Many times we have heard or been told that for web development, we can focus the project on developing an MVP. But, what is an MVP in web development Dubai ?
The MVP or Minimum Viable Product is an approach that allows the development of the essentials in a project, in this case we are commenting on, web development Dubai. That is, focus on not developing a project or product to the last consequences, but following the strategy of investing the minimum of time possible to achieve something that works,
perhaps not as we expect in its complete form, but if it allows to capture the essence and go out to the market or in a test group, with something probable. Starting your ecommerce development in Dubai has many advantages, the main one perhaps is that you do not burn the project budget cartridge in an unvalidated hypothesis. Many times, many projects or startups focus on capturing the idea of their founders down to the last details and then going to market. This entails delaying the timeto-market and also leaves you with no room for maneuver if, in the end, your hypothesis is not aligned with the market and you have to make certain adjustments to the scope of the project. There is no money left for that and many companies or startups suffer or end up closing, even being close to what users need.
Therefore, the approach that is highly recommend is to always try to go step by step. In a graphic way explain that if you want to travel from Dubai to Sharjah, it would be great to do it in a high-end car, but to build it you will take a long time, between the design, building the material, assembling, etc. Maybe you better start designing a bicycle, which is much simpler, and you can go to Sharjah. In a next iteration, you can turn your bike into perhaps an electric one, and then
have a motorcycle. In a next step, you can go from a motorcycle to a utility car, to end up with that high-end car you are looking for. You may lose some time and end up discarding some parts along the way, but it allows you to validate step by step what your users want in Website Design Dubai, but you are not going to die trying to build that high-end car, because maybe your users don't want that.