Data handling has become an important need in today's era as there is a lot of data which is needed to be handled and analyzed in a systematic manner. A large amount of data is being generated daily in offices and various organizations. This data is the information or the stats that are being collected by a company from the market and various other sources in order to improve their business techniques and generate more output to earn more profit. Big Data is the term which is used for such a large amount of data. Basically, Big data is a phenomenon in which a large amount of data is stored and then it is analyzed by the professionals in order to know more about the company's progress and the things which are needed to be changed or improved to make company's working ethics more efficient. Big data is an unsorted, unarranged and raw kind of data which is processed through a proper tool or software to get the best out of it. In other words, Big data serves as an input to the software which follows certain methods to process the data and produce an efficient output for the betterment of the company. The software which is used for handling such kind of data is the Hadoop software. Hadoop works on predefined codes and algorithms which helps it to process the data in a systematic manner. All the data collected from the market about the product and the sales reports is the data which is collectively known as the Big data. Hadoop is a software which comes with the inbuilt methods and features which helps in analyzing data more easily. In Hadoop, the feature of Map Reduce is very helpful in filtering out a large amount of raw data as by using this feature we can firstly map the desired amount of data and then can reduce to it a small amount of data. Hence, this makes the working of a professional on Big data much easier. Hadoop is widely used software for handling the big data as this handles big data is a smarter way i.e. a large amount of data can be converted into blocks or small patches of information which is then can be easily analyzed. There are other various tools and programming languages that are used in the field of data handling. One of these languages is R
language, which is a programming language that is used for data analytics. This language provides the feature of statistical computing of the Big data and the other information. R language is widely used by the data scientists and data analyzers for developing the software that can be used for handling the data and by using this software they can easily store a large amount of database. The features and advantages of using this programming make it suitable for the field of data handling of Big data. The R software developed by using the R language is a combination of various programming languages like C, C++, Fortran, etc. R language is freely available and is a kind of tool that works on Pre-defined methods. This consists of input command interface with a different graphical display in the front-end whereas simultaneously there are codes that are running in the back-end to perform a particular function. There are various functions and operations that can be executed on the R software. In this, MATLAB (matrix) functions, data structures like vectors, geometrical and other operations can be performed. Thus, this provides us with a wide range of applications. Therefore, Big data, Hadoop and R language are related to each other.
Madrid Software offers Big Data Hadoop Course in Delhi. We have trained more than 4000 professionals in Big Data Hadoop.