Top Nine Clever Preschool Tips To Get Your Toddler To Eat More Vegetables Getting your toddler to eat veggies can be challenging. Some kids embrace vegetables and new foods, while most kids do not like to taste new foods. In general, kids dislike vegetables as mature or acquired taste is needed to appreciate these vegetables. But keep trying so that they eat vegetables from the very childhood else they will not touch it when they will grow old says a preschool nutritionist in Fullerton, CA.
Why vegetables are important for kids: Eating vegetables to children on the daily basis is important for kids because they provide vital nutrients to support their growth
and development. In addition, adequate intake of vegetables by children reduces the risk of major chronic diseases such as type2 diabetes and hypertension. But feeding children an adequate amount of vegetables is a challenge. Here are some clever tips, given by a dietician for the parents in a workshop organized by a reputed preschool in Fullerton CA, to introduce vegetables to children so that their developments do not get hampered and they become more well-rounded eaters in the future. 1. Your kid may refuse vegetables the first time, but do not get disheartened. Keep giving it on his plate every day. Hold your patience, do not force or yell. It may have a negative impact. If your toddlers refuses certain preparations, like raw spinach. Try adding these vegetables to foods they already like. Practice in this way, it will surely work. 2. Get them involved with shopping and preparation. Allow them to pick their favorite vegetables from the rack. Talk to them about what the veggie is called and how it tastes. In addition to involving them in shopping, let them help you in the kitchen or watch you prepare meals. 3. Cooking is a new thing to kids and kids are always excited about new things. If your kids are excited about cooking, chances are they will be excited about eating. Kids can help out in the kitchen by peeling veggies, stringing beans, squeezing citrus, etc. It is also a good opportunity to teach kids about different types of foods.
4. Pasta, pizza, burger, spaghetti, etc. have a strong appeal to children. If you provide them with these foods at any time of the day, they will never say ‘no’. Prepare their favorite food loaded with veggies. 5. Snacks have a universal appeal and children are no exception. Some children are so picky eaters that they just live on snacks. For them, parents can apply their brains to make snacks with veggies. You can make fried items with these veggies. For example, you can make cauliflower, broccoli, or spinach fritter for them at home. 6. Kids love dipping sauces. So pair veggies with delicious dip. It will encourage children to eat veggies. 7. Set an example before kids. Children follow their parents. So parents first gladly intake almost all types of vegetables. If your kids see you are eating, and enjoying vegetables, they will probably be more likely to eat and enjoy their own. Try to do one major meal along with your children. Eat your veggies happily in front of them. 8. American children like to drink smoothies very much. Winter is retreating and spring and summer are coming. Provide them with different types of vegetable smoothies that not only will nourish them, it will also hydrate you. Use spinach, broccoli, kale, cucumber, pumpkin to make a smoothie. Smoothies are one very clever way to make kids interested in vegetables.
9. Sometimes not the vegetable itself but the other aspect influence kids’ eating habit. Try cutting vegetables in fun shapes like stars, hearts, etc., and serve them on the brightly colored bowl and plates. It works.