Oral Surgeon - Dental Implants, Wisdom Teeth and More

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Often, patients come to an oral surgeon through a referral from their general dentist. This is a good thing because the best way to understand what your procedureinvolvesisthroughdirectcommunicationwithyoursurgeon.

After graduating from dental school, an oral surgeon jackson ms completes years of hospital-based surgical and anesthesia training. They are experts in treatingthehead,neck,face,jaws,andhardandsofttissuesofthemouth.

Dentalimplantsareoneofthemostadvancedandeffectivereplacementoptions formissingteeth.Unliketraditionalremovabledentures,implantsreplacethe entiretoothstructureincludingtherootandcanlastalifetimewhenproperly caredfor.Mostpatientsexperiencenodiscomfortfollowingimplanttreatment andcanbeexpectedtohealquickly.

Your jackson family dentistry professional will beable to recommend thebest option for you depending on your specific condition and needs. During your initial consultation you will be provided with detailed information about the implantprocess.Thiswillincludehowtheprocedureworks,expectedrecovery time,andcosts.

Any patient who is healthy enough to undergo a routine dental extraction or oral surgery can be considered for an implant. However, those with chronic illness (such as diabetes or leukemia) or who smoke may experience slower healingtimesandshouldbeevaluatedonanindividualbasis.Inaddition,those withalowboneheightinthebackoftheirjawmayneedasinusliftorconnective tissue graft to increase the amount of bone available for placement of an implant.

Surgicalextractionsareusedtoremovefullyorpartiallyimpactedwisdomteeth. Once the area is cleaned and numbed, your dentist or surgeon will begin to

loosenthetoothwithdentaltools.Somebonetissuemayneedtoberemovedif itiscoveringthetooth,whichcanbedonewithahigh-speedhandpiece.Once thetoothislooseitcanberemovedandthesitewillbestitchedshut.

Wisdomteethcancauseproblemsiftheyarenotremovedattherighttime.This includes damage to nearby teeth, infection and problems with the jawbone. Surgical removal of wisdom teeth is usually a day case general anaesthetic, meaningyouwillbeputtosleepbutcanreturnhomethesameday.

Therecoverytimeforwisdomtoothremovalisalittlelongerthanothertypesof dentistry,butthehealingprocesscanbehelpedbyfollowingsimpleguidelines.

Forexample,itisimportanttoavoidalcoholicbeveragesanddrinklotsofwater (preferablywarm)aftertheproceduretohelpkeepthebloodfromdissolvingin the socket. It is also recommended to rinse the mouth with a salt solution (dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water) starting the day after surgery.

TMJ (temporomandibular joint) surgery may be necessary if other treatments don’talleviateyourjawpainand/ordifficultyopeningandclosingyourmouth. Your oral surgeon will examine your symptom history, radiology and other factorstodeterminewhetherjawsurgeryisthebestoptionforyou.

TMD symptoms often involve a clicking, popping or limited range of motion whenyouopenorcloseyourmouth.Correctivejawsurgerycanhelpreposition thetopandbottomjawstoahealthier,morebalancedlocation.Thiscanrelieve TMD pain, improve regular function and decrease the need for orthodontic camouflage.

TMJ arthroscopy is a minimally invasive same-day procedure that allows your doctor to visually inspect the jaw joint and remove inflamed tissue. Another procedurecalledarthrocentesisirrigatesthejointwithsterilefluidtoflushout chemicalbyproductsofinflammationandreducepressurethatcausespainand stiffness.Modifiedcondylotomyincreasestheamountofspaceinthejawjoint topreventitfromlockingup,andinjectionswithcorticosteroidsorbotulinum toxintypeAcanreducepainandswelling.

Adentalorfacialinjuryisoftentraumatic,notonlyforitsphysicaleffects,but also for the emotional impact it can have on patients. Our oral surgeons are trained,skilledanduniquelyqualifiedtotreatboththephysicalandemotional aspectsoftheseinjuries.

Dependingontheseverityofyourinjury,ourdoctormaystabilizebrokenbones in the jaw or cheekbones using small plates and screws. They are also

experienced in treating soft tissue lacerations and will take special care to obtainaestheticallypleasingresults.

Knocked-outteethareanothercommonoraltraumaandatooththatisloosened or knocked out should be treated immediately. Our doctors can replace your missing tooth with a dental implant, or they can restore it to its proper place with restorative techniques. They will also carefully inspect your injury for damage to the facial nerves and salivary glands. The best way to avoid a traumaticdentalorfacialinjuryisbywearingamouthguardwhenparticipating insports.

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