What Is Pediatric Dentistry?

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Pediatric dentistry is a specialty of the dental field dedicated to caring for children’s teeth and mouths. The practice focuses on treating infants, toddlers and children through to adolescence and includes the prevention andtreatmentofdiseasesanddentaldisorders.

Pediatric dentistry alexandria la have specialized training and experience thatallowsthemtotreatyoungpatientswithspecialneedsordisabilities.In addition, they canhelp educatechildrenand their familiesaboutgoodoral healthcare.

Theearliestteethachildgetsarecalledmilkteeth.Theseteethwilleventually be replaced by permanent teeth, and it’s important that they are properly cared for. This can include dental cleanings, sealants and fluoride treatments.

Mostchildrenbegintogettheirpermanentteethbetweentheagesofsixand seven years. As they grow older, these teeth will need to be cleaned and checkedregularlybyapediatricdentist.

Common childhood problems like cavities, tooth decay, gum disease and malocclusion(crookedteeth)cancausepainanddiscomfortforachild.These issues can be easily avoided if kids are educated about the importance of properoralhygiene.

Whileitistruethatmostpeopledon’twanttovisitadentistwhentheyare children, the reality is that visiting the dentist is an essential part of maintaining good oral health. The right dental care can prevent serious conditions and infections from occurring, and can also make visits less painful.

General dentists can providebasic dental carefor kids, but they don’thave the same specialized expertise that a pediatric dentist does. Many general dentistshavereceivedextrapediatricdentistrytrainingindentalschool,but

ifapatienthasspecificconcernsorneeds,theymayreferthemtoapediatric dentist.

Theskillsandexperiencethata alexandriachildren'sdentist hasarehighly valuablewhen dealingwith kidswho haveemotional, behavioral or medical issues.Theseprofessionalsknowhowtoguidechildrenthroughtheirdental appointments in a gentle and soothing manner. They are also able to administersedationorgeneralanesthesia,whichcanbeveryhelpfulforkids whoarefearfulofgoingtothedentist.

In addition, they are trained to use a variety of strategies to explain procedures and build trust with kids, including positive reinforcement and tell-show-do methods. They are also skilled at building a relationship with patients,sotheycancommunicatewiththeminwaysthatareeasyforthem tounderstand.

Whenyoubringyourkidtoapediatricdentist,theywilltakeX-raysoftheir teeth and check for any signs of oral diseases or infections. They will then createatreatmentplantoimproveyourchild’soralhealth.

They may recommend thingslikesealantsorfluoridetreatments to prevent futuredentalproblems,andtheymightbeabletooffertipsforbetterdental careathome.Theymightalsogiveyourkidabagfullofpamphletsonhow tocarefortheirteethandkeepthemhealthy.

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