgy,¡ o`{kkjksi.k gh ugha djrh] cfYd vius izk.k U;kSNkoj Hkh dj ldrh gSA ;gk¡ mudh eerk dk vuwBk fo”o bfrgkl lkeus vkrk gSA Hkkjrh; efgykvksa dks vius ?kj ifjoj esa tho tUrqvksa ds ikyu dk mÙkj&nkf;Ro ogu djus gsrq bZ/ku] pkjk vkSj ikuh vkfn ,d= djus ds ijaijkxr dk;kaZs dks laiUu djuk gksrk gSA ;gk¡ rd fd tSo laink dh miyfC/k vklikl u gksus ds dkj.k mUgsa dkQh nwjh ls bZ/ku o pkjk ykuk iM+k gSA efgyk,a bl rF; dks c[kwch le>rh gSa fd muds }kjk laIkUu fd, tkusokys ;s ?kjsyw dk;Z izkd`frd i;kZoj.k dh lqj{kk ds fcuk laiUu ugha gks ik,axAs tula[;k dks fu;af=r djus ds fy, Hkh efgykvksa dks vkxs vkus dh egrh vko”;drk gSA tula[;k&o`f) ls gksus okys nq’; izHkkoksa ds ckjs esa vocks/ku djokrs gq, efgykvsa dks vf/kd izHkko”kkyh <ax ls mRisfjr dj ldrh gSA vr% mUgsa ;g ckr vU; efgykvksa dks le>kuh gksxh fd edku] bZ/ku] vkSj [kk|kUu tSlh vko”;d oLrqvksa dh ekSt ;fn ugha c<+x s h rks QSykus okys iznw’k.k esa deh gksxh vkSj i;kZoj.k “kq) cuk jg ldsxkA blls jk’Vªh; mRiknu rFkk izkd`frd larqyu ij cks> ugha iM+x s kA efgykvksa dks f”kf{kr djus dh odkyr pkYlZ Mh esYck us dh gS Hkkjrh; xzkeh.k efgykvksa esa i;kZoj.k psruk vkSj lq>cw> mUgsa f”kf{kr djus ls gh laHko gSA tc os i<+us fy[kus ds mijkUr jk’Vªh; vkSj lekftd psruk izkIr dj ysxh] rks ns”k dh vU; leL;kvksa dks lexz :i ls le> ldsxh vkSj mlh ds oSdfYid Page 37

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lzkrs ] iznw’k.k&fuokj.k D;ksa vkSj dSls vkfn iz”uksa ds lek/kku esa Hkh os ljkguh; ;ksxnku dj ldrh gSAvk/kqfud thou vkSj i;kZoj.k nkeksnj “kekZ] gfj”pUnzO;kl&2010 izdk”ku fnYyh A


i;kZoj.k “kCn Ikfj$vkoj.k nks “kCnksa dh lfU/k ls cuk gS] ifj dk vFkZ gS loZr% ¼pkjks vksj ls½ vkSj vkoj.k “kCn ds vFkZ gS] vkPNkfnr dj ysukA bl izdkj i;kZoj.k dk rkRi;Z mu lHkh n”kkvksa vkSj ifjfLFkfr;ksa dh lEiw.kZrk ls gS] tks ,d ds thou dks pkjksa vksj ls ?ksjs gq, gSA i`Foh] ty] ok;q] vfXu] vkdk”k bu ik¡p egkHkwrksa ls gekjs “kjhj dk fuekZ.k gqvk gS vkSj bUgha ik¡p rRoksa ls gekjs i;kZoj.k dh Hkh lajpuk gqbZ gSA buds izfr d`rKrk Kkfir djus ds fy;s osnksa esa budh Lrqfr dh x;h gS bUgsa /kkfeZd vkLFkk esa tksM+k x;k gS] ftldk izeq[k ek/;e cuh efgyk,¡A ouLifr;ksa vkSj efgyk;sa oUkLifr;ksa dk ukjh thou ij izHkko lEcU/kh izek.k lSU/ko lH;rk ls gh fn[kk;h iM+us yxrk gSA dqn eqgjksa ij ukjh ds xeZ ls fudyrk gqvk o`{k fpf=r gSA o`{kksa esa ihiy ifo= o`+{k FkkA ,d vU; eqnzk dh Nki ftlus nks Vu ukfj;ksa vafdr gS] tks ,d ,d gkFk esa /ot idM+s [kMh gSA /otksa ls ihiy dh ifRr;k¡ fudyrh gqbZ fn[kkbZ xbZ gSA3 oSls Hkh gM+Iik ekgu tksnM+ksa ls ukuh ewfr;k¡ ;k mu d`fr;ksa iq:’kksa dh rqyuk eas vf/kd izkIr gqbZ gSA4 ftlls irk pyrk gS fd iwjh gM+Iik lH;rk ekr`lRrkRed FkhA ogka Hkh ekg “kfDr dk izHkwr vknj gksrk Fkk] pkgs nsoh ds :i esa ;k xqgLFk ukjh ds :i esa ;k i;kZoj.k dh lajf{kdk xqIrdkyhu e`.keqnzkvksa ij ekr`nsoh dk izfrek yxHkx blh :i n”kZu gksrk gSA vUrj dsoy bruk gS fd ikS/ks dks muds xHkZ ls fudyrs gq, u fn[kk dj muds xzhok ls fudyrs gq, fn[kk;k x;k gSA5 bldk lh/kk&lh/kk vFkZ gS ukjh dh iztuu “kfDr dh

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mikluk] n`”;eku txr ~ dh mRifÙk ,oa ikyu lEcU/kh dk;Z esa ouLifr txr~ ,oa ekr` “kfDr nksuks dh Hkwfedk ekuo vfLrRo ds fy, leku :i ls egRoiw.kZ gSA gekjs izkphu lkfgR; osnksa ,oa “kkL=ksa esa i;kZoj.k laj{k.k ,oa izd`fr dh mikluk djus dh ckr dgh x;h gSA _Xosn ds n”ke~ e.My esa of.kZr vj.;kuh lw= esa ukuksa izdkj vkS’kf/k;ksa rFkk ouksa ds xq.kksa ,oa mi;ksfxrkvksa dk mYys[k izkIr gksrk gSA ou nsoh dks gh _Xosn esa vj.;kuh dgk x;k gSA ou lEink ds fy, izeq[k fL=fyax okpd ou nsoh “kCn Hkkjrh; laLd`fr esa ou ,oa ekr` “kfä nksuksa ds leku Lo:i dk;Z ,oa egRo dh vksj ladsr djus okyh lqfopkfjr fL=fyax okpd laKk gSA blh izdkj _Xosn ds oukS’kf/k lwDr esa vkS’kf/k;ksa dks Hkh fnO; n`f’V ls iz”kflr fd;k x;k gSA vkS/kf/k;ksa dks ekrk,¡ ,oa nsfo;k¡ crk;k x;k gS ,oa lkse dks mudk jktk dgk x;k gSA jkek;.k vkSj egkHkkjr esa Hkh vusd izlax esa o`{kksa dh egÙkk ,oa mudh mikluk dk ladsr feyrk gSA jko.k }kjk vigqrk lhrk ekrk dk v”kksd okfVdk ds o`{kksa ds chp vkJ; ysus ds o.kZu ,oa blds vfrfjDr “kky] pUnu] m}kj ,oa U;xks/k vkfn ow{kksa dk o.kZu izkIr gksrk gSa egkHkkjr ,oa iqjk.kksa esa o`{kksa dks /keZiq= ekuk x;k gSA okjkg iqjk.k esa mYys[k gS fd tks dksbZ ihiy] uhe ;k cjxn dk ,d o`{k] vukj ;k ukjaxh ds nks o`{k] vke ds ik¡p ikS/ks jksfir djrk gS og dHkh Hkh ujd ugah Hkksxrk gSA bl izdkj vusd /kkfeZd d`R; fuoZgu esa efgykvksa dh Hkwfedk iq:’kksa ds lkis{k egRoiw.kZ j[kh x;h gsa uhe vkSj rqyoh dks iwtuh; crkdj /kj&/kj esa izfrf’Br dj fn;k x;kA ihiy vkSj cjxn dh rks fo”ks’k rkSj ij efgyk,¡ iwtk djrh jgh gSA bl izdkj izeq[k /kkfeZd ouLifr;ksa esa vke] vkWoyk] ihiy] cjxn] csy] nwc] dq”k] rqylh] enkj] gYnh] :nzk{k] ukfj;y] dsyk vkSj PkUnu vkfn dk mYys[k ik;k tkrk gsa Page 38

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bUgsa /kkfeZd Hkkouk ls tksM+k&x;k ftlesa gesa muds izfr vuqjkx gks tk;s vkSj ge mudh j{kk djsAa efgyk,¡ budksa izkphu dky ls ltxrk ls laforA lajf{kr djrh pyh vk jgh gSA izUrh; dyk Hkkjrh; lkfgr; rFkk dyk d`fr;ksa esa iw.kZ dy”k dh mRikfnkd “kfDr dks ^Jh* ¼y{eh½ ds :i esa fpf=r fd;k x;k gSA Jh y{eh dey ij vklhu gS dgha&dgha i`’B Hkkx ij Ikq’iksa dfy;ksa rFkk iÙkksa ls ;qDr dey ikS/ks fudys gq, fn[kk, x, gSA osfnax ij o`{kksa ds lkFk ukfj;ksa dks ØhM+kjr vFkok miklukjr fn[kk;k x;k gSA lkWph&,oa ejgqr ds Lrqiksa ij o`{kksikyu ls lacaf/kr vusd n`”;kadu gSa ftlesa ukjh vkd`fr;k¡ o`{kkjksi.k djrh gqbZ fn[kkbZ x;h gSA or o`{k dh iwtk oSn’e ls eqfDr fnykus okyh ekuh x;h gS bls og lkfo=h ozr ds uke ls [;kfr izkRr gqbZA efUnjksa ij Hkh o`{kksa ds lkFk tk; ukjh vkd`fr;k¡ fn[kk;h iM+rh gSA izkphu ds vuq”khyu ls ;g rF; Li’V gksrk gS gS] fd o`{k iwtk ls euksdkeuk iw.kZ gksrh gSA iq= ghu dks iq=] fu/kZu dks lEifŸk] jksxh dks fujksX;] “k=q dk uk”k ,oa czkã rt dh miyfC/k o`{kkpZu ls gksrh gSA ;s miyfC/k;ksa efgykvksa ds }kjk o`{kksikluk ls iq:’kksa dh rqyuk esa lgy lk/; crk;h x;h gSA egkdfo dkfynkl dk lexz lkfgR; gh Ik;kZoj.k laj{k.k dh Hkkouk ls Hkjk iM+k gSA “kdqUryk izd`fr ds ikyus esa iyh ,oa Jh gqbZ dU;k gS] “kdqUryk dh fonkbZ ij egf’kZ d.o lHkh vkJeoklh izkf.k;ksa dk lEcksfU/kr djrs gq, vkxzg djrs gS& **gs!riksnu ds o`{kks!a Tkks rqe yksxksa dks igys ty fiyk;s fcuk ty ugha ihrh FkhA Ja`xkj fiz;k gksdj Hkh tks rqEgkjs dksey fdly; Ja`xkj gsrq ugha rksM+rh Fkh] rqEgkjs Qwyksa dh mRifŸk ds le; tks izlUu gksdj mRlo eukrh Fkh] og “kdqUryk vkt vius ifrx`g u jgh gS rqe lc mls ifrx`g xeu gsrq viuh vuKk iznku djksA**

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;krqa u izFkea O;oLFkfr tya ;q’ekLoehrs’kq ;k uknUrs fiz;e.Mukfi Hkorka Lusgsu ;k iYyoe~A vk/ks o% dqlqe izlwfr le;s ;L;k HkoR;qRo lo%] ls;s ;fr “kdqUryik ifrxzag loSuqb;rke~AA &vfHkKku “kkdqUrye~ bl izdkj ge ikSjkf.kd lkfgR; vkSj vius bfrgkl dk vuq”khyu djsa rks ;s ik;saxs fd Ik;kZoj.k ds fodkl dh dM+h esa efgyvksa dk mruk gh ;ksxnku jgk gS] ftruk fd iq:’kksa dk] efgyk,a fdlh Hkh {ks= esa iq:’kksa ls ihNs ugha gSA tgk¡ rd Ik;kZoj.k laj{k.k dk iz”u gS fd efgykvksa us Ik;kZoj.k laj{k.k ds fy, T;knk dfBu vkSj cM+h yM+kbZ;ka yM+h gSA buds fy;s T;knk I;kj n”kkZ;k ,oa dqckZfu;ka nh gSA lqizfl) fpidks vkanksyu efgykvksa ds R;kx] cfynku ,o mRlxZ dk gh ifj.kke gSA 18oha “krkCnh ds ”kq:vkr dh ,d lPph ?kVuk gS] tks [kstjyh xzke ls “kq: gqbZA eks/kiqj ds djhc 25 fdykseh0 nwj] [kstjyh xkao] fdLe ds isM+ksa ds fy, izfl) FkkA bl xkao esa fo”uksbZ dh Hkkafr ds yksx cls Fks] ,oa ifo= isM+s dh iwtk ,oa laj{k.k muds /keksZ;kluk dk Hkkx FkkA isM+ksa dk dguk vuSfrd] /keZfo:) d`R; ekuk tkrk FkkA rRdkyhu egkjktk vHk; flag dks vius egy ds fy, ydM+h dh t:jr dh rc mUgksaus vius vknfe;ksa dh [kstjyh xkao eas ydM+h dkVus gsrq Hkstk] ijUrq mUgsa [kstjyh fuoklh efgyk ve`rkckbZ us yydkjk ,oa psrkouh nh dh vki isM+s ugha] dkV ldrsA og isM+ ls fpid xbZA ;gk¡ ls “kq:vkr gqbZ fpidks vkanksyu dhA ekeyk egkjktk ds ikl igqapk egkjktk us ml efgyk dks dkVus dk gqDe fn;kA efgyk ds Hkh izk.k x;s] fQj mldh csVh fpid x;h] bl izdkj mldh rhu csfV;ksa ds izk.k Hkh pys x;sA etcwju egkjktk dk viuk vkns”k okil ysuk iM+kA 1972 eas bldh iqujkd`fr Jherh cpuh nsoh ,oa xkSjk nsoh ds R;kx ls “kq: gq,A ftUgksua s Bsdsnkj ds Page 39

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vknefe;ksa ls dqYgkM+h rd Nhu yh ijUrq isM+ ugha dkVus fn;k u fpidks vkUnksyu ds iz.ksrk lqUnj yky cgqxq.kk dk vkanksyu blh LFkku mŸkj izns”k ls “kq: gqvk tks vkt nqfu;k ds dksus&dksus esa QSy x;k gSA vkt dk vkS/kksfxd fodkl *fodkl* gha gS vfirq Ik;kZoj.k ds fou”k gSA vc le; vk x;k gS] tc efgyk,a dh viuh eq[; Hkwfedk dk fuokZg dj lekt us lkekftd Økafr yk;s ,oa Ik;kZoj.k dks lqqjf{kr j[ksa rHkh efgyk tkx`fr lgh vFkksZ esa iz;ksx esa vk;sxhA ;gk¡ ge Hkkjr dh iwoZ iz/kkuea=h th LoxhZ; bfUnjk xka/kh }kjk fd;s x;s dk;ksZ dks Hkh ugha Hkwyk ldrsA 1972 esa os igyh ckj Ik;kZoj.k lEcU/kh vUrjk’Vh; lsfeukj esa *LVkWdgkse* xbZA lsehukj ds fy, x, fu.kZ;ksa ds lQy fØ;kUo;u gsrq cgqr ls dk;Z fd;sA Ik;kZoj.k ds fodkl dh egRoiw.kZ ekurs gq, mUgksaus dsfUnz; Lrj ij Ik;kZoj.k fodkl LFkkfir fd;k] ftlds ifj.kke Lo:Ik vkt gekjs ikl iwjk Ik;kZoj.k ea=ky; gSA taxyksa] taxyh if{k;ksa vkfn dks cpkus ds fy;s lu~ 1976 esa vuqPNsn 48 ¼v½ ,oa 97 ¼v½ u;s vuqPNsn ds :Ik esa tksM+s x,] ftlesa ;g n”kkZ;k x;k fd jkT; dk ,oa gekjk ;g nkf;Ro gS] fd ge bu lc phtksa dhs j{kk djsa vkSj izd`fr ds larqyu dks cuk, j[ksAa lqUnj yky cgqxq.kk ds vuqlkj nqfu;k dh vk/kh tula[;k efgykvksa dh gS] rks ;g lkspuk fd Ik;kZoj.k dh leL;k fcuk efgykvksa ds gy gks ldrh gSaA c”krsZ lkekftd cnyko ykuk gksxkA efgykvksa dk vf/kd&vf/kd f”kf{kr djuk gksxkA ftlls og vius cPps vkSj ifjokj dks isM+&ikS/kksa ,oa izd`fr ds ckjs esa tkudkjh nsAa xSj ijEijkxr ÅtkZ ds lk/kuksa dk mi;ksx djsAa ;Fkk lksy bV~j lksyj dwdj] gok pDdh] ck;ks xSl] bZ/ku] pwYgk vkfnA ftlls geas izkd`frd Jksrksa ls ÅtkZ izkIr gks lds] tks lLrh gks ,os Ik;kZoj.k iznw’kd u gksA lkFk gh efgykvksa dk

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;g Hkh nkf;Ro gS fd os o`{kkjksi.k dk;ZØe ds lkFk tqqM+sA lkSHkkX; ls vHkh Ik;kZoj.k laj{k.k ds vusd ozrksa dks fL=;k¡ cgqr euks;ksx ls djrh gSaA lkseorh vkeoL;k or lkfo=h ioZ ij ihiy] cjxn dks ty nsus ,oa iwtk ds fufeŸk ?kjksa ls fudyrk cguksa ,oa ekrkvksa dk gqtew gesa Ik;kZoj.k laj{k.k ds fy, ladfYir ukjh “kfDr dks iz.kke djus ds fy, ck/; djrk gSA fVgjh cka/k dk fuekZ.k mŸkjkapy jkT; esa izokfgr gksus okyh HkkxhjFkh unh ij fd;k tk jgk gSA bl cka/k dk fuekZ.k gks tkus ls Ik;kZoj.k rFkk ;gka ds yksxksa ij cqjk vlj iM+sxkA blfy, iz[;kr Ik;kZoj.koknh usrk lqUnjyky cgqxq.kk vkSj izfl) lekt lsfodk ,oa ysf[kdk v:U/krh jk; fVgjh cka/k ds fuekZ.k ds f[kykQ la?k’kZjr gSA vkt Hkkjr eas Hkwfe ds dqYk 19-17% Hkkx esa gh ou gS tcfd jk’Vªh; ou uhfr ds de 50 ls de 33 izfr”kr Hkw&Hkkx oukPNkfnr gksuk pkfg,& Xykscy rkieku ds laca/k esa& 1- Xykscy rkieku dk lcls egRoiw.kZ ifj.kke ;g gS fd blls /kzoh; cQZ dh Vksfi;ksa ds fi?kyus ds ckn leqnz dh lrg esa o`f) gksxhA 2- ;fn Xykscy rkieku ds orZeku Lrj ij fu;a=.k ugha fd;k x;k rks lu~ 2020 bZ0 rd leqnz dh lrg dkj.k Hkhrj rd c<+uk lEHkkoh gSA 3- fo”o ds leLr ewx a s Mwc tk;sxkA 4- ;g lEHkkouk gS fd lu~ 2044 bZ0 rd fQth Mwc tk;sxk vkSj leqnz ry ds c<+us ls blh o’kZ rd uhnjyS.M ij ,d xaHkhj ladV Nk tk;sxkA 5- i`Foh dk dqy {ks=Qy 51]0100448 oxZ fdeh0 gSA lEiw.kZ i`Foh dk 70-78 izfr”kr ty rFkk 29-22 izfr”kr LFky gSA bl izdkj LFky ds nks xqus ls Page 40

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vf/kd {ks=Qy ij lkeqfnzd ikfjfLFkfrdh ra= QSyk gqvk gSA 6- vkstksu fNnz dk irk loZizFke 1985 bZ0 esa v.VkdZfVdk ds mij *Qkjeu* }kjk yxk;k x;k FkkA Dyksjks&¶yksjks dkcZu] esfFky DyksjksQkeZ ¼foyk;d½] rFkk gyku&141 ¼vfXu”keu½ mŸkjnk;h gSA lanHkZ lwph %& 1- t; ukjk;.k ik.Ms;] flU/kq lH;rk] i`0 la0 56A 2- fdj.k dqekj] flU/kq lH;rk] i`0 la0 50A 3- ts0 ,u0 cuthZ] MsoyiesUV vkWQ fgUnw vkbdkWuksezkQh] i`0 la0 489A 4- _Xosn& 10] 97&1&23A 5- ojkgiqjk.k& 172] 36-37 6- tsEl QxqZlu] Vªh ,.M losZUV of”kZ;] i`0 la0112A 7- vfHkKku”kkdqUrye~] 4@9 8- psru esgrk] efgyk ,oa dkuwu] i`0 la0 65A 9- oghA

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7-L=h&foe'kZ ds vkyksd esa nsonklh çFkk fcjknkj f'kokth x.kirjko] ih&,p- MhfgUnh] vaxzsth ,oa fons'kh Hkk"kk foÜofo|ky;] gSnjkckn&500007 nsorkvksa dh nklh ;kuh nsonklhA eafnjksa esa çk.k çfrf"Br nsoh nsorkvksa dh vkthou lsok djuk gh mldk drZO; gSA nsonklh çFkk ds fo"k; esa vusd ckrs dgh tkrh gSa ysfdu bl ewyr% bl dq&çFkk dh tM+s èkeZ rFkk vaèkJ)k esa èklh gqbZ gSA eafnj vkSj nsonklh ds chp vVwV fj'rk gS blfy, çkphu dky esa nsoky;ksa ds fy, efgyk,a vkerkSj ij jgrh FkhA çR;sd nsonklh dks nsoky;ksa esa ukpuk xkuk iM+rk FkkA eafnjksa esa ckgj ls vkusokys egekuksa ds lkFk 'k;u djuk gksrk FkkA blds ,sot esa mls vkSj eafnj dks èkujk'kh çkIr gksrh FkhA ;g tks Hkkjrh; lekt O;oLFkk bruh tdM+h gqbZ gS fd blls ckgj vkuk eqf'dy gSA Hkkjrh; lekt O;oLFkk esa vkt Hkh vusd dq&çFkk,¡ rFkk jhfr&fjokt dh ijaijk,¡ vfLrRo esa gSA dHkh&dHkh ;s ijaijk,¡ bruk Hk;adj :i èkkju djrh çrhr gksrh gS fd lekurk vkèkkfjr rFkk oSKkfud –f"Vdks.k j[kusokys lekt dh LFkkiuk dh dYiuk gh nhokLoIu gks tkrh gSA ,slh ifjfLFkfr esa flQZ lekt'kkL=h gh ugha oju~ lHkh çxrh'khy vFkok ifjorZuoknh fopkjèkkjk j[kusokys lHkh ?kVdksa dk nkf;Ro gksrk gS fd os bu ?kkrd ijaijkvksa ls mHkjus ds fy, ç;Ru djsAa Hkkjr esa ,slh gh dq&çFkk gS tks gtkjksa lkyksa ls pyrh vk jgh gSA nsonklh çFkk ;s [kkl dj nf{k.k Hkkjr esa fn[kkbZ nsrh gSA egkjk"Vª] dukZVd] vkaèkzçns'k rFkk rfeyukMq esa bl çFkk dk pyu gSA nsonkfl;ksa dk ç'u ,slk gh ,d xaHkhj loky cu x;k gSA nsonklh ,d ,slh vekuoh; Øwj dq&çFkk gS] ftldk f'kdkj nfyr] vkfnoklh cgqtu ifjokjksa dh fL=;k¡ çR;sd o"kZ gtkjksa la[;kvksa esa bl çFkk esa 'kkehy gksrh FkhA orZeku le; esa ;s nkfl;k¡,d nq"pØ ds ekè;e ls] eqacbZ] dksydkrk] iq.ks tSls egkuxjksa esa ;kSudeÊ O;olk; ls tksM+ nh tkrh gSA eaM+h ds

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O;olk; esa çfr o"kZ gtkjksa nkfl;k¡ vius ifjokj ds isV ikyus ds fy, bl udZ esa viuk thou fcrkrh gSaA nsorkvksa dh nklh ;kuh ^nsonklh* ;kuh ^loZsVa v‚Q x‚M* ;kuh nso dh nklh ;k iRuhA eafnjksa esa nsoh&nsorkvksa dh vthou lsok djuk gh mldk drZO; gSA çkphudky esa nsoky;ksa esa nsoh&nsorkvksa dh lsok djus gsrq vkerkSj ij efgyk,a gh jgrh FkhA eafnjksa esa iqtkfj;ksa ds ckn budk gh LFkku FkkA çkphudky esa nsorkvksa ds }kjk ukjh miHkksx dks lEekutud ekuk tkrk FkkA eè;;qx esa nsonklh çFkk iw.kZ :i esa fn[kkbZ nh FkhA çkphudky esa fL=;ksa dks fxjoh j[kus dh çFkk FkhA dukZVd esa igys nsonklh dks ^lqGs* os';k dgk tkrk FkkA vkaèkz çns'k] rfeyukMq] egkjk"Vª rFkk jktLFkku esa Hkh ;g çFkk jghA eafnj dk fn;k tykuk njokts dh èkqykbZ ty dh O;oLFkk vknh dk;Z nsonkfl;ksa dks fn, tkrs FksA dqN çkphu eafnjksa ds pkS[kV ij iq"iiZ.k djus okyh ;k ç.kke dh eqæk esa fL=;ksa dh ewfrZ;k¡ mdsjh gksrh gSA blls ;g Kkr gksrk gS fd eafnjksa esa nsonkfl;ksa dk LFkku jgk gksxkA dkykarj esa ;s nsonkfl;k¡ miHkksx dh oLrq ekus tkus yxhA dukZVd esa bUgsa ^Hkksxn* rFkk ^vaxn lqGs* dgs tkus dh çFkk py iM+hA rfeyukMq ds jktkvksa us Hkh nsonkfl;ksa dk miHkksx djuk 'kq: fd;k Fkk] ij ml le; iqtkfj;ksa bldk fojksèk ;g dg dj fd;k Fkk fd nsonfl;ksa dk miHkksx djus dk vfèkdkj iqtkfj;ksa dk gS jktk dk ugha] jktk dk dk;Z èkeZ dh j{kk djuk gSA blls ;g irk pyrk gS fd èkeZ dk Mj fn[kkdj iqtkjh viuk jkt pykrs FksA vkaèkz çns'k esa nsonklh çFkk dks tksfxuh ds uke ls igpku feyh vkSj ml nsoh dk uke psYyEek Fkk tks fd nfyr oxZ dh nsoh Fkh vkSj ml ij NksM+us okys fL=;k¡ nfyr lekt ds gh gksrs FksA ;s nfyr gksus ds Page 42

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dkj.k vkSj ml ij tksfxu rks tehunkj vkSj iqtkjh viuk lacèa k cuk ysrs FksAbl vuSfrd O;ogkj dks èkeZ cuk fn;k vkSj blds vkM+ esa nfyr fL=;ksa dks çrkfMr djrs FksA b'k udZ esa Hkstus dk dk;Z lo.kZ vkSj iqtkfj;ksa us fd;kA xk¡o esa ;fn fdlh xjhc nfyr dh csVh fn[kkbZ nsrh rks ;s vaèkJ)k dh vkM+ esa ml yM+dh dks bl dq&çFkk esa Hkstk tkrk FkkA bl vekuoh; çFkk dk ewy bl èkeZ ,oa o.kZ O;oLFkk esa gh fNik gqvk gSA bZÜoj ds lkfuè; esa jguk vkSj iqtkfj;ksa ds lkFk 'kkjhfjd lacaèk ifo=rk çnku djsxh ,slh vaèkJ)k dh vkM+ ysdj iqtkfj;ksa us bl çFkk dks Qyus&Qqyus fn;kA ,slh gh çFkk egkjk"Vª esa Hkh jgh bldks ^tksfxu* ds uke ls tkuk tkrk gSA bl dq&çFkk dh lcls T;knk f'kdkj xjhc rcds dks gh gksuk iM+k blesa nfyr] vkfnoklh] cgqtu lekt dk gh 'kks"k.k gqvkA bl rjg ;g Li"V fn[kkbZ nsrk gS fd èkkfeZd :f<+;ksa ds cy ij ^;= ukjhLrq iwT;ars* ds vuq:i vpj.k dk fn[kkok vkSj nwljh rjQ okluk vkfn ds Hk;adj :i gesa fn[kkbZ nsrs gSaA blds lacèa k esa ge dqN mnkgj.k ns[k ldrs gSa ftlds dkj.k bl ^nklh* dks oS';k cuuk iM+kA bl çdkj nsonklh dk thou fdl rjg oS';k esa cny tkrk gS bldk ;g lfVd mnkgj.k gSA foÜo esa vkfndky ls lekt ij laHkksx n'kZu dkcht jgk gSA Hkkjrh; lekt blls vNwrk gha gSA Hkkjr esa eafnjksa us ukjh dh ml ijaijk dks fodflr fd;k ij ml ukjh ds thou la?k"kZ ,oa ihM+k dh vkx esa tyus ds fy, NksM+ fn;kA Hkkjr esa loZ çFke bl dq&çFkk dk fojksèk 19 oha lnh esa gqvkA blesa jktk jkeeksgu jk;] egkRek T;ksfrck Qqy]s Lokeh foosdkuan] n;kuan ljLorh }kjk fd;k x;k FkkA bUgksaus lrh] nsonklh] oS';k vkfn dq&çFkkvksa dks feVkus dh dksf'k'k dh FkhA blds ckn 16 twu 1936 esa nsonkl BDdj us ,d lHkk dh Fkh ftlesa oS';k] nsonklh] tksxrh vkfn ihfM+r L=h&iq:"kksa us lgHkkx fy;k Fkk vkSj bl lHkk dks M‚- vacM s dj us lacksfèkr djrs gq, dgk Fkk fd vki gekjs

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lkFk èkeZ ifjorZu djs ;g esjs fy, vfèkd egRo dk fo"k; ugha gS] ijarq eSa vkxzg djrk gw¡ ;fn vki gekjs vkanksyu esa jguk pkgrs gks rks vkidks ;g viuk viekfur thou R;kxuk gksxkA ^vki eq>s iwNasxs] rqe viuh thfodk dSls pykvksxs\ mlds fy, lSdM+ks jkLrs gSaA eSa vkils iqu: vkxzg djrk gw¡ vkidks bl viekfur thou dks R;kx nsuk pkfg, vkSj vU; efgykvksa dh rjg viuk thou ft, u fd ,slh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa jgs tks vkidks oS';ko`fÙk dh vksj vfuok;Z :i ?kflVrs gksA* ;g çcksèku bruk çHkkodkjh jgk fd dqN yksxksa us 'kkfn dh vkSj dqN yksxksa us bl dq&çFkk dks R;kxdj viuk thou fcrkus yxsA iq:"k dh Hkw[k feVkus ds fy, Hkkjrh; lekt esa oS';ko`fÙk dks tk;t ekuk gSA ij ns'k esa ,sls egku ;qxiq:"k gq, tks bl dq&çFkk dks feVkdj vfLerk dh T;ksr txkbZA vkSjr ds i{k esa vkt rd gekjs ns'k esa fdrus gh dkuwu cus ij vke vkSjr vkt Hkh iq:"k dh nklh gh gSA bl lekt esa iq:"k dk ,slk opZLo LFkkfir gS fd mlds ihNs vkfFkZd dkj.k Hkh çeq[k gSA blls Hkh dfBu ifjfLFkfr ml L=h dh gS tks ^nsonklh* çFkk esa t[kM+h gSA vktrd L=h foe'kZ ij gtkjksa iqLrdsa vkbZ ij ^nsonklh* çFkk ij 'kk;n gh gksA bl lekt esa ml nsoh dh ihM+k dks dgha LFkku u fn;k ojuk og nsoh eaM+h ds thou dk f'kdkj D;ksa gksrhA lekt esa bl çFkk dks c<+kok nsus dk dkj.k ;g Hkh gS fd xjhch] ihNM+kiu ,oa vaèkJ)k] èkeZ vkSj HkkSxksfyd ifjfLFkfr Hkh gSA vdky iM+us ds dkj.k ;g fL=;k¡ nsoh dk tksxok uke ls fHk{kk ekurh Fkh vkSj bldk Qk;nk tehunkj ,oa iqtkjh ysrs FksA lekt esa cgqiRuh çFkk] foèkok fookg tSls vusd dkuwu gSa ij nsonklh çFkk ds fo"k; esa dksbZ Bksl dkuwu ugha gSA ^vaèkJ)k fueZwyu ds vè;{k M‚- ujsæa nkHkksGdj us 1975 bZLoh ls nsonklh çFkk [kRe djus ds fy, vaèkJ)k fueZwyu dkuwu cuus ds fy, vkanksyu dj jgs gSaA* vkt Hkkjr esa fL=;ksa dk bfrgkl Hkys gh xkSjo'kkyh jgk gks] mUgsa lafoèkku esa Hkys gh iq:"kksa dh rjg vfèkdkj ns fn, x, Page 43

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gks] exj O;kogkfjd rkSj ij L=h dh fLFkfr ,d ,sls euq"; dh rjg gS fd ftlds 'kjhj esa fnekx vkSj –f"Vrks gS ij ml ij fu;a=.k fdlh vkSj dk gSA dkuwu ,oa lafoèkku ds vksj ls ns[kk tk, rks Hkkjrh; L=h vktkn yxrh gS] exj tgk¡ rd lkekftd fLFkfr dk loky gS] og iqjh rjg taftjksa esa tdM+h gqbZ gSA ^lafoèkku dh L=h* vkSj ^lekt dh L=h* ds chp tks Qklyk gS mldk lQj Hkkjr dh vktknh ds ckn esa Hkh oSlk gh yxrk gSA bu fL=;ksa lsrqyuk dh tk, rks nsonklh tSlh dq&çFkk dk fopkj djuk Hkh bUlku ds jksaxVs [kM+k djrk gSA nsonklh ls lacfa èkr dFkk,¡ vkt Hkh xk¡oksa esa pyrh gS ;k blds xjhc] nfyr cgqtu lekt dh fL=;ksa dk 'kks"k.k fd;k tkrk gSA vaèkJ)k vkSj iqtkfj;ksa ,oa èkeZ ds dkj.k u tkus fdruh gtkjksa fL=;ksa us viuk thou u"V fd;k gksxkA bldh vksj è;ku vkdf"kZr djus dk dk;Z dqN lekt lsod ,oa lkfgR;dkjksa dk gSA blesa egRoiw.kZ dk;Z fganh ejkBh vkfn Hkk"kkvksa ds lkfgR;dkjksa us fd;k gSA bu lkfgR;dkjksa us çR;{k :i ls ns[k dj bl dq&çFkk dk fojksèk dj yksxksa esa psruk dk dk;Z fd;k gSA vkèkkj xzaFk 1L=h&foe'kZ& nsonklh çFkk % mÙke dkacGs] vuqoknd& fd'kksj fnols] laokn çdk'ku] esjB&m- ç-] 2008 2nfyr lkfgR; dk lekt'kkL=& M‚gfjukjk;.k Bkdqj] Hkkjrh; KkuihB] 2009 3vkèkh nqfu;k lp& dqenq lkef;d çdk'ku] ubZ fnYyh] 2011


4nfyr lkfgR; dk L=hoknh Loj& foey Fkksjkr] 2009 5nfyr lkfgR; dk vkseçdk'k okYehfd] 2001 6-


nfyr foe'kZ dh Hkwfedk% daoy Hkkjrh

7vkt ckt+kj can gS% eksgunkl uSfe'kjk;] çdk'ku] u;h fnYyh] 2006 Page 44

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8-iar ds x| lkfgR; esa ukjh fp=.k MWk pUnzdkUr frokjh Ph.D. - Hindi, UGC-NET,U-SET Assistant Professor – Hindi BSAEI, Faridabad, Delhi NCR

dfooj lqfe=kuanu iar ds x| lkfgR; esa ukjh dh fofo/k Hkko Hkafxek] fØ;k&izfrfØ;k] :i&jax] Hkko&eqnzk] fparu”khyrk o izse dh l”kDr ihM+k o fojg dh d”kelkgV ds n”kZu gksrs gSaA bUgksaus efgykvksa ds lkekftd] lkaLd`frd] /kkfeZd] jktuSfrd vkSj vkfFkZd i{k dks izHkko”kkyh <ax ls izLrqr fd;k gSA ukjh ds lHkh lanHkksZ dks bUgksaus cM+h ckjhdh ls fpf=r fd;k gS iar th ds x| lkfgR; esa ukjh ik= vkapfydrk ls ysdj egkuxjh; thou lanHkksZ ij vk/kkfjr gSa ukjh ds thou ds fofo/k i{kksa dks fpf=r djrs oDr iar th mUgsa okLrfod /kjkry iznku djkrs gSa] lkFk gh mUgksaus ;FkkZFkrk dk fp=.k vR;f/kd lw{erk ds lkFk fd;k gSA iar th us ukjh ds fofo/k :iksa dk fp=.k fd;k gS tSls ek¡] iRuh] izs;lh] ckyl[kk] lgikBh] dkfeuh] ckfydk vkfnA ukjh ds dbZ :i gSa muesa iRuh dk izeq[k LFkku gSA iRuh gh iq#’k dh v/kkaZfxuh cu x`gLFk thou dks lQy cukrh gSA iar th ds Þgkjß miU;kl esa iRuh dh vge Hkwfedk gSA ifr&iRuh ds fj”rksa dh vk/kkjf”kyk izse “kCn esa lekfgr gSa vxj thou esa izse gh u jgk rks dksbZ Hkh lac/a k “ks’k ugha jg tkrsA miU;kl ßgkjÞ esa rhu iq#’k ik= ftuesa Hkfo’;] fues’k vkSj iqtkjh rFkk L=h ik=ksa esa pkj ik= ftuesa vk”kk] fot;k] lqQyk rFkk cw<+h lkl gSaA dFkk ds uk;d Hkfo’; rFkk ukf;dk vk”kk dk izse gksuk rFkk izse dh pje ifj.krh fookg dk u gks ikuk vFkkZr izse :ih gkj ¼ekyk½ dk ,d nwljs ds xys esa u iM+uk ftlls uk;d dh izse esa gkj gks xbZA ;gh bl miU;kl dk ewy gSA dFkk esa fot;k fues’k dh iRuh gS fues’k fot;k dks nqRdkj nsrk gS vkSj lqQyk

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ds izse ik”k eas ca/k tkrk gSA blh dkj.k fot;k fnu&jkr ijs”kku jgrh gSA og ;g rd ugha tkurh fd mldk vijk/k D;k gSA ftl izdkj fues’k iRuh ds gksrs gq, Hkh ijk;h L=h ds eksg ls o”khHkwr gS mlh izdkj fot;k fues’k ds ifr ijk;.k /keZ ls nzfoHkwr gSA fot;k dh euksn”kk bl izdkj gS& ^^fot;k dks blh izdkj izyki djrs&djrs jkf= chr x;hA mls vkt pkj ekl ls uhan ugha vkrh FkhA tc ls fues’k vius ân; eas lqQyk ds gkFkksa dk f[kykSuk cuk pqds Fks] tc ls os viuk ^ekul ljksoj* ds rV esa [kks vk;s Fks rc ls os fot;k ds dejs eas ,d ckj >k¡dus Hkh ugha x;s FksA cspkjh fot;k bl ckr dk dqN Hkh dkj.k ugha tkurh FkhA og blesa viuk gh vijk/k le>rh FkhA og fnu&izfrfnu {kh.k gksrh tkrh FkhA mlds nsg dh lc dkafr mM+ x;h FkhA gkFk&ik¡o lw[kdj dk¡Vs ls gks x;s FksA fot;k dbZ ckj vius Lokeh ls {kek ek¡x pqdh Fkh fdarq fues’k mls /kRdkj crkrs FksA vius ikl rd u QVdus nsrs FksA**1 fot;k dks ys[kd us ,d vkn”kZ iRuh ds :i esa izLrqr fd;k gSA D;ksafd fot;k vius ifr fues’k ds izfr iw.kZ:i ls lefiZr gS] og u dsoy mls ifr gh ekurh gS vfirq og ml ij iw.kZ :i ls ru&eu U;kSNkoj Hkh dj nsrh gSA ijarq fues’k lqQyk ls izse djrk gS vkSj lqQyk fues’k dks izse ugha djrhA fues’k dh euksn”kk dk ,d fp= bl izdkj gS& ^^gk;! fdlh us Bhd dg jD[kk gS& ^^dkUrs dFka ?kfVrokuqiysu psr%A** eSa mls bruk I;kj djrk gw¡] mls viuk lc dqN ns pqdk gw¡ mlds fojg esa lw[kdj dkVk¡ gks x;k gw¡A viuh L=h rd dks R;kx pqdk gw¡A fdUrq gk; ! og eq>s I;kj ugha djrhA esjh izkFkZuk rd Lohdkj ugha djrhA esjh osnuk izfrfnu o`f) ikrh gSA ân; papy gksrk tkrk gSA mls ikus dh bPNk izcy gksrh tkrh gSA fdarq gk;! og eq>s ugha feyrhA D;k og esjh n”kk ls Page 45

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vifjfpr gS \ D;k og esjh O;kdqyrk dks ugha tkurh \**2 iq#’k nwljh L=h ds izse esa o”khHkwr gksdj viuh L=h dks R;kx nsrk gSA Bhd ;gh n”kk fues’k dh Hkh gS( og lqQyk ds izse esa bl dnj ikxy gS fd mls iRuh ds izfr viuh] ftEesnkfj;k¡ Hkh ;kn ughaA ijarq fnu cnyrs nsj ugha yxrhA nq[k ds ckn lq[k vkrk gS] va/ksjs dks phjrh gqbZ ,d izdk”k fdj.k tSls izlaurk fy;s gq;s vkrh gSA Bhd mlh izdkj fot;k ds thou esa Hkh gqvkA fot;k ds izse esa “kfDr Fkh ftlls mlus fues’k dks iqu% izkIr dj fy;kA fot;k us viuk iRuh /keZ fuHkkrs gq, vius lrhRo dh j{kk Hkh dhA ys[kd us Hkkjrh; laLd`fr ,oa Hkkjrh; ukjh vkn”kksZ dh iw.kZ LFkkiuk dh gSA fot;k ,d vkn”kZ iRuh gSA og ifrijk;.krk] lsokR;kx dh ewfrZ] lkl&llqj dh lsok djus okyh rFkk ifrozR; /keZ dh lkdkj izfrewfrZ gSA ifr dks iRuh ls vkSj iRuh dks ifr ls foeq[k gksdj x`gLFk thou ls ijs] vU;= lq[k&”kkafr ,oa lPpk I;kj ugha fey ldrk vkSj fujarj HkVduk gh iM+rk gSA oSokfgd thou dsoy lkekftd ca/ku ek= gksdj okLrfod izse laca/kksa ij vk/kkfjr gksdj gh lq[k “kkafr dk dsna z cu ldrk gSA fot;k ds R;kx ,oa leiZ.k ls fues’k dks thou dh okLrfodrk dk Hkku gksrk gS vkSj og vius dqd`R;ksa ij Ik”pkrki dj] vius ikiksa dk izk;f”pr djrk gS& ^^gk;! eSa cM+k gR;kjk gw¡! egkikih gw¡! nq’V vkrrk;h gw¡! eSaus nwljh L=h ij eksfgr gksdj viuk loZuk”k fd;k ! viuk lc dqN [kks;k! viuh L=h dks mruk d’V fn;k! fot;] eq>s {kek djks izs;fl! eSaus rqEgsa cgqr d’V fn;k ! gk;! esjs ikiksa dk Qy eq>s fey pqdk gS ! /kU;! fot;k] vkt rqe lpeqp fot;k gqbZA**3 bl izdkj izse dk ikyu e;kZnk esa gh jgdj djuk pkfg,A ve;kZfnr izse laca/k dk ifj.kke xyr gh gksrk gSA izks0 “ksj flag fc’V ds “kCnksa esa & ^^ys[kd dh n`f’V esa oSokfgd thou ls brj dke&laca/k uSfrd ,oa lkekftd n`f’V&ls vuqfpr gSA blls oSokfgd

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laca/kkasa esa Hkh ruko mRiUu gksrk gS vkSj thou esa vfu;af=r oklukvksa ls okLrfod lq[k dh izkfIr ugha gks ldrhA ys[kd us brj izse laca/kksa ds nq’ifj.kkeksa ds ?kVuk&pØ dks izLrqr dj] ppsjh lkl dh e`R;q&izdj.k dh loZtuk }kjk fues’k dks thou dh okLrfodrk dk cks/k djkdj] xkgZLF;&thou ds egRo ,oa iRuh ds izfr izse ,oa vknj Hkko dh iquLFkkZiuk dh gSA**4 iRuh dk ,d vkn”kZ :i iar th dh ^nEifŸk* dgkuh esa ns[kus dks feyrk gSA bl dgkuh esa ikoZrh vius ifr dh iRuh ls dgha vf/kd izs;lh ds :i esa izdV gqbZ gSA mldk ifr ml ij iw.kZ :i ls vklDr jgrk gSA ikoZrh vius ifr dk I;kj ikdj vius dks fo”o dh lcls HkkX;”kkyh ukjh le>rh gSA Hkys gh mudh vkfFkZd fLFkfr mruh vPNh ugha gS fQj Hkh og izlaufpŸk eqnzk esa jgrh gSA ifr&iRuh nksuksa gh ,d&nwljs ds izse esa o”khHkwr gSaA ^^ikoZrh ds izse esa lekurk ds Hkko ls vf/kd vknj gh dk Hkko FkkA ifr ls vf/kd izse ds dkj.k mldh Ja`xkj vkSj Hkksx dh ykylk;sa lhfer gks x;haA bl nEifŸk ds chp dqN vf/kd ckrsa ;k jlkyki ugha gksrk FkkA nksuksa ,d nwljs ds mifLFkfr ds I;kls FksA**5 ifr&iRuh ds fj”rksa dks le; vkSj Hkh izxk<+ cuk nsrk gSA ;gh fLFkfr ikoZrh vkSj mlds ifr ds izse dh gSA o`)koLFkk esa tc ifr chekj gks tkrk gS rks og mldh ru&eu ls lsok djrh gS vkSj ifr /keZ dk lQy fuokZg djrh gSA og mlds fcuk [kkuk Hkh ugha [kkrh vkt Hkh ikoZrh dk ifr ds izfr ogh izse ogh vknj gS tks ;qokoLFkk esa FkkA ^^ikoZrh us ftl yxu] lkgl vkSj fnu&jkr ds vFkd ifjJe ls mudh lsok&lqJq’kk dhA og vo.kZuh; gSA dky ls yM+dj tSls mlus vius Lokeh dks fQj ls ykSVk fy;kA**6 ukjh dk ,d :i og Hkh gS tc mlds ifr dh e`R;q gks tkrh gS rks og Lo;a vius cPpksa ds fy, ekrk vkSj firk dh Hkwfedk fuHkkrh gSA iar th dh ^cUuw* dgkuh esa ,d iRuh dkeuk vius ifr ds LoxZokl ds ckn viuh nks o’khZ; iq=h dyk dks fdl izdkj cM+k djrh gS vkSj vUrr% mldk izse fookg fdu ifjfLFkfr;kssa esa cUuw uked ;qod ls gksrk Page 46

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gS] vkfn fØ;k dyki ,d dkeuk gh fuHkkrh gS vkSj mlds ml dk;Z esa lg;ksxh jgs mlds tsB nhukukFkA iRuh ds pfj= dks mtkxj djrh iar th dh ,d vkSj dgkuh ^voxq.Bu* gSA bl dgkuh esa O;fDr ds laLdkjks]a ttZj lkekftd :f<+;ks]a O;ogkj “kwU; lS)kafrd ekU;rkvksa ,oa ukjh ds Lora= vkRe&izcq) O;fDrRo ij izdk”k Mkyk x;k gSA bl dgkuh esa ljyk dk ifr jkedqekj viuh iRuh dks vius vkn”kksZ dh izfrek cuk nsuk pkgrk gS ijarq ljyk vius laLdkjksa ds dkj.k jkedqekj dh vis{kk ds vuq:i Lo;a dks eqDr ugha dj ikrh] ftlls jkedqekj eu gh eu dqN f[kUu jgrk gSA ljyk ,d f”kf{kr o lH; rFkk laLdkjksa ls ;qDr ukjh gSA og ?kj&ifjokj] fe=&e.Myh] fj”rs&ukrs vkfn ls fpj ifjfpr gSaA og e;kZnk dk ikyu djuk tkurh gSA ,d fnu jkedqekj dk fe= lrh”k ljyk ds tUefnu ds volj ij ljyk ds flj ij ls lkM+h dks ljdkj dj] mldh pksVh esa yky xqykc dk Qwy [kksal nsrk gSA ljyk lrh”k ds bl ve;kZfnr O;ogkj ls f[kUu gksdj xqykc ds Qwy dks pksVh ls fudkydj est esa j[k nsrh gSA jkedqekj ;g lc ns[k&ns[k dj eu gh eu izlUu gksrk gS vkSj viuh iRuh dk leFkZu djrk gSA ys[kd ljyk dh eu%fLFkfr ij izdk”k Mkyrs gq, fy[krk gS& ^^mlus viuh e/kqj laLd`fr ls Qwy dks dsdoy /khjs ls est ij j[k fn;k FkkA ljyk dks dsoy viuh iRuh gksus dh e;kZnk dh j{kk djuh FkhA L=h dks vkSj Hkh dbZ dke gksrs gSa] ij mlds thou dk eq[; dke tgk¡ ij mls vius L=hRo dk lcls vf/kd vuqHko gksrk gS& vius vara %dj.k esa yckyc Hkjs gq, Lusg dks Bhd&Bhd ;Fkkjhfr ls ck¡Vuk gS] blesa og lcls fuiq.k gksrh gSA og vius izfr fd;s x;s leLr midkjksa dks Lusg dks Bhd&Bhd ;Fkkjhfr ls ck¡Vuk gS] blesa og lcls fuiq.k gksrh gSA o vius izfr fd;s x;s leLr midkjksa dks Lusg gh ls iqjLd`r djrh gSA ij mlds Lusg esa ek=kvksa dk Hksn gksrk gSA og lkFk gh dbZ vknfe;ksa dks viuk Lusg ns ldrh gSA ij fdlh dks de]fdlh dks vf/kdA mldk ekun.M] mldk ukius dk

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fxykl dSlk gksrk gS] bls dksbZ ugha dg ldrkA **7 iRuh ds :i esa ukjh ds dbZ psgjs gSaA muesa ls ,d psgjk iar th dh ,dkadh ^Nk;k* dh L=h ik= lquhrk esa izdV gksrh gSA lquhrk ds firk lquhfrdqekj us lquhrk dk fookg mldh ethZ ds cxSj izeksn ls djok fn;k ijarq lquhrk lrh”k ls izse djrh gSA lquhrk dk ,d iq= Hkh gks x;k] fQj Hkh mlds eu esa lrh”k ds izfr izse dh Hkkouk de u gqbZ D;ksafd nksuksa cpiu ds fe= Fks] vkSj nksuksa ,d nwljs dks pkgrs Hkh Fks ijarq ekrk&firk “kk;n cPpksa ds izfr vf/kd fpafrr gksrs gSa] rHkh rks og muds lq[k&nq[k dk [;ky gj&iy djrs gSa vkSj ;g Hkwy tkrs gS fd yM+dh dksbZ dBiryh ;k e”khu dk iqtkZ ugha gS] tks muds b”kkjs ij gh lapkfyr gks ldsA ifj.kker% yM+dh dk thou Hk;kud ?kqVu] ruko] ihM+k vkSj la=kl Hkhrj gh Hkhrj ?kqVrk jgrk gSA lcls cM+h =klnh ;g gS fd og mls O;Dr Hkh ugha dj ikrhA lquhrk dk thou Hkh e>/kkj esa vVd lk x;kA fookg izeksn ls vkSj eu esa lrh”k dk I;kjA ys[kd lrh”k dks Loj nsrs gq, dgrk gS& ^^vgk] ;g rqEgkjh vkSj izeksn dh “kknh dk fp= gSA lquhrk dk sgjk dqN dBksj iM+ tkrk gSA og tYnh gh eq¡g fQj ysrh gSA rqEgs ;kn gS izeksn ls eSaus gh rqEgsa igys feyk;k FkkA mls Vsful [ksyus dk cMk “kkSd Fkk xsan dh rjg og thou ls Hkh [ksyk gS ¼,dk,d½ vkSj rqEgsa Hkh rks mlus [ksy gh [ksy esa thr fy;kA **8 bl izdkj Nk;k ,dkadh esa yksd dY;k.kksUeq[k lkewfgd thou ,oa ca/ku&eqDr izhfr dh O;atk Gsa fdlh Hkh oLrq dks I;kj djuk ekuoh; izd`fr dh ,d e/kqj vko”;drk gSA ukjh dk izs;lh :i oLrqr% mlds izse vkSj Ja`xkj dh ltx&lthyh Hkkoukvksa dk izfr:i gksrk gSA dgha og I;kj djrh gS dgha vius O;kid lkSan;Z ls O;fDr dks izseksaeq[k cuk nsrhA izs;lh vFkkZr izsfedk ds n”kZu loZizFke iar th ds miU;kl ÞgkjÞ esa gksrs gSaA miU;kl dk uk;d Hkfo’; rFkk ukf;dk vk”kk dks izse :ih gkj ¼ekyk½ igukus esa vlQy jg tkrk gSA izseh vkSj izsfedk ds ewy esa izse “kCn fo|eku gSA ÞgkjÞ miU;kl Hkh izse ij Page 47

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vk/kkfjr gSA ;g ,d ,slh izse dgkuh gS ftleas nks lekukarj izse dFkk,¡ izse dh f=dks.kkRed fLFkfr miRUu djrh gSA ijarq izse dh jhfr Hkh vuks[kh gS ;gk¡ foMacuk ;g gS fd ftls ;qod pkgrk gS mls ;qorh ugha pkgrh vkSj ftls ;qorh pkgrh gS] mls ;qod ugha pkgrkA fues’k lqQyk dks I;kj djrk gS] lqQyk mls I;kj ugha djrhA fot;k fues’k dh iRuh gS vkSj mls I;kj djrh gSa] fues’k mls I;kj ugha djrkA Hkfo’; vk”kk dks I;kj djrk gs vk”kk mls I;kj ugha djrh vfirq fues’k dh I;kj djrh gSA bl dFkk esa Hkfo’; ftls viuh izs;lh ekurk gS og mls viuk izseh ugha ekurhaA bl izdkj ;g Hkfo’; dk ,d rjQk izse gksrk gS ftldh ifj.kfr ;g gksrh gS fd Hkfo’; ;ksxh cu tkrk gSA *gkj* miU;kl esa ukjh ds izs;lh :i dh fofp= euksn”kk dk o.kZu ns[kus dks feyrk gSA D;ksafd blesa gj dksbZ ,d nwljs esa izse ryk”k dj jgk gksrk gSA Hkfo’; viuh izs;lh ds gh /;ku esa eXu jgrk gS vc mldk ;g fo;ksx vlguh; gks x;k gSA og loZ= izs;lh ds gh n”kZu ns[krk gSAA Hkfo’; dh euksn”kk dks ys[kd bl izdkj crkrk gS& ÞHkfo’; dks vk”kk dk fo;ksx vlguh; gks x;ka mlds fo”ys’k dk nq%[k nqnkZUr gks x;kA os vius fdlh izdkj u l¡Hkky ldsAa vk”kk dh ewfrZ ps’Vk djus ij Hkh vius ân; ls u gVk ldsA bPNk djus ij Hkh mls ugh Hkwy ldsA vk”kk ds izse us mUgas cka/k fy;k Fkk os ;g cU/ku yk[k mik; djus ij Hkh u dkV ldaAs izse dk ;g vn`”; xq.k VqVus ij Hkh u VqVkA Hkkfo’; dh n”kk mUeRr euq’;ksa dh lh gks x;k] mudk eu fdlh dke es ugha yxrk Fkk muds vkW[kksa dh funzk pyh x;h mudh jkf=;kW vk”kk ds gh /;ku esa chrrh FkhAß9 blh izdkj iar th dh dgkfu;ksa esa ml ckj ,oa cUuw esa izs;lh ds n”kZu gksrs gS ml ckj dgkuh es lqcks/k] lrh”k ukfyu fxjhUnz fot;k ljyk vkfn ik=ksa dh izse yhykvksa dk o.kZu gSA blesa thou dh fofo/k xfrfof/k;ksa dks fo|kFkhZ thou dh jaxjsfy;ksa ,oa gkl ifjgkl ds lkFk fpf=r fd;k x;k gSA izse dh osnuk,a

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gj ân; esa ,d gksus ij Hkh mldh vfHkO;fDr fHkUu fHkUUk gksrh gSA lqcks/k dh izselh ljyk dk O;fDrRo lcls izse ikus dk vkdkß{kh gS lqcks/k vkSj ljyk dh izse dgkuh ds izfr ys[kd fo”ks’k vkxzg”khy yxrk gS rFkk blh izlax esa ira th dk izse laca/kh n`f’Vdks.k Hkh mHkjdj lkeus vk tkrk gS& ^^ljyk lcdks I;kj djuk lcls I;kj ikuk pkgrh FkhA og ,d fo”kn lkekftd lkewfgd O;fDrRo dk miHkksx djuk pkgrh Fkh] ftlds fy, mldks pkjksa vksj ls /ksjk gqvk lekt vHkh rS;kj ugha Fkk og lcdh lkfFku vkSj lqcks/k dh izsfedk FkhA^^10 izse ,d bZ”ojh “kfDr gS ;g fdlh fo’k; oLrq dk ifjpk;d ugha A izse ds nks ik= gksrs gS izseh vkSj izsfedk bUgha ik=ksa esa dHkh lPpk izse gksrk gS rks dHkh izse ds uke ij ;kSu bPNk,W izcy gks mBrh gSA ;gkW lqcks/k vkSj ljyk ds izse esa xgjkbZ ,oa HkkokRed LFkkf;Ro ds n”kZu gksrs gS tcfd lrh”k] ufyu vkSj fxjhUnª dk izse Åijh vkd’kZ.k ,oa ;kSou lqYkHk Hkkoqdrk ij vk/kkfjr gksus ls vfLFkj ,oa vfUk”p;kRed gS ys[kd us ;qodksa ds fopkjksa dks izs;lh ds vuq:i n”kkrsZ gq, izseh izsfedk dh O;SfDrd fnup;kZ dk lQy fp=.k fd;k gSA vkyksP; dgkuh esa iq#’k ,oa efgyk ik=ksa ds fofHkUu xq.k nks’kksa dh vPNkb;ksa] cqjkbZ;ksa rFkk pkfjf=d fof”k’Vrkvksa ,oa dfe;ksa dk Hkh o.kZu feyrk gSA ys[kd us bl lkekftd dgkuh ds ifjos”k ,oa okrkoj.k esa Hkfo’; ds fy, le; ifjorZu dh vkdka”kk j[kh gS Hkzked fLFkfr;kW tks izse izlaxksa esa LokHkkfod gS dFkkud ¼ NksVh dFkk½ eq[;r% Li’Voknh vkSj izhfrewyd gSA iar ds izhfrewyd fl)karksa ds lac/k esa lS)kafrd ls lacaf/kr vuqikr lgt gh vk x;s gS ;Fkk ^^izse rRor% ,d gksrs gq, Hkh fofHkUu LoHkkoksa esa fHkUu :iksa esa dk;Z djrk gSA**11 lrh”k dk izs;lh ds izfr izse vkSj Qzk;M dk :i gS rks nwljk IysVksa dk :i gS] ,d izseh gS rks nwljk dkehA blh izdkj izs;lh dk ,d :i *cUuw* dgkuh esa vk;k gS dkeuk dh iq=h dyk gS tks cUuw dh izs;lh gS dyk dk cUuw ls feyu Hkh vkdfLed gksrk gS( cUuw dh fuHkhZdrk mldh LoLFk cfy’B nsg ,oa Page 48

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dakfreku eq[ke.My us dyk ds eu esa mlds izfr vnHkqr vkd’kZ.k mRiUu dj fn;kA cUuw Hkh dyk ds lkSan;Z ls vkRefoHkksj gks mBkA nksuksa ds eu esa ,d nwljs ds izfr vuqjkx iSnk gks x;kA varr% nksuksa dh izse dgkuh eas cUuw dks mldh izs;lh fey xbZ vkSj nksuksa dk fookg lq[k “kkafr ls laiUu gks x;kA cUuw rFkk dyk ds fookg ds volj ij nksuksa dks vk”khokZn nsus gq, nhukukFk dgrk gS] ^^,d fnu ;g lkjk cu gjs Hkjsa ygygs Qy Qwyksa ls yns gq, ckx esa cny tk;s] euq’; ds ckgqvks dk Je vkSj izd`fr oj o/kq dh rjg feydj lalkj ds ikfjokfjd lq[k vkSj “kkfUr ds fy, fujarj iz;Ru”khy jgsaA**12 izs;lh dk ,d foo”krkiw.kZ fp=.k iar th dh ,dkadh *Nk;k^ esa izdV gksrk gSA lquhrk lrh”k dh izs;lh gS ijarq lquhrk ds firk dks lrh”k dk ?kj esa vkuk tkuk ilan ugha vkSj og “kh?kzrk fn[kkrs gq,s lquhrk dk fookg izeksn uked ;qod ls dj nsus gS lquhrk vc Hkh lrh”kk ls eu gh eu I;kj djrh gS ijarq lekt ds Mj ls foo”k gS( og bl fookg ls [kq”k ugh gS firk us lquhrk ds liuksa dks pwj dj fn;kA lrh”k lquhrk ls dgrk gS fd vkt Hkh lekt esa efgykvks dh fLFkrh n;uh; gSA mudsa ikl lc vf/kdkj gksrs gq, Hkh mUgsa fu.kZ; ysus esa vleFkZrk gksrh gS rqe Hkh blh rjg dksbZ fu.kZ; u ys ldh A ys[kd lrh”k ds }kjk dgrk gS& ^^lrh”k lquhrk ! ysfdu eSa tkurk g¡wA rqEgkjk eq¡g can Fkk rqe gekjs lekt esa ukjh ds ewd n;uh; thou dh ,d d:.k mnkgj.k Hkj gksA ftlds gn; dh izR;sd /kM+du esa ;qx ;qx ls ukjh dh fu%”kCn O;;k /kViVkrh jgh gS ge nkaiR; izse rFkk ?kjksa esa foHkDr ikfjokfjd thou dks t:jr ls T;knk egRo nsrs gaS ( eSa rqEgsa I;kj djrk g¡w] lquhrk vkSj pkgrk gw¡ fd rqe yksd fuekZ.k ds bl egku dk;Z dks viuk ldksA lquhrk dks izse djrh Fkh ;g muds ls oknksa esa lkQ :i ls ns[kus dks feyrk gS bUgsa bl ckr dk csgn nq[k gS fd ;s ,dlw= esa u c¡/k ldsAa fofo/k vuqHkko ekuksa tSls lquhrk ds xgjs :i dks O;aftr djrs gS] ^^lquhrk ekuksa {k.k Hkj ds fy, vius dks Hkwydj viuk flj lrh”k dh xksn esa ,yce ds Åij fpidk;sa vfues’k n`f’V ls mldh vksj ns[krh gS mlds vksB dk¡i jgs gSA lrh”k lquhrk ds vkos”k ls

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?kcM+kdj dqlhZ ij ls mBuk pkgrk gSa fdarq lquhrk mls nck;s gq, gSaA**13 bl izdkj iar ds fopkjksa easa ,d fujarjrk vuojr :i ls cuh gqbZ gS ( og dgkuh] miU;kl] ,dkadh lHkh esa dgha u dgha izdV gksrh gSA mudk x| lkfgR; vf/kdka”kr% izse ,oa lkekftd fo’kerk dks mn~?kkfVr djrk gSA L=h vkSj iq#’k rRo dk lfEeyu gh l`f’V dk mUes’k gS l`f’V dk lokZsŸke leqUur fodkl ekuo lH;rk esa ifjyf{kr gksrk gSA lekt lEer L=h iq:"k ds lac/a k ftl fnu fookg ds :i esa gq, mlh fnu nkEiR; thou esa viuh fof”k’V fLFkfr vkSj izHkko NksM+rk x;kA fookg ,d vfr izkphu lkekftd laLFkk gSA iar us oSokfgd thou ls ijs LoPNan izse dks Lohd`fr iznku dh gSA ijarq ;g izse nsg&cks/k ls ijs] “kq) :i ls HkkokRed ,oa vkfRed “kqf) ij vk/kkfjr gksuk pkfg,A fookg ,d lkekftd O;oLFkk gSA oSokfgd lac/a kkssa esa vlarqyu ls lkekftd vlarqyu iSnk gksxkA ys[kd us fot;k dks ,d vkn”kZ iRuh ds :i esa fn[kk;k gSA fot;k us viuk ?kj u VwVs blfy, og ifr ds fn;s d’Vksa dks lgu djrh gS vkSj mlesa viuk lq[k ryk”k djrh gSA ys[kd fot;k dh euksn”kk dk o.kZu djrk dgrk gS& ^^fot;k&fdUrq ukFk! Lokeh dh vLoLFkrk esa mudh lsok u djuk D;k iki ugha gS\ vki dqN cryk;sa Hkh rks] ,slh vkidks dkSu lh fcekjh gS ftlesa ;g nklh vkidh lsok ugha dj ldrh\ bl nklh dh /k`’Vrk {kek djs]a ;g vkidk fo”ys’k vf/kd ugha lg ldrhA vki bls vius pj.kksa ls u gVkosAa og LFkku vki bls ifgys ns pqds gSaA L=h&tkfr dk ifr ds flok lalkj esa vU; ugha gSA**14 nkaiR; thou ds ewy esa izse dh Hkkouk fo)eku jgrh gSA x`gLFkZ thou esa ifr&iRuh ds izos”k djrs gh mudks e;kZnk dk ikyu djuk pkfg,] ;g ,d lkekftd fo”ks’krk gS fd ftl lekt esa ftrus vPNs ukxfjd gksxsa ml lekt esa x`gLFk lQy jgsxk lqQyk ds fuEufyf[kr dFku ls x`gLFk thou dh ifo=rk ,oa ifr&iRuh dh ,d&nwljs ds izfr ,dfu’Brk rFkk lkekftd e;kZnk ikyu dh vfuok;Zrk dh O;atuk gqbZ gS&

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lqQyk& ^^f/kDdkj gS ,sls iq#’kksa dks tks nwljs dh L=h ij n`f’V j[k dj viuh x`gy{eh dks bl izdkj ;kruk fn;k djrs gSaA f/kDdkj gS buds izse dksA ;s izse ds fel mldk xyk ?kksaVrs gSaA lekt&”k=q bUgha dk uke gSA ;g izse ugha vklfDr gS] I;kj ugha O;fHkpkj gSA**15 iar us ^nEifŸk* esa ifr&iRuh ds ikjLifjd thou ds lq/kjrs vkSj fod`r gq, dfri; n`”; of.kZr fd, gSaA bl dgkuh dk ik= ikoZrh dk Lokeh rFkk dgkuh dh ik=k ikoZrh Lo;a gSA laiw.kZ dgkuh ikoZrh ds cpiu ls mlds ;kSou&oSokfgd thou] x`gLFkh rFkk cq<k+ is dk lokZaxh.k o.kZu lkekftd /kjkry dks n`f’Vxr j[krs gq, fd;k gSA ikoZrh xk¡o dh fookfgrk dU;k gSA mldk ifjokj cM+k gS ftlesa og vf/kdka”k le; Hktu] iwtu] osn] Hkkxor] jkek;.k vkfn ds iBu&ikBu esa O;rhr dj larqf’V vuqHko djrh gSaA mlds firk ds ?kj esa xjhch dk vkf/kD; Fkk( tcfd ifr dk ?kj firk ds ?kj ls laiUu FkkA ^^ikoZrh dk vgksHkkX; gS fd mls loZxq.k laiUu ifr izkIr gks x;k gSA mudk vkilh thou izsee; {k.kksa esa O;rhr gksrk gS] muds dFku izlaxksa esa jl dh deh gSA mu nksuksa dks ,d nwljs dks vuqifLFkfr cM+h [kyrh gSA ikoZrh gh mudk fouksn Fkk( os LFkkuh; Mkd?kj esa dydZ ds in ij dk;Zjr FksA Mkd?kj ls lh/ks ?kj vkdj uofoofgrk dU;k ikoZrh ds lgokl dk lq[kkuUn dk jlkLoknu djrs FksA**16 ifr ds izse ij ikoZrh eqX/k gS ijarq ifr dh vfrdze.krk vkSj vU; nqcZyrkvksa ds izfr og vutku gS] mls lekt dk Mj gSA og lkjs jhfr&fjoktksa dk ikyu djrh gSA mls yTtktud ckrksa esa yTtk eglwl gksrh gSa ekU;rkvksa dks ekurh gS rFkk cM+kas dk vknj djrh gS ,oa vius ge mez rFkk NksVksa dks Lusg dh n`f’V ls ns[krh gSaA dgkuh esa ,d e;kZnk ls iw.kZ L=h dh ik=rk mlesa n`f’Vxr gksrh gSA ys[kd us ikoZrh ,oa mlds Lokeh ds cq<k+ is rFkk cq<+kis esa jksxxzLr gksus dh fLFkfr dk Hkh o.kZu fd;k gS& ßchekjh rFkk cq<k+ is ds dkj.k Hkh ikoZrh ds Lokeh dh Le`fr cgqr gh {kh.k gks xbZ] LoHkkor% tks gksrk gh gSA dHkh&dHkh Hkzkar Hkh gks tkrs gSa] LoIu dks tkx`r voLFkk dh ?kVuk le> cSBrs gSaA

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vk¡[kksa esa “kfDrghu ped vk xbZ gSA efLr’d dh ukfM+;ks dk vf/kdkj Hkh [kks jgs gSaA**17 dky ds izokg ds lkFk&lkFk bl nEifŸk dks vusd ikfjokfjd ftEesnkfj;ksa dk fuokZg djrs gq,] dbZ ifjfLFkfr;ksa ls xqtjuk iM+kA ftanxh ds dbZ mrkj&p<+ko ds ckn vkt Hkh bl nEifŸk esa vkil dk izseHkko de ugha gqvkA ^^nksuksa vc v/ksM+ gks x;s] ikoZrh dbZ yM+ds&yM+fd;ksa dh ek¡ cu x;ha le;kuqlkj dbZ NksVs&cM+s mRlo vk;s] x`gLFkh esa jksuk vk;k] g¡lh vk;h] dy[k&fdyksy] iqpdkj&QVdkj] lq[k&nq%[k lcesa vH;qn; ds gh fpag izdV gq,A u;s :i] jax] u;h bPNk] vk”kk;sa u;s&u;s dyg vkSj u;h fpUrk,¡A**18 bl izdkj fookg ,oa nkaiR; thou esa ukjh dk tks LFkku gksuk pkfg, og iar th dh dgkfu;ksa eas izdV gksrk gS A eq[; :i ls ^nEifŸk* fookg ,oa nkaiR; thou ij vk/kkfjr dgkuh gSA ogha ßgkjÞ miU;kl esa fot;k ,d vkn”kZ L=h ik= gSA ^cUuw* dgkuh esa dkeuk ,d la?k’kZ”khy ukjh ik= gS tks oSokfgd ,oa nkaiR; thou dk lq[k iw.kZ :i ls ugha Hkksx ikrh gSA fQj Hkh ?kj&ifjokj ,oa vius tsB o cPph ^dyk* dks vPNh f”k{kk nsdj varr% fookg djkrh gSA og ?kj dh laiw.kZ ftEesnkfj;k¡ laHkkyrh gS vkSj ,d ukjh vkn”kZ LFkkfir djrh gSA iar th ds x| lkfgR; esa ukjh ds fofo/k :i ns[kus dks feyrs gSaA ek¡] iRuh] izs;lh] ckyl[kk] lgikBh] dkfeuh] nkaiR; thou] lkekftd lac/a kksa esa ,oa euksfoKku vkfn :iksa esa ukjh dks lthork ls izLrqr fd;k x;k gSA iar th us miU;kl] dgkuh] ukVd] ,dkadh vkfn lkfgR; dh fo/kkvksa ij ys[kuh pyk;h gSA iar th ds lewps x| lkfgR; esa mudk Hkkoqd dfo] egku fpard ,oa tkx:d dykdkj dk :i loZ= fo|eku gSA iar th us tgka vius miU;kl esa izse dks vk/kkj cuk;k rks ogha mudk izse mUeqDr okrkoj.k esa LoNan xfr ls izokgeku gksuk pkgrk gSA iar dh ukjh izse dh I;klh vkSj viuk ;FkkFkZ Lo;a esa fl) djuk pkgrh gS ijarq foijhr ifjfLFkfr;ksa ds pyrs fojg dh ihM+k dks Hkh lgrh gS tks mldh fu;fr cu Page 50

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tkrh gS vkSj mlds eu dk izse eu esa gh jg tkrk gS rks ogha viuh dgkfu;ksa esa iar us tgka ifr iRuh ds laca/kksa dks n”kkZ;k vkSj laLdkj :ih lkekftd ;FkkFkZ dks n”kkZ;kA dqy feykdj iar th us x| ys[ku esa viuh ukjh dks vius fopkjksa ls cka/k fn;k vkSj lkekftd ;FkkFkZ dks izLrqr djus ds fy, mUgksaus mls e;kZfnr vkpj.k ls foHkwf"kr dj fn;k rks ogha nwljh vksj ukjh izzes ikus dks Hkh yykf;r utj vkrh gSA miU;kl *gkj* ,d ,slh izse dgkuh ij vk/kkfjr gS ftlesa nks lekukarj izse dFkk,¡ izse ds f=dks.kkRed :i dks izdV djrh gSaA dFkk ds uk;d Hkfo’; rFkk ukf;dk vk”kk dk izse gksuk rFkk izse dh pje ifj.krh fookg dk u gks ikuk vFkkZr izse :ih gkj ¼ekyk½ dk ,d nwljs ds xys esa u iM+uk ftlls uk;d dh izse esa gkj gks xbZA ;gh bl miU;kl dk ewy gSA iRuh dk vkn”kZ :i iar th dh ^nEifŸk* dgkuh esa ns[kus dks feyrk gSA iRuh ds pfj= dks mtkxj djrh iar th dh ,d vkSj dgkuh ^voxq.Bu* gSA bl dgkuh esa O;fDr ds laLdkjks]a ttZj lkekftd :f<+;ks]a O;ogkj “kwU; lS)kafrd ekU;rkvksa ,oa ukjh ds Lora= vkRe&izcq) O;fDrRo ij izdk”k Mkyk x;k gSA Nk;k ,dkadh esa yksd dY;k.kksUeq[k lkewfgd thou ,oa cU/ku&eqDr izhfr dh O;atk gSA bl izdkj iar ds fopkjksa easa ,d fujUrjrk cuh gqbZ gS ( og dgkuh] miU;kl] ,dkadh lHkh esa dgha u dgha izdV gksrh gSA mudk x| lkfgR; vf/kdka”kr% izse ,oa lkekftd fo’kerk dks mn~?kkfVr djrk gSA fu’d’kZr% dgk tk ldrk gS fd iar th ds x| lkfgR; esa ukjh ds fofo/k :i ns[kus dks feyrs gSaA ek¡] iRuh] izs;lh] ckyl[kk] lgikBh] dkfeuh] nkaiR; thou] lkekftd lac/a kksa esa ,oa euksfoKku vkfn :iksa esa ukjh dks lthork ls izLrqr fd;k x;k gSA iar th us miU;kl] dgkuh] ukVd] ,dkadh vkfn lkfgR; dh fo/kkvksa ij ys[kuh pyk;h gSA bl izdkj iar th ds lewps x| lkfgR; esa mudk Hkkoqd dfo] egku fpard ,oa tkx:d dykdkj dk :i loZ= fo|eku gSA

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10-Hkkjr vkSj bZjku esa lkaL—frd o dyk laca/k & pyrs rks vPNk Fkk Dr. Nimmy A.A Assistant Professor of Hindi Govt. College for Women Thiruvananthapuram

vk/kqfud fgUnh lkfgR; esa x| dh reke fo/kkvksa dk fodkl gqvk gS ftlesa ;k=k lkfgR; dk egRoiw.kZ LFkku gSA ;k=k laLej.k dh fo'ks"krk ;g gS fd mlesa ;FkkFkZ dh çcy vfHkO;fä gSA blesa dYiuk dh xqatkb'k rd ugha gksrh A blesa fofHkUu ns'kksa dh ;k=k ds nkSjku ys[kd tks Hkh vuqHko djrs gSa mldk thoar o.kZu ljy vkSj Li"V Hkk"kk esa O;ä djrs gSA fgUnh lkfgR; esa ;k=k ys[ku dh fojklr dk Js; ukxktqZu] f=ykspu] vKs; vkSj fueZy oekZ dks gSaA cgq/kk ;k=k lkfgR;dkj ;k;kojh dks Kkuo`f) vkSj vuqHko lap; ls tksMus ds i{k esa gSA mudk edln lgt Hkko ls ;k=k djuk vkSj lh[krs pyuk gSA dHkh&dHkkj ;g tksf[+ke Hkjk Hkh gks ldrk gSA lqçfl) dFkkdkj vlxj otkgr us fgUnh ;k=k lkfgR; dks u;k Lo:i çnku fd;k gSA mUgksaus vejhdk] :l] fQyhihal] gks³~Xdksx a ] v‚fLVª;k] teZuh] Ýkal] usrysZUV] bVyh] jksekfu;k] lwjhuke] bZjku] vtckZbtku] ikfdLrku vkfn ns'kksa dh ;k=k dh gSA cpiu ls gh ;k=k djus dh mUgsa csgn fnypLih FkhA tc vyhx<+ vk;k rks vius ikBîØe dh fdrkcksa ls t+~;knk os fons'kksa ij Nih fdrkcksa ds iUus iyVdj rLohjsa ns[kk djrs FksA njvly ?kwers oä muds /;ku esa ;g ugha jgrk fd ;g vuqHko dgkuh&miU;kl esa fdl rjg 'kkfey gksx a As ysfdu le; vkus ij mudk dgha&u&dgha mi;ksx gksrk gSA vr% muds ys[ku esa ;k=kvksa dh vge Hkwfedk jgh gSaA ;k=k,a dbZ vFkksZa esa ys[kd dks rktk dj nsrh gSA vr,o ;g rkTk+xh muds ys[ku

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dsfy, gh ugha thus dsfy, Hkh Tk+:jh gqbZ gSA muds ;k=k laLej.k esa o.kZukRedrk ds lkFk O;fäRo dh Nki Hkh ns[k ldrs gSA ns'k&fons'k dh ;k=kvksa ls çkIr vuqHkkoksa dks mUgksaus vius ;k=k lkfgR; esa fyfic) fd;k gSA njvly ikBd ds lkFk vkReh;rk ,oa rnkRE; LFkkfir djuk mudk y{; gSA mudk çfl) ;k=k laLej.k pyrs rks vPNk Fkk „ååŠ esa çdkf'kr gqvk FkkA blesa mudh bZjku vkSj vktjckbZtku ;k=k ds o`Ùk vkSj laLej.k lekfgr gSA blesa bZjku ds bLQ+gku] 'khjkTk+] rsgjku] vtckZbtku] dqe] e'kgr vkfn txgksa dh ;k=k,a mfYyf[kr gSA bZjku ;k=k ds nkSjku bZjkuh vkRek dks le>uk gh ys[kd dk mís'; FkkA otkgr us bl ;k=k laLej.k esa Hkkjrh; vkSj bZjkuh laL—fr dh rqyuk dh gSA ys[kd us bl ;k=k laLej.k ds tfj, bZjku dh thou i)fr;ka vkSj ogk¡ ds yksxksa dks utnhd ls ns[kus ij[kus dh dksf'k'k dh gSA vlxj otkgr us dsoy bu ns'kksa dh ;k=k gh ugha dh cfYd muds lekt] laL—fr vkSj bfrgkl dks le>us dk ç;kl Hkh fd;k gSA mUgsa bu ;k=kvksa ds nkSjku fofHkUu çdkj ds jkspd vuqHko gq, gSA mUgsa vktjckbZtku esa ,d çkphu fgUnw vfXu feykA dksgd s kQ+ dh ifj;ksa dh ryk'k esa Hkh HkVds vkSj rcjsTk+ esa ,d Bx }kjk Bxs Hkh x,A ;k=kvksa dk vkuan vkSj Lo;a ns[kus rFkk larks"k pyrs rks vPNk Fkk esa txg&txg ns[kk tk ldrk gSA vlxj otkgr us ;s ;k=k,a lk/kkj.k <ax ls ,d vkneh ds :i esa dh gS ftlds ifj.kkeLo:i os mu yksxksa ls fey ik,] ftuds vU;Fkk fey ikuk dfBu FkkA bl ;k=k laLej.k ds cgkus Page 55

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;g iqLrd gesa dqN xgjs lkekftd vkSj jktuhfrd lokyksa ij lkspus dsfy, etcwj djrh gSA vlxj otkgr us xq# xksfcanflag bUæçLFk fo'ofo|ky; ds ekufodh ladk; }kjk vk;ksftr ,d laxks"Bh esa dgk gS fd txgsa ns[kuk i;kZIr ugha gksrk] yksxksa ls feyuk vkSj mudks Bhd ls tkuuk gh vly ;k;kojh gSA esjh ;k=k iqLrdsa ,d lks'ky VwfjLV dh fuxkg ls fy[ks x, o`ÙkkUr gSa ftudk mís'; dsoy i;ZVdksa dh rjg ns'k&fons'k ?kweuk ugha cfYd yksxksa vkSj lalkj dks tkuuk gSA ;g xks"Bh jktdey çdk'ku }kjk çdkf'kr vlxj otkgr dh çfl) iqLrd pyrs rks vPNk Fkk ds lUnHkZ esa vk;ksftr dh xbZ FkhA bl iqLrd esa vlxj otkgr us bZjku vkSj e/; ,f'k;k ds ns'kksa dh ;k=k ds laLej.k fy[ks gSaA viuh bl iqLrd ds lEcU/k esa vlxj otkgr us dgk gS fd vaxzstksa ds vkus ls igys Hkkjr dh nqfu;k e/; ,f'k;k Fkh vkSj bl bykds ds ns'kksa ls jktuhfrd&lkaL—frd lEcU/k bl nqfu;k dk fuekZ.k djrs FksA bl nksLrh ls if'pe dks uqdlku Fkk blh otg ls bl {ks= dks rksM+k x;kA mUgksaus vQlksl ds lkFk dgk fd vc e/; ,f'k;k ds ns'kksa ls gekjs lEcU/k ugha gSaA bl lac/a kghurk ls HkweM a yhdj.k dh 'kfä;ksa dks ykHk gksrk gSA mUgksua s fo'ks"k rkSj ij bjku ds lEcU/k esa dgk fd ge ogka ls rsy ds vykok Hkh cgqr dqN ys ldrs gSaA [kku&iku ;k vkgkj&i)fr Hkh laL— fr dk ,d çeq[k vax gSA Hkkjr vkSj bZjku ds [kku&iku esa Hkh lk–';rk ns[kk tk ldrs gSA tSls ^y[kuÅ esa tc fcfj;kuh idkbZ tkrh gS rks [kqjpu cu tk, bldk [kkl [k+;ky j[kk tkrk gSA eq>s yxk ;g ijaijk Hkh bZjku dh gS*1A [kqjpu ls eryc irhyh esa fcfj;kuh dh og vafre r; gS ftls [kqjpdj fudkyk tkrk gSA

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lekt] /keZ ,oa n'kZu] f'k{kk] Hkk"kk lkfgR; ,oa dyk] bfrgkl vkSj jktuhfr vkfn lHkh laL—fr dks vfHkO;ä djusokys çeq[k vk;ke gSA /keZ vkSj O;fä] /keZ vkSj lekt] /keZ vkSj jktuhfr ;s rhuksa lehdj.k /keZ ds ftl Lo#i dks LFkkfir gS og ,d&nwljs ls furkar fHkUu gSA ijarq /keZ bu rhuksa lehdj.kksa ds dsUæ esa gSA /keZ vkSj lekt ,d O;oLFkk dh ek¡x djrs gS vkSj /keZ fo'ks"k ds ekuusokys vius dks ,d leqnk; ds :i esa xfBr djrs gSA /keZ tc jktuhfr ds lkFk fey tkrk gS rks jktuhfrd O;oLFkk dks lapkfyr djrk gSA bZjku bLykeh x.kjkT; gSA bLyke ^elkokr* ;kuh cjkcjh ij cgqr Tk+kjs nsrk gSA blds dkj.k ys[kd dks Hkjkslk Fkk fd bZjku esa bLykeh Økafr vkus ds ckn fuf'pr :i ls Hkwfe lq/kkj gq, gksx a s vkSj bZjku esa xjhcksa vkSj vehjksa ds chp cgqr cMk varj u gksxkA ysfdu bZjku esa muds ;s nksuksa Hkze VwV x,A ^crk;k x;k fd bLykeh Økafr ds ckn tehu ds c¡Vokjs ds loky ij /kkfeZd usrkvksa dh jk; Fkh fd ;g xSj bLykeh gSA bl dkj.k bZjku esa cgqr cMs fdlkuksa ds ikl csfglkc Hkwfe gS rFkk nwljh vksj NksVs fdlku mtM jgs gS*2A eryc fd detksj] cslgkjk] csjksTk+xkj] 'kksf"kr vkSj vlgk; yksx ugha uTk+j vkrs ij xjhc vkSj vehj ds cgqr cMk varj t:j fn[kkbZ iMrk gSA bZjku ds /kkfeZd 'kgj tSls dqe vkSj e'kgn ns[kdj ;g ckr tkfgj gks tkrk gS fd /keZ vkSj /ku ds chp ,d LFkk;h le>kSrk gks pqdk gSA ;kuh fd /keZ vkSj /kuk<îrk] /keZ vkSj bZ'oj /keZ vkSj çn'kZu dk tks :i ns[kus dks feyrk gS og bZjku gh esa ugha lkjs lalkj esa ,d tSlk gSA fuf'pr :i ls gj /keZ ds çorZd vkSj muds lPps vuq;k;h lknxh] lgtrk] ferO;;rk ij cy nsrs FksA ysfdu vkt muds uke ij /ku dk v'yhy çn'kZu fd;k tk jgk gSA foKku vkSj rduhd us lalkj dks cgqr NksVk cuk fn;k gSA iwjs lalkj dk pDdj Page 56

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yk[kksa yksx yxk pqds gSA ml tekus esa bLQ+gku ds ckjs esa dgk tkrk Fkk fd og ^vk/kh nqfu;k* ds cjkcj gSA bLQ+gku dk lgh ;k ewy mPpkj.k fuLQ+ ¼vk/kk½ vkSj tgka ¼lalkj½ gSA eryc ;g fd bLQ+gku ns[kus dk eryc Fkk fd vk/kh nqfu;k ns[k yh] pwafd vk/kh nqfu;k ns[k ikuk vlaHko tSlk Fkk ml tekus esaA rsgjku ls …†å fdyksehVj nf{k.k esa bLQ+gku lSdMksa o"kksaZ rd bZjku dh jkt/kkuh FkkA bZjkuh laL—fr rsgjku esa ugha cfYd bLQ+gku ds jxksa esa /kMdrh gSA dyk vkSj laL—fr ds {ks= esa] fQYe vkSj lkfgR; ds eSnku es]a laxhr vkSj LFkkiR; dyk esa vkt Hkh bLQ+gku vkxs gSA ;gk¡ rd fd ^nqdkuksa ds cksMZ vkSj b'rgkj rd dyk—fr;ksa tSls yxrs gSA ;gh otg gS fd ;qusLdks us bl 'kgj dks fo'o /kjksgj dh ekU;rk nh gS*3A ,d ns'k dh laL—fr dks tkuus dk csgrj rjhdk ogk¡ ds lkfgR; vkSj dyk dks i<uk gSA bl –f"V ls fQYeksa dh Hkh [k+kl Hkwfedk gSA fgUnh fQYeksa us bZjku dh cktkj ij dCtk fd;k gqvk gSA fgUnh fQYeksa dh yksdfç;rk ds dbZ dkj.k gSA igyk rks ;g gS fd Hkkjrh; lkekftd ewY; vkSj bZjkuh lkekftd ewY;ksa esa cMh lekurk gSA ifjokj dk tks egRo gekjs lekt esa gS] cMksa dh bTtr djus dh ifjikVh tks ;gk¡ gS] fookg dh tks tfVyrk,¡ ;gk¡ gS os lc bZjkuh lekt esa Hkh gS vkSj bl ij vk/kkfjr dFkkud mUgsa ilan vkrs gSA nq[k dh ckr gS fd bZjku esa fgUnh fQYeksa dk iwjk O;kikj xSjdkuwuh gS vkSj fgUnh flusek txr dks mlls ,d iSls dk ykHk ugha gksrkA blesa fQYeksa ds tfj;s bZjku vkSj Hkkjr ds vkilh dyk laca/k dks cuk;s j[kus ds lq>ko Hkh feyrs gSA ^rsgjku ;k bZjku ds vU; 'kgjksa esa fgUnh fQYe lekjksg vk;ksftr fd, tk ldrs gSA fgUnh fQYeksa dks Q+kjlh esa Mc djus dk dke fd;k tk ldrk gSA vkSj Hkh bl rjg ds reke ;kstuk,a laHko gS*4A

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çR;sd ns'k dh vkoklh; O;oLFkk esa Hkh fHkUurk gS tks fdlh Hkh ns'k dh laL—fr dk ,d çeq[k vax gSA ^fdlh Hkh ns'k dks le>uk gks rks mldh lMdksa ij tkvks fdrkcksa esa x, rks ns'k dks u le> ikvksx*s 5A oSls rks fdrkcksa dh rqyuk esa lMd gh csgrj gSA bZjkuh rlchg ls okfdQ+ gksus ds mís'; ls ys[kd rsgjku ds lMdksa dks fugkjus yxsA ogk¡ ds cktkjsa cMs&cMs 'k‚fiax eky] ;wjksi gh ugha vejhdk ls VDdj ysrs vkSj yksxksa dk vkpkj&O;ogkj] muds diMs&yÙks] mudh dkjs]a muds ifjokj&;s lc ph[k&ph[kdj dg jgk Fkk fd ^ge laiUu gS] ge 'kfä'kkyh gS] ge cktkj dks] vFkZO;oLFkk dks] lekt dks] ns'k dks lapkfyr djrs gS*6A ys[kd us bLykeh x.krU= gksus ds dkj.k bZjku ds yksxksa vkSj Hkkjr ;k vU; fdlh ns'k ds yksxksa esa varj [kkstus dh df'k'k dhA fodkl dh nj nksuksa txgksa esa leku :i esa fn[kkbZ iMkA ogk¡ ds lM+dksa ij ^ç‚iVhZ* ds cksMZ uTk+j vkrs gSA ç‚iVhZ dsfy, ogk¡ ^eLdu* 'kCn dk bLrseky gksrk gSA gekjs ;gk¡ eLdu edku dsfy, çs;qä gSA ^lQy ç‚iVhZ Mhyj fn[ks vkerkSj ls [kk;s&fi;s] eksVs&rkts] lqVcwV ls ySl] Dyhu 'kso] gkFkksa esa dherh [kfM;k¡ ;k lksus dk dMk tSlk dqN] vk¡[kksa esa ogha 'kkfrjuk ped vkSj le>nkjh tks gekjs ;gk¡ lQy ç‚iVhZ Mhyjksa esa gksrh gS] ogh gko&Hkko] ogh vankTk+ ;kn vk;k mues*a 7A O;kikjh fcYdqy oSls gh O;kikjh yxs] VSDlh pkyd Hkh oSls ds oSls yxsA ;kuh lokjh ;fn vtuch gks] vatku vkSj fons'kh gksrks mldh [kky mrkjus ds pDdj esAa bZjku esa /keZ dk vkrad gh ns[kus dks feyrs gSA rsgjku dh lM+dksa ij vxj bLyke fn[kkbZ nsrk gS rks yMfd;ksa@vkSjrksa ds fgtkc esa ;k nhokjksa ij yxs Åaps&Åaps /kkfeZd iksLVjksa esaA ;g dkuwu gS fd gj yMdh@vkSjr dk flj ifCyd Iysl ij <dk gksuk pkfg, fuf'pr :i ls ,slk u djus ij Page 57

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naM dk fo/kku gksxkA njvly naM ls cpus dsfy, gh ogk¡ dh fL=;ksa us fgtkc dh txg LdkQ cka/kuk 'kq: dj fn;k gSA ^dHkh&dHkh rks vk/ks flj ij #eky cka/k] pqLr vkSj djkjs diMs igus] thUl Åij p<+k,¡ yMfd;ka ^fgtkc* djus ds /kkfeZd dkuwu dks Bsx a k 8 fn[kkrh yxrh gS* A bZjku esa ikfjokfjd laca/k rukoiw.kZ gS vkSj efgykvksa dh fLFkfr cgqr vPNh ugha gSA 'kk ds fo#) tks vkanksyu gqvk Fkk mlesa bZjkuh efgykvksa dh egRoiw.kZ Hkwfedk FkhA vkSj lÙkk gLrkarj.k ds ckn efgykvksa dh vis{kk,¡ iwjh ugha gqbZA fgtkc ds ckjs esa mudh jk; Fkh fd ;g 'kkldoxZ dks ,d lqfo/kktud çrhd fey x;k ftlds vk/kkj ij os ;g fl) djrs gS fd bZjku esa bLykeh x.krU= gSA ysfdu gd+hd+r esa çk;% efgyk,a fu;e vkSj dkuwu ds dkj.k gh fgtkc Lohdkjrh gSaA fcYdqy gekjs ;gk¡ dh rjg yMds ;k enZ pkgs tSls diMs igus]a mudsfy, dksbZ ^Mªsl dksM* ugha gSA laL—fr dk f'k{kk ls xgjk laca/k gSA bLykeh Økafr ds ckn ;gk¡ vaxzsth dh f'k{kk cU/k dj nh x;h Fkh vaxzsth dks lkezkT;okn vkSj vejhdk dk çrhd ekuk tkrk FkkA yxHkx nl lky ckn ;g irk pyk fd vaxzsth ds fcuk dke ugha py ldrk bl dkj.k fQj ls vaxzsth dh i<+kbZ 'kq: dh xbZA ij ,d iwjh ih<+h vaxzsth ls nwj gksrh pyh xbZA bZjku esa igys tekus esa fo'o Hkk"kk ds :i esa Qkjlh gh FkkA bZjku dk lkaL—frd çHkko Hkh cgqr O;kid FkkA blesa bjkd] bZjku gh ugha cfYd e/; ,f'k;k ds lkjs ns'k vkSj Hkkjrh; miegk}hi 'kkfey FksA Hkkjr ds lkFk ;g fnypLi fj'rk FkkA iapra= dk vuqokn laHkor% lcls igys ckjgoha 'krkCnh esa laL—r ls Qkjlh esa gqvk FkkA ;g Qkjlh vuqokn ;wjksi igqapk vkSj iapra= iwjs lalkj ds lkeus vk;kA egkHkkjr dk gh ugha mÙkj Hkkjr ds çeq[k Hkkjrh; xzsFkksa dk Qkjlh esa vuqokn fd,

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gSA Hkkjr esa bZjku ds lHkh lekpkj vaxzsth ds ek/;e ls igq¡prs gSA ;gh ugha Hkkjr vkSj bZjku ds chp vkt dksbZ thoar lkaL—frd vknku&çnku ugha gSA ljdkjksa dks Hkh lkfgR; vkSj laL—fr dh rjQ ns[kus dk le; ughaA blh otg ls bZjku ds ;qok cqf)thoh Hkkjr ds ckjs esa yxHkx dqN ugha tkursA bZjku esa Hkkjfr;ksa ds çfr cgqr vknj dk Hkko gS] muds utj esa Hkkjr ,d xjhc ns'k gSA ys[kd rsgjku fo'ofo|ky; esa tqes dh uekTk+ i<us tc x;k rks mudk [k;ky Fkk fd fnYyh dh rjg tqes ds fnu 'kgj esa clsa u pyrh gksx a h] nqdkusa cU/k gksx a h] fo'ofo|ky; ifjlj ds ckgj lMd rd uekTk+ i<+usokys gksx a sA ysfdu ogk¡ ,slk ugha FkkA ogka uekTk+ i<+usokyksa esa Tk+~;knkrj e/;e vkSj vf/kdrj fuEu e/;oxZ oxZ ds yksx FksA f'kvk fo'oklksa esa ikuh dk cMk egRo gS D;ksafd dcZyk ds eSnku esa beke gqlSu dh fojks/kh lsuk us mu ij ikuh can dj fn;k FkkA beke gqlSu vkSj muds lHkh I;kls lkfFk;ksa dh gR;k dj nh x;h FkhA blfy, ikuh fiykuk f'kvk lekt esa vkt Hkh egRoiw.kZ gS A fygkTk+k ogk¡ ikdZ esa BaMs ikuh dh O;oLFkk FkhA blesa bZjku ds thou i)fr;ksa ij bjkd rFkk vejhdk ds çHkkvksa dk Hkh ftØ gSA bZjku ds eqlyeku 'khvk gSA bLyke ds iwjs bfrgkl esa 'khvk&lqUuh ,d&nwljs ds dkQ+h vyx [kMs fn[kkbZ nsrs gSA vktckZbtku esa f'kvk vkcknh gS ysfdu os dkQh vyx rjg ds f'kvk gSA vktckZbtku dh jkt/kkuh ckdw esa ,d VSDlh Mªkboj ls ckrphr ds nkSjku ys[kd dks irk pyk fd tks&tks ckrsa bLyke /keZ esa otZuh; ¼gjke½ gS os lc f'k;kvksa esa çpfyr gSA tSls] 'kjkc ihuk] lwvj dk xks'r [kkuk] rackdw] pjl] vQ+he vkSj efjtq;kuk vkfn ds u'ks çk;% cqf)thfo;ksa esa O;kIr gSA ^lalkj esa dksbZ nwljk ns'k tgka cMh f'kvk vkcknh gks] og bjkd gSA njvly bZjku vkSj Page 58

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bjkd ;q) dh i`"BHkwfe dk ;g Hkh ,d Fkk*9A bZjku ,d fe=foghu ns'k gSA bZjku vkSj vejhdk ds dVq fj'rksa dk bfrgkl iqjkuk gSA bZjku ds rsy ij viuk vkSj if'pe dk vf/kdkj tek, j[kus dsfy, vejhdk us tks fgald] vkijkf/kd] vkSj ?k`.kkLin dke fd, gS mudh lwph yach gSA ijarq vejhdk fojks/k ds ckotwn bZjku esa vejhdh thou 'kSyh cgqr yksdfç; gS] fo'ks"k :i ls ;qokvksa ds chp thal] vejhdh [kku&iku] vejhdh fQYeksa dk çpyu c<+ jgk gSA ^bZjkuh fons'kh jktuf;dksa ls oksndk fdLe dh 'kjkc ,d vewY; rksgQs ds :i esa Lohdkj djrs gS*10A pyrs rks vPNk Fkk dk egÙo ,sfrgkfld gS D;ksafd bl fdrkc ds lkFk fgUnh esa ;k=k vk[;kuksa dk u;k nkSj 'kq: gqvk gSA bl ;k=ko`Ùkkar esa bZjku ds ek/;e ls Hkkjr dks tkuus vkSj nksuksa ns'kksa ds lkfgfR;d] jktuhfrd o lkaL—frd fo'ks"krkvksa dks ij[kus dh dksf'k'k feyrh gSA bl lQjukek ds l`tu dk edln ;kf=vksa dks ekxZn'kZu djus ds lkFk&lkFk vius vuqHkoksa dks ikBdksa rd igqapkrs gq, bZjkuh laL—fr dks mdsjuk gSA blesa bZjkuh psruk] thou 'kSyh] jhfr–fjokTk+] jgu&lgu] /keZ] bfrgkl] laL—fr vkSj LFkkiR; dh fo'ks"krkvksa dk mYys[k gqvk gSA bZjku ds vyx&vyx ns'kksa] uxjksa ,oa çkarksa ls okfdQ+ djus ds lkFk ç—frd ifjo'k] LFkkiR; dyk] jgu&lgu] lH;rk] laL—fr vkfn dk ftØ Hkh gqvk gSA

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pqds gSA ^vkt vk/kqfud Hkkjrh; lkfgfR;d vkSj lkaL—frd ifj–'; ds ckjs esa bZjkuh dqN ugha tkurs vkSj ;gh gky Hkkjr esa Hkh gS*11A bZjkuh ys[kd egewn Qslv s kyh fcjtkunh ls ckrphr ds nkSjku ;g ckr Tk+kfgj gqbZ fd vkt bZjku vkSj Hkkjr ds lkfgfR;d] lkaL— frd] vkSj lkekftd laca/k 'kwU; gSA vk/kqfud Hkkjrh; lkfgR; ds laca/k esa çk;% bZjkuh ys[kd dqN ugha tkursA fygkTk+k Js"B vk/kqfud Hkkjrh; lkfgR; dk Qkjlh esa vuqokn vkSj çdk'ku t:jh gSA fu"d"kZ ;g gS fd Hkkjr vkSj bZjku ds jktuhfrd] lkaL—frd] lkfgfR;d o dyk lacU/kksa dks mtkxj djus esa ;g ;k=k laLej.k lQy gqvk gSA cgjgky ,d&nwljs ns'k dh laL—fr dks le>us vkSj vkRelkr djus esa veqd —fr l{ke gqbZ gSA fygkTk+k laLej.kkRed 'kSyh esa fy[kk x;k ;g ;k=ko`Ùk fgUnh ;k=k lkfgR; dsfy, egRoiw.kZ miyfC/k gSA lanHkZ pyrs rks vPNk Fkk & vlxj otkgr] jktdey çdk'ku] ubZ fnYyh] çFke laLdju&„ååŠ] i` & †‹ ogha i` & ƒå… ogha i` & ƒåŠ ogha i` & ƒ†† ogha i` & „„ ogha i` & „„ & „… ogha i` & „… ogha i` & „‡ ogha i` & †„ ogha i` & †‡ ogha i` & ‡…

bZjku dh iwjh ;k=k ds nkSjku ys[kd dks eglwl gqvk fd Hkkjr&bZjku lkaL—frd laca/k fuf"Ø;rk dh fLFkfr esa gSA Hkkjrh; nwrkokl bl fLFkfr esa çk;% dqN ugha djrk vkSj lSdMksa lky iqjkus laca/k cqjh rjg ls VwV

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11-fgUnh [k.MdkO; ijEijk ,oa ;qxpsruk v'kfeUnj d©j 'k¨/kkFkhZ fgUnh foHkkx iatkc fo'ofo|ky;p.Mhx<+ ftl izdkj ls thou dks iw.kZ] [k.M vkSj {kf.kd rhu oxksZa esa foHkDr fd;k tkrk gS] mlh izdkj ls thou dk iw.kZ fp=.k&egkdkO;] miU;kl vksj ukVd es]a [k.M&thou&[k.M dkO; vkSj ,dkadh esa LQqV thou xhfrdkO; o eqDrd ds :Ik es a vfHkO;fDr ikrk gSA Hkkoksa dh rhozrk] fopkjksa dk m}sx] vkSj ;qxhu ifjfLFkfr;ksa dk ncko fof'k"V fo/kk ds p;u ds izsjd rRo g®A tc dfo ik= ds lEiw.kZ thou] leLr ;qxhu ifjfLFkfr;ksa ds fp=.k dh vksj m}r gksrk gS] rc egkdkO; dh jpuk gksrh gSA ysfdu tc thou dh dksbZ ,d fof'k"V ?kVuk dfo ds eu ij vafdr gksrh gS vFkok ik=&thou dk dksbZ ,d fof'k"V {k.k dfo dks dkO; jpuk dh vkjs izsfjr djrk gS] rc [k.MdkO; dh jpuk gksrh g®A vkSj Hkkoks adh rhozrk] osnuk dh vlghu;rk] xhfrdkO; vFkok eqDrd dkO; dk :i ysrh gSA fgUnh lkfgR; dh moZjk Hkwfe ij [kM+k ^[k.MdkO;* ,slk dkO; :i gS] tks vius ifjos'k esa O;kIr oS;fDrd] lkekftd] vkfFkdZ ] jktuhfrd] ifjfLFkfr;ks ls [kk| xzg.k dj fo'kky oVo`{k es a gks pqdk gSA bldh tM+s tgk¡ ,d vksj vrhr es avkfndky esa O;kIr g®] ogh f'kjk,¡ vk/kqfud dky esa igq¡pdj nqzr xfr ls vius izpkj ds fy, uohu :i] uohu Hkko&fopkj LFky [kkst jgh gSA loZizFke viHkza'k lkfgR; esa tc fgUnh dk :i Li"V Hkh ugh Fkk] [k.MdkO; ds 'kS'ko dkyhu :Ik dh vdqyukgV lqukbZ iM+rh gSA [k.MdkO; ukEuh fo|k bl ;qx esa ;|fi vius fu[kkj ij ug° Fkh vkSj u gh bldk dksbZ Li"V:i Fkk fdUrq bl ;qx esa jfpr ^jkld* vFkok ^jklks* dkO; [k.MdkO; dk vkHkkl djkrs g®A

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fgUnh dk izFke [k.MdkO; ^lans'k jklks* dks ekuk tkrk gS] vCnqy jgeku d`r ^lans'k jklks* fojg dkO; gksus ds lkFk&lkFk rn~;qxhu lekt vkSj yksd thou dh >yd izLrqr djus okyk Js"B [k.MdkO; gSA lans'k jklks dk ifFkd vius lkECkjiqj uxj dk o.kZu djrs gq, dgrk gS& fofog~fovo[k.k lfR;fg tc iolhb u#] lqEebZ Nanq e.kksg# ik;m egqj;#A dgo BkbZ pmosbfga osm i;kfl;b] dg cgq :fo f.kc)m jklm Hkkfl;bZA21 Li"Vr% dfo bl le; ons ea=ks a dh O;k[;k gsrq gksus okys 'kkL=kFkZ rFkk jkld dkO;ksa ds lkewfgd iBu&Jo.k dh ijEijk dk mYys[k djrk gSA fojg dkO; ijEijk dh vxyh dM+h ds :i esa ujifrukYg }kjk fojfpr ^chly nso jklks* [k.MdkO; izkIr gksrk gSA ujifr ukYg }kjk d`r bl [k.M dkO; esa rn~;qxhu lekt esa izpfyr oSokfgd i)fr lEcU/kh ;qxpsruk cks/k dk fp=.k gqvk gSA iwft;M pkyh Nb tku ygb pmjkfl;k nw"kkm th eku lkr lgt usrk / iky"kh cbBk Nb lgt iapkl gLrh; fla.kxkj~;k Nb lkrlbZA ikyh; ijnydks ugh Nsg dVd pM;m /ktk QjghjA tkf.k dfj ohly ijfr"; nsoA22 21

lans'k jkld] lEikfnr] gtkjh izlkn f}osnh rFkk fo'oukFk f=ikBh i`0 156 Page 60

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bl [k.MdkO; es a fo;ksx dk Hkh cMk+ ekfeZd fp=.k fd;k x;k gSA fiz; ds fo;ksx es a jkterh vR;Ur fody gks mBhA og 'kadj Hkxoku dks mykguk nsus yxh fd rqeus eq>s L=h D;ks a cuk;k\ vkSj Hkh rks dqN cuk ldrs Fks& taxyh tUrq] xk;] cu[kM+h dh dkyh dks;y! vL=h; tue dkbZ nh/km egsl voj tue Fkkjb ?k.kk js ujs'k jkfu u fljth; jksdM+h ? u fljtho /kmyh; xkbA ou[kaM dkyh dksbyh gma cblrh vack ub paik dh Mky Hk"krh nk"k fotksjMhA23 bu fojg [k.MdkO;ksa ds vfrfjDr ml ;qx esa /keZ ls [k.MdkO;ksa dh jpuk Hkh foiqy ifj.kke esa gqbZA tSu /kekZoyafc;ksa us tSu / vusd tSu /keksZins'kd] [k.MdkO;kRed d`fr;ksa dh jpuk dhA 'kfyHknz lwfj d`r ^Hkkjrs'oj&ckgqcyh jkl* 1184 tSu&lkfgR; dh jkl ijEijk dk izFke xzaFk ekuk tkrk gSA4 bl xzUFk esa Hkjrs'oj rFkk ckgqcyh dk pfjr&o.kZu gS] vkSj ftuesa rn~;qxhu /kkfeZd ;qx thou ds n'kZu gksrs gSA 1200bZ0 ls 1301 bZ0 ds chp vuqekfur vklqx d`fr ^pUnu okyk jkl* 1200 bZ0] es#uanu }kjk jfpr ^ftuksn; lwfj fookgym* 1375] uked [k.MdkO; izdk'k esa vkrs g®] tks tSu /keksZains'kd ds fufeÙk jps x;s vkSj rn;qxhu /kkfeZd okrkoj.k] rn~;qxhu /kkfeZd eroknksa dh >yd izLrqr djrs g®A Li"Vr% vkfndkyhu [k.MdkO;ksa eas tgk¡ ,d vksj Ük`axkj dh lgt] rjy eankfduh izHkkfor gksrh gS] ogh a nwljh rjQ ân; es a flagju iSnk djus okys ;q) dk rqeqy ukn lqukbZ HkfDrdky dks fgUnh dk Lo.kZ ;qx ekuk tkrk gSA tks ;qxpsruk&cks/k ds /kjkry ij /kkfeZd ltxrk dk Hkh izrhd 22 23

chly nso jklks] ujifr ukYg] i`0 96 chly nso jklks] ujifr ukYg] i`0 110

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gSA /kkfeZd oSpkfjd ØkfUr dk foxqy vius lkFk&lkFk HkfDr Hkkouk dh lfEefyr /ofu dks ysdj tc e/;;qxhu lkfgR;kdk'k esa xwtk rks HkfDr fo"k;d foiqy lkfgR; dh 'kkar /kkjk og fudyhA fons'kh eqfLye vkØkarvksa us fgUnw laLd`fr dks rgl&ugl djus ds mís'; ls eafnjksa dks /oLr djus dk chM+k mBk fy;kA ns'k esa eqlyekuksa dk jkT; izfrf"Br gks tkus ij fgUnw turk ds ân; esa xkSjo] xoZ] vkSj mRlkg ds fy, og vodk'k u jg x;kA mlds lkeus gh mlds nso eafnj fxjk;s tkrs Fks] nsoewfrZ;ka rksM+h tkrh Fkh vkSj iwT; iq#"kksa dk vieku gksrk Fkk vkSj os dqN Hkh ug° dj ldrs FksA ,slh n'kk esa viuh ohjrk ds xhr u rks os xk gh ldrs Fks vkSj u fcuk yfTtr gq, lqu ldrs FksA vkxs pydj tc eqfLye lkezkT; nwj rd LFkkfir gks x;k rc ijLij yM+us okys Lora= jkT; Hkh ug° jg x;sA brus Hkkjh jktuhfrd myVQsj ds ihNs fgUnw tuleqnk; ij cgqr fnuks a rd mnklh lh NkbZ jghA vius ikS#"k ls grk'k tkfr ds fy, Hkxoku dh 'kfDRk vkSj d#.kk dh vksj /;ku ys tkus ds vfrfjDRk nwljk ekx gh D;k Fkk\24 /kkfeZd LFkyksa dh bl nqnZ'kk us lkekU; ekuo dks vkRej{kkFkZ bZ'oj dh 'kj.k esa tkus dk foo'k fd;kA izfrdkj Lo:i vusd NksVs cM+ s eafnjks a dk fuekZ.k gqvk vkSj mnkjrk ds lEcy dks lkFk fy, oS".ko] 'kSo 'kkDr tSls vusd er erkarjksa dk tUe gqvkA fdUrq budh HkfDr Hkkouk leUo; lk/kuk ds ekxZ ij pyhA larksa us fuxqZ.k&fujkdkj dh mikluk djrs gq, vius HkkfDr Hkkoks dks eqDrd esa <ky dj O;Dr fd;kA lxq.kksikld dfo;ksa us vkjk/; ds xq.k&xku ds fy, lQy izcU/k dkO;ksa dh jpuk dhA lxq.kksikld dfo rqylhnkl bl ;qx ds izeq[k [k.MdkO;dkj g®A mUgksua s jke] lhrk] ikoZrh] lEcU/kh dFkkvks a dks vk/kkj cukdj ;qxhu okrkoj.k dh lqUnj vfHkO;fDRk dhA ^tkudh eaxy* es a rn~;qxhu jktkvks a dh vkfFkZd fLFkfr] lekt es a izpfyr ngst izFkk bR;kfn dk fp=.k djrs gq, rqylhnkl us fy[kk gS& nkbt Hk;m fofo/k fcf/k] tkb u lks xfuA 24

fgUnh lkfgR; dk bfrgkl] jkepUnz 'kqDy] i`0 35 Page 61

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nklh] nkl] ckft] xt] ge clu efuA25 vU;= yksd laLd`fr dh >kadh izLrqr djrs fy[krs gS& nsfga xfj cu ukfj uke yS nqgq fnfl tsoar cnm vuan] lksgkofu lks fuflA26 rqylhnkl us 1489&1517 bZ0 ds vklikl ^Hkjr&foyki* dh jpuk dhA ftlesa jke ds HkkbZ ^Hkjr* ds thou ds rjy i{k dks vk/kkj cuk;k x;k gSA bl ;qx ds dfo;ksa dk fiz; fo"k; egkHkkjrh; izlax gh jgkA Hkxoku d`".k dk yhyk iq#"kksÙke :i gh mUgs avf/kd fiz; jgk D;ksfa d ogh rn~;qxhu vkÙkZ lekt dks vf/kd lq[ke; Hkfo"; dk vk'oklu nsus okyk FkkA 1532 bZ0&1582 bZ0 ds e/; uUnnkl d`r ^jkl iapk/;k;h*] 1563 bZ0 ds yxHkx gfjjke O;kl d`r ^jkl iapk/;k;h* 1630 ds vkl&ikl nkeksnj Lokehd`r ^jke iapk/;k;h* 1698 bZ0 es a xksikynkl d`r ^jkl ipa k/;k;h* fgUnh [k.MdkO; ijEijk es a 1533 bZ0&1582 bZ0 ds vklikl uannkl d`r ^ eaxy*] 1587 bZ0 i`Fohjkt d`r csyhfØlu*] 16oha 'krkCnh ds mÙkjk)Z esa ujgfj }kjk jfpr ^ eaxy* bR;kfn esa fookg vkSj d`".k ds deZ;ksxh i{k dks jkspd o v}Sr dFkk,¡ miyC/k gksrh g® tks rRdkyhu ;qx psruk ds l'kDr nLrkost gSA blh rjg lqnkek pfjr Hkh bl ;qx ds dfo;ksa dk fiz; fo"k; jgkA izgykn pfj=] m"kk&pfjr] /kzqo pfjr] Hkh dkO; dk fo"k; jgsA 1541bZ0 ds yxHkx ij'kqjke d`r ^izgykn pfjr* 1600 bZ0 ds vklikl jfpr ^HkjFkjh pfj=* xksikyd`r bl ;qx ds [k.MdkO;ksa esa oSfo/; iSnk djrs g®A Li"Vr :i ls HkfDRdkyhu [k.MdkO; / gSA bl ;qx ds dkO;ksa dk eq[; Loj&vkfLrdr gSA tks vusd LFkyks a ij mRlkgo/kZd u gksdj d#.kkewyd gS] ftles axfr ugh] uhjo lgu dk /kS;Z izkIr gksrk gSA HkDr dfo;ksa us ^izHkq* dks vykSfdd rRoksa ls 25

tkudh eaxy] rqylhnkl] i`0 51] 175


tkudh eaxy] rqylhnkl] i`0 51] 178

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;qDr ekudj txnh'k izHkq] ijefirk ?kksf"kr fd;kA bZ'ojh; U;k; dk lEcy ysdj gh Hko& ikj djus dh bPNk] ijyksd esa fpjlafpr bPNkvks dh iwfrZ vkSj jktiq#"k d LFkku ij gfjtu esa vkLFkk gh HkfDrdky dk /kkfeZd ;qx psruk&cks/k gS ftls [k.MdkO;dkjksa us viuh jpukvks a es a jkelhrk] bR;kfn ik=ks a ds ek/;e ls nh gSA jktuhfrd n`f"V ls jhfrdky eqxydkyhu oSHko ds mRd"kZ] ijkHkko vkSj fouk'k dk dky gSA egyks a o vëkfydkvks a dh pgjnhokjh es a lkse] lqjk lqUnjh ds lkFk jpk tkus okyk dkO; tukfHkO;fDRk dk dkO; dSlk gks ldrk gS\ jhfrdky dk ,s'o;Ziw.kZ eknd okrkoj.k esa ;|fi [k.MdkO; dh /kkjk vo#) ugha gqbZ fdUrq mYys[kuh; ;k; [k.MdkO;ksa dk vHkko jgkA jhfrdkyhu dfo;ksa us HkDr dfo;ksa dh ijEijk dks vkxs c<+k;k fdUrq ^jk/kk dUgkbZ lqfeju dks cgkukS* cu x, vkSj HkfDr esa Ük`axkj dk xk<+k jax Hkj x;kA jkl iapk/;k;h fgr jked`'.k] eaxy fgr jked`".k] fojg foykl cD'kh galjkt] Hkzejxhr izkxfu izsejRu jRunkl] fgEergknqj fo#nkoyh i|ekdj] gehjgB Xoky] vkfn d`fr;k¡ jhfrdkyhu lkekftd] jktuSfrd vkfFkZd] lkaLd`frd] lkfgfR;d ;qxpsruk&cks/k n'kkZus okyh d`fr;k¡ gSA jhfrdkyhu dfo;ks a ds [k.MdkO;ksa ij lexz :i ls n`f"Vikr djus l s ;g LIk"V gks tkrk gS fd bl ;qx ds HkfDrdkO; esa jhfr&fuokZg dh gh ps"Vk fn[kkbZ nsrh gSA fdUrq ;gk¡ HkfDr dky dh Hkk¡fr jke ds e;kZnk iq#"kksÙke :i ds n'kZu vyH; gSA jhfrdky ds ckn vk/kqfuddky esa ;qx psruk&cks/k ds Lrj cgqr rhozrk ls cnysA Iyklh ds ;q) ds ek/;e ls jktkvks a dh foykflrk vksj mudh fuf"Ø;rk us Hkkjr dks vaxzstks a ds vk/khu djok fn;kA Hkkjr es a bZLV&bf.M;k dEiuh ^tksda * dh rjg dk;Z Øwjrk l s djus yxh loZ= vjktdrk dk lkezkT; QSy x;kA vaxzstks a dh ^QwV Mkyks vkSj jkt djks* dh uhfr Hkkjrh; xkSjo dks Hkw&yqf.Br djus esa dkjxj fl) gqbZA vkfFkZd n`f"V ls Hkkjr ds y?kq m|ksxks ij dqBkjk?kkr fd;k x;k vkSj d`f"k ds {ks= esa vkf/kdkf/kd jktLo dh olwyh us d`"kd oxZ Page 62

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dks _.kxzLr cuk fn;kA Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFkk dh jh<+ pjejk x;h fdUrq nwljh vksj vaxzstks a ds lEidZ l s Hkkjrh;ks a es a uohu psruk] ltxrk mRiUu gqbZA Nkis[kkus ds vkfo"dkj us lEiw.kZ ns'k dks ,d nwljs ls tksM+us dk egRoiw.kZ dk;Z fd;kA QksVZ fofy;e dkyst us tu&tkx`fr esa mYys[kuh; Hkwfedk vnk dhA 1857 dh foQYk ØkfUr us tgk¡ vaxzstska dk f'kdatk vkSj etcwr fd;k ogha Hkkjrh;ksa ds eu esa iqu% laxfBr gks Lora=rk izkfIr ds bjkns dks vkSj etcwr dj fn;kA vkfFkZd fo"kerk ds dkj.k lekt esa cky&fookg] NqvkNwr] lrh&izFkk tSlh dqjhfr;k¡ ns'k esa ?kj djus yxhA tkfrokn dh fo"kosy ekuoRo dks M¡lus yxhA ,slh fLFkfr;ksa es a bu dqjhfr;ks a ls yksgk ysus ds fy, jktk jkeeksgu jk; us] czãlekt 1828] ds'kopUn lsu izkFkZuk lekt 1867] Lokeh n;kuUn ljLorh vk;Z lekt 1867] Lokeh foosdkuUn jked`".k fe'ku 1897] Jherh ,suhoslsVa us fFk;kslksfQdy lkslk;Vh 1882 dh LFkkiuk dhA lkFk gh Hkkjrh;ksa esa viuh Hkkjrh; laLd`fr lH;rk ds izfr fu"Bk Hkko tkx`r djus dk iquhr dk;Z fd;kA lkfgR;kapy Hkh bu ifjofrZr Hkko&lqeuks a dks lesV dj iqf"ir iYyfor gksus yxkA Li"V ls :i bu lHkh egRoiw.kZ lkekftd] vkfFkZd] jktuhfrd ifjorZuksa ls fgUnh lkfgR; vNwrk ug° jgkA bl ifjorZu dh inpki rRdkyhu [k.MdkO;ksa esa O;kIr ;qx psruk&ck/sk esa Li"V :Ik ls lquh tk ldrh gSA fgUnh lkfgR; ds vk/kqfud dky dks [k.MdkO; dk Lo.kZ;qx dgk tk ldrk gSA HkkjrsUnq ;qx esa cgqr ls vuqfnr [k.MdkO; feyrs gS ftles a loa r~ 1939 es a ykyk lhrkjke ch0,0 us es?knwr dk czt Hkk"kk es a i|kuqokn fd;kA loar 1938&40 ds e/; jktk y{e.k flag us Hkh cztHkk"kk esa ^es?knwr* dk lcls vuqokn izLrqr fd;kA bu vuqfnr [k.dkO;ksa ds vfrfjDRk dqN ekSfyd [k.MdkO; Hkh miyC/k gksrs g®A txUukFknkl jRukdj d`r ^m)o&'krd* bl ;qx dh mYys[kuh; jpuk gS ftlesa rRdkyhu yksd&laLd`fr] izpfyr lxq.k /kkfeZd Hkkouk ,oa xksfi;ksa ds

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okn&fookn esa oSKkfudrk ds izHkko ls mith ckSf)dLrj ,oa ikd~ pkrq;Z pje ij fn[kkbZ nsrs g®A ckSf)drk dh vfr'k;rk ds ifj.kkeLo:i Hkk"kk Hkh dksey inkoyh ;qDr cztHkk"kk dk nkeu NksM+&[kM+h cksyh ds fudV vkrh fn[kkbZ nsrh gSA f}osnh ;qx ;k tkxj.k&lq/kkj&dky rd vkrs&vkrs Hkkjr esa Lora=rk laxzke dh fpuxkjh vkSj Hkh rst gks pqdh Fkh vkSj nwljh vksj lekt&lq/kkj vkUnksyu lekt dh fn'kk cnyus es a yxs FksA ifj.kkeLo:i lkfgR; es a jk"Vªisze dh Hkkouk l s vksrizksr dfo;ksa us HkkokRedrk ds LFkku ij bfro`ÙkkRed] vkn'kZijd [k.MdkO;ksa dh jpuk dk y{; fu/kkZfjr fd;k ftlesa xk¡/kh th ds vlg;ksx vkUnksyu dks izeq[k vk/kkj cuk;k x;kA ukjh&m)kj bu [k.MdkO;ksa dh izeq[k fo'ks"krk FkhA fo'ks"k :i ls ekSfFkyh'kj.k xqIr ds [k.MdkO; blh dksfV esa gksrs g® ;'kks/kjk] mfeZyk] blds l'kDr izek.k gSA xqIr dh ^;'kks/kjk* esa ml ;qx dh ukjh ds vf/kdkj dh rM+i gSA xqIr th us ^,d ug° nks&nks ek=k,a] uj ls c<+dj ukjh* dgrs gq, mudh osnuk dks Loj nsus dk iz;kl fd;k vkSj xkSre ds eq[k ls Hkh dgyok;k& nhu u gks xksis lquks] ghu ug° ukjh dHkhA27 mYys[kuh; gS fd bl ;qx es a jk"Vªh;rk [k.M dkO;ksa ds dsUn es Fkh vkd"kZ.k fdUrq tUeHkwfe dk izcy gSA28 tSlh mfDRk;k¡ bldk izek.k gSA Hkkjr&Hkwfe dks fonsf'k;ksa ds gkFk esa tkrs ns[k dfo fo'ys"k.k ds i'pkr~ bl fu"d"kZ ij igq¡prk gS fd& i{kikrh] ?kj esa gh nks er ;ks gks x,] curh u dSls fQj rhljs foi{k dhA29 bl :Ik esa f}osnh;qxhu [k.MdkO;ksa esa f}osnh ;qx viuh leLr 'kfDRk o lhekvksa ds lkFk eq[kfjr gqvk gSA ,dkaroklh ;ksxh Jh/kj ikBd] mtM+xzke Jh/kjikBd] izse&ifFkd t;'kadj izlkn] jax esa Hkx] t;nzFk o/k 27 28 29

;'kks/kjk] eSfFkyh'kj.k xqIr] i`0 126 fl)jkt] eSfFkyh'kj.k xqIr] i`0 17 fl)jkt] eSfFkyh'kj.k xqIr] i`0 43 Page 63

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eSfFkyh'kj.k xqIrekS;Z fot; fl;kjke 'kj.k xqIr] feyu jke ujs'k f=ikBh] egkjk.kk dk egRo izlkn] ifFkd jke ujs'k f=ikBh vkfn [k.MdkO;ksa esa bl ;qx dh lkekftd] vkfFkZd] nk'kZfud izo`fÙk ds fnXn'kZu gksrs gSA Lons'k izse dh Hkkouk ls vksr&izksr ik= tuuh tUe& Hkwfe'p LoxkZfnxjh;lh½ ds Hkko dks izlkfjr djrs izrhr gksrs g®A ;qxhu vko';drkuq:i ik= vykSfddrk ds vkoj.k dks mrkjdj ekuo&:i esa mifLFkr gq, gSA iapoVh eSfFkyh'kj.k xqIr] cd lagkj eSfFkyh'kj.k xqIr] ou&oSHko eSfFkyh'kj.k xqIrlSj/a kh eSfFkyh'kj.k xqIr] m)o&'krd txuukFknkl jRukdjfprkSM+ dh fprk jke dqekj oekZ] vkReksRlxZ fl;kjke 'kj.k xqIr] rqylhnkl fujkyk] ugq"k eSfFkyh'kj.k xqIr] bR;kfn Nk;koknh ;qx ds [k.MdkO; gS tks rn~;qxhu izo`fÙk;ksa dk lQyrki.wkZ izfrfuf/kRo djrs g®A

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12-ehjk ds dkO; esa Hkfä vkSj çse dk leUo; dSyk'k pUæ ¼'kksèkkFkʽ jktLFkku dsUæh; foÜo fo|ky;, vtesj- jktLFkku

çse vkSj Hkfä ,d gh lkèkuk ds nks vax gS A yksd esa tks çse viuh ijkdk"Bk esa okluk :i esa gksrk gS] vkè;kfRed {ks= esa ogh çse Hkfä dk :i èkkj.k djrk gS A ;gh dkj.k gS fd] çR;sd Hkä dfo us vius&vius <ax ls çse dk Lo#i fuèkkZfjr fd;k gS rFkk mldh vfHkO;fä nh gS A blh –f"Vdks.k ls O;ä ehjk ds dkO; esa Hkfä vkSj çse Hkkjrh; ,sfrgkfld] ikSjkf.kd] ijaijk ls lai`ä gSA buds dkO; esa }a} dh Hkjekj gSA ukjh vkSj iq#"k ds }a} ds vykok fuxZq.k&lxq.k] jke&—".k] yksd&'kkL=] ijEijk&orZeku] çHkqlÙkk–tulÙkk] LoIu– ;FkkFkZ] #<h–çxfr'khyrk] ço`fÙk–fuo`fÙk bR;kfn O;aftr gSA jkx&fojkx dk ldkjkRed }a} Hkh ehjk dh çse Hkfä esa gSA oSjkX; jk.kk dh lÙkk O;oLFkk ls eqä djrk gS tcfd tu lekt esa Hkfä vkSj çse ls lai`ä gksdj jkx O;ä djrk gS A ehjk ds dkO; esa O;ä Hkfä Hkko Hkh lekt dh rFkkdfFkr Hkfä vkSj èkeZ ds çHkqvksa ls eqä ugh FkkA mls ehjk us çse Hkfä ds lkekftd Hkko esa fd;k gSA èkeZ vkSj Hkfä ds ekè;e ls lekt ds fofoèk oxksaZ vkSj leqnk;ksa ds eè; dh lhekvksa dks lhekghu djus dk dke ehjk dh dfork djrh gSA buds }kjk tgk¡ fofoèk Hkfä ds lEçnk;ksa dh ewy Hkkouk dks laxfBr djus dk ç;kl fd;k gS ogha lanfHkZr fofoèk }a}ks dks vfHkUu djus dk ç;kl fd;kA budh dfork esa O;kIr lkoZHkkSfedrk vkSj lkoZdkfydrk dk Hkko] çse vkSj Hkfä dks lekt ds fojksèk vkSj çfrjksèk ds ckotwn orZeku esa Hkh vFkZoku cuk;s gq, gSA ehjk dh jpuk esa lekt dh fpjdkfyd ihM+k dks feyrh gSa tks O;fä lekt dh çHkqRo lÙkk ds dkj.k misf{kr FkhA ehjk dh Hkfä esa ltZukRedrk Hkh gS ftlds ekè;e ls vrhr] orZeku vkSj Hkfo"; dks ,d lw= esa fijksus dk Hkko gS A

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iqj kru Hkfä Hkkoksa dks ehjk us viuh Hkfä vkSj çse dh Hkkouk esa bl çdkj fijks;k gS fd budh Hkfä laosnuk esa uwru :i xzg.k djrs gq, os lekt ekul ds le{k uohu vFkkZs esa çR;{k gq, gSA ehjk us ml dky esa vius voyac dk laLFkkxr ] lkaçnkf;d :i Hkfä vkSj çse dh foo`fr esa mtkxj ugh fd;k gSA ehjk ds dkO; esa vkyEcu dk Lo#i Hkh gS] ftles Hkfä laons d viuh bPNkvks]a vk'kkvksa] Hkkoukvksa] vis{kkvksa bR;kfn dks fyfic) djrs Fks A buls Hkfä esa Åc ugh gksrh Fkh] cfYd Hkfä esa fur uohurk ds Hkko –f"Vxkspj gksrs gSa A Hkfä vkSj Hkfä laons ukvks esa xRojrk gksrh gS] uoksUes"kh Hkko fufgr gksrs gS A ehjk dh Hkfä esa uohurk dk Hkko tgk¡ Hkfä dh vfHkO;fä esa gS ogha Hkfä esa vkRe osnuk dks lkekftd :i esa çLrqr :i esa çLrqr djus esa Hkh gS A ehjk exu HkbZ gfj ds xq.k xk;AA lkai fiVkjk jk.kk HksT;k ehjk gkFk fn;k tk;A Ugk; èkks; tc ns[ku ykxh lkfyxjke x ik;AA tgjdk I;kyk jk.kk HksT;k bezr fn;k cuk;A Ugk; èkks; tc ihou ykxh gks x vej vapk;AA lwyh lst jk.kk us Hksth nhT;ks ehjk lqok;A lka> Hk ehjk lkso.k ykxh ekuks Qwy fcNk;AA ehjk ds çHkq lnk lgkbZ jk[ks fc?ku gVk;A Hktu Hkko esa eLr Mksyrh fxjèkj ij cfy tk;A A ehjk us Hkfä vkSj çse dh foo`fr gsrq fojksèk vkSj çfrjksèk ds ekxZ dk p;u dj] lekt çpfyr Hkfä vkSj çse ds jktiFk ls brj çse vkSj Hkfä ds tuiFk fuekZ.k dh lkèkuk dh gS ftuds ekè;e ls lÙkk vkSj O;oLFkk ds jktiFk vkSj 'kkL= fufnZ"V vxZyke; iFk ls fHkUurk n'kkZ;h gS A buds Hkfä vkSj çse dk vfHkO;atu rRdkyhu le; Page 65

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esa lekt ds vU; jpukdkjksa ls i`Fkd vfLerk j[krk gS A ehjk dh Hkfä vkSj çse esa O;fä dh 'kkÜor Hkkouk vkSj vkdka{kk rFkk vuojr ekuoh; ihM+k ls lEc) gksus dk fufgrkFkZ jaxHkhuk fxjèkj dh fourh esa çdkf'kr gS A ehjk dh Hkfä vkSj çse esa oSdfYid lekt fufeZrh dk ç;kl] lkekftd tM+rk vkSj O;oLFkk dh tdM+u ls eqfä dh xqgkj dh O;atuk ds :i esa gS A mudh Hkfä laons uk esa psru vkSj vpsru ds fy, tks loZ O;kIr gS] vKkr] vxkspj gS] ysfdu O;f"V vkSj lef"V ds fy, eqfä lkxj gS A mudh jpuk Hkfä esa xkspj vkSj vxkspj ds çfr ldkjkRed ,oa l`tukRed Hkko gS A ehjk ds dkO; esa O;ä Hkfä vkSj çse esa misf{kr eu dh osnuk ugh misf{kr ekufld vfLerk dh vfHkO;fä gS A 'kkL= vkSj lkfgR; ls bÙkj O;fä dh Hkfä dh eqä dYiuk dk lekos'k gS A ehjk dh Hkfä dYiuk esa vkjkèkuk ds voyEc ds :i esa —".k dh tks Nfo fufeZr dh gS] oks —".k dh ekSfyd gh ugh] ykSfdd fxjèkj dh Nfo gS ]tSls& cjth eSa dkgwdh ukfga jgwAa lq.kks jh l[kh rqe psru gks;dS eudh ckr dgwaAA lkèk laxfr dj gfj lq[k ysa txlwa nwj jgwaA ru èku esjks lcgh tkoks Hky esjks lhl ygwa eu esjks ykxks lqej.k lsrh lcdk eSa cksy lgwAa ehjk ds çHkq gfj vfouklh lrxqj lj.k xgwaA bl Nfo fufeZfr esa bUgksus fdlh Hkh çdkj dh 'kkL=h; ijaijk ds gLr{ksi dks vLohdkj fd;k gS rFkk lkFk gh ehjk dh Hkfä ek= —".k rd fleV dj ugh jg tkrh gSA mldk çlkj Hkfä ds nwljs eè;dkyhu l'kä vkyacu jke dks gh ugh] fuxZq.k tksfx;ksa dks Hkh dfork esa lEcksèku vkSj LFkku çnku djrk gSA blds ekè;e ls ;g Lohdkj djuk iM+rk gS fd ehjk vius lius esa çpfyr lHkh çdkj dh lkèkukvks ds vkyacuksa ds lkFk viuh Hkfä vkSj çse dk foLrkj djrh gS A çse dh ,d fo'ks"k mnkr voLFkk ehjk dh Hkfä laons ukvksa esa of.kZr gS A mlus çse esa lekt dh fLFkfr vkSj lekt esa çse dh nqxZfr dks l`tukRed laons uk dk vfuok;Z va'k cuk;k gS A ehjk ds vuqlkj

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lPpk çse uk rks eku e;kZnk ds lEcUèk dks Lohdkjrk gS vkSj u lekt dh lhfer ifjfèk;ksa dks A mldk uk rks dsoy ,d gh y{; gksrk gS vkSj og ml y{; dh vksj leLr ckèkkvksa dks yka?krk gqvk vxzlj gqvk djrk gS A ehjk dks Hkh vusd vkink,¡ yka?kuh iM+h FkhA HkO; jktegy NksM+k] dqy dh ijEEifjr e;kZnk dks frykatfy nsuh iM+h Fkh]tSls& jk.kkth Egkajh çhfr iqjcyh eSa dkabZ d:aAA jke uke fcu ugha vkoMs fgcMks >ksyk [kk;A Hkkstfu;k ugha Hkkos Egkaus uhanMyha ufga vk;AA fo"k dks I;kyks Hksft;ks th tk ehjk ikl dj pj.kke`r ih x Egkjs xksfoUn js fcloklAA fc"kdks I;kyks iha x thaHktu djks jkBkSj Fkkajh ehjk uk e:a Egkjks jk[k.kokyks vkSjAA Nkik fryd yxk;k tha eu esa fu'pkS èkkj jketh dkt laokfj;kth Egkaus HkkoS xjnu ekjAA isVîka ckld Hksft;ks th ;ks NS eksrhaMkjks gkj ukx xys esa ifgfj;ks Egkjs egyka Hk;ks mft;kjAA jkBksMkajha èkh;Mh nh lhalk|ks js lkFkA ys tkrh cSdqaBdwa Egkajk usd u ekuh ckrAA ehjk nklh ';ke dh th L;ke xjhcfuoktA tu ehjk dh jk[kT;ks dks ckag xgsdh yktA oxÊdj.k dh –f"V ls ehjk dk çse lxq.k lkdkj vikfFkZo vkyacu ds çfr nkEiR; ç.k;kuqHkwfr ds oxZ esa vkrk gS D;ksafd ehjk dk vkjkè; Hkh —".k Hkäksa ds vkjkè; ls fHkUu ugh gS vFkkZr og lxq.k o lkdkj gS blh ç;Ru ds çfr ehjk us vius nkEiR; Hkko çdV fd;k gS vkSj Lo;a dks bUgksusa bl tUe dh gh ugh] cfYd tUe&tUe dh nklh crk;k gSA blh vkèkkj ij ;g Lohdkjk tkrk gS fd ehjk dh çse lkèkuk esa 'kkL=h; ifjHkk"kk ds vuqlkj Lo:i vkSj oxZ rks feyrs gh gS] lkFk gh blesa ân; dh tks lgt eatqy èkkjk vtL= çokg ls çokfgr gS] og ehjk ds dkO; dh viuh futh fo'ks"krk gSA çse nhokuh ehjk dks çse esa bu xq.kksa dk] Hkfä jl ls ifjiw.kZ fnO; ekèkq;Z dk] tks xku lgt LokHkkfod gh gSA ;gh rks fu'Ny çse dh Hkk"kk gSA esjs rks fxfjèkj xksiky nwljkS u dksbZA tkds flj eksj eqdqV esjks ifr lksbZAA Page 66

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NkafM+ nbZ dqy dh dkfu dgk djS dksbZA laru f<x cSfB cSfB yksd ykt [kksbZA valqou ty lhafp lhafp çse csfy cksbZA nfèk efFk ?k`r dkf<+ fy;kS Mkfj nbZ NksbZA Hkxr nsf[k jkth Hkb] txr nsf[k jksbZA nklh ehjk yky fxfjèkj rkjks vc eksbZA çse vkSj Hkfä dk vkeq[khdj.k dj lekt] l`f"V] ç—fr] vkRe bR;kfn dks ,d uohu –f"V] fopkj] n'kZu] Hkko çnku djrs gSaA ehjk bUgsa O;k[;kf;r vkSj fo'ysf"kr djrh gqbZ uohu ewY;ksa dks Hkfä laons uk esa O;ä djrh gSA ehjk dh Hkfä çse dfork] vkRe] O;fä vkSj lekt dk vkeq[khdj.k djrh gS budk Hkfä Hkko O;fä esa lkekfldrk dh Hkkouk gh çdV gh ugh djrk gS] cfYd budh Hkfä O;fä esa vlkEçnkf;d Hkkoukvksa dks Hkh mn~cq) djrh gS A ehjk dh Hkfä dk vkjafHkd :i fdlh çdkj 'kkL=h;rk ds cxsj lkekU; euq"; dh ijks{k bPNk ds vuq:i Q+fyr gqvkA budh Hkfä dk vkjEHk Hkh blh ftKklk vkSj Hkkouk ds }kjk gksrk gSA ehjk ds fy, Hkfä lkèku vkSj lkè; nksuksa gSA Hkfä ds }kjk gh LoIu vFkkZr Jh—".k dks ikuk pkgrh gSA og Hkfä ds }kjk gh vius lekt ds lkFk }a} LFkkfir djrh gSA —".k dks ikus vkSj lkekftd }Un dks LFkkfir djus ds lkFk gh og lekt dh tdM+u dks rksM+us dk dk;Z Hkh Hkfä ds }kjk gh djrh gSA lkè; dks lkèku ls ikuk vkSj mlh lkè; esa vius loZLo U;ksNkoj dj nsuk] O;fä vfLerk ds rkus&cus ds lkFk&lkFk lkeftd O;oLFkk esa laokn dh fLFkfr dks eq[kfjr dj rFkk rRdkyhu lekt çnÙk vfLerk vkSj lÙkk dks pqukSrh nsus dh dksf'k'k gSA ehjk dk ;g la?k"kZ ijkRe ls T;knk LokRe ls gS A ;g la?k"kZ ml oafprk] misf{krk] dkseykaxh dk FkkA tks in–in ij ykafNr çrkfM+r gksrh gqbZ lekt esa çse dk ijpe Q+gjkrs gq, viuh Hkfä dk iFk ç'kLr djrh gS vkSj ,d bls vaèk lekt esa cSBdj] vfLrRo gsrq lkekftd la?k"kZ djrh gSA tgka mudk pkSrjQk fojksèk vkSj çfrdkj gks jgk FkkA ehjk esa vius vkRe dks Hkfä ds 'kku ij p<+kdj rRdkyhu lekt dh ;FkkfLFkfr dks vius

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ân; esa vuqHkwr dj] lkekftd laf'y"Vrk ds 'ys"k dks laons u esa çfrfcfEcr fd;k gS A lanHkZ% 1-ehjkckbZ vkSj Hkfä dh vkè;kfRed vFkZ uhfr dqedqe laxkjh¼vuq-½] çdk'ku] ubZ fnYyh 2-ehjk ,d ewY;kadu] laiknd&iYyo( vkèkkj çdk'ku] iapdqyk gfj;k.kk 3-ehjkckbZ xzaFkkoyh &1] çksQl s j dY;k.k flag 'ks[kkor( çdk'ku ubZ fnYyh 4-ehjkckbZ xzaFkkoyh&2] çksQl s j dY;k.k flag 'ks[kkor( çdk'ku ubZ fnYyh 5-lar ehjkckbZ th ¼thouh vkSj inkoyh½] laiknd tlohj tLlh ,oa lksek vf= ^jkèkk*( Msjk Lokeh txr fxjh] xq# jfonkl pkSd] u;k pDdh iqy] iBku dksV &iatkc

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१३-^L=h Lora=rk dh voèkkj.kk % ^Bhdjs dh eaxuh* Mkdksjs dY; fyaxqjke ih,p-Mh Nk=k ] dsUæh; foÜofo|ky;, gSnjkckn]

Þfey tkuh pkfg, vc eqfä fL=;ksa dks] vkf[kj dc rd foe'kZ esa jgsxh eqfä] cuuh pkfg, ],d lM+d] pysa ftl ij flQZ fL=;ksa fga] esys vkSj gkV cktkj Hkh vyx] fdrkcsa vyx&vyx gks xkFkk,¡ bfrgkl Aß çLrqr iafä;k¡ L=h Lora=rk dh voèkkj.kk dks Li"V djrh gSa A L=h dh fu;fr vkSj mlds mRihM+u dks jksdus ds fy, ftruk egÙoiw.kZ Økafrdkjh dk;Z fleksu n cksmokj us fd;k og L=h vfLerk] Lora=rk ds fy, vR;ar egÙoiw.kZ dne Fkk A vkt dy L=h Lora=rk dks gh lhfer vFkZ esa fy;k tkrk gS A L=h Lora=rk dk vFkZ fdlh L=h }kjk fdlh Hkh caèku dks u ekuuk] bl :i esa yxk;k tkrk gS AokLro esa L=h Lora=rk dk vFkZ gS L=h dh 'kks"k.k ls eqfä] rkfd og Lora= <ax ls th lds] lksp lds A mlds lkeus fir`lÙkkRed vuq'kklu dh cafn'ksa u gks og Lokèkhu gks] lekt dh fu.kkZ;d 'kfä gks] vius vfLrRo] vfLerk ds ckjs esa mlds Lokèkhu fopkj gksa A og Lokfèkdkjksa ds ckjs esa mldh lksp Lora= gks A ukfljk 'kekZ —r miU;kl ^Bhdjs dh eaxuh* 1996 esa çdkf'kr gqvk Fkk A vius bl miU;kl esa ysf[kdk us L=h vfLerk dks L=h&iq#"k lacèa kksa ds ifjçs{; esa foosfpr fd;k gS A ^Bhdjs dh eaxuh* dh eg#[k ,d ,slh lkglh] LofuHkZj vkSj iq#"k ds lgkjs ds fcuk lekt esa thus okyh L=h dk lcy :i [kM+k djrh gS A mldk dFku gS fd

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vkèkkjf'kyk gS A okLro esa L=h dk viuk ?kj ugha gksrk A ;g cki dk gksrk gS] ifr dk gksrk gS ;k ckn esa csVs dk gksrk gS og flQZ esgeku ;k 'kj.kkFkÊ gksdj jgrh gS Aß eg#[k bl O;oLFkk dks rksM+dj viuk ?kj cukrh gS A og foÜokl Hkatd eaxsrj jQ+r dks cM+h 'kkyhurk ls R;kx nsrh gS vkSj iq#"k ds lgkjs ds fcuk dgha Hkh detksj ugha iM+rh viuh i`Fkd igpku dh thrh&tkxrh felky gSa& eg#[k A bl miU;kl dh dFkk ,d eqfLye ifjokj ds bnZ&fxnZ ?kwerh gS A ?kj esa pkj ihf<+;ksa ds ckn yM+dh dk iSnk gksuk muds fy, fdlh peRdkj ls de ugha gksrk A blh yM+dh dk uke eg#[k j[k fn;k tkrk gS ftldh eaxuh ,d VksVds ds rgr cpiu esa Bhdjs ls dj nh tkrh gS vkSj ckn esa jQ+r uked O;fä ds lkFk mldks thou Hkj ds fy, ckaèk fn;k tkrk gS A og jQ+r ds <kaps esa <yus ds fy, lnSo ç;Ru djrh fn[krh gS vkSj jQ+r ds dgus ij fnYyh tkdj mPp f'k{kk çkIr djrh gS A ijUrq eg#[k dh okLrfod fLFkfr rc fcxM+ tkrh gS tc vesfjdk x;k gqvk jQ+r ogk¡ fdlh vU; L=h ds lkFk lgthou ¼fyfoax fjys'kuf'ki½ esa jgus yxrk gS A jQ+r dk ;g foÜokl?kkr mls iwjh rjg rksM+ nsrk gS vkSj og viuh bl mnklhurk ds dkj.k xk¡o ykSV tkrh gS A tgk¡ og ,d Ldwy dh vè;kfidk gS vkSj viuh ftUnxh viuh rjg ls th jgh gS A jQ+r dh okilh ds ckn eg#[k dk ;g :i ns[kdj og i'pkrki ,oa {kek ;kpuk djus yxrk gS ijUrq bldk dksbZ vlj eg#[k ds VwVs eu ij ugha gksrk] og fdlh rjg Hkh fopfyr ugha gksrh gS A og jQ+r dks mÙkj nsrs gq, dgrh gS

Þek¡&cki ls vyx L=h dk Hkh viuk ?kj gks ldrk gS] mldh L=h dh vfLerk dh Page 68

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ÞeSa txg] pht ;k edku ugha Fkh jQ+r HkkbZ ] tks oSlk&dh&oSlk gh jgrh A eSa balku Fkh ] detksfj;ksa dk iqryk A eSaus vkidks ftl Hkjksls ls Hkstk Fkk] vki Hkh oSls dgk¡ jg ik, \ dqN phts fdruh csvkokt VwVrh gSa] eSa Hkh csvkokt VwVh Fkh A---eqf'dy ls vius dks pquk gS] lesVk gS] tksM+k gS rc dgha dkfcy gqbZ gw¡ A eq>ls vc esjh ;g ftanxh okil er fNfu, Aß ;g miU;kl L=h thou ds vusd igyqvksa dks mtkxj djrk gS A tgk¡ ,d yM+dh dk iSnk gksuk ifjokj dks [k+q'kh ls Hkj nsrk gS ogha yM+dh dk cpiu esa fookg dj nsuk mlds ckyeu dks çHkkfor djrk gS A cpiu esa caèkk gqvk fj'rk vxj Hkfo"; VwV tkrk gS rks iq#"k ls T;knk L=h ds thou ij viuk xgjk çHkko NksM+ tkrk gS A ifr ds NksM+us ij lekt Hkh mls eku&lEeku dk vfèkdkjh ugha le>rk A eg#[k Hkh bl fLFkfr ls xqtjh gS A tgk¡ og dgrh gS ÞvkSjrksa dh [kq'k fdLerh vkSj cnfdLerh ds fdrus caèks caèkk, <jsa gS A cjlksa ls pyh vk jgh ;g lksp dc cnysxh A dc vkSjr dh dher Bhdjksa vkSj dkSfM+;ksa ls ukiuk can gksxk \ dc mls balku le> dj cksfy;k¡ yxuh can gksxh Aß ,d rjQ og L=h thou dh foMacuk dks js[kkafdr djrh gS rks nwljh rjQ L=h Lora=rk ds egÙo dks A eg#[k miU;kl dh dsoy ukf;dk gh ugha gS cfYd mu reku fL=;ksa dk çfrfufèkRo djrh gSa tks gj fnu fdlh u fdlh çdkj ds 'kks"k.k dk f'kdkj gksrh gSa A f'kf{kr gksus ds ckn Hkh lekt dh dqjhfr;ksa ;k çFkkvksa dk ikyu djus ds fy, etcwj gksuk vkSj iwjh rjg ls vkRefuHkZj gksus ij Hkh fir`lÙkkRed O;oLFkk dh uhfr;ksa dks ekuuk L=h dh Hkkoqdrk vkSj vkRefoÜokl dh deh dk gksuk ekuk tk ldrk gS A eg#[k tc bl :<+hoknh O;oLFkk dk fojksèk djrs gq, iqufoZokg u djus dk fu.kZ; ysrh gS rc viuh ijs'kku ek¡ dks lkUrouk nsrs gq, dgrh gS ÞeSaus Hkh vius ilan dh ftanxh thus dh fder vnk dh gS A eSa viuh ftUnxh ls

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eqrebZu gw¡ A eSaus dqN [kks dj ik;k gS vEeh Aß eg#[k dk ;g dFku bl vksj bafxr djrk gS fd lekt esa vxj L=h dks Lora= jguk gS rks mls mldh ,d cM+h dher pqdkuh iM+rh gS ]bl dher dk vFkZ èku&nkSyr ugha cfYd L=h dk eku&lEeku vkSj LokfHkeku gS] ftls [kksdj og thrs th ej tkrh gS A eg#[k dk thou mu fL=;ksa tSlk gS tks viuh eqfä dks vdsys esa u <w<a dj] lekt ds misf{kr fuEuoxZ ds la?k"kZjr] 'kksf"kr ]ihfM+r ik=ksa ds eqfä ls tksM+dj eqfä ds ç'u dks O;kid cuk nsrh gS A ;g eqfä mls vdsys dks ugha feyrh cfYd lekt ds lHkh fL=;ksa dks feyrh gS A bl çdkj eg#[k ,d l'kä L=h ik= gS tks etcwr bjknksa okyh] la?k"kZ'khy L=h gS A mldk iwjk thou iq#"k lÙkkRed – f"Vdks.k ds çfr lgerh vkSj fojksèk dk i;kZ; gS A #f<+xzLr Hkkjrh; eqfLye ifjos'k esa L=h dh vkRekUosf"kr Lopsru dks lcy cukdj ] L=h gksus dh fof'k"V ekU;rkvksa vkSj ljksdkjksa ls ix&ix ij eqBHksM+ djrs gq, ] dM+os thoukuqHkoksa ds çglkRed vojksèkksa ls vfopfyr gksdj ]xgjh ç'ukdqyrk ds lkFk thou fcrkrh gS A ,slk thou thrh gS ftlesa fdlh Hkh e;kZnkoknh lksp dk gLr{ksi dh vuqefr ugha A og fdlh iq#"k ds gkFkksa dHkh f[kykSuk ugha curh vkSj iwjh rjg Lora= jgrh gSA vr% ^Bhdjs dh eaxuh* dh eg#[k viuh ftanxh ds ekè;e ;g fn[kkrh gS fd iq#"k ds fcuk L=h vdsyh th ldrh gS A ;g gkykr dh ekj ls iSnk gqbZ yM+dh eg#[k dh lkSE;iw.kZ foæksg dh dgkuh gS A leLr viU;kl esa os vius nq:[kksa ds fojksèk esa [kM+h jgdj ,d Bksl L=h ftl çdkj viuk thou O;rhr djuk pkfg,] ml çdkj viuk thou O;rhr djrh gS A bl çdkj eg#[k dk thou gh L=h Lora=rk dh voèkkj.kk dks Li"V djrk gS vkSj ,slk thou vkt dh fL=;ksa ds thou dk lcls cM+k ç'u gS A

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१४.lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh vkSj fganh पवन भारिी

çf'kf{kr Lukrd vè;kid fganh ] tokgj uoksn; fo|ky;] fefud‚;] y{k}hi &682559 gekjs pkjksa rjQ lwpukvksa dk tky& lk fcNk gqvk gSA vius pkjksa rjQ gesa lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh dk 'kksj lqukbZ nsrk gSA geus rduhdh ds {ks= esa] oSKkfud vkfo"dkjksa ds {ks= esa vk'kkrhr çxfr dj yh gSA gesa ;g dgrs gq, Hkh xkSjo dk vkHkkl gksrk gS fd vkt euq"; i`Foh gh ugha cfYd vU; xzg eaxy ij Hkh tk igqapk gSA mlds ogka ij Hkh thou dh dYiuk dks lkdkj :i nsuk 'kq# dj fn;k gSA blls iwoZ euq"; us paæek ij igqap dj viuh ;ksX;rk vkSj lkgl dk ifjp; fn;k gSA ;g lc ;wa gh laHko ugha gks x;kA euq"; dh bl lQyrk dk Js; foKku& rduhdh ds {ks= esa euq"; ds vFkd ç;kl dks tkrk gSA vkt ge i`Foh ij fujarj cny jgs thou dks ns[k jgs gSa oks lc foKku ls laHko gks ik;k gSA ^ lwpuk& çkS|ksfxdh* Hkh vusd oKkfud fo"k;ksa esa ls ,d gS] ftlesa fo'ks"k :i ls ^ lwpuk ^ dk mi;ksx oSKkfud rjhds ls djuk eq[; y{; gksrk gSA lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh ds ckjs esa le>us ds fy, gesa ;g tkuuk vko';d gS fd ;g 'kCn nks 'kCnksa ls feydj cuk gS& lwpuk vkSj çkS|ksfxdhA lwpuk dks ge vaxzsth ds ^Information* 'kCn dk fganh :ikarj.k eku ldrs gSa ftldk vFkZ& tkudkjh] [kcj] bÙkyk vkfn gksrk gSA fdlh Hkh fo"k; ds ckjs esa tkudkjh nsuk gh lwpuk gS ftlls og lacfa èkr gks vkSj mlls O;fä çHkkfor gks rks lksus ij lqgkxkA ekud fganh dks'k ds vuqlkj voxr djkus ;k trkus ds fy, dgh gqbZ ckr lwpuk gSA blh ds lekukarj ^uksfVl* 'kCn fn;k x;k gSA bls O;kid vFkZ esa ^tkudkjh* dg ldrs gSa( fdarq tkudkjh] Kku ds le{k gS] vkSj Kku vaxzsth 'kCn ^knowledge* fganh :ikarj gSA bl rjg ^lwpuk* ,oa ^Kku* esa cqfu;knh varj gSA

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bruk rks vo'; dguk gksxk fd ;s nksuksa 'kCn ,d&nwljs ds iwjd gSa] ,d nwljs ij fuHkZj gSaA D;k lwpuk vkSj Kku 'kCn lekukFkZd gSa\ bl ç'u ij fopkj djus ij ge ikrs gSa fd bu nksuksa 'kCnksa dk i`Fkd&i`Fkd vFkZ ,oa lanHkZ gSA lwpuk VqdMksa vkSj [kafMr 'kCnksa esa vkrh gSA vkSj mlesa dbZ tkudkfj;ksa dk la;kstu gksrk gSA tcfd Kku lajpukRed] lqlaxr vkSj lkoZHkkSfed gksrk gSA lwpuk le;c) vkSj gksrh gSA blds foijhr Kku dk lkoZdkfyd egÙko gksrk gSA lwpuk esa lans'k dk çokg gksrk gS tcfd Kku dk fuekZ.k çokg ds lap; ds lkFk gksrk gSA lwpuk dk çokg Kku ds çokg dks çHkkfor djrk gSA mlesa o`f) djrk gSA iqulZa'kksfèkr djrk gS] ifjorZu djrk gSA bu nksuksa esa varj gS vkSj çfrLièkkZ Hkh gSA lwpukvksa ls tgk¡ gesa vius Kku dks fufeZr ,oa fuf'pr djus esa lgk;rk çkIr gksrh gSA fdarq Kku ds bl vtZu esa euq"; viuh foosd& {kerk dk Hkh voyac ysrk gS D;ksafd viuh blh foosd {kerk ds vkèkkj ij lwpuk dk fo'ys"k.k ,oa nwljksa ds Kku dk ewY;kadu djuk laHko gks ikrk gSA ekuk thou dh bl vfuok;Zrk¼lwpuk½ ls gekjk lkekftd O;fäRo fufeZr gksrk gS] ;g Kku dh vkèkkj lkekxzh gSA lwpuk] Kku vkSj foosd{kerk ls ;gk¡ lekt fufeZr gksrk gSA tgk¡ rd ^çkS|ksfxdh* 'kCn dk lacèa k gS] ;g vaxzsth ds 'Technology* ds lerqY; ç;qä gksrk gSA çkS|ksfxdh dks ^a practice of applied science* ds :i esa ifjHkkf"kr fd;k tkrk gSA eSdxzk& fgy fMD'kujh v‚Q lkabfVfQd ,aM VsDuhdy VeZl esa Hkh VsDuksy‚th dks blh vFkZ esa ifjHkkf"kr fd;k x;k gSA bl rjg çkS|ksfxdh dk lacèa k vuqç;ksx ls gSA ;g vuqç;ksx ;a=& Page 70

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vkèkkfjr gSA bl çdkj çkS|ksfxdh ;kaf=d lqfoèkkvksa ls lacafèkr gS] tks vkèkqfudre gSaA bu lqfoèkkvksa ds varxZr daI;wVj] Vsyhfotu] VsyhQksu] nwjlapkj mixzg] VsyhfçaVj vkfn vkèkqfudrk dh |ksrd çkS|ksfxdh 'kkfey gSA fdlh dke dks fu"ikfnr djus ds fy, ç;qä dh tkus okyh ;g fo'ks"k çkS|ksfxdh Hkh blesa lekfgr gSA ftlls fd mä dke dks fufpr rkSj ij laiUu fd;k tk ldrk gSA eSuÝsM dks'ku us rhu pj.kksa esa çkS|ksfxdh ds çHkko dh ckr dh gSA igyk] ge tks vc dj jgs gSa] çkS|ksfxdh mls djus ds ;ksX; cukrh gS] ysfdu vis{kk—r vfèkd tYnh vkSj de ykxr ijA nwljk] ge tks vc rd ugha dj ik, gSa] mUgsa djus ds ;ksX; cukrh gSA vkSj rhljk ;g thou& 'kSfy;ksa esa ifjorZu ykrh gSA çkS|ksfxdh esa lH;rk dks 'kkflr djus dh lkeF;Z ,oa 'kfä gSA euq"; vius Je&lkè; dk;ksZa dks ljy ,oa vuqdwy cukus ds fy, mÙkjksÙkj fur& uwru çkS|ksfxdh gekjs nSufa nu thou esa lanHkZ dk eq[; vkèkkj çkIr fd, jgrh gSA tulapkj ekè;eksa ls lacafèkr çkS|ksfxdh dh vHkwriwoZ çxfr us ^lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh* uked ,d i`Fkd {ks= fodflr dj fn;k gSA ekbØks& bysDVªkfuDl ds {ks= esa gq, vHkwriwoZ fodkl ,oa æqr çxfr] iqjkuh çkS|ksfxdh dh rst+h ls iNkMrh py jgh gSA ,sls esa lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh esa ^u,iu* dk fo'ks"k egÙko LFkkfir gks tkrk gSA ;gh dkj.k gS fd dbZ yksx ^lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh* 'kCn dks ^ubZ çkS|ksfxdh* ds i;kZ; ds :i esa ç;qä djrs gSaA mudk ekuuk gS fd ;g fofHkUu çdkj dh lwpuk ds l`tu] HkaMkj.k] p;u] gLrkarj.k vkSj forj.k ds vuqç;ksx ij ykxw dh tkus okyh ubZ çkS|ksfxdh gSA tcfd okLrfodrk ;g gS fd lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh dh voèkkj.kk dk |ksrd ;g fopkj] fufgr ladYiuk dh lexzrk dk çfrfufèkRo ugha djrk gSA lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh ls lacafèkr laf{kIr foÜodks'k esa ^lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh* dks lwpuk ls lEc) ekuk x;k gSA bl çdkj ds fopkj fMD'kujh v‚Q daI;wfVax esa Hkh O;ä fd, x;s gSaA eSdfeyu

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fMD'kujh v‚Q buQkseZs'ku VsDuksy‚th esa ^lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh* dks ifjHkkf"kr djrs gq, ;g fopkj O;ä fd;k x;k gSA fd ;g daI;+fw Vax vkSj nwjlapkj ds lfEeJ.k ij vkèkkfjr ekbØks& bysDVª‚fuDl }kjk evksf[kd fp=kRed] ewy&ikB fo"k;d vkSj la[;k lacaèkh lwpuk dk vtZu] lalkèku] HkaMkj.k vkSj çlkj gSA lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh lacèa kh bl ifjHkk"kk ls Kkr gksrk gS fd lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh dk lacèa k dsoy lwpuk ds lEçs"k.k ls ugha gS vfirq mls lw=c) djus] ntZ djus vkSj lalkfèkr djus ls Hkh gSA lkFk gh bl ifjHkk"kk ls ;g Hkh irk pyrk gS fd lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh dk lacèa k dsoy lwpuk ds fofHkUu çdkj ls lacfa èkr gS vkSj blds varxZr dsoy ewy ikB fo"k;d vFkok 'kkfCnd çLrqrhdj.k gh ugha vfirq la[;k lacaèkh –';k vkSj JO; çLrqrhdj.k Hkh 'kkfey gSA vesfjdk fjiksVZ ds vuqlkj lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh dks bu 'kCnksa esa ifjHkkf"kr fd;k x;k gS& lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh dk vFkZ gS& lwpuk dk ,d=hdj.k] HkaMkj.k] çkslsflax] çlkj vkSj ç;ksxA ;g dsoy gkMZo; s j vFkok l‚¶Vos;j rd gh lhfer ugha gS cfYd bl çkS|ksfxdh ds fy, euq"; dh egÙkk vkSj mlds }kjk fuèkkZfjr y{; dks çkIr djukv] bu fodYiksa ds fuekZ.k esa fufgr ewY;] ;g fu.kZ; ysus ds fy, ç;qä ekunaM gS fd D;k ekuo bl çkS|ksfxdh dks fu;af=r dj jgk gS vkSj blls mudk Kku lao)Zu gks jgk gSA ;wusLdks ds vuqlkj lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh dh ifjHkk"kk bl çdkj gS& lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh oSKkfud] çkS|ksfxdh; vkSj baftfu;fjax fo"k; gSa vkSj lwpuk dh çkslfs lax] muds vuqç;ksx dh çcaèk rduhdsa gSa] daI;wVj vkSj mudh ekuo rFkk e'khu ds lkFk var:fØ;k ,oa lac) lkekftd] vkfFkZd rFkk lkaL—frd fo"k;A çkS|ksfxbdh esa rhu 'kCnksa dk lekos'k gS& daI;wVj] ekbØks& bysDVªkfudy vkSj lapkjA vU; 'kCnksa esa lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh lwpuk çcaèk dks u, bySDVªkfud vk;ke miyCèk djkus ds fy, çkS|ksfxfd;ksa dk lewg ¼ekstsd½ mRikn vkSj rduhdsa ,d lkFk feykdj lkeus vk, gSaA ;g lewg] lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh ds uke Page 71

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ls tkuk tkrk gSA blesa lwpuk foKku i)fr fl)kar] daI;wfVax ekbØks& bysDVªkfuDl] nwj lapkj] Jen{krk& 'kkL= ¼ erogonomics½ O;ogkjkRed foKku] laxBu vkSj i)fr rduhdsa 'kkfey gSaA M‚- txnhÜoj prqoZsnh us lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh ds fy, ^lwpuk rduhdh* 'kCn dks O;oºzr fd;k gSA vkSj bls ifjHkkf"kr djrs gq, fy[kk gS& ^lwpuk rduhdh¼ çkS|ksfxdh½ dk fdlh Hkh mís'; ds fy, bLrseky fd;k tk, og oLrqr: midj.k rduhd gSA ;g lwpukvksa dks vewrZ lalkèku ds :i esa eFkrh gSA ;g ^gkMZo; s j* vkSj ^l‚¶Vos;j* nksuksa ij vkfJr gSaA blesa mu rRoksa dk lekos'k Hkh gSa tks ^gkMZo; s j* vkSj ^l‚¶Vkos;j* ls Lora= gSA M‚tcjheYy ikj[k us viuh iqLrd ^tulapkj ekè;eksa dk oSpkfjd ifjçs{;* lwpuk vkSj lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh* 'kh"kZd vè;k; esa ^ lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh dks ifjHkkf"kr djrs gq, fy[kk gS fd& ^lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh dk rkRi;Z ml çkS|ksfxdh ls gS ftlds }kjk lwpuk dk mRiknu] çlaLdj.k forj.k] iqu#Riknu vkSj ijkorZu ls tksMk gSA mUgksaus lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh dks ifjHkkf"kr djus ds lkFk&lkFk bls lapkj çkS|ksfxdh ls tksMdj Hkh ns[kk gS vkSj fy[kk gS& ^lapkj çkS|ksfxdh og çkS|ksfxdh gS ftldk lacèa k lapkj dh çfØ;kvksa ls gSA lapkj dh çfØ;kvksa esa lapkj mRiknksa dk fuekZ.k] çlaLdj.k] iqu#Riknu vkSj ijkorZu 'kkfey gSA^* lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh ds ?kVd& lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh ds nks çeq[k ?kVd gSa& lwpuk vkSj VSDuksy‚th] ysfdu Hkkjr ds lanHkZ esa bldk rhljk ?kVd Hkh gS& Hkk"kkA ftu ns'kksa dh ekr`Hkk"kk vaxzsth gS muds fy, Hkk"kk dk ?kVd egÙkoiw.kZ ughaA ysfdu Hkkjr tSls ns'k esa tgk¡ vaxzsth le>us le>us okyksa dh la[;k dsoy 5 çfr'kr gS vkSj tgk¡ de ls de 22 çeq[k ekU;rk çkIr Hkk"kk,¡ gSa] Hkk"kk dk ?kVd dbZ –

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f"V;ksa ls cgqr egÙkoiw.kZ gks tkrk gSA ,sls fo'kky leqnk; ds fy, mUgha dh Hkk"kk esa lwpuk miyCèk djkuk vius esa ,d dkQh cMk nkf;Ro gSA uhps ge lwpuk VSDuksy‚th ds bu rhuksa ?kVdksa ij fopkj djsaxAs ¼d½ lwpuk& ;gk¡ lwpuk ls rkRi;Z ml dF; lk lkexzh ls gS tks gesa baVjusV ;k oSc ds ekè;ek ls çkIr gksrh gSA eksVs :i ls baVjusV ls miyCèk lwpuk,a çk;: rkRdkfyd egRo dh gksrh gSa] tSls O;kikfjd] okf.kfT;d] lwpukaA KkukRed lwpukvksa dk lacaèk Kku& foKku ds fofHkUu {ks=ksa ;k vuq'kkluksa ls gksrk gSA KkukRed lwpuk,a vfèkd LFkk;h çd+`fr dh gksrh gSa vkSj mudk mi;ksx çk;: lanHkZ xzaFk dh rjg gksrk gS] tSls Kku&foKku lacaèkh tkudkjh] 'kCndks'k] foÜodks'k] fFkl‚jl] lkfgR;] laL— fr] bfrgkl] Hkwxksy vkfnA LFkkf;Ro dh –f"V ls Hkh lwpuk,a nks çdkj dh gksrh gSa& fLFkj ¼LVsfVd½ vkSj ifjorZu'khy ¼Mkbusfed½A fLFkj lwpuk,a dkQh le; rd baVjusV esa mlh :i esa cuh jgrh gSa D;ksafd muesa ckj&ckj ifjorZu djus dh vko';drk ugha iMrh ;k cgqr de iMrh gS] tSls lkfgR;] Kku&foKku] bfrgkl] foÜodks'k] 'kCndks'k vkfn ls lacafèkr tkudkjhA ifjorZu'khy lwpuk,a os gSa ftUgsa gj dqN feuVksa] ?kaVksa] fnuksa ;k eghuksa esa v|ru djrs jgus dh t+:jr iMrh gS] tSls lekpkj] foeku vkxeu&çLFkku lacaèkh lwpuk] [ksy desaVªh] D;Z&foØ; lacèa kh lwpuk] inksa dk foKkiu] laLFkkvksa dh dh xfrfofèk;ksa dk fooj.k vkfnA ¼[k½ VSduksy‚th& baVjusV ds lanHkZ esa VSDuksy‚th ls rkRi;Z mu rduhdh midj.kksa ls gS tks –';& JO; :i esa lwpuk dks ,d Nksj ls nwljs Nksj rd igqapkus ds ekè;e gksrs gSaA buesa dEI;wVj] baVjusV] eksMe] LdSuj] ohfM;ks dSejk] lkmaM dkMZ] VSfyQksu] fçaVj loZj] lSVy s kbV vkfn 'kkfey gSaA vkt bl VSDuksy‚th esa cgqr rst+h ls fodkl gks jgk gS vkSjnks ls vfèkd VSDuksy‚th ;qfävksa dks tksMdj ,d djus dk Page 72

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ç;kl fd;k tk jgk gS ftlds QyLo:i dbZ ubZ lqfoèkk,a miyCèk gks ldrh gSaA mnkgj.k ds fy,& baVjusV dks lhèks Vhoh ds inZs ij ns[kuk laHko gS] eksckby ds Hkhrj gh baVjusV dh lqfoèkk miyCèk gS vkSj ok;jySl VSDuksy‚th ls dscy ds fcuk Hkh baVjusV pykuk laHko gSA ¼x½ Hkk"kk& Hkk"kk lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh dk eq[ki`"B gS ftldh lgk;rk ls ç;ksäk inZs ij vafdr lwpuk dks xzg.k djrk gSA ;fn bl lwpuk dh Hkk"kk dks gh ç;ksäk u le> lds] rks bl VSDuksy‚th dk mls dksbZ Qk;nk ughaA vkt baVjusV dh 83 çfr'kr lkexzh vaxzsth esa miyCèk gS blhfy, vaxzsth Hkk"kk&Hkk"kh ns'kksa esa Hkk"kk dksbZ leL;k ugha gSA ;g leL;k mu ns'kksa dh gS] tgk¡ Hkk"kk lekt vaxzsth ugha tkurk gS vkSj viuh viuh LFkkuh; Hkk"kkvksa dk gh bLrseky djrk gSA lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh dks çk;: lkekftd fodkl vkSj tu&dY;k.k ds mís';ksa ds lkFk tksMk tkrk gS] blfy, Hkkjr ds lanHkZ esa ;g vko';d gS fd baVjusV dh dF; lkexzh yksxksa rd Hkkjrh; Hkk"kkvksa esa nks ekè;e ls igq¡psA bl lacèa k esa nks lekèkkuksa dk çk; mYys[k fd;k tkrk gS& Hkk"kk dk LFkkuhdj.k vkSj VSDuksy‚th dk foLrkjhdj.kA fganh esa lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh& lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh dh foÜo Økafr esa vc fganh vkSj vU; Hkkjrh; Hkk"kkvksa esa fofHkUu lqfoèkk,a miyCèk gSaA fganh dk ç;ksx vkt baVjusV vkSj bZesy esa laHko gks x;k gS rFkk fganh esa vusd iksVZy Hkh çkjEHk gks x, gSaA iksVZy ds ekèk;e ls ns'k&fons'k dh [kcjs]a oxÊ—r] foKkiu] dkjksckj lacèa kh lwpuk,a] 'ks;j ckt+kj] f'k{kk ekSle] [ksydwn] i;ZVu] lkfgR;] laL—fr èkeZ] n'kZu vkfn ds ckjs esa rkt+k tkudkjh çkIr dh tk ldrh gSA iksVZy esa fganh bZ&esy dh lqfoèkk Hkh miyCèk gSA vusd ljdkjh vkSj xSj ljdkjh laLFkkvksa esa fganh iksVZy ds vfrfjä f}Hkk"kh vkSj cgqHkk"kh iksVZy Hkh gSaA oclkbV dk Jhx.ks'k gks pqdk gSA ;g lgh gS fd bl le; fganh l‚¶Vos;j

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vaxzsth l‚¶Vos;j dh vis{kk cgqr de gSaA rFkkfi] ;g ç;kl tkjh gS fd fganh vkSj Hkkjrh; Hkk"kkvksa esa l‚¶Vos;j fufeZr fd, tk,aA —f=e cqf) ¼Artificial Intelligence½ lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh dk vko';d xq.k gSA dqN fo}kuksa dk dFku gS fd daI;wVj dh tks lksp gS] og laL—r Hkk"kk ds fudV gS vkSj bldk mYys[k Hkxoku 'kadj ds rkaMo u`R; ds lkFk Hkh fd;k x;k gSA okLro esa daI;wVj lc dqN dj ldrk gS\ cl gesa mldh Le`fr {kerk rFkk lalkèku {kerk dh tkudkjh gksA daI;wVj ds fodkl dk çkjaHk 1940 ds n'kd esa gqvk Fkk] fdarq mldh çsj.kk ds cht lu 1935 ds ikl pkYlZ osct s + }kjk cuk, x, ^ukfVdy ,aftu* esa feyrs gSaA ftldh dk;Z ç.kkyh cgqr dqN vkèkqfud daI;wVj tSlh gh FkhA 1944 esa gkoMZ foÜofo|ky; }kjk ^vkbZch,e* vkSj ;w,uusoh* ds lg;ksx ls ekdZ& uked ;a= dk fuekZ.k gqvkA 1946 esa daI;wVj ;qx dk lw=ikr gqvk vkSj og 1955 ls 1965 rd xfr vkSj dk;Z{kerk dh –f"V ls fodflr gqvk vkSj mvlesa u, vk;ke Hkh lfEefyr gksrs x,A 1971&72 esa Hkkjrh; oSKkfudksa ds ç;kl ls ,d ljy dq¡th iVy vkSj mldh ç.kkyh dk fodkl gqvkA 1978 esa lHkh Hkkjrh; Hkk"kkvksa esa ç;qä gks ldus okyk igyk ^QksVksVkbi VfeZuy* rS;kj gqvk ftlls daI;wVj ij nsoukxjh fyfi rFkk vU; Hkkjrh; fyI;ksa ds mi;ksx esa rst+h vkbZA vLlh ds n'kd esa 'kCn lalkèku dh –f"V ls fganh vkSj vU; Hkkjrh; Hkk"kkvksa esa eqæ.k ds {ks= esa vHkwriwoZ Økafr vkbZA vkt ljdkjh vkSj xSj&ljdkjh {ks=ksa esa vusd laLFkk,a fganh l‚¶Vos;j ds fuekZ.k esa lfØ; gSaA igys fganh vkSj Hkkjrh; Hkk"kkvksa ds fy, mi;qä dq¡th iVy dk fodkl gkMZo; s j lacèa kh lcls çkjafHkd pqukSrh FkhA çkjaHk esa ;kaf=d VkbijkbVjksa ds e‚My ij gh nsoukxjh ds dq¡th iVy dk fodkl fd;k x;k tks vkt Hkh ç;ksx esa gSA ;s dq¡th iVy gj Hkk"kk ds fy, vyx& vyx fodflr fd, tkrs gSaA bl chp lHkh Hkkjrh; Hkk"kkvksa dh fyfi;ksa ds fy, ,d leafor dksM fodflr djus dh fn'kk esa Page 73

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fo'ks"kKksa us ç;kl djuk 'kq# fd;k] ftlls ,d gh iVy esa vfèkd ls vfèkd fyfi;ksa dk Vad.k laHko gks ldsA bl ç;kl esa Hkkjr ljdkj ds rRdkyhu bySDVªkfud foHkkx] vkbZvkbZVh dkuiqj vkSj lh MSd dh Hkwfedk çeq[k FkhA Hkkjr dh lHkh fyfi;ks¼a mnZw dks NksMdj½ dk ewy czkãh fyfi gS vkSj lHkh Hkkjrh; Hkk"kkvksa dh o.kZekyk,a yxHkx leku gSa] tks gesa laL—r ls fojklr esa feyh gSaA bl o.kZekyk dh fo'ks"krk ;g gS fd ;g èofu vkèkkfjr gS vkSj o.kZekyk esa o.kksZa dk forj.k muds mPpkj.k LFkyksa ds Øe ls gS¼ tSls& daBî èofu] d [k x ?k M ,d Øe esa vkrs gSaA½A bl lw= dks vkèkkj ekudj èofu;ksa ds vkèkkj ij 11 Hkkjrh; Hkk"kkvksa ds fy, ,d ,slk leafor dksM fodflr fd;k x;k ftlls ,d gh dq¡th ls bu lHkh Hkk"kkvksa ls leku èofu okys v{kj Vafdr gks tkrs gSaA blesa vkèkkj ij tks dksM fovfDlr fd;k x;k] og bLdh dksM Indian Standard Code for Information Interchange½ dgykrk gS vkSj dq¡th iVy dks èoU;kRed dq¡th iVy9 QksusfVd dh cksMZ½ dgrs gSaA bl le; ;g dksfMax ç.kkyh lh&MSd ds ftLV¼GIST½] yhi¼LEAP½] bt+~e¼ISM½] vkfn vusd l‚¶Vos;jksa esa miyCèk gSA bl dksfMax ç.kkyh dk ,d ykHk ;g gS fd blesa 11 Hkkjrh; Hkk"kkvksa ds chp ijLij fyI;karj.k Hkh laHko gS] ftlesa vaXtÊ Hkh 'kkfey gSA vkt daI;wVj ds vèdka'k dq¡th iVyksa esa rhu fodYi miyCèk gSaA tks ç;ksäk jsfeaxVu vkfn ;kaf=d VkbijkbVjksa ij Vkbi djus esa vH;Lr gSa] os jsfxaVu fodYi dk p;u dj ldrs gSa vkSj jsfxaVu ds dq¡th iVy dh rjg Vad.k dj ldrs gSaA bafLØIV fodYi dk p;u djus ij ;gh dq¡th iVy nsoukxjh o.kZekyk ij vkèkkfjr èoU;kRed dq¡th iVy esa gks tkrk gSA bl dq¡th iVy ij VSi djuk vfèkd vklku gksrk gS gS D;ksfa d bldh dq¡ft;k¡ o.kZekyk ds Øe O;ofLFkr dh xbZ gSa tks gekjs efLr"d esa laLdkjo'k igys ls Li"V jgrk gSA ,fDtD;wfVo fodYi dk p;u djus ij fganh 'kCnksa vkSj okD;ksa dks vaxzsth esa gh

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jkseu fyfi esa Vafdr fd;k tk ldrk gS] tks inZs ij vius vki nsoukxjh esa gksrk tkrk gSA;g fodYi mu yksxksa ds fy, fo"ks"k mi;ksxh gS tks nsoukxjh fyfi ugha tkurs ;k tks nsoukxjh dq¡th iVy ij Vkbi djus ds vH;Lr ugha gSaA ,d ckj dq¡th iVy fodflr gks tkus ds ckn ml ij dk;Z djus ds fy, vuqç;ksx l‚¶Vos;j vkSj mi;ksfxrk dh t:jr iMrh gS] tSls fganh l‚¶Vos;j Lisy psdj] v‚uykbu 'kCndks'k] Ll‚fVax lqfoèkk] esy etZ lqfoèkk vkfnA vkt daI;+Vw j ij vfèkdka'k dk;Z foaMksg ij gksrk gS vkSj M‚l ij cgqr deA vr: foaMkst IysVQkeZ esa dke djus okys vusd fganh l‚¶Vos;j ekdZsV esa miYCèk gSa] tSls& yhi v‚fQl] bt+~e v‚fQl] lqfoaMkst] v{kj Q‚j foaMkst vkSj vk—fr v‚fQl vkfnA baVuZsV esa bZey s vkSj oScist esa bLrseky ds fy, Hkh nsoukxjh esa fo'ks"k QkaV Hkh miyCèk gSa] tSls& vkbZyhi vkSj lqfoaMkst 20A bvLesa vc Mkbusfed Qk.V Hkh miyCèk gks jgs gSa ftlesa baVuZsV esa [kksyh x;h fganh lkexzh dks i<dj blh fyfi esa mÙkj Hkh fn;k tk ldrk gSA ,d vU; {ks= ftl vkSj dqN laLFkk,¡ dk;Zjr gSa] og gSa daI;wVj ds leLr ifjos'k dks fganh esa miyCèk djkuk] ftlds QyLo:i daI;wVj ds inZs ij fn[kkbZ nsus okys deku] lans'k =qfV ladsr vkfnA lHkh fganh ¼;k Hkkjrh; Hkk"kkvksa½ esa miyCèk gksaxsA Hkk"kk f'k{k.k dh fn'kk esa Hkkjr ljdkj ds jktHkk"kk foHkkx us lh Msd iq.ks ls lg;ksx ls yhyk fganh çcksèk uked l‚¶Vos;j rS;kj fd;kA bl l‚¶Vos;j ls ikBksa esa vk, okD;ksa 'kCnksa vkSj o.kksZa dk ekud mPpkj.k çf'k{kkFkÊ lqu ldrk gSA yhyk iSdst¼ yuZ bafM;u ySaXost F# vkfVZfQf'k;y baVSyhtSal½ ds }kjk lHkh Hkkjrh; Hkk"kkvksa dks nsoukxjh ds ekè;e ls lh[kus dh lqfoèkk miyCèk gSA fganh f'k{k.k dh –f"V ls eSftd l‚¶Vos;j çkbosV fyfeVsM] u;h fnYyh }kjk fefeZr eYrhehfM;k lh Mh jkse xq# Hkh egRoiw.kZ gSA baVjusV ds Qyd ij osc nqfu;k M‚V d‚e ¼bafM;k½ fyus baVjusV ij fganh dh {kerk ds n'kZu gq,A osc nqfu;k ds bl dk;ZØe esa esy] pkSV] [kkst Page 74

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vkfn Hkh lfEefyr gks jgs gSaA l‚¶Vos;j daiuh lqfo baQkeZs'ku flLVe] bankSj us fganh esa fu:'kqYd bZey s dk Jhx.ks'k dj fn;k gSA bl iSdt s esa fyI;aj.k dh lqfoèkk Hkh çkIr gSA jkseu esa Vkbi i= nwljs fljs ij nsoukxjh esa çkIr gks ldrk gSA lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh ea=ky; vkSj oSKkfud rFkk rduhdh 'kCnkoyh vk;ksx us la;qä :i ls fganh 'kCnkoyh dk baVjusV rS;kj fd;k gS] ftlesa rduhdh 'kCnksa ds oSdfYid fganh i;kZ;ksa dk osclkbV ij 'kwU; laLdj.k rS;kj fd;k x;k gSA ;g okLro esa nl gt+kj rduhdh 'kCnksa dh dkEisDV fMLd gSA ekuo lalkèku fodkl] ea=ky; rFkk lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh ea=ky; us dsæa h; fganh laLFkku] vkxjk vkSj Hkkjrh; bySDVªkfudh vuqlaèkku rFkk fodkl dsæa uks,Mk dks ukxjh ç lHkk] okjk.klh }kjk çdkf'kr fganh foÜodks'k dks baVjusV ij çLrqr djus dk dk;Z lkSaik gSA fganh foÜodks'k ds ckjg [kaMksa esals nl [kaM yxHkx rS;kj gks pqds gSaA blesa baVjusV dh lqfoèkk ds vuqlkj fo"k;ksa dk oxÊdj.k rFkk ljy ekxZ funZsf'kr vfHkxe gksxk tks eYVhehfM;k dh –f"V ls egRoiw.kZ dk;Z djsxkA blh ds lkFk& lkFk fganh dkjiksl¼ foiqy 'kCn laxzg½ vaxzsth& fganh dks'k dks lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh ds {ks= esa ykus dk ç;kl fd;k tk jgk gSA bl çdkj çkS|ksfxdh dh fo'kky laHkkouk,a mHkj dj vk jgh gSaA ;g lgh gS fd daI;wVj ;k lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh ds u, vkfo"dkjksa esa fganh dk ç;ksx nsj ls çkjEHk gks jgk gS] blls gesa dHkh&dHkh fiNMus dk vglkl gksrk gSA ijarq ;g vglkl feF;k gS]

nwj ugha tc fganh foÜo iVy ij çFke Hkk"kk cu fljekSj cusxhA

D;ksafd dksbZ Hkh çkS|ksfxdh çkjEHk eॆa çk;ksfxd fLFkfr esa gksrh gS vkSj mlesa vuqlaèkku vkSj fodkl fujarj gksrk jgrk gSA vr: mUur Lrj dh çkS|ksfxdh ds lkFk& lkFk vkt fganh ds tqMus dh lqfoèkk,a miyCèk gksuk Jq gks xbZ gSa vkSj bu lcls budk ykHk mBkuk varrksRxRok gekjk ] vkidk ge lcdk mÙkjnkf;Ro gSA fganh Hkk"kk&Hkk"kh viuh vKkurk] fujk'kk] ghurk dks R;kxdj fganh ds fgr esa lPps eu ls dk;Zjr jgs rks oks le;

in Education] D- Hawkridge]

lanHkZ& 1- lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh& çks-gfjeksgu] lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh vkSj tu ekè;e] r{kf'kyk çdk'ku 2- 2- Hkkjrh; Hkk"kk çkS|ksfxdh dk fodkl vkSj fganh& M‚- vkse fodkl] ^Hkk"kk* if=dk] ebZ&twu] 2002] dsæa h; fganh funs'kky;] ubZ fnYyhA 33- lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh vkSj fganh& çkslwjtHkku flag] ^vuq'khyu* if=dk] dsæa h; fganh çf'k{k.k laLFkku ,oa dsæa h; vuqokn C;wjks] ubZ fnYyhA 4- 4lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh vfèkfu;e]2000 5- 5lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh vfèkfu;e]2000] mís'; ,oa mi;ksfxrk] Jherh larks"k [kUuk] efgyk fofèk Hkkjrh] ubZ fnYyh&110085] vad&32 6- 6- jktHkk"kk fganh dk ç;ksx& çlkj vkSj lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh& lqJh iwue tqustkA 7- 7- çkS|ksfxdh oSÜohdj.k vkSj fganh& M‚- vkse fodkl 8- 8- New Information Technology

Croon Helm] London]1985 9- 9- The Study of Information: Interdisciplinary Messages] FMaclap and Mensfield] John Wille] New York] 1983

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१५.loZsÜoj ds dkO; esa jktuSfrd

ifj–'; çse ukjk;.k] 'kksèkkFkÊ loZsÜoj n;ky lDlsuk rhljk lIrd* ds dfo;ksa esa çeq[k dfo gSaA buds dkO; l`tu dk le; 1949 ls 'kq: gksrk gS tks fd ubZ dfork dh laØkafr dk le; gSA ftu fojksèkksa vkSj la?k"kksZa ls ubZ dfork xqtj jgh Fkh dkykarj esa loZsÜoj dks Hkh mUgha esa ls xqtjuk iM+rk gSA ;gh dkj.k gS fd loZsÜoj dh dfork;sa ubZ dfork dh çfrfufèk dfork,a cudj lkeus vkrh gSa vkSj ,d ubZ fopkjèkkjk dks tUe nsrh gSaA ;|fi loZsÜoj us viuh dkO; ;k=k dh 'kq#vkr jksekuh dforkvksa ls dh gS ysfdu tSls tSls os mez ls ifjiDo gksrs x, oSls&oSls muds fopkj ,oa laons uk,¡ Hkh ifjiDo gksrh x;h vkSj os ukjh ds vFkkg lkSUn;Z lkxj ds o.kZu ls fudy dj 'kksf"kr vkSj ihfM+r lekt&lkxj esa Mqcdh yxkus ds fy, dfVc) gksrs x,A loZsÜoj us viuh dforkvksa ds ekè;e ls vius le; ds lekt vkSj jkthuhfr dk cM+s gh ;FkkFkZ ds lkFk fp=.k fd;k gSA mUgksus cM+h gh fuHkÊdrk ds lkFk reke çdkj dh lkekftd vkSj jktuSfrd foæwirkvksa dk fp=.k fd;k gS vkSj mudk iqjtksj fojksèk fd;k gSA os viuh csckd likVc;kuh ds fy, tkus tkrs gSaA loZsÜoj us viuh dkO;&;k=k dh 'kq#vkr :ekuh dforkvksa ls dh ijarq èkhjs èkhjs ;gh :ekfu;r viuh çkS<+koLFkk esa vkdj orZeku lkekftd thou esa O;kIr folaxfr;ksa dks mtkxj djus dh vksj ço`Ùk gksrh gSA os vius ;qx ds lkFk iw.kZ :i ls lai`ä jgs vkSj vius ;qx dh leL;kvksa] fojksèkkHkklksa dks viuh ys[kuh ds }kjk ;qx ds le{k j[kkA mudk ;qx cksèk mUgsa vius ;qx ds çfr lpsr ,oa ltx cukrk gSA mUgksus thou dks fdlh LofIuy yksd esa u j[kdj ;FkkFkZ ds èkjkry ij gh jgus fn;k gSA muds fy, ;FkkFkZ gh

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lcls cM+k vkn'kZ gS vkSj blh ;FkkFkZ ds ifjçs{; esa viuh vkRe&psruk dks vfHkO;fä nh gSA M‚ j?kqoa'k us muds bl ;qx&lai`fä ds ckjs esa fy[kk gS&Þ loZsÜoj lelkef;d gksdj Hkh ;qx&thou dh lai`fä dks xgu vuqHko ds Lrj ij xzg.k dj lds gSaA muds vuqHko esa O;fä vkSj ;qx thou bl çdkj lai`ä gS fd pje laons uk esa Hkh ;qx dk ;FkkFkZ O;aftr gqvk gSA dfo viuh vkRe&psruk esa O;fäRo dh lef"V dh O;kid psruk dk ekè;e vuqHko djrk gSAÞ1 loZsÜoj dk viuk vuqHkoxr cksèk mudk viuk u gksdj ;qx vkSj lekt dk cksèk cu tkrk gSA loZsÜoj us dkO;&l`tu djrs le; dfork ds lkSan;Z dh fpark u djrs gq;s ;qx&lkSUn;Z dh ;FkkFkZ vfHkO;fä ij fo'ks"k cy fn;k gSA blds fy, mUgksus viuh vfHkO;fä ds fy, ijaijk ls gVdj u, çrhdksa ,oa fcEcksa dh jpuk dh gSA bl lacaèk esa M‚ ikyhoky dk ;g dFku – "VO; gS&Þ loZsÜoj dh dkO;&;k=k Hkh blh ç'u dks u, <ax ls mtkxj dj jgh gS fd ;g dfork iqjkus dkO; 'kkL= ds pkS[kVs ls ckgj dh dfork gS] ftlds fy, lelkef;d ;FkkFkZ&cksèk dh ^le>* dh vis{kk gS] dfork ds iqjkus çfrekuksa dh ughaA^2lu~ lkB ds ckn Hkkjr Hkkjr ugha jgk vkSj u gh Hkkjrh;rk Hkkjrh;rk jg xbZA bu nksuksa 'kCnksa ds vFkZ cny x, vkSj tks u;k vFkZ lekt esa vkrk gS mlesa ekuoh; Hkkoksa dk dgha Hkh ukeks&fu'kku ugha FkkA gekjs mPp thou vkn'kksZa dk âLo gksrk x;k vkSj mldh txg vkekuoh;—r thou n'kZu tUe ysus yxkA ;g n'kZu dkQh le; rd ik'pkR; n'kZu ls çHkkfor Fkk ftlesa vyxko] vdsykiu] Hkz"Vkpkj] LokFkZijdrk] pkiywlh] 'kks"k.k] =klnh vkfn folaxfr;ksa ds rRo ekStwn FksA bl n'kZu dk Hkkjrh; tu&ekul esa xgjk çHkko iM+kA vkfFkZd lEcUèkksa us lkekftd lacèa kksa esa ifjorZu yk fn;sA blds QyLo:i ifjokj foHkktu] oxZ&Hksn] vkfFkZd&'kks"k.k] xk¡o ls 'kgj dh vksj iyk;u vkSj ogk¡ vyxkooknh Page 76

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Hkkouk ls xzLr gksdj laons u'kwU; gks tkuk tSlh fo—fr;k¡ tUe ysuh 'kq: gks tkrh gSaA lekt esa fo?kVu dk ykHk mBkdj jktuhfr esa u,& u, x<+ksa vkSj eBksa dk tUe gksuk 'kq: gks tkrk gSA bu vìksa us turk dh detksfj;ksa dk iwjk Qk;nk mBk;k vkSj viuk LokFkZ fl) fd;kA ubZ dfork ds dfo;ksa us ;gha ls Hkko&cksèk dks xzg.k fd;kA jes'k _f"kdYi us blh cksèk dks ubZ dfork dh ,sfrgkfld ihfBdk ekurs gq;s fy[kk gS AÞ cM+h&cM+h dksfB;ksa esa os te x, tks dsoy 'kks"k.k ij ft;s vkSj Je dks Hkxoku ekuus okys yksx ;k rks lM+dksa ij iRFkj rksM+rs jgs ;k iRFkj cu dj lM+d ij fcN x,A ;gh fo?kVu'khy cksèk ubZ dfork dh ,sfrgkfld ihfBdk gSAÞ3 loZsÜoj us ns'k ds rFkkdfFkr usrkvksa ds >wBs vkSj naHkh ok;nksa dh iksy [kksyh gSA usrk turk dks dsoy >wBs vkÜoklu gh nsrs jgs gSa fd gekjk ns'k vkSj lekt èkhjs èkhjs mUufr dj jgk gS] ge vkxs c<+rs tk jgsa gSaA okLro esa fodkl ns'k dk ugha gqvk cfYd usrkvks vkSj eaf=;ks vkSj muds vQljksa dk gqvk gS vkSj ;s ges'kk turk dks fnokLoIu fn[kkrs jgs gSaA loZsÜoj viuh dfork ^èkhjs èkhjs* esa dgrs gSa fd fodkl èkhjs èkhjs ugha gksrk cfYd èkhjs èkhjs ;fn dqN gksrk gS rks dsoy e`R;qA dfo dh fopkjèkkjk gS fd thou xfr gS vkSj Bgjko e`R;qA tks Bgjko dh ;k eanrk dh ckr djrs gS os e`R;q dh ckr djrs gSaA dfo Li"V:i ls dgrk gS&

अप्रैल-जून : २०१६

ISSN NO २४५४-६२८३

'ko&;k=k esa ckny jgh gS lM+kaèk Q+sy jgh gS& uD'ks ij ns'k ds vkSj vk¡[kksa esa I;kj ds lhekar èkqaèkys iM+rs tk jgs gSa ^èkhjs èkhjs* eq>s l[r uQ+jr gS bl 'kCn lsAÞ5 ^èkhjs&èkhjs* jhrus vkSj chrus ds nnZ ls ;s dfork vkneh ls ns'k rd dh ;k=k djkrh gSA dfo us vius ekè;e ls ns'k dh gksrh nqnZ'kk dk o.kZu fd;k gS vkSj xfreku gksrs ewY;ksa dh çfr"Bk dh gSA bl dfork esa fopkjksa dk bruk vkèkqfud cksèk gS fd çcq) ikBd ls ;g dfork lhèks tqM+rh gSA^6 bl dfork esa dfo dk nnZ lekt dk nnZ cu tkrk gSA vkt ds usrkvksa dk fons'k çse lj p<+ dj cksy jgk gSA ns'k lsok dk Bsdk fy, ;s usrk turk ds iSlksa ls fons'kksa esa tkdj [kwc ,s'k djrs gS vkSj turk dks mYyw cukrs gSaA u mUgs ns'k dh HkykbZ dh fpark gS vkSj u gh lqj{kk dhA tkfr vkSj èkeZ dh jktuhfr dj turk dks vilk esa gh my>k, j[krs gSA ^jax rjcwts dk* dfork esa os dgrs gSa&Þ vejhdk esa Mkal djsa vkS* :l esa ekjsa dq'rh

Þesjs nksLrksa]

ns[kks vius usrkvksa dh èkhjs èkhjs dqN ugha gksrk

;kjksa èkhaxk –eLrh

flQZ ekSr gksrh gSAß4

jax rjcwts dk

^èkhjs&èkhjs* 'kCn esa ,d fof'k"V fufnZ"V fcEc gS ftls dfo ladsrksa vkSj çrhdksa ls le>kuk pkgrk gSA èkhjs èkhjs çrhd gS djksM+ksa Hkkjrh; turk dh e`R;q dk tks fodkl dh vk'kk yxk, cSBs gSa] mUufr ds lius ns[k jgs gSa ftudh vk'kk vkSj liuksa esa èkhjs èkhjs ?kqu yxuk 'kq: gks tkrk gS] foÜokl vkSj vkLFkk [kRe gks jgh gSA ^èkhjs&èkhjs ds bl n'kZu esa I;kj] vkneh] >aMk] ns'k vkSj lekt Mwc tkrk gS A dfo dks vkØksf'kr Loj esa dgrk gS&Þ èkhjs&èkhjs ,d Økafr ;k=k

egd [kjcwts dh A7 Þvk¡[k ehap dj ,slk lks,¡@ [kkuk ys x;k dqÙkk] xSj ds pkSds esa brjk,¡@ tSls dqdqjeqÙkkAÞ8 xkaèkhokn dks viuk vkn'kZ ekuus okys usrk xkaèkhth ds fl)karksa ds lkFk gh f[kyokM+ djus yx tkrs gSA xkaèkh ds uke ij bu yksxksa us viuk LokFkZ fl) fd;k vkSj xkaèkh ds çrhd Lo:i ik¡p oLrq,a& yaxksVh] ykBh] p'ek] Page 77

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अप्रैल-जून : २०१६

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pj[kk] ?kM+h& buds uke ij xjhc] cscl vkSj ykpkj turk dk 'kks"k.k djrs jgsA dfo lksp a rk gS fd pyks vPNk gh gqvk xkaèkhth dk 'kjhj ;gk¡ ugha gS ojuk ;s yksx buds 'kjhj ds uke ij lkjk ns'k gh [kk tkrs&ÞvPNk gqvk@ rqe pys x,

gSA ;gk¡ rsna qvk orZeku dh psruk dk Hk;kØkar ik'kfod :i gS tks vèkZ&psru O;oLFkk dks vius vuq:i <kyus ds fy, dfVc) gSA dfo dh fpark ;g gS fd èkhjs èkhjs ;g rsna qvk lkjh lkjh lekt O;oLFkk dks fgald vkSj vaèksjs Hkfo"; dh vksj ys tk jgk gS

vU;Fkk rqEgkjs ru dk

Þ pêkuksa ij f>>ksaM jgk gS viuk f'kdkj

;s tuuk;d D;k djrs

dkyk rsna qvk

irk ughaAÞ9

pêkus] pêkusa ugha jgha

brus ij Hkh mUgsa Mdkj ugha vkrh rc os ,d ubZ ;kstuk ^xjhch gVkvks* ds lkFk rS;kj gksdj vkrs gSaA xjhch gVrh vo'; gS ysfdu fdldh \ xjhcksa dh \ ugha] gVrh gS usrkvksa vkSj vQljksa dh] Bsdsnkjksa dhA bl ;kstuk ds }kjk turk dk vkfFkZd :i ls 'kks"k.k gksrk gS A dfo ;g ugha ns[k ldsA mUgksus blds fo#) vkokt mBkus dh Bkuh A os mu ij dVk{k djrs gq;s dgrs gSa&

rsna qvksa esa ckny x;h gSA

Þ xjhch gVkvks lqurs gh os dfczLrku dh vksj yids vkSj eqjnksa ij iM+h os pknjsa mrkjus yxs tks xanh vkSj iqjkuh Fkh fQj os ubZ pknjsa ysus pys x,A tc ykSV dj vk, rks eqnksZa dh txg fx) cSBs FksAÞ10 dfo ,sls usrkvksa vkSj muds vuqpjksa dks HksfM+;s ds :i esa ns[krs gS vkSj turk dks bdëk gksdj mudk mlh Loj esa fojksèk djus dh çsj.kk nsrs gSA ,sls yksxks dk turk dh ihM+k nq[k&nnZ vkfn rdyhQ+ksa ls dksbZ okLrk ugha gksrkA mudk rks dsoy è;ku turk dks fdlh u fdlh :i esa ywVus dk gksrk gSA vkikrdky esa rks gkyr vkSj Hkh cnrj gks tkrh gSA iwjs 'kklura= esa dsoy ,d gh 'kf[l;r Fkh tks lewph O;oLFkk vkSj ns'k dks vius vuq:i pykuk pkgrk Fkk] euekuh djuk pkgrk Fkk] fujadq'k cuuk pkgrk FkkA ^dkyk rsna qvk* dfork esa rsna qvk çrhd gS rkuk'kkgh lÙkk dk vkSj pêku çrhd gS&fucZy O;oLFkk dhA ;gk¡ ij psru vkSj vèkZ&psru dk lacèa k Hkh fn[krk

,d rsna qvk] lkjs taxy dks dkys rsna qvksa esa ckny jgk gS AÞ11 ijarq dfo fujk'k ugha gksrkA og yksxksa ls bu HksfM+;k :ih lÙkkèkh'kksa dk fuMjrk ls lkeuk djus dks dgrk gS A og Økafr djus ds fy, yksxks dks çsfjr djrk gSA dfo dk ekuuk gS fd tc rd ge buls Mjrs jgsx a s rc rd ;s gekjk 'kks"k.k djrs jgsaxs] vR;kpkj djrs jgsaxsA ;fn ge buds vR;kpkjksa ls cpuk pkgrs gSa] NqVdkjk ikuk pkgrs gSa rks gesa ,d tqV gksdj mls [knsM+uk gksxk] Hkxkuk gksxkA ^HksfM+;k* dfork esa HksfM+;k çrhd gS fgald vR;kpkjh 'kkld oxZ dk vkSj e'kky çrhd gS& Økafr dh foæksg dh] psruk dhA turk ds foæksg ds vkxs 'kkld dh dqN Hkh ugha pyrh gSA var esa mls lÙkk NksM a +uh gh iM+rh gSA dfo turk dh bl rkdr ds ckjs esa dgrk gS& Þ HksfM+;s dh vk¡[ksa lq[kZ gSaA mls rc rd ?kwjks@tc rd rqEgkjh vk¡[ksa lq[kZ u gks tk,¡A djksM+ksa gkFkksa esa e'kky ysdj ,d&,d >kM+h dh vksj c<+ks lc HksfM+;s Hkkxsx a sAÞ12 dfo HksfM+;s ¼lÙkk½ vkSj euq"; ¼turk½ esa cqfu;knh varj crkrk gS fd rqe e'kky tyk ¼Økafr dj½ ldrs gks ijarq HksfM+;k ugha tyk ldrkA og çdk'k ¼tkx`fr½ vkSj tu lewg ls Mjrk gS blfy, rqe mldk lkeuk MV dj djks vkSj mls nwj taxy rd [knsM+ vkvks Page 78

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tgk¡ vU; HksfM+;s jgrs gksa rkfd vkil esa os yM+ dj [kqn gh feV tk,¡Alafoèkku vkSj yksdra= dks bu jktusrkvksa us fdl dnj f[kyokM+ cuk dj j[kk gS ^jkx Mhx dY;k.k* vkSj ^;g f[kM+dh* dfork esa ns[kk tk ldrk gSA usrkvksa us lafoèkku ds leLr çfoèkkuksa dks ifjofrZr dj vius fgr esa dj fy, gSaA yksdra= ds uke ij xqaMk ra= pyk dj pkjksa vksj Hk; ,oa vkrad dk jkT; LFkkfir dj turk ds eè; viuk opZLo LFkkfir djus esa ijLij gksM esa jgrs gSa vkSj mudh bl gksM esa cspkjh turk filrh jgrh gSA turk ds lkeus cl ,d gh jkLrk jg tkrk gS fd og lc dqN pqipki Lohdkj dj ys& Þ rsjh HkSal ds vkxs chu cth @ rsjh HkSal ds vkxs 'kgukbZ rsjh HkSal ?kql xbZ laln esa @ lc lafoèkku pV dj vkbZA rsjh HkSal djs tks th pkgs @ rsjh HkSal ls vc D;k dkSu dgs\ rsjh HkSal esjs flj&ekFks ij@ rsjh HkSal is ;g ru&eu okjkAÞ13 ^HkSal* çrhd gS fujadq'k rkuk'kkgh dhA turk dks viuh HkykbZ blh esa fn[krh gS fd og pqipki O;oLFkk dj ysA fojksèk djus ij og cqjh rjg ls dqpy nh tk,xhA dfo tkurk gS fd ,sls gh yksxksa dks vkt dk lkjk foÜo iwtrk gS] ekurk gSA ç'kklu esa Hkz"Vkpkj viuh pje lhek esa gksrk gS A ns'k dh xjhc turk dks ftruk usrkvksa us ugha ywVk gksxk mruk rks lqj{kk ds uke ij iqfyl] dj vfèkdkjh] Bsdsnkj] lekt ds vlkekftd rRoksa us feydj ywVk gSA turk ftruk dekrh ugha gS mlls Hkh dgha Hkh T;knk vius ?kj ls feykdj buds pj.kksa esa vfiZr djrh gSA ^pqikbZ ekjkS nqyfgu* dfork esa dfo us blh foæwirk dk fp=.k fd;k gSA ç'kklu }kjk çnÙk O;oLFkk ij O;aX; djrs gq;s xjhc dh ekfeZd fLFkfr dk ltho fp=.k dfo djrk gS& Þ esys esa nqdku dh@ ekfpl chM+h iku dh]

अप्रैल-जून : २०१६

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ckdh cpk VSDl Hkj vk;h@ ,slh gqbZ rckgh pqikbZ ekjkS nqyfgu@ ekjk tk; dkSvk A Þ14 dfo tc pkjksa vksj ls turk dks 'kks"k.k vkSj vR;kpkj ls f?kjk ikrk gS rks og fojksèk djuk 'kq: dj nsrk gSA ns'k dh jktuhfr vkSj vFkZuhfr ij m|ksxifr;ksa dk vkfèkiR; gksus ij og cspkSu gksus yxrk gSA ljdkj dgus dks rks xjhcksa vkSj 'kksf"krksa ds mRFkku ds fy, cgqr lh ;kstuk,¡ cuk jgh Fkh ijarq xjhcksa dks mudk dksbZ Hkh va'k ugha fey jgk FkkA ljdkj lkE;okn vkSj lektokn dk ukjk yxk dj >wBs vkÜoklu fdlkuksa vkSj etnwjksa dks nsrh jghA loZsÜoj ljdkj dh bl py dks le> tkrs gSa vkSj fèkDdkjrs gSa& Þ lkE;okn ;k iwt a hokn@ eSa nksuksa ij Fkwadrk gw¡ vkSj iwNrk gw¡@ ftlds iSj esa rqe twrk ugha ns ldrs mlds gkFk esa rqEgs@ a canwd nsus dk D;k vfèkdkj gS\ß15 okLro esa ns[kk tk, rks loZsÜoj foæksg ds dfo gSaA os gj ml O;oLFkk dk foæksg djrs gSa tks xjhc turk ds f[kykQ gksrh gSA os jktuSfrd Lrj ij tc uSfrd iru dks ns[krs gSa rc mudk eu cspkSuh ls Hkj mBrk gSA mUgsa ;g iwjk ra= gh xkscjSyk yxus yxrk gSA tgk¡ lkjk lekt gh laons u&'kwU; gksrk tk jgk gks ogk¡ Økafr dh D;k ckr dh tk ldrh gS\Þ lÙkk vkSj O;oLFkk ds uke ij fudkys x, dfo ds fu"d"kZ vxaHkhj <ax ls dgus ij Hkh fdrus xaHkhj gSaA tc ge iwjh orZeku fLFkfr ij fopkj djrs gSa rks yxrk gS xkscjSyksa dk peduk vkSj c<+uk dksbZ NksVh ckr ugha gSAÞ16 bl çdkj ge ns[krs gSa fd loZsÜoj us viuh dforkvksa ds ekè;e ls rRdkyhu jktuhfr esa O;kIr reke çdkj dh folaxfr;ksa ,oa foæwirkvksa dk fp=.k fd;k gSA mUgksus gj ml ckr dk fojksèk fd;k tks mUgsa lgh ugha yxhA viuh bUgha fo'ks"krkvksa ds dkj.k mUgsa ubZ dfork esa 'kh"kZ LFkku çkIr gS vkSj çeq[k gLrk{kjksa esa ls ,d gSaA

dqN rks [kk xk, gkfde mejk@ dqN~ [kk xk, flikgh Page 79

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lanHkZ% 1 M‚Œ j?kqoa'k % lelkef;drk vkSj vkèkqfud fgUnh dfork i` 34 2- M‚Œ —".k nÙk ikyhoky &loZsÜoj vkSj mudh dfork i` 34 3 jes'k _f"k dYi &ubZ dfork vkSj loZsÜoj i` 3 4 loZsÜoj n;ky lDlsuk&loZsÜoj n;ky lDlsuk dh çfrfufèk dfork;s]a i` 159] 160&61 5 ogh 6 —".k nÙk ikyhoky&loZsÜoj vkSj mudh dfork i` 75 7 ogh&loZsÜoj n;ky lDlsuk dh çfrfufèk dfork;s]a i` 140 8 ogh&loZsÜoj n;ky lDlsuk dh çfrfufèk dfork;s]a i` 140 9 ogh&loZsÜoj n;ky lDlsuk dh çfrfufèk dfork;s]a i` 142 10 ogh&xjhch gVkvks* dqvkuksa unh i` 43 11 ogh&loZsÜoj n;ky lDlsuk dh çfrfufèk dfork;s]a i` 92 12 ogh&loZsÜoj n;ky lDlsuk dh çfrfufèk dfork;s]a i` 89 13 ogh&loZsÜoj n;ky lDlsuk dh çfrfufèk dfork;s]a i` 22 14 ogh&loZsÜoj n;ky lDlsuk dh çfrfufèk dfork;s]a i` 67&68 15 ogh&;q) fLFkfr*& ,d lquh uko i` 45 16 jes'k _f"k dYi&ubZ dfork vkSj loZsÜoj i` 41&42

Page 80

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१६-ikfjfLFkfrd ukjhokn ds lanHkZ esa ledkyhu fgUnh dgkuh PRANEETHA.P, BHADRABHAVANAM, STERLING ESTATE ,KUMARANASAN ROAD, COCHIN- 682017., KERALA L=h vkSj ç—fr ds chp vukfndky dk lac/a k gS A ;g ,d tSfod fj'rk gS A thounk;d moZjrk vkSj ikyu&iks"k.k dh {kerk gh nksuksa dks vkil esa feykusokyh vuqie dड़h gS] tks mUgsa l`f"V ds vfLrRo ds vk/kkjf'kyk cukrh gSa A L=h vius nSfud thou esa iq#"k dh vis{kk ç—fr ds vf/kd uज़nhd jgrh gS A ;s lc L=h vkSj ç—fr ds vkRe laca/k dks gh |ksfrr djrs gSa A nksuksa dh fudVrk ds :id lkfgR; esa ns[kk tk ldrk gS Aç—fr vkSj L=h ds vkilh laca/k dk lgt fp=.k vkfndkyhu lkfgR; ls gh ns[kk tk ldrk gS A osnksa vkSj iqjk.kksa esa vfHkO;ä ukjh ladYiuk;sa bldk xokg gS] ftlesa L=h dks Hkwfe nsork dk ntkZ çkIr gSA og thounkf;uh gS vkSj lcdk laj{kd Hkh gS A ;g Hkh –"VO; gS fd L=h ds lkSUn;Zo.kZu esa ç—fr ls fcacksa dks xzg.k fd;k gSA muds lkSUn;kZRed :i&lk–'; vkSj moZjrk gh L=h vkSj ç—fr dks vkil esa tksड़usokyh vk/kkjHkwr lekurk ekuh x;h gS A chloha lnh ds mÙkjk/kZ ls lkfgR; esa ç—fr vkSj L=h ds bu lekurkvksa ds lkFk muds 'kks"k.k vkSj nqjoLFkk dk lekos'k Hkh gksus yxk A ;g muds çfr cnyrs lkekftd – f"Vdks.k dk ifj.kke gSA L=h ds mRihड़u vkSj ikfjfLFkfrd nksgu ds chp ,d vfHkUu lac/a k gS] bls igpkuusokys orZeku lkfgR;dkj L=h vkSj ç—fr dks] 'kks"k.k ls eqä djus ds mís'; ls viuh dye pykbZ gSA mUgksaus viuh jpukvksa ds }kjk mudh ,d:irk vkSj muds

अप्रैल-जून : २०१६ cngkyksa lacaf/kr xkSjoe; çLrqr L=h vkSj dks

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ls fopkj djds ç—fr lkFk

tksड़dj fopkj djusokys ikfjfLFkfrd ukjhokn dh uohu vo/kkj.kk dks çcy cuk;k gSA Hkkjrh; lkfgR; esa chloha 'krkCnh ds vafre n'kdksa esa gh ikfjfLFkfrd L=hokn dk çHkko çfrQfyr gqvk gSA vkt lkfgR; ds gj fo/kkvksa esa ikfjfLFkfrd L=hokn çfrjks/k dk 'ka[kukn cudj eq[kfjr gSA ;gka ikfjfLFkfrd L=hoknh fopkj/kkjkvksa ds rgr ledkyhu fgUnh dgkuh dk v/;;u fo'ys"k.k djus dh dksf'k'k dh xbZ gS A ikfjfLFkfrd-ukjhokn ¼bdksQfs efuज़e½ ikfjfLFkfrdokn vkSj ukjhokn dk la;ksx gSA thounkf;uh L=h vkSj ç—fr dks dsUæ esa çfrf"Br djusokyk ikfjfLFkfrd ukjhokn] gekjs thou vkSj vfLrRo ls tqड़s ,d ikfjfLFkfrd vkanksyu gSA ikfjfLFkfrd n'kZu dh ,d 'kk[kk gksus ij Hkh ;g ,d Lora= vkanksyu ds rkSj ij fodkl çkIr dj jgk gS A ekuoh; ewY;ksa vkSj lkekftd U;k; ij vk/kkfjr ;g n'kZu ç—fr] L=h vkSj iq#"k ds chp ikjLifjdrk dh ,d lq–ढ़ lkekftd O;oLFkk dks :ikf;r djus esa dk;Zjr gSA ikfjfLFkfrd fLFkfr;ksa esa lq/kkj ds lkFk ekuo vkSj ç—fr ds fj'rs esa Hkh lq/kkj ykuk gh bldk vk/kkjHkwr mís'; gSA os foospughu ,sls ,d larqfyr lekt dh LFkkiuk ij ज़ksj nsrs gSa] tgk¡ lcds vfLrRo dk viuk ewY; gSaA ;g ekuorkoknh fopkj lkekftd vkSj ikfjfLFkfrd mUufr dsfy, gj ;qx esa çklafxd gS rkfd LoLFk ikfjokfjd thou dsfy, L=h dk ;ksxnku ftruk ज़:jh gS] mruk gh LokLF;iw.kZ thou dsfy, larqfyr Page 81

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ikfjfLFkfrdh dh vfuok;Zrk g A mRiknu vkSj çR;qRiknu çfØ;k ds vfuok;Z ?kVd L=h vkSj ç—fr dks miHkksx ds nk;js esa caf/kr djds lkekftd vkSj vkfFkZd fodkl esa mUgsa udkjk tkrk gSA muds 'kks"k.k vkSj mRihMu ds ihNs dk;Zjr ekufldrk ;g gS fd L=h vkSj ç—fr dk ,dkf/kdkjh iq#"k gSA bl rjg dh :ढ़hokfnrk vkSj iq#"kkf/kiR; dks pqukSrh nsuk vkSj L=h dks ladh.kZ okrkoj.k ls eqä ,d LoPN okrkoj.k esa thus dk vf/kdkj ikuk ikfjfLFkfrd ukjhokn dk y{; gS A blls Li"V gS fd bldk çfrjks/k iq#"k ds fo#) ugha] cfYd iq#"kkf/kiR; ds çfr gS A la{ksi esa dgsa rks] ikfjfLFkfrd ukjhokn L=h vkSj ç—fr ds mRihMu vkSj 'kks"k.k ls lacaf/kr fopkjksa dks lesVusokyk ,d lkekftd vkanksyu gS A lS)kafrd vkSj O;kogkfjd rkSj ij ,d 'kks"k.keqä lekt dh LFkkiuk ij gh ;g n'kZu ज़ksj nsrk gS A vkt ns'k oSKkfud&çkS|ksfxd rFkk vkS|ksfxd lHkh {ks=ksa esa fodkl ds ijkdk"Bk ij [kड़k gS A ledkyhu fodklksUeq[k lekt dk ,d; igyw L=h vkSj ç—fr ij bldk çHkko gS A lkekftd fodkl ds ,syku ds xoZ esa Hkh bu nksuksa ds gSfl;r dks uज़j vankज़ djds] mu ds çfr mis{kk dk Hkko loZO;kIr gS A ;gk¡ eSa eS=; s h iq"ik ds 'kCnksa dks m)`r djuk pkgrh gw¡& ‘”dgus dks] fxukus dks cgqr lkjh miyfC/k;k¡ gSa gekjs ikl& ns'k esa efgyk ç/kku ea=h dk yEcs le; rd jkt] Hkkjrh; jkds'k 'kekZ dk lis,l ij mrj tkuk] dEI;wVj ;qx dk lekxeA--- bUgha miyfC/k;ksa esa 'kkfey gS ckfydk o"kkZ! nwljh vksj H:.k ijh{k.k dh çfØ;k ds ckn eknk H:.k dk uk'k A lkekftd] jktuSfrd Lrj ij L=h dks cjkcjh dk ntkZ nsuk A nwljh vksj mldh mBrh vkokज़ ij vkx dh yiVksa ds migkj---- ge

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fdl rjg ds fodkl dh ckrsa djrs gSa \ dSlh çxfr dh vksj cढ़ jgs gSa \ fdl lH; ns'k dh oklh gS \ 'kk;n rFkkdfFkr lH;rk dk pksxk yVdkdj viuh fo—fr;ksa dks ढ़dus dh iqjtksj dksf'k'k esa yxs gS A okLrfodrk rks ;g gS fd ukjh ml Lrj ij vk;h gh ugha gS A og drkZ vkSj deZ ds chp dsoy ek/;e dh fLFkfr esa gS ! ek= r`fr;k foHkfä A ugha rks vf/kdkjksa dk <ksy ihV&ihVdj gesa lekurk dk xk;=h bDdhloha ;kstukvksa esau;s&u;s

ea= dh rjg tki u djuk iड़rkA lnh dh iw.kZ&viw.kZ fodkl esa oSKkfud peRdkj] fpfdRlk vk;ke] dhfrZ LraHkksa ds çfreku]

egkuxjksa dh cgqeafज़yh bekjrksa esa] v[kckjksa ds i`"Bksa ij] vkdk' vkSj nwjn'kZu ds xSj ljdkjh&ljdkjh ek/;eksa ds ज़fj, Hkys gh /kekds djrs jgs] xk¡o dh /kjrh ij fodkl dh vis{kk fouk'k vf/kd epk “1 eS=; s h iq"ik ds ;s dFku orZeku fodflr lekt esa L=h vkSj ç— fr dh okLrfod fLFkfr dks n'kkZrk gS A ledkyhu fgUnh dgkfu;k¡ L=h vkSj ç—fr ij fodkl ;kstukvksa ds çHkkoksa ds fofHkUu igyqvksa dks ;FkkFkZ ds /kjkry ij lgtrk ls mHkkjrh gS A ledkyhu fgUnh dgkfu;ksa ls ,sls çlaxksa dks <w¡<us dk ç;kls ;gk¡ fd;k x;k gS A mn;çdk'k dh xksfly’ ikfjfLFkfrdh esa fodkltU; ifjorZu vkSj mlls mRiUu çnwf"kr ifjos'k ls çHkkfor L=hthou dks çrhdkRed <ax ls mHkkjusokyh dgkuh gS A blesa 'kksHkk ds ek/;e ls dgkuhdkj us L=h vkSj ç—fr ds vkilh laca/k rFkk nksuksa ds cngky dks mn~?kkfVr fd;k gS A bl dgkuh esa 'kksHkk ,d fuEuoxhZ; L=h dk çrhd gS A 'kksHkk vius ifr pUædkar FkksjkV ds lkFk fnYyh ds tgk¡xhjiqjh esa ,d fe;kuh esa jgrh gS A ;g tgk¡xhjiqjh fnYyh dk dpjk dguk gh mfpr gksxk vkSj fe;kuh ds ikl xank ukyk Hkh cgrk gS A bl ifjos'k esa thusokyh 'kksHkk Page 82

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lkr ckj xHkZorh gqbZ] ysfdu gj ckj cPpk ;k rks lgh le; ds igys fxj tkrk ;k tUe ds nks& pkj eghus ckn fdlh chekjh esa ej tkrk A mUgsa ,glkl gksrk gS fd fe;kuh ds Bhd lkeus tks ukyh gS] mlds dhVk.kq vkSj ePNj gh muds cPpksa dks chekj dj nsrs gSa “2 ;g ikfjfLFkfrd çnw"k.k ,oa mldk çR;{k çHkko >syusokyh L=h dk lkdkj fp=.k gS A dgkuh esa 'kksHkk dks vius thou esa dbZ 'kks"k.k dk lkeuk dju iड़rh gS A mldk igyk ifr jekdkar ds vR;kpkj Hkjs O;ogkj] ,d L=h dsfy, vlguh; ihड़k gh gS A jekdkar ds iSlksa dh ykyp vkSj LokFkZiwfrZ esa 'kksHkk fcYMj vkSj njksxk tSls yksxksa ds lkewfgd cykRdkj dk f'kdkj curh gS A muds vekuoh; O;ogkj dgkuh esa blçdkj çLrqr gS & u'ks ds ckn mu yksxksa ds Hkhrj cSBk tkuoj tkx tkrk vkSj ml dejs esa ml tkuoj ds mRikr vkSj mldh ouSyh&og'kh fgalk dh f'kdkj curh 'kksHkkA3 jek'kadj ds ?kj ds ikl jgusokys yksx bl fu"Bqj djrwrksa ls vufHkK gS A vlguh; nnZ ls djkgusokyh 'kksHkk bl ckr ls voxr g S fd ""xyh ds ml ikl ls dbZ enZ v‚[ksa mls ?kwj jgh gSaA''4 mls ;g Hkh lkQ ekywe gksrk gS fd ;s fL=;ksa dh ugha] iq#"kksa dh v‚[ksa gSaA ;gk¡ njksxk vkSj fcYMj iw¡thoknh lÙkk/kkjh oxZ dk çrhd gS] tks L=h dks lnk miHkksx ds nk;js esa caf/kr djds mUgsa vius v/khu cukus esa bPNqd gS A mls ,sls vekuoh; ihड़k ls eqfä pUædkar FkksjkV ls feyrh gS] tks 'kksHkk dk laj{kd cudj vkrk gS A lwjh dk tUe 'kksHkk dks jekdkar] fcYMj vkSj njksxk ds vR;kpkj ds çfr'kkjhfjd çfrfØ;k yxrh gS& lkewfgd fgalk dh otg ls vius xHkZ esa ges'kk dsfy, dksbZ [kkeh iSnk gks xbZ gksA5 mls lwjh dk psgjk ydड़h] iRFkj tSls Hkkoghu yxrh gS] ysfdu nwljk csVk vejdkar ds tue ij ç—fr ds peRdkj ls og pfdr Hkh gksrh gS A

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dgkuhdkj ç—fr ds leHkkoh :iksa ls 'kksHkk dh ekufldrk dks O;ä djus esa lQy gqvk gS nSfud thou ds lkjs x`gdk;Z L=h gh fuHkkrh gS A 'kksHkk Hkh nsj jkr rd ?kjsyw dkeksa esa O;Lr jgrh gS] blds vykok vklikl ds ?kjksa esa vpkj] cfड़;k¡] eqjCck vkSj [kkuk cukus dk dke Hkh djrh gS A tc os dtZ ysdj ,d turk ¶ySV~l ysrs gSa vkSj NksVk csVk vejdkar "Cyw csYl' Ldwy iढ़us tkrk gS rks ?kj dk [kpZ cढ़rk gS A edku dh fdLr vkSj vej ds Ldwy Qhl ds iSls dsfy, 'kksHkk flykbZ dk dke Hkh djus yxh A og flykbZ e'khu [kjhndj iड़ksfl;ksa vkSj ckज़kj dh nks&rhu nqdkuksa ls ls diड़s ykdj flykbZ djrh gS A ;g HkweM a yh—r lekt esa fL=;ksa ds c<rs Je dks fn[kkrk gS A HkweaMyhdj.k dh u;h vkfFkZd uhfr ds QyLo:i lHkh {ks=ksa esa dtZ dh lqfo/kk lcdks çkIr gSAdtZ pqdAus dsfy, vf/kdcks> mBkuk iM+rk gSA HkweM a yhdj.k dh fodkl uhfr;ksa esa L=h vkSj ç—fr dh leku gkyr gSA latho dh ">wBh gS rsrjh nknh' ,slh dgkuh gS tks ç—fr lkSUn;Z fp=.k ds lkFk gh ç—fr ds cnyrs ifj–'; vkSj L=h&'kfä ds la?k"kZ dks ,d gh iV esa çLrqr djrh gS A ;g dgkuh çR;{k;k tkfr&çFkk rFkk o.kZ&oxZ ds paxqy esa Q¡lh rsrjh tSlh fuj{kj efgyk dh ftanxh dks fpf=r djrh gSAth;riqj uked LFkku esa ,d vkbZ - , -,l dh ckjkr esa Mksedksp 'kwV djus vk;h efgyk dh uज़fj, ls dgkuh vkxs c<rh gS Adgkuh esa ,sls vusd fp= ns[kus dks feyrs gSa tks xk¡o dh lqUnjrk dks vR;ar çHkkokRed <ax ls js[kkafdr djrs gSa A vkxs dksgjk Fkk] ihNs /kwy dk xqckj A cgqr ;kn djus ij Hkh Bhd&Bhd dqN ;kn ugha vk jgk Fkk A lkeus ckx Fkk vkSj mlds cxy esa dwb;ksa ¼defyuh½ ls Hkjk iks[kj ftlesa Page 83

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ukxiapeh dks cSj ds M.Ms ls ihV&ihV dj yÙks dh xqfड़;k fljk;h tkrh FkhA6 xk¡o ds lgt LokHkkfod lkSUn;Z dks [khapus ds lkFk gh dgkuh esa ml xk¡o dh orZeku n'kk dks Hkh fpf=r fd;k gS A uhe ds pcwrjs ij tk cSBh Fkh og vkSj mls ns[kus ]iwjk lqdqyiqj meड़k vk jgk Fkk A ij ftl lqdqyiqj dks og tkurh vkSj igpkurh Fkh] og lqdqyiqj ugha Fkk ;g A u ?kj] u ?kkV] u jkLrs] u [ksr] u ckx&cxhps] u ghyksx&ckx A u og fdlh dks phUg ik jgh Fkh] u dksbZ mls phUg ik jgk Fkk] uSgj c¡V fc[kj dj ckjg pwYgksa esa cny x;k FkkA7 ;gk¡ fodklksUeq[k vk/kqfud ;qx esa xk¡o ds cnyrs ifjos'k dh vksj ladsr ns[kk tk ldrk gSA fodkl ;kstukvksa ds pyrs xk¡o dh lgt lajpuk gh u"V gks jgh gSaA blls xk¡o dk lkSUn;Z bruk yqIr gks x;k gS fd og gekjh dYiukvksa esa lhfer gks x;k gS A ikfjfLFkfrdh ds çfr dgkuhdkj viuh vkLFkk dks cuk;s j[krs gq, gh lfn;ksa ls L=h dks nfer j[kus dh iq#"kksa dh ekufldrk vkSj mlls QwV fudyus dh L=h dh van:uh 'kfä nksuksa dk js[kkadu djrk gS A vkb- ,-,l dh ckjkr 'kwV djus dks vkbZ efgyk dks yxrh gS fd ""esjs ik¡o /khjs&/khjs iks[kj ds cxy ls chjku Ldwy dh vksj cढ़rs gSa A gkykafd eq>s ekywe gS fd vkt ogk¡ deyk nsoh ugha gSa] ftUgksaus "FksjhxkFkk' ds xhrksa dk Hkkstiqjh esa vuqokn fd;k Fkk vkSj tks bl fiNड़s xk¡o dh cngky vkSjrksa esa tku Qw¡dus ds vijk/k esa dyafdr djds Ldwy ls fudky nh x;h Fkha & nqxkZ ckS dh xq#!''8 L=h dks vius 'kks"k.k ls voxr djkusokyh ukjh eqfä ds fopkjksa ls gh Mjdj iq#"kes/kk lekt lnk muds neu djus dh dksf'k'k djrk gS A dgkuh dk ;g çlax Hkh L=h dks lnk gkf'k;s—r cuk;s j[kus dh ekufldrkokys O;ogkj dk |ksrd gS A

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dgkuh esa L=h&'kfä ds la?k"kZ ds Loj Hkh eq[kfjr gS A ;Fkk& ckjkr ds fonk gks tkus ij fookg&?kj esa enZ çk;: ugha gksrs A iq#"kksa ds çR;{k ncko ds gV tkus ls ,d vyx gh mUeqäk dk vkye gksrk gS A ,sls esa vkSjrksa dk jrtxk gksrk gS Mksedp&tyqvk!lfn;ksa&lg#kkfCn;ksa dk nfer ukjh&eu vkoj.k ds gVrs gh ikrky rksड़ dq,¡ dh rjg cycykdj QwV fudyrk gS & xkt] Qsu vkSj QwRdkj ds lkFk fodkj cgrk] fcyfcykrk gqvk gj rjQ] gj vkSj A vkSj og Fkk Hkh] jkr dks Mksedp ds eap ijA9 ç—fr dh rjg L=h Hkh R;kx] leiZ.k vkSj eerk dk ewfrZor :i gS A ãn; dh dksey Hkkoukvksa dk çrhd gS] ysfdu lhek ds ijs neu ls mudh vkarfjd 'kfä ,sls QwV fudyrh gS tSls çk—frd larqyu u"V gksus ij ç—fr] foinkvksa ds :i esa viuh çfrfØ;k O;ä djrh gS A bl –f"V ls ge dg ldrs gSa fd L=h esa og 'kfä gS] ftlds }kjk og vius rFkk ç—fr ds 'kks"k.k dks jksd ldrh gS A dgkuh dk çLrqr çlax L=h esa vUrfuZfgr 'kfä dks gh mtkxj djrk gS A fodkl ds uke ij ç—fr dh laifÙk dks ywVus dh iw¡thoknh lkft'k vkSj mlds l[r fojks/k esa viuh fज़Unxh cfynku dh x;h ,d cwढ़h ek¡ dh dgkuh dks ltho us "gR;kjs' esa çLrqr fd;k gS A fclquiqj ls pyusokyh jruk unh ds laj{k.k ,oa fodkl dsfy, cwV ;kstuk ykxw djrh gS vkSj unh ds fudV ;g lkbu cksड़Z yxkrk gS & loZlk/kkj.k dks lwfpr fd;k tkrk gS fd vkt fnukad 10 twu ls jruk unh dks blds loZLrjh; fodkl dsfy, ljdkj dh cwV ;kstuk ds rgr vf/kx`ghr dj] ik¡p lky dsfy, jru yky xks;udk dks lkSai fn;k x;k gS A unh ds ty ;k unh dh fdlh Hkh laifÙk dk fcuk vuqefr ds mi;ksx ;k miHkksx ugha fd;k tk ldrk A ,sls djusokys nf.Mr gksx a s A10 xk¡ookyksa ds fy, ;g lwpuk muij ,d Page 84

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/kDdk gh Fkk] D;ksafd tks unh dy rd ek¡ dh rjg viuh Fkh] og gBkr~ ijkbZ gks tk,xh Alqcg eNqvkjksa us unh esa uko mrkjh gh Fkh fd ,d eksVj cksV us mUgsa [knsड़ fy;k A ugkus vkSj ikuh ysus i'kq ikuh ihus x, rks idड़ mUgsa lkbZu cksMZfn[kk fn;k fy;s x;s A tx/kj dh ekbZ us viuh ,d unh HkSal] esa mrjh vkSjrksa dks jksddj xk; vkSj ikड़k ysdj taxy dh vksj pjkus fudyh Fkh fd vpkud ikड़k us epydj unh dh vksj Hkkxk vkSj ikuh ihus yxkA flikfg;ksa us mls ?ksjdj ihVus yxk vkSj tx/kj dh ekbZ dks Hkh viekfur fd;k A euq"; ds ,sls funZ; O;ogkjksa ds lanHkZ esa ikfjfLFkfrd n'kZu ds xgu ikfjfLFkfrdokn ds fopkjksa dks ;kn fnykuk iड़rk gS A euq";dsfUær O;oLFkk ls tSo dsfUær O;oLFkk dks rjthg nsusokyk xgu ikfjfLFkfrd n'kZu euq"; ds leku ç—fr ds lHkh tho&tarqvksa ds vfLrRo ,oa muds ewY;ksa dks Lohdkjrk gS A bl –f"V ls euq"; ç—fr esa nwljksa ds vf/kdkjksa dks Nhu ugha ldrs A orZeku fodkl çfØ;k ds çlax esa bl n'kZu dh çklafxdrk blfy, gS fd bldh fopkj/kkjk;sa lcds vfLrRo dks cuk;s j[kus esa l{ke gS A çLrqr dgkuh ds flUgk vxzoky] çlkn ,oa xks;udk jruk unh ls Qk;nk mBkus ds fopkjksa ls ;qä ljdkj ds vkneh gSa A mudh uज़j unh ds ikuh] ghjk] dks;yk vkfn ij gS ] tc unh ds vf/kdkjksa ls yksxksa dks oafpr djk;k x;k] rc lc dgha çfrjks/k dk Loj mBus yxk A dgkuhdkj iw¡thifr;ksa ds bl 'kks"k.k Hkjs O;ogkj dk fojks/k] ç—fr dks ek/;e cukdj O;ä djrk gS & xqLlk ped jgk Fkk jruk dh fpydrh ygjksa ijA xqLlk HkHkd jgk Fkk nksuksa fdukjksa ds isड़ksa&ikS/kksa] ?kkl&Qwl] Qwy vkSj r`.k ls A xqLlk fjl jgk FkkefUnjksa&efLtnksa dh baZVksa ls] xqLlk pw jgk Fkk Å¡?krs edkuks]a nwdkuksa ls "bldk D;k eryc gqvk fd vHkh rd ftl

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unh] igkड़] taxy dks viuk le> jgs Fks] os vius ugha gSa] ज़ehu viuh ugha gS] Qly viuh ugha] iSlk viuk ugha & dy rd ftUgsa ge viuk le> jgs Fks] dqN Hkh gekjs vius ughA11ikjLifjdrk vkSj lgofrZRo dh lh[k nsusokyh ç—fr iw¡thokfn;ksa ds vf/kdkjh Hkko ls Lo;a fo{kqC/k gS A bldh lkdkj vfHkO;fä ;gk¡ ns[kh tk ldrh gS A xk¡o esa jruk unh ds ekeys dks ysdj v[kckj ,oa Vh-oh- okys] lkekftd dk;ZdrkZ vkfn vkrs gSa] fQj Hkh ç'kklu pqIih lk/ks jgs rks Hkw[k&gड़rky dk vkºoku gqvk & Hkkb;ks] cguks] jruk gekjh ek¡ gS] ge mlds cPps A dqN equkQk[kksj ns'k dh iwjh lEifÙk dks vkSus&ikSus nke esa cspdj viuh tsc Hkjuk pkgrs gSa A mudh uज़j jruk ij gS A os ek¡ dks mlds cPpksa ls Nhu ysuk pkgrs dks;yk gS] lksuk gS] gSa mudh ykj Vid jgh gS] dgrs gSa jruk jru dh [kku gS A blds uhpsdks;yk gS] lksuk gS] ghjk gS laifÙk gS] gesa rks flQZ gSa A mudh ykj Vid jgh gS] dgrs gSa jruk jru dh [kku gS A blds uhpsA gesa u dks;yk pkfg,] u ghjk] u lksuk] og lc vxj gS rks iwjs ns'k dh jruk dk ikuh pkfg,A ikuhA12 ;g mu xk¡ookyksa dh fज़Unxh esa ek¡ dh rjg LFkku j[kusokyh jruk unh ds laj{k.k dsfy, mlds fouk'k djusokys cwV ;kstuk ij xk¡ookyksa ds çfrjks/kh Loj gSAbl Hkw[k&gड़rky ij tx/kj dh ekbZ cSBrh gS] ftlus cwV ;kstuk ds igys fnu esa ikuh ysus dh fj;k;r dk Qk;nk ugha mBk;k Fkk A og ç—fr ds bl 'kks"k.k Hkjh ;kstuk ds fo#)] viuk vkØks'k blçdkj çdV djrh gS tc rd bu yqVsjksa ls Nhudj gekjh unh gedks okil ugha dj nh tkrh] rc rd ge ej tk;sx a s ysfdu unh ds uज़nhd ugha tk;saxs A unh gekjh gS] ge lcdh gS] bldk Page 85

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lkSnk djusokys chp esa dgk¡ ls iSnk gks x;s HkaMosA13 dgkuh esa tx/kj dh ekbZ ds ;s 'kCn ç—fr ds 'kks"k.k ds fo#) ,d L=h dk çfr'kks/kh Loj gS A blçdkj dgkuhdkj ç— fr vkSj L=h dks ek/;e cukdj çk—frd nksgu ds fo#) viuh fo{kqC/krk çdV djrk gS A [knku ,slk vkS|ksfxd dk;Z{ks= gS tgk¡ vkfFkZd –f"V ls ç—fr dh dks[k ls lalk/kuksa ds vfu;af=r nksgu gksrk gS A tSls ikfjfLFkfrd larqyu ij bldk nq"çHkko Li"V gS] oSls bu [knkuksa ,oa dksfy;jh ds pkjksa vksj ds fuokfl;ksa ds thou Hkh blls çR;{k ;k ijks{k :i ls çHkkfor gS A ;gk¡ ledkyhu fgUnh dgkfu;ksa esa fpf=r dksfy;jh {ks=ksa ls tqड़s thou lanHkksZa ls ikfjfLFkfrdh vkSj L=h dh leL;kvksa ij vf/kd ज़ksj fn;k x;k gS Aज़~;knkrj taxyh {ks=ksa esa 'kq: gksusokys bu [knkus vkfnoklh yksxks]a fo'ks"kdj L=h ds thou dks nwHkj cukrs gS A bldk xgjk v/;;u vkfnoklh thou lanHkZ ds v/;k; esa fd;k x;k gSAç—fr ls [kqys laca/k] dykRed thou] foLFkkiu dh leL;k tSls vkfnokfl;ksa ds ;FkkFkZ thou lanHkksaZ dks ,d lkFk fijksusokyh ,d l'kä dgkuh gS ihVj i‚y ,Ddk dh "jktdqekjksa ds ns'k esaA' blesa vkfnoklh thou ds lexz ifjos'k dks çfrfcafcr djus esa eaxyw dkdk dk thou fp=.k l{ke gqvk gS Abl dgkuh esa eaxyw dkdk ds igkड़h bykds esa ubZ dksfy;jh [kqyrh gS vkSj lqjf{kr ou cksMZ ds lkFk daVhyh ifjf/k yxkus ls vkfnokfl;ksa dks taxyh dan&ewy] Qy&Qwy vkfn de feyus yxs A dksfy;jh {ks= esa ckgj ls dbZ yksx vkrs gSa A buls cnyrs ekgkSy ds laca/k esa dkdk ds dguk Fkk fdiढ़s&fy[ks ckcw cscl Hkksys&Hkkys yksxksa dks csjgeh ls ywVrs Fks A vk, fnu pksjh MdSrh] cyok] [kwu gksus yxk Fkk A cgw&csfV;ka [kqys vke fduls yqVus yxh Fkh \ [kqyk&[kqyk] [kwclwjr] csfQØ]

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vYgड़&lk igkड़h vapy D;ksa csg;k&lk csinkZ fd;k tkus yxk Fkk \14 ;g ç—fr vkSj L=h ij Hkksxoknh uज़j vkSj muds 'kks"k.k dh funZ; ekufldrk dks çLQqfVr djrk gSA dksfy;jh ds [kksyus ij ogka ds taxyksa dh dVkbZ gksrh gS A ;g ç—fr ij ekuo dk gLr{ksi gSA oSls dgkuh esa eaxyw dkdk dh csVh pank iVsy lkc] njksxk ckcw vkSj iwju iafMr ds fu"Bqj 'kks"k.k dk f'kdkj curh gS A fodkl ds uke ij ç—fr ds fouk'k vkSj iq#"k ds miHkksxh ekufldrk esa dqpyh x;k L=h thou dks çLrqr djusokyh bl dgkuh ij ikfjfLFkfrd ukjhokn dh –f"V ls fopkj dj ldrs gS A jkds'k dqekj dh 'iksu uked dgkuh ç—fr vkSj L=h ds 'kks"k.k dk ,d lkFkZd nLrkosज़ gS A ;g [knkuksa esa gks jgs vfu;af=r [kqnkbZ ,oa can ?kksf"kr [knkuksa ls Bsdsnkjksa ds funsZ'k ij pksjh dk dks;yk dkVusokyksa dh [krjukd fज़Unxh dh dgkuh gSA blesa ç—fr ds voS/k 'kks"k.k ls lacfa /kr Hkh"k.k ;FkkFkksZa dks fpf=r djus ds lkFk gh lkFk vkfFkZd foo'krk ds dkj.k fज़Unxh cckZn gqbZ fL=;ksa dh n;uh; gkyr dh vksj Hkh çdk'k Mkyk x;k gSA bl esa jaxksyk ,sls yksxksa dh çfrfuf/k gS] ftls jksज़h jksVh dsfy, dkf"kZd o`fÙk ls] viuh Hkwfe ij [kqnh [knkuksa esa eज़nwj cuuk iMk gSA —"kd ls pksj eydêk cuus dh mudh eज़cwjh] ç—fr ls muds lgt laca/k esa cnyko ykrh gS Aç—fr ds bl vO;ofLFkr nksgu esa L=h ds 'kks"k.k Hkh 'kkfey gSA baZV Hkês esa eSustj tks jgs 'kks"k.k

dgkuh esa cfl;k dh cड़h cgu Hkh dke djrh gSA ogk¡ ds Hkêk xSj vkfnoklh gS] mlds }kjk gks dks vkfFkZd foo'krk ls og vkSj

mlds firk Hkh uज़j vankज़ djrs gSa A oSls cgq/ka/kh Bsdsnkj nkeksnj >k ds gkoMs esa baZVksa Page 86

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dk Hkêk pyrk Fkk A Qkxqu ls vk"kkढ़ rd ds lw[ks fnuksa esa Hkês esa dke djus dsfy, lLrh jsज़k&eज़nwfjusa taxy ls gh ys tkrk FkkA eqnkड़h eqaMk xk¡o ?kwe dj jsज़k tqVkrk Fkk A eज़nwfjuksa ds ifjtuksa&vfHkHkkodksa dks m/kkj&vfxze ds tky esa Qalk ysrk Fkk A blesa cfl;k dh NksVh cgu iqryh Hkh u pkgus ij Hkh firk ds ncko ls Qal tkrh gSA ;gk¡ iqryh fuLlgk;&fujkyac vkfnoklh yड़fd;ksa dk çrhd gS] tks thou ds cngkyksa dh otg ls dhpड़ esa fxj tkrh gS A

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esa cfl;k "Bsdsnkj nkeksnj dks pksj eydêk dgdj] jaxksyk ds I;kj dks Bqdjkrh gSA ;g ç—fr ds funZ; 'kks"k.k ls ukjh dk l[r fojks/kh Hkko gSA cfl;k dk ;g frjLdkj vkSj lkFkh chjku dh Hk;kog ekSr jaxksyk dks bl /kU/ks ls ihNs eqड़krs gSA cfl;k ls 'kknh djus dsfy, iksu ds iSls bdêk djus dh fpark ls cspkSu jaxksyk "taxy cpkvks ekspkZ' uked ,d Hkwfexr laxBu dk lfØ; lnL; cu tkrk gSA jaxksyk ds thou esa vk;k ;g cnyko ,oa lq/kkj dgkuh dk ldkjkRed igyw gS] ftlds ihNs ,d L=h dh çsj.kk gSA ç—fr ds bu vuqfpr nksgu ij jksd yxkdj] mlesa lq/kkj ykuk gh ikfjfLFkfrd ukjhokfn;ksa dk ç;kl gS A

dgkuh esa cfl;k dks viuh cguksa ds lkFk gks jgs ,sls 'kks"k.k ls voxr yड़dh ds :i esa fpf=r fd;k gS A firk ls mldk ;g dFku mlds le>nkjh Hkko dks lkQ O;ä djrk gS Aeqjxh cqढ़ tkrh gS rks eqaMh dkV dj cVyksaड़h esa fla>k nh tkrh gSA ----nkeksnjk vius Hkês esa yड़dhiu dh ftuxh&tokuh lc >ksd a nsrk----A15 viuh csfV;ksa dks nq/kk: xk,¡ ekuusokys vius firk ds fopkjksa dks Hkh og [kqydj fojks/k djrh gS A Bhd gS ckck&rwHkh D;k djs\ tc eka>h Fkku vkSj tkgsj Fkku dk nsork rd nks cksry nk: esa fcd tkrk gS rks rw rks vkneh gh gS A rsjk D;k nks"k ckck tks rw Hkh fcd x;k vkSj rsjh csVh HkhA16 ,sls 'kks"k.k ds fo#) çfr'kks/k Hkjk Loj cfl;k ds bu 'kCnksa esa eq[kfjr gS A blh foæksgh Hkko ls çsfjr gksdj cfl;k] mls fookg djus dsfy, iksu ysdj vk;s jaxksyk ls cksy mBrh gS fd pwYgs esa >ksad ns #i;kA cfl;k dh ;g çfrfØ;k lkekftd O;oLFkk ij gh pqukSrh gS] tks mls ,d l'kä ukjh ik= dk ntkZ çnku djrk gSA L=h ds 'kjhj vkSj ifjJe nksuksa dk 'kks"k.k djusokys vkSj ukjh dks vius mToy Hkfo"; dh lhढ़h ekuusokys yksxksa ij gh cfl;k loky mBkrh gS Adgkuh

ç—fr ds bu vO;ofLFkr nksgu dh Hkh"k.k voLFkkvksa dks vius 'kh"kZd ls gh lkFkZd cukusokyh vf'ouh dqekj iadt dh "viuh dcz [kksnusokys' uked dgkuh] ikfjfLFkfrd larqyu vkSj L=h ds thou ij blds çR;{k ,oa ijks{k çHkkoksa dks mtkxj djrh gSA [kuu dk;Z dsfy, ou&fouk'k vkSj foLFkkiu] iquokZl vkfn ls mRiUu leL;k;sa T;knkrj L=h thou dks gh my>u esa Mkyrh gSa A dgkuh dk ,d çlax esa crk;k x;k gS fd vc cps gq, taxy vkSj [ksr dks;ys dh /kwy ls vaVrs tk jgs gS vkSj vkSjrksa dks ikuh ykus dsfy, 8&10 ehy rd iSny pyuk iड़rk gS A17 ;gk¡ ,sls [kuu ls nwf"kr ç—fr vkSj ou&fouk'k ls L=h;ksa ds nSfud ?kjsyw dkeksa esa gksusokyh leL;k dks mHkkjk gS A oSls foLFkkiu dh leL;k ds lac/a k esa dgkuh esa lwfpr gS fd foLFkkfir gksusokyksa dks ,d ,dड़ ज़ehu dsfy, eqf'dy ls dqN gज़kj #i, dk eqvkotk feyk vkSj ;s Hkh flQZ iq#"kksa ds gkFkksa esa x;k] ftUgksaus mls 'kjkc esa mMk fn;k Fkk A18 foLFkkiu esa iq#"kksa ls ज़~;knk L=h Hkqxrusokyh vkSj nwljksa }kjk vuns[kk djusokyh leL;k dks dgkuh vuko`r djrh gSA Page 87

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ledkyhu dgkfu;k¡ ç—fr ds ,sls [kuu ls L=h ds thou ij iड़usokyh fofHkUu leL;kvksa dks mn~?kkfVr djus ds lkFk gh lkFk ,sls 'kks"k.k ds fo#) vkokज़ mBkus dh 'kfä Hkh ukjh dks çnku djrh gSA :iyky csfn;k dh dgkuh "dkyh vk¡p' dk ,d çlax ;gk¡ mYys[kuh; gS] tks ,d vkfnoklh dgkuh gSA blesa gqylk tkड़s dh lnhZokys jkr esa BaM ls cpus dsfy, ml [kIijiêh ds iklokys dks;ys ds fo'kky fMiks ls ,d cड़k lk <syk pqids ls mBk ysrk gSA fMiks ds pkjksa vksj igjk yxk gksrk gS vkSj mls ekyqe gS fd ,d Hkh <syk mBkus dk eryc vius gkFk&ik¡o rqड़okuk gS A gqylk ml <sys ds pkj&ik¡p Vqdड़s djrk gS vkSj ?kj ds ,d dksus esa nks Vqdड़ksa dks ,d lkFk tyk nsrk gS A iRuh dks lq[k vkSj Hk; dk ,glkl gqvk A ml jkr gqylk ds ?kj esa] lqj{kk xkMZ vkrk gS tks fiNys dbZ eghuksa ls gks jgs dks;ys dh pksjh ds f'kdk;r dh tk¡p iड़rky djus vk;k gS A njokज़ksa ij ykr ekjdj vanj ?kqls os yksx gqylk dks xkyh nsdj ekjus yxs Avius ifr ds çk.k cpkus dk lkgl iRuh esa Lor: vk tkrk gS A ifr ij gks jgs vR;kpkj ij iRuh ngkड़ mBrh gS ,b A [kcjnkj! ts budk ds vkj ekjk rks!--vjs tks nqlqV! geuh ds dk ekjsxk ! ekj uk] tkus uk ekjsxk!--- vkj geuh dk fd;s gSa \ ,d <syk dksbys rks yk;s gSa A vkj vksgks dkgs] dkgs fd cPpk yksx tkड़ ls dk¡i jgk Fkk A fBBj jgk Fkk] dqudquk jgk Fkk A Mj yxk jgk Fkk fd dgksa bZ tkड़ esa ej uk tk,¡ A ,gs pyrs ,d <syk ys vk;sAa bdj esa dksu cड़dk xqUgk gks x;k A vk bZ dsdjk dksbyk gS \ rksguh ds cki dk gS \ vjs bZ rks gefu, ds

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ज़ehu ls fudyr gS--- vkiu ज़ehu ds vkiu dksbyk A rsguh rks fHk[keaxk ys[kk dksu jkbt&nsl ls vk;k vkj bZlc dks tcju gfFk;k fy;k vkj---19 ;g vius vf/kdkjksa ls lpsr ukjh dh l[r çfrfØ;k gS A lalk/kuksa ls Hkjh viuh ज़ehu dh lqfo/kkvksa ls oafpr yksxksa dh çfrfuf/k cudj gqylk dh iRuh ;gk¡ fojks/k çdV djrh gSA bl lkekftd lpkbZ dks [kqydj crkus esa fn[kk;s x;s ;g /khjt L=h ds vkarfjd 'kfä dk |ksrd gS A ज़ehu ds çfr Hkksxoknh uज़j Hkh L=h ds mRihड़u dk dkj.k curk gSA çk;: L=h viuh ज़ehu ds vf/kdkj ls oafpr tkrh gSA ;g iq#"kkf/kiR; lekt miHkksxoknh ekufldrk dk ifj.kke ftldk udkjkRed çHkko L=h vkSj ç—fr

jg dh gS] dks

gh Hkksxuk iड़rk gSA ज़ehu dsfy, mRihfMr gqbZ ek¡ vkSj nks csfV;ksa dh vR;a; ãn;Li'khZ dgkuh gS Hkaoj] tks vkfnoklh ysf[kdk jksज़ dsjdsêk }kjk fyf[kr gSA bl dgkuh dh fo/kok ekyfdu ¼ek¡½ nks csfV;ksa ds lkFk jgrh gSA ,d fnu xk¡o ls gy ysdj iUæg yksx ekyfdu ds [ksr esa pढ़ tkrs gSa A vlgk; vkSj vdsyh ekyfdu ,oa csfV;k¡ fuf"Ø; jgus ds vykok] dqN ugha dj ik;haA bl –f"V ls eS=; s h iq"ik ds "fpàkj' esa ladfyr "viuk viuk vkdk'k] csVh] cgsfy;s vkfn dgkfu;ksa Hkh egRoiw.kZ gS A oklqnso dh 'kkacjh]:iyky csfn;k dh dgkuh "u;k uxj dh lqUnjh esa Hkh L=h vkSj ç—fr ds çfr fu"Bqj O;ogkj dks mn~?kkfVr djrh gS A L=h vkSj ç—fr ds vkilh laca/k vkSj muds 'kks"k.k dh fofHkUu igyqvksa dks çR;{k ,oa ijks{k :i ls vfHkO;ä djusokyh mi;qZä ledkyhu dgkfu;k¡ ikfjfLFkfrd ukjhokn dh fopkj/kkjkvksa dks çfrQfyr djrh gSaA bu dgkfu;ksa ls ;g lkQ Li"V gS fd Page 88

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vkfFkZ fyax] o.kZ] oxZ dh –f"V ls fiNड़s gq, yksxksa dks gh ikfjfLFkfrd fouk'k ds nq"çHkkoksa dk lkeuk djuk iMrk gSA blesa L=h vkSj vkfnoklh gh çR;{k çHkko Hkksxrs g A bldh vksj lpsr cukrs gq, dgkuhdkj ç—fr dks 'kks"k.k ls eqä djus dsfy, ukjh dks dej ck¡/kdj vkxs c<us dk ,syku nsrk gS] tks ikfjfLFkfrd ukjhokn dk vkºoku gSA ç—fr vkSj L=h dh leku voLFkkvksa dks mtkxj djds ledkyhu dgkuh fyax&oxZ&o.kZ Hksn vkSj i;; leL;k ls eqä thou ewY;ksa dks Lokxr djrh gSAikfjfLFkfrd ukjhokn ds çHkko ls lkfgR; lg vfLrRo vkSj lejlrk ds n'kZu dks gh m)kfVr djrs gSA lHkh çdkj ds 'kks"k.k dk çfrjks/k djusokys ikfjfLFkfrd ukjhokn viuh çklafxdrk dh –f"V ls lkfgR; ds {ks= esa ,d tkxj.k gS A

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17-vf'ouh dqekj iadt&viuh dcz [kksnusokys] dFkkØe]väwcj&fnlacj 2011]i`147 18-ogh & i`- 147 19- :iyky csfn;k& dkyh vk¡p] dFkkØe]väwcj&fnlacj 2011 i`-123

lUnHkZ xzaFk lwph& 1-eS=s;h iq"ik&eSa lksprh gw¡ fd--- fpàkj]i`142&143 2-mn;çdk'k & eSaxksfly] i`- 71 3-mn;çdk'k & eSaxksfly] i`- 21 4-ogh & i`- 65 5-ogh & i`- 122 6-latho & >wBh gS rsrjh nknh] i`- 79 7-ogh & i`- 80 8-latho >wBh gS rsrjh nknh'] i`- 74 9-ogh & i`- 75 10-latho gR;kjs >wBh gS rsrjh nknh] i`- 57 11-latho & gR;kjs >wBh gS rsrjh nknh] i`- 58 12-ogh & i`- 58 13-ogh & i`- 60 14-ihVji‚y ,Ddk&jktdqekjks ds ns'k esa]vkfnoklh Loj vkSj u;h 'krkCnh] i`-164 15-jkds'k dqekj flag & iksu] dFkkØe] väwcj&fnlacj 2011] i`- 116 16-ogh & i`- 153

Page 89

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१७-dFkk lukru& lÙkk dks pqukSrh nsrk gqvk miU;kl dkacys lkgscjko cyjke& gSnjkckn foÜofo|ky;] gSnjkckn

lkjs foe'kksZa ls gV dj ,d oSpkfjdrk dks ysdj pyus oyk miU;kl fy[krs gSa 'kkg tks ,d vyx rjg dk fo"k; ysdj pyrk gSadFkk lukru miU;kl esa dFkk de gSa vkSj fopkj vfèkd- dbZ lkjs loky djrk miU;kl i<+us ds i'P;kr dqN lkspus ij etcwj djrk gS- èkeZ] n'kZu] euksfoKku ls ySl ;g ;g miU;kl ikBdksa dks iqjkru dky ls vkèkqfud dky rd dk lQ+j djokrk gS vkSj l`f"V ds fodkl lEcUèk esa tks dFkk,¡ gS mldh ,d vyx O;[;k djrs gq, dqN egRoiw.kZ loky Hkh [kM+k djrk gS- 'kkgth vius miU;kl dh Hkwfedk esa gh ,d loky [kM+k djrs gS- fgUnw laL—fr esa ftl çdkj iq#"k nsorkvksa ds lkFk&lkFk L=h dks Hkh nsoh ds :i esa ns[kk tkrk gS- ;kuh ij vè;kRe ds Lrj ij ,d iq#"k Hkh mlds le{k gkFk tksM+rk gqvk ut+j vkrk gS-] ogh O;ogkfjdLrj ij vlekurk dk O;ogkj- ;gh gekjh foMEcuk gS nk'kZfud vkSj vè;kfRed Lrj ij mPprj ewY; vkSj O;ogkfjd Lrj ij ge mu ewY;ksa dh rkSghu djrs gS- [kSj tSlk fgUnw laL—fr esa tks gS oSlk vU; laL—fr esa D;ksa ugha- D;ksa ogka ^Qknj bu gSou* gh gS] enj bu gSou D;ksa ugha- nksuksa loky tk;t gSa vkSj pqukSrh Hkjsa Hkhgekjs ;gk¡ Hkxokuksa dh d+rkj lh gSlc ls igys rks ,d vkLFkkoku O;fä vleatL; esa jgrk gS fd fdls viuk,a vkSj fdls nwj j[ks- ,d gS Qknj bu gSou tks lrkos vkleku ij cSBk gSa vkSj nwljk gS pj&pj oklh l`f"V ds d.k&d.k esa clk gqvkrks fdls viuk,a vkSj fdls >qByk,a- oSls loky tk;t Hkh gS- ekuotkfr us l`f"V ds mnHko lEcUèkh tks dFkk,¡ jph gSa- dFkk,¡ Hkys gh vyx&vyx gks- ij l`f"VdrkZ dk vfLrRo vyx&vyx D;ksa gS- D;ksa ,d lrkos vkleku

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ij jgrk gS ;k mls fcBk;k x;k gS- vxj fcBk;k x;k gS rks D;k euq"; mlls Mjrk gS fd og mlds dk;Z dyki esa ckèkk mRiu djsxk- vxj og [kqn ls x;k gS rks ;g mlls Hkh xaHkhj ckr gksxh fd mls [kqn dh jpuk'khyrk ij lansg gS- 'kkgth dgrs gSa&Þ og nsork ;k nsokèkh nso Hkh D;k tks flQZ ,d dkfcys dk gS- lewps pjkpj txr dk ugha-ß czãk ds vfLro ij Hkh og loky mBkrs gSa dh gekjs ns'k esa czãk dh mruh efgek D;ksa ugha gS og fØ,Vj gS- vkSj muds flQZ bDdk&nqDdk eafnj gh gSa- mlds eqdkcys ikyudrkZ fo".kq vkSj lagkjd f'ko ds eafnj xk¡o&'kgj ds gj eksgYys esa ut+j vkrs gS- D;k buls Hkh euq";tkfr Mjh gqbZ gSa- D;ksa fd ftl rjg ls bUgksus vius gh iq=ksa ds lkFk O;ogkj fd;k ,d loky iwNus ij fu"dkflr dj fn;k pkjksa iq=ksa dks- ftudksa os l`f"V cukus dk ftEek lksirs gS- dSlk U;k; gS ;g l`f"VdrkZ dk- 'kk;n blhfy, euq";tkfr us mUgsa bl èkjrh ls fu"dkflr dj fn;k gS ;k euq"; ds eu esa ,d Mj gS czãk ds çfr- oSls nksuksa us gh viuh&viuh larkuksa ds lkFk vU;k; fd;k gS- rks ,d dks lrkos vkleku esa j[kk x;k vkSj nqljs dks d.k&d.k esa okl gksus ugha fn;k x;k- rks ;gk¡ budh lÙkk dks pqukSrh nh gS euq"; tkfr us- D;k ;g mUgh ds deksZa dk Qy ugha gSa-oSls 'kkgth ,d vkSj tk;t loky mBkrs gS fd l`f"V ,d gh gS- Hkys gh teha ds VqdM+ksa esa cVh gqbZ- ij dgh uk dgh ,d rRo gS tks lHkh dks tksM+s j[krk gS- og gS ,d vkleku] ,d pk¡n vkSj ,d lwjt- vxj lc ,d gS rks bruk varj D;ksa gSa bu dFkkvksa esa- D;k l`f"VdrkZvksa us euq"; dks x<+k gSa ;k fQj bUlku us l`f"VdrkZ dks- ÞD;ksa gS bruk varj bu l`f"VdrkZ dh dYiuk esa\ tc fd fn[krk ;g gS fd vkneh us gh viuh ykylk vkSj Hk; vkSj egRodka{kk ds lkaps esa bZÜoj dks x<+k- rc fQj tSlk vkidk Hkxoku gksxk] oSls vki Hkh ugha cusx a s-\

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miU;kl dk ,d vkSj egRoiw.kZ fcanq gS] lÙkk dks pqukSrh- lÙkk cgqr gh egRoiw.kZ igyw gS- O;fä ds thou dk- tc mls pqukSrh feyrh gS rc lÙkklhu vUnj ls fgy tkrk gS vkSj lÙkkghu dks dM+h ls dM+h ltk nsus esa yx tkrk gS- gekjs l`f"VdrkZvksa dh gkyr Hkh ;gh gS- tc vkne vkSj gOok us Kku dk Qy p[kk rc 'kk;n l`f"VdrkZ ;kuh ijefirk dks Mj yxkus yxrk gS fd vxj mUgsa Kku dh çkfIr gksxh rc os Hkh bZÜoj ds le{k Kkuh gks tk;sxs vkSj mudh lÙkk dks pqukSrh feysxhblhfy, rks fu"dkflr dj fn;k LoxZ ls ;kuh dh bZMu xkMZu ls- D;k ;g ,d dVq loky ugha gS D;ksa j[kuk pkgrs Fks ijefirk vius gh jps gq, va'k dks Kku ls oafpr- dSlk firk Fkk og tks viuh gh larku dks Kku ls nwj j[kuk pkgrk gS- 'kkg th fy[krs gSa&Þgn gks x;h ;g rks- og ijefirk D;k] tks viuh gh larku ls] mlh dh cqfèneÙkk vkSj ç'ukdqyrk ls Hk; [kkus yxs\ß blh rjg czãk dh lÙkk dks Hkh tc pqukSrh feyrh gS- vius gh iq=ksa ;kuh ludknh ls- mudk vfLrRo ;kuh lÙkk Mxexkrh gSvga dk Tokj Hkh mQku ysrk gS- miU;kl ds ,d vkSj ik= luRdqekj tks bl dFkk dks dfork esa :ikarfjr djrk gS- tks czãk dh fu;r ij loky [kM+k djrs gS- tc czãk l`f"V ds fuekZ.k dk dk;Z vius pkjksa larkuksa dks lkSirs gSa rc czãk ls rjg&rjg ds loky djrs gS& dkSu gks rqe\ dkSu gS ge\ fdlfy, cqyk;k gesa D;k dj jgs gks rqe\ fdlus fcBk;k rqEgsa ;gk¡ bl ifg;s ij\ ?kqek jgs ftldks rqe vk[ks ewna s v¡èkk èkqaèk yxk jgs fdlds fy, HkhM+ ;g f[kykSuksa dh\ ge ugha f[kykSus ;s flj rks mBkoksa rfud ns[krs ugha gks ge dc ls [kM+s lkeus \ ¼dFkk lukru½ bl rjg ds ç'uksa dk okj tc pkjksa iq= czãk ls djrs gS rks czãk ds ikl dksbZ mÙkj ugha jgrk rc >qVykdj os dgrs gSa& QVkQV dke djksa esjs funZs'kkuqlkj Qqjlr ugha gS eq>s rqEgkjs bu mytywy

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ç'uksa dk mÙkj nsus dh-¼dFkk lukru½ ij vkxs os pjksa ij os pjksa iq= ekSu ugha jgrs gSa- mu pjksa iq= dks irk gS viuh vkSj viuh e;kZnk dh lhek,a- os vius gd+ dks c[kwch tkurs gSa- vkSj dgrs gSa& ugha&ugha igys mÙkj nks gekjs ç'uksa dk rHkh ge djsx a s rqEgkjk dkevkf[kj ge çtk ugha larfr rqEgkjh çFkeczãk bl pqukSrh ls vkgr gks tkrs gSa vkSj og Øksèko'k dg mBrs gSa& ugha pkfg, eq>s ,sls gqTtrh] dkepksj iqNM+s yxkrs iq= nq[krk ;g ek;k [kikus ls rqEgkjs lkFk csgrj gS [kVwa eSa bl ;K esa vdsyk ghugha pkfg, eq>s ,slh vfM+;y vkSykn tks gqDe esjk Q+kSju ctk ykus ds cnys eq>s mYVs pqukSrh ns-¼dFkk lukru½ fuf'pr :i ls lÙkk dh ykylk vkSj lÙkk dk ncnck vukfndky ls gS- pkgs og bZÜoj gks ;k balku lHkh blds xqyke gS- lÙkk dh ykylk dh xqykeh vius vga dh xqykeh gStks czãk esa vkSj Qknj v‚Q+ gSou ;kuh ijefirk esa fn[kkbZ nsrk gS- fdlh ç'u iwNus okyksa dks viuh ç'udrkZ dk ,slk iqjLdkj vk'p;Z esa Mkyrk gS- ij lHkh dks ;g le>uk pkfg, tks 'kkgth dgrs gSa& Þgj ubZ ih<+h vius lkFk viuh gh vkx] vius gh tyrs mcyrs ç'u ysdj vkrh gS-ß vkne vkSj gOok vkSj ludknh ,d ubZ ih<+h Fkh ftuds u, loky Fks- vius gd+ ds vkSj viuh Lora=rk ds- vkt lÙkk Hkh vke turk ds lkFk ;gh lqywd djrh gS- loky] vfHkO;fä lHkh ckrs rks cl ,d dFkuh Hkj gS- bls cl èkkfeZd miU;kl dguk vuqfpr gksxk vkt dh jktuhfr ds cht dks çLrqr djrk gS ;g miU;kllÙkk cM+h egRodka{kh pht gksrh gS- tc viuh gh cukbZ dksbZ ckr ge ls gh ç'u djus yxrh gS] vkxs c<+us yxs rc og lÙkkèkkfj;ksa dh uhan mM+ tkrh gS- vga dks pksV igq¡prh gSvkSj ftl rjg ;ksgkok ;kuh Qknj v‚Q+ gSou ds vga dks pksV igqaph- 'kkgth cM+h lVhd ckr dgrs gSa ;gk¡ ij& Þloky ijefirk ds Mjus dk ugha gS- loky mldh lÙkk ls euq"; ds Mjus dk gS- D;ksa fd lÙkk rHkh rd fufoZokn vkSj lqjf{kr gS] tc rd euq"; mlls Page 91

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Mjrk jgs- tgk¡ ,d ckj og Mj Nwearj gqvk fd ml Mj dh uhao ij [kM+h lÙkk Hkh MxexkbZ- lkjk BkB&ckV gh pj&ejk dj ,dckjxh <g tk,xk ml Mj ds Bsdsnkjksa dkvc rqEgha crkvksa bruk cM+k fjLd dksbZ Hkh lekt vkSj mldks pykus okyk ra= D;ksa mBk,xkßvkt dh jktuhfr esa ;gha rkuk'kkgh py jgh gS- D;k gekjh jktuhfr bl ikSjkf.kd dFkkvksa ls çHkkfor ugha gS- bruk gh ugha bl miU;kl ds eq[; ik= lukru dh ftanxh Hkh bl dgkuh dh rjg gh gS- tks vius firk ls vkgr gS- cM+h gh ljyrk ls bl ikSjkf.kd dgkuh dks vkèkqfud lektO;oLFkk ls tksM+us dk dk;Z 'kkg th djrs gS- D;k gekjh O;oLFkk bu bu dgkfu;ksa ls çHkkfor gS ;k fQj gekjh O;oLFkk ls ;g dgkfu;ka\ ij var esa gesa ;gh dguk pkfg, tks czãk ds pjksa iq=ksa us dgk¡& gn gS] gn gS ;g rks gn gS rkuk'kkgh dh\ vk[kksa gh vk[kksa esa cksys os pkjksa dqekj-ß ¼dFkk lukru½ miU;kl dk fo"k; Hkys gh feFkdh; yxrk gksij ledkyhu ifj–'; mles lkQ+ >ydrk gS- vkt dk lekt vke tu ludknh dh Hkkafr gh gS ftls pqipki lÙkki{k ds fu.kZ;ksa dk leFkZu djuk gksxk vU;Fkk ge Hkh fu"dkflr fd;s tk;saxs-

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१८-bykpUnz tks'kh ds miU;klksa esa

euksoSKkfud leL;k, leyk nsoh t; ukjk;.k O;kl fo'ofo|ky;-tks/kiqj ¼jkt-½ irk % &12] lhfu;j MkWDVlZ ¶ySV~l fgUnw jko vLirky dSEil eydk xat] fnYyh&110007 ^^vk/qfud euq"; us lH;rk ds Åijh laLdkjksa ds ysi ls vius lpsr eu esa vo'; liQsn iks'kh dj yh gS] ij ftl insZ ij og liQsniks'kh dh gS og bruk >huk gS fd tjk tjk lh ckr ls og QV iM+rk gS vkSj mlesa rfud Hkh fNnz iSnk gksrs gh mlds uhps nch iM+h i'kq izo`fÙk;k¡ ifjiw.kZ osx ls foLQqfVr gksus yxrh gSA bu ewy i'kq&izo`fÙk;ksa dks ftrus gh tksj ls lH; euq"; uhps dh vksj nckrk gS mrus gh osx ls os jcj dh xsna dh rjg Åij dks mNky ekjus yxrh gSaA**1 euq"; dk eu jgL;ksa dk vFkkg lkxj gSA mlesa cSBuk dfBu gSA mldh Fkkg ikuk dfBurj gS vkSj Fkkg ikdj mldk lgh fooj.k nsuk dfBure dk;Z gSA euksfoKku us bl fn'kk ds vdfYir vkSj vk'p;Ztud vk;ke izLrqr fd;s gSaA buesa izeq[k gSa Qzk;M dk ^euksfo'ys"k.k* ,Myj dk ^xzfUFk fl)kUr* vkSj ;qx dk lkewfgd vopsruk dk fl)kUrA bu lkjs fl)kUrksa dks mi;qDr lhek rd tks'khth us vius lkfgR; esa fu"BkiwoZd viuk;k gSA ^^;gh euksfoKku ;k ekuoh; vkSj lkekftd egRo gS fd og eu dh ewy vf'ko izo`fÙk;ksa dk irk yxkdj ,oa mUgsa lnk ds fy, nwj djds cká lalkj esa ekuo O;fDrRo vkSj lekt dh okLrfod izxfr djk ldrk gSA tks'khth dk l`tu Hkh blh dkj.k gSA**2 tks'khth ds lkfgR; esa O;fDr euksfoKku lEcU/kh fofo/k leL;kvksa ds lkFk&lkFk lkewfgd vopsru dk Hkh fopkj fd;k x;k gSA euq"; ds nSufa nu dk;Z dykiksa esa vkSj mldh

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vlk/kkj.k fØ;kvksa ds ewy esa fdlh fof'k"V eu%fLFkfr dk gkFk vo'; jgrk gSA lk/kkj.k ls lk/kkj.k yxus okyh izfrfØ;k;sa Hkh vius vki esa xw<+ vFkZ dks fNik;s jgrh gSA bl rF; dk mn~?kkVu vkSj mldh foospuk tks'khth us lgtrk ls dh gSA blh dkj.k dbZ vkykspd muds ik=ksa ds pfj=ksa dks ^dsl fgLVªh* dgrs gSaA dke&Hkkouk Qzk;M ds vuqlkj ekuo eu dh vusd bPNk,¡ vkSj okluk,¡ fofHkUu izfrca/kksa ds dkj.k vr`Ir jg tkrh gSaA os vr`Ir O;fDrxr bPNk,¡ u"V ugha gksrha] oju~ vUreZu ds vry esa nc tkrh gSa vkSj mipsru efLr"d esa jgdj fujUrj psru efLr"d esa vkdj vfHkO;fDr dk ekxZ ,oa volj <w¡<+rh jgrh gSaA lkekftd izfrcU/ksa esa vkc) ekuo dk psru efLr"d mudk neu djrk tkrk gSA Qyr% mudk dHkh&dHkh mnkÙkhdj.k ¼lCykbes'ku½ gks tkrk gS vkSj dHkh ekuo eu fod`fr dk f'kdkj gks tkrk gSA Qzk;M ds vuqlkj thou ds lHkh dk;ksZa ds ewy esa dke okluk gSA ;g ckY;dky ls gh thou dh iz/kku izsjd 'kfDr cu tkrh gSA ckY;dky dh ;g dke okluk ekr`&jfr esa gks tkrh gSA Qzk;M rks ckY;dky dh dke okluk dks gh pfj=k fuekZ.k dh ewy izsj.kk ekurs gSaA**3 tks'khth ds vkSiU;kfld ik=k&yTtk] bUnzeksgu] eghi] jktw] ikjlukFk] udqys'k] lquank] 'kkjnk bR;kfn fdlh u fdlh ek=kk esa dke okluk ls ihfM+r gSA ^yTtk* miU;kl dh ukf;dk yTtk dk izcy dkekosx MkW- dUgS;kyky ds izfr lefiZr gSA HkkbZ jktw dks] blesa ck/kd Page 93

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ikdj og dkYifud jksxksa ls lnSo f?kjh jgrh gS] fQj vk¡[k ew¡ndj okluk iad esa Mwc tkuk pkgrh gSA mldk HkkbZ lkekU; fd'kksjksa dh rjg leo;Ld ukfj;ksa ds izfr vkd"kZ.k dk vuqHko ugha djrkA cgu ds izfr for`".kk mls] ek/koh nhnh ds rstkse; O;fDrRo dks vrqyuh; le>dj mlds pj.kksa esa lefiZr gksus dks foo'k dj nsrh gSA ek/koh nhnh dk I;kj jktw dks lPpk ekufld lq[k iznku djrk gSA vr% jktw vius ?kj&jfr ds vkyacu ds :i esa ek/koh nhnh dks xzg.k djrk gSA**4 yTtk dh ml O;fDr ds izfr ftls og frjLd`r djrk gS] izcy vklfDr ns[kdj vrho ?k`.kk ,oa vkReXykfu ls Hkjdj og ¼jktw½ vkRegR;k dj ysrk gSA jktw ds ^vkReihM+d* pfj=k ds fo:) ^izsr vkSj Nk;k* ds ikjlukFk dk pfj=k ^ijihM+d* gSA viuh fiz; ek¡ ds vlrhRo dh ckr ls ,dne izse ds LFkku ij mlesa fodjky ?k`.kk dh Hkkouk Nk tkrh gSA mldh ^bfM+il xzfUFk* izR;sd L=h esa ^vlrh ekrk* dk :i ns[kdj mldk Hkksx djds n;uh; voLFkk esa NksM+dj Hkkxus esa lq[k ikus yxrh gSA fL=;ksa dk lrhRo Hkax djuk mlds fy;s f[kyokM+ gks tkrk gSA mldh bl fod`fr dk f'kdkj dkaph] eatjh] uafnuh o ghjk curh gSA lR;rk dk Kku gksus ij og nwj gksrh gSA ^insZ dh jkuh* ds bUnzeksgu dh dke Hkkouk mlds lEiw.kZ thou dks O;kIr dj ysrh gS vkSj mlds }kjk iRuh dh gR;k rd djok nsrh gSA mlh ds dkj.k >wB cksydj fujatuk dh lgkuqHkwfr ikdj bUnzeksgu mldk Hkksx djrk gSA fujatuk dh ^bysDVªkxzfUFk* 'khyk dh gR;k dk dkj.k cudj ;ksa O;Dr gksrh gS ^^tc rd 'khyk thfor gS rc vki eq>ls gfxZt bl rjg dh vk'kk u djsAa **5 ^insZ dh jkuh* ds ,d ik=k pUnz'ks[kj }kjk tks'khth us fujatuk ds bl dFku dk lrdZ fo'ys"k.k Hkh fd;k gS& ^^'khyk dks rqe fu'p; gh ân; ls pkgrh jgh gksxh& ij rqEgkjs vpsr eu esa mlds fo#) tks vKkr izfrfgalk vadqfjr gks

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mBh Fkh] mldk dkj.k og rqEgkjs lkeus rqEgkjh ekrk ds izrhd ds :i esa vkbZ Fkh--rqEgkjh ekrk ,d os';k Fkh vkSj mlus rqEgkjs firk dks /kks[kk fn;k Fkk---- pw¡fd viuh ekrk ds leku gh Lusg'khy 'khyk dks rqEgkjs vUreZu us ekrk ds izrhd ds :i esa xzg.k fd;k gksxk] blfy, mlds fo:) rqEgkjk og fonzkgs vkSj fgald&Hkkoiw.kZ :i ls dkjxj gqvkA**6 eqfDriFk dh ukf;dk lquank viuh dqaBk ij fot; ikdj vikj rstfLork ds dkj.k ^eqfDrfuos'k* dh LFkkiuk esa viwoZ ;ksx nsrh gS] ijUrq vkfFkZd fLuX/rk dks u ikdj vutkus iFk ij py nsrh gSA bl izdkj tks'khth us dke ds izp.M vkos'k ls mn~Hkwr fod`fr;ksa ds nq"ifj.kkeksa dh vksj bafxr fd;k gS vkSj bl leL;k dk gy mlds mnkÙkhdj.k esa ik;k gSA ftldh laHkkouk ds fy;s vk/kkj vko';d gSA dke Hkkouk dh rhoz 'kfDr dk lnqi;ksx gh O;fDr ,oa lekt dks LoLFk j[krk gSA D;ksafd ^izQk;M dk ^dke* bruk foLr`r gS fd og dykfiz;rk] lkfgR;fiz;rk] ns'kizse vkfn dks dke dk gh mnkÙkhd`r :i ekurk gSA**7 vgaHkkouk tks'khth us vius lkfgR; esa Qzk;M ls vf/kd ekU;rk ,Myj vkSj ;qax dks nh gS] ^varxZr ds fo'ys"k.k esa tks'khth us ,Myj ds euksoSKkfud fl)kUrksa dks egRoiw.kZ ekuk gSA**8 vHkko dh vuqHkwfr ekuo dks vkReXykfu ls Hkj nsrh gS vkSj O;fDr ftruk gh izfrHkkoku vkSj es/koh gksr gS mldh vkReXykfu vuqHkwfr mruh gh rhozrj gksrh gSA vkReXykfu mldh izHkqRo dkeuk dks mxz dj nsrh gSA**9 tks'khth us vius lkfgR; esa ftl <ax ls buls mn~Hkwr leL;kvksa dk fo'ys"k.k fd;k gS og dykRed vkSj Li`; gSaA ^insZ dh jkuh* vkSj ^fuokZflr* esa mudk ;g dkS'ky okLro esa LrqR; gSA ekuo dh ;gh vkRe LFkkiuk dh Hkkouk mlds vkgr vga ds :i esa Page 94

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fouk'kdkjh yhyk jprh gSA vius ,d ys[k esa mUgksaus Lohdkj fd;k gS& ^^esjs lHkh miU;klksa dk iz/ku mn~ns'; O;fDr ds vgaHkko dh ,dkafrdrk ij fuHkZ; izgkj djus dk jgk gS& ^?k`.kke;h*] ^lU;klh*] ^insZ dh jkuh* vkSj ^izsr vkSj Nk;k* rFkk ^fuokZflr* bu ik¡pksa miU;klksa ls eSaus blh n`f"Vdks.k dks viuk;k gSA vk/qfud lekt esa iq:"k dh ckSf)drk T;ks& a T;ksa c<+rh pyh tk jgh gS] R;ksa&R;ksa mldk vgaHkko rhoz ls rhozrj vkSj O;kid ls O;kidrj :i xzg.k djrk pyk tkrk gSA vius bl dHkh u r`Ir gksus okys vgaHkko dh vLokHkkfod iwfrZ dh ps"Vk esa tc mls ix&ix ij LokHkkfod vlQyrk feyrh gS] rks og ckS[kyk mBrk gS vkSj ml ckS[kykgV dh izfrfØ;k ds QyLo:i og vkRefouk'k ds igys vius vklikl ds lalkj ds fouk'k dh ;kstuk esa NwV tkrk gSA**10 bl izdkj vkykspukvksa dh fpUrk u djds tks'khth us lkfgR; dh lkekftd mi;ksfxrk dks Hkh vLohdkj ugha fd;k vkSj viuh euksoSKkfud dyk n`f"V dk y{; O;fDr ds lekt?kkrh vkSj ,dkafrd vga ij fuHkZ; izgkj djuk ?kksf"kr fd;k FkkA**11 vius vkgr vga dh ckS[kykgV ds dkj.k ^lU;klh* dk uanfd'kksj lU;klh cu tkrk gSA vius blh vkgr vga dks ysdj og thou Hkj ihM+k ikrk gS] ihM+k nsrk gS] ^^vius dqafBr vgaHkko dh iwfrZ ds fy, og lnSo nwljksa ds fy, vkSj 'kk;n lcls T;knk vius fy, ,d leL;k cuk jgrk gSA**12 vga ls xzLr ftrus Hkh ik=k tks'khth ds miU;klksa esa vk, os iyk;u ugha djrs] oju~ lEidZ esa vkus okyksa dks Hkh nqnkZUr :i ls dqpyus dks rRij gks tkrs gSaA uanfd'kksj ds vga dh f'kdkj 'kkafr vkSj t;arh gSa] mlds vga dk fo'ys"k.k djrs gq, t;arh dgrh gS ^^vkiesa---- vgalHkko Hkh gn ntsZ rd gSA bl vgaHkko dh r`fIr ds fy, vki pkgrs gSa fd ftl L=h ls vkidk lEcUk/ gks og iw.kZ :i ls vkidh gksdj jgs] mldk dqN Hkh LorU= :i ls viuk dgus dks u jgsA**13 okLro esa

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uanfd'kksj dk vgaHkko fookg iwoZ ;gh pkgrk Fkk& ^^fd ;g t;arh--- esjh nklh cudj jgsxh vkSj vius vKkr xoZ vkSj vO;Dr ?k`.kk ds Hkkoksa ds dqpys tkus ij vk¡/kh ds osx ls fofPNUu yrk dh rjg ,dek=k esjs pj.kksa dk vkJ; ikdj foo'k gksdj muls fyiVh jgsxhA bl Hkkouk esa fdruk lq[k gSA ,d ckj bl csar dh rjg ueuh; rFkkfi la;e dh n`<+rk ls dqfVy dBksj yrk dks thHkj dj rksM+ ejksM+ dj lkekftd ca/ku ds etcwr Mksj ls ck¡/k nw¡xkA rkfd og fQj dHkh csar dh rjg fNVd dj viuk flj Å¡pk u djus ik;sA eSa fookg d:¡xkA**14 vga ds Vdjko dh dFkk ^insZ dh jkuh* esa gSA fujatuk dk vga izp.M gS] bUnzeksgu dk Hkh de ughaA blh dkj.k og izfr}U}h xq#th (pUnz'ks[kj) dks xksyh ekj nsrk gS] feF;k Hkk"k.k djds fujatuk dk 'kjhj ik tkrk gS ij lPpkbZ tkudj fujatuk tc mldh HkRlZuk djrh gS] rc mlds eu dks u ikus dh [kh> esa og vkRe?kkr dj ysrk gSA xq#th dgrs gSa& ^^bUnzeksguth dh vgao`fÙk---- dk ifj.kke Fkk fd muds vUreZu us muds Hkhrj vKkr esa ;g Hkkouk Hkj nh fd ftl ukjh us muds ân; esa izse dh vkx tykbZ gS vkSj og Lo;a cph gqbZ gS] mlds Åij gj gkyr esa fot; izkIr djuh gksxh vkSj mls nf.Mr djuk gksxk& pkgs mls n.M nsus ds fy, Lo;a D;ksa u ejuk iM+As **15 ^+_rqpØ* dh fp=k ,oa udqys'k dk vga ijLij Vdjkdj ihM+k ikrk] ihM+k nsrk gSA vUr esa mldh ifj.kfr fp=k dh vkRegR;k esa gksrh gS] D;ksfa d mldk fopkj gS& ^^nwljs dh gR;k ls rqe vf/kd ls vf/kd ,d dk¡Vs dks viuh utj ls gVk ldrs gks] ij tks lglzksa rh[ks dk¡Vs izfriy izR;sd O;fDr ds vge~ esa vlá pqHku iSnk djrs jgrs gSa] muds mipkj ds fy, fdruh gR;k,¡ dj ikvksxs\----- nwljs dh gR;k djds rqe mlh vga dh rks gR;k djrs gks tks rqEgkjs vius gh Hkhrj gS---- D;ksfa d Page 95

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nwljs ds vge~ ds Hkhrj Hkh rks os gh laons uk,¡ gSa] tks rqEgkjs Hkhrj izfr{k.k dqycqykrh gqbZ rqEgsa e`R;q ls Hkh v/d ekfeZd ;kruk,¡ igq¡pk jgh gSaA**16 ghurk dh Hkkouk vius fl)kUrksa esa ,Myj us rhu rRoksa dk mYys[k fd;k gS] ghurk dh Hkkouk] {kfr iwfrZ ,oa vfrfjDr {kfriwfrZA ekuo f'k'kq lqnh?kZ dky rd viuh vleFkZ voLFkk ds dkj.k vkReghurk dk f'kdkj gks tkrk gSA vius miU;klksa esa tks'kh us bu rRoksa dk dykRed :i ls fo'ys"k.k fd;k gSA tks'khth ds miU;klksa esa ^fuokZflr* dk eghi] ^izsr vkSj Nk;k* dk ikjukFk] ^lqcg ds Hkwys* dh fxfjtk vkReghurk dh Hkkouk ls xzLr gSaA ^fuoZflr* ds eghi dks vius y?kq vkdkj izdkj ds dkj.k ^ccqvk* mikf/k feyh gSA blh dkj.k jek ,oa lq"kek ls iz.k; ;kpuk djus ij og okRlY; ikrk gSA uhfyek mlds izse dh mis{kk djds tehankj ls fookg dj ysrh gSA lekt }kjk viuh ckrksa dks ifjgkl esa mM+k;s tkus ij fL=;ksa }kjk vius :ikdkj dk migkl fd;s tkus ij og ?kksj vkReghurk ls Hkj tkrk gSA viuh ns'kHkfDr dh dforkvksa }kjk og {kfriwfrZ pkgrk gSA vkxs vius gkFkksa dh dye iQsad dj eghi fjokYoj ysdj ØkfUrdkjh cu tkrk gS vkSj xqIrny dk laxBu djds vR;kpkjh 'kkld oxZ dks =kLr djrk gSA eghi dh vkReghurk vkSj mldh {kfriwfrZ ,d fn'kk esa gks tkrh gS] ftldk ifj.kke Hk;adj ugha gS D;ksafd mldks Hkqxrus okyk Lo;a eghi gS] ijUrq ^izsr vkSj Nk;k* ds ikjlukFk dh vkReghurk mls vkSj mlls lEidZ djus okyksa dks Hkh"k.k :i ls =kLr djrh gSA vius vkidks tkjt iq= tkudj ikjlukFk izsr Nk;kvksa ls Lo;a dks f?kjk gqvk ikrk gSA fQj thou esa vkus okyh izR;sd L=h dks og vius vopsru dh vrho ?k`.kk ds ckotwn izse djrk gS] mudk miHkksx djds fookg dh ckr mBrs gh Hkkx [kM+k gksrk gSA

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dyafduh ek¡ dks nf.Mr u dj ikus dh foo'krk esa og iw.kZ ukjh tkfr esa gh ek¡ dh izfrd`fr ns[kdj mls ihfM+r viekfur vkSj vlgk; NksM+dj Hkkxus esa og larks"k ikrk gSA viuh fod`r larqf"V og dqyhukvksa ds lrhRo dks u"V djus esa ekurk gSA17 ^lqcg ds Hkwys* dh fxfjtk viuh fuEUk tkfr ds dkj.k ghurk dh xzfUFk ls ihfM+r gksdj vLokHkkfod dk;Z djus yxrh gS vkSj ^fQV* dk f'kdkj gks tkrh gSA og pkgrh gS ^^izR;sd ukjh mlds izfr bZ";kZ Hkko j[ks vkSj izR;sd ;qod mlds pj.kksa ij yksVus ds fy;s O;kdqy gks mBs vFkok mlds fy, ej feVus ds fy;s rS;kj gks tk;sA18 nw/kokys dh yM+dh ds :i esa tkudj vfHktkr oxZ dh yM+fd;k¡ mldk vieku djrh gSaA ghurk dh Hkkouk ls ihfM+r fxfjtk fiQYe txr esa izos'k djds [kwc ;'k ,oa /ku lEIknu djds xjhcksa dks nku djrh gS vkSj mldh dqaBk dh {kfriwfrZ mRFkku ,oa izfr dh fo'kky Hkwfe esa gksdj mlds vkSj lcds fy;s dY;k.kdkjh gksrh gSA ^^vius eu dh dqaBk dks lkoZtfud dqaBk cukdj lcds fgr vkSj mRFkku ds dk;Z esa layXu gksus ij vius eu dh dqaBK Lo;a lekIr gks tkrh gSA**19 tks'khth }kjk izLrqr leL;k dk ;g lek/ku fuLlansg ljkguh; gS f'k{kk dh leL;k bl fo"k; esa tks'khth ds lkfgR; esa dqN ppkZ gqbZ gSA vaxzsth f'k{kk izkIr djds vaxzsth BkV ckV dks thou dk è;s; ekudj mlh ls nwljksa dh ij[k djus okyksa esa ^lU;klh* esa uanfd'kksj dk HkkbZ rFkk ^eqfDriFk* esa lquank dk HkkbZ vkrs gSaA ^lU;klh* miU;kl esa uanfd'kksj dk iM+kslh jek'kadj fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds vKku dk thoUr mnkgj.k gSA mlesa vkMEcj vkSj fn[kkos dh ek=k bruh xgjh iSB pqdh gS fd og bykgkckn ;qfuoflZVh ds Nk=ksa ds le{k cukjl fgUnw ;qfuoflZVh ds Nk=ksa dks x¡okj dgrk gSA ^^T;knkrj ns[kk tkrk gS fd Page 96

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cukjlh ^LVwMsVa ~l* lc fo"k;ksa esa cq)w gqvk djrs gSaA mudh pky&<+ky] jgu&lgu] ckr&O;ogkj] lHkh fo"k;ksa esa cfy;k dh nsgkrh lH;rk dh cw vkrh gS vkSj ogk¡ ds izksQsllZ] &&& fdlh esa ,slh dksbZ [kkl ^ilZusfyVh* ugha ikbZ tkrh] tks bEiksftax gksA &&& gekjh bykgkckn ;qfuoflZVh ds fdlh Hkh izkQ s l s j dks vki nsf[k,A mudh 'kku&'kkSdr vkSj iks'kkd igukok ns[kdj vki nax jg tk;sx a As mudk BkV gh fujkyk gSA ogh gky ;gka ds ^LVwMsVa ~l* dk gSA ,d&,d ^LVwMVsa * de ls de nks ntZu ^lwV~l* vius ikl j[krk gSA lkS :i;s Qh ^eUFk* ls de [kpkZ rks ;gk¡ cgqr de LVwMsVa ~l dk gksrk gS& xjhc ls xjhc LVwMsVa dk de ls de [kpkZ lkB :i;k gSA**20 jek'kadj dh n`f"V esa ^bykgkckn ;qfuoflZVh* dk ^LVsUMMZ esUVsu* djus ds fy, mUgsa ;g lc djuk iM+rk gSA ^^;gk¡ cukjl dh rjg ugha fd xk¡/kh dSai] eksVs [kn~nj dk dqjrk] eksVs gh [kn~nj dh /kksrh vkSj ckVk dEiuh ds lLrs pIiy igudj dke pyk ysAa **21 bl fn[kkoVh O;ogkj dk dqifj.kke Hkh vkxs fn[kkbZ nsrk gSA tks gks f'k{kk ds izlkj ,oa izpkj ds dkj.k Hkkjrh; ukjh esa tkx`fr vkbZA mUgsa viuk ekxZ fu/kZfjr djus esa lqfo/k gqbZA :f<+;ksa ls eqfDr dk le; vkus ij mUgksua s mldk ykHk mBk;k vkSj iq:"k dh nklrk ls vius dks eqDr djds leku vf/dkjksa dh ek¡x dhA tks'khth ds izk;% lHkh miU;klksa dh ukf;dk,¡ f'kf{kr gSa] L=kh f'k{kk dh leL;k ogk¡ ugha gS] tks'khth dh ukf;dk,¡ fuj{kj ugha gSaA ^lqcg ds Hkwys* dh nsgkfru >fe;k rd L=h f'k{kk dh leFkZd gS vkSj viuh csVh dks ^bLdwy* Hkstus dks vkrqj gSA csVh ds Hkfo"; ds fo"k; esa og lksprh gS ^^;fn xqyfc;k dks Hkh Ldwy esa Hkjrh djok fn;k tk;s rks og Hkh fu'p; gh cgqr lh dke dh ckrsa lh[k tk;sxh] vkSj O;ogkj dq'ky Hkh gks tk;sxhA**22 xqyfc;k i<+&fy[kdj fxfjtk cu tkrh gSA

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^lU;klh* dh 'kkafr vè;kfidk gS] t;arh Hkh lqf'kf{krk gSA blh dkj.k uanfd'kksj dh fod`r eu%fLFkfr dk Lo;a fo'ys"k.k djrh gS& ^^vki esa vfHkeku rks gS gh] ij vga Hkko Hkh gn ds ntsZ rd gS] &&&& bl vgaHkko dh r`fIr ds fy, vki pkgrs gSa fd ftl L=h ls vkidk lEcU/ gks og iw.kZ :i ls vkidh gksdj jgs] mldk dqN Hkh LorU=k :i ls viuk dgus dks u jgs] &&& lhrk ds ;qx esa ikSjkf.kd dky esa] ;g izd`fr&fo:) ckr Hkys gh lEHko jgh gks] ij fdlh Hkh okLrfod ;qx esa ;g lEHko ugha gks ldrhA**23 ^izsr vkSj Nk;k* dh eatjh vlgk; voLFkk esa ikjlukFk }kjk R;kx fn;s tkus ij dfBu la?k"kksZa ds chp ls ekxZ fudky dj MkDVjh dh f'k{kk izkIr djds vLirky [kksy ysrh gSA f'k{kk ds gh ifj.kke Lo:i mldk vkRefo'okl ikjlukFk dks f/kDdkj nsrk gSA24 :f<+;ksa dks rksM+us okyh lquank ¼eqfDriFk½ Hkh f'kf{kr gS] vk/kqfud f'k{kk ,oa f'k{kkiz.kkyh ls tks'kh th fo'ks"k lUrq"V gSa] vk/qkfud f'k{kk ,oa f'k{kk iz.kkyh ls tks'kh th fo'ks"k lUrq"V ugha gSaA ftl yxu vkSj mRlkg ls fo|ktZu djus dh vko';drk gS] og vkt ds Nk=ksa ds nqyZHk gSA muds ^_rqpØ* miU;kl dh dkyst dh fizafliy ukf;dk izfrHkk Hkh vius fopkj izdV djrh gS tks ys[kd ds fopkjksa ds izfrfcEc gSaA ;g dgrh gS ^^vkt rd rks fLFkfr ;g Fkh fd thou ds ftu ewY;ksa vkSj vkn'kksZ ij viuk fo'okl Fkk] muds vuqlkj Nk=kvksa dks f'k{kk nsus vkSj muds vuq:i muds thou dks <kyus esa ,d lq[k vkSj lkFkZdrk dh vuqHkwfr gksrh Fkh&&& ij tks ukjh Nk=kk,¡ vk jgh gSa mudh lkjh xfrfof/k gh eq>s ,dne vutkuh] vifjfpr vkSj fotkrh; yxrh gSaA**25 bl fo"k; esa izfrek dk n`f"Vdks.k iw.kZr% Li"V gS fd vkt ds Nk=kksa ds le{k thou dk u dksbZ fuf'pr è;s; gS u gh dksbZ mPp vkn'kZ blh dkj.k og dgrh gS& ^^eSa muesa u rfud Hkh vkReh;rk ikrh gw¡ vkSj u LorU= ckSf)d fpUru ds {ks= esa gh mudh dksbZ fo'ks"krk dk Page 97

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ifjp; eq>s feyrk gSA**26 vkt dh jktuhfr us Hkh egkekjh dh rjg vokafNr ?kqliSB djds fo'ofo|ky;ksa dks gkfu igq¡pkbZ gSA vr% vifjiDo efLr"d thou dh okLrfodrk ls nwj tk iM+s gSaA vlkekftd rRoksa ds dkj.k fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds dksey efLr"d Ny&Nn~eksa dh vkSj LokFkhZ eukso`fÙk dh /wy ls eSys gks x;s gSaA tks'khth dh f'k{kk gkbZLdwy rd gh gks ikbZ Fkh ijUrq muds vè;olk; us vkSj iBu&ikBu dh yxu us mUgsa ^fo|kokpLifr* ds mPp vklu ij fcBk;k gSA vr,o muds fopkjksa dh lR;rk esa lansg ughaA

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16- fgUnh miU;kl dh izo`fÙk;ka % “kf”kHkw‘k.k flagy] i`‘B 204 17- izsr vkSj Nk;k % bykpUnz tks”kh] i`‘B 300 ls 302 18- lqcg ds Hkwys % bykpUnz tks”kh] i`‘B 167 19- miU;kldkj bykpUnz tks”kh% ewY;kadu% lq/khj dqekj] i`‘B 146 20- laU;klh % bykpUnz tks”kh] i`‘B 151 21- ogh] i`‘B 152 22- lqcg ds Hkwys % bykpUnz tks”kh] i`‘B 48 23- laU;klh % bykpUnz tks”kh] i`‘B 364 365 24- izsr vkSj Nk;k % bykpUnz tks”kh] i`‘B 410 25- _rqpdz % bykpUnz tks”kh] i`‘B 96 26- ogh

lanHkZ %& 1- foospuk % bykpUnz tks”kh] i`‘B 123 2- izsepUnksÙkj miU;klksa esa uSfrdrk ds cnyrs ewY;% izfrek ckjgB] i`‘B 291 3- He come to see in the unconscious conflicts over the young child’s sexual attitude towards his parents, which together with accompanying jealously and hostility, he refers to Eedipus complex. (freud, his dreams and sex theories by joseph jasterol), MkW HkxorLo#i feJ }kjk mn~/k`r 4- miU;kldkj bykpUnz tks”kh% ewY;kadu% lq/khj dqekj] i`‘B 111 5- insZ dh jkuh % bykpUnz tks”kh] i`‘B 190 6- ogh] i`‘B 218 7- izsr vkSj Nk;k % bykpUnz tks”kh] i`‘B 53] 211]212 8- bykpUnz tks”kh% ewY;kadu% lq/khj dqekj] i`‘B 51 9- ogh] i`‘B 54 10- fgUnh vkykspuk % mn~Hko vkSj fodkl % MkW HkxorLo#i feJ] i`‘B 486 11- foospuk % bykpUnz tks”kh] i`‘B 123 12- fgUnh miU;kl % MkW- lq‘kek /kou] i`‘B 210 13- vk/kqfudrk ds lanHkZ esa vkt dk fgUnh miU;kl % vrqyohj vjksjk] i`- 96 14- laU;klh % bykpUnz tks”kh] i`‘B 365 15- ogh] i`‘B 320 Page 98

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१९-izHkk [ksrku ds miU;klksa esa mHkjrk gqvk u;k lkaLd`frd ifjn`”; MkW- lhek rqdkjke tk/ko lgk;d izk/;kid vkj-,u-lh vkVZl]ts-Mh-Ckh dkWelZ vWaM ,u-,llh- lk;Ul dkWyst] ukfld jksM - 422101 Hkkjrh; lanHkksZa esa ;g vfHktkr leqnk; gSSA orZeku Hkkjrh; txr esa vfHkTkkR; dh fu”kkuh if”pe ds lkFk ds oSpkfjd laidZ] lkaLd`frd laxfr vkSj Hkkf’kd leFkZrk gS A bl laLdfr esa lek;kuq:i ifjoRkZu gksrk fn[kkbZ ns jgk gS A ,d u;k lkaLd`frd ifjn`”; mHkj jgk gS ftls izHkk [ksrku ds miU;klksa esa Li’V :Ik ls ns[kk tk ldrk gS A ;gkWa Hkkjrh; ukjhoknh vkanksyu dk oSpkfjd mithO; if”pe dk ukjhoknh foe”kZ gS A mlds fy, vkRefu.kZ; ds vf/kdkj dk vFkZ gksxk ,slh Lora=rk ftlesa lqjf{kr ,dy thou] vfookfgr nkEiR; thou vFkok fyo bu laca/k] vfookfgr ekr`Ro ;k fookg ds Hkhrj Hkh ekr`Ro ls bUdkj dk vf/kdkj] vupkgs nkEiR; thou ls fudy vkus dh lqfo/kk] ,dkf/kd fookg ;k eupkgs isze izlaxks vkSj laca/kksa ds LoPNan thou tSls pqukoksa dh fuckZ/krk gks A la{ksi esa dgs rks tks pkgs lks djus vkSj gksus dh Lora=rk furkar futh ,dkarksa ls ysdj O;kolkf;d nk;jksa rFkk lkoZtfud foLrkjksa rd A cgqr NksVk lk ,d ,slk lewg Hkh vfLrRo esa vk pqdk gS tks vius fy, ,d iq#’k fujis{k Lok;RRk L=h lalkj jp ysus dk vfHkYkk’kh gS vkSj leySafxd fe=rkvksa] laca/kksa dh odkyr esa O;Lr gSS A i¡wWathokn ls igys dh lkearh O;oLFkk esa L=h ?kj ds pkS[kV ds vanj dSn Fkh A i¡wWathokn ds mn; us mls pwYgk&pkSdk ls ysdj iq#’k dh lsok] cPpksa dh ikyu iks’k.k] ykyu ikyu tSlh ?kjsyw ftEEksna kfj;ksa ls ckgj

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fudydj fofHkUUk dk;Z{ks=ksa esa viuh mifLFkfr ntZ djokus ds volj iznku fd;k A iW¡awthokn ds fofHkUUk pj.kksa esa cktkj ds Qk;ns ds fy, efgyk ds Je dks ?kj ds nk;js ls fudkyus dks “kq#vkr gqbZ ysfdu efgyk eqfDr viuh laiw.kZrk esa dgha Hkh miyC/k ugha gks ldh A vkt Hkh Hkkjr esa iq#’k Je izpwj ek=k esa gS] blfy, fL=;ksa ds fy, txg ugha Fkh A vkt bZaVk xkjk <ksusokyh etnwjuh ls ysdj ns”k dh vfr mPPk vkSj izfrf’Br inksa rd vkSjrsa ig¡qWaph A mPPk inksa ij izfrf’Br efgyk,Wa¡ vkfFkZd :Ik ls vkRefuHkZj ,oa psruk laIkUUk Hkh gS] ysfdu ogkWa Hkh efgyk gksus dh dher mUgsa pqdkuh gh iM+rh gS A blesa dksbZ lansg ugha dh fiNys 15 lkyksa esa HkweM a yhdj.k vkSj cktkjokn us vkSjrksa dks vkfFkZd Lrj ij u,&u, volj iznku fd, gSa A ij ;s volj vkSjrksa dh n”kk lq/kkjus ;k mldh fLFkfr dks etcwr djus ds fy, ugha Fks A oLrqr% HkweM a yhdj.k ls igys pj.k esa fu;kZr gsrq LkLrk eky cukus ds fy, xfjCk efgyk Jfedksa dks cM+s iSekus ij [kik;k x;k A bl le; tc ;g HkweM a yhdj.k vius Je iz/kku nkSj ls fudydj mPPk izkS|ksfxd ds nkSj esa tgkWa¡ vkVkseks”ku] dEI;qVj] lapkj VsDuksykth dk cksyckyk gSa ogkWa mPPkoxZ vkSj e/;oxZ dh f”kf{kr vkSjrksa dh t#jr vku iM+h gS A okLro esa HkweaMyhdkj.k vkSj cktkj us L=h dh nqfu;k cny Mkyus ds tks nkos fd, os dsoy fn[kkok gSa A mlus viuh Tk:jrksa ds fglkc ls gh vkSjrksa dks bLrseky fd;k A Je iznku djusokyh xjhc Jfed efgyk,Wa gks ;k n¶rjksa esa dke djusokyh inksa ij vklhu vf”kf{kr e/;oxhZ; efgyk,Wa vFkok mPPk inksa ij vklhu ^IkkWoj oqesu^ ;s lHkh iq#’koknh lRRkk ds opZLo dk f”kdkj gSa A uj&ukjh fo’kerk ds lkekftd igyw dh rjQ cktkj Page 99

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dh dksbZ fnyPkLih ugha gS A L=h ds izfr iq#’k ds utfj, esa dksbZ fo”ks’k QdZ ugha vk;k gS A n¶rjksa esa dk;Zjr fL=;ksa dh ;kSu “kks’ku dh f”kdk;rsa dgha ls Hkh de ugha gSaA HkweM a yhdj.k us vkSjrksa ds :Ik dks t:j cnyk gS] ij iq:’kksa dh ekufldrk dks ugha ftlls uj&ukjh lac/a kksa dk u;k flyflyk py iM+k gS A L=h ?kj vkSj ckgj dh nksgjh ftEEksankfj;ksa dks laHa kky jgh gS A ,d tSls inksa ij dke djusokys ifr&iRuh esa ls iRuh dks gh ?kj dk [kku&iku tSlh ?kjsyw ftEEksankfj;kWa laHkkyuh iM+rh gS A ;g fcYdqy lp izrhr gksrk gS] lekt vkSj ifjokj bl u;h vkSjr dks dqN bl rjg ncko esa ykrk gS fd og fookg vkSj LkarkuksRifRRk ds ckn Lo;a ?kj&ifjokj ds fy, viuk dSfj;j NksM s +dj okil pyh tkrh gS A cgqr cMs+ iSekus ij ukSdjhis”kk vkSjrksa esa ;gh izo`fRRk ns[kh xbZ gS A cktkj ds vkxzgksa esa ?kjsyw dk;Z vkSj cPpksa ds ykyu&ikyu ds ikjaikfjd dke dk lekthdj.k djus dk dksbZ LFkku ugha gS A1 blizdkj vkfFkZd :Ik ls Lora= ;k ijra= gksus ij efgykvksa ds Åij iq#’k vf/kuk;doknh izo`fRRk dk ncko dgha u dgha vo”; jgrk gSA vkt lkaLd`frd n`f’V ls dqN gn rd ifjorZu fn[kkbZ nsrk gS A izHkk [ksrku ds miU;klksa essa ifjofrZr lkaLd`frd ifjos”k vf/kd ek=k esa fn[kkbZ nsrk gS A tgkWa¡ L=h f”k{kk dks ;Fkkor j[kus rFkk vFkktZu gsrq dke djus yxrh gS A mlesa fonzkgs dwV dwVdj Hkjk iM+k gS A og vius gd ds fy, YkM+uk tkurh gSa A og ikfjokfjd] vkfFkZd] HkkSfrd {ks=ksa dks pqukSrh nsrh gS A og ,d lQy m|ksxh ds :Ik esa mHkjrh gS A vius fy, ,d vyx fo”o dk fuekZ.k djrh gS A tgk¡Wa u dsoy iSlk gS] cfYd bTTkr vkSj lEEkku gS A

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dh rjQ og vuns[kh ughaa djrh gS] vkSj u gh le>kSrk cfYd mls NksM+dj okil vius firk ds ?kj pyh vkrh gS A ;gkWa¡ nks ihf<+;ksa ds chp la?k’kZ fn[kkbZ nsrk gS] ogha ^ihyh vkWa¡/kh^ dh lksek dVV~j fojks/k ds ckotwn cPPks dh pkgr esa viuh llqjky NksM+ izks- lqthr ds lkFk ?kj clkus esa ugha fgpfdpkrh A rks ^vfXulaHkok^ dh vkbZ-oh vius vki dks eSustj ds in ij LFkkfir dj ml ij fu;a=.k ik ysrh gS A izHkk [ksrku us vius miU;klksa esa u dsoy oSpkfjd cnyko dks fn[kk;k gS cfYd lkFk&LkkFk lekt dh cnyh gqbZ ekufldrk dk fp=.k fd;k gS A ;gkW dh laLd`fr le; ds lkFk fujarj ifjofRkZr gksusokyh gS A ftLkesa lekt dk mHkjk gqvk u;k lkaLd`frd ifjn`”; fn[kkbZ nsrk gS A lanHkZ% 1- gal] ekpZ 2001] vad &15 2- fganh dgkuh vkSj L=h foe”kZ & MkW- Å’kk >k 3- Hkkjrh; laLd`fr dh :ijs[kk & ckcw xqykcjk; 4- vius vius psgjs& MkW- izHkk [skrku 5- ihyh vkW/kh& Mk MkW- izHkk [skrku 6- vfXulaHkok & MkW- izHkk [skrku

blh rjg ^vius vius psgjs^ dh jhrw dks Hkh viuh ekWa¡ dh rjg nsoh cuuk eatwj ugha gS A nwljh vkSjr ds lkFk ifr ds laca/kksa Page 100

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२०-eq[; fo"k; % Hkk"kk] vuqokn]feekalk]& lkfgR; ,oa laL—rhmifo"k;&vuqokn&Lo:i ,oa çfofèk o`"kkyh lkui dkG] ukf'kd l`"Vh ds lkjs vkokxeu dk ,d vn~Hkwr dsæa fcanw lfn;ks ls dsoy euq"; fg rks jgk gS- euq"; ds thou dh lQyrk dk mfí"V ges'kk fodkl dk Hkh mfí"Vî jg pqdk gS- euq"; thou vU; thopjks dh rwyuk esa cq)h]eu]okpk o deZ dh 'käh ls vf}rh; vkSj vyx jgk gS-oks viuh leLr Øh;kvks dks O;ä dj ikrk gS- mldh vkRekfHkO;äh ds bu lHkh rFkk vU; vkSj Hkh çdkjks dk eq[; gS Hkk"kk- Hkk"kk u gks rks euq"; vius vkidks O;ä djus esa vleFkZ gS-Hkk"kk O;ogkj Hkh leLr euq"; txr ds O;fäxr rFkk lkekftd mi;ksfxrk dk vfoHkkT; vax gS-cksyuk] lquauk]i<uk rFkk fy[kuk ;g Hkk"kk O;ogkj ds pkj Hkkf"kd çeq[k dkS'ky gS- bues ls cksyuk o lquauk ;s nks vfHkO;fä ds çR;{k laidZ lkèku gS- cksyusokyk o lquusokyk çR;{k :i esa ijLij vfHkO;fä djrs gS- fy[kuk o i<uk blfy;s xkS.k vFkkZr lkSE; laidZ lkèku gScksyus rFkk fy[krsoä ge vius vewrZ fopkjks dks ,d rjhds ls vuqfnr djrs gS- ;s çfØ;k vewrZ dks ewrZ dj.ks ds chp dh dMh gS- èofu]'kCn]in] lnSo vFkZ]Hkko o fopkj dks vfHkO;ä djrs gS- vfHkO;fä ds bu pkjks lkèkuks ds çfr Hkkjrh; fopkj vFkZuqxeh vkSj Hkkokuqxqeh gS- 'kCn p;u vkSj okD; lajpuk ds Hkkjrh; fopkj xkS.k LFkku nsrs gS D;ksfd 'kCn vFkZ ds ihNs ihNs pyrs gS vkSj vkf[kj vFkZ dh fg vfHkO;fä djrs gS;s leLr dsoy 'kCnkFkkZs esa vuqfnr gksusokyk Hkk"kk O;ogkj fg rks lkfgR; cu tkrk gS- ftlesa fo'ks"k mís';ks ls çsfjr gksdj 'kCnkFkkZs esa O;ä vfHkO;fä fg lkfgR; gSlkfgR; vR;ar O;kid gS- vkdkj& çdkj] 'kSyh&i)rh]dF; ds çfr i| ds vkèkkj ij blds dbZ Hksn gS-

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mi;ksx]yfyr]Kk u]fo'ks"k.k]dYiuk] lc vkil esa ?kqyfey tkrs gS rc laf{kIr :i ls lkfgR; lkeus vkrk gS-lkfgR; lacaèkh dwN çeq[k ekU;rk,s Hkh gS dh lkfgR; jp tkrk gS- jp vkSj japk ds varj ls Li"V gS tSls dfork dh ufg tkrh gks tkrh gS- oSls fg jp tkus esa tks mLQwrZrk gS og jpk tkus esa ugh gS- jp tkus okyk ;s lkfgR; fg jpukRed lkfgR; gS- ftles dkO; [kaMdkO; egkdkO; ls ysdj miU;kl ukVd ,dkadh fucaèk laLej.k vkfn dgrs gS- bl lkfgR; dh mi;ksfxrk] ykfyR;]'kD;rkRedrk vkSj KkukRedrk dks fl) djuk Hkh ,d Vs<h pht gSƒ½lkfgR; lekt dk niZ.k gksrk gSlkekftd]lkaL—frd ifjos'k ekuoh; thou ls lacafèkr vkfFkZd jktuhfrd ,sfrgkfld HkkSxksfyd rRo vkfn igyq lkfgR; dh gj foèkk esa Li"V :i esa vuqokn gksrk gS rFkk bu lkfgR;hd foèkvks ds vuqokn dks fg lkfgfR;d vuqokn dgrs gS- ekuoh; thou dh lHkh fo'ks"krk dk ,d Hkk"kk esa fLFkr vfLrRo nqljh Hkk"kk ds çrh ikgqapkus dk ifjp; djokus dk jkLr gS- foÜo ,drk dk Hkko c<kus dk dke vuqokn djrk gS- tks ekuo lH;rk ds lkFk fodflr gqvk lQy o fç; ra= gS- laL—r ukVd 'kkdqary dk teZu doh xVs us vuqokn fd;k foÜocaèkqRo dh etcwr uho gS tks lkjs ns'k]çkar]Hkk"kk]èkeZ dh fnokjs rksM nsrh gS„½fdlh Hkh L=ksr Hkk"kk dk 'kCnHkkaMkj] Hkkf"kd lajpuk] okD;kfoykl] vkfn y{; Hkk"kk ls fHkUu gksrk fg gS- ;s fHkUurk tc u"V gksrh gS rc fg vFkkZr fo'ks"krk vuqokn esa vk tkrh gSnksuks Hkk"kkvks dk lQy Kku gks.ks ls fg lQy vuqokn gks ikrk gS- mi;ksx yfyr Kku fo'ks"k.k dYiuk lc vkil esa ?kqy&fey tkrs gS rc laf{kIr :i ls lkfgR; lkeus vk ikrk gS- lkfgR;lacèa kh dqN çeq[k ekU;rk, Hkh gS dh lkfgR; jp tkrk gS vkSj jpk tkrk gS- 'jp' vkSj 'jpk' ds varj ls Li"V gS tSls dfork dh ugh tkrh gks tkrh gS - oSls fg 'jp Page 101

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tkus' esa tks mLQwrZrk gS og jpk tkus esa ugh gS- jp tkus okyk ;s lkfgR; fg jpukRed lkfgR; gS- ftles dkO;][kaMdkO;]egkdkO; ls ysdjmiU;kl]]ukVd],dkaxh]fucaèk]laLej .k vkfn vkrs gS- bl lkfgR; dh mi;ksfxrk ]ykfyR;]'kD;kRedrk vkSj KkukRekdrk dks fl) dj.kk Hkh ,d Vs<h pht gS…½nksuks Hkk"kkvksa esa ç;qä yksdksäh;k]eqgkojs vkfn 'kr çfr'kr lkE; ugh gksrs]Hkko ogh jgrk gS ijarq mudh vfHkO;fä djus ds fy;s ''kCn' vyx gksrs gS- tSls& ejkBh – eqykps ik; ikG.;kr fnlrkr] fganh&gksUgkj foÜokr ds gksr fpd.ks ikr- L=ksr Hkk"kk ds fopkj] fparu]ekuoh; lewg dk jgu&lgu] [kku&iku] jLes& fjokt] èkkj.kk;s – ekU;rk;s lH;rk laL—rh] f'k{kk dykvks vkfn ls lacaèkhr ckrksa dks y{; Hkk"kk esa vuqfnr djrs le; leL;k vkrh gS- tSls ejkBh&iqj.kiksGh] fganh& dksbZ 'kCn ugh gS- rc fganh esa nsuh iMrh gS- ;g inkFkZ egkjk"Vª ds ckgj ugh gSftl vuqoknd esa ;s xq.k gS Hkk"kk çHkqRo ls ifjiw.kZ lrdZ jàsokyk çfrHkkoku]fu"i{k]lkekftd lkaL—frd ifjos'k dk ftKklw l`tu'khy]dBksj ifjJe djusokyk gks ogh lQy vuqoknd gksrk gS†½vuqokn dh çfofèk dh çfØ;k ds dwN pj.k gksrs gS- ftlds vuqlkj fg vuqokn dh çfØ;k iqjh gksrh gS*p;u& vuqokn dh çfØ;k dk igyk pj.k fg p;u gksrk gS- lkfgR; dh ftl foèkk esa vuqoknd dks #ph jgrh gS mlh foèkk dks og ges'kk pqurk gSjpukRed lkfgR; ds vuqokn ds lanHkZ esa dyk fopkj cgq vk;keh laf'y"V gSdykuqokn ij dkQh fopkj rks gqvk gS ijarq dkykuqokn dh vlEHkofu;rk dk çfriknu fdlh us Hkh –<rk ds lkFk] iRFkj dh ydhjds :i esa ugh fd;k gS- lkfgR; Hkk"kk ek= ufg cYdh Hkk"kk dk Hkh gksrk gS- Hkk"kk ftl vFkZ dks lwfpr djrh gS mldh lH;rk]laL—rh ds lkFk gksusokyh çfrc)rk egRoiw.kZ gS- Hkk"kk dh 'kCnksds vFkZ ogu vkSj laçfs "kr dj.ks dh {kerk] vfHkèkk]y{kuk vkSj O;atuk 'kCn 'käh;ks ij fuHkZj ekuh tkrh gS] tks iw.kZr% lkekftd& ekufld ifjçs{k esa lkFkZd gksrh gS-

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'kkL=kuqlkj jpuk dk viuk ,d vFkZ] ,d Qy],d Hkko],d dk;Z gksrh gS] bl ,drk ls fg Hkko ç;ksx dk fuokZg gksrk gSbudk lkèku lacèa k lkfgR; dk dyki{k gksrk gS vkSj vFkZ] Qy]Hkko vkfn dk lacèa k lkfgR; ds Hkkoi{k ls gksrk gS- blhfy;s t#jh gS fd jpuk dk vuqokn vFkkZr fdldk vuqokn\ Hkko dk\ ;k dyk dk\ vFkok nksuks dk\ ftl rjg Js"B lkfgR; es Hkkoi{k vkSj dyki{k ds larqfyr lacèa k dk fuokZg visf{kr gksrk gS mlh rjg vPNs vuqokn esa Hkh- blhfy, vuqokn ds igys iw.kZ jpuk dk okpu o rRi'pkr ml ,drk dks cuk;s j[kdj vuqokn djuk t#jh gSvuqoknd dks ewy Hkk"kk vkSj y{; Hkk"kk dk lE;d Kku gks.ks ds lkFk Hkk"kk ds lkekftd lkaL—frd vkSj lajpukRed vaxks dk Kkrk gksuk Hkh t#jh gS rHkh dF; vkSj 'kSyh dk lefUor vuqokn laHkko gksxk†½ vuqokn dh çfoèkh dh çfØ;k ds dwN pj.k gksrs gS- ftlds vuqlkj fg vuqokn dh çfØ;k iqjh gksrh gS•p;u vuqokn dh çfØ;k dk igyk pj.k fg p;u gksrk gS- lkfgR; dh ftl foèkk esa vuqoknd dks #ph jgrh gS- og jpukRed lkfgR; ds vuqokn ds lanHkZ esa dyk fopkj cgq vk;keh]laf'y"V gS- dykuqokn ij dkQh fopkj rks gqavk gS ijarq dykuqokn dk çfr fdlh us Hkh –<rk ds lkFk iRFkj dh ydhj ds :i esa ugh fd;k gS-lkfgR; Hkk"kk ek= ugh cYdh Hkk"kk dh Hkh gksrk gS-Hkk"kk ftl vFkZ dks lwfpr djrh gS mldh lH;rk] laL—rh ds lkFk gksusokyh çfrc)rk egRoiw.kZ gS- Hkk"kk dh 'kCnks dks vFkZ ogu vkSj laçfs "kr dj.ks dh {kerk] vfHkèkk ]y{kuk vkSj O;atuk 'kCn 'kfä;ks ij fuHkZj euh tkrh gS] tks iw.kZr% lkekftd&ekufld ifjçs{k esa lkFkZd gksrh gS'kkL=kuqlkj jpuk dk viuk ,d vFkZ ,d Qy],d Hkko],d dk;Z gksrh gS] bl ,drk ls fg Hkk"kk ç;ksx dk fuokZg gksrk gSbaudk lkèku lacèa k lkfgR; dk dyki{k gksrk gS vkSj vFkZ] Qy]Hkko vkfn dk lacèa k lkfgR; ds Hkkoi{k ls gksrk gS- blhfy;s t#jh gS dh jpuk dk vuqokn ;kuh fdldk vuqokn\ Hkko dk\ ;k dyk dk\vFkok nksuks dk\ ftl rj+g Js"B lkfgR; esa Hkkoi{k vkSj dyki{k ds larqfyr lacèa k dk fuokZg visf{kr gksrk gS mlh Page 102

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rjg vPNs vuqokn esa Hkh- blhfy, vuqokn ds igys iw.kZ jpuk dk okpu o rRi'pkr ml ,drk dks cuk;s j[kdj vuqokn djuk t#jh gSvuqoknd dks bldk è;ku j[kuk Hkh t#jh gS dh 'kCn]okD;]ds vuqlkj ds lkFk Hkko dk vuqokn Hkh t#jh gS- jpukdkj ij mrjdj vkSj mlds Hkko çHkwRo dks vkRelkr djusij fg lQy vuqokn djuk laHko gSfdlh Hkh lkfgR; dh le`)h dks viuh Hkk"kk rd lhfer ufg j[kuk pkfg;s- gj rjg ds Hkkf"kd lkfgR; dh foèkk dk vuqokn gksuk vko';d gS-rHkh lkfgR; dh o`)h gksxh-çns'k] ns'k]vkSj lalkj dh lH;rk]laL—rh ls ifjfpr gksdj vius Kku dks ckVus dh vko';drk Hkh vuqoknks ds dkj.k fl) gksrh gS- jpukRed lkfgR; dh ekax gS- vFk: mldk vuqokn Hkhdkj.k dh miU;kl eS dFkkoLrw dh okLrfodrk gksrh gS cl frFkh o uke dkYifud gksrs gS- vkSj bfrgkl esa dsoy frFkh o uke lgh gksrs gS- bl lR; ds vuke jh'rs dks cjdjkj jk[kus dk dke Hkh vuqokfnr lkfgR; djrk gS- euksoK S kfud lR; dh fudVrk ogh fnykr gS- foÜo ekuork ds vkn'kZ ewY; Hkh mlls LFkkfir gksrs gS;g Hkh lR; gS fd ftlrjg dkO;'kkL= ds fu;eks vkSj fl)kUrks dks i<dj dksbZ doh ugh curk mlh rj+g vuqoknd dks fu;eks vkSj fl)kUrks dks i<dj dksbZ lQy vuqoknd ugh gksrk- Hkwrdkyhu lkfgfR;d vuqoknks dh tkpa iMrky ds ckn fu;e curs gS] cuk;s tkrs gS- tks dbZ gn rd ekxZn'kZd Hkh gksrs gStSls dh mÙke mÙkerj mÙkevksÙke dh dksVh;ks dh lkis{krk ls ge ifjfpr gS vkSj mÙkEvksÙke dh fg vis{kk djrs jgrs gS- mlh rj+g vuqoknd Hkh mÙkevksÙke vuqokn nsusdk vkn'kZ vius lkeus j[ks- dHkh&dHkh ,slk Hkh gksrk gS dh ewy jpuk ls Hkh vfèkd mÙke vuqokn gks tk;s ;k leku çHkko'kkyh gks ysdhu fuEu çHkko'kkyh og dHkh ugh gksxktc rd dksbZ ;ksX; ijh{k.k ugh djrk rcrd mls dksbZ Hkh vuqfnr jpuk ds :i eS Hkh ugh i<rk- ,d ekSfyd jpuk ekudj mls i<k tkrk gS-blhfy;s ewy jpuk dk tks çHkko Jksrk ij gqvk gS- de ls de mruk vkSj oSlk

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fg çHkko vuqokn dks i<.ksokyks ij gks bldk è;ku vuqoknd dks lnSo j[kuk vko';d gSvuqoknd dh Hkkcyh 'kfä]vyadkj]çfrd]eqgkojs]dgkors vkfn egRoiw.kZ gS- tks Kku lkfgR; dh Hkk"kk dk vfHkèkkFkZ rFkk 'kfä lkfgR; dh Hkk"kk y{krkFkZ rFkk O;axkFkZ dk cksèk djrh gSvuqokn djrs oä jpukRed lkfgR; dk jpukdkj dkSu gS\ mldk Lo:i dSlk gS\ mldk iFkd oxZ dkSulk gS\ oks dhl fof'k"V 'kSyh ls D;k fo'ks"k dguk pkgrk gS\ ;s lc le>uk Hkh t#jh gSmiU;klrRo dgk.khrRo] ukVdRo],dkadhrRo];s vyx vyx foèkvksa dh fufeZrh vuqoknd ls Hkh vyx vyx dkS'kY;ks dh ekx djrh gS- ewy miU;kl dk ewy :i Hkh cuk jgs vkSj foèkk ds lkFk jpuk Hkh ekSfyd cuh jkgs budh rjQ vuqoknd dks è;ku nsdj ekuks [kM~x dh èkkj ij pyuk iMrk gSjpukRed lkfgR; lkaL—frd lkekftd oLrw Hkh gS blhfy;s fons'kh Hkk"kkvksa dk Hkkjrh; Hkk"kkvksa esa vuqokn djuk ,d cgqr fg lkekftd ftEesnkjh dk dke vuqoknd ds daèks ij gS- [kku&iku] fj'rs&ukrs] lH;rk] laL—rh] deZdkaM bu lHkh dk vuqokn dj.ks dh çfofèk esa dbZ lkjh;ks dk vkèkkj ysuk iMrk gSdbZ cj jpuk Hkk"kk dh fdlh cksyh esa gks rFkk og cksyh vfHkO;ä laL—rh dks vuqfnr dj.ks esa v{ke gks rks uohu 'kCn jpuk o vFkZ tks ml è;s;] ifjos'k ds gks tks tu&thou esa ?kqydj :g gksdj çpfyr cu ekud Hkk"kk dk LFkku ikrs gS- bl rj+g oks leL;k lqy>k;h tkrh gSjpukRed lkfgR; esa ukVd rFkk dfork dk vuqokn eq'dhy gksrk gS- D;ksadh ukVd okrkZyki ;k dFkkdFku dh 'kSyh esa vuqfnr gksrk gS- tks jaxeap ij rFkk vfHku; }kjk vfèkd vuqfnr gksrk gS- ukVîkuqokn esa bu nksuks dk è;ku vfèkd j[kuk iMrk gS- okLro esa ;g ,d Vhe odZ gksrk gS- vifjfpr laL— rh] lH;rk] ckrs –";ks dk vuqokn dj.kk vfèkd dBh.k gksrk gS- ukVd ,d –'; dkO; gksus ds dkj.k bldks vuqokn esa leL;k vkrh gS-

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bfl rjg ls dfork esa dwN tksM.kk] ?kqlkuk ;kus ewy dfork ds dforki.k dks feVk.ks tSlk gS-blhfy;s dfork dk vuqokn dMh – nj&dMh ijk;k vlaHko ekuk tkrk gSdHkh dHkh dfork dk ljy vuqokn gksrk gS ijarq yfyr HkkokFkZ dh dHkh jg tkrh gS vuqoknd dks ewyys[kd dh euksHkweh ij mrjdj leo`Ùkh gks.kk iMrk gS- ewy dF; ls tjk Hkh u ckVdj nqljh Hkk"kk esa Mkyuk Hkh iMrk gSlkaL—frd] lkekftd leL;kvks ds ikj dj eqy jpuk ds çfr fu"Bk dk fuokZg djuk gksrk gS- ikBdks dks Hkh è;ku esa j[kdj ewy jpuk dks tkudj Hkh vuqoknd dks uk; ns.ks dh vkSj Hkh lpsr jguk iMrk gS dbZ çlax] eqgkojs] 'kCnks o Hkkoks ds vuqoknd esa ckSf)d] ekufld] Hkkofud la?k"kZ ls Hkh xqtjuk iMrk gSnksuks Hkk"kkvks ds Kku ls vR;ar vkReh;rk ls ifjfpr gksuk iMrk gS- lkjh riL;k vuqokn djus esa yxkuh iMrh gS- rc tkdj vuqokn lgh curk gS- rc tkdj vuqoknd cuuk ulhc gksrk gSoSpkfjd leh{kkRed rFkk lS)kafrd ys[ku dks Hkh jpukRed lkfgR; ekuk tkrk gS- ftles fucaèk ]js[kkfp=] yfyr vkfn vkrs gS- bles vfèkd lrdZ o tkx:drk ls vuqokn djuk iMrk gS- bles LoYifojke] gkbZiu]vorj.k dks fo'ks"k è;ku esa j[kuk iMrk gS ojuk vuFkZ fudyrk gS- ikfjHkkf"kd 'kCnkoyh dh vksj fo'ks"k :i ls è;ku nsdj ç;ksx Hkh t#jh gksrk gSbu reke leL;kvks ds ckotqn Hkh mÙke ] mÙkesrj o mÙkeksÙke Lo:i ds vusd vuqokn Hkkjrh; gh ugh rks Hkkjrh;ksrj Hkk'kkvks esa Hkh gksrs gSftaudh ljlrk rFkk vf}rh;krk us vuqoknkdks ds Js"B mnkgj.k Hkh foÜo ds lkeus j[ks gq;s gS] rFkk mÙkjksÙkj fuekZ.k gksrs Hkh jgsx a -s bl voLFkk esa vuqoknd viuh #ph ls foèkk dk p;u djrk gS rFkk ,sls vuqokn esa #ph Hkh j[krk gS- ftlls og vuqokn Lrjh; gks tkrk gS- bl ij igyh çfØ;k ij fg vuqokn dh lQyrk vlQyrk fuHkZj gksrh gS-

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„½ iBu L=ksrHkk"kk dh gksusokyh leLr lkexzh dks lkoèkkfuiqoZd i<us dk dk;Z vko';d gksrk gSftles lkexzh ds Hkkoks]fopkjks]vFkkZs]lkaL—frd lkekftd lanHkkZs Hkkf"kd lajpuk ;k fof'k"V 'kCn ç;qäh vkfn dk iBu o vkdyu fd;k tkrk gS…½ fo'ys"k.k ewy L=ksr Hkk"kk ds eqgkojs]yksdksäh;k]lanHkZ]çFkk]dgkors rFkk dgk vuqokn t#jh gks ldrk gS vkSj dgk ugh bldk leLr fo'ys"k.k tks gksrk gS og vR;ar vko';d gksrk gS†½Hkkf"kd vkarj.k& L=ksr Hkk"kk dk dF; lkekftd& lkaL—frd lanHkZ ]Hkkf"kd lajpuk rFkk budh fof'k"Vrk cuk;s j[kuk o fuHkkuk ;g Hkh vuqokn dk egRoiw.kZ Hkkx gksrk gSthlds fy;s yk{kf.kd rFkk O;axkRed ç;ksx] dgkors] eqgkojs è;kuiwoZd dj.kk t#jh gS‡½iqukfujh{kZ.k& vuqfnr ikB esa lgtrk]y{; Hkk"kk dh ç—fr ds vuqlkj Hkkf"kd lajpuk] çokã;rk]lgtrk]Jqrhekèkq;Z ]eqyjpuk dk ,glkl] Hkk"kk dh f'kYikxrrk o vFkZ:i Li"Vrk bu fud'kks dk ijh{k.k t#jh gksrk gSˆ½çfr#irk% vuqokn djus ds i'pkr vuqfnr lkeqxzh dk o ewy jpuk dk çfr:i Lo:i budks rqyuk ds vuq:i ns[kuk t#jh gS fd dke ;k T;knk ek=k esa çrh#irk gS ;k ugh;g dk;Z cMs fg fu"i{k :i ls djuk t#jh gksrk gS‰½iqujkfoyksdhr var:i var esa leLr vuqokn dk la'kksfèkr iqujkoyksdu fd;k tkrk gSL=ksr Hkk"kk dh iBhr fo'ysf"kr Hkk"kkarfjr iqujf{kr vkSj çfr#fir lkexzh dk la'kksèku djuk gksrk gS- vxj nks"kks] r`Vh;ks dk laHkko gqok rks mudk fujkdj.k dj ckn esa vafre :i nsdj vuqfnr lkexzh iqu'p fy[kuh iMrh gS- lHkh rjg dh xyrh;ks dk la'kksèku dj iqu'p% fy[k Mkyuk vkSj vuqokn dks lQy rFkk lqpk: cukuk fg bl vafre pj.k dk gsrw gS- fdlh Hkh vuqfnr lkexzh dh lQyrk bl vafre pj.k ls xqtjus ij vfèkd fu[kj vkrh gS- bldk mi;ksx vxj u fd;k x;k rks vuqfnr lkexzh nks"kiw.kZ jgrh gSPage 104

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२१-vkfnoklh lekt gkf’k, ls dsUnz dh vksj----

;nquUnu izlkn mik/;k; v/;kid “kk-m-ek-fo-] ”ksjiqj ¼fHk.M½ e0iz0 ekgkSj xyh] dksjh eksgYyk] jkeuxj] eqjSuk ¼e0iz0½ & 476001 vktdy fgUnh lkfgR; eas fo’ks"kdj dFkk&lkfgR; ds lanHkZ eas ,d u;s fl/nkar dh ppkZ tksjkas ls py jgh gSA dgk tk jgk gS fd dFkk lkfgR; ,d ^jk"Vªh;&:id^ gSA njvly ;g fl/nkar if’pe dk gSA ijarq blesa dksbZ lansg ugha fd dFkk&lkfgR; gh og leqnz gS] ftlesa reke foe’kksZa ;k eqn~nksa dh ufn;ka ,d gks ldrh gSaA foxr dqN n’kdksa ls fgUnh lkfgR; dk {ks= fo’oLrjh; gks x;k gSA blfy, vusd ys[kd fons’kh lH;rk vkSj laLd`fr dh [kqjih ls Hkkjrh; lH;rk vkSj laLd`fr dks xks<+us dh dksf’k’k dj jgsa gSaA Lora=rk izkfIr ds ckn ns’k dk 'kklu turk ds pqus gq, izfrfuf/k;ksa ds gkFk eas vk x;kA rkdr Hkz"Vkpkj dks tUe nsrh gS] ;g ,d lqifjfpr rF; gSA ;|fi lafo/kku esa Hkkjr dks ^lektoknh&x.kra=^ dgk x;k] ij lkeUrh vkSj iwt a hoknh rkdrksa us jktuhfr esa izos’k dj vizR;{k :i ls ml ij viuk dCtk tek fy;kA vkt tks fj’r[kksjh] rLdjh] vkfFkZd ?kksVkyk djus okys] lRrk dk nq:Ik;ksx djds /ku tek djus okys] djksM+ks dk vk;dj gM+Ik dj tkus okys] Hkkjr dh turk dks in&nfyr djus okys] lHkh izdkj ds vijk/kh jktuhfr dks viuh ckikSrh le>dj ml ij lRrk:<+ gks x, gSA fgUnh dFkk&lkfgR; ns’k dh bl cnyrh gqbZ fLFkfr ds ds izfr tkx:d jgk gSaA vktknh ds ckn ds miU;klksa esa Lok/khurk laxzke esa lfdz; :i xzg.k djus ls ysdj bDdhloha lnh ds var rd ds O;kid L=hfoe’kZ] nfyr foe’kZ vkSj vc vkfnoklh fpUru tSls vNwrs lanHkksZa dk cgqr gh fo’oluh; vadu gqvk gSA e/kqjs’k] vxzoky] vkseizdk’k okYehfd] eS=s;h iq"ik] jktsUnz ;kno] ;’k ekyoh;] iadt feJ] 'kkuh bR;kfn ,sls ledkyhu jpukdkj gS

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ftUgksaus viuh jpukvksa esa Hkkjrh; vuNq, fo"k;ksa dks [kkldj vkfnoklh fparu dks c[kwch fn[kk;k gSA vkfnoklh&fparu gky gh esa fodflr ,d dzkafrdkjh fopkj/kkjk gS] ftldh T;knkrj tkudkjh v[kckjh dgh tk ldrh gSA rFkk ftl ij ofj"B ys[kdksa vkSj leh{kdksa dh xfr Hkh fuf"dz; jgh gSA ijarq orZeku nkSj es lkfgR;] laLd`fr] fQYe vkSj yksd fparu ds dsUnz esa vkfnoklh fparu ij lqxcqxkgVsa 'kq: gks jgh gSaA vkfnokfl;ksa dks Hkh vc ,slk yxus yxk gS] fd os dgha u dgha lekt ds vU; oxksZ ls dkQh fiNMs+ vkSj dbZ dkslksa nwj gSaA mudh ftUnxh xjhch] dqiks"k.k] vf’k{kk] vyxko] 'kks"k.k] Hkq[kejh] csjkstxkjh] csn[kyh] va/kfo’okl bR;kfn dh ng’kr ls tw> jgh gSA uDlyokn bUgha leL;kvksa dh yiVksa ls fodflr gqvk gSA mudk ekuuk gS fd lekt ds iWwthifr vkSj 'kks"kd oxZ us gesa lnSo lekt dh eq[; /kkjk ls vyx j[kk gSA vlqj&nSR;&i'kq tSls ?k` 'kCnksa ls lacksf/kr djrs gq, gekjk c<+h ccZjrk ds lkFk 'kks"k.k fd;k gSA vr% vkt gesa mu lgkjksa dh t:jr gS] tks gesa lekt dh eq[; /kkjk dh vksj ys tkus dk iz;Ru dj] gekjs fy, vkokt mBk,xkA vkfnoklh] vfodflr oxZ gSA




^^mUgsa ns[kdj ;dhu ugha gksrk fd bDdhloha lnh ds Hkkjr esa ,slk lekt vkSj thou Hkh vfLrRo esa gS ftuds ikl u vk; dk dksbZ lk/ku gS] u jgus ds fy, ?kj gS] u iguus ds fy, diMs+ vkSj u [kkus ds fy, Hkkstu gS^^ 1

,slh nfjnzrk&nhurk vU;= lekt ds oxZ esa nqyZHk gSA ljdkj vkSj iwt a hifr rFkkdfFkr Page 105

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fodkl ds uke ij mUgsa viuh tehu vkSj taxyksa ls csn[ky dj jgs gSaA Ik;kZoj.k laj{k.k ds Nykos esa muls mudh vkthfodk dk tfj;k cykr~ vkSj ccZj <+x a ls nwj fd;k tk jgk gSA lekt ds frfj"d`r oxZ dh dFkk gekjs ;gka izkphu le; ls gh feyrh jgh gSA ijarq /kS;Z bl ckr dk Fkk] fd vU; oxksZa ds yksxksa dks vius fu/kkZfjr drZO;ksa dk iwjk&iwjk Kku FkkA ftUgsa iwjk djus ds fy, Hkh fdz;k’khy jgrs Fks ijarq orZeku ifjisz{; esa ;g ckr drbZ ykxw ugha gksrhA rc fuEu oxZ vkSj fL=;ka Hkh 'kks"k.k vkSj vR;kpkj dks viuh fu;fr le>dj >sy ysrh FkhaA ijarq vc lekt dk vkdkj ladqfpr ugha jgkA vkt fo’o ,d xkao esa cny x;k gSA ;fn lkmFk&lwM+ku ds vkfnokfl;ksa ds lkFk uLyokn ;k vU; dksbZ HksnHkko gksrk gS] rks bl [kcj dks vke gksus es pan feuVksa dk le; yxsxkA dqN vkykspdksa dk er gS fd L=h foe’kZ ik’pkR;&lH;rk dh nsu gSaA ;fn ;g ckr gS rks blesa Hkh dksbZ nksjk; ugha fd tc ls L=h&foe’kZ pyk gS] rc ls L=h dh n’kk vkSj fn’kk esa gh ugha fyaxkuqikr esa Hkh cnyko vk;k gSA lkfgR; ,d izdk’k gS tks fnu esa lw;Z cudj lekt dks vkyksfdr djrk gS vkSj jkr esa VkWpZ vkSj pkan cu djA dksbZ Hkh foe’kZ ;k fparu blfy, fodflr ugha gksrk fd lekt vkSj ns’k esa vjktdrk ;k oSeUkL;rk QSy]s cfYd mldk mn~ns’; ml oxZ fo’ks"k dk i{k j[kuk gksrk gS] ftls lekt ds vU; oxksZa us dHkh vius otwn ds lkeus dqN le>k gh ughaA vkt lekt dk izR;sd oxZ vius vf/kdkjksa dks Hkyh&Hkkafr le>us yxk gS] ;fn dksbZ ugha le> ik jgk gS rks og gS vkfnoklh oxZA tks fd lkfgR; foe’kZ dk ,d Toyar eqn~nk gSA iwt a hifr;ksa ds pwYgksa esa vkx vkfnokfl;ksa ds isM+kas ls pqjkbZ gqbZ ydfM+;ksa ls ty jgh gS] Hkouksa vkSj eYVh&¶ySDlksa esa yxk gqvk QuhZpj mUgha ds taxyksa dh rLdjh dk ifj.kke gS] oS|ksa vkSj vkS"k/kky;ksa n~okjk fod`r

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dh tk jgh tM+h&cwfV;ka mUgha ds vuqla/kkuksa dh [kkst gSA lp rks ;g gS] fd vkfnoklh gh izd`fr ds lPps vksj iDds fprsjs gSaA tks le> vkSj ij[k izkd`frd tho&tarqvksa] isM+&ikS/kksa dh mUgsa gS] oks D;k etky fd nwljs dks gksa\ ^^lEifRr dh vo/kkj.kk ij Hkkjr] feJ] ;wuku o phu vkfn izkphu n’kZuksa] fgUnw] bLyke] bZlkbZ] rkvks tSls /keksZa ls ysdj rksYlrkW; o egkRek xka/kh rd dk fo’ys"k.k djus ls ,d lw= lkeus vkrk gS fd i`Foh dh lkjh lEifRr bZ’oj ;k izd`fr n~okjk l`ftr gS] blfy, fdlh euq"; ;k ekuo&lewgw dk ml ij vf/kdkj djus dk nkok uSfrd o rkfdZd n`f"V ls vlaxr gSA^^ 2 tks n’kZu bZ’oj dh vo/kkj.kk esa fo’okl djrs gSa muds fy, lEifRr dk tUenkrk bZ’oj rFkk tks n’kZu vuh’ojoknh gSa muds fy, bl lcdh tuuh izkd`frd 'kfDr gSA ;gka ;g dgkor lVhd gS ^^lcfg Hkwfexksiky dh^^A vkt vkfnoklh lekt gkf’k, ls dsUnz dh vksj tk jgk gSA vkfnoklh&foe’kZ dk eryc vkfnokfl;ksa ds lokyks dks mBkuk rFkk muds gy ds fy, fopkj&foe’kZ djuk gSA gkykafd ;g nfyr o L=h foe’kksZa dh rjg O;kid :i ugha ys ldk gSA ysfdu vlyh loky rks ;gh gS fd ;g vkfnoklh foe’kZ dgka vkSj fduds chp py jgk gS\ okLro esa ;g foe’kZ ;k fparu vkfnokfl;ksa ls lgkuqHkwfr j[kus okys muds gennZ] cqf)thfo;ks]a ekuokf/kdkj dk;ZdrkZvksa ds chp py jgk gS u fd [kqn vkfnokfl;ksa ds vanjA tks fd nfyr vkSj L=h&foe’kZ ls vkfnoklh foe’kZ dk ;g cM+k cqfu;knh QdZ gSA nfyr vkSj L=h foe’kZ es nfyr ,oa L=h ysf[kdk,] cqf/nthoh ,oa usrk Hkh lfdz; gSaA ysfdu vkfnoklh foe’kZ es [kqn vkfnoklh dgka gaS vkSj fdrus gSa\ mudh tks ifjfLFkfr;ka gSa] viuh cukoV gSa mlesa dksbZ foe’kZ bl rjg ugha py ldrkA os rks lfn;ksa ls iz’kklu dks vius nq%[k rdyhQksa ds ckjs esa vthZ&nj[okLr nsrs jgs gSa Page 106

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vkSj tc dksbZ lquokbZ ugha gq;h rks mUgksaus gfFk;kj mBkdj yM+kb;ka yM+haA muds foe’kZ dk rks ;gh vankt gSA dqN jktuhfrd yksx muds gfFk;kj mBkus dks mudk foe’kZ dgrs gSa] tks fd okLrofdrk ugha gSA mudk foe’kZ rks mudh lkekftd lLFkkvksa vkSj mudh viuh yksd ekU;rkvksa vkSj Hkk"kkvksa esa ns[kk tk ldrk gSA okLrfod vkfnoklh fparu ,oa la?k"kZ rks muesa lkaLd`frd] jktuSfrd ,oa 'kSf{kd tkxj.k mRiUu djrk gSA rHkh lkfgR; ds ljksoj dh dhpM+ esa dey f[kysx a sA lanHkZ%& 1- vkfnoklh lekt vkSj lkfgR;&’kSyUs nz lkxj]¼laikndh;½] dFkkdze ¼vDVwcj&fnlEcj 2011½ 2- futh lEifRr ,oa vkfnoklh ijEijk&gfjjke eh.kk ¼dFkkdze &vDVwcj&fnlEcj 2011 ½

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२२- lkfgR; dh lqIr psruk dks tkxzr djrk ;ksx: jfoUæ ukFk VSxksj liuk ekaxfyd ,Q &ˆ‡‹ deyk uxj vkxjk „Š„åå‡

o{k dks tdM+s gq, cUèkuksa dks rksM+ ns 'ka[k xjt&xjt mBs ckj&ckj bruk cts xoZ VwVs…fuæk NwVs tkx mBs…psruk A jchUæukFk Bkdqj dk tUe lkr ebZ vBkjg lkS bdlB dks dydÙkk if'pe caxky ds lHkzkar dqy esa gqvk Aog ,d ckaXyk dfo] dgkuhdkj] xhrdkj] laxhrdkj] ukVddkj] fucaèkdkj vkSj fp=dkj FksA ftUgsa mUuhl lkS rsjg esa lkfgR; ds fy, foÜo dk loZJs"B ukscy iq:Ldkj çnku fd;k x;kA mUgksaus dHkh fofèkor f'k{kk çkIr ugha dh ,d ckj Ldwy esa ekLVjth dh MkaV ls og bruk {kqCn gks x, fd mUgksaus dHkh Ldwy u tkus dk fu.kZ; ys fy;k vkSj mlds ckn dh mudh i<+kbZ fy[kkbZ ?kj ij gh gqbZ Aexj mUgksua s O;fäRo fuekZ.k esa f'k{kk O;oLFkk vkSj vè;kidksa dk egÙo lnSo gh ekuk mudk ;g dguk fd ÞfoÜofo|ky; egkiq#"kksa ds fuekZ.k ds dkj[k+kus gSa vkSj vè;kid mUgsa cukus okys dkjhxj gSaA Þmuds bl foÜokl dks çdV djrk gS AVSxksj us ckaXyk lkfgR; esa u, x| vkSj Nan rFkk yksdHkk"kk ds mi;ksx dh 'kq#vkr dh bUgksusA cgqr de vk;q esa dkO; ys[ku çkjaHk dj fn;k FkkA ;gk¡ rd dh Hkkjrh; lkfgR; esa tkikuh dkO; foèkk gkbdq esa fy[kus okys og çFke lkfgR;dkj Fks A jchaæukFk VSxksj us 1880 ds n'kd esa dforkvksa dh vusd iqLrdsa çdkf'kr dh rFkk yxHkx

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nl o"kZ ckn ekulh dh jpuk dhA ;g laxzg mudh çfrHkk dh ifjiDork dk ifjpk;d gSA blesa mudh dqN loZJs"B dfork,¡ 'kkfey gSa] ftuesa ls dbZ ckaxyk dh ubZ i| 'kSfy;ksa esa gSaA lkFk gh blesa dqN lkekftd vkSj jktuhfrd O;aX; Hkh gSaA jfoUæ ds xhrksa esa foÜokl dwV dwV dj Hkjk gksrk Fkk mudk [kqn ekuuk Fkk fd foÜokl og i{kh gS tks vUèkdkj ls iwoZ gh çdk'k dk vuqHko dj ysrk gS vyfonk ! dgus ls igys eq>s ;g dguk gS tks ns[kk gS] ik;k gS vgk ! fdruk vuks[kk gS nks ns'kksa ds jk"Vªxku Hkkjr dk jk"Vª&xku tu&x.k& eu vkSj ckaXykns'k dk jk"Vªh; xku vkekj lksukj ckaXyk dks fy[kus okys foÜo ds ,dek= xhrdkj johUæukFk VSxksj iqjkru iaFkh ys[kd uk gksdj oSfÜod lekurk vkSj ,dy ç;kl ds i{kèkj FksA og ,d ,sls yksd dfo Fks ftudk dsUæh; rÙo vkneh dh Hkkoukvksa dh vfHkO;fä djuk FkkA mUgsa i<+rs oä ,slk çrhr gksrk gS ekuks gekjs Loa; ds Hkko lhus dh lkr ijrksa ds Hkhrj ls fudkydj fdlh us dkxt+ ij fc[kjk fn, gksa A VSxksj ç—fr çseh Hkh Fks mudk ;g dFku fd&Þ dykdkj ç—fr çseh gS ]vr mldk Lokeh Hkh gS vkSj nkl Hkh dks n'kkZrk gS mudh jpukvksa esa ç—fr dk ltho fp=.k gh mudh jpukvksa dks ckdh jpukdkjksa ls i`Fkd djrk gS Amuds ukVdksa ds jaxeap ij Hkh ,dek= nq%[k ;k {kksHk gh ft+ank ugha gS] euq"; dh thus ds çfr yyd vkSj mlds fy, fd;k Page 108

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x;k la?k"kZ Hkh gS]og viuh dgkfu;ksa ,oa miU;klksa ls QkSykn dks yksgk vkSj yksgs dks QkSykn cukus dh dwcr j[krs Fks ]VSxksj [kqn ,d mPp Lrjh; ifjokj esa pkanh dh pEep eqag esa ysdj cs'kd iSnk gq, Fks exj muds ºzn; esa fuEu rcds ds yksxksa dk nnZ iyrk Fkk Aftldk dkj.k fl;kyng vkSj 'ktkniqj fLFkr viuh [k+kunkuh tk;nkn ds çcaèku ds fy, 1891 esa VSxksj us 10 o"kZ rd mudk iwoÊ caxky Fkk okl ogk¡ og vDlj in~ek unh ij ,d gkml cksV esa xzkeh.kksa ds fudV laidZ esa jgrs Fks A mudh pkSjklh dgkfu;ksa esa ls og loZJs"B dgkfu;k¡] ftuesa nhu&ghuksa dk thou vkSj muds NksVs&eksVs nq[k' of.kZr gSa] 1890 ds ckn dh gSa ftues nhnh iksLV ekLVj ]dkcqyh okyk ]vfrfFk ]{kqfnr ik"kk.k ] ekLVj lkgc ]vkèkh jkr esa bR;kfn gSa Abu lHkh dgkfu;ksa esa mudk dFkk f'kYi ]miek,a]o.kZu 'kSyh vfHkO;fä ds ml xxu dks Nw tkrh gSa tgk¡ rd uk muls igys vkSj uk gh muds ckn ;k fQj vc rd dksbZ Hkh jpukdkj ugha igq¡p ik;k gS Aog 'kCn nj 'kCn vkneh dks viuh dye dh mM+u r'rjh esa cSBkdj ogka rd ys tkrs Fks tgk¡ muds ik= jg jgs gksrs Fks vkSj mudh cksypky vkSj Hkk"kk 'kSyh gesa viuh lh yxus yxrh ]mudk ;g dguk fd Þeuq"; dk thou ,d egkunh dh rjg gS tks cgkc esa Hkh vius fy, u, jkLrs [kkst ysrk gS Þ gkykafd VSxksj ds miU;kl mudh dforkvksa vkSj dgkfu;ksa tSls vlkèkkj.k ugha gSa] ysfdu og Hkh mYys[kuh; gSA buesa lcls t+~;knk yksdfç; gS xksjk vkSj ?kj vkSj ckgjA og çxfroknh Fks mudk ;g dguk fd Qwy pqu dj ,d= djus ds fy, er BgjksA vkxs c<+s pyks] rqEgkjs iFk esa Qwy fujarj f[kyrs jgsaxsA mUgksaus vius thou ij Hkh ykxw fd;k oks ,dyk pyks js dh fufr ds rgr ys[ku dh gj foèkk ]fpjdkjh vkSj laxhr dh [kq'kcw dks QSykrs pyrs gh tk jgs Fks fcuk #ds fcuk Fkes A ,d vopsru çfØ;k ds :i esa vkjaHk VSxksj dh ikaMqfyfi;ksa esa mHkjrh vkSj feVrh js[kk,a [k+kl Lo:i ysus yxhaA VSxksj us dbZ fp=ksa dks mdsjk ftuesa dbZ csgn

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dkYifud ,oa fofp= tkuojks]a eq[kkSVks]a jgL;e;h ekuoh; psgjks]a xw<+ Hkw&ifj–';ks] fpfM+;ksa ,oa Qwyksa ds fp= FksA VSxksj ç—fr çseh Fks og dgrs Fks fd dykdkj ç—fr dk çseh gS vr: og mldk nkl Hkh gS vkSj Lokeh HkhA mudk dguk Fkk fd vxj ge lwjt ds pys tkus ds Mj ls vk¡[ksa ugha [kksyx sa s rc gekjh vk¡[ksa jkr ds flrkjksa dh txexkgV dSls ns[k ik,axh Amudk ;g Hkko mudh bl dfork esa çdV gksrk gS & tc okluk,a çcy gksdj eq>s pkjksa rjQ ls ?ksjus yxs…,sls esa gs ifo=…gs fpj&tkx`r :æ&oh.kk ctkvks A rduhdh :i esa VSxksj us ltZukRed Lora=rk dk vkuan fy;kA L;kgh dk ç;ksx dj cuk, muds fp=ksa esa ,d LoPNanrk fn[krh gS D;ksafd og lkèkkj.k phtksa tSls dwph] diM+k] :bZ ds Qkgksa] vkSj ;gk¡ rd fd vaxqfy;ksa ds }kjk Hkh fp= vkSj mudh eqækvksa dks vkdj nsus esa dq'ky Fks A;g muds eu dh vktknh vkSj vkRefoÜokl dks çnf'kZr djrs gSa A 7 ebZ mUuhl lkS bdlB dks Hkkjr ljdkj us VSxksj ij Mkd fVdV tkjh fd;kA muds dbZ dfork laxzg vkSj ukVd vk,] ftuesa lksukj rjh ¼1894( lqugjh uko½ rFkk fp=kaxnk ¼1892½ mYys[kuh; gSA okLro esa VSxksj dh dforkvksa dk vuqokn yxHkx vlaHko gS vkSj ckaXyk lekt ds lHkh oxksZa esa vkt rd tufç; muds 2]000 ls vfèkd xhrksa] tks 'jchaæ laxhr' ds uke ls tkus tkrs gSa] ij Hkh ;g ykxw gksrk gS A VSxksj dh dforkvksa dks lcls igys fofy;e jksFksuLVkbu us i<+k Fkk A vkSj if'peh txr ds ys[kdksa] dfo;ks]a fp=dkjksa vkSj fpardksa ls VSxksj dk ifjp; djk;kA mUgksaus gh bafM;k lkslk;Vh ls blds çdk'ku dh O;oLFkk dhA 'kq: esa 750 çfr;k¡ Nkih xbZa] Page 109

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ftuesa ls flQ+Z 250 çfr;k¡ gh fcØh ds fy, FkhaA ckn esa ekpZ 1913 esa esdfeyu ,aM daiuh yanu us bls çdkf'kr fd;k vkSj 13 uoacj 1913 dks ukscy s iqjLdkj dh ?kks"k.kk ls igys blds nl laLdj.k Nkius iM+As ;hV~l us VSxksj ds v¡xzst+h vuqoknksa dk p;u djds muesa dqN lqèkkj fd, vkSj vafre Loh—fr ds fy, mUgsa VSxksj ds ikl Hkstk vkSj fy[kk% 'ge bu dforkvksa esa fufgr vtuchiu ls mrus çHkkfor ugha gq,] ftruk fd ;g ns[kdj fd buesa rks gekjh gh Nfo ut+j vk jgh gSA' ckn esa ;hV~l us gh v¡xzst+h vuqokn dh Hkwfedk fy[khA mUgksaus fy[kk fd dbZ fnuksa rd bu dforkvksa dk vuqokn fy, eSa jsyksa] clksa vkSj jsLrjkvksa esa ?kwek gw¡ mudk xq#nso dh dforkvksa ds ckjs esa dguk Fkk fd – Þ;g dfork;sa tSls ty esa ehu dk ekSu gS] i`Foh ij i'kqvksa dk dksykgy vkSj vkdk'k esa iafN;ksa dk laxhr ij euq"; esa ty dk ekSu i`Foh dk dksykgy vkSj vkdk'k dk laxhr lcdqN gSA dYiuk dh 'kfä us mudh dyk dks tks fofp=rk çnku dh mldh O;k[;k 'kCnksa esa laHko ugha gSA dHkh&dHkh rks ;s vçk—frd :i ls jgL;e;h vkSj dqN èkqaèkyh ;kn fnykrs gSaA vkSj eq>s ckjckj bu dforkvksa dks bl Mj ls i<+uk can djuk iM+k gS fd dgha dksbZ eq>s jksrs gq, u ns[k ys Þ vaxzsth esa çdkf'kr xhrkatfy dh Hkwfedk çflí bafXy'k dfo MCyw ch ;hV~l us fy[kh AvkSj ;g fdrkc ckn esa uksoy iq:Ldkj ikus okyh çFke Hkkjrh; lkfgR; iqLrd Hkh cuh A 1901 esa VSxksj us if'pe caxky ds xzkeh.k {ks= esa fLFkr 'kkfUrfudsru esa ,d çkjafHkd fo|ky; dh LFkkiuk dhA tgk¡ mUgksua s Hkkjr vkSj if'peh f'k{kk ewY;ksa dks feykus dk ç;kl fd;kA og fo|ky; esa gh LFkk;h :i ls jgus yxs vkSj 1921 esa ;g fo|ky; foÜo Hkkjrh foÜofo|ky; esa rCnhy gks x;k A 1912 esa tc xq#nso yanu x, rc rd mudh dforkvksa dh igyh iqLrd dk vaxzst+h esa vuqokn çdkf'kr gks pqdk Fkk] vkSj bl ;k=k dks igyh ckj ogk¡ ds çeq[k lekpkj i= n VkbEl esa muds lEeku esa nh xbZ ,d ikVÊ

अप्रैल-जून : २०१६

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dk lekpkj Nik ftlesa fczVus ds dbZ çeq[k lkfgR;dkj ;Fkk MCY;wAchA;hV~l] ,pAthAosYl] tsAMhA ,.Mjlu vkSj MCY;wAjkscUs lVkbu vkfn mifLFkr FksA VSxksj uk dsoy dyk ds çR;sd {ks= esa n[ky j[krs Fks vfirq cgqHkk"kh Hkh Fks fganh ,oa ckaxyk ds lkFk mudh idM+ vaxzsth ij Hkh [kwc etcwr Fkh tSlk fd mudh iqLrd n dsjls.V ewu dh leh{kk djrs gq, ,d lekpkj i= us fy[kk Fkk fd bl caxkyh ¼;kuh johUæukFk Bkdqj½ dk vaxzst+h Hkk"kk ij tSlk vfèkdkj gS oSlk cgqr de vaxzstksa dk gksrk gSAjohUæukFk Bkdqj us tfy;k¡okyk dk.M ds fojksèk Lo:i viuk 'lj' dk f[krkc ykSVk fn;k AjchUæukFk Bkdqj us bl gR;kdk.M ds eq[kj fojksèk fd;k vkSj fojksèk Lo:i viuh ukbVgqM dh mikfèk dks okil dj fn;k FkkA vkt+knh dk liuk ,slh Hk;kog ?kVuk ds ckn Hkh iLr ugha gqvkA bl ?kVuk ds ckn vkt+knh gkfly djus dh bPNk vkSj t+ksj ls mQu iM+hA ;|fi mu fnuksa lapkj ds lkèku de Fks] fQj Hkh ;g lekpkj iwjs ns'k esa vkx dh rjg QSy x;kA 'vkt+knh dk liuk' iatkc gh ugha] iwjs ns'k ds cPps&cPps ds flj ij p<+ dj cksyus yxkA ml nkSjku gt+kjksa Hkkjrh;ksa us tfy;kaokyk ckx+ dh feêh ls ekFks ij fryd yxkdj ns'k dks vkt+kn djkus dk –<+ ladYi fy;kA1912 esa VSxksj us yEck le; Hkkjr ls ckgj fcrk;k ] vkSj uk dsoy ;wjksi ]vesfjdk vfirq iwoÊ ,f'k;k ds ns'kksa esa O;k[;ku nsrs o dkO; ikB djrs jgs vkSj Hkkjr ds eq[kj çoäk cu x,Axq#nso esa vgadkj vkSj xqeka dgha Hkh ugha Fkk tks Hkh yksx 'kkafr fudsru muls feyus vkrs mudh lknxh ]lgtrk ds dk;y gks tkrs Fks & esjk eLrd…viuh pj.kèkwfy rys >qdk ns esjs lkjs vgadkj dks vk¡[kksa ds ikuh esa Mqck ns og naM nsus vkSj cnyk ysus dh O;oLFkk esa ;dha ugha j[krs Fks Amudk dguk Fkk fd Page 110

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lcls mÙke cnyk {kek djuk gS] vxj vki xyfr;ksa dks jksdus ds fy;s njokts cUna djrs gSa rks lR;k Hkh ckgj gh jg tk,xkA Bhd mlh rjg ftl çdkj paæek viuk çdk'k laiw.kZ vkdk'k esa QSykrk gS ijarq viuk dyad vius gh ikl j[krk gSA mudk ;g xhr bl Hkko dh iqf"V djrk gS

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fonk ugha d:¡xk vius çk.kksa ds ia{kh dks mlds lEeq[k dj nw¡xk ftl fnu

?ku?kksj ckny vkyl Hkjs Mwch fuæk esa jkr tkvks uk tkvks uk] djks d#.kk dh cjlkr le; exj ifjorZu'khy gksrk gS tks fd thou vkSj e`R;q ds eè; lnSo xfr djrk gS VSxksj Hkh blls vutku ugha Fks oks dgrs Fks fd & le; ifjorZu dk èku gSA ijarq ?kM+h mls dsoy ifjorZu ds :i esa fn[kkrh gS] èku ds :i esa ughaA euq"; dk thou ,d egkunh dh Hkk¡fr gS tks vius cgko }kjk uohu fn'kkvksa esa jkg cuk ysrh gSA ftl rjg ?kksalyk lksrh gqbZ fpfM+;k dks vkJ; nsrk gS mlh rjg ekSu rqEgkjh dks vkJ; nsrk gSA vkSj lkr vxLr mUuhl lkS bdrkyhl esa bl egku dfo] fp=dkj Hkkjr ds jk"Vªxku ds çfl) jpf;rk vkSj cgqvk;keh O;fäRo ds èkuh ;qx iq#"k us dydÙkk esa viuh :g dks foJke nsrs gq, ekSr dk vkJ; fy;kA xq#nso lkfgR; ]dyk vkSj laL—fr ls tqM+s yksxksa ds ºzn;ksa esa ges'kk foè;eku jgsx a s vkSj iwjk Hkkjr ,sls ;qx iq#"k ds viuh feVVh esa tUe ysus ds dkj.k vkSj foÜo esa mldh igpku vkSj xkSjo c<kus ds fy, ges'kk xkSjokfUor jgsxk Ae`R;q ds lUnHkZ esa mudk fy[kk ;g xhr & ftl fnu e`R;q…rsjs }kj ij vkdj [kM+h gks tk;sxh ml fnu dkSu&lk èku nksxs mls \ eSa [kkyh gkFk vius vfrfFk dks Page 111

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lgHkkfxrk dh izfØ;k okys fdlh ljdkjh dk;ZØe esa “kk;n igyh ckj ikjnf”kZrk ,oa tokcnsgh laHko gks ikbZ gSA ;g lkekftd ys[kkijh{k.k ¼lks”ky vkWfMV½ dk izR;{k ifj.kke gS ftlds lapkyu dks lwpuk izkfIr ds vf/kdkj ds rgr Mkydj mls laoS/kkfud ekU;rk iznku dh xbZ gSA

24- egkRek xka/kh jk’Vªh; xzkeh.k jkstxkj ;kstuk ¼eujsxk½ ,d ewY;kadu ¼m iz ds tuin&lqyrkuiqj ds lUnHkZ esa½ पवनेश तमश्र/डॉ.जयशांकर शुक्ल के अर ऑफ़ कदनकर तिपाठी मांगलम १२४९ /१Aतसतवल लाइन्स-२ राज िोटल के सामने सुल्िानपुर उत्तर प्रदेश ७३९८१८०००८

* “kks/k Nk=] okf.kT;] MkW0 jke euksgj yksfg;k vo/k fo”ofo|ky;] QStkckn ¼m0iz0½ ** “kks/k funZs”kd] okf.kT;] MkW0 jke euksgj yksfg;k vo/k fo”ofo|ky;] QStkckn ¼m0iz0½

vkykspukvksa ds ckotwn jk’Vªh; xzkeh.k jkstxkj xkjaVh dkuwu dks ,d dkuwu ds :Ik esa Lohdkj fd;k x;k gSA bls etnwjh ,d mRlkgo)Zd ckr ;g gS fd bl dk;ZØe ls tqM+s fu;kstu dk;ZØe ds :Ik esa ns[kk tk dks fdlh Hkh gkyr esa vf/kdrj ekeyksa esa jgk gSA ujsxk okLro esa igyk ,slk xjhcksa ds lk>snkjh ds lkFk vusd ftyksa esa ykxw fd;k izfr izfrc)rk okyk Bksl dk;ZØe gS ftlls tk ldrk gSA okLro esa vusd lewgksa] os viuh xfjek ij vkap vk, fcuk xSjljdkjh Lo;alsoh laxBuksa rFkk lkekftd thfodksiktZu dh mEehn dj ldrs gSa vkSj dk;ZdrkZvksa dh utj esa ujsxk lkFkZd bldh ekax vius ,d vf/kdkj ds :i esa dj lkekftd lsok dk ,d ek/;e gS ftlds ldrs gSaA bl dkuwu dh ;g egRoiw.kZ vk/kkj ij xzkeh.k xjhc etnwjh ds jkstxkj ds fo”ks’krk gS fd blesa 100 fnuksa ds dke dh fy, ,dtqV gks ldrs gSaA xkjaVh dh O;oLFkk gSA fodkl ds bfrgkl esa blls igys bl rjg dh dksbZ bruh egRoiw.kZ bldk egRoiw.kZ i{k d`f’k {ks= esa iwt a h igy ugha dh xbZ FkhA etnwjh ls lh/kk feyus fuekZ.k ds ekeys esa bldk vdkV~; egRoiw.kZ okyk ykHk xjhc ifjokjksa ds fy;s dkQh egRo ;ksxnku gSA bl dkuwu esa gh mu dk;kZsa dh dk gSA lwph “kkfey gS ftuds fy;s bl dkuwu dk bLrseky fd;k tk,xkA lkjs dk;Z ifjlEifRr okLro esa jk’Vªh; xzkeh.k jkstxkj ds l`tu rFkk ty laj{k.k ij dsfUnzr gSA xkjaVh dk;ZØe ¼,uvkjbZthih½ blls Hkh T;knk egRoiw.kZ gS vkSj bldh {kerk ujsxk ifj;kstukvksa dh ,d fo”ks’krk vlk/kkj.k gSA ,uvkjth, ¼ujsxk½ dh vuks[kh ;g Hkh gS fd bl dk;ZØe ds QyLo:i fo”ks’krk Hkkjr esa fodklkRed ifjn`”; esa vftZr ifjlEifRr;ksa dk lh/kk ykHk xjhcksa dks cnyko dk }kj [kksyus ds mYys[kuh; ekSds feysxkA ,slk blfy;s gksxk D;ksfd bl dkuwu iSnk djus esa fufgr gSA ;g [kkfl;r bl ij vey ds nks lky ds nkSjku gh izdV gksus yxh FkhA esa ;g fo”ks’k :i ls mYys[k gS fd blds rgr ftu&ftu dkeksa dks djkus dh btktr gksxh mudk ykHk xjhch js[kk ls uhps thou clj dj jgs yksxksa rFkk vuqlwfpr tkfr vkSj vuqlwfpr tutkfr ds yskxksa dks gh feysxkA pj.kc) rjhds ls ;g ;kstuk iwjs Hkkjr es dk;Zjr gS] ;kstuk foLrkj ds f}rh; pj.k esa ;g ;kstuk tuin&lqyrkuiqj esa izkjEHk gqbZA foRrh; o’kZ 2006&2007 ls 2015&16 ¼Qjojh 2016½ rd eujsxk dh fLFkfr foRrh; o’kZ

Dqy tkWc dkMZ ;qDr ifjokj Hkkjr



100 fnu dk jkstxkj iw.kZ dj pqds ifjokj Hkkjr m0iz0 lqyrkuiqj Page 112

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;kstuk ykxw 2236227 ugha 299823 3596076


;kstuk ykxw ugha 2786























































2015&16 ¼Qjojh 2016 rd½

ujsxk ;kstuk dh “kq:vkr ds mijkar iwjs ns”k esa foRrh; o’kZ 2006&07 esa dqy fuxZr tkWcdkMksZa dh la[;k 35743241 FkhA foRrh; o’kZ 2007&08 esa tkWcdkMksZa dh la[;k 64189909] 2008&09 esa 98728651 rFkk 2009&10 esa 112235517 FkhA foRrh; o’kZ 2010&11 esa 119805512] tkWcdkMZ fuxZr fd;k x;s FksA o’kZ 2011&12 esa 125075528] 2012&13 esa 130630183] 2013&14 esa 131622918] 2014&15 esa 127724629 tkWc dkMksZa dks fufeZr fd;k x;k FkkA orZeku foRrh; o’kZ 2015&16 esa Qjojh 2016 ekg rd 129588641 tkWc dkMZ ;qDr ifjokj iwjs ns”k esa gSaA eujsxk ;kstuk esa ifjokjksa dks 100 fnu dk jkstxkj miyC/k djkus dh O;oLFkk gSA iwjs ns”k esa foRrh; o’kZ 2006&07 esa 2236227 ifjokjksa dks 100 dk jkstxkj eqgS;k djk;k x;kA foRrh; o’kZ 2007&08 esa 3596076] 2008&09 esa 6519068 rFkk 2009&10 esa 7083236] ifjokjksa dks 100 fnu dk jkstxkj miyC/k djk;k x;k gSA foRrh; o’kZ 2010&11 esa 5561741] 2011&12 esa 4169084] 2012&13 esa 5173796] 2013&14 esa 4658707 ifjokjksa dks rFkk foRrh; o’kZ 2014&15 esa 2492680 ifjokjks dks 100 fnu dk jkstxkj miyC/k djk;k x;k gSA orZeku foRrh; o’kZ 2015&16 esa Qjojh 2016+ ekg rd iwjs ns”k esa 3351059 ifjokjksa dks 100 fnu dk jkstxkj miyC/k djk;k x;k gSA lqyrkuiqj tuin esa foRrh; o’kZ 2015&2016 ¼Qjojh 2016 rd½ eujsxk ;kstukUrxZr jkstxkj fLFkfr Page 113

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100 fnu dk jkstxkj iw.kZ dj pqds ifjokjksa dh la[;k 4




















nwcis qj





















djkSanh dyk






10- dwjsHkkj






11- dqM+okj






12- yEHkqvk






13- eksfrxjiqj






14- izrkiiqj deSpk












fodkl [k.M dk uke

jkstxkj jkstxkj dh tkWc dkMZ miyC/k ek¡x dj ;qDr djk, tk pqds ifjokjksa dh pqds ifjokjksa dh la[;k ifjokjksa dh la[;k la[;k 14621 4807 2602

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dqy mRiUu O;fDr fnol

foRrh; o’kZ 2015&16 esa Qjojh 2016 rd ftys esa dqy 213647 tkWc dkMZ ;qDr ifjokj esa FksA buesa ls v[k.Muxj esa 14621] cYnhjk; esa 14800] HknS;k¡ [k.M esa 14753] /kuirxat [k.M esa 25385] nksLriqj [k.M esa 16369] nwcis qj esa 20443] t;flagiqj esa 18285] dknhiqj esa 11385] djkSanhdyk esa 8289] dwjsHkkj esa 21969 ifjokj gSaA tuin ds dqM+okj [k.M esa 12260] yEHkqvk esa 16230] eksfrxjiqj esa 8272 rFkk izrkiiqj deSpk [k.M esa 10586 tkWc dkMZ ;qDr ifjokj gSaA lqyrkuiqj tuin esa foRrh; o’kZ 2015&16 ds Qjojh 2016 ekg rd dqy 83643 ifjokjksa us jkstxkj gsrq vkosnu fd;k Fkk] buesa ls v[k.Muxj ls 4807] cYnhjk; ls 5401] HknS;k¡ esa 5014] /kuirxat esa 15057 ifjokj FksA nksLriqj ls 5691] nwcis qj ls 4420] t;flagiqj ls 5512 o dknhiqj ls 5118 ifjokjksa us jkstxkj gsrq vkosnu fd;k FkkA blds vykok djkSanh dyk ls 4781] dwjsHkkj ls 9708] dqM+okj ls 3552]

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yEHkqvk ls 7636] eksfrxjiqj ls 3380 rFkk izrkiiqj deSpk [k.M ls 3566 ifjokjksa us jkstxkj gsrq vkosnu fd;kA jkstxkj gsrq vkosnu djus okys bu ifjokjksa esa ls v[k.Muxj esa 2602] cYnhjk; esa 3517] HknS;k¡ esa 3513] /kuirxat esa 9666 rFkk nksLriqj [k.M esa 3331 ifjokjksa dks Qjojh 2016 rd jkstxkj miyC/k djk;k tk pqdk gSA nwcis qj [k.M esa 2900] t;flagiqj esa 3865] dknhiqj esa 2736] djkSanh dyk esa 3108] dwjsHkkj esa 6935 ifjokjksa dks jkstxkj miyC/k djk;k tk pqdk gSA dqM+okj [k.M esa 2378] yEHkqvk esa 5738] eksfrxjiqj esa 2449 rFkk izrkiiqj deSpk esa 2489 x`gfLFk;ksa dks jkstxkj miyC/k djk;k x;k] bl izdkj iwjs ftys esa ;g la[;k 55227 jghA foRrh; o’kZ 2015&16 esa Qjojh 2016 ekg rd ftys esa eujsxk ds vUrxZr 2046295 O;fDr fnol mRiUu fd;s x,A bu O;fDr fnolksa esa v[k.Muxj [k.M esa 46714] cYnhjk; esa 114225] HknS;k¡ esa 106635] /kuirxat esa 526282] nksLriqj esa 72498] nwcis qj esa 74068 rFkk t;flagiqj esa 99538 O;fDr fnol mRiUu fd, x,A bl vof/k esa tuin ds dknhiqj [k.M esa 90982] djkSanh dyk esa 135256] dwjsHkkj esa 302027] dqM+okj esa 64689] yEHkqvk esa 245548 o eksfrxjiqj esa 78301 rFkk izrkiiqj deSpk esa 89532 O;fDr fnol mRiUu gq, gSaA tSlk fd eujsxk ;kstuk dk izeq[k mn~ns”; xzkeh.k ifjokjksa dks 100 fnu dk jkstxkj miyC/k djkuk gS] blds rgr foRrh; o’kZ 2015&16 ds Qjojh 2016 ekg rd] tuin esa dqy 2554 xzkeh.k ifjokjksa dks 100 fnu dk jkstxkj miyC/k djk;k tk pqdk gSA ;g la[;k tuin esa [k.M Lrj ij v[k.Muxj esa 4] cYnhjk; esa 105] HknS;k¡ esa 85 rFkk /kuirxat esa 1270 gSA nksLriqj [k.M esa ;g la[;k 4] nwcsiqj esa 58] t;flagiqj esa 22] dknhiqj esa 46 rFkk djkSanhdyka esa 154 jgh gSA lkFk gh lkFk dwjsHkkj esa 266] dqM+okj esa 15] yEHkqvk esa 419] eksfrxjiqj esa 58 ifjokjksa ds jkstxkj fnolksa dh la[;k 100 iw.kZ dj pqdh gSA izrkiiqj deSpk esa 48 ifjokj 100 fnu dk jkstxkj iw.kZ dj pqds gSA lcls egRoiw.kZ vkSj LFkk;h izHkko dh ckr ;g gS fd xjhcksa dh vf/kdkfjrk dh izfØ;k ujsxk ds bnZ&fxnZ fodflr gks jgh gSA ;g izfØ;k ns”k ds vusd fgLlksa esa “kq: gks pqdh gS tgka xjhc ifjokj vius vf/kdkj ij tksj Mkyus vkSj U;wure etnwjh dh ekax djus] mPp nj ls etnwjh ds fy;s eksyHkko djus rFkk vfuPNqd ,oa vkukdkuh djus okys iz”kklu ls csjkstxkjh HkRrk izkIr djus esa leFkZ jgk gSA igyh utj esa jkstxkj xkjaVh dk;ZØe xka/kh th dh dYiuk ds vuq:i fn[krk gSA xka/kh us dgk Fkk fd os uaxs xjhc dks diM+s nsus ds LFkku ij jkstxkj nsuk pkgrs gSa] ijUrq xka/kh th dk jkstxkj ls vk”k; ljdkjh ;kstuk ls feyus okyh fHk{kk ls ugha] cfYd dkef”kZ;y jkstxkj ls FkkA dkef”kZ;y jkstxkj gqvk tSls [ksr etnwj] jsgM+h yxkuk vFkok dkj[kkus esa ukSdjh djukA bu jkstxkj ds nkSjku Jfed mRiknu djrk gSA Jfed dks osru feyrk gS] m|eh ykHk dekrk gS vkSj ljdkj dks VSDl feykrk gSA jkstxkj l`tu dh ;g uhfr fVdkÅ gSA vesfjdk vkSj ;wjksih; ns”kksa esa csjkstxkjh HkRrk dk;ZØe dk yxHkx ,slk gh izHkko iM+k gSA jkstxkj lfClMh bl izdkj nsuh pkfg, fd yksx vkRe fuHkZj gks ldsa vkSj dkef”kZ;y jkstxkj <w<+ ldsAsa vesfjdk ,oa ;wjksi esa lkekftd lqj{kk ,oa chek ;kstuk,a cM+s iSekus ij ykxw gSa] ijUrq buls csjkstxkjh de gksus ds LFkku ij c<+ jgh gSA eq¶r esa fey jgh bl jkgr dks izkIr djus ds ykyp esa csjkstxkj dks jkstxkj <w¡<+us dh izjs.kk ugha jg tkrh gS] ljdkj ij mudh fuHkZjrk c<+rh gS vkSj os dkef”kZ;y dk;ksZa ls nwj gks tkrs gSaA mfpr gksxk fd csjkstxkjh HkRrk vFkok jkstxkj xkjaVh tSlh ;kstukvksa ds LFkku ij m|ksxksa dks jkstxkj lfClMh nh tk,A elyu izR;sd Jfed ds osru esa 500 :i;s ljdkj }kjk fn, tk ldrs gSa vFkok izkfoMaVs Q.M ds Jfed rFkk m|eh ds ;ksxnku dks ljdkj }kjk fn;k tk ldrk gSA ,slk djus ls cM+s fdlkuksa ,oa m|eksa ds fy, Jfedksa dks jkstxkj nsuk lLrk gks tk,xk vkSj dkef”kZ;y jkstxkj esa o`f) gksxhA nh xbZ jde dh vkaf”kd olwyh c<+h gqbZ dkef”kZ;y xfrfof/k ls gks tk,xhA Je lLrk gksus ds dkj.k m|eksa dh ykxr de vk,xh] os mRiknu T;knk djsx a s vkSj VSDl T;knk vnk djsaxAs jkstxkj lfClMh ls mRiknu esa o`f) ,oa csjkstxkjh esa deh dk lqpØ LFkkfir gksrk gSA Page 115

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jkstxkj xkjaVh ds leFkZu esa rdZ fn;k tkrk gS fd blls Jfedksa dh Å¡ps osru ekaxus dh rkdr c<+ tkrh gSA tSls fcgkj ds Jfed iatkc tkus ds fy, 200 :i;s ds LFkku ij 300 :i;s dh fngkM+h dh ekax dj ldrs gSa] D;ksafd mUgsa dqN jkstxkj ?kj esa miy/k gSaA ;g rdZ lgh gksrs gq, Hkh blesa leL;k gSA eqEcbZ dh diM+k feyksa esa nRrk lkear ds usr`Ro esa Jfedksa us Å¡ps osru dh ekax dh FkhA QyLo:i eqEcbZ ls ;g m|ksx xqtjkr dks iyk;u dj x;k FkkA caxky ls reke QSfDVª;ksa vkSj dsjy ls Je l?ku d`f’k iyk;u gks pqdk gSA vk”k; gS fd ;fn iatkc ds fdlkuksa dks fcgkj ds Jfed ugha feysaxs rks os e”khuksa dk mi;ksx c<+k,axs vFkok Je l?ku Qlyksa dks R;kx nsx a As nh?kZdky esa Jfed vius iSj ij Lo;a dqYgkM+h pykrs ik, tk;saxsA jkstxkj xkjaVh ds i{k esa nwljk rdZ gS fd bl en ls xkao dh Ø; “kfDr c<+ jgh gS vkSj xzkeh.k vFkZO;oLFkk esa rsth vk,xhA esjh le> ls ;g rdZ Hkzked gSA rsth dk vFkZ gksrk gS mRiknu ,oa [kir ds lqpØ dk LFkkfir gksuk] tSls fdlku vaxwj mxk, vkSj xkao ds yksx mUgsa [kk,a rks rsth okLrfod gSA jkstxkj xkjaVh esa ,sls mRiknu esa o`f) ugha gksrh gSA tSls izoklh csVs }kjk Hksth xbZ jde ls c<+h gqbZ [kir dks fodkl ugha dgk tk ldrk gS mlh izdkj jkstxkj xkjaVh ls feyh jde dks lPph vk; ugha dgk tk ldrk gSA ljdkj dks pkfg, fd jkstxkj lfClMh dh vksj /;ku nsAa eujsxk ds Lo:i esa ifjorZu vo”; djuk pkfg,] ysfdu bldk mn~ns”; xjhch mUewyu dk;ZØe ij [kpZ esa dVkSrh ugah] cfYd blesa fn”kk ifjorZu ek= gksuk pkfg,A bl jde dks bl izdkj ls forfjr djuk pkfg, fd fdlku rFkk m|eh ds fy, Jfed dks jkstxkj nsuk gYdk iM+As mnkgj.k ds fy, izkfoMsVa Q.M dk fgLlk m|eh dks ljdkj ds }kjk fn;k tk ldrk gS vFkok lky ds var esa m|eh }kjk l`ftr fd, x, jkstxkj ij 500 :i;s izfr Jfed izfrekg dh lfClMh m|eh dks nh tk ldrh gSA ,slk djus ls Jfed dks jkstxkj nsus esa

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m|eh dh ykxr de vk,xh vkSj og e”khu ds LFkku ij T;knk Jfedksa dks jkstxkj nsxkA lUnHkZ 1- ;kstuk ¼ubZ fnYyh½ & laLdj.k vxLr] 2008 2- dq:{ks= ¼ubZ fnYyh½ & laLdj.k ekpZ] 2014 3- izfr;ksfxrk niZ.k & laLdj.k tqykbZ] 2007 i`’B la0&2149 4- izfr;ksfxrk niZ.k & laLdj.k vizSy] 2008 i`’B la0&1632 5- iapk;r nhfidk ¼iapk;rh jkt foHkkx m0iz0½& laLdj.k 2009 6- eujsxk iksVZy] eujsxk lsy] lqyrkuiqjA 7- nSfud tkxj.k & y[kuÅ laLdj.k 28 vDVwcj 2014 i`’B&4 8- uoha iapo’khZ; ;kstuk & Hkkx&1

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25-Disaster Management: Present Status and Future Strategies with Special Reference to Himachal Pradesh Manjinder Sood P.G Department of Geography SCD Govt. College Ludhiana Abstract Disaster is unlike anything else in human experience. It strikes quickly- changing the lives of all that it touches and its effects are felt long after the events. The term disaster’ may be defined as an unexpected happening, causing a huge loss of life and property. Hazards are natural phenomena, occurring all over the world. It is the worst impact of natural hazards on people and their economies that a natural hazard turns to be a disaster. Disasters are of three types: Natural origin, anthropogenic origin and hybrid disaster which arise from a linkage of anthropogenic and natural events. The long studies of civilization, struggles for higher standards of living, population explosion, rapid urbanization and demand of industrial revolution have depleted the natural resource base all over the world. The measure to reduce the adverse impact of disaster through the means of preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery on statute the major components of disaster management. Seismically, the State lies in the great Alpine- Himalayan seismic belt running from Alps mountains through Yugoslavia, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan and Burma. The State has not only been shaken by earthquake occurring in its territory but also in the neighboring areas of J&K in the North, Tibet in the East and Uttrakhand hills in

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the South East. A number of damaging earthquakes have occurred in the HP territory during 20th century for which information is well recorded. Information about earthquake occurrence before the famous 1905 Kangra earthquake is not, however, available and is a matter of research through historical and archival records. Large earthquakes have occurred in all parts of Himachal Pradesh, the biggest being the Kangra Earthquake of 1905.There were two more big quakes, but they were not nearly as powerful as the 1905 jolt. The first was in 1906, a 6.4 near Kullu and the second was a 6.8 in LahaulKinnaur Spiti in 1975 along the IndoChina Border. There are 250 earthquakes of Magnitude 4.0 and more including more than 60 with Magnitude 5.0 or more, which have rocked the state of HP and adjoining areas of J&K or Uttrakhand in the last about 90 years. Introduction Himachal Pradesh is exposed to various concrete realities. Frequent natural disasters of various intensity and their impact on society and land are one of such problems, which hamper the development of the state. Earthquakes, landslides, cloudbursts, flash floods, avalanches, forest fires, droughts, etc. have caused tremendous loss to the state. Besides loss of life, these disasters also strain the state exchequer. Landslide is the most common disaster in Himachal Pradesh which causes immense Page 117

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loss of life and property. The Luggar Bhatti landslide on 12 September, 1995, buried 65 persons in the Kullu valley. The state is also avalanche prone. In March 1978, about 30 persons lost their lives in Lahaul and Spiti district. Another avalanche in March 1979, besides causing widespread damage to roads and property, also buried 237 persons. Frequent flash floods in the last few years have baffled both the meteorologist and the common man equally. The flash flood of 1 August, 2000, in the Satluj left a trail of destruction in Shimla and Kinnaur districts killing more than 150 persons and washing away 14 bridges. The estimated loss to public and private property in this calamity was Rs. 1000 crore. The water level rose suddenly from 12 to 20 metres, damaging a 320 km stretch of the National Highway and the 1500 MW Nathpa Jhakri power project. In 1995, 114 lives were lost and public property worth Rs. 7552 lakh was damaged in various disasters. Loss to agriculture and horticulture was Rs. 13,251 lakh and Rs. 10,108.29 lakh respectively. Similarly in 1997, 223 lives were lost and private property worth Rs. 8146 lakh was damaged. On the basis of the damage caused by disasters and their widespread nature, Himachal Pradesh can be called one o the most unstable and disaster-prone states of the country. Although the state is endowed with rich natural resources, the geology, the general topography, the physical features, the climate and active geographic changes have made the area vulnerable to various natural disasters. In addition to the natural causes, various anthropogenic activities have had a multiplier effect and created an imbalance in the overall ecology of the area. All these factors have combined to turn this state into a unique region affected by almost all types of natural disasters. A brief description of the

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common disasters and their impact is discussed in the succeeding paragraphs. Study area Himachal Pradesh is situated in the Western Himalayas latitude 30o 22' 40" N to 33o 12' 40" N and longitude 75o 45' 55" E to 79o 04' 20" E covering an area of 55,673 kilometres Himachal Pradesh is a mountainous state with elevation ranging from about 350 metres (1,148 ft) to 6,000 metres (19,685 ft) above the sea level. The drainage system of Himachal is composed both of rivers and glaciers. Himalayan rivers criss-cross the entire mountain chain. In fact the rivers are older than the mountain system. Himachal Pradesh provides water to both the Indus and Ganges basins the drainage systems of the region are the Chandra Bhaga or the Chenab, the Ravi, the Beas, the Sutlej and the Yamuna. These rivers are perennial and are fed by snow and rainfall. They are protected by an extensive cover of natural vegetation. Present Status in Vulnerability of the State



Considering the proneness of the state towards different kinds of natural hazards, a broad district wise vulnerable status was devised for the state depending upon the vulnerability towards different hazards. Vulnerability matrix was developed based on the qualitative weight age which was given in the scale of 0-5 for different hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, avalanches, industrial hazards, construction type and density of population. District wise matrix was prepared by evaluating the risk severity. The evaluation also gives weightage to the density of population likely to be affected. The matrix also includes the evaluation of hazards likely to be induced on account of development of projects such as hydel projects, roads industries etc. In case of Page 118

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earthquake vulnerability, the district Kangra, Hamirpur and Mandi falls in very high vulnerable category on the basis of the matrix devised. The districts which falls in high earthquake vulnerabity are Chamba, Kullu, Kinnaur and part of Kangra and Shimla districts, where as the moderate and low vulnerable districts are Una, Bilaspur ,Sirmour and Solan,Shimla and Lahaul & Spiti districts respectively. The landslide vulnerability in case of Chamba, Kullu, Kinnaur and part of Kangra and Shimla districts is high followed by Kangra, Mandi, Bilaspur, Shimla,Sirmour and Lahaul & Spiti districts falling in moderate vulnerable category. The areas falling in low vulnerable category are in the districts of Una, Hamirpur and Solan. The avalanche hazard vulnerability map suggest that the districts of Lahaul & Spiti and Kinnuar are very high vulnerable followed by Chamba, Kullu and part of Kangra and Shimla as moderate vulnerable areas where as the remaining districts falls in the category where avalanche hazards are nil. The flood hazard vulnerability map indicates that the areas falling in the districts of Chamba, Kullu ,Una and Kinnaur falls in high vulnerable districts where as the Lahaul & Spiti, Mandi, Shimla, Kangra,Hamirpur, Bilaspur, Solan and Sirmour falls in moderate and low vulnerability areas. The overall vulnerability of the state on the basis of the matrix clearly suggests that the district Chamba, Kinnuar Kullu and part of Kangra and Shimla falls in very high vulnerable risk. Similarly district Kangra, Mandi, Una, Shimla and Lahaul and Spiti falls in high vulnerable risk status. The district Hamirpur, Bilaspur, Solan and Sirmour falls in moderate vulnerable risk status. The disaster management strategies and infrastructure required to be evolved by taking the above factors into consideration.

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Present Status and Future Strategies of Disaster Management Earthquakes Though numerous hazards pose threat to the State, however, the hazard which poses biggest threat to the State is the earthquake hazard. The State has been shaken by more than 80 times by earthquakes having a magnitude of 4 and above on the Richter scale as per the recorded history of earthquakes. According to seismic zoning map of the state five districts, namely Chamba (53.2%) Hamirpur (90.9%), Kangra (98.6%), Kullu (53.1%), Mandi (97.4%) have 53 to 98.6 percent of their area liable to the severest design intensity of MSK IX or more, the remaining area of these districts being liable to the next severe intensity VIII. Two districts, Bilaspur (25.3%) and Una (37.0%) also have substantial area in MSK IX and rest in MSK VIII. The remaining districts also are liable to intensity VIII. Broadly speaking, roughly 32% of the State falls in zone V and rest of the State falls in Zone V as per the Seismic Zonation Map prepared by the Bureau of Indian Standards. Both these zones are highly susceptible to earthquake damages. Unfortunately, inspite of the probable maximum seismic intensities being high, the house types mostly fall under Category A, consisting of walls of clay mud, unburnt bricks or random rubble masonry without any earthquake resisting features. All such houses are liable to total collapse if intensity IX or more actually occurs in future and will have severe damage called “destruction” with very large cracks and partial collapses even in Intensity VIII areas. Also, the burnt-brick houses, classified as Category B, as built in Himachal Pradesh do not have the earthquake resisting features, namely good Page 119

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cement mortar seismic bands and roof typing etc. therefore, they will also be liable to severe damage under intensity IX as well as in VIII whenever such an earthquake would occur. This became quite evident even in M 5.7 Dharamshala earthquake of 1986. Pre-Disaster Activities 1. Preparation of earthquake catalogues and epicentral and geologic-tectonic maps to be obtained from scientific organizations such as IMD, GSI, WIHG, etc. 2. Analysis of seismic risk and seismic zoning for general purposes may be done. 3. Popularization and enforcement of building codes and safe construction practices. 4. Training of engineers and architects in earthquake engineering principles and use of codes to be done (both government and private) through reputed Institutions such as NIT Hamirpur, CBRI Roorkie and IITs may be carried out.

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5. Promulgation building bye-laws for providing earthquake resistance feature in all new construction according to the codes may be enforced. 6. Development of methods for seismic strengthening of existing structure, particularly in the structures considered critical for the community may be done. 7. Development of simple methods for upgrading the seismic resistance of traditional nonengineered construction and their dissemination to the common builders and owners by mass communication media, demonstrations, extension work, etc. may be done. 8. Popularisation of earthquake insurance for the privately owned buildings and structures to reduce the economic impact may be done by public awareness.


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Drought Drought is a “creeping disaster” thus emphasizing that a situation of drought develops gradually giving sufficient warning of its converge and extent of intensity unlike flash floods, earthquake, avalanche which offer little or no time for response. Draught is a slow onset natural disaster and it offers time and opportunity to mitigate its impact. Drought connotes a situation of scarcity and distress usually caused by prolonged failure of rain

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affecting seriously the agricultural activities leading to loss of production and employment, drinking water shortages, deficiency in fodder supply. The following measures are suggested:a) Keep a close watch on the behavior of the monsoon b) The Relief Advisory Committee constituted vide Government order dated 18th May, 1990 will meet in the month of March and assess the probable rainfall on the basis of data received from the IMD

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c) On the basis of the data so received, the Agriculture Department should suggest a contingency plan for agriculture which may include the following:(1) Suggesting crop life-saving techniques like water harvesting and moisture stress alleviation practices, to the farmers by holding camps and distributing literature. (2) Depending upon dynamics of weather conditions a plan operation for alternate crop may be kept ready and farmers should be educated in time so that they can sow a crop which needs less water. Drought though not a regular phenomenon in the State it keeps affecting parts of the state with varying intensity intermittently. Hence it is imperative to give suggestive guidelines to the district officers to deal with drought. Causes I. II. III.

Failure of Monsoons. Lack of irrigation facility Non-harvesting rain water/snow

Planning for Drought Management Planning for drought management would mainly consist of the following activities:I.

Fodder: Location, inventory, requirement, movement-plan in advance.


Cattle: Location of cattle camps, identification of sick cattle and treatment, cattle population and

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movement cycles- identifying good markets. III.

Food Grains: Prioritization of food grain availability and good supply network through PDS (maintenance of adequate stock).


Water: Preparation of drinking water contingency plan, tanker availability/construct/install temporary water storage structures on the village sides. If already constructed, if need be repair it encourage local traditional structures under any scheme. The district administration should prepare an action plan with the following detail:a) Have all those villages which are affected or likely to be affected by acute drinking water scarcity problems during the next few months, been correctly and realistically identified? The villages could be listed into two categories viz, most severely affected and severely affected. b) Have contingency plans at the district, block and village levels been prepared to cover the identified villages? How many villages have been covered by such plans? Indicate the names of the departments responsible for implementation of the plans. c) Identifications of villages where transportation of water shall have to be resorted to in order to meet the drinking water requirement provision for safe storage of water in the households or Panchayats. d) Have sufficient stocks of bleaching powder, water Page 122

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sterilization tablets been arranged at the district and block level? e) Has there been any incidence of water borne diseases? Any epidemiological survey carried out for water borne diseases. V.

Afforestation Programme - plan ahead with species, which could tide over- the drought, plant drought resistant varieties.


Health related facilities: preventive stepsstore medicine/prevent water contamination and control diseases. Nutritional requirements fulfillment.



Relief Works: with special emphasis on soil conservation and water conservation (ground and surface). Coordination meeting for Drought: Periodically convene the coordination meeting with members of district level, block level and Panchayat level.

Floods/Flash Floods/Cloud Burst The State of Himachal Pradesh is basically not prone to floods but is mainly prone to riverine and flash floods. Ravi, Beas, Sutlej are the three main rivers which cut across the State. Besides, many rivulets/streams flow in different parts of the State. These rivers and streams carry huge load of water mainly during rainy season and many a times loss of life and property results. Cloud burst, glacial lake outburst (2005 Parechoo) and flash floods have been causing huge loss of life and property in the state. The issue of floods is intimately connected to monsoon season in the State and heavy rains cause wide spread damage to the infrastructure in the State. There are many cases of loss of life

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and cattle. Damage to agriculture land and crops – agriculture and horticulture is also wide spread. Hence the guidelines given here are also applicable to deal with heavy rains and reducing associated loss. Action Plan 1. Every district should catalogue the incidents of cloud burst, flash floods and the loss caused by them over the years. 2. Vulnerable areas of the districts should be identified and all preventive and precautionary steps should be taken. 3. People located along the river beds, nallah should be alerted and warned. 4. Contingency plans along with SOPs to deal with emergency should be drawn and made part of the DDMP. 5. A meeting sometimes in the month of May/June should be held at the District and Sub-Division HQs to review the preparedness measures. 6. Special attention needs to be paid to clean and keep drainage system free from any obstruction so that the rain waters flows smoothly. 7. DDMP should be activated on the on-set of the monsoon. Road Accidents Road Accidents are a major killer and take place without any warning. Accidents may involve passenger vehicles, goods vehicles, vehicles carrying hazardous and toxic materials. The damage therefore may involve injuries and death, chemical spills, fires or release of toxic gases. Road in India have an annual fatal accident rate of about 2.65 deaths per 1000 registered Page 123

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vehicles. Data on road accidents reportedly indicate that 70% of road accidents arise from driver failure. Apart from this factor, the generic reasons are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Poor road conditions Mixed traffic Poor vehicle maintenance Poor driving Lack of safety belts and helmets Poor emergency services Absence of pedestrian amenities

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1. Look for and rescue the injured or those trapped in the vehicles. 2. Arrange for transport of the injured to the nearest medical care centre. The victims should be provided immediate first aid and the medical facilities free of cost. If a victim is required to be referred to a hospital, then ambulance/private vehicle should be arranged by the district administration. 3. The relations of the victim should be informed about the accident.

Table -1 Road Accident in Himachal Pradesh Sr. No .


Road Accident s

Person s Killed


2001 -02 2002 -03 2003 -04 2004 -05 2005 -06 2006 -07 2007 -08 2008 -09 2009 -10



Injure d Person s 3798




2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

4. In cases of death, the body should be handed over to the relations of the victim after post-mortem etc. and in case of un-identified bodies; arrangement for cremation should be made with the help of local authorities. Proper record of such case needs to be maintained meticulously. 5. In case of death or injury, relief assistance should be provided to the next of the kin of the victim or deceased.










6. Place the dead bodies on one side to avoid obstructions.







7. Organize local traffic control using the available manpower to avoid traffic jams.







Source: Police Department, HP/Deptt. Road Tpt. And Highways

8. Discourage people from crowding near the accident spot. 9. Stop people from looting the goods from the accidents vehicle. 10. Arrange to inform the nearest traffic police post through passing vehicles on either side.

Those on the accident site should follow the following priorities: Landslides

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The hills and mountains of Himachal Pradesh are liable to suffer landslides during monsoons and also in high intensity earthquakes. The vulnerability of the geologically young and unstable steep slopes in various Himalayan ranges, has been swiftly increasing in recent decades due to inappropriate activity, such as deforestation, road cutting, terracing and changes in agriculture pattern requiring more intense watering. Important Pradesh 




Maling (1968): This slide damaged 1 Km NH-22 and is still active.

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bridges and 1.5 Km. of road was vanished. 

Jhakri (March 1989): At Nathpa about 500 m of road was damaged due to this slide and is still active.

At Luggarbhati on 12 Sept.1995, 65 people (39 as per official record) were buried alive during the slide.

Prominent slides in Beas valley are at Marhi, Bhang, Chhyal, and Mandu in upper catchment of the Beas River. Table -2

Landslide Prone Areas of Himachal Kinnaur (Dec.1982): This occurred Pradesh at Sholding Nala, collapsing 3 Districts Severe to very high High Moderate Unlikely Total area in Sq Kms. to low Bilaspur 216 842 83 1 1142 Chamba 2120 3829 351 70 6370 Hamirpur 0 851 204 45 1100 Kangra 123 3698 1233 557 5611 Kinnaur 868 4956 498 0 6322 Kullu 1820 3512 65 3 5401 Lahaul & 127 11637 1825 2 13591 Spiti Mandi 968 1978 826 98 3870 Shimla 893 3345 767 14 5019 Sirmaur 95 1805 614 228 2742 Solan 556 1118 157 79 1910 Una 2 678 517 311 1508 

Source: BMTPC, Landslide Hazard Zone Atlas of India

2. Large scale plantation in the areas of specific varieties.

Landslides can be caused by poor ground conditions, geomorphic phenomena, and natural physical forces and quite often due to heavy spells of rainfall coupled with impeded drainage. Strategies

3. Areas which are prone to recurring landslides and which are near to habitation or along the communication routes such as roads require continuous monitoring. Maps of such sites should be prepared on a scale of 1:500-1:200 for mitigation planning. GSI or any other

1. Construction of check dams, gully plugs, vegetative barriers etc.

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specialized agency can be requested to undertake this job. 4. Rapid response to suggest immediate measures in the event of landslides. Control rooms need to be 24 x 7 operations during the season when incidences of landslides are reported.

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cover. Avalanches occur when these factors are combined. The types and scale of avalanches can differ depending on the combination of these various factors and their scale. Major prime factors and exciting factors are shown in the following table. Table-3 Major Causes of Snow Avalanches

5. There is need to evolve early warning system for landslides. Some work has been done in this regard by CISO, Chandigarh. GSI is the nodal agency to issue early warning for landslides.


Descripti on

Prime factor

Topograp hic factors

Snowfall and Avalanches Snow cover on a slope tends to slide down the slope because of gravity. Conditions affecting stability include the gravitational force component of the snow and resisting forces, such as the frictional resistance of the slope or the anchoring effect of shrubs. In general, avalanches are caused when this balance is lost and when the forces exceed the resistance. Avalanches are rarely observed closely since they normally occur during a short time period of one or two minutes. Major Causes - Major causes of avalanches can be classified into fixed (prime factors) and variable factors (exciting factors), such as weather conditions and the weight of the snow

 

6. Total ban on grazing, cutting of trees in the affected area. 7. Awareness generation programme in hazard prone areas should be launched at various levels through media campaign, development and distribution of leaflet posters, meetings, workshops on priority basis.


  Vegetatio n factors 

 Excitin Weather g factors factor

  

 Other factors

Inclination of slope Shape of slope Location (ridge line or toe of slope) Orientation of slope Vegetation cover and height of trees Vegetation cover and its thickness Depth of snow cover Depth of snowfall Wind velocity Atmospheric and snow temperatures Increase in weight of snow cover because of snow dropping from cornices or snow covers Vibrations such as Page 126

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अंक-४, earthquake or the sound of gunfire

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after the snow mainly in Lahaul & Spiti, Kinnaur and Pangi areas of the State. Table-4

Avalanches constitute major hazards in the higher reaches of Himalayas. Parts of Himalayas which receives snow fall round the year and avalanche spots are in abundant. Avalanches occur in winter soon Location


Lahaul Spiti

January 1975

Lahaul Spiti

March 1998

The prominent avalanches in Himachal Pradesh

Damage Occurred Earthquake shocks triggered the avalanche of great dimensions damaging road network About 30 people killed, road and property damaged


March 1979

About 237 people killed, Communication disrupted

March 1991

Tinku avalanche occurs every year 4-5 times from Jan to March. Road was blocked for 40 days in 1991

September 1995

Khajua, Tissa

19th January, 2012

Due to avalanche, huge chunk of debris came down which later changed into flood Five persons buried alive. Dead bodies located after more than 11 days. to potential to save avalanches.

Mitigation of Avalanches a) Modification of the path of avalanche movement.


b) To have control structures like snow bridges, snow rakes, snow net, snow fences, avalanche gallery, diversionary dam, earthen mounts and above all planting with trees in those areas.


Tree canopy retains snow and released it gradually to from a stable cover on the ground.


Forest canopy stables the snow.

c) Accurate forecasting will help people down below to rush to safe places. SASE is responsible to issue EWS for this hazard. d) A forest with thick growth of trees inhibits the formation of avalanches for the following reasons: I.

Tree trunk support snow cover and provide an anchor

Snow drifting is almost eliminated.

e) Avoid traveling in vulnerable areas during day time from 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM. Usually avalanche is triggered at this time. Forest Fires The most common hazard in forests is forests fire. Forests fires are as old as the forests themselves. They pose a threat not Page 127

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only to the forest wealth but also to the entire regime of fauna and flora seriously disturbing the bio-diversity and the ecology and environment of a region. During summer, when there is no rain for months, the forests become littered with dry senescent leaves and twinges, which could burst into flames ignited by the slightest spark. The Himalayan forests have been burning regularly during the last few summers, with colossal loss of vegetation cover of that region. The forests of Himachal Pradesh known for their grandeur and majesty are like a green pearl in the Himalayan crown. This life supporting systems are presently under great stress due to impact of modern civilization, economic development and growth in human and cattle population. The forests of Himachal Pradesh are rich in vascular flora, which forms the conspicuous vegetation cover. Out of total 45,000 species of plants found in the country as many as 3,295 species (7.32%) are reported in the State. More than 95% of species are endemic to Himachal and characteristic of Western Himalayan flora, while about 5% (150 species) are exotic introduced over the last 150 years. Over the years the forest wealth of the State is being destroyed by the incidences of fire attributed to both anthropogenic and other reasons. The destruction of rich flora and fauna of the State due to forest fires will have serious repercussions on the ecological balance of the State. The rich forest wealth of the State has been subjected to the numerous fire incidences. A list of the same has been tabulated below:


No. of fire Incidences

Areas Affected (In Hectares)

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Source: Forest Department Strategies

1. Local Community to be fully involved in for detection and prevention. 2. Under the employment creation scheme or scheme to be created specially and fire watchers from the local people can be employed during the season. 3. Incentives to the villagers who are coming forward to safeguard and who have controlled fire to be provided. 4. If there is no fire in a recurring area, in the development scheme incentives can be provided for the villagers. 5. Under the forest management working plan prescribed forest

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lines to be maintained properly during the season. 6. In case of fire at various areas the fire-fighting teams to be kept ready and a responsibility to the local forest guard and to the Panchayat and the village chief to be given. 7. Fire watch towers may be erected in recurring places (for detection). 8. The local people and other who enter into the forest to collect fuel wood, non-timber forest produce and smokers to be specially requested to be vigilant and only those who are authorized or permitted alone need to be sent. 9. If there is a fire, the cause of the fire to be immediately assessed and steps taken so that it does not recur again. 10. The local villagers including women through Mahila Mandals may be associated. Conclusion State of Himachal is prone to various hazards both natural and manmade. Main hazards consist of earthquakes, landslides, flash floods, snow storms and avalanches, draughts, dam failures, fires – domestic and wild, accidents – road, rail, air, stampedes, boat capsizing, biological, industrial and hazardous chemicals etc. The hazard which however, poses biggest threat to the State is the earthquake hazard. The State has been shaken by more than 80 times by earthquakes having a magnitude of 4 and above on the Richter scale as per the recorded history of earthquakes. As per the BIS seismic zoning map five districts of the State, namely Chamba (53.2%) Hamirpur (90.9%), Kangra (98.6%), Kullu (53.1%), Mandi (97.4%) have 53 to 98.6 percent of

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their area liable to the severest design intensity of MSK IX or more, the remaining area of these districts being liable to the next severe intensity VIII. Two districts, Bilaspur (25.3%) and Una (37.0%) also have substantial area in MSK IX and rest in MSK VIII. The remaining districts also are liable to intensity VIII. Unfortunately, inspite of the probable maximum seismic intensities being hig , the house types mostly fall under Category A, consisting of walls of clay mud, unburnt bricks or random rubble masonry without any earthquake resisting features. Now all such houses are liable to total collapse if intensity IX or more actually occurs in future and will have severe damage called “destruction” with very large cracks and partial collapses even in Intensity VIII areas. Also, the burnt-brick houses, classified as Category B, as built in Himachal Pradesh do not have the earthquake resisting features, namely good cement mortar seismic bands and roof typing etc. therefore, they will also be liable to severe damage under intensity IX as well as in VIII when ever such an earthquake would occur. This became quite evident even in M 5.7 Dharamshala earthquake of 1986. Another form of the natural hazards in the state is the frequent occurrences of landslides. The hills and mountains of Himachal Pradesh are liable to suffer landslides during monsoons and also in high intensity earthquakes. The vulnerability of the geologically young and not so stable steep slopes in various Himalayan ranges, has been increasing at a rapid rate in the recent decade due to inappropriate human activity like deforestation, road cutting, terracing and changes in agriculture crops requiring more intense watering etc. Although widespread floods problems do not exist in Page 129

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the state because of topographical nature, continuing attention is necessary to reduce flood hazards in the state, more particularly the flash flood hazard the incidences of which are increasing causing large scale damage. Besides, with the increase of road connectivity and number of vehicles plying on these roads in the State, the number of road accidents and loss of precious human lives is increasing day by day. The forests of Himachal Pradesh are rich in vascular flora, which forms the conspicuous vegetation cover. Out of total 45,000 species of plants found in the country as many as 3,295 species (7.32%) are reported in the State. More than 95% of species are endemic to Himachal and characteristic of Western Himalayan flora, while about 5% (150 species) are exotic introduced over the last 150 years. Over the years the forest wealth of the State is being destroyed by the incidences of fire attributed to both anthropogenic and other reasons. The destruction of rich flora and fauna of the State due to forest fires will have serious repercussions on the ecological balance of the State. Besides, domestic fire incidents cause loss of property every day. The forests of Himachal Pradesh are rich in vascular flora, which forms the conspicuous vegetation cover. Out of total 45,000 species of plants found in the country as many as 3,295 species (7.32%) are reported in the State. More than 95% of species are endemic to Himachal and characteristic of Western Himalayan flora, while about 5% (150 species) are exotic introduced over the last 150 years. Over the years the forest wealth of the State is being destroyed by the incidences of fire attributed to both anthropogenic and other reasons. The destruction of rich flora and fauna of the State due to forest fires will

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have serious repercussions on the ecological balance of the State. Besides, domestic fire incidents cause loss of property every day. The State is known as land of Gods. Many famour temples are located in the State such as Sri Naina Devi, Baba Balak Nath, Sri Chintpurni, Ma Jawalaji, Ma Braheswari and Sri Chamunda Nandikeshwari Dham to name a few. Large number of devotees throngs these places every year. A human stampede at the temple of Naina Devi occurred on 3 August 2008. 162 people died when they were crushed, trampled, or forced over the side of a ravine by the movement of a large panicking crowd. Possibility of such instances is always there if there is any laxity on the part of the management. The State has two airports and more than 120 helipads/helicopter landing sites in the State. Punjab governor Surendra Nath and nine members of his family were killed when the government's Super-King aircraft crashed into high mountains in bad weather on July 9, 1994 in Himachal Pradesh. Mr. Nath was then acting Himachal governor also. Himachal has also one ropeway near Parwanoo which witnessed accidents few years back. More ropeways are in the offing in the state. Besides, paragliding activities also take place in Bir Biling every year. Accidents have also taken place during this activity. Hundreds of people are killed and many more injured in road accidents every year. Few parts of State have rail network also. That makes the state prone to rail accidents too. Pong, Bhakara and Chamera are the three large water reservoirs in the State. These reservoirs besides other river courses are used in the state for transportation purpose also. There is always possibility of boat capsizing during Page 130

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these transport activities. The cases of drowning and washing away in rivers/streams are very common in the State. Cases of snakebite and electrocution are significant during monsoon season. References: 1. MC Gupta, Vinod K Sharma, LC Gupta, BK Kamini eds. Manual on Disaster Management in India. National




Management, 11PA, New Delhi, 2001, p.5. 2. Dr HN Srivastava, Dr GD Gupta, eds.




Disasters in Developing Countries Delhi, 2006, p. 41. 3. Disaster Management in India. A Status




India, Ministry of Home Affairs, National



Division, 2004, p.1.\ 4. RS Singh, “Introduction to Natural Hazards and Disasters” in RB Singh, ed, Natural Hazards and Disaster



2006, p. 13. 5. Disaster Management in India. A Status




India, 6. The Disaster Management Act, 2005, Ministry of Law & Justice, New Delhi, 2005, p. 8. National Disaster Management Guidelines on Management of Floods, NDMA, New Delhi, January 2008, p.38. Page 131

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Spike in Pulses Prices Neetu Verma Assistant Prof. Economics Govt. College For Girls Ludhiana

Economic development is generally accompanied by an increase in living standards, improvement in food habits, with gradual reduction of dietary deficiencies, thus refining the nutritional requirements of even the lowest strata of the country’s population. Pulses being a major plant-based protein supplement to high-nutritional food supplies can play a strategic role in the health and productivity of the people in general, and the workforce in particular, in such a nation. The demand for pulses necessarily depends on the availability and prices of pulses of diverse varieties. Apart from the farming technologies to improve the supply-side problems, such as productivity and yield, the demand-side market of pulse products have also to be explored to understand the impact on production and growth of these crops. It is against this backdrop that Pulses constitute an important commodity in the export–import market, especially for a country like India, with its large vegan population. Hence, the policymakers in major pulse-producing countries need to be assured that the production of pulses is promoted with a favorable platform for efficient marketing, including export– import marketing, and proper pricing discovery. As pulses are traded throughout the world, and, India being a major player in the global market, it’s imperative to study the world pulses trade and industry to understand the forces shaping the pulses markets. Introduction Pulses play an important and varying role in farming systems and in the diets of poor people worldwide. They are ideal in achieving three developmental goals in developing countries—improving nutrition and health conditions, reducing

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poverty through higher food security, and enhancing ecosystem resilience. Besides their nutritional benefits and use as cattle feed, pulses production provides a number of agronomic advantages to the producers. Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy contributing 13.7% of its total GDP and employing around 55% of the total working population in India. Around 65% of India’s total population is dependent upon agriculture and allied sectors. Various cereals (wheat, rice etc.), pulses such as (tur, gram etc.) and oilseeds (groundnut, soybean) are produced largely in India. India is the world’s largest producer and consumer of pulses accounting about 27 percent of the total production and about 30 percent of the total consumption in the world. The total production of pulses in India during the year 2013-14 was 18.5 million tons. Present status India is the largest producer of pulses in the world, with 24% share in the global production. The important pulse crops are chickpea (48%), pigeonpea (15%), mungbean (7%), urdbean (7%), lentil (5%) . The major pulse-producing states are Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, which together account for about 80% of the total production. The area under chickpea has increased from 6.4 M ha in 1993–94 to 7.97 M ha in 2008– 09.The trend in cross-border trade across the world is a major factor that influences pulses prices. Global trade in pulses increased almost six fold over the past three decades, from 1.7 million tons in 1981 to 12.4 million in 2011. With the value of global exports increasing more than 11 times over the same period, the unit value of exports increased almost four times from $133.8 in 1961 to $654.6 in 2011, representing an annual average Page 132

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increase of 7.6%. On the other hand, the total production globally increased by just around 69% over the same half a century, from 40.35 million tons to 68.2 million tones. Evidently, prices of pulses traded in the international markets are rising more swiftly than their production, with demand for pulses running ahead of supply. It follows that the growing import demand for pulses is influencing the prices of pulses. That portends the future of pulse prices, as demand is destined to rise, with anticipated population growth and increasing incomes in developing economies of not only India, but across the nations in southeast Asia, as well as western Africa. Prices of pulses For this study, import prices of pulses have been chosen, as these truly reflect the prices of pulses that are traded in the global market. The average import prices of pulses for the world as a whole and for India separately. As may be seen, the average prices of pulses, both globally and for India, have been rising, implying that the supply of pulses has been increasingly lagging behind demand. But the world average import prices have generally been higher than those that India pays for its imports. This is probably due to India’s strong bargaining position in the world market, as it is the largest importer of pulses. India also usually prefers to import low-priced pulse varieties. Over the years, India has been importing more from nearby countries like Myanmar in Asia, and West Africa, than from distant land like the U.S. and Canada. It has thus been saving on transport costs. Retail tur dal prices on 2015 Oct shot up to Rs 200 per kg despite the government’s steps to boost supply and check prices, aggravating consumers’ woes. Till last week, tur was available at Rs 185 per kg in the retail market. The prices of pulses have increased unabated in the last few months due to a fall in domestic output by about 2 million tons (mt) to 17.20 mt in 2014-15 crop year (July-June) owing to deficient

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monsoon and unseasonal rains According to official data, tur dal prices are ruling highest in Chennai at Rs 145 a kg, at Rs 135/kg in Mumbai and Rs 132/kg in Delhi. Similarly, urad is costing more in Chennai at Rs 125/kg, whereas in Mumbai it is available at Rs 121/kg and at Rs 112/kg in Delhi and at Rs 102/kg in Kolkata. As per the data maintained by the consumer affairs ministry, the maximum retail price of tur, also known as arhar dal, soared to Rs 200 per kg today, as against Rs 85 per kg in the year-ago period. In the last five years, retail tur prices were ruling in the range of Rs 74-85 per kg, the data showed.Urad too is retailing high at Rs 170 per kg today though it declined from Rs 187 per kg last week, but rates are still way higher than Rs 98 per kg that prevailed a year earlier. Despite the government taking several measures, including imports and curbs on hoarding, to improve domestic supply, the prices of these two pulses have failed to cool.To provide relief to the common man, the government is selling imported tur at subsidized rates in Delhi via 400 Kendriya Bhandar and Mother Dairy’s Safal outlets. Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu governments have also started selling imported tur dals.In a bid to prevent hoarding, the government had imposed stock limits on pulses held by departmental stores, licensed food processors, importers and exports. There are stock limits already on traders. Causes for spike in prices of pulses India, for the first time since 1986 and 1987, is facing back-to-back monsoon failures. Further in India, not even 10% of the area under cultivation of major pulses (especially in kharif) has irrigation cover. As a result these crops have borne the brunt of deficient monsoons. Adding to this the unseasonal rain and hailstorm early this year had caused damage to few pulse crops grown in rabi.Usually the government balances such a shortfall in domestic production of any crop with imports. However unlike sugar, wheat etc., Page 133

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the total global pulses production is around 70 million tones out of which around 15 million tones is available for world trade after domestic consumption which is far less than India’s domestic production of around 17 million tones. Last year our imports stood at 4.58 million tones. Moreover taking advantage of India’s domestic pulses production shortfall, the international suppliers are flaring up prices despite low demand for agro-commodities in global market. The big question is why is there constant food inflation? Why the prices of pulses and vegetables are increasing at a continuous pace in India? It is not due to a poor harvest or a bad monsoon. Plus the country’s backbone is agriculture. There are various factors involved in the rising prices of these products: 1. increase in the demand for proteinenriched food and green vegetables: the lesser-known Bennet’s law gives an important explanation for rising food prices. According to this law, when income rises or people become wealthier, they change their dietary habits, shifting their tastes from simple starchy plantdominated diets to variety of food items, including a range of vegetables, fruit, protein rich food and dairy products. However, the supply of these vegetables and pulses is not adequate in comparison to their demand. Hence, the price rises. 2. Global inflation: Experts say that rise in essential food items in India is primarily because of the increasing commodity prices abroad, increase in fuel prices and fertilizers, which in turn affect the local produce by increasing input costs. 3. Less space for cultivation: With an increase in population, there is also an increase in the demand for vegetables and pulses. Increase in population has also led to increased urbanization. Manufacturing, energy and service industries are all competing for land, water and human resources. With less availability of land, the prices for agricultural land are rising,

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leading to increased costs of agriculture produce. 4. Less production of pulses: Despite high wholesale pulse prices in recent years, farmers of India are not very keen on taking up cultivation of pulses due to high fluctuations in production and prices. There is no effective government price support mechanism. Farmers are keen on cash crops cultivation like cotton and maize because of better returns and lower risk. This was published in a research study by the National Council of Applied Economic Research. In the same study, it was also mentioned that production of pulses has recorded less than 1% yearly growth during the last 40 years, which is less than half of the growth rate in Indian population. As a result, per capita production and availability of pulses has witnessed sharp decline in India. This invariably leads to a rise in the price of pulses. 5. Improper management and distribution: An important question that arises is whether the agricultural produce has been stored and distributed optimally or not? There is always a gap in the food sector regarding this. Whenever, a report on climate change is published or a prediction of a flood or drought, there are instances of occurrence of supply shocks. Because of the short sightedness, the prices go up significantly. Deliberate spoilage of food due to inadequate storage and distribution reduces supply, thereby increasing the price. 6. Hoarding: The concept of keeping stock of food products like onions, potatoes, rice, pulses etc. even when the season is over and reselling at higher prices when there is demand is known as hoarding. In India, hoarding of essential commodities is very common and goods are sold at double the prices for increased profits. 7. Increased cost of transportation: With increase in fuel prices, the transportation charges also increase, leading to a rise in

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prices of all commodities, and vegetables and pulses are no exception. 8. Increased cost of production: One major cause of increase in the prices of vegetables and pulses is the rise in the prices of the raw materials required in the production starting from seeds, to fertilizers, pesticides, and labor costs. As a result, the cost of the end product also increases. 9. Many mediators: In India’s trading community, the end product reaches the consumer after passing through various mediators or middlemen. Each mediator tries to get profits by increasing the original cost and the end price becomes very high than the actual price. So, it is very common in India that we, as consumers, pay a high price and at the same time the farmers do not get a deserving price for the same food product. 10. Supply chain mismanagement: There has been mismanagement in the supply chain of vegetables and pulses from the farmers to the consumers. According to reports, the difference in wholesale and retail prices is anywhere between 40% and 60% and this margin is more within cities where there are the wholesale markets. Some of the major issues related to supply chain mismanagement in India are lack of rural infrastructure, inadequate and illequipped mandis, lack of proper handling and no direct marketing by “farmers to consumers.” Strategies of Government to control prices Under pressure to rein in retail prices of pulses that have shot up to Rs 155 a kg, the government on Friday decided to import additional 5,000 tones of tur dal to boost domestic availability. The govt follows strategies as: Imports of 10,000 tones of tur and urad dal were already in the pipeline and the first consignment would reach by September 23, it said. Barring chana dal, retail prices of all pulses are ruling above Rs 100/kg across the country. The maximum increase in prices has been seen in tur and urad dal.

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In a high-level committee meeting held, the government has decided to import an additional 5,000 tones of tur dal to increase the availability and control prices of pulses Pulses prices were likely to show a declining trend in the coming day son supply of imported dal, itsaid.The committee, which reviewed prices of pulses and other essential commodities, discussed about medium and- long-term strategies to increase availability of these items and moderate prices. The government had put in place a weekly monitoring mechanism to keep a close watch on availability of essential commodities and moderating of prices, it added. Highlighting other measures taken to check prices of pulses, the government said stock limits have been imposed on lentils and state governments have been asked to take strict action against hoarding, using existing provisions under the Essential Commodities Act. Besides, future trading in pulses like urad and tur has already been suspended and its export has been banned. There is tight supply of pulses in the country because of fall in domestic production to 17.38 million tonnes (MT) in 2014-15 crop year (July-June) from 19.25 MT in the previous crop year, due to poor monsoon. India imports about four MT of pulses largely through private trade. But this time, the government has started importing pulses after a gap of two years. In the current scenario, a three-pronged strategy focusing on yield, insurance and price (YIP) can augment domestic production of pulses, and India can attain self- sufficiency in pulses production. To improve yields, the government said measures need to be taken to control pests and diseases, introduce better variety of seeds, no-till cultivation in rain-fed areas to retain moisture and soil fertility. Currently, India's yield per hectare for

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pulses is around 700 kg, much lower than the global yield in pulses, it added. Suggesting weather-based price insurance for pulses, the government said the relevant insurance policy needs to be "more effective" since the climate risks faced by farmers are very high with erratic rainfall that adversely impacts pulse cultivation. It also said generating awareness about insurance among farmers has to be the highest priority. This is because as per the 2014 NSSO data, agricultural households not aware of insurance and not insuring their pulse crops are very high at 58 per cent for urad cultivation and 49 per cent for moong."Therefore, it is imperative that the coverage of weather-based insurance for pulses is enhanced to bring maximum pulse farmers under the insurance scheme. That apart, the government emphasized on "timely" announcement of the minimum support price (MSP) of pulses, saying this is required to give greater incentives and encourage farmers to grow pulses while preventing price shocks in the retail market. Quoting the estimates of Indian Pulses Research Institute, the government said India can overcome the shortages in pulse production if yields are increased to 6 per cent annually in seven states, which together account for three-fourths of the total pulse area in the country. These states are Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh. Enhancing productivity Incentivizing pulse production through the price mechanism will only work once the farmer is assured that the government will procure pulses vis-à-vis rice and wheat through the Food Corporation of India and other State agencies. Low genetic yield of Indian pulses and their vulnerability to pests and diseases is a major hindrance to adoption of pulses by farmers. Being rain-fed, pulses often experience drought at critical growth stages.

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Apart from these, public investment in agricultural research to develop highyielding, short-duration strains of pulses, oilseeds and other horticultural crops has been exceptionally low. Unmatched intercrop price parity is another dilemma. Remuneration and gross return over cost of production is higher in cereals and cash crops in comparison with pulses. Conclusion In short, to increase area and production of pulse crops we need crop specific and region specific approaches, which should be adopted in the overall framework of systems approach. The major thrust areas to be addressed are as follows: Replacement of cereal crops in the prevailing rice-wheat cropping systems with high yield varieties of pulses. Inclusion of short duration varieties of pulses as catch crop. Development of multiple disease and pest resistant varieties. Reducing storage loses and improving market information and infrastructure. Linking MSP to market prices can bridge the gap between demand and supply. Developing high nitrogen fixing varieties, which will play a crucial role in sustainable agriculture, and Coordination of research, extension and farmers to encourage farmer’s participatory research. References

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27- Hydrosphere (NIRVAIR Chemistry,


SCD Government LUDHIANA)

Department College for

other areas where it is always scarc e. The com pone nts of the hydr osph ere, as well as the cryosphere (frozen water), the atmosphere, and the biosphere, participate in the global hydrologic cycle.

of Boys,

(RAMANPREET KAUR, Department of Chemistry, Ludhiana Group CHUNKIMAN)



The hydrosphere in physical geography describes the combined mass of water found on, under, and over the surface of a planet. Approximately 70.8 per cent of the earth is covered with water, mainly in oceans, hydrosphere, helps in maintaining life on the earth water keeps on moving from the earth to the oceans in the form of rivers and from process is called hydrological cycle. Hydrological •

Life on the earth can’t even be imagined without water. About 70% of human body is made up of water and other liquids. On land, 40 to 45% of total mass of plants is water and in sea it can be as high as 95%. But the water on earth is not evenly distributed. Some areas have excess water while there are

Source of water Oceans

Volume of water in km³ (cu mi)

Indian Ocean Southern Ocean

1,338,000,000 (321,000,000) 669,880,000 (160,710,000) 310,410,900 (74,471,500) 264,000,000 (63,000,000) 71,800,000 (17,200,000)

Arctic Ocean


Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean

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Earth’s water supply has had, since Earth was created, major influences on Earth’s climate, its landscape and mineralogy, the composition of its atmosphere, and on the origin and evolution of life.

The total mass of Earth’s water is about 300 times the mass of the atmosphere. Without water, which facilitates the formation of carbonate rock, the atmospheric content of CO2 would be far higher than it is. Distribution of water on the earth is shown in table

% total water

% salt water













% fresh water

% liquid surface fresh water

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(4,500,000) Ice and snow Ice sheets and glaciers Antarctic ice sheet Greenland ice sheet Glaciers Ground ice and snow Groundwater Saline groundwater Fresh groundwater Soilmoisture Lakes Saline lakes Caspian Sea Other saline lakes Fresh water lakes African Great Lakes Lake Baikal North American Great Lakes Other fresh water lakes Swamps Rivers Biological water Atmosphere

24,364,000 (5,845,000) 24,064,000 (5,773,000) 22,500,000 (5,400,000) 2,340,000 (560,000) 240,000 (58,000) 300,000 (72,000) 23,400,000 (5,600,000) 12,870,000 (3,090,000) 10,530,000 (2,530,000) 16,500 (4,000) 176,400 (42,300) 85,400 (20,500) 78,200 (18,800)













1.69 0.93


0.76 0.0012

30.1 0.047

0.013 0.0062 0.0056

0.0063 0.0058

7,200 (1,700)



91,000 (22,000)




30,070 (7,210) 23,615 (5,666)

0.0022 0.0017

0.086 0.067

28.8 22.6

22,115 (5,306)




15,200 (3,600) 11,470 (2,750) 2,120 (510)

0.0011 0.00083 0.00015

0.043 0.033 0.0061

14.5 11 2.03

1,120 (270) 12,900 (3,100)

0.000081 0.00093

It is clear from the table that 97.22 percent of total water on the earth is stored in oceans and seas. Fresh water on the earth in only 2.79 percent. Of this 2.14 percent is frozen in icecaps and glaciers at

0.0032 0.037 Greenland, northern Eurasia, North America, Antarctica and major mountains. A very small amount of water is available in the form of fresh water takes, rivers and streams. This is the water which we use to fulfill our daily needs of drinking, washing, agriculture, industry etc. Page 138

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Types of water Sea/marine/oceanic water: Salt content is more than 3.5mg/l. Brackish water: Salt content is Fresh water: salt content is less than 0.5mg/l. Aquatic Ecosystems Aquatic Ecosystems are composed of a community of plants and animals that primarily depend on water and interact in a water system. •

The types of organisms in an aquatic ecosystem are mainly determined by the water’s salinity.

As a result, aquatic ecosystems are divided into freshwater and marine ecosystems.

Freshwater ecosystems include ponds, lakes, streams, rivers, and wetlands. Marine EcosystemsWhile terrestrial ecosystems cover only about 28%, marine ecosystems cover about 71% of Earth’s surface.

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Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and Southern ocean. Intertidal zones: This is the area which remains underwater at high tide and remains terrestrial at low tide, wetlands, rocky cliffs and sandy beaches fall under intertidal zones.Clams; amphibians such as frogs and salamanders; and reptiles like alligators and water snakes. Wetlands: the best examples of wetlands include swamps and marshes, where the water is completely or partially shallow. Wetlands are known to be too diverse as these have numerous animals and plant species like black spruce, water lilies, mangrove, tamarack and sedge. Water cycle or Hydrologic cycle: water evaporates (changes from liquid to vapour state) from oceans, ponds, lakes etc. in transpiration, water is lost from stomata pores of leaf and stem tissues of growing plants. Water vapours then condense and form clouds which precipitate to produce both rain and snow. 90% of ocean evaporation returns to via rain while 10% falls on surface forming lakes, rivers, ground water.

Oceans: These contain salty water. Major oceans include the Pacific Ocean, Indian

Due to the addition undesirable substances

of excess of that make it Page 139

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harmful to man, animal and aquatic life or otherwise cause significant departure from the normal activities of various living communities in and around water. Water pollutants Water pollutant is a physical or biotic component which adversely alters the environment by affecting growth rate of species, interfering with the food chain, health, comforts, amenities or properly value of man, major pollutants of water are:

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Contaminants may include organic and inorganic substances. Organic water pollutants include:  

1. Pathogens Microorganisms like coli form bacteria, viruses or parasitic worms. High levels of pathogens may result from untreated sewage discharges or from poorly managed livestock operations. Coli form bacteria are a commonly used bacterial indicator of water pollution, although not an actual cause of disease. Other microorganisms sometimes found in surface waters which have caused human health problems include:      

Burkholderia pseudomallei Cryptosporidium parvum Giardia lamblia Salmonella Novovirus and other viruses Parasitic worms (helminths).

High levels of pathogens may result from inadequately treated sewage discharges. This can be caused by a sewage plant designed with less than secondary treatment (more typical in less-developed countries). In developed countries, older cities with aging infrastructure may have leaky sewage collection systems (pipes, pumps, valves), which can cause sanitary sewer overflows. Some cities also have combined sewers, which may discharge untreated sewage during rain storm. 2. Chemical pollutants

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 

Detergents Disinfection by-products found in chemically disinfected drinking water, such as chloroform Food processing waste, which can include oxygen-demanding substances, fats and grease Insecticides and herbicides, a huge range of organohalides and other chemical compounds Petroleum hydrocarbons, including fuels (gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuels, and fuel oil) and lubricants (motor oil), and fuel combustion byproducts, from storm water runoff. Tree and bush debris from logging operations Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), such as industrial solvents, from improper storage. Chlorinated solvents, which are dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs), may fall to the bottom of reservoirs, since they don't mix well with water and are denser. o Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs) o Trichloroethylene Per chlorate Various chemical compounds found in personal hygiene and cosmetic products.

Inorganic water pollutants include: 

  

Acidity caused by industrial discharges (especially sulfur dioxide from power plants) Ammonia from food processing waste Chemical waste as industrial byproducts Fertilizers containing nutrients-nitrates and phosphates—which are found in storm water runoff from Page 140

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agriculture, as well as commercial and residential use. Heavy metals from motor vehicles (via urban storm water runoff) and acid mine drainage Silt (sediment) in runoff from construction sites, logging, slash and burn practices or land clearing sites.

Macroscopic pollution—large visible items polluting the water—may be termed "floatables" in an urban storm water context, or marine debris when found on the open seas, and can include such items as: 

 

Trash or garbage (e.g. paper, plastic, or food waste) discarded by people on the ground, along with accidental or intentional dumping of rubbish, that are washed by rainfall into storm drains and eventually discharged into surface waters Nurdles, small ubiquitous waterborne plastic pellets Shipwrecks, large derelict ships.

Sources of water pollution POINT SOURCES: If pollution in a water body comes from a single identifiable location, such as a discharge pipe attached to a factory or oil spill from a tanker, it is known as point-source pollution. NON-POINT SOURCES: A great deal of water pollution happens not from one single source but from many different scattered sources. This is called nonpointsource pollution. Sewage (Waste Water) Sewage is another name for waste water from domestic and industrial processes. Despite strict regulatory control, the Environment Agency data shows that the water and sewage industry accounted for almost a quarter of the serious water

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incidents in England and Wales in 2006. Domestic waste and sewage containing chemicals like maceutical drugs, paper, plastic, detergents etc. detergents etc. is pumped untreated the sea. Agricultural Pollution Agricultural processes such as uncontrolled spreading of slurries and manure, disposal of sheep dip, tillage, ploughing of the land, use of pesticides and fertilizers can cause water pollution. Accidental spills from milk dairies can also affect the quality of water. Chemical fertilizers used by farmer’s also pollute water through soil.Oil Pollution Oil spillages affect water quality in a number of ways. Oil can make drinking water unsafe to drink. A substantial amount of oil released into oceans and seas will destroy wildlife and the ecosystems that sustain them. Oil spills also reduce oxygen supplies within the water environment. The main causes of oil related water pollution are:   

loss from storage facilities spillage during delivery and; deliberate disposal of waste oil to drainage systems

Radioactive Substances Radioactive waste is another source of water pollution. Radioactive substances are used in nuclear power plants, industrial, medical and other scientific processes. They can be found in watches, luminous clocks, television sets and x-ray machinery. There are also naturally occurring radioisotopes from organisms and within the environment. If not properly disposed of, radioactive waste can result in serious water pollution incidents. River dumping Lots of people dump supermarket trolleys, bicycles, garden cuttings and electronic Page 141

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waste into rivers or river banks. This is illegal and offenders may be charged for fly-tipping if caught. River dumping not only causes water pollution; it also harms wildlife and increases the risk of flooding. Marine Dumping The Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) estimates that a staggering amount of waste enters into the sea every year. Part of this is due to deliberate dumping of waste into coastal waters. Other sources of waste at sea include plastics and other materials blown or washed from land. IndustryIndustrial affluent contain highly toxic chemicals such as Polychlorinated biphenyls, PCBs used to manufacture electronic circuit (hazards) and heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, and mercury ConstructionSolid sill particles construction work, soil, rocks.


Underground Water Pollution Pollutants can enter the groundwater systems through rain water or tar through soil e.g. trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene. Refuse dumps, septic tanks, seepage pits, mining activities also cause pollution. Sources of marine water pollution Pipelines: Over 60 licensed pipelines discharge effluent along the South African coast: one third discharge domestic sewage - about 66 million liters per day (66ML/d), half discharge industrial wastes (230ML/d), and the remainder discharge mixed effluent (360ML/d). These pipelines operate via `exemption permits' administered by the Department of Water Affairs, and both the effluent and environmental effects are monitored and controlled. Pipelines usually discharge below the low water mark

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Storm water: Urban runoff, or storm water, is more difficult to control: Cape Town alone has more than one hundred storm water outlets discharging over beaches and rocks. Storm water drains collect and channel the water from all nonporous surfaces, such as pavements and tarred roads, within a catchment. Storm water flow depends on rainfall, and the first flows following a dry spell often contain high levels of pollutants, such as heavy metals (particularly lead), oil residues, nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), and pathogenic (disease causing) micro-organisms, such as viruses, bacteria and protozoa, from faecal material. Rivers: Rivers carry to the sea water containing contaminants such as nutrients and pesticides from agricultural runoff, faecal pollution resulting from poor sanitation, and industrial discharges. Soil erosion, partly a result of poor catchment management, can cause increased water turbidity and siltation of estuaries. At sea: Pollution sources at sea include accidental and deliberate discharges of oil, operational dumping of garbage (particularly plastics), and controlled dumping. Unlike many countries in Europe and the USA, South Africa does not dump industrial wastes or sewage sludges. Its dumping is limited to dredge spoils (mostly routine harbour dredging) and unserviceable equipment. Dredge spoils are often rich in heavy metals (e.g. lead, copper, zinc, mercury, and cadmium), and are dumped at designated sites Synthetic organics. Many of the 100 000 synthetic compounds in use today are found in the aquatic environment and accumulate in the food chain. POPs or Persistent organic pollutants, represent the most harmful element for the ecosystem and for human health, for example, industrial chemicals and agricultural Page 142

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pesticides. These chemicals can accumulate in fish and cause serious damage to human health. Where pesticides are used on a large-scale, groundwater gets contaminated and this leads to the chemical contamination of drinking water. Acidification. Acidification of surface water, mainly lakes and reservoirs, is one of the major environmental impacts of transport over long distance of air pollutants such as sulphur dioxide from power plants, other heavy industry such as steel plants, and motor vehicles. This problem is more severe in the US and in parts of Europe. Nutrients. Domestic waste water, agricultural run-off, and industrial effluents contain phosphorus and nitrogen, fertilizer run-off, manure from livestock operations, which increase the level of nutrients in water bodies and can cause eutrophication in the lakes and rivers and continue on to the coastal areas. The nitrates come mainly from the fertilizer that is added to the fields. Excessive use of fertilizers cause nitrate contamination of groundwater, with the result that nitrate levels in drinking water is far above the safety levels recommended. Good agricultural practices can help in reducing the amount of nitrates in the soil and thereby lower its content in the water. The Bureau of Indian Standard BIS given the following specifications for standard for drinking water: Elements in Water 1. Dissolved solids 2. Chloride 3. Sulphate 4. pH value 5. Fluoride pH value 6. Copper 7. Iron 8. lead 9. Cadmium 10. E-Coli

Mg/litre 500-1000 200-1000 200-400 1.0-1.5 6.5-8.1 0..5-1.5

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0.1 0.01 0.0 0.0

Possible Dangers of Water Pollution Water pollution is a threat to life in this biosphere. It creates several problems and dangers and dangers for plant and animal life such as: 1. Sewerage water contains several chemicals. The polluted water is unfit for human and animal consumption and irrigation purposes. If used. It causes chronic diseases as it contains pathogenic pathogenic bacteria, viruses and protozoa. In the United States, beaches along coasts, riverbanks, and lake shores have been ruined for bathers by industrial wastes, municipal sewage, and medical waste. Water pollution is an even greater problem in the Third World, where millions of people obtain water for drinking and sanitation from unprotected streams and ponds that are contaminated with human waste. This type of contamination has been estimated to cause more than 3 million deaths annually from diarrhea in Third World countries, most of them children. 2. Industrial effluents contain several metals, chemicals and hazardous substances. Aquatic animals particularly fish die due to pollution of water by industrial discharge. 3. Water containing alkalies and acids are corrosive. 4. Water polluted because of fertilizers and pesticides kills several types of fish, tortoises etc. 5.Marine plants, algae and plankton are also affected. 6. Use of polluted water decreases yield of crops. The soil becomes alkaline and saline and ultimately unfit for agriculture.

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7. Polluted water causes water borne diseases such as cholera, diarrohea, typhoid, jaundice, hepatitis etc. 8. Pollutants of water reach up the humans and animals through food chain and create several problems. Vultures in India have died due to use of pesticides on fodder crops as they reach through carcasses of animals which feed on such fodder crops. 9. Marine life is threatened because of oil spills, discharge of sewerage and industrial effluents in seas. Methods to Control of Water Pollution       

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Avoid bathing and washing clothes directly in ponds, tanks and streams that supply drinking water. Separate ponds and tanks should he reserved for cattle and other animals. Treatment of domestic, farmyard and industrial wastes should be done before releasing them into water bodies. Avoiding overuse of fertilizers and pesticides. Cooling hot water that is released from industries. Recycling of solid wastes wherever possible. Growing water hyacinth in polluted water purifies it by taking heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium and nickel) and toxic materials. Don’t throw litter into rivers, lakes or oceans. Use environmentally household products, such as washing powder, household cleaning agents and toiletries. Treatment of polluted water

Water pollution treatment methods can be subdivided as; 1. Physical methods Screening and filtration: utilize gravity to remove the heavier particles suspended in the water stream. The wide array of sedimentation basins slow down the water

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velocity in the unit to allow time for the particles to drop to the bottom. Small particles are not removed efficiently by sedimentation because they settle too slowly; they may also pass through filters. They would be easier to remove if they clumped together (coagulated) to form larger particles, but they don't because they have a negative charge and repel each other (like two north poles of a magnet). Floatation process: used to remove particles with densities lower than water. Fine gas bubbles are often introduced to assist this process; they attach to the particulate matter, causing them to rise to the top of the unit where they are mechanically removed. For instance aeration of water with oxygen helps remove nitrates. 2. Chemical treatment Chemical reactions can be utilized to remove water pollutants or to form other, less toxic, compounds. Chemical precipitation: Addition of chemicals (lime, ferric chloride or alum) to the water in order to bring about the precipitation of dissolved solids. The solid is then removed by a physical process such as sedimentation filtration. These are these are often used for the removal of heavy metals and phosphorus from water streams. we add a chemical such as alum which produces positive charges to neutralize the negative charges on the particles. Then the particles can stick together, forming larger particles which are more easily removed. Adsorption processes: used to separate soluble substances from water stream, water is passed through beds of granulated activated carbon (PAC) may be added. Filtration process: The filtration apparatus is a concrete box which contains sand (which does the filtering), gravel (which keeps the sand Page 144

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from getting out) and an underdrain (where the filtered water exits). After the filter is operated for a while, the sand becomes clogged with particles and must be backwashed. Flow through the filter is reversed and the sand and particles are suspended. The particles are lighter than the sand, so they rise up and are flushed from the system. When backwashing is complete, the sand settles down onto the gravel, flow is reversed and the process begins again Disinfection processes: selectively destroy disease-causing organisms such as bacteria and viruses. Involves boiling of water or disinfection agents like chlorine, ozone, and ultraviolet radiation Chlorine disinfection The most common disinfection method involves some form of chlorine or its compounds such as chloramine or chlorine dioxide. Chlorine is a strong oxidant that rapidly kills many harmful micro-organisms. Because chlorine is a toxic gas, there is a danger of a release associated with its use. This problem is avoided by the use of sodium hypochlorite, which is a relatively inexpensive solution that releases free chlorine when dissolved in water. Chlorine solutions can be generated on site by electrolyzing common salt solutions. A solid form, calcium hypochlorite, releases chlorine on contact with water. Handling the solid, however, requires greater routine human contact through opening bags and pouring than the use of gas cylinders or bleach which are more easily automated. The generation of liquid sodium hypochlorite is both inexpensive and safer than the use of gas or solid chlorine. All forms of chlorine are widely used, despite their respective drawbacks. One drawback is that chlorine from any source reacts with natural organic compounds in

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the water to form potentially harmful chemical by-products. These by-products, trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs), are both carcinogenic in large quantities and are regulated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Drinking Water Inspectorate in the UK. The formation of THMs and haloacetic acids may be minimized by effective removal of as many organics from the water as possible prior to chlorine addition. Although chlorine is effective in killing bacteria, it has limited effectiveness against protozoa that form cysts in water (Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium, both of which are pathogenic). Chlorine dioxide disinfection Chlorine dioxide is a faster-acting disinfectant than elemental chlorine. It is relatively rarely used, because in some circumstances it may create excessive amounts of chlorite, which is a by-product regulated to low allowable levels in the United States. Chlorine dioxide is supplied as an aqueous solution and added to water to avoid gas handling problems; chlorine dioxide gas accumulations may spontaneously detonate. Chloramine disinfection The use of chloramine is becoming more common as a disinfectant. Although chloramine is not as strong an oxidant, it does provide a longer-lasting residual than free chlorine and it won't form THMs or haloacetic acids. It is possible to convert chlorine to chloramine by adding ammonia to the water after addition of chlorine. The chlorine and ammonia react to form chloramine. Water distribution systems disinfected with chloramines may experience nitrification, as ammonia is a nutrient for bacterial growth, with nitrates being generated as a by-product.

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Ozone disinfection Ozone is an unstable molecule which readily gives up one atom of oxygen providing a powerful oxidizing agent which is toxic to most waterborne organisms. It is a very strong, broad spectrum disinfectant that is widely used in Europe. It is an effective method to inactivate harmful protozoa that form cysts. It also works well against almost all other pathogens. Ozone is made by passing oxygen through ultraviolet light or a "cold" electrical discharge. To use ozone as a disinfectant, it must be created on-site and added to the water by bubble contact. Some of the advantages of ozone include the production of fewer dangerous byproducts and the absence of taste and odour problems (in comparison to chlorination) . Although fewer by-products are formed by ozonation, it has been discovered that ozone reacts with bromide ions in water to produce concentrations of the suspected carcinogen bromate. Bromide can be found in fresh water supplies in sufficient concentrations to produce (after ozonation) more than 10 ppb of bromate — the maximum contaminant level established by the USEPA. Another advantage of ozone is that it leaves no residual disinfectant in the water. Ozone has been used in drinking water plants since 1906 where the first industrial ozonation plant was built in Nice, France. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has accepted ozone as being safe; and it is applied as an antimicrobiological agent for the treatment, storage, and processing of foods. Ultraviolet disinfection Ultraviolet light (UV) is very effective at inactivating cysts, in low turbidity water. UV light's disinfection effectiveness decreases as turbidity increases, a result of the absorption, scattering, and shadowing caused by the suspended solids. The main disadvantage to the use of UV radiation is

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that, like ozone treatment, it leaves no residual disinfectant in the water; therefore, it is sometimes necessary to add a residual disinfectant after the primary disinfection process. This is often done through the addition of chloramines, discussed above as a primary disinfectant. When used in this manner, chloramines provide an effective residual disinfectant with very few of the negative effects of chlorine. Solar water disinfection One low-cost method of disinfecting water that can often be implemented with locally available materials is solar disinfection (SODIS).Unlike methods that rely on firewood, it has low impact on the environment. One recent study has found that the wild Salmonella which would reproduce quickly during subsequent dark storage of solar-disinfected water could be controlled by the addition of just 10 parts per million of hydrogen peroxide. 3. Biological methods Used for the control of biodegradable organic chemicals, as well as nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus. Aerobic or anaerobic bacteria convert carbonaceous matter as well as cell tissue into gas. References: Lvovich M.I. (1974).World water resources and their future , “Mysl”, 448 pp., Moscow [in Russian]. ”Water Resources and Water Balance of the USSR Large Reservoirs” 1991, Leningrad, Hydrometeoizdat,(in Russian); Reddy DHK, Ramana, DKV, Seshaiah K, Reddy AVR (2011) Biosorption of Ni(II) from aqueous phase by Moringaoleifera bark, a low cost biosorbent. Desalination 268: 150-157 Kulshreshtha SN 1998 .A global outlook for water resources to the year 2025. Water Resources Management, 12(3): 167–184 .

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२७-ubZ lnh dh dfork esa ukjh fp=.k

uwru 'kekZ, fganh vè;;u foHkkx] ekulxaxks=h eSlwj foÜofo|ky;] eSlwj&ˆ

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29.M‚-jkenj'k feJ ds miU;klksa esa vfHkO;ä yksdxhr çk-çdk'k lkors] dyk] foKku egkfo|ky;] rsyxkao rk-èkk#j ft-chM

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२९(fp=k eqn+xy ds lanHkZ esa

izk-MkWxzkeh.k egkfo|ky;- eq[ksM ft-ukansMvkt ds ;qx esa nfyr]vkfnoklh

gh efgyk 2001 ls izkjaHk gqbZ| vkt ge 08 ekpZ gS rks oSokfgd thou esa leL;k [kMh gks tkrh gSA fp=k th ds ^LVsiuh^ uked dgkuh esa fouksn dh iRuh

vkt L=h lHkh Js=ks esa vxzslj gSA mlus cjkcjh esa vk;h gSA mldk dk;Z{ks= vc flfer ugha jgk gSA L=h ds varZeu dks tkuuk gks rks mlds lkfgR; dks i<us ls mlds nnZ dks le>k tk ldrk gSA vkt p<usokyh fL=;ksa dh deh ugh gSA ysfdu



vgadkj dks yydkjrh gSA bl oxZ dh vkt fganh lkfgR; esa L=h dh leL;kvksa dsk mtkxj djusokyh vusd efgyk ysf[kdk,Wa gSA ftUgksaus L=h ds thou ds

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utj ls ns[krh gSA dkedkth ukjh dh leL;k,%& dkedkth ukjh ds thou esa dqN leL;k,W vkrh gSA oks tgka dke djrh gS ogkWa ij Hkh ;s leL;k,aWa vkrh gSA muij lekt ds Onkj vusd ykaNu yxk;s tkrs gSA fp=kth us ^lq[k^ dgkuh esa dkedkth efgyk dh leL;k dks of.kZr fd;k gSA lweaxyk ekyfdu vkSj Qwyh ukSdjkuh ds Onkjk bldk o.kZu gqvk gSA ^LVsiuh^ dgkuh esa dkedkth L=h leL;k dks fpf=r fd;k gSA of.kZr fd;k gSA ukjh cykRdkj dh leL;k %& okluk gSA ^izsr;ksuh^ ]dgkuh esa ,sls gh vuhrk xwIrk dks VSDlh

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gksuk iMrk gSA ^tc rd fceyk, gS^ ] dkgkuh esa ukckfyd NksVh yMdh ls cykRdkj fd, tkus dk fp=.k fd;k x;k gSA 4 k


leL;k vusd ckj [kMh gksrh gS A xjhc etnqjksa esa muds tkrkA ^ydMcX/kk^ esa bldk o.kZu vk;k gSA 5 %& mls ?kj rFkk dk;kZy; nksuksa txgksa ij dke djuk mls T;knk le; vius ukSdjh dh txg nsuk iMrk gSA ftl ?kj ds fy, mlds le; dh t:jr gS ogka oks mruk le; ugh ns ikrhA ^njfe;ku^ dgkuh esa bl izo`rh dks ns[k ldrs gSA^Vsu NwVus rd^dgkuh


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?kjsyq fgalk dks mtkxj djusokyh dgkuh gS A /;ku esa j[kdj fp=k eqn~xyth us L=h dh fofo/k leL;kvksa dks vius dgkfu;ksa es of.kZr fd;k gS A lanHkZ xzaFk 1




vkfn&vukfn (dgkuh laxzgsa) Hkkx &1& fp=k eqn~xy vkfn& vukfn (dgkuh laxzg) Hkkx &2& fp=k eqn~xy vkfnvukfn (dgkuh laxzg) Hkkx &3 &fp=k eqn~xy L=h& ys[ku l`tu ds fofo/k vk;ke & &2013

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अांिराीष्ट्रीय सिदी सांगोष्ठी में शोध-ुिु अांक-३ तवशेषा​ांक २०१६ का तवमोचन प्रो.डॉ.रामप्रसाद भट-जमीनी, प्रो.डॉ.उपुल रां तजि-श्रीलांका, प्रो.डॉ.अनुषा-श्रीलांका, प्रो.जगिाप जी के ि्ि कमलों से सम्पन्न हुआ |

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