Wealth Management: Tips to Manage Different Risks
Wealth management or financial planning is a consultative process. And you cannot say that one-size-does not-fit all! There are many wealth management services providers in India. If you are wondering where to invest, get wealth management services as experts will help you take the right step towards your financial planning goals. With experts, you can achieve the desired returns with the relevant risk classifications. Every investor can be categorized in one of the following Risk classifications:
In conservative risks, investors want to generate income and look for stability in returns. They don’t seek growth in capital.
These are the investors who are keen to generate income and stability in returns. They have the modest potential for growth in capital.
In moderate risks, investors don’t depend on the present income. But they look for growth in capital over the long term. While there are variations in the returns, the allocation is less volatile when compared to equity markets.
Moderately aggressive risk means investors look for good growth potential over the long term. They are not dependent on income. They are able to see fluctuations in the allocation, though lesser than pure equity allocation.
For long-term investors who have a knack for considerable growth capital. This is for one who understands equity markets or has experience and can withstand severe market variations.
Once the investors risk assessment is established, the wealth management services providers can define a specific asset class recommendation with the help of their automated process. This will suit your requirements and a particular portfolio to further the investment process. A good company has a team of experts that continuously monitor the recommendations and periodically alter the portfolio construction, and several factors that influence such decisions.