3 minute read
from MAY 2021
by Sunil Kumar
Krishna Jeeja
(CEo MJ Physio)
What To Do Immediately After The Surgery
Right after the operation, expect your knee to be swollen and painful. Regular icing, elevation, and use of a compression bandage will help. These things help the edema settle down quickly.
Some post-op recovery features remain the same whether you’ve had a minor arthroscopy, an ACL reconstruction, or a knee replacement. Following knee injuries of any kind, the stabilizing quadriceps switch off, which leads to your thigh muscles atrophying. As such, you could experience feelings of instability and weakness. Your patella will also exhibit poor tracking.
Address these issues through ‘quads setting,’ which activates your quads muscles and gets them back in shape for controlling your knees. First, you need to lie on your back and straighten your operated knee. Then, press the back of your knee to the ground, making sure you tighten your thighs’ front muscles. Hold the position for three to five seconds, relax, and repeat this ten times. Aim for three to four sets of this sequence per day.
The swelling and pain will also cause you to lose your range of movement. Start motion exercises like bending and straightening your knee early on, so you can regain your range as soon as possible. Note, though, that you should stay within your pain limits, or it will be counterproductive. Some surgeons could also require splints or restrictions on your movement for some of the recovery period. Always consult them about exercising.
What Else To Do For Post-Surgery Physiotherapy
It is advisable to see a physio within seven to ten days after your joint surgery. If you are working on swelling management, quads setting, and range exercises, a week or so is a good enough time to wait. People who aren’t doing exercises should see their physio sooner than that.
Sessions will have soft tissue massage, joint mobilization, or other applicable activities. Besides this, you will have to start a Pilates rehab or home exercise program. These rehab activities strengthen your thigh, hip, and core muscles and help you address specific weaknesses brought about by the surgery. When you get stronger, you will get variations in your routine, incorporating conditioning drills like running and arabesques.
Undergoing knee surgery is not easy, but you can make a quick recovery by following a regimen. Before the operation, learn as much as you can about what to expect. Ask your surgeon what to expect in terms of pain and what should be a cause for concern. Finally, get on a physiotherapy program as soon as possible. You’ll undoubtedly see the difference.
For professional post-surgery physiotherapy, contact MJ Physio today. We serve Vancouver, Surrey, and Fleetwood, and our physiotherapists use only surgeon-recommended protocols after each orthopedic procedure. Book an appointment today or get in touch with us for inquiries.
For your convenience, we have now added another location at Fleetwood (#103 8488 160 street)

Services offered at our surrey clinic are registered massage therapy, physiotherapy, psychological counselling, kinesiology and personal training. for chronic knee pain, now we have a special promotion for the month of april and may, where you can book a 20 minutes
MJ Physio - Fraser Street Physio 5684 Fraser Street, Vancouver BC V5W 2Z4 Phone: 604.563.5684 Fax: 604.563.5685
Email: fraserstreetphysio.ca, care@mjphysio.ca
Three Locations
MJ Physio - Bear Creek Plaza #202, 13588 88 Ave, Surrey BC V3W 3K8 Phone: 604.503.5682 Fax: 604.503.5683
nearcreekplazaphysio.ca, care@mjphysio.ca
MJ Physio - Fleetwood : #103-8488 160 St, Surrey, BC V4N 0V7 Phone: 604.547.2706, 604.547.2707 Fax: 604.547.2708