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Dog team Australia bound
He has nine dogs of his own and was planning to put six-year-old Tess in pup this year, but she has to put motherhood on the back burner and concentrate on work after her New Zealand team selection.
“Smoke has a good pedigree, and Tess’s lineage comes from Murray Child’s champion dog Dice, so they should be good pups when the time comes to breed with her.
“Murray is a mentor to me, and I often ring him for breeding and training advice.”
Leo and Tess will have to go and do some training in the South Island with the team and then y down again to compete in October.
Tess is hoping to add an international trophy to the awards she has won with Leo.
Jade Newton studies graphic design and art and heads the marketing and design for the company.
Maia Williams studies Biology and brings her understanding of plants to the table, along with her administration skills ensuring that the team meet all their checkpoints for the scheme.
Hannah Coley, another AgriBusiness student, is in charge of production. She ensures that everything is there waiting to prep and package the orders and get them out on time.

After carrying out a survey to a cross section of family contacts and others in the horticultural community, the Sprowt team received 62 responses to their idea. “ at really helped us know where to focus. Vegetable seed subscriptions were the most popular, with owers second, and herbs third,” says Hannah.
Eleanor and Jade developed the website, and Jade designed their logo and packaging.

“We are using re-usable and sustainable packaging, with wood seed identi ers made in the school wood room,” says Jade.
Harriott came up with the name Sprowt, as that is what they hope for their business, starting small and growing. eir slogan is “produced by you”.
“We source organic seeds from local companies and use fertiliser with 100 percent natural ingredients,” says Harriott.
“Our seed choices are speci c to the season we are sending them out in,” says Maia. e group have invested $20 into the business startup and have their eyes on being the regional nalists and hopefully a shot at the rst prize and other awards and goodies in the $20,000 prize pool at the national nals of the Young Enterprise Scheme.
Visit: www.sprowt.co.nz or @sprowt_nz on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok