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NZ dog trial duo put to the test
Karioi Sheep Dog Trial Club member Leo Jecentho and his champion heading dog Tess have been selected to represent New Zealand in a two-test series against Australia for the ‘Waleggo’ Cup.
Leo and three other teammates and dogs face the Aussies at the 2023 Ashburton A&P Show on October 27 and 28.
e 68-year-old grew up on a sheep and beef farm near Maungataniwha in Northland. He remembers a carefree childhood on the farm that was once his grandfather’s.

“On Friday after school, my brothers and I would race to catch our horses and put them in a small paddock for the weekend. Our horses were our toys in those days,” says Leo. e siblings roamed over the farm on horseback helping muster cattle and sheep and riding the miles of logging tracks in the adjoining bush block. While living on the family farm, Leo had his rst taste of working stock with dogs.
Becoming a shepherd
“My rst job was a junior shepherd on a Lands and Survey block in Mangamuka, Northland for around three years, followed by several years on another Lands and Surveys block in Paponga, Northland.”
Leo’s rst sheepdogs were Lass, Trampus and Ru , and he competed regularly in Lands and Survey dog trials from the mid-70s to the mid-80s.
“We used to compete against other blocks and also Maori A airs blocks. A group used to go down to Taupo and Rotorua and compete against the central North Island Lands and Survey and Maori A airs blocks.” roughout his life Leo has picked up advice and knowledge from people he has associated with.

He acknowledges Eric Carmen, Ben Moranga and Guy ompson for their guidance.
Leo’s great friend and mentor, who travelled to dog trials with him for more than 20 years, was Merv Cameron who sadly passed away in May 2023. From Merv he learned which traits he appreciated in his dogs and has bred his own dogs for many years, using several dogs from Merv, including champion dog Smoke.
“I was always told to look for a black muzzle, the raised bone on the head to be further back towards the neck, and a straight tail. A good nature and temperament are also essential.”
At the 2023 North Island Championships, Leo and Tess were placed rst in the short heading competition and fth in the long heading. She was also placed in 2022 North Island Championships Long Heading class at Taumarunui.
Leo has also had great success over the past season with Rob, Zap and Zig, and his top huntaway Chev.
Leo moved to the Waikato in 2013 and is currently the manager of Jon and Fiona Sherlock’s 1800-acre sheep and beef block in the Waingaro area. He’s happy to manage 3000 ewes and fatten 400 beef heifers but leaves the accounts and paperwork side to someone else.