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The importance of weed control
Weed control is a critical component of high yield maize crops, according to one of the Waikato’s largest agricultural contractors. Operating around 35 tractors in the greater Waikato/King Country area, John Austin says he utilises a range of products to enhance crop production across his contracting business.
“One of the product ranges we use to control weed growth in post emergence maize crops is ADAMA herbicides.

“ e range is complex so we are able to select the right product to control speci c weeds on our clients’ farms.”
ADAMA New Zealand commercial manager Doug Speers agrees, saying that e ective weed control in standing crops of maize often calls for a mix of herbicides.
“We provide post-emergence control of some perennial and annual grasses which escape the pre-emergence herbicide application due to such things as dry soil conditions, trash laden soils or sporadic spray application,” says Doug.
“Our range of post emergence herbicides will control such weeds as barnyard grass, brittle grass, couch regrowth, crowfoot grass, kikuyu pasture grasses, rough bristle grass, smooth witchgrass, summer grass and wild oats.
“E ective weed control has been shown to contribute signi cantly to crop yield – but another advantage is that it helps eliminate an attractive environment for the Tropical Armyworm which is an issue on more and more Waikato farms.” e New Zealand headquarters are located in Nelson with commercial managers positioned throughout the country.
More than 143 years since it was founded, ADAMA is today one of the largest crop protection companies in the world.