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An eco-friendly avocado sprayer
A unique electrostatic spray system is generating savings in water usage, chemicals, time and fuel for avocado growers, with superior performance over traditional high volume high pressure systems.
John Harrison, owner of N-Zess (NZ Electrostatic Spray Systems), says Italian Martignani electrostatic sprayers are renown around the world for delivering unparalleled savings in water and chemical usage.
“ e unique electrostatic delivery works on negative and positive attraction All bark, leaves and plants have a positive charge and the spray from a Martignani ES is negative hence it wraps itself around branches and leaves.
“ is coupled with the patented ow meter system and low-pressure, low volume delivery (only 25 PSI) produces the perfect micron droplet to carry chemical to the plant with very little drift and no run-o .
“A traditional pesticide spray unit applies between 1500 and 2000 litres of spray per hectare – while our Martignani sprayer achieves the same coverage with only 300 > 400 litres.
“ e mist sprayers
Horticulture industry’s action plan
“Industry, the Government, Māori and research providers have a plan – the Aotearoa Horticulture Action Plan – to increase the value of the whole industry to $12 billion by 2035.
“Among many other things, this plan involves eliminating tari s and non-tari barriers, and developing new markets. at’s why last month’s announcement is a signi cant step in the right direction.”
Onions New Zealand chief executive James Kuperus says it has been a tough year for onion growers, so once again, today’s news is welcome.
“Volumes have been down due to challenging growing conditions in key onion growing areas such as Pukekohe and the Hawke’s Bay. While our growers are a hardy bunch, they need as much certainty as possible about export markets, to underpin their considerable investment.
“We thank o cials in New Zealand and the UK for burning the midnight oil in order to support export industries like onions, which play key roles in regional economies across our country.” are extraordinarily e cient enabling savings up to 90 per cent of water, 60-70 per cent time/labour and 30 per cent of chemicals - with 85 per cent less air drift than conventional sprayers.” N-Zess is based at
Palmerton North, but John says the spray service is available to growers across New Zealand.
“As a grower I was looking for a spray system which would be more environmentally friendly and sustainable while achieving the same or better results than other systems.
“ e Martignani mist sprayer exceeded my objectives – so much so that I wanted to give other growers access to this cutting-edge technology.”
Growers across the country have had a tough year.