Cord blood banking was first used in a transplant in 1988 and ever since it has been used for treating more than 80 diseases. To-be parents often take care of a lot of things to keep their baby safe such as emptying electric sockets, childproofing cabinets and a lot more. But people usually ignore one of the most important things that are preserving umbilical cord stem cell at labs such as Cryoviva stem cell. Preserving your baby’s umbilical cord blood works as a safety net or insurance that can protect your child’s life in the future.
Umbilical cord blood is rich with stem cells. These stem cells have the potential to reproduce themselves and turn into any other type of cells. The stem cells present in the umbilical cord blood are Hematopoietic stem cells which have the capability of building the body’s blood and immune system. These cells can be differentiated into blood vessels, immune-system cells, muscle cells, bone cartilage, blood cells or nerve cells.
Preserving umbilical cord stem cell is a simple non-invasive process, and it is completely harmless for both the mother and the baby. While on the other hand, extracting stem cells from the bone marrow is an invasive process, also in this process general anesthesia is given which again comes with its own set of inherent risks. Matching stem cells is highly essential in a transplant procedure; doing this increases the chances of the body accepting it during the transplant. Umbilical cord stem cells will be a lifetime match for your baby and a 25%-50% partial match
to their sibling. These stem cells can also be used for treating other family members as well. Umbilical cord stem cells have a high rate of engraftment/ replication of transplanted cells in the host. These cells also have a low rate of graft as compared to host diseases, i.e. the transplanted cells attacking the host’s body. Therefore umbilical cord cells are free of latent virus that’s why they’re also termed as “privileged” in comparison to bone marrow cells.
Cord stem cells can be readily used to replenish the immune system after chemotherapy or radiation. A chemotherapy session or radiation not only destroys the bad cells but also it destroys the good cells as well. Thus, stem cell therapy helps in replicating the good cells or the disease-free cells. Other than treating cancer stem cells can also be used for treating leukemia, neuroblastoma lymphoma. So, if you are going to be parents soon and you haven’t decided upon umbilical cord cell preservation; then it’s time for you to visit Cryoviva stem cell and ensure a healthy future for your baby.