If you're looking for a green alternative to standard white paper, consider using a Staples FSC Certified multiuse paper. Not only will you save money and prevent paper jams, but you'll also maintain the like-new appearance of documents. Read on to discover more about the eco-friendly paper. After all, there's nothing more satisfying than a perfectlyprinted document.
If you're looking for an Eco-friendly alternative to regular white paper, you've come to the right place. Today, we'll take a look at some of the best alternatives to traditional paper. Bamboo-based paper is a popular choice, but you should know that it involves a chemical conversion process and contributes to deforestation when harvested industrially. Bamboo is a fast-growing plant that doesn't require large amounts of fertilizer to grow. Many consumers think that conventional paper is bad for the environment, but the opposite is true. Although it's a negative perception of paper, it is still the greenest option over many forms of digital media. Even just displaying a web page for three minutes on a screen uses more energy than producing the paper version. Additionally, sending 20 emails a day in a year produces as much CO2 as driving 1,000 miles. In addition to being environmentally friendly, paper also saves energy.
If you have a business and are looking for environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional office paper, you may want to consider buying Staples FSC certified multiuse paper. This paper is suitable for everyday printing needs as well as more complex projects. Its acid-free construction prevents long-term degradation and is suitable for laser printers and inkjet printers. It also has the added benefit of being FSC certified, which means it is made from 50 percent post-consumer recycled material.
You can save a lot of money by buying Staples FSSC-certified multiuse paper. This environmentally friendly alternative to standard copy paper is perfect for high-speed copiers and fax machines. Its acid-free and recycled composition make it an environmentally conscious alternative to standard copy paper. Besides being green, FSSC certified multiuse paper can also save you money since you can buy it in bulk at discounted prices. You can even buy pallets of these papers and get a discount on the prices.
Staples FSC certified multiuse paper is an excellent choice for a variety of office printing needs. This acid-free 20-pound paper works well in laser and inkjet printers, and produces archival-quality prints. Available in reams of 2,500 sheets, the paper is available in a half-case and pallet quantities. For optimal performance, purchase the paper in pallet quantities.