How Using Selenium Automated Testing Can Help You Leverage the Business Benefits? It is important to test your project thoroughly before its release in the market. Multiple manual tests are performed at every step to avoid the issues that a user might face. Automated quality check is considered as a process where you use the software tools to execute the pre-scripted tests before the product release. Madrid Software Trainings provides complete practical Selenium Training in Delhi. Automated software testing enhances the product and assists in yielding higher quality. It not only saves multiple test execution hours but also decreases the entire costs. Selenium is a widely accepted application tool which is used for testing the web based apps on the various browsers and operating systems. Being highly flexible, it is in demand across the world. It is user-friendly too and allows customizing the test scripts in many programming languages like C, C++, JAVA, .Net and Python etc. Madrid Software Trainings is rated as the best Selenium institute in Delhi by professionals. What makes Selenium Tool so Popular? Selenium is known as the best tool available to test web applications. The tool is preferred because it can be used to work with various OS and browsers in comparison to other tools. It also uses JavaScript as well as iframes for inserting the test automated engine into a specific browser. This enables users to use the same scripts for the purpose of testing multiple browsers or platforms. The tests are written as HTML tables with the qualifying tests turning green and the rejecting tests turning red because the users can easily recognize the tests which pass and the ones which do not. Selenium can be deployed on Windows, Linux and Macintosh. This wonderful tool enables the end users to share as well as write extensions or various other code modifications. It gives enough freedom to selenium testing organizations to write custom functions which perform sophisticated manipulations. Use of such custom functions enables testers to gain more readable tests. How Selenium Automated Testing Helps Your Business? Once you have developed your business web application or website, it is the time to start a thorough testing to ensure whether the site works well on multiple devices having various screen sizes or not. This task can consume a lot of time if you won’t access the additional tools. Once the application touches a stable manual testing phase, every company plans to go for automated tests in order to save the costs which are involved in manual testing. It is a significant factor for a project development; companies are finding open source automation tools rather than making investments in expensive commercial tools. Plenty of open source testing tools are available for different kinds of testing like the functional, UAT, performance and regression etc. The open source tools are there but finding the best QA automation tool is important to ensure that your website functions smoothly on all devices. Let us understand why choosing Selenium automated testing is beneficial for your projects.
Open Source Being open source software, a selenium testing tool allows the users to modify, share and extend the available code. It also assists the programmers to save time and effort and hence, increase the productivity and at the end ROI. You can use customized functions for enhanced readability of the codes. Platform Portability Automated testing is not a one-time process rather it is a repetitive process that may happen anytime. A slight modification made in the code requires to be tested to make sure that the software offers the required functionalities and outcomes. Performing various tests manually requires a lot of time and is a costly process too. The selenium testing tool is highly portable and it can run on various platforms and browsers. This enables the testing companies to write codes with ease without thinking about the platform. Remote Control It has got an amazing feature that is known as the remote control. It enables the testers to easily create as well as test the infrastructure that is extensively spread across different locations, encompassing the cloud to drive the scripts on a huge set of browsers. Language Support An application can be written in different languages and this is an issue which is faced by automated testers. They need to integrate the automation tools with the developing environment for CI. But with selenium testing service bindings for .Net, Java, Python and Groovy, it is easy to integrate along with the developing environment. Flexibility of Tool Unlike other tools, selenium offers a lot of flexibility. Software programmers mainly prefer keeping the testing within the program itself. With the help of selenium software, the tests can always be refactored or regrouped as per the needs. This enables quick changes to the codes and decreases duplication and also enhances maintainability. This flexibility of Selenium eases off the programmers to manage the tests in an efficient manner. Other Benefits of Opting Selenium Selenium offers a host of benefits for the users. Let’s learn more about them. 
Selenium serves as a cost effective tool and it can also be used for free
It produces and executes scripts automatically in different browsers and systems at the same time
Users can easily install as well as configure the testing environment for Selenium
Selenium offers different reusable components, data sets and automated test cases that can be chosen depending on the complicated implementation of a web page
This automated test tool enhances software quality and reliability. It also decreases time and defects
It is known for reducing the manual regression tests by 46% and boosts the coverage of product areas
This wonderful tool also decrease the release cycles and time to market
Most importantly, it is an easy device that can work on multiple platforms and technology testing using the in-house frameworks
It is known for enhanced ROI from the product because of the reduced automated test development time
Thus it can be said that by using Selenium tool, organizations can reduce their entire cost of testing a product and make the most of automated testing within short time.