4 minute read
a mom who inspires to strike the right balance
from MAY 2022
by Sunil Kumar
Our lives are stories in which we write, direct and star in the leading role. Some chapters are happy while others bring lessons to learn, but we always have the power to be the heroes of our own adventures. This is the philosophy that keeps Harpinder Liddar going.
Nikita Sharma
freelance writer/ blogger/ content strategist
Harpinder is a mother of three, works as a community shuttle bus driver in B.C and dons many other hats effortlessly.
There are glitches at times, but wait?
Who has a smooth sail all the time?
Hailing from India, she had completed her studies from the prestigious Panjab University in
Chandigarh. She moved to Canada almost a decade back and like any other migrant, the initial years were tough. She said, “the first two years were hard as I had to work for 16-17 hours sometimes, even more. It all led to progressive days ahead. Life did reward me for all the hardwork and I am glad I put in all that effort back then.”
Years later, she makes sure to keep her work and personal life balance intact. Harpinder said, “life was challenging initially as I moved here. Ever since I tried to follow the principles of self-management which includes emotional management, self-reorganization, time management and selfdiscipline, I have seen a tremendous improvement.”
“Also, since I always desired to be a working and financially independent woman, the zeal to live a life on my terms kept me motivated. I started preparing a weekly schedule which was proportionally distributed to my professional hours and family hours, social interaction, and individual development. As I kept practicing this schedule, the routine settled into a more constructive manner facilitating my multitasking weeks”, she added.
Talking about her strengths and weaknesses, “I recently read a quote that being a mother is learning about the strengths you didn’t know you had. It fits me appropriately, I feel. The hindrances that come with raising My kids have hit our family hard, however the challenges make the triumphs even sweeter. What is labelled as a weakness is accompanied by an amazing strength. And this is what I continue to learn every passing day”, she said.
Keeping herself motivated to take all the challenges that life throws at her every day, she tries to keep a positive approach. Managing a house, three kids and a job isn’t easy after all. She says, “a sense of duty to be true to each of the fronts keeps me motivated to contribute my best in all the directions.”
Going on a picnic or a trip together are her favourite ways to have some quality time together with her family. She makes sure all the members of her family have at least one meal together. “Since we are in a foreign land, I feel it’s important to impart our cultural values to the kids so that they keep connected to their roots. My everyday lessons to my kids include practising love and compassion as well as instilling morals and cultural beliefs in them.”
On being asked about what played an important role in her journey here in a different country, she said, “a spirit of self-exploration and through that to explore the newer ambience of the world was the mantra I followed. As I started practising these, it helped me strike a balance between my professional identity and family affairs which ultimately motivated me to look for a greener zone of settlement.
She says if she could have one superpower, she would have caused miracles for women empowerment -- right from their education to their financial and personal independence. “I would also create this earth as a heaven for children, especially those who are orphans and homeless, providing them all that is needed to lead a comfortable life.
She says her teachers who have been guiding her through the years are her ultimate source of inspiration but the best teacher that exists according to her is – Life. “It teaches you lessons like no other and a wise person should always learn from their lessons and experiences.”
Talking about her future goals, she said, “in the next 5 years, I see myself as a better individual as I keep reading books of the saner world. It has already started broadening my understanding of the constructed logics which keeps us busy in our day-to-day life. I feel five years down the line I would have saved a better balance of bucks for the greater comforts of my family,” she added.
She signed off!
Our brief conversation with Harpinder only made us realise that life is made of little experiences and bubbles of happiness. One must cherish those bubbles before they burst. She is not just a woman who is making the lives of people around her better, but also making this world a better place to live in.
We wish her all the luck and happiness for her future endeavours.