What You Should Know About Dentures

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Denturesareremovableappliancesthatreplacemissingteethandsurrounding tissue. They are used to fill spaces in the mouth caused by missing teeth and alsotoenhancethesmileandoverallappearanceofaperson.

Complete dentures are used when all the teeth are missing, while partial denturescovingtonlacanbeusedwhensomenaturalteethremain.Typically,a partialdenturefitsintheupperjawandafulldentureisusedinthelowerjaw.

Aconventionaldentureismadeafterthedentistremovesalltheteethinthetop or bottom arch. This denture is inserted in the patient's mouth after the gum andbonehavehealed,whichmaytakeseveralmonths.

Unlikea conventional denture, immediate dentures are made before the teeth are removed and are put in the patient's mouth on the day that the teeth are removed. However, since bones and gums shrink during the healing process, thiskindofdentureoftenneedstoberelined bythedentistcovingtonla tofit properly.

Oncethegumsandtonguehavegottenusedtoyournewdenture,eatingwillbe easier.It'sagoodideatostartwithsoftfoodsandgraduallyworkuptochewing harderones.

You'llhavetopracticesayingdifficultwordsoutloudtomakethemsoundmore natural.Yourtongueandcheekswillhelpyoutokeepthedenturesinplaceas youspeak.

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