The history of porcelain veneers dates back nearly a century, when a famous Hollywood dentist came up with the idea. Dr. Charles Pincus created temporary dental veneers for his star actors to make them look like the best actresses in the world. Soon, these temporary porcelain veneers west houston tx were a Hollywood staple. Now, you can have the same great smile as the stars with this procedure. Read on to learn more about the history of porcelain veneers and the benefits of getting one.
The most important thing to know before getting porcelain veneers is that you must be in excellent oral health. A good oral hygiene regimen is crucial to prevent gum disease and receding gums, both of which will affect the appearance of the new restorations. Additionally, smoking or excessive force may cause the dental cement to become stained or compromised, which would cause the whole restoration to need replacement. Therefore, you should brush your teeth regularly and be diligent about brushing. Brushing too hard can damage your gums and compromise the health of your new veneers. Once you have chosen a dentist, you can start the treatment right away. Veneers are thin shells made from porcelain veneers west houston tx that fit over the front surface of your teeth. They are u sed to restore a smile by covering chipped or cracked teeth. In addition, they can be used to straighten teeth, which is an important aspect for a perfect smile. They are also durable and are made to last for years. So, they're a great choice for many dent al conditions.